Body Mind Spirit Guide October 2012

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Body Mind Spirit



For A healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind, and A Renewed Spirit ©




The Gift of Golden Honey Seasons of the Soul Three Keys to Personal and Planetary Change October 2012

Family Owned, Locally Grown, Globally Known!©

Body Mind Spirit Guide Golden Galleries | Body Mind Spirit P. O. Box 85413, Westland, MI 48185 Phone: (734) 513-6137 Fax: (734) 956-4150 Hours: Mon-Thu 10:00am - 6:00pm Editor & Publishers Howard & Penny Golden Contributing Writers:

Rev. Suzanne M. Angèli Rev. Deborah Bogle, MA, LLP, CAADC Carol Clarke Ricardo H. Espinosa Laura Ginn Liz Jelinek Dr. William H. Karl, D.C. Dave Krajovic C.P.A. Miche Lame’, MALLP Aoghain Lakes Mclocha Aluna Michaels Mary Morrissey Adrianna -- Mystic Connections Abbeygale Quinn Dr Michael D. Reggish, D.C., N.D. Phil Rosenbaum Marc Terebelo, DC Chris & Dave Wattenberg CHTP, SHP/I Beena Vesikar M.D. (Ayurvedic Medicine) Barbra White Eve Wilson Valerie Wilson

THANK YOU TO OUR AUTHORS: The Body Mind Spirit Guide is written by Leaders & Experts right here in Michigan that are passionate about helping YOU have a healthy body, an enlightened mind & a renewed Spirit!

About Us… The Body Mind Spirit Guide is a homegrown publication in Michigan! Created by Howard & Penny Golden as a way to spend their retirement enjoying the people and things they love and value.

as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.” Black Elk’s Vision (1862 - 1950) Our Beliefs... We believe all people are One! And that this great truth lies deep within each person’s heart!

Our Publication… Highlighting leaders in Michigan from the holistic fields and spiritual field, we cover all aspects of wholeness from ancient wisdom to modern methods. The BMS Guide is printed and distributed to over 1400 locations throughout S.E. Michigan each month. A great place to find humor, inspiration, information, local events, products, and professionals that will assist you in enjoying a Healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind and Renewed Spirit.

We dedicate the Guide to the One Mother and the One Father and their children (you and I)! Though we speak many languages from differing nations, professions, religions, and realms, as we start to sing the language of LOVE we begin to become aware that we are all singing the same song! This publication seeks to create Harmony to that One Song, the BEAUTIFUL Song of life!

Our Founding Vision… “I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and

Howard & Penny Golden We welcome your contributions in the form of articles, comments and opinions. Ideally, we would love to know what you like, don’t like and what you want more of, from our advertisers and us. Give us a call at: 734 513-6137 Mon - Thu. from 10 to 6 or email us at:

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October 2012

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October 2012

Body Mind Spirit Guide Content Grow Your Dream.........................................................................8 To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before......................... 11 WHAT IS A FUNGUS?................................................................12 Seasons of the Soul...................................................................14 The Gift of Golden Honey...........................................................18 Why Choose the Holistic Approach?..........................................20 The Sacred Triad Corner............................................................21 The Need to Retreat...................................................................22 Three Keys to Personal and Planetary Change.........................24 The AMM Keeping Medicinal Marijuana Patients Safe..............26

LOOKING FOR THE GUIDE? IN STORES: Printed and delivered to 1400 locations throughout SE Michigan. Call 734 513-6137 to find the location closest to you. ON THE WEB: Use our zip code search tool to find the closest location or download a e-copy on your computer. IN YOUR MAILBOX: Don’t want to miss an issue? See page 4 full details.

Daily Affirmation: Vibrant Health.................................................27 Food of the Month: Delicata Squash..........................................28 Longevity Secrets.......................................................................31 After ‘Body Type’ Quiz, What’s Next?.........................................32 PEACE, LOVE AND YOGA DAY ...............................................34 ROCK OF THE MONTH Astrophyllite........................................36 The Importance of Self-Care......................................................37

We welcome your comments by phone, in letters, emails and on the web... Thank you for picking up and reading the Guide!

Family Constellations: A Transformational Process...................38 What We Resist, Persists...........................................................40 Spiritual Horoscopes..................................................................42 Give the Gift of Receiving...........................................................43 Accomplish Much More with Healthy Self-Esteem ...................45 Massage as Medicine . ..............................................................47 Are You Religious or Spiritual? ..................................................48 Free Yourself from Anxiety with EFT Tapping . ..........................49 Classes & Events ......................................................................50 The Voices of the Body Mind Spirit RADIO ...............................54 Community Classified Advertising..............................................55

One Whole One People, One World, One Love!

We print with SOY INK on RECYCLED PAPER! Please join us in honoring the Earth by sharing or recycling used copies of the Guide!

October 2012

October 2012


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Let’s Talk Health Radio Program BMS Radio Thursdays, 7:00 PM on On Sept. 15, Mike’s special Guest will be LEARN HOW TO: Ragen Chastain, dancer, Improve your health speaker, the author of the controversial blog .

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INSTRUCTIONS FOR LIVING ONE. Give people more than they expect... do it cheerfully.

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TWO. Marry someone you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.

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THREE. Don’t believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

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FOUR. When you say, ‘I love you,’ mean it. FIVE. When you say, ‘I’m sorry,’ look the person in the eye. SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

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SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight. EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone’s dreams. People who don’t have dreams don’t have much.

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NINE... Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it’s the only way to live life completely. TEN.. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling. ELEVEN. Don’t judge people by their relatives. TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly. THIRTEEN. When someone asks you a question you don’t want to answer, smile and ask, ‘Why do you want to know?’ FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

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FIFTEEN. Say ‘bless you’ when you hear someone sneeze. SIXTEEN. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson. SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R’s: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions. EIGHTEEN. Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship. NINETEEN. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice TWENTY- ONE. Spend some time alone.

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Green Products & Eco-friendly Product Vendors Welcome!

Grow Your Dream Making the decision to dream big can be a daunting task for many and quickly becomes a prison for most. What if we gave ourselves permission to dream beyond our current reality? Where could these thoughts take us? Here are three steps you can take to help you begin to plant your field of dreams. 1. Honor your discontent. Give yourself permission to enter and explore the realm of your deep desires. Harness this discontent by letting the dream begin to live in your mind and heart as a true possibility. Notice your body and your emotions. Does the feeling of desire heighten and your sense of aliveness quicken? If so, keep moving in the direction of your dream. If not, return to the inner chamber and discover a deeper longing. 2. Practice repeating “Up until now…” to keep thoughts of your past experience from limiting your possible futures. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get the results you’ve always had. Pause for a moment. You’ll hear the old chatter that dictates every reason for not taking a risk. Listen, and then pause. All these negative experiences and disappointments may have been true in the past, but now is the time to shrug them off. Your history does not determine your destiny. All of your disappointments and regrets belong to a time that is ending in this moment. In the next moment, let out your yearnings in a first roar of awakening --a roar of triumph. 3. Consciously co-create with God – whatever you conceive that to be - and the impossible becomes possible. Co-creation means you partner to build the greatest life you can live. When you recognize yourself as a co-creator, you ask for guidance and break through the self-im-

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October 2012

posed barriers that have been standing between yourself and your desires. Begin each new day giving thanks and concentrating on a desire that you previously believed was out of reach. Just for that day, act as if what you wanted was possible. Then see what transforms.


Your life is a gift. You can live only a portion of what’s possible in this life, or you can find adventure in building the deep longings of your heart. Mary Morrissey

Mary Morrissey, author of two best-selling books, “No Less Than Greatness” and “Building Your Field of Dreams,” has spoken at the United Nations and facilitated meetings with The Dalai Lama. A highly sought after speaker, coach and corporate consultant, Mary has 30 years experience empowering individuals in achieving new heights of spiritual aliveness, wealth and success.

Holistic Palooza 2012 The 11th annual Free Natural Health Festival will take place on Saturday, October 20th from 11:30am-6:00pm. Irene’s Myomassology Institute in Southfield is once again hosting Holistic Palooza, a day full of free lectures, yoga and massage for everyone who attends. This year’s event includes renowned keynote speaker Mary Morrissey, International speaker, best selling author, and new thought minister for over three decades, Mary’s transformational seminars have made her one of the elite teachers in the human potential movement. She has spoken at the United Nations, met with Nelson Mandela, lead meetings with the Dalai Lama, and authored the best-sellers No Less Than Greatness and Building Your Field of Dreams. Mary will kick off Holistic Palooza with an inspirational talk “Brave Thinking ~The Art & Science of Living a Life You Love”. Following her talk, Mary will be available for a book signing.






Sacred Sexuality Individual & Couple Coaching Group Classes, Workshops, Retreats

Leslie Blackburn 313.269.6719 October 2012

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To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before Humanity is exploring a new way of being, a new Shift in consciousness. Changes are happening within and around us. They are significant and directly related to energetic shifts in the electromagnetic field of the planet. Waves and waves of new and higher energies are bombarding us. We cannot see it but we can feel it. Most people, who are aware of this, believe they will feel these higher energies as joy and bliss. They are in error. How can you fill your cup with joy and bliss if it is already full of other stuff, our stuff? Therefore, most people feel these energies as angst, fear, stress and despair. At times they feel helpless and hopeless. The increasing angst is often experienced as reactive anger. They notice they are becoming angrier over the little things. Life has lost its charm,


fun, and passion. They know something is not right. Yet, they know not what to do. Some drink more, eat more, have sex more and turn to drugs. To no avail, life is the same. Sedation does not work. So they work harder, are more diligent, make sure good things happen in their life and bad things don’t happen. To no avail life is the same except that now you are exhausted from all the doing. Control does not work. “There must be more to my life than this,” they say. And they are right. We must first empty our cup of our stuff.

Divine, why do I feel so bad?” you might ask. A good question with an answer you may not like.

There Is A Positive

Resistance Is Futile

While many may see the Shift as negative, there is a positive. But you have to begin to see the world with different eyes. If you look beyond the world of form you can see what the eyes alone cannot see, the unfolding of a Divine Plan. How would you feel if you knew there was a Divine reason you are feeling the way you do? Would that not ease some of your burden? “So if this is

Consider that the waves of energy that are bombarding the planet are our friends, whose mission is to knock loose our negative and limited ways of being. Evolutionary changes are requiring humanity to clear away all personal baggage we have accumulated. You cannot take it with you anymore. Everyone is feeling it. Everyone is experiencing it. What is true is true whether you believe it or not. You can no longer resist the Shift. If you continue to resist, pressure will continue to build. You will get more angst, fear, anger, grief, illness and disease in your life. It is that simple. Resisting is like a tree with old stiff branches in a strong wind storm. If the tree does not bend with the wind, branches break and fall. The tree may be uprooted and die.

October 2012

Football players know the wisdom of nonresistance. If they know they are going to get tackled and they cannot break away, they simply give in to the tackle and fall. They no longer resist. Doing so increases the chance they will get injured. You know this. You know it is time to give in to the Shift and resist no more. To resist no more means to get real with you, to give up your previously held rigid beliefs. Self-inquiry of thoughts and feelings is necessary. Claiming responsibility for your creations is required. Many run from the feelings buried deep inside. But they are still there. This is like an ostrich who buries his head in the sand when he is afraid. The object of fear remains even if you cannot see it. Bringing old feelings to the surface is going to happen anyway. The shift will make it so. When You Hold On, Joy Cannot Come To You Because you are choosing to bury them into your subconscious mind, you are bringing the past with you into the present. These suppressed energies override your conscious mind because like attracts like. As long as you hold on, you can never receive the joy and bliss of the Present Moment. You must empty the cup of your stuff. Because you are bringing the past into the present, the prescription is to quit living in the past and let go. Because conscious breathing techniques such as Pranic Breathwork require you to be in the present when you breathe, past energies cannot exist in the present. They are effectively, powerfully and permanently sloughed off. Everyone reports feeling lighter after a Pranic Breathwork session. Why? Because they have let go of the denser energies they have held onto for so long. Your Connection to the Divine

HELP WANTED: THERAPIST: Award winning healing center seeks compassionate, skilled, nationally certified (or about to be) Massage Therapist. If you have passions for your craft, love helping others and want to be part of a dynamic team of healers, contact us immediately at: 734-416-5200. RECEPTIONIST: Reception / Administrative help needed to assist in the daily operations of a professional therapeutic massage healing center. Email name, contact info, experience and hours available to: Call us now at 734-416-5200 or email your resume to Learn more about us by visiting our site at:

New! Fresh! Original!

To boldly go where no one has gone before. Never before have so many been faced with this choice. This is where you can claim your power to a new way of being. This is where you can choose to step into and be the 4th dimensional energies of the present moment. This is the call of the Divine Plan. This is your path to your deeper connection with the Divine. This is your destiny.

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Dave Krajovic, MBA, CPA, NCTMB is a Master Breather, Certified Breath Facilitator, Senior Trainer for the Transformational Breath Foundation and co-founder of the Global Breath Institute. As an international speaker and trainer, he has helped thousands restore well-being, renew their passion for life and connect to inner Presence. Along with his wife and partner Pat, Dave and Pat offer programs for inspired and authentic living. You can contact him at 734-416-5200 or

October 2012

Deep Therapy Without Strain!


WHAT IS A FUNGUS? A fungus is a microscopic parasite from the plant family that thrives on the body’s abundant supply of minerals and sugars. There are many varieties of fungi, including yeasts and molds that can cause disease in humans. Most people know of Candida because it is the most well know disease causing fungus. Fungus can normally be found inside the intestines or in the environment such as on the skin, on pets, in foods and in carpets. The real problem starts when the immune system becomes weakened and fungus grows out of control. Many, if not most fungal infections, start with the use of antibiotics. In some individuals, even a single dose of antibiotics is enough to cause an overgrowth of fungus. This occurs when the antibiotics wipe out the beneficial bacteria found in the intestines. When the balance of the gut is disturbed by the elimination of good bacteria, harmful organisms and antibiotic resistant bacteria, fungi and other parasites rapidly multiply. Fungi are often very aggressive and difficult to control because they can form nests or colonies that spread throughout the intestines. This can be compared to moss growing on rocks, except the fungus is able to adhere to the crevices found in the intestinal walls. Fungi secrete chemical waste products that can accumulate in the human body. These toxins can cause behavioral changes such as hyperactivity and depression in people who are susceptible to fungal infections. Gradually, the fungus makes its way into the bloodstream. Once in the blood, a fungus can reproduce quite easily. A tiny piece breaks off and the “bud” starts a new plant. This can cause a population explosion, especially since there is plenty of sugar and other nutrients in the blood for fungus to survive rather well. Fungi are capable of traveling through the blood to every organ including the brain. They have adapted very well to 12

the human body, steal important nutrients, and make you crave sugar and carbohydrates. You may notice that when you get sick, you are prone to the same types of infections. As an adult they may be the same ones you had when you were younger. Maybe you rarely get sick, but when you do, you tend to have the same sore throat, lung infection, sinus congestion or even ear infections. This pattern of illness is not a coincidence. The earlier infections are often locked in at deeper levels of the body and resurface again when the body becomes weakened. Let’s take a person that had ear infections and sore throats as a child. After a few years and several courses of antibiotics, they seem to recover just fine. Then, sometime after, they get another sore throat. They take another course of antibiotics and feel better. The sore throat may come back every couple of years, but for the most part, this person is considered pretty healthy by most standards. Remember, antibiotics target bacteria - both good and bad. They do not kill resistant bacteria, flu or other viruses. The symptoms seem to “disappear” for now, until the next time the body becomes weakened or predisposed. With the periodic use of antibiotics over time, a body becomes quite populated by fungus. It gradually spreads in the intestines and into the blood, and begins to cause a variety of symptoms in other parts of the body such as poor digestions, food allergies, vaginal infections, joint pains, headaches and overall fatigue. Since the immune system is already under stress, the person may notice that they have developed chronic sinus infections that don’t seem to go away. At this point, they may be sent to an ENT who says the person has allergies. Some doctors recommend a few weeks of an allergy medication to reduce inflammation in the nasal passages.

Some recommend allergy shots. The person gets some relief, their nose is not so stuffy, they can sleep better, and are happy that problems have gone away. Or have they? What about the indigestion, gas, bloating, depression, joint pains, headaches, fatigue and chronic vaginal infections? You may take an antacid, SSRI for depression, over the counter headache medication and vaginal cream. For many people this vicious cycle of “quick fixes” is a common scenario. Unfortunately, this fictitious person may actually represent quite a large number of people. Despite advances in modern science, we have developed the potential for serious health problems with no real solution in sight – just a downward spiral of more drugs to “stuff” the symptoms just waiting for another replay. Fortunately, there are treatment methods available that are natural and effective, aimed at improving the condition of the entire body. We can prevent disease by treating the underlying cause. I never stop with a diagnosis. I want to know where it came from, what caused it, and how to find and cure the root cause. This has lead me to focusing on enhancing the immune system and eliminating the numerous hidden infections caused by parasites, fungi, viruses and bacteria. Because of the stealth characteristic of fungi and their link to aging and chronic disease, the most effective physical treatments would be holistic in nature and treating with Herbs. The goal of this type of treatment would be to improve the overall condition of the body, not just attempt to “kill the fungus.” God Bless, Dr. Mike Dr Michael D. Reggish, D.C., N.D., a Certified Holistic Wellness Doctor with over 32 years experience helping patients enjoy optimal health using all natural holistic methods learned from his studies traveling to 39 countries.

October 2012

bathroom. In three weeks the tumors went down to half their size and I lost 49 lbs. In less then three months the tumors where completely gone and I lost 78 lbs. Thank You and God Bless you Dr. Reggish

Tumors, Fibroids and Open Sores… What Do They Have In Common? Parasites and Fungus…

Sally, Grand Rapids

Over 50 open sores on my body: I’ve had open sores all over my body for over 10 years and they would never heal. My girlfriend had Fibroid tumors and had seen Dr Reggish and he was able to get rid of them naturally with herbs. So I thought maybe he could help me with these ugly sores. Dr Reggish ran a series of tests on me for only $45. And he gave me the results immediately that same day. Dr Reggish said it was parasites and toxic metals. Dr Reggish gave me some herbs and within two days these open sores formed scabs for the first time ever. These scabs would itch after a few days and when I would pull the scab off; there would be a little white worm. I got the tweezers out and pulled out this little worm and the sore would then completely heal and disappear. After three weeks now my sores are gone and my skin looks so good. My friends say I look so much younger. Thanks Dr Reggish Sally, Bay City A tumor the size of a grapefruit: I heard about Dr. Reggish from a neighbor in Flint who had read about Dr. Reggish. I had a tumor the size of a grape fruit on my ankle for a few months. The doctors I had seen wanted to operate. I said no and thought to try a holistic treatment. Dr Reggish ran some tests on me and found out it was fungus and parasites. He gave me some herbs to treat my condition. Immediately the first week the tumor started to get smaller. Now in three months, the tumor is now gone. This is like a miracle. I’m so happy that I saw Dr. Reggish. Also I had Floaters in my eyes and Doc said they were also parasites. With the herbs Dr Reggish gave me, they were gone within a month.. Thanks so much Doctor for the work and commitment you have for your patients. Joe, Flint

Open sore that covered my whole cheek: For 5 years I’ve had an open sore that covered my whole cheek. I had to wear a bandage to cover my cheek whenever I would go out or to work. I’d been to many doctors that only put me on steroids that never worked. Dr Reggish ran a series of tests for only $45, and the results were that it was parasites. After taking Herbs for 2 ½ weeks, the sore was completely gone and my face was completely healed up. This was a miracle and I can’t thank Dr Reggish enough. Betty, Lansing In our office we do a series of tests for Parasites, Major Food Allergies and Immune Challenges (Viruses, Flu Viruses. Retro Viruses, four different groups of Bacteria and four different groups of Fungus and Yeast) also Heavy Metals and Toxic Chemicals. All of these tests are done for a single fee of $45. With these tests we can identify and determine what factors are contributing to your health concerns. God Bless, Dr. Michael D. Reggish, D.C., N.D. Dr Michael D. Reggish, D.C., N.D. is a Certified Holistic Wellness Doctor with over 32 years experience helping patients enjoy optimal health using all natural holistic methods learned from his studies traveling to 39 countries. He is holding

Free Informational workshops on:

“The Holistic Diet” At 1pm & 6pm on Oct 9th | 1pm & 6pm on Oct 24 Th I lost 20 lbs in two weeks and I wasn’t hungry the whole time. It’s a great program. Bob, Saginaw

Two large tumors the size of pineapples, I read about Dr Reggish and his holistic approach to helping his patients. I’ve had two tumors the size of pineapples, one on each leg, for over 10 years. I’ve been to over a dozen doctors and they all wanted to operate to remove the tumors. Dr Reggish tested me and said that they were parasites. I was put on some herbs to kill the parasites. At first I couldn’t believe it because no other doctor had said that they could be parasites. When I started the Herbs, to my surprise I could see thousands of worms, when I went to the

“The Importance of Vitamin D” A must see lecture on Oct 10th and Oct 24th at 6pm, Chronic fatigue mood swings & depression gone in a week. I can’t believe it was Vitamin D. Michael, Bloomfield Hills At The Reggish Holistic Wellness Clinic, Willow Wood

Prof. Village, 31586 Schoolcraft Rd., Livonia. RSVP. Call 734-427-7110.



