Body Mind Spirit Guide 2017 January

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Body Mind Spirit



For A healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind, and A Renewed Spirit ©



Stop Living in Mediocrity... Live your Vision David Krajovic Astrology for the New Year! Aluna Michaels

Happy New Year’s

What is Success Wanda Kester ARTICLES • HOROSCOPES • EVENTS CALENDAR • RECIPES AND MORE January 2017 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

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Locally Grown, Family Owned, Globally Known!©

Golden Galleries | Body Mind Spirit P. O. Box 85413, Westland, MI 48185 P: 734-513-6137 | F: 734-956-4150 E: Hours: Mon-Thu 10:00am - 6:00pm :

Our Staff:

Kathy Henning, Editor Courtney Overfield, Excutive Radio Producer Howard & Penny Golden, Founders

Our Writers are Leaders & Experts right here in Michigan that are passionate about helping YOU have a healthy body, an enlightened mind and a renewed Spirit!

Contributing Writers:

Michael Abramsky PhD, ABPP Angie Anderson Dr. Tarman Aziz Chrissie Blaze Faith Brower John Checuti Susan deCaussin Rev. Ray Fraser Kathy Henning Dottie Hollingsworth Dr. William H. Karl, D.C. Karamjeet Kaur Wanda Showerman Kester Dave Krajovic MBA, CPA, CMT Miche Lame’ Abby Lippett Nancy Lynn Aluna Michaels Rev. Eileen Patra Phil Rosenbaum Tatiana Scavnicky Todd Stockwell Barbra White Eve Wilson Dr. Sherry Yale, D.C. THANK YOU to our Readers, Writers and Advertisers!

About Us… The Body Mind Spirit Guide is a homegrown publication in Michigan! Created by Howard & Penny Golden as a way to spend their retirement enjoying the people and things they love and value. Our Publication… Highlighting leaders in Michigan from the holistic fields and spiritual field, we cover all aspects of wholeness from ancient wisdom to modern methods. The Body Mind Spirit Guide is printed and distributed to over 1400 locations throughout SE. Michigan each month. A great place to find humor, inspiration, information, local events, products, and professionals that will assist you in enjoying a Healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind and Renewed Spirit. Our Founding Vision… “I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.” Black Elk’s Vision (1862 - 1950) Our Beliefs... We believe all people are One! And that this great truth lies deep within each person’s heart! We dedicate the Guide to the One Mother, the One Father and their children (you and I)! Though we speak many languages from differing nations, professions, religions, and realms, as we start to sing the language of LOVE we begin to become aware that we are all singing the same song! This publication seeks to create Harmony to that One Song, the BEAUTIFUL Song of life! Howard & Penny Golden We welcome your contributions in the form of articles, comments and opinions. Ideally, e would love to know what you like, don’t like and what you want more of, from our advertisers and us. Give us a call at: 734 513-6137 | Mon - Thu. 10 to 6 or email at:

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2 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

January 2017

Happy New Year’s Everyone


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Royal Oak Farmers Market to Host New Year Wellness Expo! Read more on page 16

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January 2017 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

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Body Mind Spirit Guide Content


Living a Joyful Life........................................................................5

IN STORES: Printed & delivered to over 1100 Stores/Distributors in SE Michigan.

Astrological Forecast for 2017......................................................6 Inflammation and Chronic Disease..............................................7 Will Your New Year’s Resolutions Succeed?................................8

Call 734 513-6137 to find the location closest to you.

Numberology 2017: A Number One Year...................................10 Ready, Set, Go!.......................................................................... 11

ON THE WEB: Download the latest issue for your computer or ipad at:

The Life of a London Yogi...........................................................13 The Science of Weight Loss.......................................................14 Launch of Healing Power Hour..................................................16

IN YOUR MAILBOX: Don’t want to miss an issue? See page 2 for home delivery.

What is success and why don’t you have it; or do you?.............18 Just a Little Snack......................................................................20 Truth of Living in True Love........................................................21 Why We Should Start Our Goals Quietly....................................23 Beyond What Meets the Eye......................................................25 UP TO THE MIC: HOST YOUR OWN SHOW............................26 New Year - New Creative You....................................................27 Absorb More Nutrients With Enzymes!......................................28 Classes & Events.......................................................................31 PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY..............................32 Stop Living in Mediocrity… Live Your Greatest Vision................36

CONNECT WITH US: We welcome your comments by phone, in letters, emails and on the web... 734 513-6137 or info@ Thank you for picking up and reading the Guide!

It’s NOW or Never......................................................................38 Embrace Your Mission................................................................38 A New Sense of Self...................................................................40 A Few Comments About Nutritional Supplements......................41 Quantum Spiritual Horoscope for January.................................42

One Life One People, One Love, One World!


Exploring Realms of Consciousness..........................................43

We print with SOY INK on RECYCLED PAPER!

The Silver Thread: The Beginnings of Trauma..........................44 YES, God IS Listening ...............................................................45 Perspective: New Year / New View............................................46 COMMUNITY CLASSIFIED ADS...............................................47 Body Mind Spirit RADIO: LINE UP.............................................48

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4 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

January 2017

Living a Joyful Life By Todd Stockwell

Happy Holidays, my friends! While so many are working on New Years Resolutions, I’d like to help you so that you never feel like you have to do another New Years Resolution. Please join me on a journey of growth over the next twelve months; I will be here writing and sharing with you. Just make sure to read and follow what I share. We will add a new focus every month to help us all live a more joyous and empowered life. These will be simple things to do that can change everything, and you will have my support the whole way. You can always call or email me if you have any questions or challenges along the way. The first thing we can focus on is gratitude and release. So, go to the store and get two folders with lined paper; make sure that in one of them, the paper can easily be torn out. Now, take the folder that the pages can easily be torn from and label it, release.







“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency, and Vibration”

Take the other and label it, gratitude and growth. Let’s start with the gratitude folder and make sure you have it when you wake up, and write down some things you are grateful and thankful for. Make sure to do this before you go to sleep as well. Some days this will be easy to do and others it may be challenging, but make sure you do it no matter how tough it may be.

~Nikola Tesla

Now, take the release folder and after work or in the middle of the day, grab this folder and write out all your complaints, all of your negative thoughts, feelings and anything that is upsetting you. Big or small, right now or in the past, do not edit, just let it all flow onto the paper. With this folder, at the end of the week, we will do a release exercise. Make sure to tear out the pages at the end of each week. This will take a little time and effort but is still simple. Get a pot, a bowl, or your fireplace, and burn these pages with focused intention: “Make Peace, Release.” Make sure you follow this every day for this month, and remember I am here for you. I can already feel the negativity burning away. Be ready for next month; it will get more and more fun every month! I look forward to seeing your growth. Light, Love and Service, Todd Stockwell Todd is a Teacher and Healer that guides others to reach their own personal bests, find their divine path and live a joyful and empowered life. He has been an expert guest on WBZT, Wisdom, Clear Channel, Achieve, and BBS Radio, Body Mind Spirit Radio and many other TV and radio stations. He is also an artist, award winning writer, songwriter, inventor, and a loving father. January 2017 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

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Astrological Forecast for 2017

and use visualizations for prosperity. Feel how it will be to achieve your goals so you can magnetize your reality to you. (This is quantum physics, not just New Age fluff!) Relationships continue to unfold so keep your heart open and optimistic.

by Aluna Michaels, M.A. January — Mercury turns direct on the 7th, so use the last of the retrograde wisely by thinking about your resolutions and planning goals for the year. Meditate on what would make you the happiest and dare to feel worthy of receiving that! Saturn, the planet of planning, works perfectly with optimistic, lucky Jupiter and creative Uranus. Take actions faithfully to move toward your dreams and you will manifest them! February — Jupiter is the planet of goals and optimism, and it moves retrograde in February. This is great news since you’ll be able to keep momentum for resolutions. You’ll stay steady when tempted to be your old self. You’ll gain confidence that you can change. Keep a gratitude list so you see how much progress you’re making! Empower yourself further through affirmations and connecting with positive friends. March — Venus, the planet of love (including self-love!), prosperity and self-worth, turns retrograde. Also, several planets are in self-sacrificing Pisces. Meditate and ponder the balance between taking care of others and having quality time for yourself. Do you need healthier boundaries? Are you giving freely or feeling overwhelmed and resentful? Even just one day this month dedicated to self-nurture can shift your mindset and relationships. April — Venus (finances and relationships) is still retrograde until mid-

month. Then Mercury and Saturn begin their retrogrades. What this means for you is to stay committed to the balanced ways of interacting with others, and maintain your commitment to self-care. When you’re centered within yourself, you have more to offer others. Also, look at spending habits. Maybe create a new budget that allows for indulgences, while still meeting all the bills and even a bit for savings! May — This is a strong financial month and you can have great ideas that lead to prosperity, or have good news with your job. If single, you can start a new relationship, but don’t let things go to fast. Keep a level head and heart, if you can, until mid-June. If partnered, you can have breakthroughs with old issues so you can be “new” together. Let the past fade away whatever your relationship status so you’re able to attract better possibilities rather than the limitations you’re locked into from old disappointments! June — Another strong financial month! It’s a good time to make home improvements, or even throw away old junk that doesn’t represent you anymore. Read about spirituality and money. Meditate to increase intuition

July — Use this month to meditate and release old disappointments about relationships. Clear your heart to make room for joy and fulfillment! You can even clear up longterm patterns from your family that have been ingrained since childhood. It is never to late to heal your consciousness and have the life you want to create. You can also erase negative money programs so prosperity can flow in! August — Examine beliefs and goals. If you feel uninspired, create a new vision and take steps in that direction to rekindle your sense of adventure and purpose. In relationships, ponder the idea that you could be wrong about someone or about a long-standing argument. Softening your viewpoint releases anger and heals old wounds. Make new commitments to fitness and healthy eating. You could discover hidden food allergies so your health and moods improve! September — With powerful Mars being in Virgo, along with several other planets, it’s a perfect month to work with affirmations. Also, examine repetitive thoughts to see what reality you’re creating when your mind is on auto-pilot! Taking charge of your brain directs your life into success, health and joy! If you happen to feel irritated or edgy, increase meditation time each day — or at least take a few extra deep breaths so you don’t respond in ways you’ll regret.

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January 2017

October — Jupiter moves into Scorpio for the next 12 months, opening up a treasure-trove of prosperity, trust and passion! Meditate to heal issues around betrayal, loss and disappointment (challenging Scorpio issues), so you can reap Jupiter’s healing benefits and the blessings Scorpio has to offer. With many planets also moving through Libra, relationships flourish, and you’ll just feel good! Take stock of the year to see how many of your goals have manifested! November — This is a relationship month, so meditate about forgiving people in your life, whether romantic, family, friends, or business colleagues. Remember that everyone is struggling in some way and is deserving of compassion and kindness. This outlook still leaves room for creating boundaries and limits, but you can set them without anger. Even if you let people go, new fulfilling connections will come in. Also, visualizing prosperity draws it in easily! December — Mercury retrogrades near Saturn, creating a thoughtful, introspective month. Be gentle with yourself as you examine your year. Praise yourself for victories. If you fell short of goals, meditate and find one step you can take to move things in a positive direction. Simple changes bring profound and lasting results. Be constant in your actions rather than using harsh effort or self-criticism. In this way, you’ll be ready for an awesome 2018! Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer, and holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling. She’s been teaching/consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call or text (248) 583-1663 or visit

Inflammation and Chronic Disease By Dr. Tarman Aziz

Painful, stiff, and swollen joints! Does arthritis affect you or a loved one? For many of us, arthritis is our first example of “inflammation”, where our immune system sends white blood cells out of the bloodstream and into nearby injured tissues. In the case of arthritis, this process involves the bone and associated connective tissues around joint spaces as they undergo worsening wear and tear injury over the years. Did you know that many chronic diseases feature a major component of inflammation? A list of inflammatory diseases includes cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression, high cholesterol, increased blood pressure, and Parkinson’s disease, to name just a few. Inflammation is an attempt for the body to heal from any injury. That injury may be in the form of damage to the lining of blood vessels as one’s high blood pressure remains untreated year after year. Another example of inflammation is commonly seen when blood sugar remains consistently high in poorly controlled diabetes, damaging the filtering structure of the kidney. Depression appears to feature brain inflammation that is likely triggered from unaddressed and profound psychological stress.

plant based foods that are free of gluten, preservatives, food dyes, and GMO, (3) eliminating or minimizing exposure to toxic relationships, both professional and personal, and (4) seeking greater satisfaction in work and play through expressions of one’s authentic self. This last item can be especially challenging. Most of us are not mindfully aware enough to ask ourselves often and with honesty, “Am I living my life with purpose and direction? Am I the architect of my own life, or am I living someone else’s perceived role for me?” For many, these questions inspire fear, apprehension, or discomfort. Yet these are essential areas to assess in order to reduce inflammation and thrive in the face of chronic illness. At “Creative Health Institute”, you can learn more on inflammation and take time to start the healing process. Tarman Aziz, MD & Integrative Health Consultant Dr. Aziz works in healthcare administration in the Detroit metro area, as well as serving as an Integrative Health Consultant. His lifelong passion for research led him to Washington D.C. and the National Institutes of Health, where he was awarded a prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowship studying Natural Killer Cell function in the Laboratory of Experimental Immunology. He is available for one on one health consultations with all CHI guests. You can reach out to him at: 517-278-6260

While most of us are not so interested to learn every detail on exactly which white blood cells and chemical mediators fuel acute and chronic inflammation, we should all be motivated to know the best inflammation-reducing strategies. Regardless of how the inflammation developed, a sensible strategy for beginning to reduce its damaging effects include: (1) eliminating saturated fats, animal products, and all dairy from one’s diet, (2) replacing these with whole food

January 2017 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

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Will Your New Year’s Resolutions Succeed? By Phil Rosenbaum

