CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people
RPL Assessor Kit
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
© Blueprint Project LLC. Except as provided by the Copyright Act 1968, and as stated in the terms and conditions, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Blueprint Project LLC.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, the authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of information contained herein. This work has been prepared for use as part of structured vocational education and training and should only be used within that context. The information contained herein was correct at the time of preparation.
Modification History
This resource has been developed in consultation with industry experts.
Blueprint Project’s materials are designed to support the principles of assessment (validity, reliability, flexibility, fairness) and to guide assessors to apply the rules of assessment evidence (validity, sufficiency, currency, authenticity) for Recognition of Prior Learning.
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Overview For Assessors
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the process of evaluating and acknowledging a person’s skills and knowledge to perform a particular job role related a unit of competency or a qualification. Skills and knowledge are gained through a range of work, life, formal and informal learning experiences. This kit contains tools to help customise the recognition assessment of the candidate’s knowledge and skills for this unit of competency. Assessors are not required to use every tool. Only use the tools necessary to holistically assess the candidate. After an initial interview with a potential candidate, you will need to determine whether or not they are able to complete the RPL process. Using this RPL kit, you will be able to determine if a candidate earns recognition for this unit of competency: ! Evidence they provide ! Questions they answer via a competency conversation ! Tasks they complete in the workplace ! Your observations You are responsible for ensuring they have demonstrated the knowledge and skills required to: ! Communicate effectively with young people ! Reflect understanding of youth cultures and subcultures and young person’s own development ! Work with the young person as the focus ! Reflect on own practice and values
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Assessor Tools
The following tools are for the Assessor to use.
An overview of the RPL process, a list of what is included in this kit and detailed instructions on how to use this kit
A detailed map indicating where each component of competency is included in this kit
Competency Mapping
A tool for recording each piece of evidence (documentation, questions, tasks, observations) to the unit of competency
Record of Evidence
Competency Questions
Questions an assessor may ask a candidate in order to gather and document evidence of a candidate’s knowledge and experience relating to the unit of competency Tasks an assessor may ask a candidate to complete in order to gather evidence of a candidate’s skills and experience relating to the unit of competency (use in conjunction with Workplace Observation)
Workplace Tasks
Record of Outcome
A document used to notify a candidate of their RPL outcome and any additional steps required to achieve recognition for the unit of competency
SA Workplace Observation
A tool used in conjunction with the Workplace Tasks to document evidence of a candidate’s skills through observation of the Workplace Tasks and other observations
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Candidate Tools
The following tools are for you to use.
A detailed overview of the RPL process and what to expect
A basic form for gathering information
Unit Summaries
A summary of the learning outcomes for the unit of competency
A tool you use to index each piece of evidence (trainings, workshops, CV, photos, presentations, reports, certificates, awards, etc.)
Evidence Index
A Self-‐Evaluation of experience, skills and evidence that relate to the unit of competency, including information from your Evidence Index
Third Party Report
A tool you give to your workplace supervisor to verify competency in your job role relating to workplace expectations and performance criteria
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There are many ways to initiate the RPL process. The following instructions are an example of how assessors could use the tools included in this kit. Every candidate, assessor and organisation has different needs. The tools have been created to allow for flexibility and customisation.
Documents Needed
Candidate Tools:
Give the Candidate Kit to the candidate for completion.
Review the Competency Mapping prior to starting the RPL process with candidate.
Answer any questions the candidate may have about how to use and complete the candidate tools.
Candidate Instructions Application Unit Summaries Evidence Index Self-‐Evaluation Third Party Report Competency Mapping
Candidate Tools
Evidence Index Self-‐Evaluation Record of Evidence
Interview the candidate: ! Ask the candidate to elaborate on any work/life experiences they have recorded that relates to the unit of competency and their job role ! Look for information the candidate may not think is important or may have omitted ! Decide what documentary evidence you think they can further provide to support their claim of recognition
Evidence Index Self-‐Evaluation Record of Evidence
After the candidate completes the Evidence Index and the Self-‐Evaluation, review them and begin to use the Record of Evidence, filling in the relevant evidence provided by the candidate.
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Documents Needed
Continue to use the Record of Evidence as a tool to determine which questions to ask and tasks to assign. Create an RPL plan, deciding what tools (or part thereof) you plan to use to complete the RPL process: Competency Questions Workplace Tasks/Workplace Observation Third Party Report
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Record of Evidence Competency Questions Workplace Tasks Third Party Report
Competency Questions
Provide the necessary Workplace Tasks to the candidate: ! Combine relevant questions and tasks, when possible ! Combine tasks for streamlined assessment, when possible ! Contextualise tasks to the candidate’s specific area of work, population, demographic, etc.
Workplace Tasks
Conduct a competency conversation with the candidate, using the necessary questions: ! Combine relevant questions and workplace tasks, when possible ! Contextualise the questions to the candidate’s specific area of work, population, demographic, etc.