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Eve Wilson


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Seasons of the Soul A balance of darkness and light occurs on September 22nd which is the Fall Equinox; one of two times during the year where night and day are equal. I love this time of year, there is a sense of balance and peace that I experience; but not everyone may feel that way. For some there is a sense of sadness as summer ends. Rudolph Steiner, a great philosopher/ teacher from the late 1800s through the early 1900s had some very useful insights into the impact of the seasons on our psyches and souls. In his book of seasonal meditations called The Calendar of the Soul he tells us that during the summer, the energies of the sun and the cosmos cause our souls to expand beyond the limitations of our bodies and to subtly find union with a higher level of consciousness. In this expansion we feel joyful and free and open to life in ways that are harder to do during the darker seasons of the year. During this expansion our soul is washed in a higher wisdom and union with life. Through this union a seed of truth is uniquely gifted to each being and planted within us to nurture in our own lives. As we pass the Summer Solstice, which is the longest day of the year the light gradually diminishes until at Fall Equinox the day and night are equal in length and darkness and light are balanced in power. Gradually, along with the decreasing light, our soul begins to contract and descend back into our earthly identity. After the Equinox the soul may experience a kind of loss, rather like what you feel when a lover departs. Suddenly you are alone once again. This period of feeling more alone is an extremely important passage in our year. In retreating from the union with cosmic higher consciousness back into personal focus, we bring with us the seed of truth which we received from that union. During the darker months of the year our job is to nurture that seed within us and to allow it to be born as part of our own consciousness, bringing new light to ourselves and to the world we live in. I remember when I was pregnant with my daughter (now 20 years old!), how that Fall I felt so heavy and stuck within my body that I was depressed. I who am used to having a very strong union with spirit and life didn’t like being that grounded into my physical self

October 2012

(hormones will do that to you!). A lot of people feel that way when the darker months come and they call it Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Like a kind of spiritual pregnancy, each of us is birthing within us a seed of truth received during the months of brightest sunlight. The direction that life wants us to go as the sunlight diminishes is within, to nurture the light of God within our own self. If a person can embrace that change of direction and flow with it, they may find an increasing power and light within their own soul to help overcome the sad effects of the darker season. Letting go of the outward impulse toward happiness and light, we need to encourage it to grow within us, to let it be generated from within on our own behalf rather than being stimulated to it from without. Each of us is a presence of eternal, divine light in the world. Owning this truth is an essential passage in our soul’s evolution. The coming season is an opportunity to make progress along that path. Below is a simple meditation to help you do that. Candle Meditation*: 1) Choose a white taper candle if you have one; or any candle will do. 2) Sit in a darkened room in front of the unlit candle and center within yourself. Start by giving yourself an inner hug (like the one you would give a favorite child or pet). Relax backward into yourself until you feel centered around your spine, as though it were the core rather than the back of you (it is the center of your aura). October 2012

3) Light the candle while acknowledging that the flame is a focus of the true light at the core of all creation. 4) Let the light of the flame reflect and support the light within your own heart chakra in the middle of your chest. Feel the light within expand until it fills your whole body and aura. (Did you know you can see the light of a single candle for a mile under the right conditions? Light is that powerful!) Sit with the light within mirroring the light of the flame and the light of the flame mirroring the light within you. Relax into the feeling of truth and unity it generates.

with Sadhguru

5) Blow out the flame and let the light within you continue to bring you comfort, clarity and a feeling of union with all that is true. Carry the awareness of this light within you into your life. 6) As the days shorten, this exercise can help you to nurture the light within. It will water the seed of truth you received this summer, helping it gain strength and power within you over the winter season. *A longer version of The Candle Meditation is available with other exercises on CD # 1 from www. EVE WILSON Since 1986 Eve has been the Director of the Healer Development Program, a full time UCM Healer Practitioner and trainer of healers, She works with a person’s aura and higher consciousness to assist their evolution and heal the cause of issues. She works actively with planetary healing and ascension. visit www. for information and The Weekly Word Healing & Ascension Blog. Contact Eve: 734-780-7635. or at: evew@

To register, visit Use Discount Code ABC2012 to get $85 off

Also Access a Free Guided Meditation 15

Strategic Sales and Marketing Techniques Training for Coaches and Healers Cheryl Heppard, internationally known business and marketing consultant is hosting a two-day live conference, “List Spike Boot Camp LIVE Training,” Sat. & Sun., October 27 & 28, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. at the Marriott Laurel Park Hotel, Livonia. The workshop is designed to help small business owners and solopreneurs implement marketing strategies that will help them increase their revenue. According to Heppard, the marketing strategies she teaches allows business owners to increase their incomes without having to work harder or longer. “It’s actually easier to make more money and work less if you know how the process works,” she says. “I struggled for years working 6070 hour weeks, missing out on family time, while paying my assistant more than myself. But once I figured out the right formula, everything changed. This year we have already tripled sales and we’re on track to quadruple our bottom line from last year,” states Heppard. Her website,, is a wealth of resources and information for clients who want to take their businesses to the highest level and build their email lists. “We named


my new site ‘List Spike’ because of how crucial list building is as an online marketing strategy. Email marketing campaigns can be extremely lucrative, but it’s difficult to leverage that opportunity without a list,” Heppard emphasized. Attendees will learn: how to build a massive list of eager prospects in a matter of months - WITHOUT spending a fortune on advertising!; how to attract thousands of fans on Facebook and Twitter; how to maximize local papers and TV without an expensive PR agency and much more! Early bird tickets are available, $997 at the door, lunch included. Space is limited. Win an $8000 private business session with Cheryl! For info & tickets visit: www.

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October 2012

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer returns to his hometown of Detroit to speak about Wishes Fulfilled! On November 7th Dr. Dyer will be at the COBO Center to discuss mastering of the art of realizing your desires. Join Dr. Dyer as he takes you on a voyage of discovery, wherein you can begin to tap into the amazing manifesting powers that you possess within and create a life in which all that you imagine for yourself becomes a present fact. Exploring the region of your highest self; he definitively shows you how you can truly change your concept of yourself, embark upon a God-realized way of living, and fulfill the spiritual truth that with God all things are possible and “all things” means that nothing is left out. By practicing the specific technique for retraining your subconscious mind, you are encouraged to not only place into your imagination what you would like to manifest for yourself, but you are also given the specifics for realigning your life so you can live out your highest calling and stay connected to your Source of Being. From the lofty perspective of your highest self, you will learn how to train your imagination in a new way.

Join “Father of Inspiration” and New York Times Best-selling Author Dr. Wayne W. Dyer


Fulfilled Mastering the Art of Manifestation

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Laughter Yoga & Spirtual Retreat

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Extra services available for a nominal fee Emrich Retreat Center, 7380 Teahen Road, Brighton, MI October 2012®®


The Gift of Golden Honey Honey bees provide us with the gift of honey, revered as one of the most amazing and nourishing substances. The history of honey can be found as far back as the first known human writings in the Indian Vedas. As a food, honey is a source of many vitamins, trace minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, minerals, and nutraceuticals. Some of the vitamins found in honey include B6, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, niacin, and zinc. Minerals include calcium, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and sodium. In addition to being the perfect way to sweeten other foods, honey is an easily digestible source of energy which helps improve both strength and endurance. Many athletes use it before and during exercise to improve their performance

by providing energy while keeping blood sugar levels fairly constant. It’s also an ideal post workout food because it helps muscles recuperate by restoring glycogen. It is important that you obtain raw honey, meaning that it is in its natural state and will have all the healing and nutritional values intact. Honey should never be pasteurized or heated beyond 116 degrees even when separating the honey from the honey comb or the healthy enzymes will be lost. Honey isn’t much different than ordinary sugar when it’s processed so it is important to pay attention to the type of honey you purchase. Texas A&M University tested 60 honey products from supermarkets and grocery stores and found that 76% contained no trace of pollen. Known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, honey helps build the immune system and promotes good gut bacteria. Consuming raw (unprocessed) honey from a local

source is beneficial for those who experience allergies to local plants. Because honey is composed of nectar and pollen from plants, it provides a natural way for the body to build antibodies to those allergens. This is one of the reasons we carry several varieties of a very high quality, local, raw honey in the office for my patients. The antibacterial properties of honey for skin care, burns, and wound management are based on honey’s low level production of hydrogen peroxide. The ability of honey to soothe burns and heal skin makes it ideal for use in skin care. Honey carries a low glycemic load at 64 calories per tablespoon with a 10 on the glycemic index, which is less than a banana. According to the “Hibernation Diet,” honey can help people lose weight when used in specific ways. I’ll talk about the science behind this diet plan in addition to how the unique properties of raw honey, Royal Jelly,

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YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR FREE HEALTH WORKSHOPS! Oct. 24th 7-8pm “Honey for Your Health” @ Livonia Civic Center Library Oct. 30th 7-8pm “Pressure Point Therapy” Oct. 30th 8-9pm “Essential Exercises” @ Karl Wellness Center R.S.V.P. 734-425-8220 18

October 2012

First noted in late 2006, CCD refers to the disappearance of honey bee colonies along with specific signs and symptoms, such as worker bees abandoning hives that still have a queen bee or a capped brood. A 22-page October 2012

So here you have it. Honey is a true super food, a wonderfully sweet food full of great nutrition and at the same time offering us a storehouse of health benefits. Honey can reverse low energy, clear bad breath, and even improve vitality. Honey is truly golden in every way! Dr. William H. Karl, D.C., is a Brimhall Certified Wellness Doctor with over 30 years experience helping people to achieve optimal health. He is speaking at the Livonia Civic Center Library on Wednesday, October 24th at 7pm on “Honey for Your Health” For info visit: www., or call (734)425-8220.

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Honey bees are strong and resilient when they’re not overcome by stressors in their environment such as pesticides, other chemicals, or killer bees. Honey bees have survived massive die-offs, including the ones in the early 1900’s when the aerial spraying of pesticides was introduced. But now there’s something more insidious, called colony collapse disorder or (CCD).

Feeding high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) to supplement the honey bee’s food during the winter has also been implicated in the cause of CCD which gives us even more reason to avoid genetically modified corn, corn products, and high fructose corn syrup.

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Honey bees are amazing. In the United States alone, honey bees pollinate more than a hundred agricultural plants, and even more plants in the wild. They pollinate more than one third of our food supply. Honey bees visit about two million flowers and fly about 55,000 miles, equivalent to flying twice around the world, in order to produce one pound of honey. A single bee collects only about 1/12 teaspoon of honey in its lifetime, so it takes the entire lifetimes of approximately 560 worker bees to produce one pound of honey.

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The more I learn about the benefits of honey, the more I feel strongly about protecting honey bees from the things that are threatening their existence. Since I cannot imagine a world without honey or all the amazing things honey can do for us, let me share with you some of the things I’ve learned.

Since 2006, U.S. beekeepers have reported annual hive losses of 29%-36 % so figuring out and stopping CCD is very important. A class of insecticides, called neonicotinoids which contain the active ingredient imidacloprid and other similar chemicals including clothianidin and thiamethoxam, have been implicated for affecting honey bees when used as a seed treatment. These chemicals work their way through the plant into the flowers and leave residues in the nectar. While not specifically lethal, long term exposure is of great concern. Virtually all genetically engineered Bt corn grown in the U.S. is treated with neonicoticoids.

Become a Massage Therapist He

As a caution to those who have reacted to bee stings, those who are on blood thinners, and children who are less than 12 months of age, honey and bee products should be avoided until cleared by a healthcare provider with knowledge of the potential problems. Reactions for these people could be serious.

study by PANNA (Pesticide Action Network North America), “Honey Bees and Pesticides: State of the Science,” provides insight into the plight of the honey bees. PANNA is an organization working to replace the use of hazardous pesticides with ecologically sound and socially just alternatives. The studies that are cited have been conducted by scientists and beekeepers, not funded by pesticide manufacturers.


and Propolis may be used for improving health during my workshop at the Livonia Civic Center Library on October 24th.

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Why Choose the Holistic Approach?

your best choice to maintain and protect your most valuable asset, your health.

People with health challenges want to know, “Why?” Why do I have headaches? Why does my back hurt? Why am I always tired? Why me? When growing up I always wanted to know, “Why do I have allergies?” “Steve” doesn’t have them. The medical doctor’s only reply was “Well, we don’t know the answer Marc, maybe you’ll just have to move to Arizona someday and you’ll feel better.” He then gave me another script for antihistamines and sent me on my way. No conversation about diet or supplements. “Maybe it’s because of a subluxation in your neck, like a misaligned vertebra pinching a nerve that sends nerve flow to the sinus area that’s causing your sinus problems.” These words from my friend’s brother changed my life. A right or wrong answer, it made no difference. Someone was speaking the language of CAUSE to answer my question of WHY. This approach made so much sense to me. Are headaches from an aspirin deficiency? Of course not! At the time, I was Pre Med at Wayne State University. By the fall of 1978, I began my studies at Chiropractic College, in Marietta, GA. I am from a classic medical approach family. I grew up with Dr Kildare and Marcus Welby, MD. (Does anyone remember those TV shows?) I never knew there was any other approach, other than drugs and surgery. My classmates shared how their headaches, allergies, hearing loss, vision, digestive issues, fertility issues, etc. all healed or vastly improved with chiropractic care and holistic approaches. Really? Wow! Why aren’t there more people aware of this? Holistic health seeks to deliver in a safe, drug free mode the reason for pain and functional distress. The medical or allopathic approach is your best choice for emergency care - - holistic care is 20

Holistic healthcare centers on the body’s natural healing ability. The body is made to be healthy, well and vibrant. - it’s the central tenet. People don’t feel as well as they should when the body doesn’t receive what it needs. What does it need? Besides clean air and water, research says that our diet should be 75% fruits and vegetables. How many people are doing that? And how many people are not feeling as good as they should? Makes sense now? The body needs a healthy spine. The spine houses the nervous system, and the nervous system powers the body. It’s the “plug in the wall” that animates us, sending messages from the brain to the organs/glands and skeletal systems of the body. Misaligned vertebrae of the spine can cause pain and distress by disrupting proper nerve flow. You have stress, not just emotional stress, but structural stress and getting the proper nutrients for your body protect your most important asset, you have to give your body the resources it needs to handle the stress that you have in your life. Otherwise, it will not function at optimal levels and you will have aches/ pains, fatigue, or….. My passion for this work soared. How do I learn more? I became aware of a muscle testing technique called, Applied Kinesiology that allowed the physician to check acupuncture points and other reflex points, look for sprains and strains, and provide an avenue of approach to assess the wellbeing of the patient in a holistic manner. I noticed that when my fellow students needed help, they sought someone who knew this work. I purchased the AK manual which demonstrated the work of Dr George Goodheart, a chiropractor from Detroit. I could not put the book down, it became my second bible. Graduating from Life College in 1981, I returned to the Detroit. Determined

to do my part to get the information out about the value of chiropractic care and holistic health, I was voted in as district president and became a board member of the Michigan State Chiropractic Association. My goal was to be the best doctor I could be for my patients, by learning as much as I could to help them. I was grateful to learn from Dr Goodheart for many years by attending his many seminars, until his passing four years ago. I have many fond memories of this great physician and healer. FUNDAMENTALS OF MUSCLE TESTING is a course that I have put together from the work of Dr Goodheart, that will enable anyone invested in the holistic approach to enhance their skills by learning the art of muscle testing in a 10-session hands on course. We’ll explore aspects of the body’s structure, such as muscle strain and joint sprain, and fix what you find. Also, how this relates to the digestive system and nutrition, how to work with various conditions, and provide solutions that work. Plus much more! The idea for the course came from a patient who pointed out the value of knowing some of the muscle tests to monitor her children and family for structural and nutritional needs to keep them healthy. She also wanted a tool to enhance her work as a massage therapist. After consideration, I realized that there was a need for a course that enhances understanding of holistic health care while providing a tool to access the body and bodily functions, which would be practical in the home and clinical settings. Fundamentals of MUSCLE TESTING continues to grow, and I’m now offering a 10-session training sponsored by Birmingham Wellness Center with classes held at Irene’s Myomassology Institute. Enrollment is now open for the course beginning November 8, 2012. Marc Terebelo, DC 248-645-6070 October 2012

The Sacred Triad Corner

There are three things to know about the Sacred Triad: One, it’s a holy symbol that creates a peace, a stillness within the soul that many spend their life attaining. In healing, it calms and clears emotion. It aligns the chakras and creates a sense of well-being and peace. Two, it’s an angelic gateway that allows you to channel your higher self and ascended beings. Third, it’s the eternal mystery. It is all things and it is nothing. From nothing comes everything.

discomfort in the body. To remove it, you need to understand that it is there. What is in the auric field that is causing pain? . Memory of a past hurt in this lifetime, physical or emotional. . Some type of anger, resentment, guilt, judgment or other emotion. . Another’s burden that you are carrying for them (this is more common than you think). . An entity or other dimensional being.

What the three circles represent: TIME, ENERGY, and EMOTION (Among the many things they represent)

. A karmic debt we’ve carried from a past life.

First, we know there is no time. It is a made-up concept so that we can live in this dimension. There is no going backwards here, only forwards. A bit frustrating sometimes, I know. So with the Sacred Triad, we take time, energy and emotion and change what was, what is and what will be. How you change what was, what is and what will be is by erasing the concept of time, and by letting go. By releasing the past, we allow the future to rearrange. Until you let go of the past you are doomed to repeat it.

. A genetic memory of pain or disease.

Emotion is a type of energy. When we have strong emotions, good or bad, they create an imprint - - like a flashbulb leaving an echo on your retina. After it burns, if you will, it can get trapped in the kidneys, liver, intestines, and in the walls of your uterus or pancreas. Therefore, you need to wash out the energy from your body through cleansing modalities. Otherwise, the energy gets trapped there.

. A karmic source of honor we’ve carried from a past life. Don’t assume that you know what pain is in your body, what’s causing it, and that you have to live with it. Almost all pain is foreign to the body and is an indication that something is wrong. Here is a revelation - - we are not supposed to live our lives in pain. We are not here to suffer. We are here to learn and grow, to become and teach others to become LOVE, HONOR, FAITH, HOPE, JOY. Adrianna -- Mystic Connections Adrianna is a third generation intuitive medium and has a radio show with Body Mind Spirit Radio, 2nd Saturday of the month at 10 AM EDT. Want to find your connection to universe, and more?