This is the time of year many people make New Year’s resolutions. Have you made yours? If so, what would you like to accomplish? Perhaps you want to give up smoking. There are many reasons why people want to quit. Maybe you want to be able to keep up with your children but get winded too quickly. Or, you feel guilty about smoking in the house. Maybe your health is being affected and you want to be around when your kids are older, or be around for your grandchildren. Or, maybe you don’t like the cigarette smell on your clothes or furniture, etc. These are all good reasons to quit. Maybe your resolution is to lose weight. Again, there are a lot of advantages to slimming down. Many illnesses result from being overweight. Perhaps you already have an illness or are in physical pain due to an excess of weight. Remaining overweight will only make matters worse. Maybe you’re going to get married soon and you want to look your best at the wedding. Or maybe you want to look good at the beach when summer arrives. Being overweight often affects one’s selfesteem. Once you get the weight off, you feel a lot better about yourself. Perhaps, as in smoking, you want to exercise more but find the excess weight makes it very difficult to get out there and do some form of exercise. Losing weight would certainly be helpful. While weight loss and quitting smoking are two of the important resolutions people make, there are many others such as starting an exercise program, getting more organized, eliminating procrastination, taking a class, developing a positive habit, doing volunteer work, drinking less alcohol, getting a better education, and many more. Did you know, however, that according to research performed at the University of Scranton, just 8% of the people who make New Year’s resolutions are successful at achieving their goal? Not very encouraging, is it? There are a variety of reasons why so many people do not succeed. One reason is that the neural pathways in the brain are quite strong and the resolution is not powerful enough to overcome the ingrained habits. Another reason is that the subconscious part of the brain is not in agreement with the change. Anytime there is a conflict between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, the subconscious will always win. A third

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January 2017

reason is that the individual has some very deep seated beliefs, or core issues, that are preventing the person from making a healthy choice. For example, if a person believes he or she is not worthy of success or happiness, it is not likely that the individual will be successful in changing the unwanted habit. If you don’t feel like you deserve it, it is not going to happen. Of course, there are other reasons why resolutions don’t work, but these three are very common. The good news is that there is a relatively easy way to overcome each of the above obstacles. It is with the use of hypnosis. Hypnosis can help you get your subconscious mind and your conscious mind in agreement with each other. Once this occurs, the change can take place and will last. Hypnosis can also help you create new neural pathways. This would lead to the elimination of the old undesirable patterns and thus result in a much more successful outcome. Finally, hypnosis can help you get in touch with your unhealthy core beliefs and then replace them with much healthier beliefs. Once this is accomplished, it will be much easier to accomplish the desired goal. With hypnosis, you can make these changes in a relatively short period of time, and thus save a great deal of money. Hypnosis has been shown to work much faster than many other forms of therapy. If you have ever experienced hypnosis, you know it is very pleasant and relaxing. In fact, many people report that they didn’t want to come out of the hypnotic state because it felt so good. If you can imagine being completely relaxed, in a beautiful place where there are no worries or fears, you will have a sense of how joyful hypnosis feels. Phil Rosenbaum If you would like to experience hypnosis, or learn more about it, please call Phil at: 248-688-6469. It’s OK to be happy.

Recipe for a Happy New Year Take twelve fine, full-grown months; see that these are thoroughly free from: • old memories of bitterness • rancor and hate • cleanse them completely from every clinging spite • pick off all specks of pettiness and littleness • in short, see that these months are freed from all the past— have them fresh and clean as when they first came from the great storehouse of Time. Cut them into into thirty or thirtyone equal parts.

A Year of Time …Though even thinking on the subject of time may prove discomforting, it is not a bad idea—especially at the beginning of a new year. As we look into <year> we look at a block of time. We see 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes, 31,536,000 seconds. And all is a gift from God. We have done nothing to deserve it, earn it, or purchased it. Like the air we breathe, time comes to us as a part of life. The gift of time is not ours alone. It is given equally to each person. Rich and poor, educated and ignorant, strong and weak—every man, woman and child has the same twenty-four hours every day.

Don’t attempt to make up the whole batch at one time, each day put equal parts of:

Another important thing about time is that you cannot stop it. There is no way to slow it down, turn it off, or adjust it. Time marches on.

• • • • • • • • • • • •

And you cannot bring back time. Once it is gone, it is gone. Yesterday is lost forever. If yesterday is lost, tomorrow is uncertain. We may look ahead at a full year’s block of time, but we really have no guarantee that we will experience any of it.

faith patience courage work hope fidelity liberality kindness rest (create the rise) prayer meditation, and one well-selected resolution.

Put in about one teaspoonful of good spirits, a dash of fun, a pinch of folly, a sprinkling of play, and a heaping cupful of good humor. Happy New Year’s! Author unknown but apprecited.

January 2017 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

Obviously, time is one of our most precious possessions. We can waste it. We can worry over it. We can spend it on ourselves. Or, as good stewards, we can invest it in the kingdom of God. The new year is full of time. As the seconds tick away, will you be tossing time out the window, or will you make every minute count? By: Steven B. Cloud Page 9

2017: A Number One Year By Tatiana Scavnicky

2016 was a number 9 year of endings and completion. 2+0+1+6 = 9 in numerology. Back in September of last year, the Virgo New Moon Solar Eclipse and Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse began the push of the coming energy of 2017. Virgo’s energy at the time of the solar eclipse intensified clarity for what needs to be refined and cleaned up in how we are living life related to our health and daily routines and regimens. The Pisces Lunar Eclipse on September 16th, in league with the healing planet Chiron, created a deeply emotional vortex for clearing away psychic blocks and the emotional shizz of fearful and unhealthy emotional patterns. It had already begun. I believe our three consecutive super moons starting in October were yet another cosmic gift for a super fresh 2017. I went into depth about these full moon super moons on my blog. Do you feel like a totally different person now compared to spring of last year? I do. So many things just fell away for me but also fell into place beyond what I thought was possible. A completely new cycle is upon us. Take a look at where you are procrastinating. What kind of actions could you take? What will you allow to come forth? 2017 is a 1 Year in Numerology. 2+ 0 +1 +7 =10 1+0 =1

For many it feels as if you are shedding your whole self, not just parts. This is a good thing. It’s been in the background for us lately, nudging us to take specific steps for change. You may have felt unsure about what to do but simultaneously feeling a change is coming on, or you are just ready to integrate your innersassiness now and already know what you want to take action on! Amp it up and integrate change by cleaning up your files, house and personal papers if you are not sure. Start going through stuff and throwing out what you don’t need. Clearing clutter creates space, energy and newness. Finish to-dos. Make them into ta-dahs. What are you completing? What is that one thing that has been with you your whole life that you want to be free of? We are moving from the energy of completions to a quantumpowered new beginning. What was happening for you back in 2008? 2008 was a 1 year as well. You may see a reoccurring theme or feel a freshness for the future. It may feel like life as you know it can never be the same and you would not want it to be. Many will consider changing careers or feel as if they will suffocate if they don’t follow their heart. Many will step forward and begin to finally share their true calling. Many spirit-seekers will come out of the closet and lovers of the Divine Goddess! My intuition tells me this can be a very organic change if we choose that and things fall into place. Challenge your views and habits. What really works for you? What are you doing that sucks your energy dry or disempowers you? What boundaries will be needed now? Which people lift you up and help you see the beauty and possibility you are? What will you allow to come forth? The rest of the month will offer up more clarity. Be on the lookout for a-ha’s and huge insights now. Believe now that you can leave the past behind even if the future feels unformed or far-off. Hang out in feeling good and blissful. You are in the realm of quantum possibility and magic...and you are super-loved. Tatiana Scavnicky Tatiana is a teacher, intuitive life coach, psychicintuitive, meditation creator and Angel Therapy Practitioner® w. Angel Therapy Advanced Training®. She’s released three albums, playing her music with acclaimed angel author Doreen Virtue and Mark Watson of AngelEarth Music. She shares free moon phase oracle card readings at: and 313-399- 0009.

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January 2017

Ready, Set, Go!

Will you GO? Will you take action? Will you take the steps necessary to be renewed? Will you Go with God? Going with God does not mean to follow the predestined whims of a superhuman in the sky. Going with God means to move forward awakened to the power of God that resides IN you. This is the Source of unlimited, abundant energy that carries you into a new way of being. Going with God, aligns and connects all of your inner resources, all of your spiritual gifts or powers into a critical mass of positive, affirming energy.

By Rev. Eileen Patra

2016 has blissfully slinked into the past and we are presented once again with the proverbial clean slate to re-create ourselves. Lists will be written. Resolutions will be sworn to. But will they stick? Are you truly ready? Are you set? Will you go forward into a new uncharted way of being? Malcolm Gladwell, in his book “The Tipping Point,” posits that great social change is preceded by a critical mass, a gathering of energy, thoughts, and ideas that provide the ultimate push necessary to effect a change of course. Social transformation occurs when enough people become so passionate about an idea that they are willing to redefine themselves and commit to something new. Our personal “Tipping Point” also requires a critical mass of desire, thoughts and action. Often this is achieved when we find ourselves in the midst of conflict or chaos. Up against an energetic wall we gather the inner resources needed to effect a meaningful and lasting transformation. But conflict and trauma are not necessary to create change. A dramatic shift can be as simple as being ready, being set and being willing to go forward. To become READY, we must make a choice. This involves having such a strong desire to change that you determine this moment; this day, will be your personal turning point. You are ready to release what is no longer working. It is this very act of RELEASE, that prepares the space for something new to occur. Holding on to old ideas, old habits, old ways of being keeps us stuck in an unchanging, circular pattern of experience. Only when we are READY to accept that the pattern is not working and will never work the way we want it to, will we be ready to release it. Are you READY? What habit, pattern or thought are you ready to release? Whatever it is, affirm it aloud, “I RELEASE __________ and I AM READY.” Are you SET? Have you truly SET a new intention? It is not enough to release an old habit or thought pattern. Something new must be put in its place or, like a vacuum, the open space will draw in the same old way of being. So ponder the new thought, visualize the new idea, explore what it looks like, what it feels like, what people, places, energy and inner resources will be involved? Know that the power to create a new way of being is embedded in your spiritual nature. Are you SET? Visualize it. Affirm it. Set the new intention firmly in your mind and heart.

2017 is offering us an opportunity for lasting change in our personal lives and in our world. For each of us, individually and as a whole, there are ways of being that are simply no longer working, no longer effective. The shift, the transformation to a new way of being will occur when we each make a choice to let go of what we’ve held on to for far too long. It will occur when we set an intention of a new way of being, in a world that works for all, not some. It will occur when we go forward into a new order of life, guided, directed and aligned with the highest aspect of Self available to us. © 2017. Rev. Eileen Patra Rev. Eileen is an ordained Unity minister and Spiritual Leader of Unity of Livonia. Her talk series for January focuses on, “Tipping Point or Turning Point?” Unity of Livonia will also host two premiere screenings of James Twyman’s new film about our twelve spiritual powers, “A Sound Called Unity.” For information, visit: or call 734-421-1760.


"Earth" is still at peace, just step outside, see the trees bare of leaves, resting the winter, water drops frozen into crystals that shine in the beauty of the bright sunlight.. all is well, all are resting, alive, rejuvenating, awaiting the spring to come. ~PRG 2017

January 2017 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

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The Life of a London Yogi This is the story of a man who started out in life as a grocer’s errand boy for his dad, who later became a teacher often at odds with the English Education system and ended up as a servant devotee of the goddess Durga What is special about him is an omen to all meditators. It doesn’t just bring about the aspects that can be measured by modern science. It goes far beyond that- it opens a doorway to genuine contact with the gods and the joy of acting in concert with them. One could not have predicted this because when he was young he was always in trouble, Tony, neither took his schooling or office work seriously. He wanted to be a professional cricketer. This was what he was best at and about the only thing he took seriously. Much later in life he learned from his guru that cricket was Tony’s ‘gift of the Self’- in other words his best vehicle to advance on the spiritual path Looking back, he could see that it was true. In addition to getting him out of trouble in the army, he had a couple of peak experiences as a batsman, in which he saw himself as only a witness rather than the stroke player. It also provided a back door entrance into teaching. His first spiritual breakthrough came in his last term at teacher training college. One morning he felt he needed a break from revision and decided to go for a walk with a friend in Regents Park. He had an experience, which taught him more than all the books he had studied. He hadn’t gone far when he was enveloped in silence and felt that he was expanding. Each wave of expansion was accompanied by waves of inner happiness. As he looked around him, he felt that he was connected to everything around him including the trees and the grass. In fact the experience showed him that there was only one thing and we are all part of it This finding was completely at variance with the foundation stone of Modern Science- namely Nietzsche’s view that that Nature and the cosmos are completely alien to us. There was nothing like this in the psychology books he had been studying. It set him off on a search to find a way of

repeating the experience, which eventually led to him to Transcendental Meditation. He had such a good experience the first time he practised it, that he realised that this could well be the vehicle that could help him become one with the cosmos on a permanent basis. About five years later he had a vision which told him that so-called Fairy Stories were originally composed for adult initiates- not children!. The vision also explained what the well known parts of stories like Cinderella really meant. He was also having inspirations for poems, which seemed to come from a source other than his own mind. He knew this because they were accompanied by a heightened state of well being and inner happiness. Although he wasn’t aware of it at the time- it was probably the beginning of his relationship with the goddess Durga- because one thing was sure- the inspirations definitely came from a feminine source. Tony was almost certainly the first to use TM in a UK state school- both were in schools for very difficult children. Although they were very successful, this didn’t please the local education authority, who remained very resistant to change even though their chosen approach was clearly not working. It is noteworthy that an African Head of State used the same approach on a much larger scale to end a 25 year civil war in his country. After retiring, he received an inner message to join a friend, who was taking a party to India. It was here that Tony’s full blown relationship with his inner guide as Durga blossomed. The moment he clapped eyes upon the image of Durga in the Hanumana Temple in Allahabad, his heart swelled with love. Since then he has served her on a daily basis by performing a long puja every morning, assisting in healings, giving blessings and teaching some specially chosen people how to perform pujas, and of course writing. In fact the latter part of the book is full of his adventures with the goddess-,including the miraculous cures she makes with just Sanskrit mantras and transferring her energy to the patient via Tony- her vehicle. Durga is portrayed as a fierce goddess but he finds her kind and gentle- in fact everything an ideal mother should be. He doesn’t have to ask her for anything because she already knows what he needs. What doesn’t come over in the literature is that she has a good sense of humour. One day she met him along the street in SW London in the form of a gypsy. On another occasion she superimposed an image of his grandmother over a picture of a friend’s wife to show him that she was his grandmother in her previous life. Maybe the same of humour made him wait over fourteen years before the goddess told him that the two mysterious incidents on the same day- which nobody could explain- showed that he had achieved the major task in life of breaking his cycle of birth, death and rebirth by attaining Cosmic Consciousness.

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The Science of Weight Loss

can’t, you can supplement in the missing groups with properly concentrated whole food nutrients obtained through supplementation and/or specially prepared nutritional drink mixes.