Observe the candidate performing the workplace tasks: ! Use the Workplace Observation to record the candidate’s performance ! Observe the candidate on a 2nd occasion carrying out their duties in their workplace ! Record and date your observations
Workplace Observation
Collect the Third Party Report and verify the information provided is correct and accurate.
Third Party Report
Complete the Record of Evidence.
Record of Evidence
Inform candidate of your determination. Provide any additional steps required to achieve recognition for the unit of competency, if necessary.
Record of Outcome
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Competency Mapping
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people
This table is a reference tool mapping the competency questions and workplace tasks provided in this kit to all aspects of the unit of competency (performance criteria, performance evidence and knowledge evidence).
Assessment Method
Unit Component
Workplace Observation ✓
Foster communication exchanges that support the development of trust and rapport
1, 2
Process information about the young person’s situation from their perspective
1, 2
1, 2
1, 2
1, 2
Use a range of appropriate communication strategies to engage with young people Consider cultural sensitivities in communication techniques and adapt style and language to accommodate different cultural values and practices Maintain young person’s confidentiality in the context that the young person is the primary stakeholder Consider youth culture and subcultures of the young person in all actions and decisions
✓ ✓ ✓
1, 2
Consider the young person’s individual development in all actions and decisions
1, 2
1, 2
1, 2
Evaluate issues in relation to young person’s culture and modify approaches appropriately Select activities and resources to promote awareness, respect the young person and value diversity Establish guidelines that are relevant to the culture and background of the young person
✓ ✓ ✓
1, 2
Assess the impact of own cultural values, cultural lens and ethnocentrism in youth work
Apply youth-‐centred practices when working with young people
1, 2
Respect the rights, needs and responsibilities of the young person
1, 2
Explain worker rights and responsibilities to the young person as necessary
1, 2
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Element 3 Work with the young person as the focus
Workplace Task 1, 2
Listen to the young person to gain understanding of their experiences
1.6 Element 2 Reflect understanding of youth cultures and subcultures and young person’s own development
Assessment Questions
Element 1 Communicate effectively with young people
Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence
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Assessment Method Unit Component
Workplace Observation
Establish a professional relationship and boundary expectations with the client
Identify and manage power inequities in the professional relationship
1, 2
Apply principles of ethical decision-‐making in working with young people
1, 2
Identify opportunities to reflect on own interactions and practices with young people Recognise areas where own biases, background and opinions may have impacted on work 4.2 with the young person 4.3 Seek opportunities to address any concerns or areas for development Oral communication – in order to engage and establish collaborative, professional relationships with young people Applied youth-‐centred practices when working with young people, including:
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1, 2
1, 2
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1, 2
✓ ✓
Different world views and the interrelationship of society, culture and the young person Diversity in all forms – across cultural, sexuality, ability, socioeconomic and geographic spheres, and the experiences of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers Own cultural values, cultural lens and ethnocentrism
Own work role within the context of the youth sector
Access and equity principles
Principles of ethical decision-‐making
Statutory frameworks in which the work role functions
The impact of judgement-‐making skills in working with young people
Youth-‐centred practices with focus on the young person as the primary stakeholder
Using interpersonal skills to engage with at least three young people Applying engagement skills with young people with diverse range of presenting issues and experiences ! Applying principles of ethical decision-‐making to ethical dilemmas when the young person is the primary client ! Establishing and maintaining a professional relationship with at least one group of young people. Aspects of human behaviour and development related to young people, their personal and social development and relationships Current issues facing young people and existing services to address their needs and rights
Knowledge Evidence (Essential Knowledge)
Workplace Task 1, 2
Performance Evidence (Essential Skills)
Assessment Questions
Element 4 Reflect on own practice and values
Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence
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Assessment Method Unit Component
Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence
Assessment Conditions
Skills must be demonstrated in the workplace. In addition, simulations and scenarios must be used where the full range of contexts and situations cannot be provided in the workplace or may occur only rarely. These are situations relating to emergency or unplanned procedures where assessment in these circumstances would be unsafe or is impractical. Simulated assessment environments must simulate the real-‐life working environment where these skills and knowledge would be performed, with all the relevant equipment and resources of that working environment. Assessors must satisfy the NVR/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors.
Workplace Observation
Assessors must observe these requirements when undertaking the RPL assessment.
This is an RTO compliance responsibility.
Workplace Task
Youth cultures, social, political and economic and professional frameworks
Assessment Questions 4
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Record of Evidence CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people
This is a record for you demonstrate exactly how and why you determined the candidate achieved recognition for this unit of competency.