Pain is also a type of energy. When you hurt your knee, let’s say you bang it; you have created energy between your knee and the object you hit. The truth is, only part of the pain is in your body and the rest is in your auric field - - and most of the pain we feel in our auric field has very little to do with our body. You may think I’m crazy and frankly 20 years ago I would have agreed with you, but I have seen this time and again. The pain is mostly in the auric field. Thus, we perceive the pain. But is it really there? Well, of course it is. Yes, it’s really pain and it really hurts. But does it have to be there? Can’t we choose something different? I think people who suffer pain don’t really think the rest of us get it. I remember daffy duck saying, “I’m different, pain HURTS me.” It’s funny because it’s true. It’s easier to discount someone else’s discomfort than our own. I am not trying to discount what you or someone you love may be going through pain wise. But I can tell you that if you are able to release the pain, to separate yourself from the discomfort, it makes a difference. Recognize that pain is energy and that pain is often emotion that may be stuck in time as October 2012

Mystic Connections Sacred Triad Fall GATHERING! $190 for Classes, Food, Prepaid service! $50 holds your spot! For a spiritual journey you’ll always remember: October 12th thru 14th Mott Community College Lapeer. MI

Incredible weekend workshops!

∞ E-F-T Tapping ∞ Animal Spirit Guides ∞ Numerology ∞ Everyday Majick ∞ Ghost Clearing ∞ Sacred Triad 1 ∞ Nia Technique ∞ Mastering Pendulums ∞ Sacred Sound Healing ∞ Create Herbal Sachets ∞ Emotional Alchemy ∞ Psychometry/Palmistry ∞ Intuitive Name2Art ∞ Akashic Records Mind2Mind Paranormal proof: including EVPs, videos and more!

Joyful drumming circle by Boe Glasschild, Choctaw Nation Guided meditation, Gallery Mediumship Demo, Energy Healing Aura photography, Free Lectures! Door Prizes! Stones, Handmade soaps, Essential oils, Metaphysical items


The Need to Retreat

A Holistic Healing Ministry for the Mind, Heart, Body & Soul

Offering: Energy Healing | Therapeutic Massage Aromatherapy | Alternative Cancer Treatment | Free Consultations Seminars & Workshops (810) 584-5514 | 720 Ann Arbor Street Ste 100 | Flint, MI See event section or visit

Kinds of Kisses..... • Kiss on the cheek = “We’re Friends” • Kiss on the hand = “I Adore You” • Kiss on the shoulder = “I Want You” • Kiss on the lips = “I Love You” • Kiss on the ear = “I’m Horny” • Play with their ear = “I Can’t Live Without You” •Arms around the waist = “Don’t Want To Let Go” • Looking into your eyes = “Let’s Get Romantic” • While Holding on tight = “Don’t Let Go Of Me”

Then Moses climbed the mountain to appear before God. The LORD called to him from the mountain and said, “Give these instructions to the family of Jacob; announce it to the descendants of Israel.” New Living Translation, Exodus 19:3 It seems that from the beginning of time, people have been going on retreat as a way to connect with nature, God, and their higher selves. So why are retreats so important? What do they do for us and why do so many of us have the need to retreat? Webster’s dictionary defines the word ‘retreat’ as, “a period of group withdrawal for prayer, meditation, study, or instruction under a director.” Our lives can become so hectic and stressful that we find the need to withdraw from the familiar routine to a place of quiet and solace. In these settings we can often find the emotional and physical rest and take a step back from our personal issues to work though the answers that we seek. Retreats can be a place where we allow our imagination and creativity to flow without the day to day limitations of household chores, work, children or spouses to distract. I find that when I am on retreat I can center my energy and connect to the God within. I can also connect to nature, and I can connect with others in a relaxed safe atmosphere. Sometimes, I get my greatest and most profound personal messages when I am on retreat. I quiet my thoughts and just listen. I can often heal and get the rest I so long for as a way to connect to my sacred space. Retreats are different for everyone. Some people experience a peaceful bliss while others a heightened joy. Regardless of the experience, it is usually profound and powerful. For those wishing to experience a retreat of this kind, an opportunity is available to you on the weekend of November 9th. A yoga and spiritual retreat is planned at the Colombiere Conference Center in Clarkston, Michigan. The weekend is open to all and include, 2 nights lodging, 5 meals, 3 Kundalini Yoga Classes, Zumba Class, A Yoga Drum Class, Meditation, a psychic development class, Crystal Healing workshop and a Hypnosis class for stress reduction & addictions. There will also be special services available like massage, reiki, psychic readings, spirit art & more! Cost of the Weekend is $325.00 and space is still available. For further information contact: Laura Ginn @ 313-412-7690 or go to: www.readingsbylaura. net/retreat.html to register.


October 2012

Marianne Williamson Returns to Michigan Marianne Williamson will be returning to the Detroit area to speak on “Consciousness and Activism” on Friday, October 19th at 8 PM at Renaissance Unity as a benefit for RESULTS. Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed lecturer, New York Times best-selling author and spiritual activist. She will be discussing the intersection of love and politics in a preview of her exciting upcoming event, SISTER GIANT. Marianne stated in a recent Huffington Post article “As we awaken individually, we will act more powerfully collectively.” RESULTS is a volunteer citizen’s lobby that works for the end of hunger and poverty. RESULTS and its sister organization RESULTS Educational Fund are revolutionizing the way Americans interact with their democracy while helping millions of people move out of poverty. RESULTS focuses on creating economic opportunity, global health, and education. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) stated recently that “it is absolutely essential that citizens all across this country be part of an effort like RESULTS that reminds members of Congress why it is so important to invest in women and children … If members of RESULTS aren’t talking about it, we won’t hear about it.” Marianne Williamson is on the Board of Directors of RESULTS. We invite you to hear Marianne Williamson insightful and inspiring words on Friday, October 19th at 8 pm at Renaissance Unity. For tickets go to: http://tinyurl. com/mariannew or for more info call (248) 756-6270.

The Beauty of a Woman The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows, the beauty of a woman with passing years -- only grows! ~ Author Unknown yet appreciated

October 2012


Three Keys to Personal and Planetary Change There are three keys to your individual and planetary change. Remembering your purpose, clearing the guilt box and radical self acceptance.. 1—Your evolutionary purpose and story: You have a very important purpose on the planet. You have a mandate from Spirit to realize more of your True Self. You are far greater and more magnificent then what you think you are. You have within you, all the qualities of God waiting for you. You must first choose to love yourself and clear off the dust to your shine, through self acceptance. Second cultivate your attention to this inner wealth through meditation and prayerful affirmations. Thirdly allow those qualities full expression in all you do. You do these three steps and heaven will be your reality on Earth. There is a promise you took before you came to the planet for of your soul’s evolution. Accept Creations edict, to become more yourself and you will see individual and planetary change. We take divine qualities (love, abundance, peace) and confine them to a limited paradigm. Love is confined to romance. Abundance to money. Peace to non violence. Peace is not just the absence of war. Peace is the flow of a stream, the harmony of the seasons, and the order in the

replication of your cells. Peace is the harmony in the organizing self correcting universe. Ask yourself “What would peace feel like right now?” Let yourself feel that peace. It is already within you. You have all the qualities of God within you. These qualities are dimensions of your Soul and universal elements of Creation. Abundance is the magnitude of leaves on the tree, plenitude of thoughts in your mind, and the boundless energy that turns the planet. Ask yourself “What would abundance feel like right now?” Let yourself feel that abundance within and around you, that is always waiting for your attention. There is an intrinsic order to your awakening. You focus to much on the ‘how’ and not enough on the ‘what’. Instead of asking “How do I change my life and help the planet?” Ask “What does this change look like and feel like.” Tap into that vibration, and the ‘how’ show’s itself. You have to put your butt on the path so that you can see the path. If you keep on asking ‘how’ and never allow yourself to become ‘what’, your steps will not show themselves. There are some amazing Self Acceptance ProcessesTM we will use in the seven week on line training that will tune you into your divine qualities and allowing them greater expression. 2- The Guilt Box: You live in a box of feeling unworthy and not enough. You would feel lost without the ‘old familiar’ thoughts of ‘I didn’t do enough’, ‘I need to do that better’, ‘everyone else receives good, but not me.’ You are trapped in a Guilt Box. You have un-knowingly put yourself in a box of feeling not good enough, bad, or a sinner. This guilt is not a healthy shame of ‘I need to apologize’. This guilt I speak of is the energy of: ‘I am not Love, as I am’ or ‘I am unlovable’. As long as you identify with this ‘guilt box’ you will not spiritual progress. Your core pains cannot be healed in the context of guilt. How can you feel fear or grief with compassion and non judgment when it becomes ‘proof’ of your not enough-ness? You can’t. You are loved just as you are. Accept this simple truth and your whole life would change because most of what you ‘do’ is based on trying to find your worth. You won’t find your worth in the world, God already made you worthy and whole.


October 2012

It is arrogant to think you can create something separate from God. When you accept your divine qualities you do so naturally in humility because you FEEL how these qualities are within all beings.

Everyone is equally God, abundantly gifted, and full of infinite potential. You are here to be the hands and feet of the divine in your all your expressions: living, breathing, working, and even sleeping.

The Guilt Box is also founded on a belief you need to fix, figure out, and heal yourself. You believe you are broken and must somehow heal yourself enough and then you will be all right. ‘Then’ will never come if you don’t live and move on a foundation of radical self acceptance. Try to fix the guilt and you are attacking fear with more fear, or pain with more pain. There are specific Self Acceptance Processes that will be used in the seven week on line program.

In a tiny willingness to open up, and love yourself torrential rains of good will fall upon your heart.

3-Radical Self Acceptance: Your self perception shapes your life. How you see yourself is how you will experience the world. Understand this spiritual law and it will become very clear to you that it is wise to love yourself, not selfish or a waste of your time. You can only experience what you believe about yourself. For example you could have the love of your life standing in front of you. But if you don’t feel you are worthy, you will deny their love by having attack thoughts about yourself and them.

The universe is self organizing, meaning the good you may have turned away in the past, is still waiting for you. It is never too late to live the life, God intended you to live. A life of expressive joy, harmonizing peace, and creatively expressing your unique song. In love, Barbra.White Barbra is a spiritual mentor, Self-Acceptance Process TM healer and Amazon best selling author. Owner of Accepted As I Am, and host of Accepted As I Am radio show on Barbra was raised to be a healer, over a decade of experience, a gifted intuitive, and originator of Self Acceptance Process. Barbra’s core teaching of radical self acceptance, causes changes in people who have been stuck for years, and ignites the core of healing. 734-455-1438

You must take full responsibility for your happiness to change your life. Self accountability with radical self compassion. Everyone is a mirror into what you think about yourself. You will be taught how to use the ‘world mirror’ and Self Acceptance Processes to change your life, in the on line seven week classes. You have practiced far too long being small, and giving your power away to the world by blaming others for your happiness. You have the power within you to be happy, change your life and be a beneficial presence on the planet. October 2012

Compassionate Witnessing Booths: How would you like to be heard at a heart level? At the core of every person, we just want to be heard and loved. Trained and certified Self Acceptance Teachers will listen to people for five minutes with an open heart, acceptance, non- judgement and non reaction. When someone can witness you with no agenda, you become present to yourself. Self Acceptance Teachers will not offer advice but rather a full giving of their hearts and presence. Donations go to local animal shelter. Compassionate Witnessing Booths will be at Ferndale Holistic Green Fair October 6th, 10am-8pm and October 7th 12pm-5pm. 3 Fairs will be going on that day. Funky Ferndale Art Fair, Green Fair and Holistic Festival. Saturday Oct 6th and 8th Barbra will be offering free intro Workshop about Awakening To Self Acceptance Preparing for 12/22/12 Interface. Compassionate Witness Booths will be in Affirmations Community Center 290 West 9 Mile Road. Ferndale, MI 48220 For info call Barbra at 734-4551438. Also go to Green Fair Website at, http://livegreenfair. com/index.php. Saturday Oct 6th and 8th Barbra White will be offering free intro Workshop about Awakening To Self Acceptance Preparing for 12/22/12 Interface. In Affirmations Community Center 290 West 9 Mile Road. Ferndale, MI 48220 For info call Barbra at 734-455-1438. At Holistic Green Fair. 25

The American Medicinal Marijuana Association (AMMA): Keeping the Dispensing of Medicinal Marijuana Safe and Secure for Patients The use of marijuana for medicinal purposes has been ongoing for thousands and thousands of years. Ancient Egyptians, Indians, Greeks, Romans, and Chinese used it for religious purposes and to alleviate various ailments or illnesses. One could also make an argument that people who use it recreationally are also unconsciously using it in a medicinal way – like someone who would want to take a valium (a drug that would be prescribed by a physician) – to calm themselves down. Many attempts over the years have been made to have marijuana (also known as “Cannabis Sativa”) legalized for recreational use. But, that has not come to pass. However, in 2008, the passing of the State of Michigan Medical Marihuana Act has made it possible for physicians to make a recommendation to the State for a patient, with certain approved health conditions, to have a license to use medical marijuana. While this has been a blessing to those who find their suffering from things like glaucoma or chemotherapy eased through the use of marijuana – having it readily available in a safe, convenient manner has posed some legal challenges. Strict rules and regulations for growing, storing and/or using medical marihuana is to be done in an enclosed locked facility. This has led many patients and caregivers to go into the streets to obtain and sell medical marijuana which places them directly in harm’s way. The American Medicinal Marijuana Association (AMMA) has been working very hard to keep the 26

distribution of Marihuana safe and secure through the recommendation that medical marijuana be dispensed and/or distributed in zoned medical facilities. It is also essential to note that the caregivers and farmers should have a proper outlet for their overages. In the last 16 years, in 16 medical marijuana States, the number of street crimes involving patients and caregivers has increased exponentially. For caregivers to be successful as consistent farmers, they must have a proper environment to be profitable rather than ending up on the streets illegally to recoup their large investments. According to J. Van Dyke of the AMMA, the AMMA advocates the “Medical Marijuana distribution to certified patients through a licensed caregiver network in a professional, by appointment only, medical office.” In this way, according to Van Dyke, marijuana can be kept “off the streets” and “away from Nonlicensed users.” Without having a medical facility specializing in the safe and secure dispensing of this medication, this has led to people getting robbed, mugged, or hit up by unscrupulous individuals to sell in the streets where anything can happen to them. When the victims contact the police, the police and the victims put themselves in harm’s way, again, while, according to Van Dyke “attempting to apprehend the perpetrators of an illegal illicit act.” To stop this madness, the AMMA, believes that the acquisition of this medication for a patient should be treated like any other medical prescription – through safe and proper medical facilities. Additionally, they would follow the procedures outlined in the HIPPA guidelines like any other medical office would that creates an environment of respect for the privacy of their patients.

Organizations like AMMA, and its affiliates provide safe medical clinics that are HIPPA Compliant, and as required by the state, a “bona-fide Doctor/Patient relationship.” They also provide a Learning Center and Orientation Program “LCOP” for Patients and Caregivers, advising them on the dos and don’ts of the Michigan Medical Marihuana program. Because of this, all members are kept safe and legal. “People who go searching for cannabis… aren’t aware of the danger they are facing,” Van Dyke says. When “they end up getting mugged or robbed… (It) gives law enforcement an issue and it’s centered on medical marijuana.” AMMA promotes the safety and well-being for their patient/caregiver members by providing a safe, secure, discreet medical facility that is HIPPA compliant. By taking the street dealing out of the picture, and preventing the need for parking lot/trunk transfers of medical marihuana, lives can be saved and the street crime stopped. Medical marijuana is illegal to use in public and/or drive under the influence. Some of these crimes are unwittingly committed when patients need to ease their suffering and pain, and have to resort to going into the street to obtain medical marijuana. The AMMA is about helping to save lives through the Right to Life under our American Constitution for all, We The People. We believe we should have the Right to Choose what Medication we choose to put into our body. However, we also advocate that with the Rights and Privileges of Freedom, come the Responsibilities and compliance of We The People. The AMMA wants all of their members to be SAFE and LEGAL…TODAY!!!

October 2012

Daily Affirmation: Vibrant Health

Training Healers, Empowering Lives Since 1986

Healing & Ascension Work

I am soBring joyous and gratefullife that my bodyharmony is in robust health. It your into is flexible, fully mobile, graceful, energetic, fit and strong. Daily, with power I balance my life withyour exercisehigher and movement that I enjoy, and that serves my body, mind and spirit optimally. I am a * Heal illness of body, willing creator and participant inemotion, my own,mind daily health plan. I & spirit am grateful for the opportunity to nurture, blocks supportto and lovingly * Overcome selfactualization take care of my body and of me. My intuitive connection to * Rapid & precise my body increases every day. I lovingly listen tohealing what it needs at the deepest level where and then fulfill those needs in a caring, compassionate manner. issues begin I fully appreciate my body and continuously act in ways that * Healing children, adults, demonstrate this appreciation.couples, families, pets

Eve Wilson

* Ascend the energy of body, I continue to seek a greater and expanded expression of my emotion, mind and spirit Eve is a natural body’s mobility and strength. I am courageous and feel to a higher vibration so it in my psychic/intuitive, able to body each day as I move forward life.more Everyinday, I choose perceive the body’s aura youinlive sync with and clearly interpret to forgive perceived hurts, misunderstandings and historical your truth the information holds and* myself. Gentle Resolution for perspectives fromit others I let go of judgments about a person’s life and Issues Including: DNA about mySince health1986 andEve the health of others and now replace health. & Hereditary, Childhood it with unconditional love and positive thought. Today, I set has been the creator Trauma, Acute or Long and Director of The myself free and choose to onlyTerm live “inHealth, the now” withLives, joy and Past Healer Development positive anticipation. Daily, intuitively and outwardly, I focus Soul Contracts Program, an ordained onUCM wellness and wholeness. I claim my own power and set Minister, Healer & Reiki Master. She healthy boundaries that are balanced, firm and flexible. I is recommended have freedom of choice and I choose to awaken every day to a by psychologists, greater aspect of and health and vitality. nurses, doctors UCM HEALER PRACTITIONER.

chiropractors. The love I have for myself and my body radiates throughout me to others. It penetrates deep and wide. My self-care Spiritual healing works at any distance. is nurturing, supportive of my goals, and in balance with all Treatments in person or on the telephone. aspects of my life. I truly love “ME” and, because of this, I am CLASSES able to live in AND a perpetual state of vibrancy.CLASSES: I am so very CERTIFICATION The & Ascension Certification thankful thatHealer my body is always working to keepCourse, me optimally Healer 101, Reiki I, II & Master healthy. All is well in my body. This or something better. So (see add this issue for The Healer Development Program) be it. Thank you, God!


“The best money we ever D. & M. (married couple) CO Rev. Deborah Bogle, MA,spent!” LLP, CAADC, (248) 244-2060 Helping , dbogle@ “In oneHearts healing Heal for dog Eve saved me $1500 and saved my dog the pain of surgery!” ”10 years ago I lost my finger and the ligament was torn all the way to the elbow. After suffering 10 years of terrible pain, it felt completely better after a healing treatment with Eve and I have strength again in the hand.” T.S., Royal Oak “My grandson has polycystic kidney disease with complications in the heart and Experience liver. Eve has working with him for a few YOU CAN HEAL! the been permanent clearing months andofduring this time his on heart ultrasound went from seand healing emotional wounds a psychological, vere dysfunction to mild, the doctors can’t explain the spiritual, neurological and cellular level. improvement!” J.O., Warren, MI

Eliminate anxiety, depression, fears and Private Healing Treatments Available! addictions so you can move forward

TRE AT M your E Ngoals T S and A Ndreams. D CLASS INFO and fulfill

Deborah Bogle, M.A.


