Sample CHCEDS003 Assessment

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CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains

Assessment Assessor Version CHCCSL501A Work within a structured counselling framework v.1 January, 2015 ©

Assessment Assessor Version

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Modification History Version





This resource has been developed in consultation with industry experts.


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CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version


Assessment Overview .................................................................................................................................. 4 Assessment Questions ................................................................................................................................. 6



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Workplace Tasks ........................................................................................................................................ 11

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

Assessment Overview

Learning Outcomes

Support the physical development of students Support the social and emotional development of students Support the cognitive and language development of students Contribute to the inclusion of all students in the classroom and community


1. 2. 3. 4.

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This resource outlines the assessment requirements to determine competency for CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains from the CHC08 Community Services Training Package. This unit describes the knowledge and skills required to support students with different developmental issues to participate in classroom and other school activities. To demonstrate competency for this unit students must be able to provide evidence that they meet the required industry standards.

Marking Criteria

Use the following criteria to ensure students have the required skills and knowledge: Relevant education system/school’s policies and procedures Curriculum and curriculum framework Cultural and linguistic background of students and families Broad developmental stages of children/young people in the physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional domains Strategies to support the stages of development in each domain Importance of confidentiality as it relates to information about children Language programs Materials and resources to support the stages of development in each domain Identified the developmental stages within each phase of the current curriculum, including: – Physical development – Emotional and social development – Cognitive and language development Implemented strategies appropriate for supporting at least two students with different developmental support needs Reported any concerns about children’s development to the teacher Supported an inclusive environment Performed the activities outlined in the performance criteria of this unit during a period of at least 100 hours within at least one education provider


§ § § § § § § § §


§ § §

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

Assessment Conditions: § §



Skills must be demonstrated in the workplace. In addition, simulations and scenarios must be used where the full range of contexts and situations cannot be provided in the workplace or may occur only rarely. These are situations relating to emergency or unplanned procedures where assessment in these circumstances would be unsafe or is impractical. Simulated assessment environments must simulate the real life working environment where these skills and knowledge would be performed, with all the relevant equipment and resources of that working environment. Assessment must ensure use of the relevant approved learning framework.

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Students must read all instructions carefully prior to starting this assessment, and discuss their requirements for reasonable adjustments with the assessor.

Answer all of the questions to the best of your ability. Your assessor will tell you if more information is required. Answer the questions in the space provided or attach additional pages. Discuss the best method for submitting your work with your assessor.

Workplace Tasks

§ § § §

Identify 2 students with different developmental needs Create and implement a development support plan for each child Report your concerns about the children’s development to the teacher Talk with your assessor about specific arrangements for these tasks.


Your assessor will observe you at least twice fulfilling your duties within the context of your work role. One of the observations may take place during the Workplace Tasks. A list of essential skills and performance criteria that your assessor will be looking for is provided.


Assessment Questions

§ § § §

Workplace Observation


§ §

Students are required to submit all assessment tasks and any additional work to the assessor. Ensure students retain a copy of all documents for their records.

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

Assessment Questions Students are required to answer the following questions to demonstrate their knowledge of supporting students with different developmental issues to participate in classroom and other school activities.

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Assessors must record any reasonable adjustments and modifications made to the questions. 1. Summarise the developmental stages of children/young people in the physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional domains.



Early Childhood (3 to 6 years) § Physical: – Brain develops faster than any other part of the body – Readiness for certain types of activities – Stronger, more adult-­‐like proportions – Gross motor skills [running and jumping] develop faster than fine motor skills § Cognitive and language: – Use of symbols – Illogical view of the world – Language acquisition improves dramatically – Basic understanding of grammar § Social and emotional: – Increased movement and physical ability allow child to initiate new activities – Sense of self begins to mature – Imaginative play with other children – Increased independence from parents/caregivers – Attempts to control their environment Middle Childhood [7 to 12 years] § Physical: – Motor skill development slows, but increased control and mastery – Increased strength – Increased heart and lung capacity § Cognitive and language: – Development of memory, reasoning, intuition and capacity to learn – Apply logic – Can organise their learning into concepts and groups of information – Preference and aptitude for particular subjects develops § Social and emotional: – Increased independence, competence and self-­‐esteem – Ability to understand other’s feelings – Create a school-­‐based sub-­‐culture and code of behaviour – Understand principles of larger society (morals, values etc.) – More selective friendships CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

