Body Mind Spirit Guide Feb 2014 issue

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Body Mind Spirit



For A healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind, and A Renewed Spirit ©

February 2014


The Energy of Loving Relationships

A Tip from Cupid Is It SOUL MATE LOVE? February 2014


Family Owned, Locally Grown, Globally Known!©

Body Mind Spirit Guide Golden Galleries | Body Mind Spirit P. O. Box 85413, Westland, MI 48185 (734) 513-6137 Phone (734) 956-4150 Fax Hours: Mon-Thu 10:00am - 6:00pm Editor & Publishers Howard & Penny Golden Contributing Writers:

Chrissie Blaze Crystal L. Cockerham Scott Fitzgerald De Tamble Dr. Carol Ann Fischer B.S., D.C., N.D. Carole Grace Roger Gietzen M. D. Liz Jelinek Dr. William H. Karl, D.C. Dave Krajovic Lucienne Larrabure, RScP. Lisa Murray Machala Aluna Michaels Wendy Powers Dr. Michael D. Reggish, D.C., N.D. Phil Rosenbaum Roy Sexton Erin Stoh Jennifer Vanderwal Chris and Dave Wattenberg CHTP, SHP/I Barbra White Eve Wilson Valerie Wilson THANK YOU TO OUR AUTHORS: The Body Mind Spirit Guide is written by Leaders & Experts right here in Michigan that are passionate about helping YOU have a healthy body, an enlightened mind & a renewed Spirit!

Copyright 2014 Golden Galleries Productions Inc. & Body Mind Spirit Guide™ are protected by United States and international trademark & copyright laws. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, or used in any form without expressed permission from the editor. We accept no liability for the authors or advertisers claims and strongly suggest that you contact a professional before using any treatments. We also reserve the right to refuse any advertising. Feedback from our readers both positive and negative are appreciated. Important Disclaimer: The recommendations in this publication are not intended as medical advice, or intended to be a substitute for medical counseling. Although many articles are written by Doctors and those in the healing arts, we recommend that you consult a qualified wellness consultant to determine issues regarding your personal health.

About Us… The Body Mind Spirit Guide is a homegrown publication in Michigan! Created by Howard & Penny Golden as a way to spend their retirement enjoying the people and things they love and value.

as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.” Black Elk’s Vision (1862 - 1950) Our Beliefs... We believe all people are One! And that this great truth lies deep within each person’s heart!

Our Publication… Highlighting leaders in Michigan from the holistic fields and spiritual field, we cover all aspects of wholeness from ancient wisdom to modern methods. The BMS Guide is printed and distributed to over 1400 locations throughout S.E. Michigan each month. A great place to find humor, inspiration, information, local events, products, and professionals that will assist you in enjoying a Healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind and Renewed Spirit.

We dedicate the Guide to the One Mother and the One Father and their children (you and I)! Though we speak many languages from differing nations, professions, religions, and realms, as we start to sing the language of LOVE we begin to become aware that we are all singing the same song! This publication seeks to create Harmony to that One Song, the BEAUTIFUL Song of life!

Our Founding Vision… “I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and

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Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

February 2014


Body Mind Spirit Guide Content


What does love mean to you?......................................................5

IN STORES: Printed and delivered to 1400 locations throughout SE Michigan.

POWER OF THE MONTH: STRENGTH......................................7 The Great Victory.........................................................................8 Herb of the month: Agrimony (Agrimonia Eupatoria)..................10 Soul Relationships......................................................................10 Spirituality and Coaching............................................................12 Healing the Lost Relationship with Mother.................................13 The Energy of Loving Relationships...........................................14 The Twelve Blessings.................................................................15

Call 734 513-6137 to find the location closest to you. ON THE WEB: Download the latest issue for your computer or ipad at:

IN YOUR MAILBOX: Don’t want to miss an issue? See page 4 for home delivery.

A Tip from Cupid.........................................................................16 Knock first...................................................................................18 Eyes ..........................................................................................19 Having Problems Losing Weight? This May Surprise You.........21 Relationships: The Spiritual Path To Healing.............................22 Loving Sweets............................................................................24 Healing with Reiki.......................................................................26 Classes & Events.......................................................................30

We welcome your comments by phone, in letters, emails and on the web... Thank you for picking up and reading the Guide!

Professional Business Directory.................................................32 Is It SOUL MATE LOVE?............................................................38 Clear the subconscious for achieving your desires....................40 Loving Yourself & Others............................................................41 Spiritual Horoscopes..................................................................42 Eternal Love...............................................................................43 Your Beloved Awaits ..................................................................44 Food of the Month: Cherries......................................................45 The Essence of Effective Mind Body Spirit Medicine.................46 Community Classified................................................................47 Body Mind Spirit Radio...............................................................47

One Whole One People, One World, One Love!

We print with SOY INK on RECYCLED PAPER! Please join us in honoring the Earth by sharing or recycling used copies of the Guide!

Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

Earth’s Little treasures brought to you from Earth Lore! Plymouth 734 354-1877

Reverend Penny Weaver old age new age* Spiritual Advisor

is available for individual sittings and is now forming Intimate spiritual development groups for Goddesses

The Spiritual House of Rev Penny Weaver is temporarily paused for rebooting and recalibration. Watch for the NEW and IMPROVED information being gathered for her teachings of the Next Generation of Lightworkers.

Location is Northville, call 734-420-1255

*New Age processes allow you to be the seed of God and express your full Spiritual Destiny in your life now. February 2014


What does love mean to you?

and smile,....and yes I am very proud of myself (pat on the back). Years ago, I was brutally hard on myself and it still comes back occasionally; I would take the blame for things that were not my fault, but I should have known better. I was also made to feel like they were in fact, my fault. I’ve had people in my life who had made me feel as though I wasn’t good enough. (Did you catch that word “had”?) I’m learning to honor and love myself for who I am. There were people in my life that had to go, and wonderful new ones that came in! I learned that the way I treated myself taught other people how they could treat me, and in the process I learned a very important lesson. People will always come to teach us lessons, even old lessons. But it is how you handle it that will make all the difference.

The month of February brings to my mind the month of love, and I think of all the various kinds of love we have and experience daily. You love (hopefully) your spouse, your children, significant others, parents, family, your pets, friends, dancing, art, music… the list goes on and on. How often do you think of loving your self? Loving your body and treating it well and not criticizing it? How often do you find yourself criticizing yourself for the way you look, or not being smart enough, or not being perfect, or not being good enough. I know people at the other end of the scale as well, but I am not going to get into that. Do you find that it is easier to forgive someone else than it is to forgive yourself, because you think you should have known better? Are you your worst enemy? Do you constantly feel guilty about making a mistake or not being able to do something? Do you feel everything is your fault......except perhaps the good things that happen? Do you find reasons such as, “that would have happened anyway”, or “I was lucky”? Do you feel you just don’t deserve the credit? It really serves no purpose, except to make one feel badly about themselves. What would happen if we take time to pay attention to what we are saying to ourselves and how we are treating ourselves? It may be quite an eye opener as to how much we belittle ourselves. We all come from the same source, and have some differences in our strengths and weaknesses but no one should consider someone else better than another. So let’s not compare at all, let’s just BE. This past weekend I was at a party and someone said my hair looked really nice. I had to pause for a moment and stop myself from saying something along the lines of, “It is driving me crazy, I haven’t been able to get in to see my stylist!” I had a whole litany of negative thoughts about myself, ready to say not nice things about my hair - and about me. But I stopped that line of negativity and I chose to say, “thank you”

It really does take some work to be able to stop negativity from popping into your thoughts, but it is so worth it to make the effort. So be gentle with yourself. I hope during this month of love, you love yourself for being you and all that you bring to the world because it is special and unique. And, as Wayne Dwyer said, “I cannot always control what goes on outside. But I can always control what goes on inside.” You are worth it! “Carole Grace Carole Grace - 51424 Van Dyke, Suite 11 - Shelby Township, MI 48316 Profile: Carole is an International Psychic and Evidential Medium, HTCP, Reiki Master, Teacher. Carole treats this work as sacred and seeks only the best for those who come to her for readings & healings or those who come to learn to tap into their abilities.

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Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

POWER OF THE MONTH: STRENGTH Affirmation: I have the strength to accomplish all that is mine to do. Strength—The ability to endure, stay the course, persevere. The disciple, Andrew, represents the stability that lies at the foundation of every true character. The corresponding color is light green and the location is the small of the back. Strength is not simply a physical quality. As with all the Twelve Powers, it expresses itself on three levels, each one complementing the others in this life expression on the earth plane. In the physical realm, strength is vitality, endurance, the ability to persist. In the mental area of expression, strength is that quality of mind which enables one to lead, to accomplish, to follow through on decisions, to establish purposes in life, and to hold firm to spiritual principles in daily living. It expresses itself as stability of character.

February 2014


and insistent strength of character, he could forgive, so could they. His Healing / Ascension Treatments & ifClasses The Great Victory kindness and forgiveness. He befriended great integrity, speaking from his own

Many of us are heroes, althoughfor we Body, Emotions, Mind and his captors, who ultimately looked to him Spirit experience, allowed a peaceful shift from may not think of ourselves that way. In to lead them and the country out of the white rule to African rule. small or large every-day-ways, we give New! Ascension Support Classimpasse that occurred when the whites We can see Nelson Mandela’s story Healing & Training Healers upgrades ourClear lives old andcontracts, our love toreceive make our world could no longer maintain dominanceSince 1986 as a metaphor for our own inner and downloads of higher UCM Healer Practitioner, Reverend,and a better place. We rarely knowlevels what of soul, but were frightened to let it go. Through outer life. We all have aspects of soul more. ride the waves Director impact ourHelps dailyyou contributions make, of inner healing and mastery, he led hisReiki Master, that have been repressed by parents, change! Meeting every 4 weeks for 6 The Healer Development Program but we can be encouraged by the life country into victory. months. Starts Mar 27 society, relationships or our even of Nelson Mandela who passed on While he was imprisoned, things heated ourselves. Repressed power becomes Saturday Reiki December 5, 2013. I feelClasses: his life story up to a bloody civil war, not just between destructive behavior toward strangers, Reikireassurance I – March 1and guidance for our carries the Africans and whites, but in an self or loved ones. This power has the Reiki IIjourneys - March and 29 know that his spirit personal Experience Wholeness & Well Being overflow of anger, Africans began killing potential to move us in the direction of Reiki IIItoMaster 19 & 26 Beyond Your Expectations continues support- April our world’s evolution Eve Wilson if we choose that The Healer Development 101 each other. When Mandela was released our truth and victory, even now. from prison and elected to presidency, path. Harnessing our repressed power Intuition, Self-Healing - Feb. 19 You may know his story, but it bears it was clear to him that to treat theRecommended white towardby theDrs., goalsNurses, of our truth requires Chiropractors, * ThetoHealer &gifts:The Ascension Course retelling harvest its small Certification population in the manner they had us to forgive ourselves and others. Not Enrolling NowAfrica Enrolling for February - Legal International, Psychologists, Healing Adults, Children, whiteNow population in South treated the Africans would lead to further to ignore the wrongs, but allow them to Couples, Families, Pets Certification repressed the non-violent African destruction of all that was good and true focus us into self-mastery and personal population to the point where they in the African people. What was needed integrity. Nelson Mandela had this great Aura inReading, Qabalah, Heal Body-Mind-Spirit, Ascension, chose violence. Nelson * a leader the was the same kind of victory he had over victory in a 6 X 12 foot cell over 27 years. movement for freedom was imprisoned The Weekly Word for required Healingforgiveness & Ascension himself, which and Blog He used the restriction to hone and for 27 years in extremely harsh cooperation with everyone, including the master himself. 734-780-7635 conditions. While there, he harnessed whites. There is no freedom without his anger and pain and gained influence Nelson told the African people that forgiveness. Fear, hatred, blame and within the prison system through patient

Healing / Ascension Treatments & Classes for Body, Emotions, Mind and Spirit New! Ascension Support Class

Since 1986 Healing & Training Healers UCM Healer Practitioner, Reverend, Reiki Master, Director The Healer Development Program

Clear old contracts, receive upgrades and downloads of higher levels of soul, more. Helps you ride the waves of change! Meeting every 4 weeks for 6 months. Starts Mar 27

Saturday Reiki Classes: Reiki I – March 1 Reiki II - March 29 Reiki III Master - April 19 & 26

Experience Wholeness & Well Being Beyond Your Expectations Eve Wilson

The Healer Development 101 Intuition, Self-Healing - Feb. 19

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Recommended by Drs., Nurses, Chiropractors, Psychologists, Healing Adults, Children, Couples, Families, Pets

* Aura Reading, Qabalah, Heal Body-Mind-Spirit, Ascension,

The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog


Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

anger imprison us like a jail cell. We can become used to these unloving walls within and not even notice that they are ruining our life. Forgiveness is not something you do for those who have oppressed you, you do it for yourself, because until you forgive, the oppressor is still in control; destroying all that is good, bit by bit, eating away your wholeness. Anger may motivate us when we have been passive and oppressed, so the first step to power might be feeling angry at what is wrong in your life. The next step is to direct your awareness inward to honor your hurt places and find your true relationship with yourself and the eternal oneness with Source which is who you truly are. I call this your, inner wisdom and this is a root of your true power. This root of truth is within you; claiming its power and truth, nothing can oppress you for long. You become a leader in your own life awakening healing and balance within all aspects of yourself, so that there is increasing cooperation between body, emotion, mind and spirit. This inner cooperation will set free your potential. Forgiveness is enlightened self-interest. It reunites us with our true source and brings healing to our world. Over time we will heal deeper levels of hurts, and so find deeper elements of power and truth within. Rather than repressing our anger and pain, we can reclaim its power for positive forward movement, through acknowledging it and choosing love. Love is always a choice. That doesn’t mean sitting down and letting ourselves be oppressed, it means using our power to find our inner truth, rather than turning to rage and hatred that leaves us even more wounded. It means responding in kindness but firmness to life, not being a doormat, but helping everyone to find their right place within the whole. When you see yourself acting out anger against others, or resorting to self-repressing behaviors, whether they be stuffing feelings and reactions or numbing them with food, alcohol or drugs, you can go within and turn that power to a loving choice for yourself and for your world instead. Anger is the power that motivates change, when we move out of passivity it comes up. Don’t stuff it, use it. It will change something, what use will you put it to? Let it be the change that is needed. Focus that power toward learning to love and unify the forces within you in service of your truth. Then use it to influence the world around through love, kindness and integrity. Eve Wilson Eve Wilson’s healings and classes help you find inner truth and overcome limitations, heal wounds of body, emotion, mind, spirit or become a legally certified healer. 28 years healing adults, children, couples, families, pets, houses and the planet. www.spiritualhealers. com appointments, classes, The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension, 734-780-7635. February 2014


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Herb of the month Agrimony (Agrimonia Eupatoria) Common names: Agrimonia, church steeples Description: The bottom half of the plant is bushy, with serrated leaflets, green on the top and silvery beneath. The tall central stalk grows more than 3 feet high to produce an abundance of small, star-shaped yellow flowers with an apricot scent. Commonly found in the South and Southwestern states. Parts used: Leaves, flowers, root. Common uses: Relief from burning, itchy eyes can be found through an eyewash made from a weak tea. Chop one tablespoon of the herb leaves, cook in a pint of water for minutes, cool, strain, and put in an eyedropper. Five drops should provide relief. Double the tea’s strength by using two tablespoons, and spray the resulting tea as a mist to help get rid of hives. A tea made from green, immature cockle burrs can also be drunk to soothe coughs and sore throats. Agrimony extracts have been effective in tests against certain viruses and the tuberculosis Bacterium. The serrated leaves, containing vitamins B and K, as well as silica, are useful in healing wounds. Comments: Chinese research into a related plant, agrimonia pilosa, has yielded a promising cancer fighter and blood coagulant. ♥ 10

Soul Relationships When we choose to incarnate in this beautiful old Earth of ours, we are immersed into a world of polarities: day and night, male and female, happiness and sorrow. It is the perspective afforded us by these various positions which provides a frame of reference, helping us to define our experiences, and ourselves. Similarly, our relationships with those around us help us create an awareness of who we are. As human beings, the bonds of love, family, and friendship are so very important. Yet these mortal relationships are but a mirror of the timeless spiritual relationships we have as eternal souls. In my work as a spiritual hypnotherapist, I assist people in remembering and reexperiencing these intense spiritual ties. There are many levels of relationships that we can explore. Let us examine some of these experiences through the eyes of my clients. Your Personal Spirit Guide Meeting and communicating with our personal Spirit Guides is one of the most profound experiences possible. “I have a spiritual guide... he is here. He dresses in robes of green silk... has a long beard, white hair. He is kind, compassionate, wise... old, very old...” The rekindling of this loving relationship in a hypnosis session serves to build a bridge, causing a person to become more aware of the wise whisperings of spirit in her daily life. Soulmates Nothing captivates the imagination more than the eternal bonds of love that two souls can share: “She is shining... the love I feel... we’ve been through so much together.” Soulmates often choose to be romantic companions in their earthly lifetimes. They live side by side, helping one another to meet life’s challenges. There

are times, though, when soulmates must spend seasons apart, even entire lifetimes, in order to grow and develop on their own. Soul Groups A Soul Group is a close-knit ‘family’ of spirits with whom a person has shared countless “They’re standing in front of me... they all communicate love. We’ve all been in each other’s past lives... it’s my family, it’s home.” There is laughter here, and sometimes tears of joy. As one receives pure love and acceptance without condition, the heart knows a deep sense of belonging. Council of Elders Souls are often given an opportunity to seek counsel from a panel of exalted spirits known as Elders: “The Elders appear radiant... like an all-knowing, all-wise feeling of omnipotence. They are far beyond me. Divinity... a light, like a deep purple presence... the essence is love.” These wise beings are able to illuminate a soul’s entire spiritual history and continuing evolution. They also share advice on a person’s present lifetime, reminding him of his aims and missions. My wish for you is that you remember your spiritual heritage as a spark of the Divine, and so honor the most important relationship of all -- your relationship to your higher self. Scott Fitzgerald De Tamble is a Clinical Hypnotherapist in Southern California, specializing in Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression. For the past 12 years he has dedicated himself to guiding hundreds of clients to a deeper understanding of their eternal soul and their current life’s mission. He is a contributing author to the Newton Institute book, “Memories of the Afterlife.” Several of his LBL sessions are featured in “Flipside,” an entertaining book and film about LBL work and our eternal spiritual nature. Phone: (909) 241-2844 Email: Website: lightbetweenlives.comincarnations in various roles, as well as learning together in the spiritual dimension.

Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

I Believe... That we don’t have to change friends if we understand that friends change. I Believe...That no matter how good a friend is, they’re going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them. I Believe...That true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance.


I Believe... That you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life. I Believe....That it’s taking me a long time to become the person I want to be. I Believe...That you should always leave loved ones with loving words, It may be the last time you see them. I Believe... That you can keep going long after you think you can’t. I Believe...That we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel. I Believe...That either you control your attitude or it controls you. I Believe...That heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, I Believe...That my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.


“By the practice of meditation, you will find that you are carrying within your heart a portable paradise.” ~Paramhansa Yogananda

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I Believe...That sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you’re down will be the ones to help you get back up. I Believe...That sometimes when I’m angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn’t give me the right to be cruel. I Believe...That maturity has more to do with the experiences you’ve had and what you’ve learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you’ve celebrated. I Believe...That it isn’t always enough to be forgiven by others, Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself. I Believe...That no matter how badly your heart is broken, the world doesn’t stop for your grief. I Believe...That our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we have become. I Believe...That you shouldn’t be so eager to find out a secret, it could change your life forever. I Believe...Two people can look at the same thing and see something totally different. I Believe... That even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help. I Believe... That credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being. February 2014

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P a g e 11

Spirituality and Coaching The best coaches in the world integrate Spirituality in their coaching sessions because it is the only way that allows the individual to make the shift in consciousness to become their greatness and highest good; consciously creating the life they want. There is no possible way to ‘be’ and ‘achieve’ your highest good if the concept of “Power Within” is not properly understood. Power Within equals Natural Spiritual Truth and Mind attributes such as: creativity, passion, vision, intuition, desire, certainty, trust, love, energy, thought, emotion and more. Lucienne enables her clients to attain the clarity to uncover the underlying causes of pain and suffering, moving them resourcefully to transform and turn around any condition with conviction and

certainty in their own power. “Nowadays, the type of coaching that integrates Spirituality is a life learning and transforming experience. It is a course of Life. Each unwanted condition is providing you a specific contrast in your life. ‘I don’t want this, I want that’. However, the ‘I don’t want this’ is what we usually hold in our mind, and as a consequence, we experience lack of clarity and energy. The move from, ‘I don’t want this’ to, ‘This is what I want’ is called ‘consciousness’ and this is the vehicle of each coaching session.

underlying cause is usually an unmet basic human need that throughout the course of life has created a unique system of beliefs that is shaping their life experience.” Lucienne Larrabure, RScP. To book a session with Lucienne, call 248-219-1991 or email: Sessions are held in person, phone or Skype and are available in English and Spanish.

As you become your greatness and highest version of your Self, the practice of awareness is making you evolve in consciousness. Clients evolve and there is no going back. Ups and downs are normal but the tendency is always up and for Good. In order to overcome a condition, people must experience a shift in consciousness, an awakening and profound understanding that each

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Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

Healing the Lost Relationship with Mother Perhaps the most important day in the life of every individual is the day that he or she was born. According to Bert Hellinger, the creator of Family Constellations, events surrounding birth and the time shortly thereafter have a lasting impact on the individual’s developing personality and on the path that person chooses in life, as well as whether or not he or she will be truly successful! The good news is that early traumas are easily addressed using Systemic Family Constellations. Many things can go wrong during a delivery or the period immediately following birth, that result in what Hellinger calls, “the interrupted reaching out”—a loss of connection or attachment with mother. If the delivery is a difficult one and forceps are required to “pull” the baby out—this can result in the infant’s pulling away or withdrawing from mother’s love. It’s as if that tiny infant has the cognitive ability to say, “How can I trust this person who allowed such a trauma to happen to me?” What if the baby is born prematurely or has some kind of birth defect that results in the infant’s being placed in an incubator where it is incessantly poked and prodded with needles and drainage tubes—with little or no contact with mother? Maybe the baby is given to a loving adoptive family or the birth mother dies? All these events are extremely traumatic for the infant. They are experienced as a loss of mother, resulting in the “interrupted reaching out!” Sometimes the mother is ill and someone else must take over the nurturing of the young child, or the baby is ill and requires hospitalization—even the most devoted substitute caregiver is experienced by the baby as a loss of mom, creating an “interrupted reaching out.” Hellinger maintains that this “interrupted reaching out” is internalized by that child as a separation from and a loss of mother, resulting in a trauma that lasts a lifetime if left unaddressed. Hellinger stresses that any of these early traumatic events can lead to unconscious conclusions that can result in unfortunate decisions later in life—such as giving up trying to connect with

anyone and making the decision to remain alone—in order to keep a distance from mom and from others as well. The injured child grows to adulthood and turns away from the most important thing of all—he or she rejects love! Hellinger reminds us that Systemic Family Constellations provides a unique opportunity to heal these deep traumas and to reconcile the lost relationship with mom. Unfortunately, it is not unusual for traumatized individuals to be resistant to “making up” with mom—either because they are angry with her, they don’t trust her, or they don’t believe it will help them. But a skillful facilitator can assist and can bring a constellation to resolution, restoring the lost connection between the individual and the most important person in his or her life—Mother! Once the lost connection with mom is re-established, the transformational experience heals not just the relationship with mother, whether she is alive or dead—and even with an unknown birth mother—but heals relationships with others as well, and successes replace failures throughout the individual’s life. The MIDWEST INSTITUTE FOR SYSTEMIC CONSTELLATIONS was established by Liz Jelinek, PhD ©, as a Training Center for Constellations Facilitators, and to bring this amazing process to everyone!

2nd Annual Great Lakes Astrology Conference The 2nd Annual Great Lakes Astrology Conference (GLAC) will be held in Ann Arbor, MI from April 10 through April 14 at the Holiday Inn on Plymouth Rd. With the theme “Transformational Times” due to the extraordinary changes coming up many internationally renowned and local speakers will be lecturing on the astrological explanation for the upcoming changes along with many other topics on astrology. If you have any interest in astrology whether you are a novice or advanced this is an event that you should not miss. For more information go to the conference website at

MIDWEST INSTITUTE FOR SYSTEMIC CONSTELLATIONS Offering: Systemic Constellations Individual Constellations & Therapy. In Person, By Phone or Skype. Liz Jelinek, PhD (Cand.)

Liz Jelinek Founder & Director: 734-646-4886 | February 2014

P a g e 13

The Energy of Loving Relationships Love sustains. Love heals. Love conquers all. Perfect for Valentine’s Day and true at the deepest level of life, for love is who we are. It is the energy of life. Good words, yes, but what does it mean day to day? How do I put this into practice to create loving relationships? To do so requires an understanding of how energy moves between people. The primary vehicle for the distribution of energy is through the body’s chakra system. Chakras receive and discharge energy, like transformers. Four Levels Of Connection At first, love is usually physical and sexual. The sex chakra located on the pubic bone is actively sending energy to your partner and their sex chakra is receiving energy. As the energy exchange continues, an invisible energy cord connects both chakras to facilitate the exchange of energy. This is why you may “ache” for the person even when you are not in their presence. As you spend more time together and nurture the relationship, a new cord begins to form at the chest level. This cord is emotional in nature and is connected to the heart chakra. As couples spend time together they think of things to do together, discuss ideas and concepts and connect mentally. Moving beyond the mind, there is yet a fourth level of connection; it is at the spiritual level and that is where unconditional love exists. The Universe Conspires All relationships experience these connections in various degrees as the Universe conspires to bring us into alignment with our higher soul and into a state of unconditional love. Doing so requires the movement of energy up from the sex chakra, to the heart and finally to the crown. As we move from the physical to the emotional, the love energy and heart chakra expands.


Love nurtures the spiritualization of the body as it triggers the crown chakra to open. As the crown opens, more spiritual energy pours into the body and the aura expands even more. None of this can happen when our bodies are full of dirty stress energies and the cords to others are clogged. As we go through life together, energy between these chakras shifts so that what once might have been sexual is now less so. The heart connection that was once free flowing gets clogged with obstructive thoughts, criticisms and judgments. No matter what a couple does they cannot seem to change. In fact, change will be difficult if the cords are clogged with dirty energy. How do I get the energy cleared so that I may enjoy loving relationships? Transmuting Low Energies One of the ways to clear dirty energy and improve relationships is to transmute the energy. This means altering it from a lower form to a higher form. With respect to relationships, one of the most powerful and simplest tools is forgiveness. Most of us keep an inventory of everything the other person did that hurt us so we can use it to come out on top in the next argument. But such a strategy is self-perpetuating. The relationship will either fail or remain lifeless. At one time, this was my life. If you want a thriving, passionate, joyful life, this is not the way to bring it about. I made it all about her, how she was wrong and she was the one who needed to change. This just led me to more anger, more stress, more anxiety, more unhappiness and finally a separation in our marriage. Nothing changed until we each decided to take back our power. I forgave me. I forgave her. She forgave herself and me. We cleared the energy within us that was not in alignment with love. The Lord’s Prayer guides us, “Forgive us our trespasses as we

forgive those who trespass against us.” To receive forgiveness you must give forgiveness. All of us have made mistakes. It is how we learn. It is the process of spiritual evolution. Forgiveness is not a matter of who is right or wrong; it is a matter of doing the right thing. To begin to change your relationship, try this simple exercise. What To Do Silently say the following prayer. The other person does not need to know. “Forgive me for any transgressions I have made against you as I forgive you for any transgressions you have made against me. We all make mistakes. It is part of the learning process. Thank you for forgiving me. As God forgives me, I forgive you. I am free. You are free. Breath and Relax.” “Now see the cord between your heart center and that of your partner becoming clearer. See it getting brighter and bigger. Imagine you are in the light of the sun. See any grey, dirty energy being released into the air being transformed and burned up by the sun. Breathe and relax. Continue to forgive and see the dirty energy being burned up by the sun.” Notice how much lighter and peaceful you feel. Since other cords connected to your partner will clear, this is one of the fastest ways to feel more connected. Activating the heart chakra and then the crown is also one of the fastest ways to spiritual evolution. So thank your partner. They are in your life for lots of reasons not the least of which is to help your soul evolve. Dave Krajovic

Body Mind Spirit Guide |

Join Dave and Pat Krajovic for this months FREE Meditation, Creating Loving Relationships, Fri. Feb. 14, 9 PM EST @ www. February 2014

The Twelve Blessings If Jesus appeared to us tonight to initiate us into a powerful Spiritual practice that could bring healing and inspiration to us and the world, we would treasure this as a sacred jewel. The Master Jesus has come again in these days to give his New Age teachings to the world. In 1958, he delivered a deeply mystical text known as, The Twelve Blessings, through the advanced mediumship of yoga master, Dr. George King. These sacred texts were delivered in London, England over twelve consecutive Sundays, and are treasured jewels which have found their way around the world throughout the decades, in book and audio form. The Twelve Blessings has several aspects. One is to introduce a deeper, Spiritual appreciation of the Universe in which we live, as we enter this age of space technology. As we advance scientifically and reach out into the Cosmos, we glimpse the interrelatedness and divinity of all life, including the Mother Earth, the Mighty Sun, and beyond. Another important aspect is that these brilliantly designed teachings form a powerful Spiritual practice which everyone can use to heal and uplift our world. We can send a potent stream of love energy to the focal points of each Blessing which begins with, ‘Blessed Are They Who Work for Peace’ and culminates with a beautiful blessing to The Absolute. Finally, this Spiritual practice works on a personal level by invoking the great Law of Karma. When we radiate love energy during our practice of The Twelve Blessings, it is returned to us in a naturally balanced manner. This power of love fills our aura, flowing through our mind and body, purifying and charging us. It opens our higher chakras, raising our vibrations and giving us the energy and inspiration we need on our journey towards enlightenment. In The Twelve Blessings, The Master Jesus takes us beyond the realms of this Earth into the mighty truths of the cosmos, back to the Divine Source of all life! Services of The Twelve Blessings We hold Services of, The Twelve Blessings every Monday at 8:00 p.m. We also play one of these Blessings - as it was actually given by The Master Jesus - at every Sunday Service at 11:00 a.m. You are warmly welcome to attend these Services and join together afterwards with coffee, cookies and conversation! Services are held at: The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak (248) 588-0290

The Aetherius Society - Michigan Branch


Aetherius Radio Live with Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze on The Nine Freedoms -- Body Mind Spirit Radio SAT., FEBRUARY 22 – 2:00-4:30 PM - $15

Class: Kundalini Pranayama Visualization - Advanced breathing class with Gary Blaze, based on Dr. George King’s pranayama breathing series published in Contact Your Higher Self Through Yoga. Sunday Service SUNDAYS – 11:00 AM – 12 noon The Twelve Blessings Prayer Service MONDAYS – 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Service cancelled on February 24) Spiritual Healing TUESDAYS – 7:30 PM – 8:45 PM By appointment only. Donations welcome.

The Aetherius Society

3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak, MI 48073

Tel: (248) 588-0290

Gary and Chrissie Blaze |

They are metaphysicians, spiritual teacher and co-authors of “Power Prayer” and ordained “The Aetherius Society” priests. Learn more at: or

Visit us on the web at:

February 2014

P a g e 15

A Tip from Cupid Loving relationships are an essential part of being healthy. Each year, I’m inspired by Valentine’s Day to write about the subject of love because of the questions I get from my patients throughout the year. Last year, my article was based on Dr. Gary Chapman’s book, The Five Languages of Love. This book guides people on how to communicate in various love languages to achieve loving relationships. However, before we are able to have loving relationships with others, we must first love and respect ourselves. This year, I would like to share ancient Toltec wisdom to help empower us to love and respect ourselves. In The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz relates how we can do this by following four simple agreements. These agreements had been held and protected through time by the ancient Toltec people. The Toltec recognized that many of the rules handed down to us from birth for the purpose of being obedient, or as they referred to it, as being domesticated. These rules cause us to form distorted images of who we are, who we should be, and how we need to behave in order to be accepted. We are driven by the fear of punishment and the fear of not receiving rewards. Instead of being free and happy beings, we are victimized by our own internal judge. This judge has impossible standards that we can never quite achieve. We are afraid that others will judge us in the same harsh ways we judge ourselves, so we push ourselves to greater degrees of perfection. The Toltec wisdom shared by Ruiz illustrates how to become free and happy beings able to love ourselves, therefore allowing us to love others. The first agreement is to “be impeccable with your word.” Words are so powerful 16

something to the best of your ability at the time you do it. This agreement allows us to live in the present and let go of the past, knowing that in the past we did our best at the time. This fourth agreement is the most important of all the agreements. Incorporating these agreements into your life may be difficult, but as you realize the benefits, you will achieve happiness beyond your greatest expectations.

that they can cause harm if misused. The word impeccable is derived from Latin and translates to “without sin.” This means to never speak against ourselves and others, and implies that we must always honor our word. The second agreement is “don’t take anything personally.” Ruiz says, “Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves.” We have the choice to believe or not believe everything we hear. Even what we believe about ourselves may be right or wrong because these thoughts may be part of the information we heard in our mind since conception. The third agreement is “don’t make assumptions.” The problem is that when we make assumptions, we believe they are true. Yet, assumptions always set us up for problems. We need to ask questions, gather facts, and make sure that we have clear communication rather than making assumptions. This agreement is especially difficult to keep because we have deeply ingrained habits that keep us from fully communicating with others. When we don’t have a full understanding of a communication, we make assumptions to fill in the gaps. The fourth agreement is to “always do your best.” Doing your best does not mean perfection. It means doing

I believe that understanding and living according to these four agreements will help everyone experience more love, joy, and happiness in the world. As we love ourselves, it will become easier for others to love us. Come to my workshop on February 13th where we will discuss these agreements in greater detail and how you can apply them to your life. We will also review Dr. Chapman’s, Five Love Languages. I have a limited number of, The Four Agreements available for purchase at my office so that you can read through it before the workshop. This Valentine’s Day, take this tip from Cupid. Follow the four agreements to help you to gain a new love and respect for yourself. In turn, this will attract the love and respect of others for you! Happy Valentine’s Day from Dr. Karl and staff! Dr. William H. Karl, D.C., is a Brimhall Certified Wellness Doctor with over 30 years experience helping people experience optimal health! Join Dr. William H. Karl, D.C. and Dr. Jacob H. Karl, D.C., on February 13th at 7 pm for a FREE workshop entitled, “On Love & Communication.” Please register by calling 734-425-8220. Visit:

Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

A Teacher Tackles Bullying


A teacher in New York was teaching her class about bullying and gave them the following exercise to perform. She had the children take a piece of paper and told them to crumple it up, stamp on it and really mess it up but do not rip it. Then she had them unfold the paper, smooth it out and look at how scarred and dirty is was. She then told them to tell it they’re sorry. Now even though they said they were sorry and tried to fix the paper, she pointed out all the scars they left behind. And that those scars will never go away no matter how hard they tried to fix it. That is what happens when a child bully’s another child, they may say they’re sorry but the scars are there forever. The looks on the faces of the children in the classroom told her the message hit home. Pass it on or better yet, if you’re a parent or a teacher, do it with your child/children.