Deborah is highly skilled and works very intuitivity with her clients. Certified in Clinical Psychology, MI Limited Licensed Psychologist (L.L.P.), Trained Addictions Counselor Deborah Bogle, M.A. (248) 244-2060 |

October 2012

The Healer Development Program Attend from anywhere in person, live internet, phone

Enrolling Now Winter Session Healer & Ascension Certification Course Legal UCM Healer Practitioner Certification

Advanced, Rapid / Effective Techniques Include: Aura Reading, DNA, Soul Contracts, Power Animals, Inner Child, Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual Healing, Retroactive Healing for Present & Past Lives, Healing Qabalah, Ascended Masters, Etheric Surgeons, Archangels, Healing Pets & Children, Earth Healing, & Ascension Work.

13 mos alternate weeks (Students pick night) 7– 10p

Cost $2850 in advance, $3000 pay as go Includes 5 Personal Healings with Eve Wilson

Fall Reiki Courses SATURDAYS 10AM - 2PM Reiki I - Hands-on Healing $115 Sep. 22 Reiki II - Distance Healing $120 Oct. 13 Reiki III - Master Teacher Certificate $450 2 day class Nov. 3 & 10

Intuition Development/ Self Healing /Essential Foundations

The Healer Development 101

6 Tuesdays September 25 - Oct. 30 7-9:30PM

Spiritual Boundaries and Discernment, Auras, Chakras, Healing Qabalah, Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Power Animals, Purifying Water, Crystals, Aura Reading/Healing Demos, More Attend from anywhere or in person in Ann Arbor

$280 Advance $300 pay as go.

Since 1986 Eve Wilson has been Creator and Director of The Healer Development Program, an ordained UCM Minister, Healer Practitioner & Reiki Master. Recommended by therapist, nurses, & doctors. Eve is a natural psychic/intuitive, able to perceive the body’s aura and clearly interpret the information it holds about a person’s life and health. Classes accredited by NCBTMBCont. Ed Massage Therapist

Private Healing Treatments Available!



Food of the Month: Delicata Squash Presents ESPIRA - METHOD OF BREATHWORK FIRST TIME EVER IN MICHIGAN Join us for a transformative method of moving through the CHAKRA system in a spiraling affect, and see how it interconnects the way we move through life and its challenges. This technique will dissipate any obstacles that are blocked or remain in our way. One result is to become energized to seek for (or more deeply realize) our true life purpose and our vocation of destiny. The TIME IS NOW, we need each other to hold as much light in our bodies, and to step into the true authentic BEINGS. I am now offering a one day event at a vibrational level with quickened effect. This workshop will support those who are uncertain, unclear and afraid of our transforming world. It all comes together in our underlining urgency to do something. Join us

Dec. 1, 2012 at 9:00am- 5:00 pm Cost is $100.00 (Space is limited)

Call me at: 586.295.0964 or register at:

Love and Light, Paula Rowe 28

body. When I use it, I grate it because it gives a chewy texture to the dish. That chewy texture makes it a great Out of all the winterPresents: squashes,ESPIRA - METHOD cheese substitute without OFthe BREATHWORK one stands out as being all the mucous forming FIRST TIME EVER IN MICH sweetest, most tender and delecproperties you get from dairy. table - delicata squash. It is my favorite Join us for a transformative This recipe makes a great holiday dish to and after you tastemethod one, I hope it will bethrough of spiraling thewith family and friends. share yours too! CHAKRA system and see how it the way Not familiar withinterconnects it? It’s the smallest of we move through life and challenges. Stuffed Delicata Squash (serves 6) the winter squashes. It looks like a large, oblong cucumber that is yellow with green This technique dissipates blocked 3 delicata stripes. It is in stores a shortand period inonly our for system energized you squash of time, usually starting in September. By 3 broccoli stalks (cut up) to realize your true destiny. late November it is hard to find. To enjoy 1 onion (diced) The TIME IS NOW, this wonderfully sweet squash, I wouldfor us to hold as much light in our bodies, 1 1/2 cups grated mochi highly recommend buying them when you and to step into our authentic being. see them in the store. 2 cups cooked brown rice Join us: Dec. 1, 2012 9 am5 pm Winter squashes, like delicata, feed 4 T. tahini Cost is $100.00 (Space is limited) and nurture the spleen, pancreas and 3 T. tamari (naturally fermented soy stomach. They impart warmth into your sauce) Call 586.295.0964 or register at: body, improve energy circulation, are high 3 T. water in complex carbohydrates which helps Love and Light, Paula Rowe stabilize your blood sugar levels, and Cut squash in half, length wise, place aids in digestion. They are also very high in carotenoids which give them anti-car- on cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for cinogenic properties. Squashes provide 45 minutes. Steam broccoli until al dante potassium, riboflavin, magnesium, iron (bright green and still crisp). Sauté the onion in olive oil and a dash of tamari until and vitamin A and C. starting to blacken. When squash is done, The easiest way to enjoy delicata’s scoop out seeds and discard them. Resweetness is to bake them. Cut the move some of the flesh and place in bowl. squash in half, length wise, and place flat In the bowl also put the steamed broccoli, side down on an oiled cookie sheet. Bake sautéed onion, mochi, brown rice, tahini, at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until a tamari and water. Mix all together. Spoon fork goes into the flesh easily. Scoop the into the squash halves. Place on cookie seeds out and discard them. Serve as is, sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minor season with some olive oil and a pinch utes. Let sit a few minutes before serving. of sea salt. The squash will melt in your The skin of the squash is soft, so you can mouth. It’s as creamy as butter and as eat the whole thing! sweet as a dessert. Valerie Wilson... The skin is so soft you can eat it as well. In the following recipe, I feature the Valerie, A.K.A. MacroVal, is a squash and use mochi. Mochi is found chef , author, counselor, and new in health food stores in the refrigerator host of ‘Healthy Cooking with section. It is made from pounded sweet MacroVal’ radio show on Body Mind brown rice (a type of brown rice, nothing Spirit Radio. Located in Westland, Michigan, she has been teaching whole foods sweet is added). It is high in fiber, releases cooking classes since 1997. Recipe is from her glucose slowly into your system, and cookbook ‘Perceptions In Healthy Cooking’. Visit: imparts warmth and stamina into your or Call her at: (734)722-4553.

October 2012

A new CEO The new boss was determined to rid the company of all slackers. On a tour of the facilities, the CEO noticed a guy leaning against a wall. The room was full of workers and he wanted to let them know that he meant business. He asked the guy, “How much money do you make a week?� A little surprised, the young man looked at him and said, “I make $400 a week. Why? “The CEO said, “Wait right here.� He walked back to his office, came back in two minutes, and handed the guy $1,600 in cash and said, “Here’s four weeks’ pay. Now GET OUT and don’t come back. “Feeling pretty good about himself the CEO looked around the room and asked, “Does anyone want to tell me what that goof-ball did here? “From across the room a voice said,�Pizza delivery guy from Domino’s.

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October 2012


Longevity Secrets Everyone wants to live as long as they can. We also want the best quality of life as we continue to age. Without good health and the ability to handle stress, living longer becomes a challenge and often undesirable. The goal is to live a long, vibrant and healthy life, with the ability to handle different types of stress. We are all exposed to stress from the environment. The air, food and water contain chemical toxins and pollutants that are not designed to be inside the human body. These cause internal stress to all systems of the body, especially the digestive and hormonal systems. As food becomes more processed and genetically modified it is essential that we incorporate simple detoxification programs into our lives.

Change your health Change your life Trying to Do it All? Living With Pain? THERE IS HELP! Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, D.C., N.D “Chiropractic Wellness Physician”

A doctor who understands, your health issues are real, and can provide true help ! offering: • • • • • • •

Stress & Pain RELIEF Hormone Balancing Energy Restoration Whole Food Nutrition Detox & Weight Loss Natural Digestive Help Gentle Chiropractic

Call for Free Hormone Test

TLC Holistic Wellness

31580 Schoolcraft Road Livonia, Michigan 48150 Call Today: 734.664.0339 30

Foods that help with detoxification include members of the cabbage family including brussell sprouts, broccoli, and kale. These alkaline, mineral rich vegetables help improve liver detoxification. If these foods are not a regular part of the diet, or not eaten daily, they can be consumed through whole food supplementation. Whole food nutrition provides the genuine replacement nutrients that we need to help keep our bodies healthy. These concentrated food supplements have all the vitamins and minerals that are essential for health, compared to the isolated nutrients found in manmade conventional supplements. When combined with healthy dietary choices, whole food supplements help keep us living longer and healthier. Healthy foods are essential for our longevity. A diet focused on organic vegetables and fruits, instead of processed and fast foods, helps to provide the body with real nutrition and fiber. Eating the proper balance of protein, carbohydrates and good

essential fats is also key to longevity. Too much sugar and excessive carbohydrate consumption leads to unwanted weight gain and hormonal stress. Hormones are chemical messengers that signal the body to make energy, respond to stress, and govern our weight, pain levels and mood. Stress from toxins, excessive sugars, and nutritional deficiencies cause the hormones to go out of balance. When the hormones are not balanced, the proper anti-aging hormones are not produced. The body requires specific nutrients, including essential fats in order to make hormones. These must be supplied daily from our diet. Essential foods and oils such as avocado, flax seed, olive oil, and tuna oil provide the necessary levels of Omega 3 oils that the hormones and brain need to be healthy. Most people get more Omega 6 than Omega 3 in their diet, with the average ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 at 10-20:1. The correct ratio should be 1:1. The brain requires the correct balance of Omega 3 oil in order for us to stay sharp and smart. The least expensive Omega 3 may not always be the best, as the oil is often rancid, and not purely Omega 3. With our diets being so out of balance, supplemental Omega 3 Oil from a trusted whole food source is essential for both brain and hormone health and longevity. We are what we eat, but actually we are what we digest and metabolize. If the digestive system is not working properly, we cannot absorb and use the nutrients in our food or our supplements. Beginning at age 30, our bodies decrease digestive enzyme production 12% per decade. That means by age 50 the enzyme production is already reduced to 25%. Digestive enzymes are essential for October 2012

proper digestion, nutrient utilization, and longevity. With proper digestion and nutrient absorption, we can keep our joints and spine healthy by adding exercise and mobility. Motion is key to moving nutrients into muscles, joints, and body tissues, and keeping healthy blood and lymphatic flow. Exercise benefits the heart and entire body, helping promote longevity. Making sure we drink the correct amount of water is also vital for keeping our brain healthy, our body and joints hydrated, reducing stress on our hormonal system, and creating a healthy digestive system. Water makes up 70% of our body composition. The brain is over 80% water, the muscles are over 85%, while the blood is over 90% water. The nutrients we use are moved into the cells of the body by water. Drinking half our body weight in ounces of healthy clean, hydrating mineral rich water promotes longevity, since all body functions require water. The secrets to longevity include proper body hydration, healthy brain function, efficient digestion, balanced hormones, reduced toxicity and stress. Simple diet and lifestyle changes can help anyone improve their health, energy and longevity. Some alternative health care physicians utilize non-invasive screening methods to evaluate one’s health and fitness level, ability to respond to stress, and longevity potential as part of their initial evaluation. Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, B.S., D.C., N.D. owns TLC Holistic Wellness in Livonia. She has provided holistic and nutritional recommendations using live water & whole food supplements for 27 years as a practicing chiropractor, naturopath-wellness consultant. Visit for more information and free public workshop dates, or call (734) 664-0339.

October 2012

Free Health and Wellness Forums Here are a few of the exciting, informative and FREE workshops sponsored by The Foundation for Wellness Professionals. This non-profit national organization is comprised of physicians who are dedicated to providing educational classes on alternative health topics. The doctors donate their time, promoting health and wellness in their local communities. The Livonia representative is Dr. Fischer. Here is your chance to meet her and learn from one of the most unique female holistic wellness physicians in the area. Come learn why Vitamin D is Essential for overall health, Monday, October 15, 7-9 PM. Hear how vitamin D acts as a hormone, an anti-oxidant, an immune enhancer, and is essential for bone growth. The different ways to get vitamin D will be discussed, including what foods to eat, and how to easily and affordably test your Vitamin D levels at home. Handouts provided to the first 10 guests. Make your reservation at: 734-756-6904. This free event will be held at TLC Holistic Wellness, 31580 Schoolcraft Road, Livonia. Looking to Balance Your Hormones Naturally? Attend this workshop on Tuesday, October 23, 7-9 PM. Learn from a woman who’s been there! Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, BS, DC, ND. presents, “A Holistic Approach to Balancing Your Hormones Naturally.” Over 80 million women in the US currently suffer with PMS and symptoms of menopause, including difficulty sleeping, fatigue, hot flashes and weight gain. Many of these women are confused as to what health options are available or what is right for them. This workshop will educate you about natural alternatives to addressing

hormone related problems, imbalances and menopause. Handouts provided to the first 15 guests. Make your reservation at: 734-756-6904. Held at the Civic Center Library, 32777 Five Mile Road, Livonia, 3rd floor. About Dr. Fischer Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, B.S., D.C, N.D. is a nationally known speaker in her profession and has lectured and helped people throughout the United States. Dr. Fischer is one of the few Chiropractic Holistic Wellness physicians in Livonia, and is a dedicated member of the Foundation for Wellness Professionals. For over 5 years, Dr. Fischer has written numerous monthly articles for Body Mind Spirit Guide, offering health and nutritional wisdom. Many of her patients share their appreciation of her not only because of the quick results they get, but because of how much she cares about them. Dr. Fischer has been practicing holistic wellness family health care for over 27 years, and is a holistic chiropractor, clinical nutritionist, and a molecular hydration specialist. Her approach incorporates nutrition, muscle reflex testing, gentle nonforce chiropractic, detoxification and weight loss programs, herbs, homeopathy and “live” ionized alkaline water to balance the body naturally. In July 2012, Dr. Fischer was honored by the Livonia Award Program, and was given the prestigious Best of Livonia Award in the Nutritionists category. In 2011, Dr. Fischer was selected for inclusion in the renowned publication, “The World Wide Leaders of Health Care,” published by the International Association of Chiropractors. Her motto is, “You Can Change Your Health, and Change Your Life.” For more information visit www. or call (734) 664- 0339. 31

After ‘Body Type’ Quiz, What’s Next? I hope you enjoyed taking the Dosha Quiz from the September issue. Wasn’t it interesting to know your body type, and maybe a bit confusing to understand what it means? It often happens that we feel, “Oh! I am a Vata, sometimes Kapha and more Pitta.” Or,”Oh! I wish I could have been more Pitta or Kapha and less of Vata.” However, I was more excited to write this article, as many of you have guessed what your body type is and are interested in knowing, “What’s next?” How do I interpret it? How do I take care of myself so that I feel in balance most of the time? (I say ‘most of the time’ because if we are in balance all the time, we might not know what balance means, so we have to know imbalance to feel the pleasure of being in balance.) In this article let’s take a peek at Vata personalities. Vata’s have very active or hyperactive personalities, are alert and easily excited. They are quick and act without much thinking. They are very creative, enjoy daydreaming, and have a good imagination. They love people and may also love someone out of fear. They suffer from insecurity, restlessness and insomnia. Their faith is very flexible and shaky. These individuals are ready to accept change, however, that change doesn’t last for long. They dislike sitting idle and seek constant action. They are delicate and have small, recessed, dry eyes. Their skin and hair usually get dry easily. They have an irregular appetite and thirst, and often experience digestive and malabsorbtion problems. Vata in Sanskrit means ‘Wind’, 32

which is a combination of air element and space element; so it is very light, subtle, dry, rough, cold and mobile like Wind. This biological energy is very important in our body as the other two biological energies, Pitta and Kapha, are unable to function without Vata. This element carries out many important functions in our body. It is responsible for transportation of sensations and movements, e.g. joy, happiness, creativity, speech, sneezing, respiration, elimination and pain. Vata predominant disorders Vata qualities are dry, light, cold, rough, subtle, mobile, clear and astringent. Dryness increases due to dry food, dry weather, leftover food, insufficient water intake and dry wines. This inhibits lubrication and leads to dry skin, dehydration, constipation, cracking and popping of joints, hemorrhoids, fissures, muscle wasting, emaciation, extreme fatigue and arthritis changes. Light qualities increase due to prolonged fasting, insufficient food intake, traveling, jogging, jumping and going against gravity (in airplane) which causes light-headedness, dizziness, loneliness, ringing in ears, weight loss, thinning of bones and osteoporosis. Cold qualities are aggravated by cold food, frozen food, cold weather, cold drinks which create chills, cold hands and feet, poor circulation, muscle spasms, stiffness and numbness. Rough qualities are in beans and raw foods that create gas, bloating, distention and pain during digestion. Mobile qualities are increased by excessive activity like hiking, biking, jogging, irregular lifestyle, not taking time to eat, and doing too many things at the same time. It is responsible for hyper talkativeness,

hyperactivity, restlessness, tremors, tics, spasms, insomnia, breathlessness, ADHD convulsions and seizures. Emotionally, Vata is increased by fear, anxiety, nervousness, insecurity, loneliness and agitation. A Vata person is blessed with forgetting things, so an insult or hurt can be forgotten easily. However, it goes into their subconscious mind and the person suffers from fear, phobias, and psychosis about which he or she does not know the cause. Vata has five subtypes - Prana, Vayan, Udan, Saman, and Apana. In Hindu rituals when praying it is said:Om Pranya swaha Om Vyanay swaha Om Udanay swaha Om Samanay swaha Om Apanaya swaha Great rishis knew this secret, that if the Vayu (Vata) is not kept in control, it has the capacity to cause great imbalance in our body. So, greet your Vata every morning (prayena pavana prabhu) and it stays happy, calm, and loves doing its job in your body and does not get upset. Isn’t it cool that we apply this same principle to please our Boss (greet him with smile!!) Enjoy this Vata season (Fall) by following some simple tips: Daily Regimen* Abhyanga - Apply sesame oil to your whole body before showering and leave it on for 5-10 minutes. Rinse by taking a warm shower (no soaps). Repeat 3 times a week. * Give yourself a head message with sesame oil twice a week at bedtime. Leave the oil on for the rest of the night and take a head shower in the morning. * Introducing a few drops of organOctober 2012

ic homemade ghee in each nostril a few times a week. * Eating warm, soupy food, steamed vegetables, warm drinks and teas. Increasing the intake of cooked food over raw foods. * Setting up a routine and following that routine for work and eating habits. Food RegimenVata pacifying food: Asparagus, Beets, Cabbage (cooked)*, Carrots, Cauliflower*, Cilantro/Coriander, Cucumber, Daikon radish*, Fennel (anise), Garlic, Green beans, Green chilies, Jerusalem artichoke* Leafy greens*, Leeks, Lettuce*, Mustard greens*, Okra, Olives (black), Onions (cooked)*, Parsley*, Parsnip, Peas (cooked), Potatoes (sweet), Pumpkin, Radishes (cooked)*, Rutabaga, Spaghetti squash, Spinach (cooked)*, Sprouts*, Squash summer and winter, Taro root, Turnip greens*, Watercress and Zucchini. In Legumes and Grains - Aduki Beans, Amaranth, Black Lentils, Durham flour, Lentils* (red), Mung beans, Mung dal, Oats, Oats (cooked), Pancakes, Quinoa, Rice (all kinds), Seitan (wheat meat), Soya cheese*, Soya milk*, Soya sausage*, Sprouted wheat bread, Tofu*, Turdal, Urud dal and Wheat. (* - Should be taken in moderation) Exercise RegimenVata needs calm, slow, steady, grounding, strengthening and consistent exercise. Swimming and Walking. Yogic postures like Lotus pose, Diamond pose, and Lion pose, Sun Salutation done slowly and consciously, Tree pose, Triangle pose, Warrior pose, Gate pose and all standing forward bends, Cobras and Locusts (simple back bending) done consciously and carefully, Forward October 2012

bends of all types especially Head knee forward bend (Janu sirs asana) and Full forward bend, Fetal position, Tortoise pose, Boat pose, Yogic seal (yoga Mudra), Spinal twists, Sage twist and Noose twist. Ayurvedic Regimen-

The Aetherius Society


Ayurvedic Massages are the most healing and relaxing massages especially for Vata predominant personalities and people who suffer from Vata disorders, as herbal oils are used for Massaging to strengthen the muscle and bone tissue with certain pressure points. Ayurvedic therapies like Basti of - Kati, Janu Greeva, Uro, Hrid, Shirodhara, Nasya and Swedan are relaxing and therapeutic for Vata imbalances. (Information listed in the article is for educational purposes only). Dr. Beena Beena Vesikar M.D. Ayurvedic Medicine, CMT, Clinical Nutrition consultant Beayurvedic Wellness Center Offers Ayurvedic consultations, Panchakarma, Ayurvedic therapies, Yoga, Pranayam and workshops on healthy living. Call – 248-631-7271 or email- to get the seasonal Ayurvedic relaxing, rejuvenating and refreshing package info.