Candidate Contact
Candidate Name
Use this tool to record each piece of evidence (documentation, questions, tasks) against the components in the unit of competency (Elements, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence) to ensure you are comprehensively evaluating the evidence. Use the Competency Mapping tool for a more detailed look at the components of competency. After reviewing the documentation provided by the candidate, write down any relevant document number provided in the Evidence Index. Write down the competency question, workplace task and workplace observation number you used to assess the candidate. Include any notes necessary to explain your determination. You may also use this tool to create an RPL plan for the candidate.
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Question #
Workplace Observation Task # #
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people Communicate effectively with young people
Reflect understanding of youth cultures and subcultures and young person’s own development
Work with the young person as the focus
Performance Evidence
Knowledge Evidence
Reflect on own practice and values
Evidence Index #
Unit Components
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Assessor Notes:
Assessor Name Assessor Signature
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Competency Questions
Candidate Name
Student Identification Number
The competency questions are used to facilitate a conversation with the candidate in order to gather further evidence of their competency. Each question covers knowledge evidence and performance criteria from the unit of competency. After considering all of the collected evidence, ask only the questions where sufficient evidence has not yet been provided. Streamline the process by asking relevant questions while observing relevant tasks, when possible. Key points have been provided for assessors to prompt candidates, when necessary. They are not exhaustive or compulsory responses; they are provided as a guide. Look for information the candidate omits and ask them to elaborate, when necessary. Add relevant key points provided by the candidate. Note: where legislation, policies and procedures are mentioned, candidates must provide specific examples related to their state/territory and organisation. Only generic examples have been provided.
Use the box at the end of the key points to record details of the conversation and any contextualisation.
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Competency Questions CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people
1. Describe the aspects of human behaviour and development related to young people, including their personal and social development, and relationships.
2. List the issues young people currently face and the services than can address their needs and rights. 3. Describe the range of diversity you see when working with young people and their range of experiences.
4. Explain your understanding of youth cultures, and how you take into account the social, political and economic frameworks they exist within.
5. Describe the different worldviews and the interrelationship of society, culture and the young person. 6. Describe youth-‐centred practices that focus on the young person as the primary stakeholder. 7. How do your own cultural values, cultural lens and ethnocentrism impact your work with young people? 8. What are the responsibilities of your work role within the context of the youth sector? 9. What is the impact of judgement-‐making skills in working with young people?
Key Points -‐ Tick the key points the candidate discusses 1. Aspects of human behaviour and development related to young people: ! Physical development: ! Puberty ! Hormone production; growth hormone, testosterone, oestrogen ! Growth spurt in weight and height ! Increased nutritional needs ! Sexual maturation indicates reproductive potential ! Cognitive development: ! Able to speculate, hypothesise, theorise, and fantasise ! Moral development ! Egocentrism [interested only in their personal needs and wants] ! Eager for intellectual interaction ! Social and emotional development: ! Develop a strong sense of self ! Seek autonomy ! Form peer group sub-‐cultures
10. List the statutory frameworks in which your work role functions, including access and equity principles.
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Beginning of romantic and sexual relationships Risk-‐taking behaviour
Core themes include: ! Autonomy and agency ! Experimentation and risk taking behaviour ! Identity (cultural, social, sexual, etc.) ! Interests, different personalities and abilities ! Personal and collective meaning ! Supportive networks, friendships, family and other ! Peer influence and interdependence ! Purpose and meaning
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2. Issues young people currently face and the services that can address their needs and rights include: Issues include: ! Mental health ! Child protection ! Domestic and family violence ! Disability ! Homelessness ! Unemployment ! Alcohol and other drugs ! Crisis ! Suicide and self harm ! Identity (cultural, social, sexual, etc.) Services include: ! Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander liaisons ! Counsellors ! Disability services ! Drug and alcohol services ! Education/training/skills development ! Employment/career development ! Intervention and behaviour management programs ! Medical services ! Physical, mental, social and emotional developmental programs and strategies ! Recreation/sporting groups ! Religious/spiritual advisers ! Specialist cultural liaison and support services ! Welfare organisations
3. Range of diversity you see when working with young people and their range of experiences includes: Diversity may relate to: ! Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander young people ! Culturally and linguistically diverse young people ! Young people from diverse youth cultures, and sub cultures ! Young people with a disability ! Young people with diminished health status CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
Diverse sexualities – heterosexual, bisexual, gay and lesbian Gender differences – young women, young men, transgender young people Cultures associated with differing socioeconomic backgrounds Diverse family experiences and family of origin Young migrants, refugees and asylum seekers Young people from diverse geographical locations, urban, suburban, rural, remote, regional, transient
Experiences may include: ! Racism and discrimination ! Violence ! Trauma ! Limited opportunities (employment, social, education, etc.) ! Lack of access to services ! Poor housing ! Limited education ! Loss of cultural identity ! Financial and other resource constraints ! Underrepresented in political and social arenas