5. Describe the cultural and linguistic background of students and families at your school.

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Student responses will vary depending on school/community, but may include: § Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander § Vietnamese § Japanese § Russian § Maori § Sudanese § South African § Eastern European § South American § Indonesian

6. Explain the importance of confidentiality as it relates to information about children. § § § § §

Protect their privacy Ensure their safety and security Prevent improper sharing of private information Protect family privacy Avoid prejudice and discrimination


7. Describe the curriculum and curriculum framework currently used in your school.


The Australian Curriculum: § Sets consistent high standards for Australian students § Focuses on learning area content and achievement standards that describe what students will learn and teachers will teach § F-­‐10 Curriculum (foundation to year 10 learning areas, general capabilities and cross curriculum priorities) § Senior Secondary Curriculum (15 subjects across English, mathematics, science, history and geography) § Each subject has its own curriculum documents § Each state has their own version based on the national curriculum § Each curriculum document has a specific Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander component – key outcomes that need to be addressed each year § Private schools use the national curriculum, and adjust the documents to meet their specific needs Frameworks: § The Early Years Learning Framework (‘Belonging, Being and Becoming’) § The Framework for School Age Care (‘My Time, Our Place’) § Every Chance to Learn – Curriculum framework for ACT schools preschool to Year 10 § The Tasmanian Curriculum § The Victoria Early Years Learning and Development Framework § The Curriculum Framework for Kindergarten to Year 12 Education in Western Australia § The National Safe Schools Framework

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

Workplace Tasks

Support students with developmental issues v You will need to locate and use the relevant approved learning framework for these tasks. v Prepare for your assessor’s visit by organising your materials and documentation ahead of time.

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Your assessor will be observing you work with at least two children. You may need to obtain consent from the parents/teacher to be observed by the assessor. Your assessor will not record any information about the children; they will only be making observations about how you provide support to them.



1. Identify 2 students in your classroom with 2 different developmental support needs. One student must be from a culturally or linguistically diverse background. Identify the following for each student: § Individual approaches to study and learning § Developmental stages of each child within each phase of the current curriculum framework: – Physical – Social and emotional – Cognitive and language 2. Create and implement a development support plan for each child. Include the following in each plan: § Developmental needs § Support strategies appropriate to each child § Materials and resources you will use to support the children in each developmental domain Demonstrate the following during implementation: § Supporting an inclusive environment § Encouraging students to recognise and affirm differences in personal learning styles and abilities according to established guidelines § Liaising with the teacher about special requirements for an individual student § Assisting the student from culturally or linguistically diverse background in orientating themselves to formal and informal school/centre structures § Applying language programs for the student from linguistically diverse backgrounds 3. Report your concerns about the children’s development in each of the domains to the teacher according to school policy and procedures. Assessors must record any reasonable adjustments and modifications made to the tasks.

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


Workplace Observation CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains

Student Name

Student Contact


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Record specific examples of what you observe the student doing in their work role that demonstrates an acceptable standard of performance for each component of competency. Observation must take place on at least two [2] occasions.

Components of Competency


Identifies the developmental stages within each phase of the current curriculum, including: § Physical development § Emotional and social development § Cognitive and language development

1st date & initial


2nd date & initial

Implements strategies appropriate for supporting at least two students with different developmental support needs

Reports any concerns about children’s development to the teacher

Performs the activities outlined in the performance criteria of this unit during a period of at least 100 hours within at least one education provider


Workplace Observation

Components of Competency

1st date & initial


2nd date & initial

Encourages students to recognise and affirm differences in personal learning styles and abilities according to established guidelines

Liaises effectively with the teacher or other appropriate person concerning special requirements for an individual student

Assists students from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds in orientating themselves to formal and informal school/centre structures

Implements language programs for students from linguistically diverse backgrounds

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Reports concerns about a child’s cognitive and/or language development to the teacher according to school/centre procedures

Identifies various approaches to study and learning by culturally diverse students and those with different abilities

Assessor Name

Assessor Signature




CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


Marking Guide CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains

Student Name

Student Contact

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Indicate if the student satisfactorily performed the tasks for each component of competency to acceptable industry standards. Provide comments to support your decision.