Launch of Aetherius Radio Live with co-hosts, Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze. Tune in at Body Mind Spirit Radio

Sunday Service

SUNDAYS - 11:00 a.m.

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Monday Service

MONDAYS – 7:55 p.m.

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The Aetherius Society

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St. Jude’s Novena

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the world Now & Forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us, St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day; by the 8th day, your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised.

PEACE, LOVE AND YOGA DAY: A CELEBRATION FOR ALL!! The peace and love energy was palpable at the “Peace, Love and Yoga Day” sponsored by the Yoga Association of Greater Detroit (YAGD) and the Citizens for Peace on Saturday, August 25th at the Livonia Senior Center. Lynda Herman, president of the YAGD, Sharon Brand, yoga instructor at the Senior Center and other locations, and Colleen Mills, president of the Citizens for Peace planned and hosted the all day celebration.

Peace... Carol

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A variety of yoga and meditation teachers volunteered their talents for the special day. Karen Farkas, Lynda and Sharon’s yoga teacher, was the keynote speaker. Karen shared her story of how discovering the practice of yoga saved her life. After a very difficult time in her life, she responded to a notice about a yoga class. It was the inspiration she needed to turn her life around. As a yoga teacher for 40 years, Karen has influenced countless others to live mindfully through the practice of yoga and meditation. She encouraged the attendees to take the practice off their mats and into their daily lives by looking at all they see as if for the first time; hearing as if it’s the first sound; noticing the taste

of food before swallowing; appreciating the smells of the earth; being aware of the whole body in space; walking, sitting, moving with awareness; and paying attention to the wonder and beauty of the world. The day, (8:15 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.), included classes for beginners to advanced practitioners, including: Mindful Yoga with Mimi HollandMoritz; Sun Salutations with June McCarthy; Chair Yoga with Christine Walbridge; The Five Tibetans with Diane Siegel-Divita; and Flow with Peace, Love and Yoga with Sharon Brand. Kathy Bindu Henning led a session on Present Moment Meditation. A practitioner of meditation for over 35 years, Kathy teaches classes in the metro Detroit area, including the Livonia Senior Center and Schoolcraft College Continuing Education. Lunch was prepared by George Mills and volunteers from the Citi-

October 2012

zens for Peace. After lunch, Colleen Mills shared some thoughts on her practice of yoga and meditation.

Dancing Your Dream

“Besides the obvious effect of keeping our bodies fit, flexible and balanced, yoga and meditation helps us to focus; reduce stress; enrich one’s spirit; turn off the chatter in our brain; go to an experiential peace zone; and open the heart chakra – the seat of peace, harmony, laughter and love.” She discussed the four needs of the heart: attention, affection, appreciation and acceptance. “Developing a yoga and meditation practice fulfills these four needs,” she said.

Have you lost sight of your dream? Perhaps life choices have taken you down other paths. Can the dream be awakened? This playshop is designed to bring focus and clarity to your dream – to re-discover it and provide encouragement for the proceeding forward to achieve results. We will actively use music, movement and meditation to seed your dream and motivate you to move forward toward your goal.

After lunch, yoga teacher Jan Chekirda provided mandalas and markers to the participants. The result was a variety of colorful expressions, each as unique as snowflakes. It was a relaxing, artistic meditation. Also, The Happiness Prescription video was shown and viewers received the wisdom of Deepak Chopra on the keys to happiness. He shared the research that the happiest people are those who make others happy.

Open to the public * FREE!! Each Jam Session will be taught by several Nia teachers in a roadhouse fashion. All are welcome! FREE... JOIN US: October 27th, November 24th, December 29th.

Colleen Mills thanked everyone and encouraged participants to take the love and peace energy generated from Peace, Love and Yoga Day back to their families and communities and share some loving kindness with everyone they meet, starting with the easiest form of peace work: a smile! For more information on yoga or meditation classes or the activities of the Citizens for Peace visit the websites:, and visit: and

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ROCK OF THE MONTH Astrophyllite “Allows for the recognition that there are no limitations and that, we are, in fact, all stars.” Melody- Love is in the Earth, A Kaleidoscope of Crystals Helps to bring to life hidden forces and shows us that when one door closes, another opens. It also assists in clearing us from demanded responsibility and assists in purging all things from life that need to be eliminated so that we can continue to move on our path and progress. Astrophyllite has a name that comes from the Greek words astron meaning “star” and phyllon meaning “leaf.” This seems very aptly named for the patterns it tends to grow in. It can be anywhere from a golden yellow cast to a bronze yellow with a metallic luster. It’s a stone of self-knowledge and self-acceptance that promotes a feeling of well-being, and is said to be excellent for releasing unhealthy behavior patterns or bad habits. It can give us the ability to make major changes that move us forward in our life’s journey in a positive way. Astrophyllite grounds and calms, as well as protects.

In Crystal Healing layouts for couples, it can bring fidelity and honesty between partners by activating a soul-linking connection that allows the partners to “see into” the other’s soul. Astrophyllite is said to aid out-of-body experiences (astral travel) and act as a guide and protector while experiencing them. It is also said to help us become more aware of other people’s needs and become more sensitive to touch and perception. For this reason it is an excellent stone for those undergoing training in care-giving roles, massage or acupressure. Astrophyllite can energetically protect against radiation and electromagnetic fields and can support detoxification on an energetic or physical level. In folklore and crystal healing, Astrophyllite is said to be helpful for ADD, ADHD, anxiety, eliminating fat deposits, seizures, and helping with cellular regeneration. Astrophyllite is related to all of the chakras and can energize each with the necessary energy to align with the soul’s purpose. It is said to be of benefit to the reproductive system and help regulate hormonal systems, PMS and menopause. It can direct light into the darkest recesses of our being and allow us to perceive and understand our shadow sabotage self. By knowing and accepting our whole, we can choose to live to our full potential. Affirmation: I know and accept myself in all my qualities, past and present dimensions, and call forth the highest manifestation of my spiritual purpose to guide me in every way. Carol Clarke is an USUI Reiki Master and Melody certified TAOMCHI Master Crystologist in Plymouth, MI. She has been working with crystals and minerals for many years and loves sharing her knowledge about them. She offers many different types of crystal healing techniques. If you would like to attend or host a crystal class or would like an appointment, please call Bodyworks Healing Center at 734-416-5200 or visit

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“Humor is something that thrives between man’s aspirations and his limitations. There is more logic in humor than in anything else. Because, you see, humor is truth.” - Victor Borge

October 2012

The Importance of Self-Care Seven years ago I received my first Healing Touch session. At that time, I had reached a plateau in writing my doctoral thesis and I was also stressed out due to job related issues. I had already tried other modalities, such as acupuncture, massage therapy and chiropractic adjustments, in my search for help in dealing with my stress and trying to improve my concentration to make progress on my thesis. The effect of those sessions never lasted long enough to cause noticeable changes in my stress levels and/or to improve my concentration. I remember reading the Body Mind Spirit Guide, and when I saw the ad for the Healing Touch Center, I decided to give it a try. It became a game changer in my life. The first session was an eye opener. I felt very relaxed, and on that Saturday afternoon, I was able to start making progress on writing my thesis. I was amazed at how, for the first time in several months, I felt my stress levels decreasing, and I maintained a calm attitude at the office when dealing with tough issues. At the same time, I had mental clarity to continue working on my thesis. It was my first exposure to the concepts of energy healing, chakras and auras. Being a Mechanical Engineer trained to work in a world where everything is measurable and every mechanical failure has a physically explainable root cause, it was hard for me to digest the meaning of the chakras and the importance of balancing them on a regular basis. For a while I enjoyed the results of my HT sessions even though I could not explain in detail why those sessions were working wonders on me. EvenOctober 2012

tually, I started to learn more about Healing Touch and the concepts in which it is based. From the beginning, I was well impressed with the level of detail and depth of content of the curriculum as well as with the number of research papers describing the results of applying Healing Touch techniques to address diverse types of illnesses. What started out for me as a regular Healing Touch session looking for help had transformed my life and led me on a beautiful journey following the path of the healer. I am currently a Healing Touch Level 4 student that faces a wonderful challenge everyday trying to balance my left brain skills with my right brain abilities. Reading the book “Anatomy of the Spirit” by Caroline Myss helped me to better understand the concept of chakras and their mapping with human anatomy. In that regard, Liz Jelinek wrote a very good article about chakras in the July 2012 of BMS Guide. In essence, an open and balanced chakra can be associated with a healthy functioning of the organs associated with it. Before addressing the question of how to open and balance the chakras, in her article, “Path of Healership,” the founder of Healing Touch, Janet Mentgen, stressed the importance of self care for both the healer and her clients. She describes seven principles of self care: physical clearing, emotional clearing, mental clearing, sacred space, experience silence, holy leisure and holy relationships. The first three dimensions of self-care, physical, emotional and mental clearing are directly related to having healthy balanced chakras. In a typical Healing Touch session the practitioner assesses the conditions of the chakras at the begin-

ning and the end of the session. If the chakras need some work, the practitioner uses a set of hand positions that connect, open and balance the major and minor chakras. This chakra connection technique is based on the work of Dr. Joy (see his book “Joy’s Way”). It is important for the clients to know how to keep their chakras opened and balanced. A self-chakra connection technique was developed to enable anyone to take care of their own chakras. A visual with the hand positions is available from the Healing Touch International website select education tab on top, select self care forms, choose self-chakra connection, or from the Healing Touch Program website http://www.healingtouchprogram. com/resources/self-care select selfchakra connection sheet. Hold every position between 60 seconds.

The self-chakra connection technique facilitates the energy flow through the chakras, opening and balancing them. This technique can be used in the morning before leaving home, setting up one’s intention to be ready to deal with any challenge at home or at work. Or it can be used at the end of the day to slow down one’s inner self and be ready for a good night sleep. Ricardo H. Espinosa holds a doctorate in Mechanical Engineering and works for Ford Motor Company. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Healing Touch Center where he volunteers every Saturday


Family Constellations: A Transformational Process


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Practical, spiritual teachings that empower abundant & meaningful living ● Excellent Youth Services ● Space for Rent ● Classes and Workshops ● Weddings ● Christening ● Memorial Services ● Spiritual Baptism 38

Family Constellations is a phenomenological-systemic process that promotes transformation and healing in individuals through the use of representatives who “stand-in” for the ancestors so that entanglements can be revealed and brought to resolution, thereby creating healing for the client. Family Constellations were created over 25 years ago by a former priest, German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. Hellinger was inspired by his work as a missionary and educator with the Zulus of South Africa. He was especially inspired by the reverence with which the Zulus held the ancestors— something that has been lost or forgotten in Western cultures. The main elements of Family Constellations are the Orders of Love and the Family Soul. Hellinger contends that each individual must follow his/her own fate, but that individuals often become entangled with the fate of an ancestor, resulting in dysfunction or unhappiness in the present. The Constellations process is devoted to recognizing and uncovering these entanglements, so that these issues with the ancestors are healing, bringing happiness and freedom to the individual in the present. The central concepts of Family Constellations are based on Hellinger’s Orders of Love which describe the natural order that should occur in every family, including— those who were born first, come first, and each member of the family has a place in the family system, and even excluded family members belong. When these Orders of Love are ignored, entanglement with the past can occur, resulting in dysfunction in the present. Often “out of love,” an individual in the present becomes entangled with the fate of an ancestor, and rather than living his/ her own fate, is stuck living the fate of an ancestor. These entanglements result in unnecessary suffering—suffering that rightly belongs in the past. The individual in the present isn’t responding to his/her own experiences, but remains stuck “in service” to the past, in an attempt to bring peace to the soul of another. Conflicts arise in the family soul when opposing forces create a division within the individual or in relationship with others in the family or the environment. The individual continues to battle with the entanglement or suppresses it altogether, resulting in unnecessary suffering or grief or dysfunction in the present. The individual experiences him/herself as divided, torn, indecisive, or dissatisfied and operates under extreme

October 2012

stress which often feels like insanity. Hellinger believes that each individual, alive or dead, has an equal right to his/her place within the family system, regardless of his/her fate in life. Constellations support reconciliation between victims and perpetrators and their families and descendants, regardless of the horrendous nature of their past transgressions. Even long excluded family members can be returned to the rightful place in the family system, which leads to peace in their hearts and the hearts of others. Originally Family Constellations were concerned only with issues occurring within the family system and took place only in group settings. Over the years, Constellations have expanded and now include Systemic Constellations, Structural Constellations, etc. Individual Constellations can now take place in a therapist’s office using Playmobile Figures, or other symbols as representatives of the client’s family. Structural Constellations are used in business settings which demonstrate relationships between employees that are not in the service of the company. Some have incorporated indigenous practices and ceremony within Constellations, and now a number of facilitators are working specifically with trauma. This amazing process is spreading throughout the globe The MIDWEST INSTITUTE FOR SYSTEMIC CONSTELLATIONS was formed to bring training for facilitators here in the Midwest and making the process available for all.

Ethical Question - Candidates Question: It is time to elect the world leader, and your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three leading candidates: Candidate A - Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists. He’s had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day. Candidate B - He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a half bottle of champagne every morning and a quart of whisky every evening. Candidate C - He is a decorated war hero. He’s a vegetarian, doesn’t smoke, drinks an occasional beer and hasn’t had any extramarital affairs. Which of these candidates would be your choice? Decide first, no peeking, and then look at the box at the bottom of the page for the answer.

Playmobile Figures as Representatives

By Liz Jelinek Liz has a Master’s in Clinical Psychology and over 25 years experience as a psychotherapist and healer. She has trained with many of the world’s best known facilitators, including Hunter Beaumont. She is currently working Playmobile Figures as Representatives on a PhD in Transformative Studies, with a dissertaFamily Constellations with Individuals tion in Systemic Family Constellations.

This amazing process was created by Bert Hellinger. Ask yourself, what if the pain you’re carrying is not your own? Release the hold the past has on your and be free!

Liz Jelinek Founder & Director: 734-646-4886 | October 2012

Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt*

Systemic and Family Constellations

Contact Liz Jelinek|734-646-4886|

Candidate B is Winston Churchill*


Candidate C is Adolf Hitler*


Liz Jelinek | Facilitator Sunday, October 14 | Chapel Hill Clubhouse 3350 Green Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 $75 | $60 before October 1


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When we resist something, we put up an energetic wall with the intent to push the focus of our resistance away from us, bull-dozing it away. The mound only gets bigger and bigger until it blocks our view of life with what we are afraid of or don’t want. This focus can be about anyone, triggered by things we don’t like about our parents, teachers, friends, enemies. It can be an idea - - alcoholism, racism, crime, poverty. The more we resist and push away, the more this undesired “thing” is experienced or encountered. The energy of this wall grows. We erect this protective, energetic wall in our attempts to survive, often starting to build them in childhood. As children, we are more open and sensitive to the vibrations around us. Some of these vibrations are hurtful and confusing. Wanting to protect our sensitive self from this pain, we may choose to erect this protective wall. As children, the choices we make do not always serve us in adulthood, and can in fact, sabotage us.

Naturopathic Doctor

When talking about blocks to self growth, the word “resistance” often comes up. In fact, there is a phrase “what we resist, persists.” It comes up often enough that I consider it to be a universal truth.

This energetic wall has a vibrational quality to it, connecting to the focus of that resistance. Having free will, Divine Source will give us what we focus on. For example, if the focus is on resisting/resenting/hating our experi-

ence of our parent’s control, we not only experience it more and with greater intensity, we will start experiencing it with our friends, our mate, our boss, even the government. We will vibrationally attract the experience of feeling controlled into our life. The focus is on being controlled, rather than the positive aspect - - freedom. Like a magnet, we attract more ‘being controlled’ and ‘controlling’ experiences and soon wonder why we feel so out of control. No one likes the feeling of being controlled, it can even be scary. When we are able to ‘allow’ the emotions felt as a child when setting up this wall of resistance, the energy can be released. The wall and vibrational emanation is lessened, and we open the space to allow freedom in - - to change the patterns and what we are attracting into our life. As long as we keep up walls of resistance, we keep ourselves trapped within a prison of our own making. We put a wall between ourselves and the world, no longer able to see the joy and love in the world, no longer able to experience others as the Divine Love they are. We put a wall between ourselves and Divine Source, cutting ourselves off from Divine Source, and therefore, our own Divine Self. When we are able to replace resistance with allowing, we are able to allow forgiveness, and experience greater love and gratitude towards the thing we once resisted. Once we feel gratitude, we are able to release. We can allow ourself to feel gratitude toward those controlling parents who chose to take on the role that we needed to grow. Know, everything is in divine October 2012

order for our greatest potential for growth.

Couple Sex

When we allow, we have greater ability to choose who we want to be, not just react against something. We have the ability to allow connection with Source and use our Divine Self’s wisdom to attract and create the life we want. In releasing our resistance, in allowing, we allow Divine Love in. Our vibration rises. We allow our own magnificence, our own Divine Self, The Divine Love we are, to shine. We allow ourselves to be the Divine Love, joy and peace we really are. Instead of resisting and fighting what we fear, we attract and experience more love, joy and peace as the beings of Divine Love we are.

An 8-year-old girl went to her grandfather, who was working in the yard and asked him, “Grampa, what is couple sex?”

Miche Lame’ MALLP Miche is the owner of Spiritual Living. Join her class: Meditate & connect with your Self, experiencing self-acceptance and Love every 2nd and 4th Wed, Berkley, 7:30-9:00pm. $10. www. or contact her at: 248-212-0808.

The grandfather was surprised that she would ask such a question, but decided that if she’s old enough to know to ask the question, then she’s old enough to get a straight answer. Steeling himself to leave nothing out, he proceeded to tell her all about human reproduction. When he finished explaining, the little girl was looking at him with her mouth hanging open, eyes wide in amazement.

The little girl replied, “Grandma says that dinner will be ready in just a couple secs.

Sometimes it’s not what you say.. It’s how you say it...


Hypnotherapy Intuitive Counseling Psychotherapy Reiki and Self Acceptance Healing

About Miche Lame’, MALLP

Miche is a Clinical Psychologist and an empowering, compassionate healer. Her life’s purpose is to empower you to find love, peace, and joy from within.