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ne’s Day with Us! Celebrate Valenti workshop: Join us for a FREE ”


“On Love & Comm

ry 13th Thursday, Februa

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Awaken to Love FREE mini Workshop

02/08 & 28 in Southfield

7pm gathering – 7:30-9:30pm workshop

02/16 in West Bloomfield

2pm gathering - 2:30-4:30 workshop

02/22 in Ann Arbor

5:30 gathering - 6pm-8pm workshop

“Pathways to Intimacy” Feb., 23rd A powerful one day workshop on creating healthy relationships. 10am-6pm. $75.00, $60 Pre-paid, in Livonia, MI.

Contact: Mo (Maureen) Fritz ♥ 734-523-8566 ♥

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FREE Nutritional Consultation & Zyto Scan along with your FREE Consultation! Call 734-425-8220 to schedule your appointment. Medicare Guidelines Apply. Exp. 2/28/14 DR. WILLIAM H. KARL, D.C. CERTIFIED WELLNESS DOCTOR DR. JACOB H. KARL, D.C. APPLIED KINESIOLOGIST February 2014

P a g e 17

Knock first

completely restored, soothing pool in the lower level. The center has been open since 2003 to all positive purposes.

Following the spiritual path can take us to interesting, and sometimes surprising, places. When we ask spirit to guide us and then trust in the answers, we’re never quite sure where it will lead except to the highest good. We do, however, have to knock on the door before the door opens.

The transformation didn’t happen overnight. I set my intention, then sought counsel from my angels and guides every step of the way to make it happen. Most of the answers came in my dreams. Right off the bat, the structure’s main beam had to be replaced after rotting out from water damage. With my own two hands, and help from others that turned up on my path, I delved into carpentry, masonry, tiling and more.

Over a decade ago, my own spirit guides led me to start a meditation center. I didn’t quite know how or why or where I was going to do that, but I had faith in my advisors. Every time I asked, “How?” they showed me the answer. I located a suitable property and was considering its purchase when my angels and guides brought a person across my path who had a large, derelict building for sale in an entirely different location. The structure was in a severe state of deterioration after years of abandonment. Bricks were decaying and falling off. The city was getting ready to condemn it and have it demolished. The facility was originally built in 1873 as a Baptist Church. Later, the church vacated the premises and a local non-profit took it over to run a community center. The pews were removed from the nave and it was transformed into a gym with a basketball court. In the basement level, they constructed a swimming pool. After years of use in that capacity, the building finally fell into disuse and disrepair, changing hands a couple of times as people attempted, and failed, to rehabilitate it. I went to the building’s front porch and sat in meditation. In the end, I purchased the large, crumbling building in 2002. 18

Overcoming the obstacles What might have seemed like a daunting, overwhelming project became a steady stream of lessons as I relied on my spirit guides to show me how to overcome all the obstacles. The trick was to keep my ego-mind from attempting to control the outcome. Today, people come to the center to learn and practice meditation, or for

yoga, Reiki, massage, or instruction in enlightenment and healing. Teachers of various disciplines find a home at the center, as well as a comfortable facility for retreats. The facility, with its long spiritual history, holds a calm, light energy. The center has a conference room, kitchen, private rooms, and the

The original stained glass, long boarded up, was in need of repair. I didn’t know anything about stained glass, but by having the confidence and relying on the angels, I learned how to do stained glass. Room for everyone The rehabilitated facility holds many symbolic emblems from various religions around the world, demonstrating the center’s embrace of everyone wherever they are on their spiritual path. I discovered a Coptic Cross embedded at the front peak of the stained glass, a symbol of faith. Elsewhere in the glass, there is what can be interpreted as a lotus flower or perhaps a lily, both symbols of purity in the Buddhist or Christian traditions, respectively. The original architecture includes the Egyptian flower of life within the arching beams that span the lofty ceilings. I was led to create an octagon in the main room of the facility. Today, it is the space where group meditation, drumming, yoga and other classes are held. I didn’t know why I wanted an octagon in this space, but later discovered it’s an

Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

old symbol of Christian protection. On the upper level, around this octagon, a Native American medicine wheel is incorporated right into the marble and granite tiling of the floor. An ankh, the Egyptian symbol of life, extends from the medicine wheel. A pyramid in the floor diverts the energy through the building. Elsewhere, a symbol from Jewish mysticism, the merkabah, is depicted in the floor. Spirit also guided details like the black and white tiling in the tower, placed in such a way to suggest the feeling that this world is falling away and the other dimension is opening up. The original hand-hewn spiral staircase is surrounded by a library of books, with self help at the bottom working up to different religions as one climbs up. Even the paint on the walls and the ceilings was inspired by my spirit guides, who showed me in a dream how to get the swirling pattern that now graces the surfaces. Upstairs the walls are blue like the sky. On the main level, the walls are lavender signifying transformation and healing. Before even entering the building, visitors find a labyrinth that serves both to provide handicapped accessibility and use as a meditative tool. It is also a symbol of the spiritual journey. For more than a decade, the Meditation Self Healing Center in Lapeer has welcomed all who seek peace and spiritual healing, and continues to open its arms to both teachers and students on the spiritual path. It remains to be seen what will unfold under the guidance of spirit. My own experience shows me that no matter how daunting matters may seem, it’s a matter of asking, then listening for the answer with a stilled mind and a heart open to love, not fear. Roy Sexton, Meditation Self-Healing Center. February 2014

Eyes Incredible organs aren’t they? Generally, they are most comfortable and work their best when not itchy, burning or in need of medication or relief of some sort. When medication, (usually drops) are needed they can be difficult to get into the eyes for various reasons. Whether you are administering them for yourself, a child, or a loved one, friend, etc. The next time drops/medication are needed for eyes, try this method for administering them. ( following the dose amount given to you, of course.) -Tip your Head back. - Close your eyes. - Place the drops (required dose for you) in the inside corner of each eye. - Now Open. - You’re Done! You just got your drops/medication in your eyes. This method allows the drops/ medication to wash over your eyes when you open them. ( Not down your face and on your new shirt! ) Being one with personal experience, (as a mom) in using this method myself, it does work great with kids. Ever try giving drops/medication to a curious 3 year old? Not an easy task, but this method was/is very helpful. Just be sure to follow your recommended/given dose. Tiffany Golden

“Wakan Tanka, Great Mystery, teach me how to trust my heart, my mind, my intuition, my inner knowing, the senses of my body, the blessings of my spirit. Teach me to trust these things so that I may enter my sacred space and love beyond my fear, and thus walk in balance with the passing of each glorious sun.” Lakota Prayer

P a g e 19

It’s A Miracle……

original problems. I’m having 3 BM’s a day. My energy levels are now off the charts. Thanks to Dr Reggish, I’m the happiest woman around. Thank You Dr Reggish for all you’ve done.

How We Lost Weight, With No Dieting or Exercise

Michelle N., Grand Rapids, MI I want to thank Dr Reggish for changing my life forever. He gave me the tools I needed to put my life back together, to live healthy for myself and my family. He put me through a series of tests for only $45 and taught me so much about health during that first appointment. My first week I lost 7 lbs, and my chronic fatigue stopped. In two weeks I lost a total of 16 lbs, without being on a diet. I’m now sleeping 8 hours a night. Before, I was getting only 4 hours a night. I’m looking forward to my third week of being on his Holistic Program. God Bless you Dr. Reggish for caring and taking the time to listen. Angelic B., Monroe, MI The first time I met Dr Reggish, I cried for almost an hour telling him about all my health problems. Dr Reggish was very calm and said don’t worry…we just have to teach you some healthy lessons to live with and miracles will happen. Well miracles did happen and in only 3 weeks I lost 49 lbs without being on a diet. Dr Reggish never told me how much to eat. He never put me on a caloric diet. I couldn’t believe the changes in my body. I do have to say while taking some herbs from Dr Reggish, I saw thousands of parasites during my bowel movements. In two months, I have lost 87 lbs and many of my problems are gone, including depression. When I look in the mirror, I see a new person and thank God everyday for Dr. Reggish. Maria S., Madison Hgts. MI I read about Dr. Reggish and his Nutritional tests that he does for $45. This seemed like such a good idea and I decided to give him a call. My problems were depression, overweight, constipation, mood swings, itching all over, chronic fatigue, hot flashes and night sweats. I needed help and called Dr Reggish. Here’s what happened. After one week I lost 8 lbs. Two weeks 17 lbs. Three weeks 22 lbs and in four weeks, I was down 27 lbs. I’m 5ft 4 and I’m down to my 18 year old weight. Awesome for being 49 years old. I no longer have any of my 20

My son is 8 yrs. old with ADD and lots of problems. He wasn’t getting along at school. His meds weren’t working. He couldn’t even put his own clothes on. It took a whole week helping him, every night to get one homework assignment finished. A friend from Saginaw told me about Dr. Reggish and how he turned her son around with the same problems. I took my son to see Dr Reggish. He showed dramatic results in one week and is now doing his homework by himself every night. I cried for an hour over my amazement of seeing my son doing his homework and completing it in one night. He now clothes himself, and the teachers are amazed as to how good he is in school. Little do they know I took him off his medications after one week with Dr Reggish. My son has lost 8 lbs in 3 weeks just getting healthy.  Thank you Dr. Reggish for this miracle. Madeline J., Bloomfield Hills, MI The Reggish Holistic Wellness Clinic

February, 2014 Special 65% OFF Nutritional Testing Terms: Good for one visit. Must present ad at time of visit.

In our office we test for Parasites and Major Foods and Immune Challenges (Viruses, Flu Viruses, Retro Viruses, Four different types of Fungus and Bacteria) and also Heavy Metals and Toxic Chemicals. All of these tests are done for a single fee of $45. With these tests we can identify and determine factors contributing to your health concerns. Contact Dr Michael D. Reggish, D.C., N.D. 734-427-7110, Reggish Holistic Wellness 31586 Schoolcraft Rd., Livonia, MI 48150

Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

Having Problems Losing Weight? This May Surprise You… They say that the more calories you consume, the more weight you will gain, right? At least that’s the modern weight-control theory, which is based on the idea that weight loss is a simple mathematical formula of consuming fewer calories than you use up. There are calculations showing that if you eat a small snack every day that exceeds your caloric expense for that day, you could gain several pounds in a year, based on the few extra calories in that snack. Our current low-fat diets are based on this theory, as, gram for gram; fats are the most calorie-dense foods we eat. The problem is, it’s not working. Americans now consume dozens of low-fat products, from milk to cereals to pizza, and yet we are gaining weight at an astonishing rate. It is estimated that fully three-quarters of Americans are overweight. (Technically, 33 percent of adults are overweight; statistics separate overweight adults from obese adults) The 75 percent is the sum of overweight, obese, and extremely obese adults. And we are gaining weight fast. Everybody knows we need to be more active and exercise more. But there is tremendous disagreement — and confusion — when it comes to what is a healthy, weight-regulating diet. There is evidence that diet is the main driver for our national weight problem. From a wellness perspective, weight control is not nearly as simple as calories in, weight on. Our weight is regulated primarily by hormones that are strongly influenced by the foods we eat. What’s the biggest culprit for putting on weight? Insulin. This hormone is known primarily for lowering blood sugar after a meal heavy in carbs. But it does so February 2014

by storing many of the extra calories as fat. It also stops the body’s use of fat as a fuel. So, if you are exercising to lose weight, but have high insulin levels from a recent carb-based meal, the insulin will prevent your body from accessing the fat stores. Even more important than weight regulation for many people are appetite and cravings control. Many of my patients who are trying to improve their diets complain not so much about being hungry, as craving sweets and carbrich foods such as doughnuts, pastries and sodas. The problem is that carbs are literally addictive for some people, especially highly refined carbs like sugar and white flour products. Dr. David Kessler, former head of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and author of “The End of Overeating,” also implicates foods high in salt and processed fats as being addictive. Healthy fats are not addictive, but processed ones are, especially Trans fats. Dr. Kessler reviewed a study in which rats that were offered high-fat, sugary foods showed signs of addiction, almost equal to that of cocaine. The lead author of the study, Dr. Paul Kenny, commented, “In the study, the animals completely lost control over their eating behavior, the primary hallmark of addiction. They continued to overeat even when they anticipated receiving electric shocks, highlighting just how motivated they were to consume the palatable food.” When the “junk foods” were removed and healthy options were offered, many of the rats simply refused to eat. Does this sound like a 5-year-old having a sugar tantrum? Studies have shown sugar to have potent effects on brain chemistry, affecting the opioid and dopamine receptors that are associated with mood and addiction. Sugar is a short-term analgesic, which means it actually relieves pain. Some researchers go so far as to call it a drug. Based on this information, I do not

recommend most patients use the “eat all foods in moderation” idea. If a food is addictive, the only way to avoid “setting off” the addiction is to avoid that food completely for a short time until the addiction is gone. A qualified Wellness Doctor can take you through this process. I recommend patients stick to the basic rules of nutrition that I was taught 32 years ago in Chiropractic College: Eat only whole, intact foods; avoid the more processed “foods” containing sugars and high-fructose corn syrup; white flour products; and soda. It can be a difficult transition — these foods are everywhere, especially during the holidays. So many patients do well in improving their diets and notice great health gains, only to find that after a piece of birthday cake they end up on a “junk food” binge for two weeks. The best weapon I can suggest for overeating and obesity is knowledge; the facts about hormones and weight regulation and the problems with low-fat diets, but mostly, the addictive nature of refined carbs. People who have a hard time quitting carbs are not weak willed — the problem is the foods themselves. They are literally addictive, and food manufacturers are doing everything they can to keep them that way. I recommend that people get tested for food allergies before going on a weight loss program. If you’re allergic to foods, then you’ll crave these foods and you’ll never lose weight. Folks…weight gain is not your fault! God Bless, Dr. Michael D. Reggish, D.C., N.D. Dr. Reggish, D.C., N.D. Certified Holistic Wellness Doctor, Naturopath, Chiropractor, Clinical Nutritionist, Applied Kinesiologist and Cranial Sacral Therapist with over 32 years of Clinical experience. In our office for $45 we run several nutritional tests which include food allergies. Contact Dr Reggish @ Reggish Holistic Wellness, 31586 Schoolcraft Rd. Livonia, MI 48150. www. Call 734-427-7110.