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4. Youth cultures, and how to take into account the frameworks they exist within: Youth culture includes: ! Shared experiences within ethnicity based groups ! Shared interest and ideologies ! Shared social practices and rituals, religion and spirituality ! External aspects – clothes, music, tattoos, piercings, cars, etc. ! Internal aspects – beliefs about society, justice/police, hope for future, beliefs about relationships/family ! Social aspects – friendships/loyalties, social media, status and power, role of technology, AOD use, etc. ! Recreational aspects – interests, technology, sport, TV, etc. Taking into account social, political and economic frameworks includes: ! Acknowledging and displaying an appreciation of the role youth culture has played in young person’s life, sense of belonging, identity, etc. ! Considering the historical, political and economic context of young people and society ! Considering changing social policy and mechanisms for change ! Acknowledging impact of economic disadvantage and social exclusion in relation to young people ! Identifying that language/slang etc. can be a barrier especially in sub-‐cultures ! Creating an inclusive organisation that promotes cultural competence, inclusion and anti-‐discrimination 5. Different worldviews and the interrelationship of society, culture and the young person includes: ! Moral reasoning – see things in terms of black and white, right and wrong ! Ego-‐centric – see the world in terms of what it means for/to them ! Their insulated social world begins to expand as they develop interests in world events, cultures, etc. ! Exposure to a diverse group of peers creates a set of beliefs and stereotypes about people ! Struggle to reconcile internal views of the world (things they have been taught/modelled) with external views (news, friends, etc.) ! Internet and social media impacts worldviews and opinions (for better or worse)
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6. Youth-‐centred practices that focus on the young person as the primary stakeholder: ! Always seek to engage with young people to hear and understand their perspective in all issues related to them ! Commit to the young person as primary client and all other stakeholders as secondary ! Consider the young person and their experiences as unique ! Prioritise the young person's experiences, goals and concerns in all work practices ! Be non-‐judgemental ! Consider the whole context of the young person ! Engage with diversity and difference ! Focus on the strength and capacities of the young person ! Apply principles of integrity, acceptance, equity and equality ! Notice and acknowledge change and achievement ! Recognise the person first not just the issues ! Facilitate self agency/young person-‐directed practice ! Apply principles of social justice, rights, access, equity and youth participation, fairness, honesty and respect ! Establish a professional boundary and boundary expectations with young person ! Value the young person ! Work collaboratively and in partnership with young person ! Convey worker rights and responsibilities as necessary ! Recognise and manage power inequities in the professional relationship ! Work towards 'power with' rather than 'power over' young people ! Apply principles of ethical decision-‐making: ! Be very clear on the guidelines of your work role ! Be familiar with and guided by all relevant legislation ! Be familiar with and guided by all relevant standards which further define how the legislation is applied ! Be aware of your organisation’s code of conduct ! Demonstrate a commitment to a moral standard of professional behaviour ! Have a system in place that allows you to explore all sides of an ethical dilemma and examine the consequences of any action and/or decisions you may make
7. How own cultural values, cultural lens and ethnocentrism impacts work with young people: ! Everyone has a unique way they experience culture (their own and others) ! All people are affected by their life experiences, and don’t always share every experience, so assumptions are easily made ! An experience with one person from a different culture can determine our future experiences with people from the same culture (positive or negative) ! Experiences affect our attitudes and behaviours so we act unnaturally ! Personal biases are formed over many years and many experiences ! Some examples include: ! Some cultures are more likely to live in poverty ! Some cultures are not as educated ! Some cultures are marginalised and oppressed ! Young people are inherently lazy and self-‐absorbed ! People prefer familiar situations, people and behaviours ! People from different cultures like to stick together and they see ‘me’ as the outsider ! People from other cultures don’t want to learn to be ‘Australian’ CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
8. Responsibilities of work role within the context of the youth sector includes: ! Upholds key legal and ethical aspects and responsibilities of role ! Works within own work role and takes responsibility for own actions ! Seeks assistance from others in dealing with issues/ unsure of role or actions to take ! Applies a personal framework of values that guides their work with young people ! Ensures own values do not impact on work performed ! Discusses ethical issues with appropriate personnel ! Communicates effectively with young people ! Upholds the rights of children and young people according to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. ! Follows organisation’s policies and procedures ! Seeks opportunities to address any concerns or areas for development ! Understands boundaries and lines of authority within organisation ! Participates and contributes to team/house meetings ! Participates and contributes to placement meetings ! Maintain current and accurate records of young people ! Maintain confidentiality ! Participate in interventions ! Advocate for young people ! Manage conflict
9. Impact of judgement-‐making skills in working with young people: ! Accessing information ! Communication and interpersonal skills ! Accessing support networks ! Analytical skills and problem solving ! Positive and safe relationships ! Increased personal power through knowledge of individual rights and responsibilities ! Life skills ! Awareness of opportunities and lifestyle choices