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October 2012

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Spiritual Horoscopes Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) – Happy birthday Libra! “Character building” Saturn moved out of your sign, taking strain off relationships – and healing issues regarding self-esteem or even body image. Meditate on self-worth to “lock in” the hard-earned lessons Saturn brought you these past 2 ½ years. A good birthday present is going over personal finances and evaluating how you use resources. This is empowering and brings more prosperity! Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) – Saturn is moving into your sign for a 2 ½ year stay. The most important lesson it wants to bring you is self-love, selfforgiveness and gentleness. You’ll still accomplish goals and be a person that people respect if you don’t harass yourself! Internal cruelty doesn’t “keep you in line”; it just makes you anxious and miserable. Meditate about who you were and what happened 29 years ago (Saturn’s last visit). Break free from the shackles you created for yourself at that time! Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) – Saturn is changing signs and it’s time to clear out old resentments – especially ones that are causing trouble in relationships. Meditate and journal about disappointments from the past 30 years. As you dredge stuff up and let it go, you’ll be more available for love! Try to be active after this internal work to release pent up energy – run, play sports, do a vigorous yoga class. Don’t let your subconscious memories and beliefs get in the way of joy! Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) – Take an honest look at food choices and self-care. If you’ve been eating junky, not getting enough sleep, and forgetting stress reduction (yoga, breathing, meditation), it will catch up with you 42

now. Find supportive friends who encourage you to stick with healthy habits and don’t sabotage you. Reflect on the past two years, and release old anger. “Acting out” on yourself is a way of expressing frustration. Better to journal, meditate and face the pain. You’ll be able to forgive, move on and act in your highest interests. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) – As Saturn changes signs it will impact your career. The next 2 ½ years will be a professional high point! Don’t struggle if certain doors close – see it as a blessing that you’re being cut off from lesser paths. Release those situations, and be open for the doors that lead to “more!” Relationships will flourish this month and allow the intensity of intimacy to deepen between you and others. Meditate to let go of your intellect and permit your heart to take you out of your comfort zone! Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) – It’s time to become more disciplined in your spiritual life. You think about spirituality, but how often do you actually practice meditation and other consciousness raising techniques? In past lives, you might have been persecuted for being too “out there.” Your intuition and soul connection could have frightened others and maybe bad things happened back then. It’s time to meditate and forgive the past – even in this life when people think you’re weird. Commit to inner work for at least ten minutes a day! Aries (March 21 – April 19) – As an Aries, it’s tempting to live on the surface so you can bolt if you get bored, or see something new and more interesting. But Saturn is pressuring you to become more committed and devoted. You need to explore trust and intimacy. That could be emotionally, spiritually, or even financially (as in business dealings, or money issues with a spouse). Explore

new things, but examine your motives to make sure it’s not an escape from the present that is challenging you to be more profound. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – Relationships need to be healed. Please meditate to release old resentments and disappointments in all past and present relationships. Blocks to love will lift and you’ll feel more connected within yourself and to a current partner. Or you’ll meet a new person who is dedicated to being “real” and truly wants love. If an old partnership can’t evolve, it could end. Trust the Universe wants you to be fulfilled, and someone else is out there who matches your desires for intimacy. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – It’s important to understand how much your thoughts affect health. Constant thinking is a stress on your body. Your spiritual step is to take “mind breaks” throughout the day. Just a few deep breaths while saying a short mantra will do wonders. Try, “I am peaceful” or “the mind is still.” This engages your mind, but in a relaxed way. You’ll have much less anxiety and worry. You’ll also have less digestive problems and food cravings. Your intuition will increase and you’ll feel safe and protected by the Universe! Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – Feeling abandoned in your relationship, or feeling lonely in general? Please make time to meditate each day. Also, pay attention to your dreams. You’re making a spiritual leap and no amount of outside affirmation or attention will fulfill you until you’re connecting with your soul. Trying to bond with your higher self (even if you feel nothing is happening), will help you feel connected again to loved ones. You’ll feel centered and poised -- not needy! Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) – Saturn is changing signs and will help you heal childhood and long-term issues. Meditate about what was going on 30 years ago. Ponder how those events contributed to October 2012

low self-esteem, especially in regards to career. Try to forgive people and circumstances from that time. This also helps relationships take on a new glow because your heart will be open in a deeper way. As you heal your wounded inner child, unconscious blocks to love and prosperity will be removed! Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) – Tackle negative self-talk! As Saturn changes signs this month, you’re confronting your inner critic. Say “NO!” to limiting voices. Use positive affirmations for a healthy “brain washing!” Get out of your comfort zone and do something fearful voices have held you back from. You could be starting a new relationship, or re-energizing a current one, so meditate on how beautiful and wonderful you are. You need to see what the world sees! Aluna Michaels Aluna Michaels, M.A. is a secondgeneration astrologer and Soul Evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version. Ms. Michaels is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 5831663 or visit HYPERLINK “http://www.”

Astrology for Your Soul Aluna Michaels, M.A.

REINCARNATION There were two lovers, who were really into spiritualism and reincarnation. They vowed that if either died, the other one remaining would try to contact the partner in the other world exactly 30 days after their death. Unfortunately, a few weeks later, the young man died in a car wreck. True to her word, his sweetheart tried to contact him in the spirit world exactly 30 days later. At the seance, she called out, “John, John, this is Martha. Do you hear me?” A ghostly voice answered her, “Yes Martha, this is John. I can hear you.” Martha tearfully asked, “Oh John, what is it like where you are?” “It’s beautiful. There are azure skies, a soft breeze, sunshine most of the time.” “What do you do all day?” asked Martha. “Well, Martha, we get up before sunrise, eat some good breakfast, and there’s nothing but making love until noon. After lunch, we nap until two and then make love again until about five. After dinner, we go at it again until we fall asleep about 11 p.m.” Martha was somewhat taken aback. “Is that what heaven really is like?” “Heaven? I’m not in heaven, Martha.” “Well, then, where are you?” “I don’t know, but I’m furry and I live in a nice rabbit burrow.”

Esoteric Astrologer

“Together we will unveil your Life Plan and Soul’s Purpose.” Over 20 years of counseling experience.

HERB OF THE MONTH Saffron (Crocus Sativus) Common names: Saffron crocus, Spanish saffron.

Description: Showy ornamental plant grows to 18 inches. Found in the Middle East and East. Part used: Stigmas. Common use: Saffron cuts cholesterol and clears clogged arteries, promoting circulatory health and well-being. It also lowers blood pressure and promotes menstruation, making it a superior tonic for general use. Comments: Prepared as a tea. By Daniel Ray

A Father A little boy was having difficulty lifting a heavy stone. His father came along just then. Noting the boy’s failure, he asked, “are you using all your strength?” “Yes, I am,” the little boy said impatiently. “No, you are not.” The father answered. “I am right here just waiting, and you haven’t asked me to help you.”

(248) 583-1663 October 2012

You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself. 43

Healing Energy, LLC Healing Body, Mind and Spirit Restoring wholeness, UHHVWDEOLVK WKH QRUPDO ÀRZ RI HQHUJ\ within the human body so it can heal. 7UHDWPHQWV ([SHULHQFH WKH SRZHU RI VRXQG DQG VWRQHV FDOO IRU DQ DSSRLQWPHQW

Announcing 2012 Fall Classes: Tuning Forks October 20-21 Stone Healing I October 27-28 Focused Energy November 10 Energy Restoration November 11 Registration must be sent in at least three week prior to the class Anyone can learn how to heal.

Check our website for descriptions of the classes The Wattenbergs (248) 647-6181

One thing you can’t recycle is wasted time.

We know that the title “The Gift of Receiving� sounds like an oxymoron. All of us have met people who are givers and people who are takers. There are those people who are so self-sufficient that they do not need anything from anyone and are so generous that they are always helping others. There are others who do not just accept from anyone but demand support from others. They seem to have a way of making others feel guilty if the others do not support them. We know a couple whose parents were always giving them support and they continually complained to us about how little their parents did to help them. Through much of the world, begging is an honorable profession. Most religions require everyone to give charity. The beggar, in these cultures, feels that they are there to give each person they meet the opportunity to fulfill their requirement to give charity. The beggar and the charitable are dependent on each other.

A Friend Around the corner I have a friend In this great city that has no end, Yet days go by and weeks rush on and before you know it the year is gone. And I never see my old friend’s face for life is a swift and terrible race, yet he knows I like him just as well as in the days when I rang his bell and he rang mine.

One of the basic needs all of us have is to feel needed. Often the giver sends so much energy out that they do not really feel needed. They feel used or obligated. By giving the gift of receiving they start to feel needed. They also start to understand both sides of the equation.

We were younger then, Now we are busy tired men, Tired of playing a foolish game, Tired of trying to make a name. Tomorrow I’ll say I’ll call on Jim, Just to show I’m thinking of him, But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes, and the distance between us grows and grows. Around the corner, yet miles away, Here’s a letter sir; Jim died today. And that’s what we get, and deserve in the end; around the corner a vanished friend. 44

Give the Gift of Receiving

Most people have a deep need to both help others and to feel the support of others. It took us many years to learn this lesson. When our children were in high school a friend told us that some of our friends resented us because we did not allow them the opportunity to reciprocate. Often people give without allowing

others to reciprocate as a defense mechanism. Some of these people need to be, or at least feel, they are in control. Others are afraid that if they accept gifts they will let the giver in. These are people with low self esteem or who do not know how to protect themselves spiritually or emotionally. When you realize that everyone needs to be important. Everyone has the need to give. When you remember how good it feels to give, then you should want others to experience those good feeling and the feeling of fulfillment. Most of us have experienced love. It has come in a family setting, community setting or, if you are in luck like us, in a marriage. This type of love involves at least two people. You cannot give love and feel fulfilled, unless you are willing to receive love in return. Unless you are very vain, and in love with yourself, love requires at least two people. The greatest gift you can give a lover is to receive their love. The greatest gift you can receive from a lover is for them to accept your love. Love is the most obvious reciprocal arrangement. As a leader, a friend or even as a stranger, the best gift you can give is often to simply accept the gifts others give you with poise and graciousness. When you let them know that their gift had great meaning to you then they will be fulfilled and you will both gain more respect in the other’s eyes. Chris and Dave Wattenberg CHTP, SHP/I are: Stone Healers, Certified BioSonic Repatterning (Tuning Fork Therapist), Certified Healing Touch Practitioners, and other healing modalities. They have developed and teach classes in Stone Healing Energy, Tuning Forks, Energy Exchange, Singing Bowls, Focused Energy Techniques and Protection for Practitioners. In addition to their own practice they are on the board of the Healing Touch Center.

October 2012

Accomplish Much More with Healthy Self-Esteem More and more people now realize that hypnosis can be very helpful for a large number of problems. Most of us know that hypnosis is very helpful for quitting smoking, for reducing stress and anxiety, for eliminating phobias, and for weight loss. But one area you may not be aware of where hypnosis can be very helpful, is for improving one’s selfesteem or self-confidence. There is a very interesting story, told by James Loehr and Peter McLaughlin, two professionals who were working with a well-known boxer to help improve his performance. In the middle of the night, the boxer called one of them and complained that he had had a negative thought. The sports coach could not understand how this was a problem, but then said, “Oh, you mean you’ve had a stream of negative thoughts?” The boxer said, “No, I had one negative thought.” The sports coach was somewhat confused and said, “We all have occasional negative thoughts, why is that a problem?” The boxer answered, “I learned a long time ago in the ring that if I have a negative thought, I wind up getting punched in the face. So I don’t want to have even one negative thought.” Can you imagine what your life would be like if you never or rarely had negative thoughts? How many of us have negative thoughts throughout the day? Probably most, if not all of us, have some negative thoughts every day. But did you know that these negative thoughts affect how you feel about yourself? The above story points out the importance of having high self-esteem. What, you may ask, is self-esteem? There are many definitions but October 2012

basically it refers to the opinion one has about him or herself. If you feel good about yourself, you probably have relatively high self-esteem; whereas, if you don’t feel good about yourself, you probably do not have very high selfesteem. If any of the following descriptions apply to you, you are probably not accomplishing all that you can in life: Fear of rejection; making selfdisparaging remarks; difficulty saying ‘no’ to others; inability to identify positive things about yourself; not having goals for your life or setting inappropriately low goals; discomfort in social situations; and/or inability to accept compliments. If some of these characteristics apply to you, your selfesteem could use a boost. Many people do not realize how important self-esteem is. Let’s compare a person with high self-esteem with a person who has low self-esteem. The individual with high self-esteem feels in charge, energetic, centered, feels healthy, is living in the moment, has lots of personal power, and feels good about him or herself. The person with low self-esteem feels fearful, unsure, inadequate, insecure, defeated, drained, sad, anxious, lonely, etc. It is apparent that a person with high selfesteem would have a far different life than a person with low self-esteem. Not only would the person feel a lot better about him or herself, but the individual would accomplish so much more. Where do you think you fall on a scale of 1 to 100, if 1 is the lowest point, and 100 is the absolute highest self-esteem possible? There are many ways to raise one’s self-esteem. One method many people may not be aware of is with the use of hypnosis. The beauty of hypnosis is that it allows new positive messages to bypass the conscious mind and go directly to the subconscious part of the mind. If one’s

subconscious believes he or she is inadequate, clumsy, a failure, a slow learner, etc., it is necessary to change this subconscious belief. Hypnosis is an excellent way to do this. With hypnosis one can change these deeply rooted beliefs, and often more quickly than with more traditional methods. It is unfortunate that there are a lot of myths about hypnosis. The truth is that one is always in control, one will not do anything that goes against his or her values or moral beliefs, and one will not remain in a hypnotic trance for an indefinite period if something were to happen to the hypnotherapist. Hypnosis is safe and very effective for a large number of problems. If you would like to change and improve the quality of your life, consider the use of hypnosis. You will definitely notice a change in your life. Phil Rosenbaum Phil Rosenbaum, a certified hypnotherapist with a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and in Counseling. I received training in hypnosis from the Clinical Care Network School, and from Dr. William Wolfson, M.D. My approach is gentle and nonjudgmental. To contact me, Phil, please call 248-688-6469 or contact Eternal Balance Holistic Life Center at 248-542-1357. Look for our ad below for a FREE presentation on the upcoming, “Self-Esteem Academy Workshop. Is negative self talk / low self esteem affecting your life? Attend this Free presentation

Self Esteem Academy Workshop - Huntington Woods ~

Free Introductory Presentation Wed., Oct 3, 2012 7:00- 8:45 PM Presented by Phil Rosenbaum, MA, Certified Hypnotherapist

Call Now: 248.688.6460 45



You know you’re in love when you can say anything to the person and you know they won’t laugh at you.

Believe in your heart that something wonderful is about to happen. Love your life.

When you can see their face when you close your eyes. When you can still feel their arms around you holding you tight long after they are gone. When you can still taste their kiss after you have said good-bye. You can tell you’re in love when you miss them before they are gone. When their voice lingers in your ears. When their presence eases any pain.

Wake every morning with the awe of just being alive. Discover each day the magnificent, awesome beauty in the world. Explore and embrace life in yourself and in everyone you see each day. Reach within to find your own specialness. Amaze yourself and rouse those around you to the potential of each new day.

When their name sends chills down your spine. When they are the only thing you can think about. You know you’re in love when you can see all their hopes and dreams and their soul when you look into their eyes.

Don’t be afraid to admit you’re less than perfect; this is the essence of our humanity. Let those who love you help you.

When they call you at four in the morning and say, “I love you” and mean it. When your tears stain not only their shirt, but also their heart.

Believe in your own power, and in your own potential, and your own innate goodness.

Trust enough to be able to take. Look with hope to the horizon of today for today is all we truly have. Live this day well.

When they are hurt just because of those tears.

Let a little sun out as well as in. Create your own rainbows.

When even a simple thing done with them can become a lasting memory.

Be open to all your possibilities, all possibilities and miracles.

Ultimately, you know you’re in love when you can’t imagine living without them, and can’t figure, how did you live before you knew them.

Always believe in miracles.

The love of someone else can complete the heart, and soul, and mind all at once.

If you can live without caffeine, If you can be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains, If you can resist complaining, If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time, If you can take criticism and blame without resentment, If you can ignore a friend’s limited education and never correct him or her, If you can resist treating a rich friend better than a poor friend, If you can face the world without lies and deceit, If you can conquer tension without medical help, If you can relax without liquor, If you can sleep without the aid of drugs, If you can honestly say that deep in your heart you have no prejudice against creed, color, religion, gender preference, or politics, --Then you have almost reached the same level of spiritual development as your dog!

Caring for a loved or injured partner? Caregivers / Partners Learn Specific Massage Techniques to speed recovery By appointment customized plans. Clinical Massage valued at $85.00 now only $70.00 3250 Coolidge Hwy Berkley (1 blk. S. of 12)

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All we really need is LOVE... 46


October 2012

Massage as Medicine The word medicine, derived from the Latin, “ars medicina” means, “the art of healing.” Healing literally means, “to make whole or restore to health” - - health being the measurable level of functional or metabolic efficiency in a person. Health is the general condition of a person’s mind, body and spirit, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain. Illness and injury, whether physical or emotional in nature, will cause unbalanced, diseased or damaged tissue. Healing may involve psychological intervention, meaning our willingness to release self-destructive attitudes and adopt self-affirming ones. Healing may involve physiological manipulation of the bodies systems. Traditional spiritual approaches to healing are increasingly becoming a more popular choice. I personally believe that all three of these dimensions are necessary for our health. With respect to the physical damage suffered by living tissue, healing involves providing this tissue with the necessary stimuli and environment to repair and rejuvenate itself, thus resuming normal functioning. It’s the process by which the cells of the body regenerate and repair themselves to reduce the damaged and affected areas which massage can help with. Massage increases circulation locally and in general, transporting much needed oxygen and nutrition to the damaged tissue. Massage also increases lymph flow; the lymph is our bodies’ sewage system, removing toxins and cellular debris. Massage also induces the release of endorphins, our body’s natural painkillers, and promotes homeostasis or general well being - creating balance between all the bodies systems. When our bodies have been injured and the repair and rejuvenation October 2012

process has begun, scar tissue usually results from tissue not knitting back together smoothly. Specific massage techniques have been proven to reduce scar tissue; if the treatment is begun before serious time has passed the results can be amazing. I have worked with car crash survivors and hip and knee replacement clients, teaching them how to massage along their dermatomes to reduce scar tissue. Just as wood has a grain, skin has dermatomes; surgeons try to make their incisions along the direction of these dermatomes. When their incisions are in the same direction as the dermatome, post operation scar tissue is reduced. If you imagine scar tissue like matted tangled hair, massage has a ‘combing’ or ‘aligning’ affect on the new tissue forming.

vitality, sleep quality and digestion. This improved attitude and vitality seeps into every aspect of your life and saves you money. We see lots of smiling faces with smiles that just keep growing!

There are many conditions for which massage is prescribed and many more that would benefit from regular massage. It is for this reason that we teach clients the massage techniques that will speed up their recovery time. In cases like tendonitis or replacement surgeries, recovery times can be more than halved.

The energy of saying “yes” to improving our physical, mental and emotional health has a magical quality that non-spiritually minded people call ‘coincidence’. These coincidences and synchronicities appear ‘evident’ in all areas of our life whether we have the eyes to see them or not. For me, a yoga practice was about saying “thank you” for my body, and the best way to show appreciation for something is to use it. Saying “I appreciate myself” through massage has the same gratitude energy. The language of gratitude, I feel, is the energy of manifesting.

Teaching clients with medical issues, parents, professionals with an interest in health, or budding massage enthusiasts, is an extremely rewarding endeavor. At The Balance, we feel that the simple self and partner massage techniques we teach will keep you in good condition between your monthly visits to your massage therapist. For those who want to increase performance, such as athletes, business owners, home managers, and anyone with mentally, emotionally or physically demanding lives, we would definitely recommend regular massage routines. We are so confident, we are challenging clients at our studio to accept our once-a-week for five weeks massage package special and see if they don’t notice a huge difference in overall mood, general health, well being, energy,

Classes on self or partner care through massage techniques will put regular massages within everyone’s reach. It is very important to remember that this is not a substitute for professional massage training. Our classes are designed to bolster the care provided by your massage therapist, not to substitute the professional care, observation, supervision and support offered by your massage therapists. Massage classes promote fun, health and respect for each other - - they do not make you an expert so always seek a professional opinion before starting any new life style choice.