P a g e 21

Relationships: The Spiritual Path To Healing Relationships are the most important experiences of our lives. Our entire reality and experience is created from, and based upon, our relationship with ourselves, people and the world around us. This may sound obvious; yet few people stop, step back, and take a deeper look at this powerful and compelling entity known as relationships. Nothing in our lives brings us more joy, peace and fulfillment and creates more pain, suffering and tragedy in our lives than our relationships. Virtually everything we know and understand about ourselves is created through, and understood from, our relationships. This is what makes them the most sacred and powerful path we can walk in order to heal, awaken and fulfill our soul’s purpose of awakening. The most important relationship we have, and the basis of all of the relationships we create and experience in our life, is the relationship with ourselves. A spiritual truth that speaks to this is: Everyone and everything in our life is a reflection of us in some way. In other words: What I love and respect about someone else is the things I love and respect about me. What I judge and dislike in another is a reflection of

something I judge, dislike or have disowned about myself. Most people don’t realize this because they have forgotten, and don’t know who they really are. We have all created false selves, personas, masks, beliefs and roles in our lives that we have mistakenly come to believe is who we really are. Most of us spend the first half of our lives forgetting who we are and the second half trying to remember. The journey of rediscovering, remembering and awakening to our True Self happens through our relationships. Our relationships with others force us to acknowledge both our perfection as souls and our limitations as personalities. Because all relationships are based on soul, we have the opportunity to gain a sense of meaning in life through our relationships. Soul shows us the bigger picture. Soul creates deeper connection; it fulfills and responds to the true needs in our life and the lives of others. We are always challenged in relationships to accept the unknown of ourselves and the unknown of the other. Therefore, meeting this challenge must be founded on trust. You must trust that your mate will get whatever they need from you, and that you will get whatever you need from them. Six things you can do to increase trust in your relationship:

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Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

1. Stop judging, attacking or making your partner wrong or not good enough. 2. Don’t be afraid to admit when you are wrong or have been hurtful. 3. Apologize and clean up your messes when you have caused issues or hurt your partner. 4. Acknowledge and validate each other’s feelings and experiences, even when theirs is different than yours. 5. Express your love and appreciation for the good you have together and in each other. 6. Keep promises and commitments Intimacy is an important aspect of all relationships, and it differs according to the relationship. Intimacy exposes the unconscious and teaches us trust. Intimacy helps us to recognize needs, and it awakens the love within us to respond to those needs. It especially empowers us to meet our own needs. Intimacy says, ‘you are acceptable and lovable just as you are’. Merging the Couple’s Path with the Spiritual Journey The need for love and acceptance is a spiritual need as much as it is an emotional one. Many people unconsciously project their own issues, self-judgment and shadow aspects onto their mate. They expect the other person to provide a level of unconditional love and security far beyond that which is humanly possible or what they are willing to give themselves; and, as a result, they continually feel betrayed. One of the biggest relationship challenges and killers is the expectation of your partner to provide you with a sense of love, trust, connection and intimacy that you have not given to yourself. We cannot expect from others what we have not given to ourselves, or are willing to give to them without conditions. Use this experience to become more February 2014

self-aware of what you need to give to yourself, or take responsibility for in the relationship, instead of expecting your partner to take care of it for you. Those who practice self-awareness in their relationships, take responsibility for their own wants, needs and issues. They stop looking for others to save them or give them the love and acceptance they have not found or given to themselves. They see their mate as a sacred partner on the journey of healing and awakening. Responsible partners use the pain and challenges in the relationship to work on their own wounds and false beliefs. They understand their mate is just a mirror of all they love and accept, or judge and dislike, about themselves. By facing our own challenges with self-love, acceptance and intimacy, we can be open and honest on all levels. As a result, we can transform intimate relationships from bloody battlefields or sterile stalemates into rich and beautiful arenas for spiritual growth and freedom. In this way we rise to our most loving and most authentic self in life, the truth of who we are at the soul level. Crystal L. Cockerham SOUL SPACE - Facilitator. Mentor. Energy Guide. Center: 855.200.SOUL (7685) Cell: 248.941.5893 At Soul Space, our coaches, mentors and energy guides are honored to help you improve the relationship you have with yourself as well as others! We welcome you to utilize a free 45 minute consultation in order to experience our philosophy first hand. Call 855-200SOUL (7685) and schedule your appointment today and/or visit us Wednesday, February 19, 2014 from 6:30-8:00 pm for a free open forum and discussion about Soul Coaching.

My inconclusive travel plans for 2014: I have been in many places, but I’ve never been in Cahoots. Apparently, you can’t go alone. You have to be in Cahoots with someone. I’ve also never been in Cognito. I hear no one recognizes you there. I have, however, been in Sane. They don’t have an airport; you have to be driven there. I have made several trips there, thanks to my friends, family and work. I would like to go to Conclusions, but you have to jump, and I’m not too much on physical activity anymore. I have also been in Doubt. That is a sad place to go, and I try not to visit there too often. I’ve been in Flexible, but only when it was very important to stand firm. Sometimes I’m in Capable, and I go there more often as I’m getting older. One of my favorite places to be is in Suspense! It really gets the adrenalin flowing and pumps up the old heart! At my age I need all the stimuli I can get! I may have been in Continent, but I don’t remember what country I was in. It’s an age thing. They tell me it is very wet and damp there. P a g e 23

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Loving Sweets We celebrate our love of sweets on Halloween and Valentines Day. Valentines Day candy and chocolate seem to represent the sweetness of the affection that we have for others. Chocolate lovers know that there is a health benefit from consuming this delicious treat. It actually contains the relaxing mineral, magnesium. One of the many benefits of magnesium is that “feel good” feeling. Magnesium actually calms the nerves, relaxes muscles, and reduces irritability. Magnesium is associated with calcium. The body needs more calcium than magnesium at a ratio of 32:1. Calcium and magnesium are only two minerals of the many minerals and trace minerals that make up the human body. It is the desire for magnesium that can drive the urge to eat chocolate. This desire indicates a mineral deficiency of magnesium, and calcium. Magnesium helps the body metabolize fats, proteins and sugars, as well as minerals and vitamins, like Vitamin D. Where there is a magnesium deficiency, there are other missing nutrients too. There are good chocolates and bad chocolates. A bad chocolate is defined as one that has very little cocoa and a lot of fillers, additives, sugars and high fructose corn syrup. These chocolates should be avoided when looking for the “happy and satisfied” feeling that good chocolate can create. Sugar goes by many names. There are 42 different names for sugar used in commercial foods. By naming sugar something other than sugar, most people do not realize that they are in fact consuming sugar.

Eating bread, pasta, rice or potatoes is basically eating sugar. Skipping meals alters your blood sugar, causing a stronger desire to eat sugar. Fruit juice, wine and pop, are basically flavored liquid sugars. The average American consumes 120 pounds of sugar a year, a low estimate. Before there was packaged food, the average sugar consumption was 30 pounds a year. Sugar has been implicated in many degenerative health conditions from Diabetes to Heart Disease. There are at least 146 reasons to not make your diet high in sugar. The body has to use additional stored vitamins in order to efficiently metabolize sugar. This depletes key vitamin and mineral reserves, like magnesium, calcium and the whole Vitamin B complex. When you eat more sugar than is needed by your body, weight gain is inevitable. Excess consumed sugars are stored as unwanted body fat. A dietary analysis can easily determine if you are consuming too much sugar. Most people are not aware of the amount of sugar they consume. The key is the total amount of sugar that you consume in ratio to the fats and proteins in your diet. Simple non-invasive tests can efficiently determine nutritional deficiencies. Eating chocolate and some sweets is acceptable when your body has all the vitamins and minerals that it needs to handle the sugars. Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, B.S., D.C., N.D. owns TLC Change yourHolistic health Wellness inChange Livonia.your Shelife has provided holistic and nutritional Trying to Do it All? recommendations Living With Pain? using HELP! liveTHERE water,ISdiet &whole food supplements for 29 years as a Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, D.C., N.D “Chiropractic Wellness Physician” practicing chiropractor, naturopath-wellness A doctor whoVisit understands, consultant. www.TLCHolisticWellness. are real,and free public comyour for health more issues information and can provide true help ! workshop dates, or call (734) 664-0339.

Offering: • Stress & Pain RELIEF • Hormone Balancing Body Mind Spirit Guide | February 2014 • Energy Restoration • Whole Food Nutrition • Detox & Weight Loss

ANCIENT WISDOM Around 1966, a NASA team doing work for the Apollo moon mission took several astronauts to a site near Tuba City where the terrain of the Navajo Reservation was believed to be similar to the lunar surface. Along with several NASA trucks and vehicles used for the training session, there were two men wearing complete Lunar spacesuits. Nearby a Navajo sheep herder and his son watched what they thought were two strange creatures walking around. Before long, some NASA personnel noticed the sheep herder with his son and decided to speak with them. Since the sheep herder didn’t speak English, he told his son to ask the NASA personnel what the strange creatures that were. The NASA people quickly explained that they were not foreign creatures, but they were just men in space-suits preparing for a voyage to the moon. The boy explained this to his father, who suddenly became very excited. The man spoke You to his Back son, andon the the son explained thatGood his father wanted to “Helping Road to Healthâ€? know if he could send a message to the moon with the astronauts. The so Wykes they found a tape Dr. NASA Amy L.personnel Dean, D.O.thought this was a great idea, Arden Stanton, M.S. recorder and recorded the sheep herder’s message in Navajo. When they ~ Diplomate, ~ Holistic Nutrition Advisor AOBIM,ABHM finished recording the message, they asked the son to ~translate the it. The iLs Professional boy refused. Our specialties Later as the training session was coming include: to an end, the NASA personnel Medicine were Board eagerCertified to learnInternal what Medicine words of wisdomOsteopathic a Navajo Manipulative sheep herder would Board Certified Holistic Medicine Hormone Analysis and Therapy want to send to the moon. They tried asking several people on the reserNutrition, Diet Advisement and Therapy Tomatis Based Sound Therapy (iLs) vation to translate the message, but every person they asked would hear Through careful diagnostics we’ll uncover the real issues then the message, design chuckle and refuse. After plan dozens of people the a customized treatment tailored just for refused, you. NASA personnel decided to offer money for a translation of the message, and finally they found someone to do it. The translator listened to the tape &Ä”Ä -Ä Ä˜ÄšÄ”Ä’Ä? *Ä&#x;ÄĽÄ–ÄŁÄ&#x;Ä’Ä? .ĖĕĚĔĚÄ&#x;Ä– ÄĄÄ?Ä?Ä” recording, smiled to himself and then spoke the message in English: 1BVMJOF #MWE 4VJUF % t "OO "SCPS .*


“Watch out, they come to take your land.â€? â˜ş

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P a g e 25

Healing with Reiki

can trace their Reiki lineage back to Mrs. Takata or one of her students.

If you could easily learn a healing technique that you could use to improve your own life and the lives of those around you; including your favorite pets, would you want to know about it?

Today there are many schools and forms of Reiki being practiced all over the world. Nearly all of them have their historical roots in Dr. Usui’s System of Natural Healing. Over the last few decades, Reiki has become a very popular complementary alternative therapy used in hundreds of hospitals in North America and around the world. The growth of Reiki is attributed to its ease of use and its effectiveness in promoting natural relaxation, wellbeing, and the body’s own healing capacity.

If so, Reiki may be what you are looking for. First of all, what is Reiki? For centuries many cultures have recognized that an unseen energy is found in all living things and directly affects the quality of a person’s health. In China it is called Qi, Ki in Japan, and Prana in India. Science refers to this energy as bio-field energy. When our life force energy is low we find it difficult to sleep, ward off the effects of stress or effectively battle illness and disease. Regular Reiki treatments can help us rebuild and balance vital life force energy, thereby enabling us to live healthier and more peaceful lives. Reiki is a natural healing method that focuses energy and helps the body replenish and rebalance itself. The practitioner places their hands on or above the client and energy flows through the client’s body. It is often experienced as a warm, glowing, peaceful sensation. There are many ways to practice Reiki: a client may lie upon a massage table and receive a hands-on treatment, Reiki can be ‘beamed’ or directed to a person’s body without direct contact or, Reiki can even be sent across significant geographic distances. All that is required is that the client consent to the treatment and be open to receiving Reiki’s healing energy. Reiki was discovered in the early part of the 20th Century in Japan by Dr. Usui. There Usui established a healing clinic and school where Mrs. Takata came from the U.S. to receive treatments and study Reiki with him. It was Mrs. Takata who brought the Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing to the United States. Most Reiki Masters in the U.S. today 26

When Reiki energy flows into the body, the muscles relax. This in turn promotes increased blood flow to the treated areas. This improved circulation aids the body in healing itself more quickly. Many clients report that Reiki helps reduce their stress, anxiety or depression. Others indicate that chronic pain often decreases. Occasionally, more dramatic results are reported. Reiki also promotes psychological healing including release of fear, anger, worry, sadness and other troubling emotions. These are replaced with a sense of peace and tranquility. The real beauty of Reiki is in its simplicity. Anyone, including children and the elderly can learn and ‘do’ Reiki. All that is needed is the desire to learn Reiki and receive Reiki attunements, and anyone can be practicing Reiki in a matter of a couple of days. Many Reiki Master Teachers offer Reiki workshops that are a day each for Reiki One and Reiki Two. Learning Reiki is very straight forward. Typically there are four levels or degrees of Reiki. Level One is a beginner’s level that includes an attunement. This attunement allows the Reiki One Practitioner to effectively receive and channel universal life force energy through them to their client or recipient. It is important to note that the energy is coming from a source of higher

consciousness. It is NOT one person sharing or transferring their personal energy with another. All Reiki practitioners become channels of the energy. The attunement process makes this possible. The attunement looks and feels very ceremonious to us, and during the process the Reiki Master Teacher uses sacred symbols in the aura or energy body of the recipient to activate the new practitioner’s ability to channel Reiki energy through themselves and to their subject. The attunement is likened to tuning in a radio channel to clearly hear the sound coming from the receiver. Reiki is a wonderful way for those with chronic illness and their caretakers to empower themselves with a natural healing tool that can provide comfort and peace. Many nurses and massage therapists are finding that adding Reiki to their professional skills greatly enriches their lives and the lives of those they care for. Animals also respond very favorably to Reiki energy, and often seek out the practitioner’s touch repeatedly. A level one practitioner has the ability to treat self and others using hands on or beaming. There is nothing to memorize, just the desire to help others and their consent to receive is all that is needed for anyone to practice Reiki at this initial level. This is what makes it so easy for people of all ages and abilities to participate in and share the healing energy of Reiki. Lisa Murray Machala Lisa Murray Machala is the owner of Michigan Equine Therapy and MedicinePony. com. She is a licensed Massage Therapist and Reiki Master-Teacher. She is an elective instructor at Irene’s Myomassology Institute in Southfield, MI and is employed by the International Center for Reiki Training in Southfield, MI. Her passions are teaching and working with animals. Office: 248.948.8112 x 403

Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014


        Learn Natural Healing USUI REIKI CLASSES Reiki promotes natural relaxation and stress reduction. It is effective, safe, easy to learn & do! It is practiced in thousands of hospitals and healing centers throughout the world.

Reiki 1&2

ART/Reiki Master

February 8-9

March 15-16

Classes are located in Farmington Hills and are taught by Lisa Murray Machala, LMT, RMT. Lisa is an affiliate member of the Reiki Membership Association, and works at The International Center For Reiki Training in Southfield.

Visit or email Call or text: 248.921.6322.

February 2014

                     

P a g e 27

St. Jude’s Novena

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the world Now & Forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us, St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day; by the 8th day, your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Peace, Dorthy

The Native American Ten Commandments 1. The Earth is our Mother; care for her. 2. Honor all of your relations. 3. Open your heart and soul to the Great Spirit. 4. All life is sacred; treat all beings with respect. 5. Take from the Earth what is needed & nothing more. 6. Do what needs to be done for the good of all. 7. Give thanks to the Great Spirit for each new day. 8. Speak the truth; but only of the good in others.

New Age/Metaphysical Store store located in Downtown Flushing, MI. Also offering: Massage, Reiki, Readings, Parties and more.

Join a Psychic Fun Fair!

9. Follow the rhythms of nature; rise and retire with the sun. 10. Enjoy life’s journey, but leave no tracks.

Birch Run Feb 8th Sat 11-5pm Expo Center Flushing Feb 9th Sun 11-5 Green Tree Essentialz Port Huron Feb 22nd Sat 11-5 Comfort Inn Clarkston Feb 23rd Sun 11-5 Clarkston Mills Birch Run Mar 2nd Sat 11-5pm Quality Inn Lapeer Mar 8th Sat 1-5 American Legion Saginaw Mar 9th Sun 11-5pm Four Points Flushing Mar 21st Fri 5-9 Green Tree Essentialz Owosso Mar 22nd Sat 11-5pm Poker Room Sandusky Mar 23rd Sun 11-5pm Liberty Lanes


Carole Lynn Reiki Master | Medium Angel Healing & Guidance • Usui & White Dove Reiki • Chakra/Energy Centers: Clearing & Balancing • Angel Healing & Guided Messages • Life Path Journey: What’s Your Next Step? • Classes!! Contact Carole… 313.929.3543 West Bloomfield, MI 48322

Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

DIVIDING SOULS On the outskirts of town stood a big old pecan tree by the cemetery fence. One day two boys filled up a bucket with pecans and sat down by the tree, out of sight, and began dividing the nuts. “One for you, and one for me. One for you, one for me,” said one boy. Several were dropped and rolled down toward the fence.

Present Moment Meditation Seats le! Availab



Journey of Self-Discovery: Meditation Series Schoolcraft College, Con't. Ed.

Feb. 5: The Illusive Nature of Happiness Feb. 12, 19: Design a Life That You Love! See positive results in every area of life! Everyone Welcome. Chairs provided.

Another boy came riding along the road on his bicycle. As he passed, he thought he heard voices from inside the cemetery. He slowed down to investigate. Sure enough, he heard, “One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me.” He just knew what it was. “Oh my,” he shuddered, “It’s Satan and the Lord dividing the souls at the cemetery.” He jumped back on his bike and rode off. Just around the bend he met an old man with a cane, hobbling along. “Come here quick,” said the boy, “You won’t believe what I just heard. Satan and the Lord are down at the cemetery dividing up souls.” The man said. “Beat it, kid; can’t you see it’s hard for me to walk?” When the boy insisted, the man hobbled to the cemetery. Standing by the fence they heard, “One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me. The old man whispered, “Boy, you, you’ve been tellin’ the truth! Let’s see the devil himself.” Shaking with fear, they peered through the fence, yet were still unable to see anything. The old man and the boy gripped the wrought iron bars of the fence tighter and tighter as they tried to get a glimpse of Satan. At last they heard, “One for you, one for me. And one last one for you. That’s all. Now let’s go get those nuts by the fence, and we’ll be done.” They say the old guy made it back to town 5 minutes before the boy.