10. Statutory frameworks in which work role functions includes: Frameworks, standards, codes and guidelines differ between states and territories. Students are required to provide specific responses relating to their state/territory. ! Mandatory reporting: ! Legal requirement to report any suspected cases of children or young people who may be experiencing abuse or neglect at the hands of others. ! All jurisdictions have mandatory reporting requirements, yet, across the different states and territories, the people mandated to report cases of suspected abuse and neglect differ, as do the abuse types for which mandatory reporting is required. ! Access and equity: ! Access – anyone who is eligible to use the service should face no barriers to that service. ! Equity – all people receive an equitable and appropriate outcome. ! Access and equity also means the absence of harassment at the service. ! A commitment to providing equality of opportunity to all staff and clients ! Creation of a client orientation culture ! Non-‐discriminatory approach to all individuals using or accessing the service ! Respect for individual differences CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
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Review processes that ensure all documents, procedures and materials are non-‐discriminatory
National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009-‐2020 aims to provide the foundation for national, coordinated reform across all states and territories. Human Services Quality Framework
Assessor Signature
Assessor Name
Record details of the conversation and any contextualisation:
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Workplace Tasks
The workplace tasks are used to gather further evidence of a candidate’s competency. Each task covers performance criteria and performance evidence from the unit of competency. After considering all of the collected evidence, assessors will assign only the tasks where sufficient evidence has not yet been provided. Assessors will observe candidates completing these tasks, unless otherwise noted. Often, there are components of the task candidates must complete prior to observation. Candidates should read through all assigned tasks before beginning, as some may be completed together. Assessors can streamline the process by asking relevant questions while observing relevant tasks, when possible.
Assessors: Use the box at the end of each task to record details of adjustments and modifications.
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Workplace Tasks CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people
" You will be asked to perform this task with at least three young people. " You may be asked to perform parts of this task more than once. " Prepare for your assessor’s visit by organising your materials and documentation ahead of time.
1. Group Interaction
Organise and facilitate a group meeting with at least three diverse young people. The group may be formal with a focus on a specific objective, or an informal check-‐in. Complete the checklist on the following pages. Demonstrate the following when working with the group: # Establishing and maintaining a professional relationship with a group of young people # Engaging in and establishing collaborative, professional relationships with a group of young people # Applying youth-‐centred practices when working with young people # Using effective and appropriate interpersonal skills with young people # Applying engagement skills with young people with diverse range of presenting issues and experiences # Reflect understanding of youth cultures and subcultures and young person’s own development
2. One-‐on-‐One Interaction
Select one of the young people from the group and have a one-‐on-‐one interaction where you explore an ethical issue with the young person as the focus. Complete the checklist on the following pages. Demonstrate the following when working with the young person: # Applying youth-‐centred practices when working with young people # Using effective and appropriate interpersonal skills with young people # Reflect understanding of youth cultures and subcultures and young person’s own development # Applying principles of ethical decision-‐making to ethical dilemmas
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3. Reflection Write a reflection (500 word minimum) about your work with young people. Include the following: # Opportunities and occasions when you most need to reflect on your interactions and practices with young people # Areas where your own values, biases, background and opinions may have impacted on work with young people # Opportunities and actions to address any concerns or areas for development
Record details of adjustments and modifications to the workplace tasks.
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Performance Checklist Assess your own performance of tasks 1 and 2 by ticking the box if you feel you performed each of the skills to the expected standard. Group Meeting
One-‐ on-‐one Meeting
Fostered communication exchanges that support the development of trust and rapport
Processed information about the young person’s situation from their perspective
Used a range of appropriate communication strategies to engage with young people
Considered cultural sensitivities in communication techniques
Adapted style and language to accommodate different cultural values and practices
Considered youth culture and subcultures of the young person/s in all actions and decisions
Considered the young person’s individual development in all actions and decisions
Evaluated issues in relation to young person’s culture and modified approaches appropriately
Selected activities and resources to promote awareness, respect the young person and value diversity
Established guidelines that are relevant to the culture and background of the young person
Applied youth-‐centred practices when working with young people
Respected the rights, needs and responsibilities of the young person
Explained worker rights and responsibilities to the young person as necessary
Established a professional relationship and boundary expectations with the client
Identified and managed power inequities in the professional relationship
Applied principles of ethical decision-‐making in working with young people
Listened to the young person/s to gain understanding of their experiences
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Workplace Observation
Candidate Name
Use this tool in conjunction with the Workplace Tasks.
The workplace observation is used to gather current and consistent evidence of a candidate’s competency. Observe the candidate completing the relevant workplace tasks and determine if they are consistently performing their work to organisation and industry standards. Each task covers performance evidence and performance criteria from the unit of competency. One observation will occur during completion of the relevant workplace tasks. The second observation may occur during the candidate’s normal workday.
