SAMPLE CHCCM503C Assessment

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CHCCM503C Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management


Assessment Assessor Version

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CHCCM503C Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version


Assessment Overview .................................................................................................................................. 4 Assessment Questions ................................................................................................................................. 6


Workplace Task .......................................................................................................................................... 11




CHCCM503C Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

Assessment Overview

Learning Outcomes 1. 2. 3. 4.



This resource outlines the assessment requirements to determine competency for CHCCM503C Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management from the CHC08 (Release 1) Community Services Training Package. This unit describes the knowledge and skills required to facilitate all aspects of case planning. To demonstrate competency for this unit students must be able to provide evidence that they meet the required industry standards. Conduct case management meetings Develop an appropriate approach to case management Develop an appropriate case management plan Manage case work activities and processes


Marking Criteria

Use the following criteria to ensure students have the required skills and knowledge: Identify behaviour change models and practices Follow organisation procedures and standards Participate in formal meeting processes Conduct case management meetings Apply relevant policy, procedures, legislation and statutory mandates Comply with cultural protocols and systems Identify family structure, dynamics, communication and decision-­‐making Develop an appropriate approach to case management Apply relevant documentation protocols Access and use a range of family and community resources and services Identify and gain agreement on role boundaries Facilitate groups and support participants to engage in information sharing and planning Develop an appropriate case management plan Manage case work activities and processes Apply skills in: - Planning, decision-­‐making and goal-­‐setting - Managing group dynamics - Conflict resolution, negotiation and (where required) mediation techniques - Defining boundaries


§ § § § § § § § § § § § § § §

CHCCM503C Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version


Planning and goal-­‐setting Assertion High-­‐level writing Interpersonal and communication Supervision and delegation where appropriate to job role

Critical Aspects of Assessment:

§ §

The individual being assessed must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge as well as skills. This unit of competency will be assessed in the workplace or in a simulated workplace and under the normal range of workplace conditions. Assessment may be conducted over one or more occasions and should include all aspects of case planning with a range of clients




Students must read all instructions carefully prior to starting this assessment, and discuss their requirements for reasonable adjustments with the assessor.

Answer all of the questions to the best of your ability. Your assessor will tell you if more information is required. Answer the questions in the space provided or attach additional pages. Discuss the best method for submitting your work with your assessor.


Conduct an assessment and planning process using the case scenario and template provided. Develop a case management plan for the client in the case study. Talk with your assessor about specific arrangements for this task.


Assessment Questions

§ § § §

Workplace Task

§ §

Your assessor will observe you at least twice fulfilling your duties within the context of your work role. One of the observations may take place during the Workplace Task. A list of essential skills and performance criteria that your assessor will be looking for is provided.



Workplace Observation

§ §

Students are required to submit all assessment tasks and any additional work to the assessor. Ensure students retain a copy of all documents for their records.

CHCCM503C Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

Assessment Questions Students are required to answer the following questions to demonstrate their knowledge of facilitating all aspects of case planning.


1. List the steps involved in the case management process.


Assessors must record any reasonable adjustments and modifications made to the questions.

1. Assessment: § Collect and analyse information about the client § Determine needs § Determine appropriateness for services or make referral


2. Planning: § Identify services and strategies for intervention § Consult with relevant parties § Set goals § Write case management plan

3. Implementation: § Source and engage services in line with case management plan § Source/provide resources


4. Coordination and monitoring: § Ongoing formal or informal process § Evaluate effectiveness of services/strategies implemented § Make adjustments as needed

5. Advocacy: § Support client or family to ensure appropriate services are accessed § Identify gaps in service provision and arrange for termination

6. Termination: § End of service period § Part of case management plan § Clients may terminate if they feel service provision is inadequate/inappropriate

CHCCM503C Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

2. Describe the formal case management meeting process.

§ § § §


§ § § § § §

Define the purpose of the meeting Access background information on meeting participants (client, carers, guardians, parents, advocates, other service providers, etc.) Set an agenda that reflects client’s objectives Introduce participants and their role in the client’s case Present objectives Facilitate discussion about processes to facilitate client participation and goal-­‐setting Identify, negotiate and record outcomes Identify and agree on boundaries and processes within service delivery, including: – Rights, roles, responsibilities, decision-­‐making processes, accountability and outcomes – Ways of addressing experience, skills, values and development of participant – Impact of statutory mandates on interventions, the client and significant others Define and explore individual family and community needs and rights, and organisation responsibilities to assure the rights are protected for all concerned Facilitate information sharing Resolve conflict and keep discussion focussed on meeting objectives Provide information on rights of appeal and avenues of complaint