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Country Side Crafts 40700 Van Dyke Avenue Sterling Hgt. (586) 977-1633 Total Health Food 2938 Biddle Ave. Wyandotte (734) 246-1208

For more info, upcoming events and to get ALL locations, visit or call us today at: or call: 734.934.1979

Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions

Embodied Practice Classes

Abbe Grossman, MA, CT, CET

Save 50% Initial

Hypnotherapy Consultation Ask About Discounts on Hypnotherapy Series Expires Feb. 28

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February 2014

Now offering

P a g e 29

Classes & Events

Find more events on our site at:

SUNDAY Sunday - Golden Lotus Yoga for Spiritual Awareness: Meditation Service 10-11am, Fraser Eye Care Center (14 Mile Rd & Utica Rd), 33080 Utica Rd, Fraser (866) 2145329, Sunday - Open Meditation at the Meditation Self-Healing Center of Lapeer. We are dedicated to assisting people with their spiritual growth; join our meditation every Sunday from 1-2pm. call: 810-356-5021. Sunday - Open House at the Meditation Self-Healing Center of Lapeer. We are dedicated to assisting people with their spiritual growth; stop by and get to know us and others in our community every Sundays from 2-3pm. call: 810-356-5021. Sunday - Service 11am-Noon. The Aetherius Society 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak 248-588-0290

MONDAY Monday - Service 8-9pm The Aetherius Society 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak 248-588-0290 Mondays - Guided Meditation Class, $25. Warren 7pm 586.771.4569 Mondays - Open Meditation! This class is facilitated by Hugh, a Vipassana meditator for over 20 years. 7:30–9pm. Accepted As I Am, 157 S. Mill Road, Plymouth, Donation 734-455-1438 Mondays - Vinyasa Yoga with Ellen Livingston, Mondays ongoing, 5:30-7pm. All levels welcome, $15 drop-in, $10 with pass.; Ellen Livingston 734.645-3217

Tuesdays - 8-8:15am Prayer-Aid: Healing the World with Power Prayer for a happier, healthier, safer world. Be part of the miraculous. Tuesdays - Spiritual Healing from 7:30-9pm. By appointment only. Donations welcome. (248) 588-0290 Tuesdays -Young Living Classes. $5 @ 6:30-8pm, SoulSpace, Rochester. Stay tuned to our website: for up-to-date class listings to achieve your optimal health and wellness! 855.200.7685(Soul) Tuesdays- Weekly Meditation & Intuitive Development Class. 7-9pm Fraser 586285-1583

WEDNESDAY Wednesday (1st & 3rd) - We will be running Access Bars® Gifting & Receiving event. 586-264-5457 Wednesdays - 3rd monthly. Free Pranic Healing Clinic. 7–8:30pm Dissolve and disintegrate blocked energy. Effective with many illnesses and diseases. Relieve stress. Meditation Twin Hearts at 7pm. Appointments 7:30-8:30pm. Love donation. 734-416-5200. Wednesdays - Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Clients enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. 248-788-5808


Wednesdays - Holistic Classes at The Sacred Age: Join our 6pm. weekly “Come & Learn” Series. Seating limited, pre-register. Only $10/class. Visit: for classes/dates. (248) 890-7838

Tuesdays - Weekly Young Living Classes. $5 @ 6:30-8pm, SoulSpace, Rochester. Stay tuned to our website: www. for up-to-date class listings to achieve your optimal health and wellness! 855.200.7685(SOUL)

Wednesdays - Operation Prayer Power. 7:30pm. All warmly invited to experience and learn about a global healing Mission dedicated to lasting peace. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell Rd, Royal Oak. (248) 588-0290.

Tuesday - Hatha Yoga Class: Golden Lotus Yoga tradition, gentle, slow, spiritual. 8:30 am & 6 pm. Grosse Pointe Woods Community Center, Mack Avenue. RSVP and info (866) 214-5329,

Wednesdays - Quantum Healing Packages (Past Life Regression) 3-group sessions 7-9 PM, Plus 1 individual session now just $189. – Regularly $210. Call Phil Rosenbaum MA, Certified Hypnotherapist/Counselor 248.688.6469 Huntington Woods


Wednesdays - Nights Candle Light Meditation at 7pm. or call 734421-1760.

THURSDAY Thursday - Hatha Yoga Class: Golden Lotus Yoga tradition, gentle, slow, spiritual. 8:30am & 6pm. Grosse Pointe Woods Community Center, Mack Avenue. RSVP and info (866) 214-5329, Thursday - Golden Lotus Yoga for Spiritual Awareness: Evening Meditation 7:30 - 8:30pm. In the Raja Yoga, Kriya Yoga Tradition. Grosse Pointe Woods. to RSVP and info (866) 214-5329, Thursdays - 1st & 2nd Community Self Acceptance Circles 730-9pm $10. 734455-1438 Thursdays - 4th monthly. Free Reiki Clinic. 7pm–8:30pm A unique opportunity to experience the powerful healing effects of Reiki. You have to feel it to know it. By appointment only. Love Donation. Plymouth 734-416-5200. Thursdays - 3rd monthly. Discourse and Meditation! Dance in the vibrations of joy and love. Discourses on universal principals of self-acceptance and self-actualization! Also, meditation, Qi-Cong, and support of your spiritual community! Workshop from 7–8:30pm., socializing from 8:30 – 9pm. 157 S. Mill Road, PlymouthCost: Donation 734-455-1438 Thursdays - Constellations Group forming, 3-4:30pm Liz Jelinek, Facilitator, $15/week. At Chapel Hill Clubhouse, 3350 Green Rd. Ann Arbor. Contact Liz Jelinek www. 734-646-4886. Thursdays - Weekly Guided Group Meditation. $15 – Thursdays @ 7:00pm-8:30pm, SoulSpace, Rochester. Release. Renew. Rejuvenate. Facilitated by Linda Pietrzak, Healing Touch, Tapologist and EFT Certified, with 30+ years’ experience. 855.200.7685(Soul)

FRIDAY The Weekly Word for Healing – Smoothing the Way for Ascension. Get Eve Wilson’s wisdom, tools, insights and information for each week. The latest information on handling changes in ourselves and on the planet. Sign up for free email alerts that the Weekly Word is out, including a link to read it.

Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

SATURDAY Saturdays - Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Clients enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. For info & appt. call: 248-788-5808 Sat 3rd monthly. Meditation of the month at 7:30pm. Healing Energy Work & connection to Teachers. Prior Registration necessary at: 313-937-5082 2014 Spiritual Conversations. Healing Chamber Energy work, groups of four or more. The energy fields are rebuilt with each session connection to each individual’s teachers culminates the process. Call for individual & group registration. 313-937-5082 The Healer & Ascension Certification Course – Legal UCM Healer Practitioner Certification. Aura/Chakra Reading/Clearing/Repair, Spiritual Surgeons, Soul Contracts, DNA/Heredity, Past Lives, Ascension. Unconditionally loving spiritual connections, clear boundaries, safe and effective healing of body, emotion, mind and spirit for adults, children, pets, the planet. Much More! 28 classes meet alternate weeks one weeknight 7 – 10 PM. Eve Wilson 734-780-7635, 02/01 Embodied Practice Classes for Healing and Health Professionals, Parents and Teachers. 10am-12pm. Experience a connection to your soul essence, (a deep reflective part of the self) and it’s potential for changing and empowering your relationship with your children, students or clients. Learn techniques for staying grounded and present in the face of strong emotions. Call or email to register. Abbe Grossman, MA, Certified Embodied Pulse Therapist,, 248470-5738, 10:00 am- 12:00 pm, Southfield. Fee: $35.00. 02/02 Base Chakra Class. 1-3pm. Learn the importance of the base Chakra. Discover how it affects our prosperity and relationships. Learn techniques to keep the Base Chakra open, vibrant and healthy. $20 Plymouth 734-416-5200 BodyWorks 02/02 Facilitator Training Group. This 8week workshop is open to all, regarding of experience with Systemic Family Constellations. Contact: Liz Jelinek, PhD © | Founder & Director of Midwest Institute for Systemic Constellations at: 734 646-4886

February 2014

02/04 Network Spinal Analysis (NSA). Free. @ 7-9pm, SoulSpace, Rochester. Join us for a Free Talk & Demo on a very unique, gentle & advanced this form of Chiropractic care with Dr. Lawrence Bell D.C. 855.200.7685(SOUL) 02/05 Access Bars® Gifting & Receiving - A great way to catch up with fellow Accessories and swap Bars. 7- 9pm. Cost: $5.00 Pre-requisite Access Bars® Class RSVP 586-264-5457 for directions. Plan to arrive 10 minutes early to pick a partner to swap Bars with. 02/05 Balance Your Hormones Naturally 7pm, Livonia. Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, D.C., N.D. hosts a health forum on A Holistic Approach to Balancing Your Hormones Naturally. Please call 734-756-6904 02/06 & 02/21 Open Mindfulness Meditation. 6-7:30pm. Using Dr. Sieira’s “The Mindfulness Meditation System” experienced meditators take advantage of the synergistic effect of meditating in a group! Must have completed The Mindfulness Meditation System to participate. $15 Plymouth 734-416-5200.

02/11 – 02/12 Session I: The Mindfulness Meditation System. Session II: 02/25-02/26 6-8pm. Learn Dr. Sieira’s unique system of breathing, balance, flexibility, and mental focus/concentration practices. System is designed to create a total “mindbody” meditative experience! $80 Plymouth 734416-5200. www.BodyWorksHealingCenter. com 02/11 Guided Soul Meditation. $15 – Tues. 2.11 & 2.18 & Thurs. 2.6 @ 7-8:30pm, SoulSpace, Rochester. Join Dr. Bell on a journey through breath, focus, & deep states of wellbeing & deepen your connection to the subtle energies of the soul. 855.200.7685(SOUL) 02/12, 19, & 25 MacroVal’s Winter Cooking Classes, 3 week series. 6:30 to 9:00PM Classes feature kasha, aka buckwheat, the gluten free, signature grain for winter. You will learn how important stews and casseroles are to your diet to help keep you warm. All recipes macrobiotic & vegan. $40 each class. 734722-4553

02/07 2014 Winter Yoga Retreat, Terrace Inn, Petoskey, Feb. 7, 8, and 9; package info at 1-800-5309898; teacher’s website www.cindygray. biz

02/12 What Does My Breathing Say to Me? Intro to Ascension Breath Work, Level I. 6-7pm. Bring awareness to your breath pattern; Understand breathing impacts your health, wealth and well being. Experience techniques to open your breath and bring consciousness to your breathing. $33 Plymouth 734-416-5200.

02/08 Free mini Workshop - Awakening to Love. 7pm gathering - 7:30-9:30pm workshop N.W. Unitarian Universalist Church. Contact: Mo Fritz. 734-523-8566.

02/12 Essential oils 101 class- 2/12 (Wed.), 6pm; $5.00 - MUST RSVP by 2/5 .Tips on reaching your goals included!:); 734-7289332.

02/08-02/09 Learn Natural Healing. Usui Reiki Reiki 1 & 2. Visit www.MedicinePony. com or email Call or text: 248.921.6322.

02/13 Enhance your love life, 6:30-9pm Ann Arbor, 02/14 V-Day Dinner Birmingham, singles, couples, or call 248-246-6221

02/08-02/09 Tuning Forks Class.- Use precise frequencies to repair body, mind, and spirit. Two day class - preregistration required. (248) 647-6181

02/13 On Love & Communication 7- 8:30pm A Valentine’s Day special workshop which explores Don Miguel Ruiz’s personal guide to freedom, true happiness and love (The Four Agreements) and reviews Dr. Chapman’s Five Love Languages. 30935 Ann Arbor Trail, 734-425-8220.

02/09 Crystals for Kids. 11am-3pm. Especially for Kids! Kids work hands on to learn about various minerals and their properties. Kid’s learn basic uses for crystals and minerals. $40 Plymouth 734-416-5200 02/10 offering an opportunity to receive The Rites of the Munay-Ki, in Clarkston, Mi. Class starting Feb., 10th. The Munay Ki Initiation is a process of connecting to the ancients and transforming your energy and the world you experience. If you would like further information please contact April Shackelford: 810-423-7577

02/14 Reiki Intensive Classes with Beth Hubrecht, Reiki Master-Teacher, Owner of Kindness Clinic offers classes in Brighton. Reiki I: Friday, 2/14/14 6-10pm. Reiki I & II: Saturday, 2/15/14 9am-6:30pm, Reiki Master: Sunday 2/16/14 9am-2pm, Teacher Certification: Sunday, 2/16/14 2:30-6:30pm, Call for info 734-719-0311 or email: Learning Reiki is a gift you give yourself and share with others.

P a g e 31



Readers Available daily $40. Candles, Oils, Incense, Jewelry, Stones, Lucky Bamboo, Smudge Sticks, Herbs, & Teas Call 248-291-5483

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Become a Certified Hypnotherapist Saturday and Sunday Classes Begin February 8th in Warren

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Frank Garfield


HEALING: combined modalities 


with Ellen Livingston & Billy Newmyer Feb 7-15 and Feb 22-28, 2014 Reiki Practitioner--Meditation Facilitator / Integrated Therapy to Treat: 734-645-3217 Wounding from Abuse • Life Transitions Yoga, Raw Foods,•Eco and Fitness Adventures, Depression • Anxiety Addictions Alcoholism • Bereavement and more... Health and •Life Coaching Enjoy Spectacular Waterfalls, Beaches, and Jungle! For Inquiry or Appointment: (810) 423-7577 Psychotherapist--Addictions Counselor--


“Creating Change to Live and Honor Who You Are”


April Shackelford, MSW

The Meditation Self-Healing Center

Psychotherapist--Addictions Counselor-Reiki Practitioner--Meditation Facilitator

Dedicated to your spiritual growth

Integrated Therapy to Treat: Wounding from Abuse • Life Transitions Depression • Anxiety • Addictions Alcoholism • Bereavement • and more...

“Creating Change to Live and Honor Who You Are”

For Inquiry or Appointment: (810) 423-7577 32


Offering Classes on Meditation, Reiki, Yoga, and more. Please join our monthly open house or one of our meditations. Find out more by calling (810) 356-5021 or visit:

Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

02/15 Access Bars® Gifting & Receiving - A great way to catch up with fellow Accessories and swap Bars. 2:00PM – 4pm. Cost: $5.00 Pre-requisite Access Bars® Class RSVP 586-264-5457 for directions. 02/15 Create Passionate Relationships. For event details, RSVP, and resources. 248-246-6221 02/15 Focused Energy Class - Deep tissue work from assessing the organs to repairing joints. One day class - preregistration required. (248) 647-6181, 02/15 Soulful Relationships. $150/couple – Sat. 2.15.2014 @ 10am-3:00pm, Soul Space, Rochester. Join us for this fun & inspiring workshop that will support you and your partner in creating more connection, happiness & joy in your relationship. 855.200.7685(SOUL) 02/16 & 03/15 Melody Crystal Healing Level 1. 11am-6pm. Melody is the author of the “Love is in the Earth” series of crystal healing books. Learn Melody’s crystal healing techniques, crystal arrays, chakra balancing and using crystals as healing tools. Certification is available after completing Level 2. $200 Plymouth 734-416-5200. 02/16 Access Bars® Class - Learn the 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release anything that doesn’t allow you to receive. Fee $200 Register at http://www. asp?cid=37871 02/16 Create Passionate Relationships. For event details, RSVP, and resources. 248-246-6221 02/16 Free mini Workshop - Awakening to Love. 2pm gathering - 2:30-4:30 workshop in West Bloomfield. Contact: Mo (Maureen) Fritz. 734-523-8566. midwest-office@hai. org. 02/16 Tree of Life / Kabbalah Class - Explore the Tree of Life. Use triads to work on body, mind and spirit. One day class Troy preregistration required. (248) 647-6181, 02/17 Group Breath. 6-7:30pm. Welcome experienced breathers who want to deepen the benefits of conscious breathing. Helps develop a consistent breath practice. Intention setting, facilitated breath session, closing with sharing/ integration. Must have experience with connected breathing. $25 Plymouth 734-416-5200

February 2014

02/17 Group Breath. 6-7:30pm. This class is for experienced breathers who want to deepen the benefits of conscious breathing by developing a consistent breath practice. The workshop will consist of intention setting, a facilitated breath session closing with sharing and integration. Must have experience with connected breathing. $25 Plymouth 734-416-5200 02/18 Aetherius Radio Live with Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze on The Nine Freedoms -- Body Mind Spirit Radio. – 12pm. 02/18 Live Blood Cell Analysis, By appointment, Livonia. LBA reveals issues that may not be uncovered using traditional methods of blood screening. Please phone 734-664-0339 02/19 Eating For Beauty. 6:30-8:30pm. Beauty is more than just skin deep. Discover how what you put into your body can increase your energy, lift your mood, and enhance your health and beauty. Enjoy a yummy, healthy treat. Look and feel beautiful and radiant. $25 Plymouth 734-416-5200. 02/19 Open Forum: What is Soul Coaching? Free @ 6:30-8pm, Soul Space, Rochester. Come and learn how living from your true authentic self creates a life full of joy, love and success. R.S.V.P. 855.200. SOUL(7685) 02/19 Pressure Point Therapy & Stress Reduction. 7-8pm. Step-by-step instruction of Pressure Point Therapy, also known as Trigger Point Therapy, taught by Dr. William H. Karl, D.C. and Dr. Jacob H. Karl, D.C. Receive the most benefit - bring a partner! Karl Wellness Center, 30935 Ann Arbor Trail, 734-425-8220. 02/19 The Best Stretches & Exercises Ever! 8-9pm Learn and practice the six essential exercises to help you improve strength, balance, and overall energy - a must for all ages and fitness levels! Karl Wellness Center, 30935 Ann Arbor Trail, 734-4258220. 02/20 Group For Growth: An 8 week challenge. $25/week if registered by 2.20 $30/ week after. Begins Mon. 2.24 @ 7-8:30pm, Soul Space, Rochester. Realize your selfworth & transform your weaknesses into strengths by joining this 8-week chakra focused group experience! R.S.V.P. 855.200. SOUL(7685)