Aoghain Lakes Massage Lifestyle Coach/ Therapist, Reiki Master Teacher ~ Energy Medicine Practitioner. Aoghain blogs on self care massage techniques on and writes about a variety of self care massage techniques as well as a monthly article here. At The Balance Clinical and Holistic Massage Therapy our upcoming classes include; European lymph skin massage and a wide range of self care and partner classes. Contact him at: (248) 542-3073 or visit: www.


Are You Religious or Spiritual?

awareness of a connection to the divine, religion is simply action and belief.

Are you religious? Or, are you spiritual? Is there a difference? Many people talk about religion and spirituality as though they are one and the same. In my experience, not only can the two be separated, but they are entirely different. I grew up in a devoutly Catholic family that attended church every Sunday and prayed the rosary twice a week. When we asked questions that were outside the range of our elders’ experience, they referred us to the official Catholic Catechism for answers. We were very religious. But were we spiritual? If you would have asked me as a child, I would have unequivocally said ‘yes.’ But now that I have studied world religion in-depth, my answer is now a resounding… maybe? When most people think of ‘religion,’ they think of organized, main-stream religion: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and so forth. Yet, religion can be any set of beliefs that one adopts and adheres to. Attending church is a religious act. However, feeling our connection with God while we are there - that is spiritual! I have come to define spirituality as one’s personal relationship with God. Without a connection, or an

As a child, I spent many mornings before school reciting the rosary and thinking about how much I’d rather be outside pretending my dog was a show pony. When my mind would wander, I would chide myself quietly and attempt to focus on one of the Seven Sorrowful Mysteries. When I failed to contemplate Christ’s Agony in the Garden without distraction, I was inundated with guilt. The only fix for this was to pray harder and faster in the hope that I would eventually fall into a state of saintly ecstasy - a gift, it was said, which was granted only to those who loved God completely. While my concentration did improve with age, I never achieved the spiritual bliss I was promised by my religious superiors. Fortunately, as my education took me deeper into the realm of foreign culture and tradition, I began to notice how common the divine ecstasy I sought was among spiritual peoples throughout history. It was not solely the realm of the Catholic saints, as I had been led to believe. The more I learned, the more my curiosity grew. I began to experiment with the various, exotic religious practices of the world, to see what, if any differences I felt; if any one or the other could help me attain divine bliss! As my experiences increased, I discovered something profound – something I had been raised to believe was utterly impossible! Each of these religions (despite their origins, rituals or doctrines) seemed to have the same purpose: to bring each person closer to God! Praying, meditating, dancing, drumming, attending a sacred site, eating a sacred meal – all of these are meant to direct our awareness to our connection with the divine. They are wonderful, powerful tools which can help one build a relationship with God. But are they necessary?


Once I realized that religions were more like compasses, designed to help us find our way to God in a world fraught with obstacles, I understood how unnecessary they ultimately were. I also realized that I was already connected to the divine, if not through my creation and existence, than at least through my desire to be close to my Creator! My spiritual journey began with searching - by wandering through the vast forest of human history. It continues to this day - not because I recite daily prayers or eat sacred meals, but because I exist. I feel divinity in each breath I take, in each kind word I speak with love, and in each ray of sunlight that touches my face. I feel my connection with God in every fiber of my being - the long-sought state of ecstasy I desired as a child. Millions of people throughout history have attained spiritual bliss through religious practice. It happens every day, in every culture, in every religion, around the world. After all, that is the goal of religion. Each human being is a unique individual. Some people are lucky to find a religious system that works for them, one they can understand and implement successfully. Many others give up on spirituality altogether, because the religions they were brought up in don’t comply with their own individual beliefs. So, what about you? Are you religious? Are you spiritual? Are you both? Just asking the question, probably means you’re on the right path. Enjoy your spiritual journey. Your experience is singularly unique, just as your personal connection with God is! Abbeygale Quinn Abbeygale Quinn, an ordained minister and has been working as an international psychic medium since 1999. She hosts A Cup of Cultural Spirituality, on BlogTalkRadio, with Rev. Lila Gee, Mondays and Wednesdays, 7-8pm EST. Contact Information: Abbeygale Quinn, Cell: (810)705-2780, Office: (810)346-2487

October 2012

Free Yourself from Anxiety with EFT Tapping! Anxiety. How many of us have experienced anxiety or nervousness in our lives? If you are human, you’ve felt it at least a few times. However, for a lot of people anxiety can be a chronic problem. When we look at negative emotions like anxiety, we have to examine our past experiences. Maybe we had a “bad” experience in the past. Something that caused us embarrassment, harm, worry or pain. The experience, along with what we “felt”, was recorded into our subconscious mind. Down the road, something reminds us of that experience. The subconscious mind, which acts like a tape recorder, plays back our original experience. If it was unpleasant, the mind will remember it as such and we will feel the same feelings, even though it’s a different situation. This is due to past programming. And not everyone’s past programming is the same because we all experience things differently. Tapping can ” de-activate” a negative emotion (anxiety) allowing you to re-program in a positive one (calmness). Tapping, also known as EFT-Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT Tapping or Meridian Tapping, works with the body’s meridian energy system. This system was discovered by the ancient Chinese culture and is used in acupuncture* and acupressure. Meridians are an invisible network of channels (kind of like highways) that run through the body, connecting to all the body parts, and then connecting the body to the unending supply of universal energy or Qi. Anxiety can disrupt the flow of energy in the body; tapping helps re-balance the energy flow. Tapping works with nine meridian October 2012

points: Top of the head, between the eyebrows, the side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, on the chin, on the collarbone, under the arm, and on the hand. During a series of tapping rounds, we lightly tap on meridian points with the fingertips while addressing the issue that is causing us anxiety. (Please note: If the anxiety is deep, such as in a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, addressing the issue is handled in a way that does not cause more distress) The tapping technique reduces the negative emotional charge around a thought, rendering it neutral. This allows clarity around the situation. We then have the ability to re-program in new ways of thinking about the issue and can feel more positive, calm and empowered. The results are amazing! I will be teaching a class on meridian tapping at the Mystic Connections Fall Gathering at Mott College in Lapeer, October 13th from 10am – 12 pm. It’s easy to learn and you can do it yourself at home. I’ll show you all the tapping points, how to tap and what to say while tapping. Come and join us so you can witness for yourself the powerful transformation that can take place and the empowerment that tapping can bring to your life. Rev. Suzanne M. Angèli Rev. Suzanne is an Ordained Minister, Spiritual Healer Practitioner, Reiki Master and Empath. She specializes in Unique Weddings and Healing Services such as Reiki, Energy Balancing, and Meridian Tapping. She can help to provide relief from stress, resentment, anger and fear that can stop us from moving forward. Call her at 313-505-7958 or visit for blog or more info or e-mail her at

Divine Guidance Ministry offering...

Weddings Ceremonies Spiritual Services Reiki Healing Energy Balancing Meridian Tapping And More....

Suzanne M. Angèli

Ordained Minister, Reiki Master

Contact me for a free initial phone consultation at: 313-505-7958.

Love & Blessings, Rev. Suzanne

“Be like the honeybee who gathers only nectar wherever it goes. Seek the goodness that is found in everyone.” - Amma “Go towards God now, even a Saint can’t reclaim a wasted minute.” Master George King The future depends on what we do in the present. --Mahatma Gandhi “A well-developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tightrope of life.” - William Arthur Ward Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use. - Earl Nightingale “My mother said to me, “If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.” Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso.” ~ Pablo Picasso. 49

Classes & Events SUNDAY


Sunday Service – 11am. followed by Spiritual Healing The Aetherius Society. 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak, MI 48073. Tel: (248) 588-0290

Holistic Classes at The Sacred Age: Join our 6pm. weekly “Come & Learn” Series. Seating limited, pre-register. Only $10/class. Visit: for classes/dates. (248) 890-7838

Temple Community Gathering, 5-7pm one Sunday per month, details and dates at, free or by donation, email or call ahead, Leslie Blackburn, Mystery School of the Temple Arts, Dearborn, 313-269-6719

MONDAY Guided Meditation Class, $25. Warren 7pm 586.771.4569 VINYASA YOGA with Ellen Livingston, Mondays, 5:30-7pm, Ann Arbor. All levels welcome, $15 drop-in, $10 with pass.; Ellen Livingston 734.645-3217 Mystic Prayer Service for World Peace and Healing. 7:55 p.m. The Aetherius Society. 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak, MI 48073. Tel: (248) 588-0290 MONDAY NIGHT VINYASA YOGA with Ellen Livingston, Mondays ongoing, 5:307pm. All levels welcome, $15 drop-in, $10 with pass.; Ellen Livingston 734.645-3217

TUESDAY FREE TUESDAYS: Raw Food Talks & Food Demonstrations with Ellen Livingston. September 11, Crazy Wisdom Bookstore in Ann Arbor, 7:00-8:30pm. September 18, Zerbo’s Health Foods in Livonia, 6:00-7:30pm. / 734645-3217 Meditation / Intuitive Class. Learn to develop your spiritual Gifts. Receive and give messages. Open to all! Fraser 7-9pm Call for more info. 586-285-1583 $10

WEDNESDAY Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Clients enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. For info & appt. call: 248-788-5808


Meditate and connect with your Self, experiencing self-acceptance and Love. 2nd & 4th Wed’s, Berkley, 7:30-9:00pm. $10. Please call Miche to register: 248-212-0808 Meditation - Deeper Exploration of the Inner Realms, 5-pm. $10, call ahead, Leslie Blackburn, Mystery School of the Temple Arts, Dearborn, 313-269-6719, Redford Meditation Circle - Meet Your Angels. 19444 Garfield, Redford, 7:30pm $10. Meets the 2nd & 4th Wed.. Call Laura @ 313-412-7690 SANDYA - Spiritual Counseling, Healing, Development and Activation since 1990; 734-206-1945. FREE Pranic Healing Clinic. 3rd Wed. monthly. Dissolve and disintegrate blocked energy. Effective with many illnesses and diseases. Relieve stress. Meditation Twin Hearts at 7pm. Appointments 7:30-8:30pm. Must preregister. Love donation Plymouth 7–8:30 PM; Free Reiki Share at the Balance Clinical & Holistic Massage, 3250 Coolidge Hwy, Berkley, Wednesdays from 7:00 PM-9:00 PM- All levels welcome. For more info 248.542.3073

THURSDAY Adult Star Crystal Group. 3rd Thu.of Month; 7:00-8:30pm; Discuss one crystal/stone per month. Includes meditation specific to that stone. Open forum how crystals can help you heal and enjoy life more. Plymouth, 734-416-5200. $20 Constellations Group forming, 3-4:30pm “What if the Baby-Weight you’re Carrying is not Your Own?” Liz Jelinek, Facilitator, $15/week. At Chapel Hill Clubhouse, 3350 Green Rd. Ann Arbor. Contact Liz Jelinek 734-646-4886.

“The fear of being laughed at makes cowards of us all.”

~Mignon McLaughlin

THURSDAY FREE Reiki Clinic. 4th Thu. of Month; 7 – 8:30pm; Those who have taken Reiki can practice their skills giving and receiving Reiki. Ask questions, enhance skills. Have fun too.Plymouth, 734-416-5200. Love donation. Spiritual discourses by Barbra White, meditations, healing, 3rd Thur. 7-8:30pm and group discussions.8:30-9pm social time. Donation. Please call 734-455-1438 to register.

FRIDAY Sacred Drumming. 1st Fri. monthly; 78:30pm. Open to everyone, free flowing drumming circle infusing Native American and Shaman ways into a community based healing group! Bring your rattles, rain sticks, flutes and drums or use ours! $25 734-4165200. Plymouth FREE Reiki Share. 4th Fri. of Month; 78:30pm; A unique opportunity to experience the powerful healing affects of Reiki. You have to feel it to know it. By appointment only. Love Donation. Plymouth, 734-4165200.

SATURDAY Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Clients enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 - 11 Mile, Farmington Hills. For info & appt. call: 248-788-5808 Certified Medical Hypnotherapist. Call for next Course dates. (586) 751-7500 Readings and paranormal services. Classes currently available in ghost hunting, psychic protection / spirit removal and more. Visit online or email Heidi -- Yoga with Ellen Livingston, Mon & Wed evenings, Fri mornings. Ann Arbor. Classes for all levels, in our unique studio on 5 beautiful acres., 734645-3217. Costa Rica Raw Food & Yoga Retreat with Ellen Livingston & Billy Newmyer, February 9-16, 2013. It’s time to register now to save your spot!, 734-645-3217.

October 2012


Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Monday, October 01, 2012

The Mindfulness Meditation System. Oct. 3; 10; 17, 24; 7-8:30PM. The Mindfulness Meditation as presented by Dr. Antonio Sieira will be presented as a system of breathing, balance, flexibility, and mental focus/concentration practices designed to create a total “mindbody” meditative experience. Each session builds on the one prior. $80. Plymouth, 734-416-5200.www.

Polyamory & Alternative Relationships 2:30 – 4:30pm Polyamory - multiple loves and the empowerment of choosing relationship rules that work for you and your partner(s). We will open discussion on commonly hot topics about polyamory. Pricing and info at: or call Leslie Blackburn at 313-269-6719

RADIO Ready, Set, Intention 8-8:15am The program designed to help us create and live the lives we believe are ours to enjoy! call to listen 646-378-0378 or visit www. RADIO Insights with Elaine Kissel 11amNoon DEBUT SHOW! This show is all about YOU! You’ll get meaningful insights, useful information and tools you CAN use to make your inner and outer life better in every way. Experienced Breathers. Get in the habit to connect to your Higher Self. Tap into group energy for a deeper experience. Clear old energies now and set yourself free. Prerequisite: attended 3 Introductory Workshops. $25, 734-416-5200 6:30PM-8:30PM

Tuesday, October 02, 2012 Psychic Development Symposium, Utica, MI. 10:00am-4:00pm. Discover and develop your psychic abilities, with International Psychic Medium, Abbeygale Quinn. Learn to read auras, tarot cards, crystals, and how to communicate with the other side! Register online at www.AbbeygaleQuinn. com, or call 810-346-2487. RADIO Prayer-Aid, Global Relief through Prayer 8-8:15am Chrissie Blaze leads us in morning prayer for a happier, healthier, safer world every Tuesday morning. Be part of this miraculous experience. www. RADIO InTouch Interviews 9-11am Meet the hosts of a brand NEW monthly series here on BMSR, Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze. Together they will host Aetherius Radio Live the 3rd Tues. each month 1-2pm (est) here on BMSR.www.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012 Reiki II – Distance Healing Certificate Saturday October 13; 10am - 2pm; Eve Wilson Reiki Master. Cost $120. Learn to send healing any distance in almost no time for others or yourself, instant first aide, start your car battery, help children or adults sleep, Much More! 734-780-7635, www. Low self image, negative thoughts affect your life dramatically. Learn techniques and methods to change your self-esteem in this Free Presentation Wed. 10/3/2012 C all for info 248. 688.6460

October 2012

Thursday, October 04, 2012 RADIO Journeys in Wellness 7-8pm DEBUT SHOW! Host, Martha D’Anna wants to bring the information that will lead each and every BODY to a life of wellness and THIS is her DEBUT show for BMSR! Tune in the 1st Thursday each month at this time.

Friday, October 05, 2012 Healthy Cooking with Macro Val 1-2pm Chef, author, instructor, Valerie Wilson brings her vast knowledge and experience coupled with a true joy of helping people live happier lives through healthier eating! Have questions? Call in at 646-378-0378!

Saturday, October 06, 2012 Pet Blessing Saturday, October 6 at 11 am at Unity Church of Rochester, 1038 Harding, Rochester. All pets are welcome on a leash or in a cage. Weather permitting it will be held outside. Held inside in inclement weather. There will be snacks for humans and treats for your pet after the service. Please call the church in advance so a blessing certificate can be provided at 248 656 0120. Compassionate Witnessing Booths. Sat. & Sun.,October 6-7; Be heard at a heart level by certified Self Acceptance Teachers. Five minute sessions. Become present to yourself! Donations support local animal shelter. Sat.10am-8pm; Sun. 12-5pm. Ferndale Holistic Green Fair. For booth infocall Barbra, 734-455-1438 One Love: Sacred Sexual Healing Workshop. 10am - 1pm. We will explore breath, sound, movement, visualization and touch: practical tools and techniques along with guided meditations and powerful practices that release old stuck energy in your body. Pricing and info at: or call Leslie Blackburn at 313-269-6719

One Love: Sacred Sexual Healing Workshop. 10am - 1pm. We will explore breath, sound, movement, visualization and touch: practical tools and techniques along with guided meditations and powerful practices that release old stuck energy in your body. Pricing and info at: or call Leslie Blackburn at 313-269-6719 Polyamory & Alternative Relationships 2:30 – 4:30pm Polyamory - multiple loves and the empowerment of choosing relationship rules that work for you and your partner(s). We will open discussion on commonly hot topics about polyamory. Pricing and info at: or call Leslie Blackburn at 313-269-6719 Reiki II. Sat. Oct. 6; 4pm- 7pm & Sun. Oct.7; 10-1 PM. An advanced class to increase energy flow with breathing and symbol use. Learn to clear energy blockages in the aura. Receive a new attunement to strengthen your own Reiki energy. Prerequisite: Reiki I. $125 734-416-5200 www. Ferndale Holistic Green Fair October 6th, 10am-8pm and October 7th 12pm-5pm. At Nine Mile and Woodward, Free admission, free tastes, free speakers and green exhibitors. How would you like to be heard at a heart level? At the core of every person, we just want to be heard and loved. “Compassionate Witnessing Booths”. Trained and certified Self Acceptance Teachers will listen to people for five minutes with an open heart, acceptance, non- judgement and non reaction. When someone can witness you with no agenda, you become present to yourself. Self Acceptance Teachers will not offer advice but rather a full giving of their hearts and presence. Donations go to local animal shelter. Compassionate Witnessing Booths will be at Ferndale Holistic Green Fair Oct. 6th, 10am-8pm and Oct. 7th 12pm-5pm. for info on booths call Barbra: 734-455-1438 or Face Book Barbra White.


Sunday, October 07, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Temple Community Gathering to Discuss Sexuality and Conciseness 5-7 pm. Temple Gathering is regular gathering for seekers, getting a chance to connect and discuss openly on sexuality, tantra, consciousness, and spirituality. Info at 313-269-6719 FREE

Good Food Makes Good People, Unity Church Lake Orion, 3070 Baldwin Rd., 7-8:30 pm; Change your diet and make good things happen in your life. Learn why your future is literally on your fork! $15. (810)796.3197

RADIO Prayer-Aid, Global Relief Prayer 8-8:15am

Monday, October 08, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Advanced Crystal Healing Series. Fri Oct. 12 - Nov. 29; 7-8:30; 6 Consecutive Classes. More advanced approach for using crystals to enhance every aspect of your life. Protect your home, build success, improve health, and more. Class includes pendulums, chakra arrays, and personal Tuesday, October 09, 2012 empowerment. $150 (materials and book included) 734-416-5200 www.BodyWork“The Holistic Diet” Enjoy optimal health! Informational workshop with Dr. Michael D. Reggish, D.C., N.D, Certified Holistic Saturday, October 13, 2012 Wellness Doctor. 1:00 & 6:00 p.m. RSVP. Reggish Holistic Wellness Clinic, Willow RADIO Adrianna’s Mystic Connections 10Wood Prof. Village, 31586 Schoolcraft Rd., 11am Gifted angel reader, Adrianna invites you to call in and receive guidance and Livonia. FREE! 734-427-7110. counsel from the angels. Adrianna takes RADIO On The Edge with Chrissie Blaze your calls at 646-378-0378 for free read1-2pm Jim Conlon joins Chrissie Blaze ings. today to share a new perspective of Earth and our relationship with it, as discussed RADIO InTouch Interviews 1-2pm Gail and in his book “Invisible Excursions” www. David Miller want to EMPOWER you to create the life you want and when you tune into today’s program, you’ll understand how. Mindfulness Meditation Intro. Oct. 9; 7- 8:30PM & Oct. 23; 7-8:30PM. Dr. Siera’s popular Meditation is back. Learn a system Monday, October 15, 2012 of breathing, balance, flexibility, and mental focus/concentration practices designed to Vitamin D to The Rescue, Presented by create a total “mindbody” meditative experi- Dr. C.A. Fischer, BS, DC, ND. Vitamin D is essential for overall health and well being. ence. $15. 734-416-5200 Learn why. Free, Livonia 734-756-6904 RADIO Ready, Set, Intention 8-8:15am The program designed to help us create and live the lives we believe are ours to enjoy! 646-378-0378 to listen live: www.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

“The Importance of Vitamin D” A must see lecture! Presented by Dr. Michael D. Reggish, D.C., N.D, Certified Holistic Wellness Doctor. 6:00 p.m. RSVP. Reggish Holistic Wellness Clinic, Willow Wood Prof. Village, 31586 Schoolcraft Rd., Livonia. FREE! 734-427-7110.