Assessors: Use the box at the end of each observation table to record details of adjustments and modifications.
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Workplace Observation CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people 1st date & initial
Applies youth-‐centred practices when working with young people
Uses interpersonal skills to engage with at least three young people
2nd date & initial
Components of Competency
Applies principles of ethical decision-‐making to ethical dilemmas when the young person is the primary client
Establishes and maintains a professional relationship with at least one group of young people
Listens to the young person to gain understanding of their experiences
Fosters communication exchanges that support the development of trust and rapport
Processes information about the young person’s situation from their perspective
Applies engagement skills with young people with a diverse range of presenting issues and experiences
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Components of Competency Uses a range of appropriate communication strategies to engage with young people
1st date & initial
2nd date & initial
Considers cultural sensitivities in communication techniques and adapts style and language to accommodate different cultural values and practices
Considers youth culture and subcultures of the young person in all actions and decisions
Maintains young person’s confidentiality in the context that the young person is the primary stakeholder
Evaluates issues in relation to young person’s culture and modified approaches appropriately
Selects activities and resources to promote awareness, respect the young person and value diversity
Establishes guidelines that are relevant to the culture and background of the young person
Assesses the impact of own cultural values, cultural lens and ethnocentrism in youth work
Considers the young person’s individual development in all actions and decisions
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Components of Competency
1st date & initial
2nd date & initial
Applies youth-‐centred practices when working with young people
Respects the rights, needs and responsibilities of the young person
Establishes a professional relationship and boundary expectations with the client
Identifies and manages power inequities in the professional relationship
Explains worker rights and responsibilities to the young person as necessary
Applies principles of ethical decision-‐making in working with young people
Identifies opportunities to reflect on own interactions and practices with young people
Recognises areas where own biases, background and opinions may have impacted on work with the young person
Seeks opportunities to address any concerns or areas for development
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Assessors must record any reasonable adjustments or modifications to this observation.
Assessor Signature
Assessor Name
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Record of Outcome CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people
Candidate Workplace
Assessor Name
RTO Name
RTO Address
Candidate Name
RPL Outcome
RPL achieved for this unit of competency
Results discussed with candidate
Comments and further action discussed with candidate
Preparation and next steps for gap training or assessment:
Assessor Signature
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people
RPL Candidate Kit
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
© Blueprint Project LLC. Except as provided by the Copyright Act 1968, and as stated in the terms and conditions, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Blueprint Project LLC.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, the authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of information contained herein. This work has been prepared for use as part of structured vocational education and training and should only be used within that context. The information contained herein was correct at the time of preparation.
Modification History
This resource has been developed in consultation with industry experts.
Blueprint Project’s materials are designed to support the principles of assessment (validity, reliability, flexibility, fairness) and to guide assessors to apply the rules of assessment evidence (validity, sufficiency, currency, authenticity) for Recognition of Prior Learning.
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
RPL Overview For Candidates
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the process of evaluating and acknowledging a person’s skills and knowledge to perform a particular job role related a unit of competency or a qualification. Experiences from your current or previous job, volunteer work and any relevant life experience can all be used to demonstrate to your assessor that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to be awarded recognition for a qualification. You are beginning the process of demonstrating to your assessor why and how you should be awarded this qualification. You will be asked to: ! Complete a Self-‐Evaluation ! Provide detailed documentation of your competency ! Answer competency questions ! Complete specific workplace tasks ! Participate in workplace observations Things to keep in mind:
This process will be different for each candidate, depending on previous experience Your assessor will work with you to come up with a comprehensive RPL plan The evidence you provide must be current, valid, authentic and sufficient Detailed instruction for each part of the process is included in each document
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If you have any questions about the RPL process, speak with your assessor.
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
Candidate Tools
The following tools are for you to use.
A detailed overview of the RPL process and what to expect
A basic form for gathering information
Unit Summaries
A summary of the learning outcomes for the unit of competency.
A tool you use to index each piece of evidence (trainings, workshops, CV, photos, presentations, reports, certificates, awards, etc.)
Evidence Index
A Self-‐Evaluation of experience, skills and evidence that relate to the unit of competency, including information from your Evidence Index
Third Party Report
A tool you give to your workplace supervisor to verify competency in your job role relating to workplace expectations and performance criteria
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
Please note: the order provided is subject to change based on your specific needs. Complete the Application and submit it to your assessor.
Carefully read through the Unit Summary. For more information about the components of competency you will be assessed against for each unit – go to: and download the unit of competency.
Consult with your assessor and collect any documentation/evidence that supports your attempt to attain the qualification through RPL. Evidence may include: ! Resume or CV ! Position description ! Recent performance appraisal ! Training records/certificates/workshops ! Work journals ! Photos ! Task/job sheets/log books ! Examples of work documents, projects, programs, etc.