02/22 - 02/23 - Sacred Sexuality Weekend Workshop- Creating Your Blissful Self. Presented by: Leslie Blackburn. A new offering that explores these teachings through a connected weekend journey. All welcome! Registration discount 10% off offer on 02/22 Ashati 1 Attunement & Certification. $150 @ 11am-2pm, Soul Space, Rochester. Ashati 1 focuses on mental & emotional healing & is the first part of your healing & transformational path towards spiritual ascension. or R.S.V.P. 855.200.SOUL(7685) 02/22 Class: Kundalini Pranayama Visualization. 2-4:30pm. - $15. Advanced breathing class with Gary Blaze, based on Dr. George King’s pranayama breathing series published in Contact Your Higher Self Through Yoga. (248) 588-0290. 02/22 Free mini Workshop - Awakening to Love. 5:30 gathering - 6pm-8pm workshop at Crazy Wisdom. Contact: Mo (Maureen) Fritz. 734-523-8566. 02/22 Integrative Breathwork - a musical journey for insight, healing, creativity & renewal. 10am-5pm. Octagon House, Grand Rapids. $65. (269) 388-2988. www. 02/23 Pathways to Intimacy. Full day workshop. A powerful workshop on creating healthy relationships. 10am-6pm. $75.00, $60 Pre-paid. Embassy Suites, Livonia. Contact: Mo Fritz. 734-523-8566. 02/23 “Temple Community Gathering” Sunday 5pm-7pm: Curious about Mystery School offerings but not sure where to start? Join a regular Gathering for seekers, connect and discuss openly, sexuality, consciousness, spirituality, tantra and more! Includes: Open Meditation, Sacred Circle (a safe space to share and ask questions on intimate topics). Email to pre-register: Dakini@MysterySchooloftheTempleArts. com The Temple is in Dearborn, MI and the cost for the event is Free. 02/25 Anti-Aging Naturally with Turmeric, 7pm, Livonia. Live lively into your 80’s and even 90’s. Learn how to take action in the length and quality of your life. Presented by Dr. Fischer, DC, ND, 734-756-6904 02/25 Story Telling. FREE – Tues. 2.25.2014 @ 7-9pm, SoulSpace, Rochester. Meet heart-centered people, listen to & share your own-stories of healing, eat amazing food, gain fresh perspectives on the journey, & immerse into the energy of community and support. 855.200.7685(SOUL)

P a g e 33

HEALING: Combined Modalities

Licensed Massage Therapist Registerd Yoga Instructor

Jennifer Vanderwal

Melody Crystal Healing Instructor & Usui Tibetan Karuna Seiryoku Reiki Master

Offering: Healing, Spiritual counseling & Classes Call for a healing or to find out about


Swedish, Deep Tissue, Shiatsu, Thai, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point, Reflexology.

248-854-0651 @glennjwhitemassage

HEALING: combined modalities 



Touch of Grace Massage Therapy Melissa Swieczkowski

services offered: Iridology | Auricular | Homeopathy Bowen Therapy | Herbal Remedies Tai Chi & Qi Gong

Call to book an appointment with “Master White” at: (248) 349-4518 Serenity Retreat Clinic - Northville 


Glenn J. White


HEALING: reconnective 

Premier Salon Suites 48697 Hayes Road Suite 109 Shelby Township, MI 48315 586-580-2881 ext 109


Karen & Bill Poulos SPECIAL: Reconnected Healing only $47.00 ($97.00 Value)

HEALING: sound 


Michigan Center for Sound Healing Kate Hart 248.460.3568 Divine Alignment


Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

02/26 Science of Mind Foundations class 6-9pm. 10 weeks every Wednesday. 38651 Woodward Ave Bloomfield hills. Certified classes by Centers for Spiritual Living. $350 (payment options available) Info and registration 248-219-1991 one@ 02/28 Free mini Workshop - Awakening to Love. 7pm gathering 7:30-9:30pm workshop at Northwest Unitarian Universalist Church. Contact: Mo (Maureen) Fritz. 734523-8566. 03/01, 15, 16th Reiki Classes in Farmington: Learn Reiki I &II in a week-end class. Cost $300. Reiki Training Manual, and certificate included. Greta Robbins, RN, Usui/Tibetan and Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher. 248-752-4440 gdardaine@ 03/02 Sacral Chakra Class. 1–3pm. Learn personal responsibility and self expression through the Sacral Chakra. Experiencing pleasure, expressing creativity and emotions are impacted by this chakra. $20 Plymouth 734-416-5200. 03/08-03-09 Learn Natural Healing. Usui Reiki Reiki 1 & 2. Visit www.MedicinePony. com or email Call or text: 248.921.6322. 03/10 Intro to Ascension Breath Level 2, As I Breathe So I Live! 6:30-8pm. Builds on level 1, increase consciousness of your breath pattern. Understand how to use breath to gain peace of mind, mental clarity, attract life experiences, and abundance. $44 Plymouth 734-416-5200. 03/15 – 03/16 Stone Healing Class.- Use the energy of stones and crystals to repair body, mind, and spirit. Two day class - preregistration required. (248) 647-6181 03/15-03/16 Learn Natural Healing. Usui Reiki Art/Reiki Master. Visit or email Call or text: 248.921.6322. 03/22 Energy Restoration Class - supercharge your practice. This class you will work deeper than ever before. One day class - preregistration required. (248) 6476181, 03/22-23 Sacred Sexuality/Tantra Weekend Playshop for Couples, Register with deposit by Feb 19 for 10% off tuition. Presented by: Leslie Blackburn, Go to, under “Offerings” for more details, Email Dakini@ with questions or to register.

February 2014

03/23 Protection for Healers Class - A must for practitioners. Learn to protect yourself and your clients. One day class preregistration required. (248) 647-6181 03/27 Ascension Support Class – Every 4th Thurs. for 6 months. Helping you ascend gently and smoothly. Upgraded energy systems, downloads of higher levels of self, releasing blocks, understanding the process of change in yourself and our world at this time. Eve Wilson Instructor. Live by phone or skype and in person Ann Arbor. 734-780-7635, 03/30 Melody Crystal Healing Level 2. & Class 2 TBA. 11am-6pm Learn to intuitively construct more complex healing crystal arrays. Learn past life ascension. Certification is available after completing Level 2. $200 Plymouth 734-416-5200. 04/12-04/13 Learn Natural Healing. Usui Reiki Reiki 1 & 2. Visit or email ReikiPony@gmail. com Call or text: 248.921.6322. 04/19 & 04/26 Reiki III Master Teacher Certificate Course – 2 Saturdays 10am2pm. $450. Reiki Master attunement, training for passing attunements and teaching classes. Safe, true, effective healing energy, excellent attunements and techniques. Eve Wilson, Reiki Master 734780-7635, 04/19-04/20 Learn Natural Healing. Usui Reiki Art/Reiki Master. Visit www. or email ReikiPony@ Call or text: 248.921.6322. 04/24 Who’s in control of YOUR life? Job? IRS? Spouse? Kids? Illness? Take back your life in a loving space. April 25-27 248-973-7372 04/25 The greatest Self-Awareness secret ever is now available in Michigan! April 25-27 248-973-7372 05/10-05/11 Learn Natural Healing. Usui Reiki Reiki 1 & 2. Visit or email ReikiPony@gmail. com Call or text: 248.921.6322. 05/24-05/25 Learn Natural Healing. Usui Reiki Art/Reiki Master. Visit www. or email ReikiPony@ Call or text: 248.921.6322. 06/07-06/08 Learn Natural Healing. Usui Reiki Art/Reiki Master. Visit www. or email ReikiPony@ Call or text: 248.921.6322.

The Garden An old Italian gentleman lived alone in New Jersey . He wanted to plant his annual tomato garden, but it was very difficult work, as the ground was hard. His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament: Dear Vincent, I am feeling pretty sad because it looks like I won’t be able to plant my tomato garden this year. I’m just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. I know if you were here my troubles would be over. I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me, like in the old days. Love, Papa A few days later he received a letter from his son. Dear Papa, Don’t dig up that garden. That’s where the bodies are buried. Love, Vinnie At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left.. That same day the old man received another letter from his son. Dear Papa I figured the FBI hear the call, and that’s the best I could do under the circumstances. Enjoy your tomatos. Love you, Vinnie P a g e 35



Kathy Garbe

Spiritual Psychic Medium Author, Reiki Master, Hypnotist, Speaker, Teacher. Accurate: Phone or Private Readings Issues Covered: Life, Love, Career, Finances & Health Available for: Home Parties, School & Corporate Events Classes: Meditation, Intuitive, Reiki (see more on site) 586.285.1583 586.489.5443


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Golden Lotus Yoga

for Spiritual Awareness Meditation & Wisdom Teaching Sun. 10-11am In the Raja, Kriya Yoga Tradition Hatha Yoga - Thursday evening meditation

By appointment only please 248-505-9227 or (866) 214-5329 Based on the Teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and Yogacharya Oliver Black


Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

She was in the bathroom, putting on her makeup, under the watchful eyes of her young granddaughter as she’d done many times before. After she applied her lipstick and started to leave, the little one said, ‘But Gramma, you forgot to kiss the toilet paper good-bye!’


Sacred Sexuality Individual & Couple Coaching Group Classes, Workshops, Retreats

A grandmother was telling her little granddaughter what her own childhood was like: ‘We used to skate outside on a pond. I had a swing made from a tire; it hung from a tree in our front yard. We rode our pony. We picked wild raspberries in the woods.’ The little girl was wide- eyed, taking this all in. At last she said, ‘I sure wish I’d gotten to know you sooner!’

Leslie Blackburn 313.269.6719

one space

Join the “Professional Directory” The most inexpensive way to promote your Business, Product or Service. Deadline is the 15th prior to print

A second grader came home from school and said to her grandmother, ‘Grandma, guess what? We learned how to make babies today’ The grandmother, more than a little surprised, tried to keep her cool. ‘That’s interesting,’ she said, ‘how do you make babies?’ ‘It’s simple,’ replied the girl. ‘You just change ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ‘es’.’

1) Choose your Category 2) Send your Business Card 3) Pick your Start Month Send to:

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February 2014

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P a g e 37

Is It SOUL MATE LOVE? Are you looking for your perfect divine mate, often defined as a soul mate? Or, perhaps you think you have met them already but things seem unsettled at times. Most people believe that a soul mate will be a person ideally suited for them, the hearts other half. Why then, when you meet your soul mate, do things seem so hard at times? The first connection is often intense and it would seem that the old adage would apply, “Love at first sight”, but soul mates are often working out karma that you both agreed upon from another lifetime, or even from many lifetimes before. On the other hand, twin flames mate (I prefer to call a twin flame a Celestial mate) because when you come together with the other half of your soul, you both have learned different life lessons separately in different lifetimes. So, when you come together, you are in perfect harmonious balance and wholeness. A soul mate is part of your soul cluster but not necessarily the other half of your soul. A celestial mate is the other half of your soul and you may not have had a past life with them, but when you both have spiritually evolved through relationship karma (with soul mates), and when reunited you’ll experience a deep love unencumbered with karma. Each of you should have completed all of your relationship karma in order to come together. At the time when you’re both ready, the relationship is a wonderful “whole” support and love connection, and now together you will complete your 38

souls purpose and graduate to the next level of your spiritual education. I have known some people that have chosen to go through this life without a soul mate or their celestial mate, but instead learn to love the self on a deep spiritual level. Sometimes they are not sure why they are alone but often enjoy the journey of self awareness and spiritual development. Even if they seem sad and lonely, many have chosen to experience this lonesomeness so as to be better prepared for their celestial mate in the next life time. Sometimes soul mates may break the Karmic contract! You may meet but cannot make it work and when one leaves the relationship you both are still connected. Sometimes they don’t meet, but you still will feel them throughout your lifetime -- either you know them and they are choosing not to interact (they seemed to have changed the karmic contract) and sometimes they may choose not to enter into your life at all. Yes, sometimes we have a soul mate that we feel, but our lives don’t come together. I have known people who have not actually met and/or never made contact with their soul mate but dream about them -- you feel their presents in your subconscious. I know, it sounds weird but we are spiritual beings having a physical experience and sometimes we only connect with our soul mates or celestial mates on the spiritual level. We can have several soul mates come into our life in the same lifetime, as we have twelve souls in our immediate soul family. So when you seem to be in love with two people equally and you can’t make up your mind or things seem complicated, it’s because your lessons have more to do with your understanding of commitment which must sometimes be learned through difficult, complicated situations. Maybe your karma is con-

cerning loyalty and trust or learning unselfishness; or maybe it’s to compromise a need or a want with an understanding to sacrifice in the name of true love. Sometimes a soul mate is not a lover at all, but a child, parent or friend whom we need to work out patience, anger or giving to another with an unselfish love. Remember that a soul mate makes a contract with you in order to help you and allow you to evolve to a higher level of Spiritual understanding, in love. Some of you have found your celestial mate, a harmonious love that has no stress, someone who just fits your heart as two half’s that make a whole. Are they a soul mate? Most likely they are your celestial mate. This relationship does not come with karma as you have already worked out all of the lessons. As you are working out life’s complicated lessons, you’re working together much like a whole brain does; your right half and left half are in balance and working through a synergistic dance of thought, emotions and spiritual evolution. 5 tips on how to recognize a soul mate 1. You may sense a flashback! Because you and your Soul mates have shared many lifetimes together, you may sense a flashback from another lifetime. You may feel as though you have met before, like a Deja-vu, when you meet. Perhaps you’ve seen your soul mate in your dreams for years, before you actually meet. 2. It’s intense! A soul mate relationship may be more intense than other relationships, in both good and sometimes bad ways. The most important thing is that, even during negative episodes, you’re focused on resolving the problem and can see beyond the bad moments. 3. You two against the world. Soul mates often see their relationship as “us against the world.” Living within a deep shared private world, only room for two. 4. You’re mentally inseparable. Soul mates often have a mental connection,

Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

similar to twins. They might pick up the phone to call each other at the exact same time. Though life may keep you apart at times, your minds will always be in tune if you are soul mates. 5. You look each other in the eyes. Soul mates have a tendency to look into each others eyes when speaking, more often than ordinary couples. It comes naturally from the deep-seated connection between them. Looking a person in the eye when speaking denotes a high level of comfort and confidence. Ending a relationship with a soul mate never really ends, you remember them, feel them always, and know they are part of your soul. Only to be continued in your next life time... In infinite Love & Light, Wendy Powers

Clairvoyant, TV & Radio Personality/ Tune into my BMS radio show Sat., Feb. 1st, 10:00am – noon, with my special guest, Dr. Terri Orbuch, “The Love Doctor.” She has authored five books, including, “The Love Doctor”, and “Finding Love Again.” Dr. Orbach is a relationship expert and had her own PBS special in 2013. She and I will take your calls. I will also do clairvoyant mini readings. If you don’t have an internet connection call in on your phone: 646-378-0378. Listen in or get into the Queue and ask your question!

Wendy (Nugent) Powers, Clairvoyant Counselor

TV & Radio personality with Proven Accuracy Catch her Radio show “Live with Wendy Powers” Spiritual Topics & Free Mini Readings! First Saturday each month 10:00 am EST.

on Make your “Private Appointment” at her web site: or call her at: 1-248-826-8255 February 2014

The 7 Ups!


1. Wake Up!! Decide to have a good day. ‘This is the day the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.’ Psalms 118:24 2. Dress Up!! The best way to dress up is to put on a smile. A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks. ‘The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.’ I Samuel 16:7 3. Shut Up!! Say nice things and learn to listen. God gave us two ears and one mouth, so He must have meant for us to do twice as much listening as talking. ‘He who guards his lips guards his soul.’ Proverbs 13:3 4. Stand Up!! . . for what you believe in. Stand for something or you will fall for anything. ‘Let us not be weary in doing good; for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good...’ Galatians 6:9-10


5. Look Up!! . . to the Lord. ‘I can do everything through Christ whoinstrengthens me’. Specializing Phone Readings Philippians 4:13

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6. Reach Up!! Spirit Channeling . . for something higher. ‘Trust in the Lord with all your Clairvoyant heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all Clairaudient your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.’ Proverbs Tarot Cards 3:5-6

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7. Lift Up !! Call Me Toll Free! (877) 4My-Read . . your Prayers.. ‘Do not worry about or anything; instead PRAY ABOUT (586) 4:6 939-4230 EVERYTHING.’ Philippians Master Card/Visa

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Master Card/Visa All reading confidential

P a g e 39

Clear the subconscious for achieving your desires.

his social anxiety. He was now able to speak to women much more easily after that “experiment.” Most people, however, are not able to achieve this on their own.