By Dr. William H. Karl, D.C. Calories in (energy consumed) vs. Calories out (energy burned) = Weight loss or Weight gain. This appears to be a straightforward formula in the scientific world, so why are there so many glitches? Looking at the eating habits of our ancestors may give us some insight into why losing weight involves more than willpower and this formula. Forty-thousand or so years ago, our ancestors were hunter/gatherers. We’re living proof of their success, still sharing their basically unchanged DNA. Our ancestors spent most of their time searching for food. Not knowing when they would eat again, they gorged themselves whenever they could. Their bodies stored excess calories as fat, and burned this fat for energy when food was scarce. This system worked for them but doesn’t work for many of us in today’s world. With food available twenty-four hours a day, it’s hard to restrict food intake; and even when calories are restricted, weight isn’t lost because our metabolism readjusts as it had for them. This is how our ancestors survived and is our DNA’s blueprint. So what has changed? Our ancestors maintained weight as muscle mass for strength and used fat for energy. Now the average person’s weight is a combination muscle mass, excess fats, and retained fluids. And when fat becomes a storage place for toxins, it can’t be burned for energy. With so many toxins in today’s world, losing weight and/or undesirable fat is extremely difficult. As a storage place for toxins, fat can’t be eliminated without dealing with the accumulated toxins. This is why a safe detoxification program

should be at the foundation of every weight loss program. Obtaining adequate sleep, exercise, and chiropractic adjustments to assist the body and nervous system in working properly are also essential. When starting any kind of exercise, always start with the stretches that are taught in the Essential Stretching workshop held monthly in our office. I also recommend a daily weight workout using free weights and the use of kettle bells to maintain and increase muscle mass. Activities that increase the heart rate should be sustained until you feel a slight burning sensation in the muscle at least three times per week. (Be sure to check with your healthcare provider before starting any exercise program.) Detoxification programs usually revolve around lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to provide the fiber and antioxidants which help renew and rejuvenate the body while toxins are being eliminated. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is a great habit but the ideal ratio of fruits to vegetables is one fruit to three vegetable servings. Excess fruit=excess sugar=trouble. We should all strive to eat seven to ten or more fruits and vegetables of a variety of colors each day since each color represents different antioxidant groups. However, in my travels across the country, I’ve only met one family that does this with fresh foods. But don’t get discouraged if you

Luckily, I’ve found a few drink mixes that meet my strict criteria. One of my favorites is made with 24 different raw freeze-dried fruits and vegetables which provide 20,000 antioxidant units per servings. It tastes great and is reasonably priced. Obtaining a large variety of fruits and vegetables is ideal but difficult to maintain, which is why I suggest taking advantage of health conscious laboratories that make it easier to obtain the daily recommended servings. However, even the best mixes should not be a total replacement for this food group because we need the fiber from real fruits and vegetables to control the release of natural sugars and absorb the excess hormones that the body must filter out. Without fiber to bind and remove them, these hormones will be re-circulated. Fruit and vegetable fibers are superior to grain fibers because we weren’t designed to eat grains. Our hunter/ gatherer ancestors did not grow crops. Another problem with obtaining fiber from grain is that most of today’s grains are genetically modified. If you are getting your fruit and veggies through a drink mix, make sure the mix is made with wholesome ingredients and doesn’t contain unnatural additives and sugars. Detoxification programs may also include recipes using foods outlined in the now popular Paleo diet, and specific types of fiber and herbs to assist the body in eliminating toxins. In addition to the more common nutritional detoxification programs, several other modalities can help with detoxification. In my office, we utilize the Erchonia ionic

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footbath, and a programmable PEMF unit. Both are helpful for increasing energy in the cells, detoxifying the body, and assisting with metabolism. Many foods that promote weight gain are non-foods, including most types of sugars and foods that turn into sugar. Grains turn into sugars and become triglycerides (blood fats) which lead to the kind of belly fat that makes excess estrogen – which makes more belly fat. Corn sugars are probably most problematic because they steal minerals from the body. Hunger is just one of the ways the body lets us know it needs something. If we want good health and not just basic survival, we must eat foods that provide more than just calories. We need to consume a wide variety of natural foods, healthy oils, specific vitamins, and mineral complexes each day for our optimal health. Don’t wait until you receive a diagnosis of a disease or start having problems to start making lifestyle changes. A weight loss program can be the beginning of a lifetime of healthy habits. If you’re ready to embark upon a weight loss program and start on your journey towards optimal health, join me on January 19! And may you have a very happy and healthy New Year!!! Dr. William H. Karl, D.C., is a Brimhall Certified Wellness Doctor with over 35 years of experience helping people to improve their health and their lives. You are invited to attend the FREE workshop on “The Science of Weight Loss” on Thursday, January 19 at 7pm. Due to limited seating, please RSVP 734-425-8220. For more information, see

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I've learned.... That when your newly born grandchild holds your little finger in his little fist, you're hooked for life. I’ve learned.... That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks. That it’s those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular. ~Andy Rooney

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Royal Oak Farmers Market to Host New Year Wellness Expo

Launch of Healing Power Hour By Chrissie Blaze

We are launching a new monthly healing blessing ceremony Healing Power Hour on Tuesday, January 17 (please see ad for details). During this hour long event we shall offer group healing, as well as healing blessings and prayers, combined with a talk or meditation on healing. Annual Event to Coincide With Popular Saturday Morning Market MI Green Team(MGT), organizer of Michigan’s largest green/healthy-living community events, is pleased to announce its second Healthy People & Planet event at the historicRoyal Oak Farmers Market. TheNew Year, New You! Wellness Expowill be held indoors on Saturday, January 7th, 2017 from 8 am to 1 pm. The event will coincide with the popular Saturday morning farmers market. The annual expo will showcase products and services for a healthier body, mind, home, family and more. Experts from community organizations will offer wellness presentations and programs. Visitors will enjoy live music, healthy concession, fun activities, free massage and more. Parking and admission are free. “At our first Royal Oak Farmers Market event, we really enjoyed the venue but missed out on the weekend traffic. ”, stated John Batdorf, MGT general manager and expo manager. “We are very excited with the move to Saturday and adding to the crowd of healthy- and locallyminded shoppers. The expo will offer them many ways to promote healthy living on every level.” Event information as well asexhibitor,sponsor andvolunteerregistration is available on-line MI Green Team L3C is Michigan’s leading green network and event producer. Its mission is to promote green living, business and community. MGT is a Michigan “low-profit, limited liability company”, an innovative business entity that uses business best-practices to pursue a socially-beneficial purpose. Net event proceeds are donated to local green programs.

Healing Power Hour is designed to be an oasis of healing and peace that we can retreat to on a monthly basis to recharge ourselves physically through receiving healing. It will also help us recharge our “spiritual batteries”, to sustain and nurture us and move us closer to our divine nature, wherein lies peace, joy and love. The stress of what is happening in the world, as well as the stresses and strains of everyday life, definitely have an emotional and energetic impact upon us. This can create an undercurrent of anxiety and fear that can affect us, if we allow it. It’s important for all of us to take time away from the constant stresses of life and reach inwards and upwards to our spiritual natures; to open ourselves to receive healing from others and to nurture ourselves. Healing is very simple, because it is a natural ability all of us share. We were born to heal, and many of us have had the experience of reaching out to touch a person who is sick or injured in some way. It is a natural instinct to channel love energy from the strong to the weak. A mother gives healing when her child bangs his knee and she rubs it to make it feel better or embraces the child in her arms. This is a kind of unconscious healing, where the energetically weaker draws upon the energetically stronger individual. Healing is the natural way of life. When we consciously give healing, we are following natural principles, and this helps to attune us to the great laws of creation. When we hear that a friend or neighbor, someone we love, or even someone on the other side of the world is sick or suffering, our natural urge is to reach out and touch that person. Through distant, or absent healing, we can do just that. We can touch others, not just physically with our hands, but even more profoundly with our love. In Healing Power Hour, we will offer our love to those of us in the group who need healing. We can also send the higher aspects of love out across the ethers of space to another soul anywhere in the world. By expressing our healing nature, we are expressing an aspect of divinity, and this is one of the surest ways to gain our own enlightenment. Just to give you an idea of the power of healing prayer, studies conducted by physicist, William A. Tiller of Stanford University, provide a scientific theory about the power of the energy emitted by a coherent group energy field. These studies have shown that healing through prayer and touch generates about four volts of energy for the average person. This is a billion times stronger than brain-wave voltages and 100 million times stronger than heart

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voltages! When we wonder if our prayers really work, we should remember this statistic to inspire us and give us faith. My husband, Gary, and I will be conducting Healing Power Hour. We are long-time disciples of the Society’s Founder and Spiritual Master, Dr. George King, who taught us how to heal over forty years ago. We have been giving healing ever since and now offer our love and experience to you, during Healing Power Hour. Healing Power Hour will take place monthly on a Tuesday. Healing is what we do in The Aetherius Society; we send distant healing at our Services, and we offer prayers for world healing. We conduct missions where massive amounts of healing energy is sent out for global healing at times of world crisis. We also give individual healing and this will take place during Healing Power Hour, as well as after our Sunday Services (see ad for details). Chrissie Blaze is a spiritual teacher and author of eleven published books. She is a regular media guest, international speaker and priest in The Aetherius Society. She was a disciple of Spiritual Master and Founder of The Aetherius Society, Dr. George King, for 25 years until his passing in 1997. Blaze continues to promote his work, teachings and mission.

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What is success and why don’t you have it; or do you? By Wanda Showerman Kester

With the holidays over, conversations will change to New Years resolutions and reflecting on the year that has ended. The measure of our personal and professional success is sure to come up or at least come to mind. The affirmation, the expectation that I would be successful was instilled in me from my earliest memory. Good grades were expected. Keeping busy was a given. Not going to college was unthinkable. If having one job was good, having two was better. Being financially successful was the goal. I named my Life Coaching practice, Step Out Of Your Way Life Coaching because I remain convinced that what usually stands in the way of our success is us. I am a visual person so I “see” myself standing. I see a shadow of myself standing in front of me. If that shadow takes a step to the left, I can proceed on my path. That visual is how I remind myself to step out of my way.

everything, I feel unsuccessful. When I see what I think others have or how easy they have it, I do not feel successful. If you are feeling unsuccessful, perhaps it’s time to redefine success. I did and I do because it’s a constant exercise in countering how others have defined my success. I do not have a large group of friends. I have a very small group of caring, loyal friends that I would do anything for and who will do anything for me. Success? Check.

Whether that shadow of me, standing in my way is fueled by doubt, fear or insecurities or worse, the words of another telling me I can’t, it’s a powerful and debilitating force to be reckoned with. We are what stands in our way to being who we want to be or getting where we want to go. When I stop blaming others or looking for the outside factors holding me back, it becomes a much smoother sail to where I want to go.

I do not have a showpiece house. I have a home that needs work, all the time. Several lightbulbs wait to be replaced because even with nerves of steel, which I no longer have when it comes to heights, and a ladder, I can’t reach them. I don’t have a couch (the dog ate it) or a television (no one watched it) but if you stop over we can chat comfortably over a cup of tea. It was my grandparents’ house so it’s filled with their spirits, their things and my memories. Success? Check.

Still, if I allow myself to, I often feel very unsuccessful. When I sit down to pay the monthly bills, I feel unsuccessful. When I look around my house that needs new

I am a Case Manager for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Livingston County. It pays less than my last full time job. It pays more than when I was substitute

teaching and supplementing with two other part time jobs. It allows me to continue to substitute teach on occasion. Success? Check. I am an author. I have published five books with the sixth almost ready for editing. I am not on the best seller list. I have not been interviewed on television or radio. I give away more books than I sell. I love to write. My boyfriend is my proofreader and in spite of a few creative differences, we enjoy the process together. Some who have read my books have been touched and inspired and moved to feel differently about themselves and others. My children’s books have received rave reviews in the classrooms where I’ve tested them. Success? Check. I opened a store/writing studio/life coaching office in September. I meet amazing people who stop in. I have wonderful items for sale. Some days no one comes in so I sit in the office and write or just look out the window and smile. I love being there. I love being there alone and I love being there with customers. It is welcoming and friendly. Success? Check. My daughter and I were a foster home for our local county animal shelter for

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six years. We took the hard to place and hospice bound dogs. Many found wonderful forever homes. Many lived out the rest of their days with us. A few never left and greet me every morning. We couldn’t help them all and we couldn’t do it forever. Success? Check. I try things just because I want to. I have left jobs without having another by trusting it would work out. It always has. My husband and I took a trip we couldn’t afford that turned out to be the last one of his life. No regrets. I give to people not always knowing exactly what their intent or their level of need is; believing they need it more than I do is good enough. I send proposals to present workshops; sometimes they are accepted, sometimes they are not. I do book signings where sometimes I sell books but always I meet interesting people and hear their stories. If you are not feeling successful, perhaps it’s time to examine your definition of success. Success according to Miriam Webster is: the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame. The Oxford dictionary adds the attainment of popularity or profit. What if your definition of success for yourself didn’t include what others think your success should look like? Are you happy? Are you doing the best you can with what you have? Do you live fearlessly, honestly, lovingly and with integrity? Success? Check? If not, consider an adjustment. According to the definition of many, I am not successful. What matters, however, is am I successful by my definition of success? So far, so good with new opportunities presenting themselves daily. I wish you all the best in your success! Wanda Showerman Kester, BS, MS/P, CPC is a Social Worker, Author, a Mom, Life Coach, and the owner of Serendipity Corner, LLC. She lives in Williamston, works in Howell and has a store in Michigan Center.

NEW YEAR’S GOALS “Make New Year's goals. Dig within, and discover what you would like to have happen in your life this year. This helps you do your part. It is an affirmation that you're interested in fully living life in the year to come. Goals give us direction. They put a powerful force into play on a universal, conscious, and subconscious level. Goals give our life direction. What would you like to have happen in your life this year? What would you like to do, to accomplish? What good would you like to attract into your life? What particular areas of growth would you like to have happen to you? What blocks, or character defects, would you like to have removed? What would you like to attain? Little things and big things? Where would you like to go? What would you like to have happen in friendship and love? What would you like to have happen in your family life? What problems would you like to see solved? What decisions would you like to make? What would you like to happen in your career?