Carefully number each piece of evidence and complete the Evidence Index. Make copies of all evidence you index.
Complete the Self-‐Evaluation using the Unit Summary and the Evidence Index
Submit the Self-‐Evaluation, Evidence Index and the original evidence documents to your assessor.
Discuss your Self-‐Evaluation with your assessor. Together, you will review your options to provide further evidence (questions and tasks) and design an RPL plan that ensures you have every opportunity to demonstrate your competence.
Participate in a conversation to answer specific questions designed to determine your knowledge of specific work areas where sufficient evidence has not been provided.
Complete workplace tasks to determine your skills in specific work areas where sufficient evidence has not been provided. Your assessor will provide you with the tasks and set up a time to observe you completing them.
Your assessor will discuss the outcome of your RPL with you.
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
RPL Application CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people
First Name/s
Any other name used
Personal Details
Mailing Address
Email Address
Street City
Post Code
Telephone Numbers
Date of Birth
/ /
Are you a permanent resident of Australia?
Are you currently employed?
" NO
Current Occupation
Current Employer
Employer Contact
Attach your CV/Resume or work history and job description. CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
Unit Summary CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people This document briefly summarises the unit of competency included in this RPL kit. This summary has been provided to help you accurately complete your Self-‐Evaluation and organise your Evidence Index.
Communicate effectively with young people Reflect understanding of youth cultures and subcultures and young person’s own development Work with the young person as the focus Reflect on own practice and values
1. 2. 3. 4.
Performance Evidence (Essential Skills):
Applied youth-‐centred practices when working with young people, including: – Using interpersonal skills to engage with at least three young people – Applying engagement skills with young people with diverse range of presenting issues and experiences – Applying principles of ethical decision-‐making to ethical dilemmas when the young person is the primary client – Establishing and maintaining a professional relationship with at least one group of young people Oral communication – in order to engage and establish collaborative, professional relationships with young people.
Knowledge Evidence (Essential Knowledge):
Aspects of human behaviour and development related to young people, their personal and social development and relationships Current issues facing young people and existing services to address their needs and rights Different world views and the interrelationship of society, culture and the young person Diversity in all forms – across cultural, sexuality, ability, socioeconomic and geographic spheres, and the experiences of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers Own cultural values, cultural lens and ethnocentrism Own work role within the context of the youth sector Access and equity principles Principles of ethical decision-‐making Statutory frameworks in which the work role functions The impact of judgement-‐making skills in working with young people Youth-‐centred practices with focus on the young person as the primary stakeholder Youth cultures, social, political and economic and professional framework
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! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
Evidence Index
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people
Carefully and clearly number each piece of documentation/evidence you have and add it to its respective number on this index. Include a short description of each document for your assessor.
Documents may include, but are not limited to:
Resume or CV Position descriptions Recent performance appraisal Training/workshop records or certificates Work journals Photos
! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! !
Task sheets/job sheets/log books Presentations Industry awards Examples of work documents/completed projects/programs Any other documentation that may demonstrate industry experience
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
Document Number
Candidate Name
Name/Description of Document
Assessor Notes
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
Document Number
Assessor Notes
Name/Description of Document
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
Document Number
Assessor Notes
Name/Description of Document
Candidates must sign the declaration below and have it witnessed by their workplace supervisor.
Witness Signature
Candidate Signature
Candidate declaration: The information contained in this application is accurate and correct, and all documents are genuine.
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people
List the experience, skills and evidence you have that relate to the unit of competency. Your assessor will discuss this document with you in order to create your RPL plan.
Carefully read the Unit Summary included in this kit before completing the Self-‐Evaluation.
List the daily tasks and duties you perform in your current work role that relate to each unit of competency
Work Experience
List the activities, projects, etc., you’ve participated in as part of your current or previous work that relate to each unit of competency
Evidence Index #
Put the corresponding number from the Evidence Index into the unit of competency you think the evidence relates to
Current Work Role
Based on your experiences and current work role, tick the box that most reflects your confidence level in each unit of competency
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
Candidate Name
Current Occupation
Current Work Role
Foster communication exchanges that support the development of trust and rapport
Process information about the young person’s situation from their perspective
Listen to the young person to gain understanding of their experiences
Component of Competency
Work Experience
Evidence I feel ___ in this Index # area.
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
Consider cultural sensitivities in communication techniques and adapt style and language to accommodate different cultural values and practices Maintain young person’s confidentiality in the context that the young person is the primary stakeholder
Consider youth culture and subcultures of the young person in all actions and decisions
Work Experience
Evidence I feel ___ in this Index # area.
Use a range of appropriate communication strategies to engage with young people
Current Work Role
Component of Competency
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
Consider the young person’s individual development in all actions and decisions
Evaluate issues in relation to young person’s culture and modify approaches appropriately
Select activities and resources to promote awareness, respect the young person and value diversity
Establish guidelines that are relevant to the culture and background of the young person
Work Experience
Evidence I feel ___ in this Index # area.