RADIO Ready, Set, Intention 8-8:15am Get yourself going each week with Annetter Aben on

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

RADIO InTouch Interviews 9-11am Creating strength and confidence while aiding those in need is what United Hands of Change was created to do. Keith and Robin Marvel offer a way to be part of the solution!

REIKI INTENSIVE CLASSES. Beth Hubrecht, Reiki Master-Teacher, Owner of KIndness Clinic offers classes in Brighton MI. Reiki I: Friday, 11/16 6:-9:30pm Reiki I & II : Saturday 11/17 9:am-6:30pm Reiki Master: Sunday 11/18 9:am-6:30pm for more info call: 734-719-0311, email: or visit:

RADIO InTouch Interviews 1-2pm There is no greater bond than between a K9 handler and his partner and we shall find out why. A truly remarkable story of service to community and country as told by Officer Joaquin Guerrero

Listen to the free interactive online workshop at FreeTeleSeminar Oct 16th 7:30-9pm and allow yourself the wise gift of self love and Self Acceptance Processes TM. (Oct 30th 7pm-9pm online 7 week training begins).


Tuesday, October 16, 2012 RADIO Sacred Sexuality with Leslie Blackburn 10-11am Helping you connect with your sacred sexuality; Leslie welcomes your LIVE phone calls at: 646-378-0378. Bring the topics you may feel no one else understands and realize that someone DOES! RADIO Aetherius Radio Live 1-2pm DEBUT SHOW! Welcome international broadcasters, authors and Aetherius Society members, Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze as they bring the wisdom of outer space to help you realize the potential of inner space.

Thursday, October 18, 2012 30-Day Raw Food Cleanse Dinner & Support Group with Ellen Livingston, Thurs, Oct 18-Nov 15, 6:30-8:30pm in Ann Arbor., 734-645-3217.

Friday, October 190, 2012 Friday, Oct 19, 2012. MARIANNE WILLIAMSON: “Consciousness and Activism” – An Evening to Benefit RESULTS 8 pm at Renaissance Unity, 11200 E Eleven Mile Road, Warren MI 48089. $30 for 8 pm General Admission/ $100 for 7 pm VIP Reception & Admission (includes preferential seating). To PurchaseTickets: http://tinyurl. com/mariannew For Info: (248) 756-6270 or

Saturday, October 20, 2012 Irene’s Myomossology Institute’s 11th Annual FREE Holistic Health Fair - 11:30am6:00pm. Complimentary Massage, Yoga, plus 20 FREE Classes. Holistic Palooza’s Transformational Keynote Speaker, Mary Morrissey, will help you find your life’s true potential and how to achieve your dreams! Learn to live a life you love! Irene’s Myomassology (248)350-1400

Sunday, October 21, 2012 Aura and Chakra Class & Photos. The Aura is life force energy. How is yours? Come and experience your aura being photographed and learn what the colors mean. Learn about chakras and how they interact with the physical part of our being. Class is FREE. Photos are by appointment and cost $35. 734-416-5200. 1:00-4:30 PM

October 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

“Wednesday, October 24

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Also Classes & Events ...Sunday Oct 21 Psychic Fair 12-6pm Holiday Inn Express 31900 Little Mack Ave. Roseville, Mi. 48066. Fantastic Readers, Angel, Cards, Palm. Spiritual Mediumship, Reflexology, Auras, Iridology, Spirit Art by JAGS, Judy Smith, Reiki Healing... $5 door. Mini and full readings available...Vendors More info. Kathy 586-285-1583

The Importance of Vitamin D” A must see lecture! Presented by Dr. Michael D. Reggish, D.C., N.D, Certified Holistic Wellness Doctor. 6:00 p.m. RSVP. Willow Wood Prof. Village, 31586 Schoolcraft Rd., Livonia. FREE! 734-427-7110.

Essential Exercises Tuesday, October 30th 8-9pm Learn the six most essential exercises that will help you to improve strength, balance, and overall energy! A must for all ages and fitness levels. Karl Wellness Center & Chiropractic Clinic, 30935 Ann Arbor Trail. FREE! Please register. 734-425-8220

RADIO Ready, Set, Intention 8-8:15am

Pranic Breathwork Introductory Workshop. Learn to open your breath, restore health and bring a renewed sense of vitality, optimism and joy to your life. Soothe your Soul and Free your Spirit with the healing power of your breath. $60 734-416-5200 www. 7-9:30PM

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

“The Holistic Diet” Enjoy optimal health! Informational workshop with Dr. Michael D. Reggish, D.C., N.D, Certified Holistic Wellness Doctor. 1:00 & 6:00 p.m. RSVP. Reggish Holistic Wellness Clinic, Willow Wood Prof. Village, 31586 Schoolcraft Rd., Livonia. FREE! 734-427-7110.

Presence of Breath; Oct.26-28. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Learn to allow Presence to consciously flow through you and create a more joyful life filled with passion and vitality, love and peace. Move through the Pathway of Awareness to gather understanding. Cost is $445. Bring blanket, pillows, and a mat to lie on. 734-416-5200

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012 RADIO Prayer-Aid, Global Relief through Prayer 8-8:15am Chrissie Blaze leads us in morning prayer for a happier, healthier, safer world every Tuesday morning. Be part of this miraculous experience. www. RADIO Accepted As I Am 10-11am Barbra White guides you into living your Soul’s purpose, accepting your spiritual inheritance and loving yourself. The Self Acceptance Process will help you change your life, releasing suffering and be a beneficial presence on the planet. RADIO We Get Results 1-2pm Host Mary Singer Albertson is passionate about connecting people in NEED with those who can GET RESULTS. This IS a must for anyone who has every tried to have their voice heard by the government on any level!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012 Balance Your Hormones Naturally, Presented by Dr. C.A. Fischer, BS, DC, ND. You have options other than drugs, learn the natural way. Livonia, Free 734-756-6904 Honey for Your Health 7-8:30 pm Honey isn’t just a treat! Find out why and how honey has been used for centuries to help heal many conditions, and why the right type of honey is essential. Livonia Civic Center Library, 3rd floor 32777 Five Mile Rd. FREE! Reserve at: 734-425-8588.

October 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012 More Clients & Revenue! Join business/ marketing expert, Cheryl Heppard, October 27 & 28 in Livonia, 9-5 for a 2 day business, marketing and sales training event. www.

Sunday, October 28, 2012 RADIO Chillin’ with Mr. Peace 1:30-3:00pm Kevin (Mr. Peace) Szawala opens the airwaves, phones lines and his heart to share and discuss topics of importance to the furtherance of diversity, peace and love in this world. Today’s topic: Politics/Problems.

Monday, October 29, 2012 RADIO Ready, Set, Intention 8-8:15am The FREE Guided Full Moon Meditation From the Comfort of Your Home. 9PM-9:30PM; Tap into powerful energies; clear negativity and stress. Raise your vibration, gain clarity,

Tuesday, October 30, 2012 Pressure Point Therapy & Stress Reduction Tuesday, October 30th 7-8pm. Certified Wellness Doctor, Dr. William H. Karl, D.C, guides you through step-by-step instruction of pressure point therapy with a partner and/or for yourself. 30935 Ann Arbor Trail. FREE! Please register. 734-425-8220.

RADIO InTouch Interviews 10-11am We welcome back local psychic, Bethany Henry to share her gifts and read for those who seek guidance from the other side. RADIO Prayer-Aid, Global Relief through Prayer 8-8:15am Chrissie Blaze leads us in morning prayer for a happier, healthier, safer world every Tuesday morning. Be part of this miraculous experience. www.

BEYOND Reiki III Master Certificate, Saturday Nov. 3 & 10th; 10am - 2pm, Eve Wilson Reiki Master. Cost $450 two classes to certificate. 734-780-7635 Dec. 1st ESPIRA - METHOD OF BREATHWORK - Join us for a transformative method of moving through the CHAKRA system in a spiraling affect, and see how it interconnects the way we move through life and its challenges. 10:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. 586-295-0964 Dec. 2 Special Holiday Breathe. Unique, wonderful holiday breathe to access the joy and spirit of this season of love, giving, gratitude and connection. Open your heart, feel the oneness and experience the gifts. Don’t miss it! $25 734-416-5200 www. 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM January The Healer & Ascension Certification Course – Legal UCM Healer Practitioner Certification. 28 classes meet alternate weeks, DTBA. Unconditionally loving spiritual connections, clear boundaries, safe and effective healing of body, emotion, mind and spirit for adults, children, pets, the planet. Aura/Chakra Reading, Clearing, Repair, Etheric Surgeons, Soul Contracts, DNA/Heredity, Past Lives, Ascension and Upgrades, Much More. Eve Wilson 734780-7635, .

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The Voices of the Body Mind Spirit Community... FEATURED SHOWS THIS MONTH... 10/01 Insights with Elaine Kissel 11amNoon DEBUT SHOW! This show is all about YOU! You’ll get meaningful insights, useful information and tools you CAN use to make your inner and outer life better in every way. 10/04 Journeys in Wellness 7-8pm DEBUT SHOW! Host, Martha D’Anna wants to bring the information that will lead each and every BODY to a life of wellness and THIS is her DEBUT show for BMSR! Tune in the 1st Thursday each month at this time.

SHOW EVERY WEEK... MON: 8-8:15a Ready, Set, Intention Start your week off right! TUES: 8-8:15am Prayer-Aid, Healing the World with Power Prayer WED: 7-8pm InTouch Interviews with different guest every Wed. This month’s lineup.... 10/02 InTouch Interviews 9-11am Meet the hosts of a brand NEW monthly series here on BMSR, Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze. Together they will host Aetherius Radio Live the 3rd Tues. each month 1-2pm (est) here on BMSR. 10/10 InTouch Interviews 1-2pm It has been said there is no greater bond than between a K9 handler and his partner and today we shall find out why. A truly remarkable story of service to community and country as told by Officer Joaquin Guerrero. 10/10 InTouch Interviews 9-11am Creating strength and confidence while aiding those in need is what United Hands of Change was created to do. Keith and Robin Marvel offer a way to be part of the solution! 10/13 InTouch Interviews 1-2pm Gail and David Miller want to EMPOWER you to create the life you want and when you tune into today’s program, you’ll understand how. 10/30 InTouch Interviews 10-11am We welcome back local psychic, Bethany Henry to share her gifts and read for those who seek guidance from the other side. Be sure to get into the queue early to speak with Bethany! 646-378-0378

10/05 Healthy Cooking with Macro Val 1-2pm Chef, author, instructor, Valerie Wilson brings her vast knowledge and experience coupled with a true joy of helping people live happier lives through healthier eating! Have questions? Call in at 646-378-0378! 10/09 On The Edge with Chrissie Blaze 1-2pm Jim Conlon joins Chrissie today to share a new perspective of Earth and our relationship with it, as discussed in his book “Invisible Excursions” 10/13 Adrianna’s Mystic Connections 10-11am Gifted angel reader, Adrianna invites you to call in and receive guidance and counsel from the angels. Adrianna takes your calls at 646-378-0378 for free readings. 10/16 Sacred Sexuality with Leslie Blackburn 10-11am Helping you connect with your sacred sexuality; Leslie welcomes your LIVE phone calls during the show at 646-378-0378. Bring the topics you may feel no one else understands and realize that someone DOES!

Listen to all our shows on: 54

10/16 Aetherius Radio Live 1-2pm DEBUT SHOW! Welcome international broadcasters, authors and Aetherius Society members, Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze as they bring the wisdom of outer space to help you realize the potential of inner space. 10/23 Accepted As I Am 10-11am Barbra White guides you into living your Soul’s purpose, accepting your spiritual inheritance and loving yourself. The Self Acceptance Process will help you change your life, releasing suffering and be a beneficial presence on the planet. 10/23 We Get Results 1-2pm Host Mary Singer Albertson is passionate about connecting people in NEED with those who can GET RESULTS. This IS a must for anyone who has every tried to have their voice heard by the government on any level! 10/28 Chillin’ with Mr. Peace 1:30-3:00pm Kevin (Mr. Peace) Szawala opens the airwaves, phones lines and his heart to share and discuss topics of importance to the furtherance of diversity, peace and love in this world. Today’s topic: Politics/Problems. 10/29 Join the Global Breath Institute for a “Full Moon Meditation” that you are sure to enjoy! Every month on the day of the full moon, 9-9:30p EST Thank YOU in advance for visiting the “host pages” and joining in on the fun!

All shows are live and many shows are booked throughout the month.. so check our site for a current list and join our newsletter for new show announcements at: October 2012

Community Classified Advertising... ANNOUNCEMENTS


“Be Vegan, Make Peace.” For more information on how to be vegan and how to contribute to a more peaceful world, please go to You can make a difference by going to this website, viewing the climate change flyer and taking appropriate action.

Back to School Health Tune-Up! BodyTalk Access helps your body fight against colds, flu virus, infections, anxiety and stress. This non-invasive modality balances your body for optimum immune fuction. $25 per session. Call 248-962-8422

CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic care without cracking, popping or twisting using the Pulstar computerized technology. Simply Chiropractic 248-885-2493

Emotional Freedom Techniques Services, LLC with Annette. affordable fees. www.annetterichardseft. com 248-334-9214.

COACHING Reiki, Meridian Energy Testing, acupressure, energy balancing exercises. The Center for Natural Healing in Royal Oak. 831.460.1901

Sacred Sexuality/Tantra: Individual & Couple Coaching, Group Classes, Workshops, Retreats; Leslie Blackburn 313-269-6719,

Energetic Bodyworker assisting each client in their Self-Healing process using Healing Touch, Reiki, and more. For more info call Michaelene at (248) 2383083 or visit


Energy Healing and Readings, 586.771.4569

Colonic Hydrotherapy in Troy. Big Beaver and Livernois. National Board Certified Therapist in a clean, professional environment. By Appt only. 248-3622150. COLONICS: in Royal Oak with: Infrared Sauna, Lymphatic Drainage & Nutritionist specializing in Yeast & Parasites. 248-543-2020.


Essential oils/Raindrop Technique - private sessions, consultations, classes. Call for details (and Specials!) Stop by and see me at the Southfield Expo, 10/25; Ilka at 734 728-9332; www. Help for Tinnitus and Chronic Pain. Free Consultation. (760) 710-1804

Award winning massage therapy center seeks a compassionate, organized, customer service oriented person. Proficient in Word, Excel. Publisher a plus. Mon through Friday, about 30 hours. Occasional Sat. info@bodyworkshealingcenter.

Know and accept your divine self! Intuitive, spiritual counseling, psychotherapy, hypnosis, past life and Reiki compassionately guide you towards discovering your true desires, goals, acceptance and joy. Let Miche assist you in learning to trust your emotions and connect with your Inner Self. Berkely. 248-2120808,

Seeking a Certified Massagist willing to learn Ayurvedic Massage from an Ayurvedic M.D., email @ with name , contact info.

WANTED: 100 People to Lose Weight. Call 888.503.7523 Ext. 5

Award winning healing center seeks compassionate, skilled, nationally certified(or about to be) Massage Therapist. If you have passions for your craft, love helping others and want to be part of a dynamic team of healers, contact us immediately at info@ Yoga & Pilates Instructors...The Center - Massage, Yoga & Wellness Studio in Plymouth is looking for Yoga and Pilates Instructors to rent space and develop their own classes. Work for yourself under the umbrella of a well established office. Call Margaret at (734)737-9926

HEALING SERVICES AYURVEDIC Wellness consultations and Ayurvedic services in Farmington. Call: 248-631-7271

October 2012

Reiki healing sessions; aura clearing; spiritual healing. In person; long distance. Reiki I, II, III classes and more. Kathleen Pruneau-Hill, Reiki Master Teacher, Healer Practitioner, Registered Nurse educator. 734-751-7336

HYPNOSIS Unemployed, Teens, Negative Thinkers, VictimsJoin Self Esteem Academy Workshop Wed. Oct 17, 8 weeks Wednesdays 7:00 PM-9:00 PM Techniques that work! Register/ Call Phil at 238.688.6460, Counselor, Certified Hypnotherapist Hypnosis! Past Life Regression, Helps with Test Anxiety, Pain, Smoking, Pre & Post Surgery, and more! Kathleen Garbe C.Ht. Member N.G.H. 586285-1583

HYPNOSIS Registered Certified Hypnotherapist Specializing in Stop Smoking, Weight and Shape Management, Self Esteem and much much more. Call Louise for a free consultation : (248) 714-6042 Smoking/ pain/ weight/ anxiety/ relationships/ public speaking/ social anxiety /insomnia/ regressions/more 760-710-1804

MASSAGE Optimum Performance Massage – A massage a week for 5 weeks only $275.00 Valued at $400.00 Call The Balance Clinical and Holistic Massage for your appt. (248) 542.3073.

MEDITATE Learn how to Meditate: Personal Instruction and guidance in traditional meditation practices. Easy and simple for learners of all ages and backgrounds. (248) 987-8864 David.

MENTAL WELLNESS A PERFECT BALANCE Debbie Bollen. Jenny Harwood Farmington Hills. Holistic, non-invasive brain optimization technology, identifying where brainwave patterns are not functioning at optimal levels. Specializing in: anxiety, memory/ focus problems, sleep issues, PTSD, ADD/ADHD, Brain injury. (248) 2547827

READERS Psychic readings by Gypsy Moon. Over 25 years of experience. Compassionate medical intuitive and spirit medium. Phone and Private readings. Available for Parties. 478-919-8081 Channeled words form Spirit, psychic tarot card and medium readings that go deep into your situation or concern that assist you to keep moving forward. Call 734-259-8651. Located at 875 Wing Street Plymouth MI 48170 Psychic readings by J. L .Feathers - over 30 years experience - appts. private/ phone/ parties - recorded sessions - 269-758-3036 or 269-753-6789

SPACE AVAILABLE Natural setting just 4 miles west of Northville. For workshop or offices & lecture halls. 248 349-4518. The Center - Massage, Yoga & Wellness Studio in Plymouth has space available for you to host your classes and workshops. Beautiful new room after a recent expansion. Tables & Chairs on site if needed. Contact Margaret at (734)737-9926. Spacious 196 sq. ft office/treatment room available ideal for any holistic minded practitioner. On Northwestern Hwy just North of Inkster. Includes waiting room, use of fax and Wi-Fi. Shared with manual and physical therapist. Contact Phil at (248)626-6277.



October 2012

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