Assessment Questions

Criteria for Competence




Has knowledge of the curriculum and curriculum framework


Has knowledge of the relevant education system/school’s policies and procedures


Has knowledge of the cultural and linguistic background of students and families

Has knowledge of the broad developmental stages of children/young people in the physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional domains

Has knowledge of strategies to support the stages of development in each domain

Marking Guide

Assessment Questions

Understand the importance of confidentiality as it relates to information about children

Has knowledge of language programs

Has knowledge of the materials and resources to support the stages of development in each domain.




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Criteria for Competence


Workplace Task / Workplace Observation Satisfactory


Criteria for Competence



Implements strategies appropriate for supporting at least two students with different developmental support needs

Reports any concerns about children’s development to the teacher


Identifies the developmental stages within each phase of the current curriculum, including: § Physical development § Emotional and social development § Cognitive and language development


CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


Competency Mapping

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Competency Mapping CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains

Assessment Method

Element 1 Support the physical development of students

Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence 1.1 1.2 1.3

Element 2 Support the social and emotional development of students


Element 3 Support the cognitive and language development of students





Identify the stages of physical development required for each phase of the current curriculum framework Use appropriate strategies, materials and resources to support physical development according to the school/centre policy and procedures Report concerns about a child’s physical development to the teacher in accordance with the school/centre policy and procedures Identify the stages of social and emotional development required for each phase of development in the current curriculum Use appropriate strategies, materials and resources to support social and emotional development Report concerns about a child’s social and/or emotional development to the teacher in accordance to the school/centre policy and procedures Identify the stages of cognitive and language development required for each phase of development in the current curriculum Use appropriate strategies, materials and resources to support cognitive and language development Report concerns about a child’s cognitive and/or language development to the teacher according to school/centre procedures Encourage students to recognise and affirm differences in personal learning styles and abilities according to established guidelines Liaise effectively with the teacher or other appropriate person concerning special requirements for an individual student


Unit Component

Element 4 Contribute to the inclusion of all students in the

3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©

Assessment Questions

Workplace Task

Workplace Observation













Competency Mapping

Assessment Method Unit Component

Assessment Conditions

Workplace Task

Workplace Observation







Cognitive and language development Implemented strategies appropriate for supporting at least two students with different developmental support needs Reported any concerns about children’s development to the teacher


✓ ✓ ✓ ✓



Supported an inclusive environment Performed the activities outlined in the performance criteria of this unit during a period of at least 100 hours within at least one education provider. Relevant education system/school’s policies and procedures

✓ ✓


Curriculum and curriculum framework


Cultural and linguistic background of students and families Broad developmental stages of children/young people in the physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional domains Strategies to support the stages of development in each domain




Importance of confidentiality as it relates to information about children


Language programs


Materials and resources to support the stages of development in each domain


Skills must be demonstrated in the workplace. In addition, simulations and scenarios must be used where the full range of contexts and situations cannot be provided in the workplace or may occur only rarely. These are situations relating to emergency or unplanned procedures where assessment in these circumstances would be unsafe or is impractical.

§ § §

Physical development Emotional and social development


Knowledge Evidence (Essential Knowledge)

Assessment Questions

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Performance Evidence (Essential Skills)

Assist students from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds in orientating themselves to formal and informal school/centre structures 4.4 Implement language programs for students from linguistically diverse backgrounds Identify various approaches to study and learning by culturally diverse students and those 4.5 with different abilities Identified the developmental stages within each phase of the current curriculum, including: 4.3


classroom and community

Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©

2 Assessors must verify this with the workplace supervisor.


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