A Sound Called UNITY Discover Your God Given Potential Everyone has within them twelve spiritual abilities limited only by our willingness to discover and develop them. In body, mind and spirit, we are endowed with capabilities far greater than we know. They are will, understanding, imagination, faith, zeal, power, love, order, wisdom, strength, elimination, and life. To learn more about this teaching of the Unity spiritual movement, you are invited to attend a documentary film, “A Sound Called Unity – The Twelve Powers,” on Friday January 20, 2017 at 7 pm and Saturday January 21, 2017 at 1 pm. at Unity of Livonia located at 28660 Five Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48154: Admission $10 per person. The Twelve Powers documentary features wisdom from over forty ministers, including Rev. Eileen Patra of Unity of Livonia. It also follows James Twyman and a group of rabbis, imans and ministers as they travel to a hill overlooking a Syrian village held by ISIS. Millions of people participated in a worldwide synchronized meditation that day as prayers were shared from Muslim, Christian, and Jewish religions, as well as from The Twelve Powers.

Write it down. Take a piece of paper, a few hours of your time, and write it all down - as an affirmation of you, your life, and your ability to choose. Then let it go. The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals.” ― Melody Beattie, The Language of Letting Go: Daily Meditations on Codependency

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Directed by James Twyman, bestselling author, this documentary is the first in a series about the Unity spiritual movement. The second film, to be released at the end of 2017 will explain the Five Basic Principles of Unity.

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“You are what you think and what you eat.” ~Edgar Cayce

Just a Little Snack By Angie Anderson

Much more focus is put on cooking healthy and eating balanced meals than there is on all the little bites we put in our mouth throughout the day, week, and month. They all add up. These little snacks can be damaging to even the healthiest of meal eaters. The snack epidemic is not limited to children. Adults face the daily temptations to snack several times a day as well. We are so busy juggling household and work that we often forget to plan for ourselves. Prepackaged snacks come in handy. They are easy, quick, and ready! Like magic, we only need to look past the illusion and uncover what we are eating. Most of the prepackaged items that are so convenient, are not good for us because they contain preservatives, higher levels of sugar, fat, and questionable ingredients. They are not the best choices especially if they become part of our daily life. We need to be careful. We need to assess our bodies and listen to what they tell us. Each person is a different human machine. Figure out how many meals and snacks you need to be your full potential. Consult a dietitian or doctor if you need to. Make a plan for those you care for, they are different than you! If no planning is put forth into how much and what we consume, disaster could be unleashed on our bodies, minds, overall health and well-being. What can we do about it? · Plan as much as possible · Buy Organic fruits and Veggies each week or set them up to be delivered · Prepare snacks ahead of time and have them ready to grab · Buy Healthier prepackaged snacks · Read labels · Look for minimal ingredients · Shop at stores that offer a large selection of Organic foods · Learn the word Organic and always look for it! What does the USDA Organic label tell you? · Importantly, the USDA Organic label verifies that the food is not genetically modified. No unnatural pesticides have been used. No growth hormones or antibiotics. Restricted use of chemicals in contact with crops and livestock. No ionizing radiation used. No sewage sludge used. Good to know! 2017 has come! It is going to be the healthiest year yet. Every day we are learning new things about our food. Make it a part of your new year to look for the Organic label. Plan ahead and set yourself up for success in making healthier snack decisions! Angie Anderson is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a Bachelor of Science in Education. She is an entrepreneur who teaches piano lessons inspiring children and adults to grow musically. Angie also co-owns Better Health Vending, a Michigan based healthy vending company, that encourages a healthier lifestyle by providing better options for the community.

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Truth of Living in True Love

for love only created a gap within me, creating more confusion as to who I am. Why do I still lack love?

By Karamjeet Kaur I never knew that true love has always been with me in all moments; here I was finding what I had been looking for my whole life. The search for true love has been a challenging journey, yet so profound in discovering that truth was just within me! Finding true love has become such an obsession that I never thought about or allowed any ideas as to giving up my search. No doubt, my past has been immensely painful, distrusting, dark, feeling low confidence, worthless, unloved, unwanted, taken advantage of and more negative states that I have walked through, but I kept believing there was a light at the end of the tunnel. The thoughts I was carrying were destructive toward myself, filled with hatred toward the side of me that experienced being unloved. I thought about dying and taking my own life, but I feared the Divine Light that I knew existed. Then came a moment when I surrendered all that I had in me; I don’t know where it came from, only that it seemed to come from somewhere beyond what I saw and felt. I decided to call upon the Divine Light and ask for the path that would help me become aware of what I should do. And He showed me. The night that Divine Voice came to me was the night that made me believe that the Universal Power of Love existed after all. It was a voice that moved my soul, carrying me across a stormy sea, held in a breeze of faith. When I was told by the Divine Voice to be a vegetarian for 40 days, I doubted whether to believe it or not. But I told myself to just do it, for at least I was shown a path. My life changed further through experiences and understandings about my inner self, and by continuously

Through meditation, research and loving others, I began to realize that there has never been a lack of love, but my mind was making me believe that this was true. When I was focusing on lack, it created more. When I stopped feeling and believing there was a lack of love, I felt alive and fulfilled. Slowly, I began to see prominent changes in my life. looking for true love. I took an oath of Divine Love that showed me the path of True Love. I found a wonderful loving teacher who taught me about love and fear, and introduced me to Louise Hay. My Life has changed tremendously through their teachings. I continue to research about belief thoughts patterns. I did my Masters in Business Administration (Hrm) because I wanted to create models of inspiring human life through love in many areas. Being from a 20 year corporate background, I found my calling in inspiring Love, the True Love, within. I found my true self in my work. My book Truly Love Me, published by Balboa Press, a division of Hay House, is now internationally moving forward to create love in humanity. Least I knew that I would be an international author, publishing articles and hosting a radio show! But here I claim that it is possible because I believe there is light in darkness. I believe there is power in the universe to hear me. I believe the same light and power is in everyone. I learned that being honest to one’s self is an opening to everything that the universe has to offer. In my journey of loving myself, I found that true love is in me only. I was focusing outside in relationships to complete my hunger of feeling fully alive. Then I found that focusing outside

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By being aware that I was the true love energy that creates every experience around me, I felt lighter and kept receiving more divine messages that helped me and others. To believe intuition, is to be aware that we are love, and this begins with believing in ourselves and our capability to generate love unconditionally. What’s required is to tune into the thoughts we hold, the emotions we create and the beliefs we reflect. There can never be a lack of love in us or around us. Here we are on planet earth, simply to walk as True Love, generating a love that brings bliss, peace, abundance, health and joy. It is POSSIBLE! IT IS POSSIBLE TO LIVE IN LOVE IT IS POSSIBLE TO CARE IN LOVE IT IS POSSIBLE TO DREAM IN LOVE IT IS POSSIBLE TO SHARE IN LOVE IT IS POSSIBLE TO BE HAPPY IN LOVE We are the miracle makers of our lives with others. Therefore, eliminate thoughts of lack. What’s required is to open our hearts and minds to the amazing things that Mother Nature and the Universal Divine Love provides us. We are Loving Beings made to love in all the present moments! Thank you. Blessings of Love, Karamjeet Kaur, MBA. P a g e 21

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Why We Should Start Our Goals Quietly

doubt, has my best interest at heart. This person should be someone who has shown time and time again their unwavering support, love, and faith in your ability to succeed; someone who will listen, reinforce your plan, and offer positive advice without being intrusive.

By Dottie Hollingsworth

People always seem to be asking, “How do I achieve my goals?” My answer is always the same - don’t tell anybody. No, really. Don’t tell anyone. Not a single person, for at least a week, maybe more. I will sit with something for 2-3 days before I utter a word to even my spouse or closest of friends, with the reason being that, everything is energetic. We are raised to believe we need to brainstorm with others, build a support system, and conditioned to want to scream from the rooftops in our excitement, our declaration to quit smoking, lose weight, go back to school, etc. But I urge you, don’t. Not yet. In working with people through my Reiki practice and general life connections, I have come to the conclusion that goals and ideas come to fruition through a series of stages. Ideas begin in what I call the “etheric” stage. It’s above us, around us, not from us, but coming to us and maybe from within us. We can feel it. We are open and ideas are flowing. It’s not quite of this world, yet. Here, we often feel inspired and motivated. We don’t necessarily have a plan, but we’re ready. This is where we often find ourselves stopped before we’ve started if we are not mindful. Here, in our audacious enthusiasm, we often declare our readiness to our friends, Facebook, and even strangers. But our idea is in its infancy. It’s delicate. It’s still “up in the air” and grossly subject to the energies of everyone’s thoughts and feelings about it. The desire to talk about our goal is real, but mindfulness is key. The problem is that many people

inadvertently create an energy of failure around us. Some don’t believe in us or may not even want us to succeed. Others may wholeheartedly believe in us, appear to want it for us more than we want it ourselves, but hold a limiting belief about our current ability or chances of succeeding. All of these things can energetically effect and potentially alter our path before it can begin to manifest in what I call the “earth plane level”.

The last stage is what I call the “physical stage”. This is where I finally start telling people. I don’t make a huge statement on social media or call all of my friends in the same day, but I will talk about it. Releasing it into the world now is different than it was before. We are more apt to find the success we seek because we have allowed a solid foundation to be built under and around our goal; it has manifested itself in the real world and not just floating around in our dreams anymore. Each goal or creative endeavor has its own timeline. At this point, I’m living some of these changes in my everyday life -- I’ve been to the gym, I’ve sent that application, or I’ve become active in a support group. Basically, I’ve taken action. Most of us find ourselves here a few weeks after the initial thought/idea came into our awareness. Getting here without unleashing wild ideas too soon allows us the time and space to feel it out for ourselves, with ourselves, maybe with one or two particular people, and God as we understand him or her. We have trusted ourselves, God, and the process. Here is where I usually begin sharing my journey. Here is our life change.

Here in the earth plane level, our idea has come down from the realm of the whimsical and fleeting, and has taken some root into the world itself; it begins to feel more real. We begin putting together our plans by looking up classes, exploring options on-line, gathering information, etc. We have come down from our over-zealous excitement and “pulled our heads out of the clouds”.

Dottie Hollingsworth

I often will stay in these stages for 3-5 days doing everything I mentioned above -- planning, gathering, thinking in depth how this idea/goal could truly effect my life and those in it. I found it is usually safe at this point to consult an experienced person for advice or someone I know who without a

Dottie is a master level Reiki Practitioner, hospice nurse, and columnist with elephant journal. She has a passion for holistic approaches to illness and making positive lifestyle changes. Her education and experience began almost a decade ago in the metro Detroit area.

January 2017 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

Here’s to 2017, cheers!

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“May Light always surround you; Hope kindle and rebound you. May your Hurts turn to Healing; Your Heart embrace Feeling. May Wounds become Wisdom; Every Kindness a Prism. May Laughter infect you; Your Passion resurrect you. May Goodness inspire your Deepest Desires. Through all that you Reach For, May your arms Never Tire.” ― D. Simone

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January 2017

Beyond What Meets the Eye By Eve Wilson

January and February are the most frigid months of the year here in Michigan; but here is something to warm your heart, if not your hands! In early February there is an imperceptible event which whispers that winter is passing away! This is when, despite outer appearances, the increasing light of the sun and the warmth of the earth combine to begin an invisible thaw -- you may notice that the snow is melting from below after this point, even when it looks firm on top. I always feel an inner joy, knowing this is going on beyond what meets the eye, though winter still believes it is master of the day! In Celtic traditions, February 1st is celebrated as Imbolc or Saint Brigid’s Day; and of course February 2nd is Groundhog Day here in North America. Both celebrate this early awareness that spring is right around the corner. There is a spiritual metaphor and lesson for us in this transition. It tells us that just when things look darkest and most bleak, change for the better is already in motion. It is a lesson in trust and confidence that warmth exists within the cold, light within the darkness, hope within the hopeless, joy within sadness‌nothing is ever just as it seems. On the opposite end, when everything is warm and sunny in life, during summer solstice when the sun is at its highest peak, the earth begins to head toward winter. These invisible shifts happen consistently; and while we like the awareness that when things are bleak there is summer in our future, we are less excited about the opposite effect! We can observe these same cycles

of change within human affairs. When things are going our way, we want them to continue forever and to increase what we desire indefinitely! Then when the opposite wave hits, we resist it. Even worse, we may blame ourselves for it; that somehow we failed. Or we may blame others, and then we feel the need to fight for what we feel is right and good. During these times it helps to recall the spiritual truth that though the ups and downs of life seem like a wheel going round and round, they are really a spiral rising toward our higher potential. What appears to be backsliding, or losing the battle for a better world, is actually a chance for another level of empowerment and growth. Cycling periodically through the cold and bleak seasons of life is actually an opportunity to grow stronger and more masterful. Instead of blaming someone or hating these challenges, we can use their season of control in our outer world, to deepen our commitment to unconditional love and our inner spiritual life. We can trust that the next level of what we desire is already present, beneath our ability to perceive it, as spring exists within winter, but there nonetheless. It grows stronger as we grow stronger by resisting our own negativity, and choosing the path of selfmastery through whatever cycle life is in. When we know winter is coming, we

January 2017 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

pull out our warm clothes and make sure the furnace is checked. In the same way, when we see the world heading into what could be a darker and colder direction, we can prepare. We can shore up our minds and souls making them stronger in the energies of love, truth, trust, forgiveness and spirituality. We can fill our inner store rooms with those sustaining energies, and be prepared to meet whatever the current season on earth throws at us, from a place of greater spiritual maturity and unconditional love. We can also rest assured that whatever the current phase of the spiral of life, the opposite in its time will gain the upper hand and grow stronger; though it will be beyond what meets the eye to begin with. However you respond to what you experience as opposition in life, there are a few things to remember: You are not a victim, you are stronger than you think! You are a presence of love and truth in the world, and you have within you the potential to partner with the Higher Power to make each season a season of success. Whether your responses are outward - activist, or inward - meditate/ pray/heal, let your intentions flow from a place of love, respect for the value of each person and circumstance, and trust in the inevitable upward spiral of life. Eve Wilson, Director of The Healer Development Program, is a full-time spiritual healer, teacher and author. Visit her website www.spiritualhealers. com for appointments, classes and the Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog. Her new book, Riding the Wave of Change- Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World, is coming soon. www. P a g e 25

UP TO THE MIC: HOST YOUR OWN SHOW What Can Radio Do for You? It’s a New Year and many of you might be considering new ways to advertise your business, classes, teachings, books, etc. Body Mind Spirit Radio has just what you need! We are a GLOBAL network that offers you the opportunity to connect, build and grow. Why is radio such a unique form of advertising? Because you are connecting to over 60,000 listeners per month, and that number is consistently growing. You control what you talk about, who you have on your show, and what is being broadcasting. The audience gets to connect with you on a more personal and in an energetic way, making them a longtime listener or long term client. Radio is always growing as audiences connect to social media, online websites, podcasts, live video feeds and more! Stay on top your advertising by offering your clients and customers an awesome way to hear from you monthly. Look below for some of the biggest things radio has to offer you: • Reach a World-Wide Audience with your show! • Shows start as low as $49 per month. • Not interested in a monthly show, take advantage of our interview package, and be interviewed through In Touch Interviews and have your interview available at any time. • We advertise your show, in print, through BlogTalk, Body Mind Spirit Radio website, Body Mind Spirit Guide website, Facebook Event, and Twitter. • Build your show around your wants and needs, possibilities are endless! • Have your own show page on bodymindspiritradio. com where your contact information, etc. is available for anyone. • Custom banner design just for you, use on your own website, social media, etc. • All shows are downloadable and content can be used for your own classes, advertising and placed on your own website. • Miss a show live? They stay in archive indefinitely and can be listened to ANYTIME! 26 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

January 2017

• Shows can be done from the comfort of your own home, office, etc. • Take live calls, connect with your listeners • Have a guest or multiple guests from anywhere. They can call in to become part of the show. • Going to miss your show date, we can pre-record. • Shows packages start at once a month up to two shows per week! The more you do the better the discount! • Production support, have a producer run all the technical support of your show or have affordable training to learn the studio for yourself. Want to know more? Please feel free to email your request our Executive Producer Courtney Overfield at radio@ Also, make sure to check out www. for current hosts, shows and more information.