§ §

3. Summarise how you develop and monitor a case management plan.



Identify the full range of appropriate immediate, short and long term needs of the client and other relevant parties Develop action plans to reflect: – Integration of expertise of relevant stakeholders and other service providers – Negotiated and agreed goals and operational processes – A range of strategies to address each goal and to maximise participation in plan – Appropriate resource allocation – Agreed responsibility for delivery – Realistic and agreed indicators of success – Rights and responsibilities of client – Integration of cultural considerations Establish processes for monitoring and changing case plan Identify strategies to deal with complex or high risk situations Match requirements of case plan to experience, workload and geographical location of worker Focus plan on assisting clients to set and achieve realistic targets for change or action and to take personal responsibility Implement strategies to continually monitor the effectiveness of case management processes against agreed goals, relevant services and programs, client and stakeholder satisfaction Assess the need for changes in case plan, including the need for ongoing intervention, and develop strategies for alternatives as appropriate Successfully negotiate any proposed changes arising from case review with relevant parties Utilise processes for case closure as appropriate, to comply with organisation procedures



§ § § § §


§ §

CHCCM503C Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

4. List the five [5] stages of the transtheoretical model of behaviour change.


5. Describe two [2] other theories of behaviour change.


1. Precontemplation – changing a behaviour has not been considered 2. Contemplation – something happens to prompt the person to start thinking about/being motivated to change 3. Preparation – the person prepares to undertake the desired change – they gather information, find out how to achieve the change, identify skills needs and when change should take place. They may talk to others and consider the impact of the change and who will be affected 4. Action – the person makes changes, acting on previous decisions, experience, information, skills and motivations for making the change 5. Maintenance – practice is required for the new behaviour to be consistently maintained


Any relevant theory can be provided by students. Two common theories are: § Social Cognitive Theory – environmental, personal and behavioural characteristics are the major factors in behavioural determination. Major concepts include: self-­‐efficacy, Learning Theory (i.e. imitation and reinforcement), Theory of Reasoned Action (that we consider the consequences of our actions before we take action). § Social Psychological Theories – understanding how events and experiences external to a person influence their behaviour. This includes social norms and expectations, stereotypes, group dynamics, cohesion, attitudes and beliefs. Popular concepts from this theory include attribution, locus of control and cognitive dissonance


6. What are four [4] types of family structures? § § § § § § §

Nuclear Single parent Extended family Older parents Much older siblings Adoption Step-­‐families

CHCCM503C Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

7. Why is it important to understand the following in case management? a) Family systems and dynamics b) Individual communication and decision-­‐making styles a) Cultural protocols and systems




a) Family systems A person cannot be understood in isolation from their family system. Each family system has roles and rituals which are often unspoken, but which each family member is expected to adhere to. Change is viewed in terms of the systems of interaction between family members. Therefore, if a client is making changes in their life, this will impact on their family system and the consequences of this change need to be examined during the preparation stage. b) Individual communication styles Understanding a client’s communication style will help you understand communication issues and learn how to tailor your approach with clients in order to build and maintain relationships, share new information and ensure understanding. c) Cultural protocols and systems Culture can determine how comfortable some clients are asking for and accepting help. It may also determine how they collaborate with case managers of a different gender, communicate, participate and trust. Clients may feel that cultural differences will make it more difficult for the case manager to understand them and their needs. Understanding the cultural protocols and systems of your clients will help you hep build rapport and trust, which leads to a greater commitment from the client.