Are you happy? Are you getting all that you want out of life? If not, it might have something to do with what you believe or what you are telling yourself. According to bestselling author Louise Hay, the innermost belief for everyone she has ever worked with is always “I am not good enough.” Surely if you have this belief about yourself you are not going to attempt to go after what you want because you fear you won’t succeed. Why try, if you believe you are going to fail? Along the same lines, Dr. Susan Jeffers, author of Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, believes that the number one fear is the fear “I can’t handle it.” Again, if we tell ourselves this, we are not likely to take many risks. Since you are already convinced that you won’t be able to handle whatever comes, it is extremely unlikely you would dare to take the risks involved Believe it or not, a great many people actually feel this way. One other individual I’m sure you have heard of, Dr. Phil, believes that the number one fear people have is the fear of rejection. Would you introduce yourself to someone you found attractive if you anticipated being rejected? It is not too likely. Of course, there are exceptions. The well-known psychologist Dr. Albert Ellis admitted to having severe social phobia when he was younger. He was terribly afraid to approach women he did not know for fear they would reject him. He finally decided to force himself to face this fear. He would sit down on a park bench where a young lady was sitting and if she didn’t get up and leave he would begin talking to her. He claimed that about one third of them got up and left. All told, he spoke to a great many women and asked many of them out. Only one said “yes.” However, it turned out that she did not show up for the date. Dr. Ellis claimed that despite getting rejected by 100 women, rather than feel defeated, he felt that he overcame

If you fear trying something new, and the fear keeps you from doing what would make your life a lot richer and happier, one of the main challenges you may face is learning to love yourself. If we truly loved ourselves, we would not be crushed if someone were to reject us, or if a job did not work out. It would not diminish our self-worth. We would realize that we were still worthwhile individuals and that we could handle it. Unfortunately, however, it is not that easy to change some of these deep seated beliefs. We may affirm that we are loveable, or capable, or entitled to pleasure, but if your subconscious does not accept these ideas, you will not change. In assisting you in making the changes you desire, as a counselor and hypnotherapist my focus in working with you, is on a subconscious level which is to help you challenge and eliminate these self-defeating beliefs. One of the most valuable aspects about receiving hypnosis is the positive suggestions and affirmations given to the individual and these positive messages go directly to the subconscious mind. Once the subconscious accepts these message, they will be acted upon as if real, and the you will begin to make the kind of changes you desire.You would also be able to take the risks they truly want to take, which will greatly improve the quality of your life. There are now hundreds of peer reviewed studies which attest to the fact that hypnosis works and is very effective for a wide variety of issues including fears, unwanted habits, dealing with stress, difficulty sleeping, low self-esteem, and much more. Phil Rosenbaum If you would like to find out more about hypnosis, or counseling, please contact Phil Rosenbaum at the Self-esteem Academy. Phil is a licensed counselor and certified hypnotist. The number is 248-688-6469.

Change your subconscious beliefs Get More out of life –Achieve Your Goals Success and happiness are achievable Dare to find out what’s stopping you w/ Hypnosis- 50% Off your first session Just $35.00 Expires 3/01/14 248- 688-6469 Phil Rosembaum MA, Counselor & Certified Hypnotherapist


“Perseverance is more prevailing than violence and many things which cannot be overcome when they are together, yield themselves up when taken little by little”. Plutarch (C. A.D. 46 - C 120)

Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

Loving Yourself & Others

has great benefits in bringing someone closer to their heart space.

Have you heard the phrase, “You can’t love others until you love yourself?” Self love is a must, because we treat others the way we treat ourselves. How kind and forgiving are you to yourself? 90 % of us suffer from lack of self love. We beat ourselves up when we don’t meet our expectations.

Using stones and affirmations can be very beneficial in helping one to release issues and limiting beliefs on self love. Rose Quartz, Rubellite, Ruby, Kunzite & Citrine are beneficial stones for clearing old, self limiting beliefs, strengthening our self love and for opening our heart chakras so that we receive more love. Keep the stone close in your aura for 30 days; every time you say your affirmation, hold the stone in your hand, putting pressure on it which instills your intention.

Have you or someone you know ever wondered why they attract controlling or abusive people into their lives? We are all each other’s reflections - so to speak. If you are not kind to yourself, you will tend to attract people who are not kind to you. Before attracting a new partner or healing old relationships, take a look at how you treat and love yourself. Once you allow yourself to be open to unconditional love - you will stop attracting people that reflect that. Bashar, a channel says, “If you desire to give unconditional love, how can it be unconditional if you are not included?” The definition of unconditional love is, affection given without any limitations. Bashar adds, “What you call in your frequency unconditional love, is actually the frequency or vibration of existence itself.” Simply by allowing ourselves to love ourselves, we stop treating others poorly and stop attracting those who don’t have our highest intentions in their best interest. Many of us have been raised to think with our brain instead of our hearts. Our heart receives 10,000 times more electrical signals than our brain. Drunvalo Melchizedek says that we need to make a conscious decision to move down from the brain into the heart. Deep breathing is a great way to calm the spirit and get back to our heart. In the Melody Crystal Healing Classes, students learn a technique called, “Tibetan Pulsing.” During chakra balancing with stones, we pulse our hands on each chakra to the same rhythm as the client’s heartbeat. This February 2014

Since our thoughts create our realities, it’s beneficial to use positive self love affirmations such as; “I am love.” “ I allow myself to receive the love I deserve.” “Thank you. I love you.” Try taking three deep breaths, relaxing deeper with each breath. Hold the stone at your heart chakra, visualizing you and your aura being bathed with the stone’s soft, gentle pink and gold light. Set your intention by asking your angels/and or guides to help open and heal your heart chakra. This will help release all limiting beliefs and help you to be receptive to loving yourself more deeply. Stay in this space, bathed in these colors for up to a 1/2 hour everyday until you feel it is no longer needed. Continually repeat your affirmation while focusing on breathing deeply and bringing the pink, gold colors of pure love into your heart. After you have successfully included yourself in the circle of unconditional love, notice the people changing in your life and who you are now attracting. Ask yourself, “What would unconditional love do?” Jennifer Vanderwal has been a Melody Crystal healing instructor since 2004. She’s a Reiki Master and offers classes in Crystal healing and Reiki. Her therapies include Crystal healing facilitator and spiritual counselor. Contact Jennifer at 248-672-0579

Children’s Logic: ‘Give me a sentence about a public servant,’ said a teacher. One of the small boys wrote: ‘The fireman came down the ladder pregnant.’ The teacher took the lad aside to correct him. ‘Don’t you know what pregnant means?’ she asked. ‘Sure,’ said the young boy confidently. ‘It means carrying a child.’ After putting her grandchildren to bed, a grandmother changed into old slacks and a droopy blouse and proceeded to wash her hair. As she heard the children getting more and more rambunctious, her patience grew thin. Finally, she threw a towel around her head and stormed into their room, putting them back to bed with stern warnings. As she left the room, she heard the three-year-old say with a trembling voice, ‘Who was THAT?’ A little girl was diligently pounding away on her grandfather’s word processor. She told him she was writing a story. ‘What’s it about?’ he asked. ‘I don’t know,’ she replied. ‘I can’t read.’

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Anyone can learn how to heal.

Check our website for descriptions of the classes The Wattenbergs (248) 647-6181 P a g e 41

Spiritual Horoscopes

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) – Happy birthday Aquarius! Mercury is retrograde, creating healing in self-esteem. Meditate on seeing your strengths so that you can accurately assess them, and feel an increase in your value – as a relationship partner, as a worker, and as a soul evolving in the Universe. Also ponder your weaknesses, and release them through forgiveness without self-criticism. You’ll open a huge flow of financial and emotional prosperity!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – Do you have friends on the spiritual path? If not, seek some out. Join a yoga studio, or a meditation group. Maybe shift your schedule so you’re not just doing the same old things with the same old people. (Taurus gets into a rut . . . but it ok to let go of patterns and change!) For a closer sense of spiritual connection, meditate on gratitude. You might even experiment with laughter yoga . . . yes – it’s a real style!

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) – Your body is extremely sensitive, and so is your psyche. Meditate on what you eat, drink, or otherwise ingest. Make a list of what interferes with your health and happiness. Commit to let go of one of these foods (or soda, alcohol, cigarettes). Journal about what it could be an emotional substitute for. Also meditate on negative patterns of thought that drag you down, or even people or activities. Have the courage to release these from your life to heal your mind and soul!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – Please meditate and release old resentments and fears regarding money! The Universe is trying to pave the way for new avenues of prosperity, but you must clear out thought patterns and beliefs that limit your capacity to receive! On another level, also let go of negativity around trust, sex and intimacy. Create space in your consciousness to attract fulfillment with new partners, or to vastly improve current connections! What you believe is what you live out, so surrender your mind and let healing happen.

Aries (March 21 – April 19) – I know you have a hard time with meditation, but Mercury is retrograde and is calling you to go within. Spend time breathing . . . or maybe analyzing your dreams. Get creative with ways to connect with your soul and intuition. On the job front, breakthroughs can happen where you’re earning more money . . . or someone can come into your work life that you really click with. Combine inner guidance with work for even greater success! art & hand crafted items new age botanica supplies fair trade treasures metaphysical workshops psychics


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Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – Relationships are entering a new phase of fulfillment. Deeper bonding is possible because of the work you’ve done to let go of old patterns. Good for you! Whether new or long-standing, try to incorporate a time to meditate together – or do spiritual reading, practice yoga, or something else that connects you on a higher level. Also, keep a notebook by your bed to record your dreams, as much guidance will be there this month! Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) – The more you love your body, the more emotionally centered you will feel. Meditate on how you can make positive changes with eating, rest, stress reduction. Write a gratitude list to gain respect for your body temple. As you make the changes, you’ll see emotional wounds heal. You’ll even encounter more prosperity! Your body will become a conduit of spiritual energies that will benefit you in many ways!

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) – If your relationship isn’t going the way you want it to (or if single and want to be partnered), meditate on how you are being critical of yourself . . . or overly picky about partners. Make a list of what your ideal partnership would be like (how you and the other would be) – then talk about your list with a trusted friend or mentor. Get a reality check and move in a healthier direction. You’ll be amazed at the changes that come quickly! Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) – Mercury is retrograde and wants you to examine your health habits. How do you soothe yourself when stressed? Do you overeat? Do you stay up too late watching dumb tv? Do you seek out emotionally unhealthy sexual relationships for temporary comfort? Meditate on better choices and implement those more loving actions. Take more baths. Practice yoga or deep breathing. Spend time with spiritually minded friends. Treat yourself like the awesome soul that you are! Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) – Please open up about your feelings to those you love! Mercury retrograde is urging you to look at the reasons you keep your emotions and passions so hidden. It is often a protection against feeling vulnerable and looking weak. Take a risk and praise people more often. Express your truth clearly and watch relationships go to a whole new level of fulfillment and joy! Also, if you have a pet with a puzzling health issue, meditation could give insights about a simple remedy that corrects the problem!

Astrology for Your Soul Aluna Michaels, M.A. Esoteric Astrologer

“Together we will unveil your Life Plan and Soul’s Purpose.” Over 20 years of counseling experience.

(248) 583-1663

Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) – Mercury retrograde is showing you the silly ways you hold yourself back! Imagination can tell you all sorts of negative things and feed your fears -- when your ego is in control of your mind. Through meditation, your higher self will take control of your imagination – and show you divine possibilities! Evaluate each thought and see if it is rooted in fear or worry – or rooted in intuition and spiritual poise. Also ponder how addictions to substances (alcohol, nicotine, sugar, etc.) play a role in limiting your life. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) – You will have relationship breakthroughs as Venus moves direct in your sign. You can start a new relationship, or have huge improvements in current partnerships. Meditation will also bring a more peaceful relationship with yourself – especially if you deal with body image issues. Support these changes with loving, gentle affirmations about yourself. Refuse negative, critical thinking and get off your own case! Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and Soul Evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version. Ms. Michaels is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 5831663 or visit HYPERLINK “http://www. www.alunamichaels. com

Erin Stohl, LLMSW Holistic Psychotherapist & Energy Worker

313-942-5586 February 2014

Eternal Love The very nature of love is eternal. There is no beginning or end. It always has been, is now, and always will be. This truth can be difficult for the human mind to comprehend, but at a soul level we all rest in the knowing that love is unending and beyond space and time. The mind’s fearful belief that love ends or can be lost creates a great deal of suffering for us in this life experience, especially when we experience a perceived loss of love within a soulmate relationship, such as the death of a loved one (which can feel like the death of a part of ourselves). Although there are many ways to define a soulmate relationship, I am specifically using that term to refer to any relationship in which one feels a close bond or soul connection with another being. Some examples include relationships with parents, partners or spouses, friends, children, grandparents, siblings, other relatives, and even pets. In soulmate relationships it is common to feel like you have known each other for much longer than the actual amount of linear time you have been in contact. It is also common to feel very understood, connected, and loved. Soulmate relationships can also be challenging, as they often bring up aspects of our shadow and our deepest fears. Since our hearts tend to open more within soulmate relationships, it can be especially painful when these connections end because a person transitions out of their physical body. Some of this pain is healthy and is an important part of the grieving process. When grieving the loss of a relationship, we may experience denial, anger, sadness, guilt, and regret, all of which can create a pathway to feeling true acceptance and peace about the ending

of that relationship in physical form. After we have moved through the grieving process, or even while we are still grieving, it is possible to access the eternal love that was and still is the essence of the relationship. Since love is endless and beyond space and time, it does not die when a person leaves his or her physical body. The love that was shared is eternal and can be felt anytime we hold the intention to experience it. In addition to holding this intention, it is also helpful to be in a quiet place where there are minimal distractions. This helps us access and feel love at a soul level, which is easier to do with a relaxed body and mind. Our human self forms attachments and bonds with others, so it is important to honor and fully feel the stages of grieving. However, it’s also important to remember that the love we share with others is ever-present and eternal, and that it does not end when a loved one transitions from his/her body. When someone we love leaves their body, we actually have an opportunity to experience the relationship in a different form, from physical to non-physical. In the same way we may connect with Spirit/God, angels, saints, etc., through prayer and intention, we can also connect with our loved ones who have transitioned to the non-physical realm. With love & gratitude ~ Erin Stohl Guided by the path of the heart, Erin supports others on the journey of remembering their True Self. She combines traditional psychotherapy with energy work, spiritual guidance, nutrition support, and other body-centered and mindfulness-based practices. To learn more, visit her website or call 313-942-5586. P a g e 43

Your Beloved Awaits Don’t wait until things are ‘fixed’ to love deeply, dream big, and live your grandest desire. You are here to reflect and reveal the cosmos in only the way you can. Loving through your tattered parts is an art form, and it can be done now! Is your human existence infused with the energy of your soul or do you keep life separate from spirit? When you remember that the Divine is continually seeking to be expressed in your every breath, everything you do and say becomes infused with the power of creation. Non-duality is knowing you are an imperfect learning human AND a magnificent gifted eternal being. When you accept your humanity, you come to know your already present divinity. Your beloved awaits you. True confidence or God Confidence is being more identified in non-duality. When you are able to compassionately witness the hate or fear within you, a love greater than what your mind can conceptualize arises into your awareness. In Eastern Body, Western Mind, Anodea Judith says that in her 30 years of therapy with clients, she never saw a correlation between accomplishments and good looks. The ones who put less pressure on themselves tended to be happier. God Confidence is realized through self-acceptance. It is knowing that who you truly are is an eternal presence and divine light disguised in a human spacesuit. God Confidence is independent of what you look like or what you do. When you know something to be true or real within you, people feel this truth and reflect this vibration back to you. All arguments are miscommunications of needs. Many people repress their needs. They don’t even know what their needs are because of the shame slathered on top. “I shouldn’t need this”, or “I am stronger than this.” Being gentle with yourself leads to God Confidence and inner power, not weakness. Your beloved is waiting for you. Know the importance of

Accepted As I Am Center

Holistic Therapy and Life Mentoring

Powerful energetic shifts, healing, auricular acupuncture, intuitive guidance, homeopathic support and emotional clearing. Facebook Barbra.White1 157 South Mill, Plymouth MI 734-455-1438 44

having your heart well fed and watered. Like a flower, your heart has survival needs, no matter your financial or societal position. ‘Neediness’ only happens when you are judging your need, trying to make things happen because of your need, or forcing your need on another. Communicating need from a space of love leads to intimacy, vulnerability, conscious communication, and deeper connections. Healthy communication begins when YOU recognize your needs. It does not begin with you asking ‘how’ or ‘when’ your needs will be met, or with your shaming yourself for wanting something. To take full responsibility for your happiness, you must learn how to receive. YOU need to recognize your needs as important. YOU need to recognize your dreams as valid and real; otherwise you will put yourself in front of people who challenge your needs and dreams. What you repress returns back to you, amplified in the form of unhealthy relationships. If you don’t know your needs are important, you will unknowingly communicate them in an angry and fearful way, and then wonder why the other person is reacting. Talk to your little child within. When you are hurting, instead of asking “What is wrong with me?” or “Why is this hurt here?” ask, “What do I need right now?” This is a very powerful practice. Just by asking the question, pain falls away. Then, WHATEVER you hear, honor it. WITHOUT going into ‘HOW hell’ or ‘WHEN hell’. When you see what you want as real, you no longer put yourself in fires to prove to yourself your needs are important. Here is a powerful affirmation I give to clients, “I release the need to fight for what I need.” Ten years ago, between 2001 and 2004, I had a natural health and acupuncture practice. Some clients didn’t listen when I talked about self-acceptance, while others who did listen and shift, had life changes! I thought maybe I should ‘word it this way’ or ‘be more loving’ or ‘try harder’. Then one day, I realized I was trying to convince myself that MY desire to be a spiritual mentor and therapist was real! When I made that shift, my whole clientele changed. I released the need to prove to myself my need was real. I was then able to let the good (that was already there) in. It is not about making it happen. It is about allowing your good in. Everything is already there in the mind of Creation. Selfawareness is imperative to opening the inner doorway to your beloved, and your dreams. The big ‘secret’ is, we all have feelings of not being worthy.

Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

This is normal. Don’t shame attack yourself. If you truly loved yourself, would you have put yourself in that relationship, stayed where you are, or compromised your needs? The most important one to forgive is yourself…for not loving yourself. Many have confused suffering with spiritual progress. This affirmation/ prayer has helped me tremendously, “I forgive myself for not loving myself.” Only in the last few years can I say I really truly like myself. We can save the world but if we are not gentle with ourselves we lose our souls. Your beloved awaits. You will only receive the love you have already practiced within. Your beloved could be in front of you right now, but if you haven’t practiced listening to the needs and desires of your heart, you will be unable to see them. You will only receive the love you have already allowed yourself to receive. If you haven’t practiced self-love, love given to you will be seen as a ‘foreign invader’ and not to be trusted. Loving yourself and honoring your needs allows your divinity greater expression. Learning this is a process. It is not about transcending or praying your needs away. ALL of you is lovable. When you love the dark spots, you discover a light within greater than you can imagine. In service, Barbra Feb 28th - March 1, join us for Self Love Retreat Intensive at Accepted As I Am, in Plymouth. Allow spiritual mentor, and gifted intuitive Barbra White support you in claiming your magnificence. Sessions with Barbra are a combination of spiritual teaching, emotional releasing, auricular acupuncture, homeopathy, and energy work. Contact her at: 734-455-1438 | and visit her site at February 2014

Food of the Month: Cherries February, the month we celebrate love through Valentine’s Day. Because of their bright red color and sweet, juicy nature, cherries are the perfect ‘Love’ food. I do prefer the dark sweet cherries over the sour ones, only because you have to add an abundance of sweetener to overcome the strong sour flavor. Cherries are a seasonal fruit, so you will not find fresh ones in the store at this time. Look for frozen, organic cherries, they have the best flavor. If your cherries are not organic, the pesticides can not only harm you, they can alter the taste of your pie. Pesticides have a bitter taste that can come through when creating desserts and not using organic fruit. Cherries are an excellent source of iron, and contain vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. They can increase your vital energy and are considered a warming food. They are therapeutic for gout and numbness in the extremities because they remove excess body acids and blood stagnation. Cherries are related to the plum, which has been eaten since prehistoric times When making a pie, it usually is the crust that is the most challenging. This crust is a ‘pressed’ crust, which means you do not have to roll it out with a rolling pin. Pressed crusts are much easier to make and work with, and are just as delicious. I use ground pecans in the crust to give it more moisture through the natural oils found in the nuts. Oat bran and oat flour are both gluten free, high in iron and can help reduce cholesterol. In the filling, I have included 2 tsp. of dark miso. I have found that when creating a pie with fruit, the miso has a way of bringing out the natural flavors of the fruit. If you don’t have the dark miso you can substitute 1/4 tsp. sea salt. It’s very important to always include a little salt in your desserts, as it balances the sweetness and makes the dessert more flavorful.

Pear Cherry Pie Filling: 3 cups pears (peeled and cut up) 3 cups dark sweet cherries 1/2 cup brown rice syrup 5 T. arrowroot 2 tsp. dark miso 1/4 cup water 1 tsp. dried ginger 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 1/4 tsp. allspice Crust: 1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup brown rice syrup 1/4 cup water pinch sea salt pinch allspice 1/4 tsp. dried ginger 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 1 cup pecans (ground up) 1 cup oat bran 1 1/2 cups oat flour To make filling, place in a sauce pan the pears, cherries, brown rice syrup, arrowroot, ginger, cinnamon, and allspice. On a low temperature, slowly heat the filling. Whisk together the 1/4 cup water and miso. Add to filling. Heat until starting to thicken, stirring occasionally. To make crust, whisk together the olive oil, brown rice syrup, water and spices. Add the pecans, oat bran and oat flour. Mix together until you get a stiff dough. Using wet hands, press into an oiled pie shell. Save about 1/4 of the dough to use as topping. Pour filling into crust. Crumble remaining dough over the top. Bake at 350 degrees for one hour. Let cool completely before cutting and serving. Valerie Wilson is a chef , author, counselor, and host of ‘Healthy Cooking with MacroVal’ on BMS Radio. Recipe is from her cookbook ‘Perceptions In Healthy Cooking’. Visit: (734)722-4553. P a g e 45

The Essence of Effective Mind Body Spirit Medicine Mind body spirit medicine is spiritually based medicine. It cultivates health through applying spiritual principles and practices. The health of our mind and body is a reflection of the health of our spirit. All illnesses, whether of mind, body or behavior point towards a deeper spiritual disturbance. Complete healing of the illness can only be achieved through healing at the spiritual level. We have gained much control over the way our body superficially expresses health with conventional medicine. This is often mistaken as a cure. Yet, pills and surgeries do not address the deeper spiritual root cause of illnesses. That inner turmoil will simply find another form of expression if left unaddressed. In our culture, there is a growing realization that we are missing something as more of us are getting first-hand experiences of the limits of modern medicine. Our culture is ready for mind body spirit work. Before starting this work, there are two important spiritual principles to understand for success. The value of all other principles and practices depends on how well they help us apply these principles in ever deepening ways. 1. Spiritual healing is the result of developing a direct relationship with God. Even those of us who have had no spiritual connection before, or have a rejection towards the idea of God, can access spiritual guidance. The door is unlocked by sincerely wishing to have an inner loving attitude towards all and proving this with our actions. 2. The Law of Karma determines the quality and depth of this relationship, and is known in Christian religions as, “that which we do to others is done to us”. This law is true of our words and behaviors, but also true of our hidden intentions such as our thoughts and fantasies. When karma surfaces, the 46

exact circumstances do not have to match. However, the way we end up feeling will. The rational solution to develop our spiritual connection is simply to maintain loving intentions in all situations and towards all people, including ourselves, our thoughts and God. Achieving loving intentions in all aspects of life requires 24/7 mind body spirit work. This work can be divided into three categories and ALL three must be done simultaneously for success: 1. Outer work: We review all aspects of our lives with an open mind and are willing to change anything that is negative. We even consider major life changes such as where we live, our job and our closest relationships. Getting rid of the negative is not enough for spiritual healing. We are also proactive and adopt a new more loving spiritual lifestyle and job. The most important outer work we will do, is to become an active and useful member of our community. 2. Inner work: It is critical to adopt practices that help us to better focus our attention inwards, because our innermost intentions are often hidden from us. Inner practices are typically done when we are alone, or least when we are not socializing with others. Meditation, prayer, journaling, reflective walks in nature, yoga and art are all excellent forms of inner work. Some form of inner work will become a part of our daily routine. It is a time we will set aside to nourish ourselves.

about ourselves that we could never have when we moved through our day mentally absorbed. We may immediately discover new outer work that we can engage in to improve our lives. In doing so, we become a source of positivity for all. A variety of mind body spirit resources will be needed to keep us focused on the positive, in a world of confusion. “Peace is Every Step” by Thich Nhat Hanh also has a collection of excellent applied inner practices. “The Spiritual Treasures, Final Edition” has a comprehensive collection of resources for all three aspects of mind body spirit work and is available free online at www. Through persistent application of these three types of mind body spirit work we will experience the release of a burden that we may not have realized we carried. Our hearts will have opened and healing will occur at the spiritual level. As a result of this spiritual health, our mind, body and behaviors will effortlessly express health as well. This work goes far beyond just establishing physical health. It is our life purpose to know ourselves as loving souls. Roger Gietzen is a medical doctor who after an intense and unexpected spiritual experience immediately saw the shortcomings of modern medicine. He now shares insights from his spiritual path in his mind body spirit clinic, Healthy Mind Body. Website: Email: Phone: 586-838-0404

3. Applied inner work. Through our inner work, we will learn how to process our emotions and bring balance to our mind body and spirit. Naturally we will want to feel this well-being as we go through our day-to-day routine, not just in our down time. We will do our best to maintain the inward focus as we go about our day. This will help us notice non-loving aspects of our lives much quicker, because we will see things Body Mind Spirit Guide |

February 2014

Community Classified ANNOUNCEMENTS Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, Vet Visits and Plant Care. 586-329-5899 “Animal spirit guide party! Gather your friends and have a shaman find your guides. Book today! petra4pets@gmail. com”

COACHING Wellness Coaching: Looking to Improve Your Health? Contact Amanda DuLac RD 248-231-3178 Spiritual Life Coaching: MA Guidance and Counseling. First session free. Reasonable rates. Contact Andrea at (248)2073389 or Sacred Sexuality/Tantra: Individual & Couple Coaching, Group Classes, Workshops, Retreats; Leslie 313-269-6719

COLONICS Colonic Hydrotherapy in Troy. Big Beaver and Livernois. National Board Certified Therapist in a clean, professional environment. By Appt only. 248-362-2150. www. Colonics: in Royal Oak with: Infrared Sauna, Lymphatic Drainage & Nutritionist specializing in Yeast & Parasites. www. 248-543-2020.

FOR SALE Migun Thermal Massage System HY-7000 with 6 different modes of programmed massages plus hand held heating element. Like new. $2,000 or best offer. Information (313) 381-5637

FRIENDSHIP Classic Mustang owner. Senior lady, intelligent, honest, happy. Likes car cruises, trucks, tractor shows, country music. Seeks white male, 70 s. Same qualities & interests with classic vehicle. Cobra Jet Cruiser 810-399-6963

HEALING SERVICES Sick of being overweight? Easily lose up to 40 lbs. in only 8 weeks. Contact Desiree at 734-612-1086 or www.GetFitwithDes. com

February 2014

Begin finding balance and inner strength for mental health. My gift is focusing on the whole mind, body and soul. Call for appointment today. Teresa Townsend, LMSW, ACSW 313-282-4772 Farmington Hills, All of Life comes to me with Ease & Joy & Glory!? Find out more about this statment and how to have joy and ease in your life. Call Gail 586-264-5457 Detox, distress, rejuvenate with pure essential oils and Raindrop Technique! Essential oils classes available, too;, www., 734 728-9332. Reiki promotes healing and feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that surrounds and fills you with relaxation, peace and well-being. $45/45 min, with complimentary 30 min guided meditation. Greta Robbins, RN, Usui/Tibetan and Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher. 248-752-4440 “Reiki energy healing; aura reading and spiritual healing; angel card readings. In person or long distance. Reiki classes (all levels) and MORE. Kathleen Pruneau-Hill, Reiki Master, Healer Practitioner, Certified Angel Card Reader (TM), RN Educator. 734-751-7336”

HEALING PRODUCTS Mojo/Candle Kits from Mama Tracy Inc.! Kits include unique, hand-made, handinfused Mojo herbal blends and a candle. Carry it with you! Need luck, money, love, health? We have a Mojo for you! Please visit

HYPNOSIS New Year Resolution Success Program w/ Hypnosis- Lose Weight, Quit Smoking, Get Motivated Half Off through 1/31/2014 Now Just $35.00 Certified Hypnotherapist Phill Rosenbaum MA, Counselor 248. 688. 6469 Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and Life Coach. Contact Kari at: 586-747-7706. Registered Certified Hypnotherapist Specializing in Stop Smoking, Weight and Shape Management, Self Esteem and much much more. Call Louise for a free consultation : (248) 714-6042

MASSAGE $50.00 Massage. www.bodyworktemple. com Penelopia. Holistic Health Practitioner/ Massage Therapist 1-313-414-4461

MENTAL WELLNESS A Perfect Balanced Mind: Debbie Bollen. Farmington Hills. Holistic, non-invasive brain optimization technology, identifying where brainwave patterns are not functioning at optimal levels. Specializing in: anxiety, memory/ focus problems, sleep issues, PTSD, ADD/ADHD, Brain injury. 248-254-7823 www.aperfectbalancedmind. com

READERS Pet communication, Reiki for pets, and shamanic services – Petra4Pets@gmail. com Clairvoyant readings and counseling by Patti former owner Aquarian age tea room, 248-543-0471, phone only. Shawahs Journeys. Honoring light, love, and truth. Michigan certified shamanic and intuitive practitioner. Shawahraindancer. or shaewahraindancer@ Readings by Maryann Grant- Intuitive Spiritual Counselor- Using tarot, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, and feeling. As featured in the Detroit Free Press. 248- 672-7656. Use the triple power of tarot to reveal past, present and future. Call now for a Free mini holiday reading. Linda 734-968-0017.

SPACE AVAILABLE Rochester Holistic Arts space for rent. Therapy room $550 m includes laundry & On-line scheduling. 800sq ft class room $450 m. call 248-330-9569 Natural setting just 4 miles west of Northville. 6 acres of organic gardens. Spring fed lake. Day or night rental. For workshop or pleasure offices and lecture halls available. 248 349-4518. Looking for holistic healers and intuitive readers. 1-2 days a week in Livonia (won’t take a % of your income) for more info call Lori 734-564-3251 dynamicvibrations455@ Share Office: Treatment room, fully furnished. Shelby/ Utica area. Only $79.50 total monthly 586-747-7706 Classroom Space Available. The Meditation Self-Healing Center of Lapeer is dedicated to assisting people with their spiritual growth. If you need an incredible space to hold you classes, call: 810-356-5021.

P a g e 47

The Voices of the Body Mind Spirit Community... 2/11 On the Edge with Chrissie Blaze 1-2 p.m. Chrissie welcomes Dianne Collins, the creator Quantum Think® today. Ms. Collins is an important thought-leader of our time! 2/12 Pagan Spirit, Shamanic Life 7-8 p.m. James Stovall welcomes Shauna Aura Knight, a well known Midwest Pagan leader to talk about her Pagan/Metaphysical romance novels and other topics. EVERY TUESDAY 8-8:15am Prayer-Aid: Healing the World with Power Prayer Chrissie Blaze leads us in morning prayer for a happier, healthier, safer world every Tuesday morning. 2/1 Live with Wendy Powers 10-12 p.m. Clairvoyant counselor, Wendy Powers eagerly shares her gifts with everyone! 646-378-0378. Topic: Soul Mate Love and introducing Author, Dr. Terri Orbach “The Love Doctor” 2/5 Mystiques West Hour – 10-11 a.m. Ray Fraser hosts your metaphysical news magazine! Today’s special guest is Dan Dempsey! 646-378-0378 2/5 In Touch Interview- 1-2 p.m. Author, Filmmaker and Speaker, Betsy Chasse will join us to discuss her new book Tipping Sacred Cows. 2/7 Healthy Cooking with Macro Val 1-2 p.m. Chef, author, instructor, Valerie Wilson helps people live happier lives through healthier eating! Featuring Valentine’s Day Recipes and her Pear Cherry Pie! 2/7 The Profound Tanna Alonza 7-8 p.m. The world knows her, her clients LOVE her and Now You can connect one on one! 646-378-0378 2/8 Adrianna’s Mystic Connections 10-11 a.m. Gifted angel reader, Adrianna invites you to call in for guidance and counsel from the angels. Call 646-378-0378 for a free reading.

HOST APPLICATION AVAILABLE: Call Penny or Courtney at: 734 513-6137

2/13 Journeys in Wellness 7-8p.m. Host Martha D’Anna wants to bring the information that will lead every BODY to a life of wellness. Call in your questions and comments at 646-378-0378. 02/14 Free Talk: Free Guided Full Moon Meditation from the Comfort of Your Home. 9-9:30pm. It’s Valentine’s Day! Open your heart chakra and clear obstructive energies to happy and nurturing relationships. Relieve stress and feel good now.

2/18 Sacred Sexuality with Leslie Blackburn 10-11 a.m. Leslie helps you connect with your sacred sexuality, and welcomes calls during the show at 646-378-0378. Bring your curiosity! 2/18 Aetherius Radio Live 1-2p.m. Aetherius Society members, Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze bring the wisdom of outer space to help you realize the potential of inner space. Today: The Nine Freedoms! 2/23 Chillin’ with Mr. Peace 2-3 p.m. Kevin (Mr. Peace) Szawala shares and discusses topics of importance to further diversity peace and love. Topic: How Your Personality Relates to Others with special guest Lori Costew 2/25 Accepted As I Am: Your Beloved Awaits 10-11 a.m. Barbra White helps to open the doors of your heart to let love in. How to ‘manifest’ your dreams. Inspirational teachings, meditations, and your calls! 2/25 We Get Results 1-2 p.m. Mary Singer Albertson Knows how to get Results and People who make things happen. Learn how to get results from government!

Access all our Shows, Fan Pages, and Episodes at: Body Mind Spirit Guide | February 2014 An Internet Radio Station - Available on the web 24/7! Show call in number is: 646-378-0378


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