New Year - New Creative You By Abby Lippitt

Happy New Year to all! I hope that last year was full of your wonderful artistic expression,...but if for some reason you feel perhaps it was not, there is great news for you! With the New Year you can create a ‘New Creative You’. Yes, it’s true! You have a wonderful opportunity in front of you. All you have to do is ask yourself: What do I like to do? What have I not done before, and what would I like to try giving a new spin to? If you’re feeling like you just don’t know where to start and are feeling a little blue, don’t dismay, here’s what you can do! Look back at what you have accomplished before and celebrate all you have done. Feel good about you, and focus on what else you can do. The right ideas will come and you’ll know just what to do!

I have no way of knowing how people really feel, but the vast majority of those I meet couldn't be nicer. Every once in a while someone barks at me. My New Year's resolution is not to bark back. ~Tucker Carlson

How to create a ‘Creative New You’? Ask yourself: What is it I wish to express with my creativity that I have not yet explored?

Healing Energy, LLC

If I could create anything, what would that be?

Healing Body, Mind and Spirit

What would I like to accomplish this year with my artistic exploration?

Treatments that restore wholeness, reestablish the normal flow of energy within the human body, mind and spirit so it can heal. Unique and personal classes Check our website for a list of scheduled classes and shows. We have a wide variety of: Healing Stones, Tuning Forks, Singing Bowls and other products

Anyone can learn how to heal.

Check our website for descriptions of the classes The Wattenbergs (248) 647-6181

Remember, most importantly of all, have fun with your creation! Namaste & happy holidaysl, Abby Intuitive, TransFormational Artist, Abby has been practicing and studying art and metaphysics since childhood. Her Art Education includes: Rhode Island School Of Design & The University Of The Arts, BFA in the Fine Arts, and Minor in Film and Animation, and Theta Healing. She provides digitally handrendered psychometric and mediumistic art prints for commission on art canvas. Call: 248-655-0464 or visit:

January 2017 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

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Absorb More Nutrients With Enzymes! In order to process food effectively, our bodies need an adequate supply of digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes act as catalysts in speeding up specific, life-preserving chemical reactions in the body. Essentially, they help break down larger molecules into more easily absorbed particles that the body can use to survive - needless to say, an important role in digestive health! Studies have shown that digestive enzymes aren’t just beneficial, they’re essential! They convert food into amino acids, fatty acids, cholesterol, simple sugars and nucleic acids, which help make DNA. Without them, we couldn’t process food at all. Unfortunately, as we age, the gut becomes less efficient and we begin to produce fewer enzymes. The digestive tract then gradually becomes more alkaline, making it more difficult to completely assimilate the proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the foods we eat. This can lead to a host of health problems ranging from excessive gas and bloating to food allergies. The good news is that taking a good enzyme supplement may help. Adding a digestive enzyme supplement to your diet may: •

Help heal leaky gut by taking stress off the gastrointestinal tract.

Assist the body in breaking down protein and sugars like gluten, casein and lactose.

Greatly improve symptoms of acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome.

Enhance nutrient absorption and prevent nutritional deficiency.

Counteract enzyme inhibitors which occur naturally in foods. These include peanuts, wheat germ, egg whites, nuts, seeds, beans, and potatoes.

Research suggests that using an enzyme supplement in conjunction with probiotics can deliver a one-two punch to intestinal problems. Probiotic bacteria, located predominantly in the lower GI tract, are living organisms that dwell symbiotically within the body. Their benefits mostly come from the byproducts they produce. These substances (e.g., lactic acid) favorably balance the digestive environment, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, and promote overall health. We inherit probiotic gut bacteria from our mothers, but these microorganisms may be permanently lost as the result of

antibiotic use or poor diet. Studies indicate that taking enzyme supplements in combination with probiotics may: Reduce Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance Assist in Digestion - High Fiber Diets Assist in Digestion - High Protein Diets Manage Pancreatic Insufficiency Reduce Gassiness

Reduce Bloating Relieve Constipation Counteract Gluten Intolerance Maintain Intestinal Balance Potentially Prevent Disease

DEVA Digestive Support DEVA Digestive Support is a vegan, broad-spectrum, high potency digestive aid which assists the body’s own digestive capacities. It contains a unique blend of enzymes and herbs that adapt to the various pH levels found in the gut. DEVA enzymes are derived from bacteria that are grown on nonanimal, non-dairy media. DEVA Digestive Support is 100% vegan and has been registered by the non-profit Vegan Society. This non-profit organization, which first coined the phrase “vegan”, has a strict and detailed registration process for vegan products. John Chetcuti is a vegan of 30 years and owner of Atom’s Green Market, a natural products wholesaler. He was president and co-founder of the Michigan Vegan Society and has a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University. Retailers, for wholesale information, call (313) 300-7709 ______________________________________________ *Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and DEVA products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better (hu)man.

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~Benjamin Franklin

January 2017

A Journey of Self-Discovery: Meditation Series at Schoolcraft College Con’t. Ed.

A new year! A new beginning Learn valuable tools for everyday living. Enjoy life in the present moment!

Treat Yourself!

A Journey of Self-Discovery: Meditation Lecture Series Includes Present Moment Meditation


Schoolcraft College Continuing Education, Livonia, is offering an exciting four-part lecture series, A Journey of Self-Discovery: Meditation Series, presented by Kathy Bindu Henning. Each presentation includes interactive lecture and Present Moment Meditation™. This extraordinary series offers valuable insights that can transform one’s experience of everyday living. It provides easy to use tools for releasing stress, quieting the mind, and how to stay calm and present in the moment— while at home, work, school or out-and-about!

Starts Jan. 25 Take time to pause, experience inner peace , Con't. Ed.


Chairs provided

Take 1, 2, 3 or all 4 & $ave!

Engaging! Insightful! Seats going fast... Register today! Everyone welcome Bring a friend!

Participants will learn ways to manage challenges and increase overall health, happiness and well-being. Through Present Moment Meditation™, they’ll access inner peace and stillness, and learn how to create a meditation practice at home. This is the beginning of a New Year, the perfect time to begin anew! It’s a wonderful opportunity to try on new ways of thinking and being—even the slightest shift in perspective can open up a whole new world! Enjoy peace of mind! The Series includes: “Experience the Self: An Inner Journey,” Jan. 25; “A Peaceful Mind is a Precious Gift,” Feb. 1; “Design a Life that You Love!” Feb. 8; and “10 Tools for Health, Harmony & Joyful Living,” Feb. 15. Everyone is welcome. Chairs provided. The Lecture Series meets four Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Participants can take 1, 2, 3 or all 4 lectures at a discount and save! For information and to register visit: www.schoolcraft. edu/cepd or call the school: 734-462-4448. Seats going fast so register today! For information about Kathy Bindu Henning visit: www. January 2017 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

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“I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.

Why Healing Touch? If you need to… Reduce Pain • Ease Stress Eliminate Toxins • Instill Serenity Nourish Body-Mind-Spirit And Much More For a nominal fee of $30 Walk-ins or appointments welcome Wednesday and Saturday Mornings 9am, 10am and 11am Wednesday Evenings 6pm and 7pm Mercy Center – D Wing (Blue Awning) 28650 Eleven Mile Rd. • Farmington Hills, MI 248-788-5808 •

Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something. So that’s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life. Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, Do it. Make your mistakes, next year and forever.” ― Neil Gaiman

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January 2017

Classes & Events


Daily: Need to re-charge and connect with like minded, supportive people, Plug-in with The Indigo Doors! Daily hours are available. Check website for hours. 586-359-2959 Hyper accelerate spiritual growth into the realm of magic, bliss and miracles! David 313-404-3959. More info, Learn powerful magic that really works now! David 313-404-3959. More info, Spiritual Conversations. Healing Chamber Energy work, groups of four or more. The energy fields are rebuilt with each session connection to each individual’s teachers culminates the process. Call for individual & group registration. 313-937-5082 The Healer & Ascension Certification Course - Legal throughout USA. Spiritual healing for body, emotion, mind, spirit, all lifetimes, adults, children, pets, planet. Eve Wilson The Summit Lighthouse of Detroit is offering lectures using Ascended Master teachings from Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet plus weekly Wednesday healing and Sunday devotional services. 313-768 5737


Mon - Attend the mystic practice of The Twelve Blessings and Absent Healing Service. Radiate Love and Light to help heal our suffering world. 8pm. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell, Royal Oak 248-588-0290 Mon - Mediation Classes! Every Monday Evening at Knight Light Candle, 10332 W. Nine Mile Rd., Oak park. $10.00 per class. Arrive 6:40-6:45 Begins at 7pm 248-291-5483


Tue - A Course in Miracles weekly discussion group. Unity of Livonia (5 Mile Rd. just E. of Middlebelt) 7-9pm. For more information, Call Chuck 248-225-5360. Tue - Numerology 101- Tuesdays 7- 9pm (6 weeks beginning 1/17/2017). The Power of Numbers, Your numbers, understood, is the guidance into tranquility and self-realization. Joan Goldman 248-557-5730


Wed - Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Clients enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. 248-788-5808


Thu - 3rd monthly, Intuitive readings, personal guidance, and inspirational message. 630-9:00pm Thu - 4th monthly, Free Reiki Clinic. 7-8:30pm Experience the powerful healing effects of Reiki. Cleanse, balance, harmonize, and promote healing at all levels. By appointment only. Love donation; 734-416-5200. BodyWorks. Thu - A Course In Miracles: Introductory 12 week classes. Unity of Livonia (5 Mile Rd. just E. of Middlebelt) 7-9pm. For more information, Call Chuck 248-225-5360 Thu - Open House 7-9pm. Meet and Greet, Discussion on Depression and Anxiety thought a scientific lens. Shalva Adult and Child Psychiatry, 21751 W. 11 Mile Road, Suite 105, Southfield. RSVP: 248-327-7175 Visit


Fri - Drumming circle: Mystiques= West Metaphysical Center. 36356 Ford Rd., Westland 734-729-8019. Friday Nights 7pm $5.00 Native, African and Flat drumming, bring a drum if you have one, many drums available to use. Fri - The Theosophical Society in Detroit, Fridays 6:30pm-9pm Lectures/ Videos and thoughtful discussion. By donation. Bookstore browsing 6:30-7pm. Fri - The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog. Eve Wilson’s wisdom, and insights for each week. Latest about changes in ourselves and the planet. Free email alerts with link www.


Sat - 3rd monthly. Meditation of the month: 7:30pm. Healing Energy Work & connection to Teachers. Prior Registration necessary at: 313-937-5082 Sat - Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. Call: 248-788-5808


01/05 Open Mindfulness Meditation Practice: 6-7:30pm. Calm your mind and come into peace. Includes Mindfulness, Tibetan Singling Bowl, Metta Meditation; discussion of philosophy, science, and spiritual basis of meditation. $15/session or 6/ $60. 734-416-5200 01/07 New Year, New You! Wellness Expo! Explore healthy living at the New Year, New You! Wellness Expo at the Royal Oak Farmers Market Saturday, January 7th, from 8am to 1pm. Visitwww. for free VIP tickets. 01/08 Raw Food Pot Luck at CHI on Sunday January 8th 2017 at noon. Food Demo by our Master Raw Food Chef. Bring a raw dish + recipe! Call517-278-6260 RSVP. 01/08 “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind” mediations in Suzuki Roshi’s tradition, 11am at The Lotus Center. 01/08/17 Temple Community Gathering. (Sun 5-7pm) Connect and discuss openly, sexuality, consciousness, spirituality, tantra and more! Free. Email to pre-register:, Details at 01/09 Consciousness Rising Breathwork/Meditation: 10:30am12pm. Disintegrate stress, negativity and limitation as powerful energies of meditation and conscious breathing uplift your spirit, calm your body/mind and restore balance. Includes invocations, music, guided meditation, affirmations, and hands on facilitation. $29. 734-416-5200. 01/10 Open Mindfulness Meditation Practice: 6-7:30pm. Calm your mind and come into peace. Includes Mindfulness, Tibetan Singling Bowl, Metta Meditation; discussion of philosophy, science, and spiritual basis of meditation. $15/session or 6/ $60. 734-416-5200 01/12, 1/25 Introduction to Pal Dan Gum Qigong: 6-8pm. Used for millennia to promote radiant health, the 8 Silken Movements are easy to learn. Experience meditation through movement in a mindful and graceful way. Release stress and reenergize. $40. Repeat $20. 734-416-5200 01/12 Open Mindfulness Meditation Practice: 6-7:30pm. Calm your mind and come into peace. Includes Mindfulness, Tibetan Singling Bowl, Metta Meditation $15/session or 6/ $60. 734-416-5200

January 2017 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

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 SAT, 12 /3 1



6 PM

New Y ear ’s E ve Bu r n in g Bo w l S er vice

SU N, 1 /1


10 AM

SAT, 1/ 7


6 PM

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Are You Ready to Reclaim Your ENERGY? I Can Help You! Life Coaching Raw Foods Living Movement/Yoga Save $100 on our Next Costa Rica Retreat 


32 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m



January 2017

01/15 Hope for Heart Disease at CHI presented by Dr. Tarman Aziz- January 15-21 & Feb 5 - 11 2017. Powerful 7-Day Workshop. Learn to modify your diet, thoughts, and lifestyle to minimize symptoms of heart disease and set realistic targets regaining health. Call 517-278-6260.