8. List the protocols, policies, procedures, standards, legislation and statutory mandates that apply to case management. Statutory and policy requirements include: – Child protection and guardianship legislation – Codes of practice – Freedom of information – Health records legislation – Privacy legislation – Public health – Workplace health and safety – Access and equity




Organisation policies, protocols and procedures include: – Consult with relevant parties (client, carers, guardians, parents, advocates, other service providers, etc.) – Participate in case management meetings – Uphold duty of care requirements – Work within position specifications and role responsibilities – Protect client rights CHCCM503C Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

– – –

Refer client and/or their family to advocacy services if appropriate Support the client and/or their advocate/s to identify and express their concerns Follow policies and procedures when managing a complaint


Relevant/current legislation includes: – Child protection – Health and safety – Privacy – Freedom of Information – Disability


Documentation protocols: – Record information carefully and accurately – Ensure recorded information is free from biased comments and negative labels – Maintain privacy and confidentiality – Secure all records appropriately



9. What are some complex or high-­‐risk situations that can arise during the case management process?


§ §


§ §

Life threatening/high risk situations (thoughts of suicide/self harm, violence/harm to others, drug overdose, refusal of help/medication, etc.) Cases where at least three of the following factors are combined: – Serious/sustained abuse – Multiple difficulties present in family – Intellectual or psychiatric disability – Chronic and serious drug addiction affecting individual’s capacity to participate in their own care Where a wide range of other agencies are involved, e.g. community services, legal, medical and police agencies Where involvement of protective and custodial agencies with the family has been over a lengthy and sustained period When age of the client creates special considerations Cases with high public/political sensitivity requiring sensitive and experienced case investigation and management



10. List the range of services available to clients. § § § § § § § §

Counselling Alcohol and other drug services Multicultural services Mediation Emergency housing Interpreters and cultural liaisons Health services Home and Community Care (HACC) services CHCCM503C Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

Workplace Task Case Management Plan

Case Scenario


Students are required to use the case scenario and template provided to conduct an assessment and planning process, and develop a case management plan for the client.



Trent is a 16 year-­‐old Aboriginal youth living in Mount Isa. His mother died when he was young and his father took off leaving him with an uncle when he was 13. Twelve months ago, he left home and stopped going to school. Trent has a mild intellectual disability and had been in and out of special education, where he received little support from his teachers due to his aggressive and anti-­‐social behaviour. He would often yell at his teachers, disrupt other students and at one time flew into such a rage that he destroyed a classroom. Trent has been spending his days with some older men in town, drinking. Most nights he sleeps on the street, or crashes with a friend, if he can. He once tried a local youth shelter that his new friend Marcus told him about. When a worker at the shelter attempted to engage with Trent, he left and hasn’t been back, even though Marcus keeps encouraging him. Four nights ago, Trent was drinking and got in to a fight with another group of young people. He was severely beaten and found unconscious by the police who took him to the hospital. He has now been released, and the hospital social worker has referred him to your service.


1. Prepare a plan for the case management meeting. Include: a. Who would be invited b. The purpose of the meeting c. The objectives of the meeting d. The agenda for the meeting

2. List the key strategies you would use when conducting the meeting. Include: a. How you would facilitate discussion and information-­‐sharing b. How you would identify and gain agreement on role boundaries c. How you would resolve any conflict d. How you would identify, negotiate and record the outcomes of the meeting

3. Identify three [3] agencies that may assist the client. For each agency: a. Identify the roles and responsibilities of the agency b. Identify the services they provide c. Outline the boundaries of the service delivery d. Summarise the process used by the agency to deliver their services CHCCM503C Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

e. Identify how the agency considers the client’s experience, skills, values and development when addressing client needs f. Identify the information that will be provided to the client re: their right to make a complaint 4. Outline what information you would provide and to whom (i.e. client, family, service providers). Describe how you would provide this information. 5. Outline the cultural considerations you will integrate into the case management plan.



6. Design a case management plan for the client in line with organisation and legislative requirements that includes the following: a. Engagement b. Assessing and allocating resources c. Short-­‐term and long-­‐term needs d. Action plan with goals and strategies to address each goal e. Rights and responsibilities of people involved f. Agreed responsibility for service delivery g. Evaluation and disengagement


7. List the strategies you would use to: a. Facilitate discussion with the client to establish rapport b. Match the requirements of the case plan to your experience, workload and location c. Deal with complex or high-­‐risk situations d. Monitor the effectiveness of the case management plan e. Recognise the need for case plan changes, ongoing intervention and developing alternative strategies Complete the case management plan template on the next page or use one from your organisation. Assessors must record any reasonable adjustments and modifications made to the role play.


CHCCM503C Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management v.1 January, 2015 ©


Case Management Plan Template Priority

Outcome Goal



Progress/Review Notes

Completion Date





Use this template to outline the case plan for the client in the case scenario.

CHCCM503C Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management v.1 January, 2015 ©


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