Current Work Role
Component of Competency
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
Assess the impact of own cultural values, cultural lens and ethnocentrism in youth work
Respect the rights, needs and responsibilities of the young person
Explain worker rights and responsibilities to the young person as necessary
Apply youth-‐centred practices when working with young people
Work Experience
Evidence I feel ___ in this Index # area.
Current Work Role
Component of Competency
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
Establish a professional relationship and boundary expectations with the client
Identify and manage power inequities in the professional relationship
Apply principles of ethical decision-‐making in working with young people
Identify opportunities to reflect on own interactions and practices with young people
Work Experience
Evidence I feel ___ in this Index # area.
Current Work Role
Component of Competency
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
Recognise areas where own biases, background and opinions may have impacted on work with the young person
Seek opportunities to address any concerns or areas for development
Oral communication – in order to engage and establish collaborative, professional relationships with young people
Apply youth-‐centred practices when working with young people
Work Experience
Evidence I feel ___ in this Index # area.
Current Work Role
Component of Competency
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
Use interpersonal skills to engage with at least three young people
Apply engagement skills with young people with diverse range of presenting issues and experiences
Apply principles of ethical decision-‐making to ethical dilemmas when the young person is the primary client
Establish and maintain a professional relationship with at least one group of young people
Work Experience
Evidence I feel ___ in this Index # area.
Current Work Role
Component of Competency
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
" Unsure " Confident
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
List the life experiences (volunteer work, running your own business, community involvement, etc.) that may have provided you with skills and knowledge that are required for this unit of competency. Your assessor will discuss these experiences with you as part of the application process.
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
Third Party Report CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people
Candidate Name
Organisation Name
For Workplace Supervisors
As part of the RPL process, the candidate is required to submit a report from their workplace supervisor. Please answer the following questions about the candidate’s ability to perform their work to a standard that is acceptable to your organisation.
Only tick the box if the candidate performs the work tasks to your organisation’s standards.
Does the candidate consistently meet your organisation’s performance standards for:
Communicating effectively with young people by: ! Listening to the young person to gain understanding of their experiences ! Fostering communication exchanges that support the development of trust and rapport ! Processing information about the young person’s situation from their perspective ! Using a range of appropriate communication strategies to engage with young people ! Considering cultural sensitivities in communication techniques and adapting style and language to accommodate different cultural values and practices ! Maintaining young person’s confidentiality in the context that the young person is the primary stakeholder
Reflecting understanding of youth cultures and subcultures and young person’s own development by: ! Considering youth culture and subcultures of the young person in all actions and decisions ! Considering the young person’s individual development in all actions and decisions ! Evaluating issues in relation to young person’s culture and modify approaches appropriately ! Selecting activities and resources to promote awareness, respect the young person and value diversity ! Establishing guidelines that are relevant to the culture and background of the young person ! Assessing the impact of own cultural values, cultural lens and ethnocentrism in youth work Working with the young person as the focus by: ! Applying youth-‐centred practices when working with young people ! Respecting the rights, needs and responsibilities of the young person ! Explaining worker rights and responsibilities to the young person as necessary ! Establishing a professional relationship and boundary expectations with the client ! Identifying and managing power inequities in the professional relationship ! Applying principles of ethical decision-‐making in working with young people
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
Only tick the box if the candidate performs the work tasks to your organisation’s standards.
Does the candidate consistently meet your organisation’s performance standards for: Reflecting on own practice and values by: ! Identifying opportunities to reflect on own interactions and practices with young people ! Recognising areas where own biases, background and opinions may have impacted on work with the young person ! Seeking opportunities to address any concerns or areas for development
Using oral communication to engage and establish collaborative, professional relationships with young people Applying youth-‐centred practices when working with young people, including: ! Using interpersonal skills to engage with at least three young people ! Applying engagement skills with young people with diverse range of presenting issues and experiences ! Applying principles of ethical decision-‐making to ethical dilemmas when the young person is the primary client ! Establishing and maintaining a professional relationship with at least one group of young people
Describe your direct working relationship with the candidate:
The candidate:
! ! ! ! ! !
Performs job tasks to an appropriate level Manages job tasks effectively Implements safe working practices Problem-‐solves according to job requirements Works well with others Copes with non-‐routine situations
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©
RPL Kit Candidate Kit
Supervisor Signature
Comments to support your responses:
Supervisor Name
Supervisor Title
Supervisor Phone
Supervisor Email
Assessor comments:
Are you willing to be contacted if the assessor has further questions?
Assessor Signature
Assessor Name
Third Party Report verified as authentic by assessor (initial):
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people v.1 June, 2015 ©