01/25 A Journey of Self-Discovery: Meditation Lecture Series. Engaging! Insightful! Learn Present Moment Meditation™ plus valuable tools for everyday living. Release stress. Gain new perspectives. 6:30-8:30p. 4-Weds. Schoolcraft College Con’t. Ed., Livonia 734-462-4448 www.schoolcraft. edu/cepd

01/17 Open Mindfulness Meditation Practice: 6-7:30pm. Calm your mind and come into peace. Includes Mindfulness, Tibetan Singling Bowl, Metta Meditation; discussion of philosophy, science, and spiritual basis of meditation. $15/session or 6/ $60. 734416-5200

01/25 Diabetic? Quit wearing diabetes like a badge of honor! From Kickoff to Final Score, Eating Fun- Snacking Right, No Guilt- No Shame. 6-8pm, Detroit Unity Temple, 17505 2nd Ave, Detroit 313-3454848. Love Offering Basis

01/18 Introduction to Inspired Life Mastery: 6-8pm. Ascension Breathing is a new way of experiencing the world, grounded in and inspired by Source energy. Connect first to Source and watch your life magically transform from ordinary to extraordinary. $39. 734-416-5200 01/19 7- 8:30pm The Science of Weight Loss! Learn what sabotages most weight loss programs and how to implement a personalized life-changing weight loss strategy! Karl Wellness Center & Chiropractic Clinic, 30935 Ann Arbor Trail, Westland. 734-425-8220. 01/19 Open Mindfulness Meditation Practice: 6-7:30pm. Calm your mind and come into peace. Includes Mindfulness, Tibetan Singling Bowl, Metta Meditation; discussion of philosophy, science, and spiritual basis of meditation. $15/session or 6/ $60. 734416-5200 www.BodyWorksHealingCenter. com 01/21 Nutritional Supplements: Free Seminar Sat 4:30p at TLC Holistic Wellness Livonia. Learn about supplements, good and bad. Bring yours in for evaluation. RSVP-734-664-0339. 01/21 Drink Yourself Healthy: Free Seminar Sat noon at TLC Holistic Wellness Livonia. Learn about alkalized, ionized, purified, spring, bottled and tap water. RSVP-734664-0339. 01/22-28 Confronting Cancer at CHI presented by Dr. Tarman Aziz- Jan 22 - 28 & Feb 12 - 18 2017. Life changing 7-Day Workshop for those battling cancer. Explore ways to maximize your healing after surgery and chemotherapy through our series of live lectures and interactive workshops. Build a support system. 517-278-6260. 01/24 Open Mindfulness Meditation Practice: 6-7:30pm. Calm your mind and come into peace. Includes Mindfulness, Tibetan Singling Bowl, Metta Meditation; discussion of philosophy, science, and spiritual basis of meditation. $15/session or 6/ $60. 734416-5200 Bodyworks Healing Center

01/25 Experience the Self: An Inner Journey. Take an in-depth look at the essence of Self. Experience the radiant, peaceful presence, within. Includes Present Moment Meditation™. 6:30-8:30p. Schoolcraft College, Con’t. Ed., Livonia. 734-462-4448 01/26 Nutritional Supplements: Free Seminar Thurs 7:30p at TLC Holistic Wellness Livonia. Learn about supplements, good and bad. Bring yours in for evaluation. RSVP-734-664-0339. 01/26 Open Mindfulness Meditation Practice: 6-7:30pm. Calm your mind and come into peace. Includes Mindfulness, Tibetan Singling Bowl, Metta Meditation; discussion of philosophy, science, and spiritual basis of meditation. $15/session or 6/ $60. 734416-5200 01/28 My Day, My Way! The Art of Creating The Perfect Day!: 3-6pm. How you start and end your day determines how grand it will be. Our proven system sets energies in motion for more good, more joy, more prosperity, and more ease in your life. Set the intention; enjoy the results. $60. 734-4165200 01/28 Mystic Nights: Goddess Gallery Reading: 7-10pm. A mystical and inspiring evening of intuitive readings with Angel Therapy Practitioner and Psychic Intuitive Tatiana. Get guidance and answers for your issues while learning from other readings. Includes light refreshments and live meditation music with Mark Watson of Angel Earth Music $44. 734-416-5200 01/29 Using Crystals to Attract Prosperity: 11am-1pm. The vibrational energy of crystals enhance infinite abundance by transforming poverty consciousness to prosperity consciousness. Learn which crystals help attract prosperity. Includes aromatherapy, feng shui, and prosperity meditation. $44. 734-416-5200 01/31 The Mindfulness Meditation System™ (MSS): 6-8pm. A trademarked system of breathing, balance, flexibility, and mental focus/concentration designed to create a “mind-body” meditative experience. Powerful techniques to go deeper faster. $50. Repeat; $15. 734.416.5200

January 2017 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

02/01 A Peaceful Mind is a Precious Gift. With a few easy tools and Present Moment Meditation™, quiet the restless activity of the mind. Enjoy peace and happiness. 6:30-8:30p. Schoolcraft College, Con’t. Ed, Livonia. 734-462-4448 www.schoolcraft. edu/cepd 02/05 Ascension Breathing-Be More Now: The Path to Your Highest Potential: 9:30am-4pm. Enrich your life and experience the joy of freedom from limited thinking and the heavy consciousness of humanity. Learn what energies block you from an abundant and rich life and watch the struggle end and your life unfold with ease and grace. $159. 734-416-5200 www. 02/05 Temple Community Gathering. (Sun 5pm-7pm) Connect and discuss openly, sexuality, consciousness, spirituality, tantra and more! Free. Email to pre-register: Dakini@MysterySchooloftheTempleArts. com, Details at: 02/08 Design a Life That You Love! Life is flying by, and we don’t always know where we’re going! In this moment, slow down, take a look, re-design, begin anew. 6:30-8:30p. Schoolcraft College, Con’t. Ed., 02/09 Ascension Support Class with Eve Wilson – Healing meditations that gently empower you and the planet! Every 4 Thursdays7:30 – 9:30 734-780-7635 02/12 It’s Not You, It’s Your Hormones: 3:30-4:30pm. Are you suffering from low energy, cravings, moodiness, and stubborn weight-gain even though you’re doing the “right things”? Learn why it could be your hormones and what you can do about it! Hosted by Vikki Narayan, RN, Certified Health Coach. $15. 734-416-5200 www. 02/26 Tap Into the Healing Power of Self Love with Healing Crystal Energy: 11am1pm. Learn the importance and benefits of self-love and how crystals enhance self-reflection and inner knowing. Experience the bliss of a loving crystal array enjoined with a guided meditation to access the healing power of self-love. $44. 734-416-5200 03/11 Costa Rica Retreats with Ellen Livingston. Feb. 3-11 and 12-18. Yoga, Raw Foods, Life Coaching. Rest, cleanse, renew! / 734-645-3217 04/02 Temple Community Gathering. (Sun 5pm-7pm) Connect and discuss openly, sexuality, consciousness, spirituality, tantra and more! Free. Email to pre-register: Dakini@MysterySchooloftheTempleArts. com, Details at:

P a g e 33


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January 2017



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P a g e 35

Stop Living in Mediocrity… Live Your Greatest Vision By David Krajovic

We always think we have more time. More time for fun, laughter, enriched and deep relationships based on love, respect and caring. Many movies and books have carried the theme of life regrets, those who on their death bed had wished they lived a different life. The truth is, if we wait for tomorrow to begin, tomorrow never arrives. Are you living a life of regrets? Haven’t you had enough mediocrity in your life? Isn’t it time for you to step into the greatest vision you’ve ever had of yourself and beyond? It is never too late to begin. And the good news is there are powerful forces in place helping you right now, even if you are not aware of them. Let’s go back a few years to before 2012. Do you remember the hype in the news media about the Mayan Calendar predicting the end of time? Experts chimed-in, linking this event to other prophecies such as from Nostradamus and the Book of Revelations. Movies were made picking up on the fear created.


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The Mayan Calendar is unique because until the 20th century it was the most sophisticated method of keeping time. The calendar, however, is not just a record of time but of alignment with energies, a theme that seemed to get missed in the media. All such energies flow in cycles and so it was with the Mayan 5,125 year calendar, known as the World Age. What is interesting is that five ages combine into another larger cycle of 26,625 years known as the Precession of Equinoxes. This is the amount of time it takes for the Earth to move through all 12 signs of the zodiac. So what? you may ask. Even though the hype is gone, these energies are not. It is not like a light switch that is turned on or off. These energies are still influencing us. Both of these cycles, and there are others, are ending. But as Emerson said, “Every end is a beginning.” This is your opportunity. The Mayans viewed the passing of the calendar as a gestation period for a new beginning, not just an ending. As the earth passes through the heavens, electromagnetic forces are thrust upon the earth. These are measurable by the scientific community, and they change. Today, they are fluctuating widely and in such volumes they can be felt. The human body is a generator of electromagnetic energy. This field can also be measured and extends out beyond the physical body. The engine of this force is the heart. It is your

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heart energy that is affected and influenced by the electromagnetic energy. And it is your heart energy that can also influence other people, places and events. These cosmic cycles do not cause anything, they merely alter the underlying conditions and energies that are being presented to us. It is up to us to change. We are the cause of our experience. These forces are now helping us to see the world differently and are asking us to choose. Do or do not do. Be or do not be. This is our choice. This is spirituality in action. Who do you want to be? If we resist the energies, then we are likely to feel more discord, more angst and unsettledness. This is easily reflected in the state of our nation today with unprecedented political events taking place that would have been unthinkable a year ago. Clients at our healing center are reporting these feelings every day, more so than ever. You feel it too. This is a marvelous time to be alive. The cycle we are living in will not repeat itself again for another 26,000 years. This is the time the Universe has conspired to create the conditions for each of us to experience a new birth, a spiritual birth so that we may find our path to enlightenment. This is the time we have been waiting for. When it came time to incarnate on the planet, billions lined up to be chosen. But when other souls saw you could make a bigger difference than they could, they moved aside so you could participate. This is love at its deepest level. The Universe has a plan and you are an important part of it. This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the age of Harmony and Understanding. It is when our hearts open to love and unity. Be silent no more. Stand up and share your light.

WHFR.FM & “Metaphysically Speaking” present our ninth annual holistic event:

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January 2017 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

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It’s NOW or Never By Faith Brower

January is the time to get back into the routine of it all -- the time to deal with frigid, and sometimes dangerous, weather for two-plus months. This doesn’t sound very appealing…unless you are willing to do it differently in 2017. They say you can teach an old dog new tricks; so I assume we humans can learn a few new things as we age, like new attitudes, thoughts and even some new “tricks”. Here are five suggestions for changing up YOUR new year: 1. Commit - Make a commitment to find 1–3 friends who want to make 2017 a superior year. Ask them to join you in committing to make big shifts in their lives, and living more positively this year. Start a Mastermind group with them to listen to each other’s ideas and to support each other’s growth. 2. Get Clear - Get clear about what you want to be, have, and do in 2017. Write it down, say it out loud. Be specific, and then share your thoughts with your friends. And let them affirm that they see these things, situations, and people coming into your life.

Embrace Your Mission By Barbra White

“Many are called but few are chosen,” Matthew 22:14 You have heard the mandate from spirit to be a fierce Love warrior on the planet. This is real. MANY are CALLED...because everyone has a mission to be Divine Love. BUT few are willing (or chosen). Your willingness and devotion is the key to real inner JOY, miracles happening in your life, and change on the planet. I bow to each of you and to the journey we shall take together. Like you, I have given my life to serve the One. (This commitment grows deeper and deeper over the years.) Like you, I long to be One with the One. Like you, I am committed to being a soldier of Love. We are all more alike, than we are different. We can’t do it alone. We can do it with these four elements: Longing, Devotion to God, Willingness to grow, and a spiritual Tribe. You now have the elements for an Involution and Revolution. (Revolution happens from the involution.)

You are here to be a Divine Human. You were born to be love in action and a fierce warrior mid-wife to divine feminine Grace 3. Believe - As Wayne W. Dyer said, “If you knew who walked on Earth. There is NO ONE who can express it in the way you can. Your unique Soul’s signature is SO needed on the planet. beside you at all times on this path that you have chosen, you could never experience fear or doubt again.” You ready? No? Ultimately, you never will be. Our spiritual freedom comes in many little deaths and births. There is an 4. Happiness trumps obligations - Ask yourself if you are unprecedented death happening on Earth. 2/3 of wildlife will be doing something because you have to, or, you want to. Really figure that out. If your purpose is to pay off your bills, then going gone by 2020, right NOW 50,000 species have become extinct, and children are dying of starvation....every minute. The time is to work every day is a blessing, an answer to your desire. It is now to step-up. The birth of the new paradigm needs you. not the beast. Decide to be grateful for the work. Shift how you look at things in your life. Self love and prayer alone, will not work. Action alone, will 5. Give more than receive - Do acts of kindness, call friends not work. The mystic and activist must be married within to become the Sacred Activist. (The term Sacred Activist is from to ask how they are and truly listen, pay it forward when good “The Hope” by Andrew Harvey.) The time is now to do what things come to you, and practice being nice even when that you are here to do. Your mission and miracles have been may not be your first reaction. Peace and inner joy will be your waiting. There is NO greater JOY than being in service to God. rewards. I have heard this hundreds of times from my students: “I want It’s now or never…SO, here’s to a great 2017! to make a difference on the planet.... but I don’t know what to Faith Brower do.” Fear has trapped them. It’s time to be BRAVE. There are Faith is the former President of Unity of so many groups who need help. Get off your butt!! Volunteering Farmington Hills, an Empowerment Center of even a few hours a month can make such a huge difference. love, music to rock your soul, and laughter. UFH Action is needed, AND we must give from the fullness of serves and empowered those searching for the eternity felt in OUR bodies...otherwise we will burn out, and be Truth! trapped in the incredible despair on the planet. 38 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

January 2017

Your life as it is...IS also your mission. Your life IS the life of God. Everyone in your life, as it is now, is the key to your freedom. When you feel anything other than peace in someone’s presence, you have met a “teacher”. If you desire peace and real JOY, it would behoove you to take full responsibility of that feeling, love it and grow. Remove your projections of pain or pleasure from others daily. You are God in human form. No one has “made you” feel a certain way....your maker has already made you. It is your job to discover this. Felt inner peace as you gaze at someone in chaos, is how real true healing happens. It is what all the great masters taught. However, most would rather give advice, and deny the miracle, than do the deep inner work required.

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The epic adventure begins: Self Acceptance Process Certification Course, January, 2017. Please connect with me if you are called to attend. 734-455-1438. On bended knee, the hero is found within. Barbra White Barbra has a masters in transpersonal psychology and ecopsychology, Diploma of homeopathy, Reiki Master, and published author. She is a gifted intuitive, spiritual life coach and Earth Angel communicator. 734-455-1438 |


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January 2017 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

P a g e 39

* Shoulders rounded and tense? * Are you less flexible than you use to be? * Chronic hip, neck or lower back pain? * Does your body feel beaten down & compressed? Structural Integration (Rolfing") can:

* Improve your posture dramatically * Assist in breathing easier and deeper * Improve your game (yoga, golf, etc.) * Make being in your body joyous and uplifting

Robert Auerbach, Certified Advance Rolf Practitioner – Family Constellations workshop facilitator

"I send my patients with soft tissue pain to Robert for Rolf Structural Integration" Sharon Oliver, M.D

A New Sense of Self

to match the feeling. How do you draw a “like dancing” face? A “life is unfair” face? Yet, you can draw a happy face or a resentful face. A “stupid” face might actually be a confused emotion/ face.... that you can draw. See what I mean?

By Miche Lame’ Welcome to the new year! Is one of your goals to be happier? And, are you wondering how to do that? Dormant within each of us is our true self. A self that is undefined by the experiences we’ve had in this lifetime. It is the self that has not been brainwashed by parents, teachers or society, yet. It is the self that still is connected with the Divine, the self that is still only Love and Acceptance. And, who is this true self? Only you can delve deep and know. Finding and knowing your true self is the journey we all have to take in our lifetime to know the happiness, love and self-acceptance that has always been there all the time. You just disconnected from it for a while. Start noticing how you feel. Are you really thinking your programs, or are you actually feeling your inner, heart-felt feelings? Do you find yourself saying things to yourself such as, “I feel like dancing,” “I feel like having pie,” “I feel that you are mean to me,” “I feel that life is unfair,” “I feel stupid.” These are all actually thoughts, not feelings, which means they could be a program and not your true feelings, but someone else’s thoughts and judgments. Anytime you find yourself saying/ thinking “I feel that...”, that is a thought. And, words like “stupid” and “dummy” and worse, are judgments besides. These thoughts/programs are not necessarily your path to inner joy, or knowing your true self. One way to connect with how you are feeling is whether you can draw a face

When you get to identifying and acknowledging your feelings, just accept them. Emotions are only transitory energy like everything else. At some point, you will notice your heart “singing” or feeling joyful. That wonderful feeling lets you know that your true self is communicating with you. It may take a while because you may not have been listening, and so your true self may have stopped talking to you. Meditation is a great way to start connecting, as is journaling. Both allow for acceptance of the self and the space to hear it. Remembering what you liked as a child before others told you who you are can also be helpful in re-discovering and connecting with your true self. The more you feel and listen within, the more of a new sense of self you connect with. So just try it. Listen within and feel. Let your heart’s song guide you to your new sense of self, your inner happiness and joy that you already have just waiting to be discovered within you this year. Let this year be your happiest deep within yet! Love and Light, Miche Lame’ Miche Lame’ has been compassionately guiding people for over 25 years. Through Spiritual Living and Healing Miche utilizes Intuitive and Universal Principals to guide you in healing your emotional, mental, physical, & spiritual state.

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January 2017

A Few Comments About Nutritional Supplements

Tammy Brown protects all your life’s moments

By Dr. Sherry Yale, D.C.

How good is your multiple from the megastore? Or the glucosamine? Or the vitamin E? Or, or, or….? Here’s the rule of thumb with nutritional supplements for you to think with when you buy products. The same rule applies to foods, by the way. Here it is, “The closer it is to its natural state, the better it is for you.” How does this translate to supplements? The more you extract constituents from the raw food (which SHOULD be the source material, not a laboratory), the less natural it is. Here is an example you have probably heard about,... Ascorbic Acid. We’ve probably all heard of this, however, did you know that this isn’t Vitamin C? Probably not. Ascorbic Acid is a component of the Vitamin C complex. Yes, Vitamin C is a complex, not one item! An analogy of how much Ascorbic Acid is to the Vitamin C complex is this: If you took a car and removed everything but the paint, the paint would be the Ascorbic Acid. Think about that! Amazing, isn’t it! How much of the C complex is missing? What is present in Ascorbic Acid is about as valuable as a car with nothing but the paint! Wouldn’t run too well, would it!! Now, you may say that when I take Ascorbic Acid, my cold goes away, or I don’t get colds anymore. That can be true, but it isn’t improving your health like the C complex would, which would truly support your immune system. I have heard that Ascorbic Acid can knock out a cold because of how acidic it is and the virus can’t survive it. It is a theory that may be true. Another one that is so easy to explain is Vitamin E. Look at the label. If you see dl-alpha tocopherol, you immediately know it is synthetic E, made in a lab, because of the “l” after the d. A natural Vitamin E is d-alpha tocopherol or alpha-d tocopherol, usually using the Greek symbol for “alpha”. One little letter gives it away. Next is the one that drives me the craziest! Calcium Carbonate. While this is a natural product, it is NOT a food. Common sources are oyster shells and limestone….these are not food! Calcium Carbonate is cheap, so it is so prevalent…… the heck with your health in sight of the all-mighty dollar, these manufacturers must feel! Calcium Carbonate is about 10% absorbable. And the rest? Maybe you’ll get kidney stones or cataracts or arthritis……how would you like to role your dice?

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Now, I ask you to think for yourself with this information: How good is your megastore multiple or glucosamine or calcium, etc.? Dr. Sherry Yale, D.C., owns TLC Holistic Wellness, 31580 Schoolcraft Rd, Livonia, MI 48150. Call today! 734-664-0339 January 2017 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

P a g e 41

Quantum Spiritual Horoscope for January by Aluna Michaels, M.A.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) — Happy birthday Capricorn! Work with affirmations as Mercury is in your sign, making words and thoughts extra powerful. Get inspired by new goals and also feel triumphant over old issues that you can overcome! Remember, moods are caused by thoughts and you can control your feelings when you’re aware of inner dialog though meditation. Fun people can come into your life, or just make more time for awesome friends you already have! Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) — Clear your mind of resentments, frustrations and perceptions of failure; you’ll have a wave of prosperity and “good luck”. In order to live your full potential as a free thinking Aquarius, keep your mind open by releasing old ideas — which is hard since you’re a fixed sign. This is the paradox of Aquarius! Meditate on life goals and see if your daily choices move you in those directions. Don’t be afraid to make choices that shake things up and set you free! Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) — Peaceful, prosperous, sexy Venus and energetic, courageous Mars are in your sign! You can start a new relationship and be unafraid to fully express yourself. You can make bold choices at work

Happy New Years

2017 Thanks for reading the Guide

that impress others and set you up for even more future success. Meditate and imagine positive outcomes for stressful situations. Connect with friends who support your new level of empowerment and how you’re clearly voicing your truth. Aries (March 21 – April 19) — To experience general joy as well as increased spiritual growth, release built up anger and frustrations from the past two years. As you forgive yourself, others and bummer circumstances, you’ll clear your subconscious and make space for positive people and events. Your ability to creatively visualize better work, relationships and happiness inspire you and others around you. Cool ideas pop into your head that advance you at work, or lead to a more prosperous job! Taurus (April 20 – May 20) — You’re the emotional rock for everybody. But please open up to friends so that you get support for yourself! Relationships blossom in ways that surprise and uplift you! Sharing difficulties paves the way to have more fun with those same people, since things will become more balanced, easy and playful. Pay attention to words you say and think so you create the reality you truly want! Also, make meditation time and other spiritual disciplines a priority so that they get done and take care of your needs! Gemini (May 21 – June 20) — Communicate with your partner about your work duties. Each of you can misunderstand the other or feel slighted and that doesn’t need to be so! So much heals through clear, loving conversations. If single, you can start a steady relationship that isn’t flashy, but very mature with a drama-free person. Work can actually be very exciting with a challenging position or offer. Take the risk — you can do it! Cancer (June 21 – July 22) — Struggling at work? Use visualization to create peaceful outcomes. Your images are especially powerful now, so meditate and see people cooperating and events

running smoothly. Once you’ve placed those ideas in the “quantum field”, have needed conversations or take action and you’ll be amazed how “reality” matches your dreams. If single, you can start a new relationship with someone who has a surprisingly high level of interest in you! Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) — Meditate on trust and intimacy. You’ll have insights into past issues that hold you back from opening up today. These wounds can be about sexuality, emotional bonds or betrayals — or even about financial concerns. Short-term therapy or talking with a trusted friend can bring huge breakthroughs. All sorts of love and abundance flow into your life once these blocks release! Also, make time for fun, since healing happens then too! Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) — A new relationship may start, and please be open to the many different ways to meet someone! If already partnered, meditate to free yourself from old ways of viewing the relationship. Be willing to see them with fresh eyes. In addition, how can you let go of ways you criticize or condemn yourself? Especially forgive yourself for ways you’re like your parents, or for patterns you’ve been struggling with for years. Radical self-love brings joy and healing! Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) — Speak kind words to your body, and think positive thoughts about it! Even if habits of negativity are entrenched for a lifetime, or go back generations, you can make changes — but be consistent. Don’t get discouraged as you apply radical new thinking, since your body and mind are “comfortably addicted” to feeling bad or unwell. Use this same principle with work and prosperity concerns. Meditation also develops intuition that overrides “proof” of current reality, helping you create a happy new future! Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) — Relationships go to a new level as you meditate and open to self-love and self-appreciation. Write down things you

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blame yourself for or write your “bad” qualities. Burn the paper or rip it up. Visualize yourself emotionally free and happy. This helps heal financial blocks too. Communicate with your partner or a trusted friend if single, exposing your “flaws” to the light of love, which allows the shame to dissolve. Work with affirmations to counteract old thoughts the moment they arise! Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) — These few years that Saturn is in your sign helps release the past, even if right now you feel stuck in it. Meditate about what feels frustrating or “impossible”. These are the precise pieces that are ready to heal. Forgive yourself, others and circumstances so that you’re free from sadness, anger or anxiety. Imagine yourself in the future. Experience it is real, because it is! When you’re not in survival emotions, you can create a new reality. Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer, and holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling. She’s been teaching/consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call or text (248) 583-1663 or visit

Astrology for Your Soul Aluna Michaels, M.A. Esoteric Astrologer “Together we will unveil your Life Plan and Soul’s Purpose.” Over 30 years of counseling experience.

(248) 583-1663

Exploring Realms of Consciousness By Nancy Lynn

Hello readers, lately I have found myself interested and curious about the expansion of consciousness. With the New Year upon us, I decided to direct my meditations towards this idea to see what additional information I can obtain. As a spiritualist, many of us focus on how we can better develop ourselves on this earthly plane. That got me thinking; how much do we know about our plane or parallel planes that coexist with ours? I do not mean to sound like an existentialist, though this might come off in that manner. By definition, a parallel universe or alternate reality is a hypothetical, self-contained separate reality coexisting with one’s own. This concept opens up a discussion that is unlimited to opportunities and the development of our consciousness. Which leads me to the question, “Is it possible to live another life in a parallel universe?” When you experience a déjà vu, are you drawing this experience from an alternate dimension? Let us take a closer look at what we know about these ideas. The term parallel universes falls into two classes. The first may be more accurately called a “deviating universe” whereby two versions of earth share a mutual past up to a point of divergence. At this point, the result of some event happens inversely on the two planes and the histories continue to become more diverse as time continues on and on. The next type is where, despite certain, often large, differences between the two earth’s past and values among their residents, they continue to have a great deal of resemblances between the two. Either definition of this can cause a person to pause and reevaluate life as they know it. Our universe can be described as having laws of nature that must be followed. It can be stated that we measure everything in time that contains measurements and at times limitations such as the speed of light or the movement of sound. We can deduce that if we exist in parallel universes or alternate dimensions that our laws of physics could possibly be bent, base on different perimeters or in fact, be broken. Dimensions are just different states of being interconnected by different states of consciousness. So with that is mind, you could be sitting in your family room reading this article while also existing outside gardening in/on another plane. Your spiritual soul can take up many different forms. I suppose an easy way to look at this is if you look at water. Water has the capability to exist in three states; as a solid, liquid and gas. While all look different and take on different forms, they all hold the same properties of water; just as our consciousness may change form but throughout separate planes it is the same. This tie to more than one body and consciousness could lead us to extraordinary revelations about the universe around us. If we worked as a society to expand our minds, it would allow us to tap into a higher form of information and direction to the total form of existence and knowledge that lay before us. Food for thought, what do you think? Nancy Lynn Nancy Lynn, Take one of our workshops and we will help you discover more about yourself and show you step by step how to do it on your own. I’m not claiming that this workshop is going to make anyone an expert, though we hope that it will give you a nudge in the right direction. For info please go to: or email or 571-989-2408.

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The Silver Thread: The Beginnings of Trauma: Part One By Dr. Michael Abramsky

when we experience a stressor event as adults, we are really experiencing the weight of all past similar traumas as well. An Israeli study of combat veterans demonstrated that those with prolonged PTSD had been subject to previous life traumas. Soldiers who had no history of prior trauma only experienced short term and transient reactions to the trauma of war. Furthermore, the Israeli’s found traces of past trauma in the brains of those with severe PTSD.

I have a 15–month-old grandson. I design my schedule so I can see him most days. One day as I was playing with him in his playroom, my cellphone rang. I had a contentious conversation with a colleague, and in frustration threw down the phone. I will never forget the look on my grandson’s face. He was shocked, and for a few seconds appeared stunned. I immediately picked him up, held and comforted him.

There are also numerous studies of children who grow up with depressed mothers. Brain studies of these children show subtle abnormities, which we believe set the groundwork for later, more sever illnesses in later life.

My grandson has a part-time nannie. She is generally wonderful with him. She is a middle-aged lady with a teenager at home. But for some time she came in distressed about a personal crisis. She was complaining and angry. My daughter told me that my grandson was acting strange; moody and aggressive each time she came.

The new neuropsychological models demonstrate the interdependence of mind and brain. Environmental events become encoded in the brain and repetition of those events create a pattern or brain pathway. Later environmental stressors activate that pathway. That is why some reactions are so disproportionate to the triggering events.

My grandson has been raised in a very loving environment. My daughter is kind, gentile and relaxed. We have a family network that dotes on him and is very loving.

On a daily basis clinicians encounter syndromes like panic attacks, major depressions, explosive anger, and paranoid reaction. All fit the model suggested. All are “over reactions” to situational stimuli, due to pre-existing brain paths, established by previous trauma.

I began to think about those who are raised in environments that are filled with instances of parental explosion, deep depression, and even outward abuse. Those isolated instances I spoke of with my grandson are daily occurrences with some other infants and toddlers. I experienced my grandson’s reaction being encoded in his mind-body memory. The overpowering experience for me was to actually “see” those reactions encoded in his body reactions. He is too young for words but I saw his body experience trauma. I tell my clients that our psyche is like a thermostat. A thermostat regulates temperature, but it only works within a range. If the outside temperature went up to 130 degrees, the thermostat could not make your house cool; if it dropped to 50 below zero the house would not be warm. Like that thermostat, our mind can only process some upsets. But if it encounters overwhelming stress, our mind falters and we develop symptoms. This is trauma.

Michael Abramsky PHD, ABPP Michael is a licensed psychologist with 35 years of experience treating adolescents and adults for anxiety, depression and trauma. He is nationally Board Certified in both Clinical and Forensic psychology.. Dr. Abramsky also has a MA in Comparative Religions, and has practiced and taught Buddhist Meditation for 25 years. You may call him at: 248-644-7398

Those symptoms are encoded initially as bodily reactions. And later they become narratives or scenarios which emanate from bodily reactions. Trauma at early ages makes one more susceptible to mental disruptions at later ages. The history of traumas is encoded on our hard drive and will be activated by later environmental stressors, like violence, rejections and loss. In other words, 44 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

January 2017

YES, God IS Listening By Ray Fraser Prayer, what a wonderful tool that God has given us. I was asked once why I believe in prayer. In honesty, I hadn’t ever given it a thought before. Being raised in a Christian home, it was simply ‘what we did’. However, after a few moments of thought spirit gave me the answer. Here it is; where we face so many hopeless situations, prayer gives us a sense of hope. Think about our world. Can you think of any “hopeless” situations which you might have faced? I find it ironic that most of the people who pray regularly are people who by nature of their personality, are not comfortable asking for help. They are people who will say first, “I got this,” “I’ll figure it out.” Only when all efforts have proven futile do they pause humbly and ask God to intercede, not with a gift, but with a way. Almost always a solution is offered. In those times where an immediate remedy is not offered, do you find yourself saying, “God, I don’t know if you can hear me,” or “God, are you there?” There are some things which we should consider before “unfriending” God. First, let’s remember that we were born with the intellect to solve virtually all of the situations which we are presented with that are part of our destiny. When we find a challenge that is beyond our scope of understanding, this same intellect coupled with technology can lead us to a resolution. If all else fails, do we consider that this challenge or hardship may just be a necessary lesson in the developmental aspect of fulfilling our destiny?

As a life coach for more than 40 years, I find that the biggest cause of “desperate” pleas for help from God, is our own ego of bad judgment. From actual cases, “God, please don’t let my husband/ wife find out that I have been unfaithful,” or, “God, I’m sorry I gambled away our house payment. Please, please, please let me find $1200 dollars by the 21st.” Sound familiar? Of course not all people fall into this category, but transgressions such as these do not happen by accident. Rather, they involve a conscious decision to cross the lines of integrity or common sense. In other words, we have brought our troubles upon ourselves and we want God to bail us out. We know that we all have spirit guides whose sole choice is to help us make it through this physical existence. How often do you communicate with your guides? I spoke earlier about intellect. Are you thinking as you go through life? Do you think of both the rewards AND consequences of the actions you are planning? How strongly do you stick to your integrity? In your conversations with God are they always about your needs, or do you include a prayer of thanksgiving with each contact? What of your contact with your guides? Do you have daily contact with them? In my classes, I have a little test of logic. See how YOU would answer this question. You have two friends. They have both been friends for the same amount of time. Friend A, frequently calls you or stops by. Each time he does, he asks if you need anything. When you were sick last year, he sent you a card; on more than one occasion, he helped by cutting your grass. After you helped him a few years ago, he sent you and your wife a gift card from a favorite restaurant as a thank you. Friend B is more distant, he seldom calls, or stops by. After you recovered from your illness he did stop by (at dinner time) to say he was glad you had

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recovered. When he does contact you the meetings/calls are short and most often include an innuendo of something he needs from you. Then, both men fall on hard times and need $100 fast. You have only $100 to lend, whom do you give it to? If you say Friend B, you are incredibly trusting, and probably realize that the hundred will have one-way wings on it and will probably never be seen again. Friend A is the most likely to be your choice because he is more familiar and approachable. Do you think prayer is any different? If you seek God only occasionally and in times of need, never giving thanks or using your intellect to avoid or resolve your own problems, how can you expect a quick and positive response? A phrase I’ve often heard is, “I’m a better friend to them than they are to me.” Where do you fall? Do you pray daily and thank God and His angels for their blessings and support? If not, you should. Simply start your day with a simple blessing such as, “Thank you God for your wondrous love and blessings and for the opportunities this day provides.” Pray for others first, perhaps you know of someone facing cancer or financial challenges. If so, ask God to bless them and take away their hardships. Only after thoughtful consideration ask for guidance to a solution. Be willing to do your part to fix your problem; don’t simply expect the solution to be GIVEN to you. God is a loving and nurturing Father. Also, the universe is bountifully generous. Be patient. Remember, we pray in OUR time and God answers in His time in accordance with the fulfillment of our destiny. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions. Ray Fraser is the owner of Mystiques~West Psychic Reading Center, in Westland. Call: 734-729-8019 or visit:

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Perspective: New Year / New View By Susan deCaussin Have you ever heard the saying, When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change? The meaning reaches far beyond face value, and that’s what I was inspired to write about. The theme behind that phrase is perspective. That’s truly how to describe the action of changing the way you look at things. So, starting there, how can we consciously make a shift like that in our lives? Specifically, how do we change the way we look at things? Let’s begin with the simple example of a single slice of bread. The average American, sitting down for a meal, would probably look at that piece of bread and feel short-changed. It would leave them wanting more. They’d most likely dismiss it and hold out for something more substantial. It may even leave them feeling angry – altering their energy to a lower vibrational pattern. The same could be said about a glass of water. If the glass wasn’t clean or the water wasn’t clear, many would instinctively choose not to drink it. The situation with the glass of water may, similar to the bread example, leave a person feeling upset and shortchanged (especially if they were served this in a fine restaurant). At the opposite end of the spectrum, imagine someone who hasn’t had anything to eat or drink for days. Their mouth is parched and their body is weak. When presented with that same slice of bread and the “not so clean” glass of water, they would be overjoyed - their eyes would well up with tears and they’d cradle that bread and water in their hands like a precious gem. Without going to those extremes, I’m sure that everyone can relate to times when you’ve encountered people, in person or in the media, who are unquestionably happy and content, but are faced with, what appears to be, overwhelming difficulties. You may struggle with the fact that they’re so happy, in spite of their current situation. Society pressures us to think that we can’t be happy without an endless flow of money, perfect health and perfect relationships, while these people are blissful without having these things.

able to place focus on their blessings. By doing so, they aren’t wearing their problems on their shirtsleeves, and therefore appear to be in a problem-free life. You see, being happy has nothing to do with being problem-free and financially secure. Because, as you saw with the example of the bread and water, it’s completely about the way you react to each situation; where you determine to place your attention; and, whether you choose to be in a state of gratitude for the life you’ve been blessed with. Much like when someone says, “Just remember, things could always be worse!” We need to alter our perspectives in order to enjoy happiness, peace and contentment in our lives. With that in mind, take a few moments to identify something that you believe is, let’s say, less than desirable in your life. It could be an illness, a family problem, or a financial issue. After you’ve identified it, study the situation and challenge yourself to shift your perspective. Changing the way you look at things is a process. Unfortunately, we can’t just flip a switch and start viewing the world from another, more positive perspective. A change like this will take some time and practice. The great thing is that once you’ve started down that path, everything will seem more joyful. You’ll live in a constant state of gratitude and attract more positive energy to yourself and your life situations. On a personal note, after having a couple of years filled with difficult situations, I can speak from experience on this process. I’ve learned a very valuable lesson. Happiness IS a choice and it begins with being able to see beyond the obvious to discover the beauty in every situation, person and thing that’s placed in your path. I wish you all a joy filled New Year! Susan is an accomplished writer, speaker, Reiki Practitioner and Medium. Her deep connection to Spirit assists her in all modalities of working with Universal Energy. Through her connection to Spirit, Susan’s writings are always powerful, healing and thought provoking. Learn more at: www.

Oftentimes we assume that many people around us are living without any challenges. We may actually want to change places with them - taking their life over ours. Truth is: If you think that someone else has things better than you, then you just don’t know enough about them. Everyone has their own brand of “stuff” that they deal with in life. We ALL do. If you can’t identify what another persons’ challenges are, it simply means that they’ve altered their perspective on life and are 46 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

January 2017


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January 2017 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m


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Body Mind Spirit



Accident Angels: Injury Consultants. Weekly Monday & Thursday Evenings 7-8 p.m. Join Renee Angel as she offers testimonials, expert guests in Michigan, Auto No Fault Insurance Laws, Renee Angel’s knowledge and experience to help renew restore and rebuild the lives of individuals that have been in car accidents, educate all listeners on their rights and the benefits you deserve when in an auto, truck or motorcycle accident. Listen Live to learn about your rights benefits and opportunities and receive free advice! For more information on weekly show topics, or guests visit, 1/3 Unveiling the Psychic Truth 10-11 a.m. Courtney Overfield give listeners the truth about being a psychic, what it’s like impacting others and topics such as mediumship, growing up psychic, psychic sniping and more! This month’s topic: World events, energy, people and how it effects your intuition. 1/10 Fairy Tale Interrupted Relationship Coaching with Dr. Andrea Lee. 10-11 a.m. Dr. Lee is a certified relationship coach and guru that applies a “keep it real” approach as she tackles practical, emotional, and spiritual matters of the heart as it relates to individual, relationship, and family matters. Topic: The Art on how to create and achieve a winning New Year’s Resolution. 1/10 Body Mind Spirit NEWS 1-2 p.m. The Body Mind Spirit Guide staff brings you current news, upcoming events, laughter, articles and topics that are included in the monthly magazine we have all grown to love. We would love to hear from you! This month’s topic: The January edition of the magazine. Call in the join the conversation and tell us what you enjoy. 1/11 Journey Into Oneness 1-2 p.m. Journey Into Oneness with Darlene Sowa. Energy Medicine Practitioner, exercise physiologist and bona-fide nature lover, Darlene shares ideas and tools to assist you on your journey to rediscovering your wild and authentic nature, as well as, the abundant nature of the universe. Monthly topics and guest will help you navigate these ever-changing times with new insights, renewed hope and empowering visions. Topic/ Guest: Awakening to Immortality. We are much more than we have ever imagined. Learn how to tap into your inner technology, your DNA, and use the power of the mind to unlock latent talents and abilities that reflect your true identity. Darlene may be joined by a surprise guest! 01/12 Guided Full Moon Conscious Breathing Meditation: 9:009:30pm. Stop struggle, let go of thoughts & patterns holding you back, & expand awareness to experience your true self. Return to joy. Perfect for beginners & experienced meditators alike. Themes vary each month. Sessions archived if unable to attend.

1/17 Sacred Sexuality with Leslie Blackburn 10-11 a.m. Leslie helps you connect with your sacred sexuality, and welcomes calls during the show. Join her for monthly topics that help you bring peace to you, your body and your relationships. Bring your curiosity! 1/17 Aetherius Radio Live 1-2p.m. Aetherius Society members, Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze bring the wisdom of outer space to help you realize the potential of inner space. Wonderful topics every month such as The Nine Freedoms, Ascended Masters, Karma and more! Topic/ Guest: King Yoga- The Path of the Aetherius Society with guest, Braine Keneipp. 1/18 NEW SHOW! Integrity in Action. 7-8 p.m. Lois Shulman, empowerment coach, facilitator and public speaker of Integrity in Action, LLC will interview with sensitivity, unconditional love and without judgement individuals who have chosen to exemplify the highest levels of ethical principles, sound moral character, and honesty. Each month a featured guest will share their story. These interviews will give listeners an opportunity to feel the passion and emotion of the person being interviewed, as well as, inspire listeners to entertain a new perspective from which to expand their own understanding. When this occurs, we move beyond the limitations of our current thinking to heal and become more aware, awake, and expansive. 1/20 True Love: Empower Your Inner Self. 7-8 p.m. EST or 7-8 a.m. MYT. Join host Karamjeet Kaur in her interactive live show where she will discuss methods, tools and use her own personal experience and teachings to help you engage yourself in True Love, work with True Love energy, help you look within and work with True love to have and enjoy the bliss of living life. Topic: Chapter Three of her book “True Love”, The Moment of Truth. 1/24 Calling All Leaders & Healers 10-11 a.m. You are a unique expression of the Presence of Love. Self Acceptance opens you to your dynamic destiny. In a willingness to love yourself you become a leader, healer and a beneficial presence to others. Each show is inspirational power packed with teachings by Barbra White and guests. 1/24 We Get Results 1-2 p.m. Mary Singer Albertson Knows how to get Results and People who make things happen. “Be the change you want to see in the world. Be an advocate for people who have no voice. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” 1/25 Embodying Your Higher Self: Clearing The Ego. 8-9 p.m. Live group clearing & healing session to embody your higher self by clearing the ego, or negative mind, to remove its limitation and self-sabotage in your life using ThetaHealing belief & feeling work and the Access Consciousness clearing statement along with psychic channeling in divine love & light with the Creator of All That Is. Call in live to receive clearing & healing for your issue and all who listen and say yes will receive healing be! Internet Radio Station - Available on the web 24/7! Access Shows, Fan Pages, and Episodes Guest call 646-378-0378 to join in! 21,000 listeners and growing...

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January 2017

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