Body Mind Spirit Guide 2018 12

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Body Mind Spirit



For A healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind, and A Renewed Spirit ©




Compassion, Generosity, & Connections. ARTICLES • HOROSCOPES • LOCAL EVENTS • CLASSIFIEDS AND MORE... December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

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Family Owned, Locally Grown, & Globally Known!


About Us…

Golden Galleries | Body Mind Spirit P. O. Box 85413, Westland, MI 48185

The Body Mind Spirit Guide is a homegrown publication in Michigan! Created by Howard & Penny Golden as a way to spend their retirement enjoying the people and things they love and value.

Connect with us at 734-513-6137 or email: Hours: Mon-Thu 10:00am: - 6:00pm Our Staff: Kathy Henning, Editor Susan deCaussin, Office Assistant Howard & Penny Golden, Founders

Our Publication…

Our Writers are Michigan Leaders, Healers & Experts that are passionate about helping YOU have a healthy body, an enlightened mind and a renewed Spirit! Contributing Writers: Dr. Michael Abramsky Robert Auerbach Leslie Blackburn, MS, RCST® Chrissie Blaze Rev. Ric Beattie Faith Brower Susan deCaussin Gwendolyn Esco Davis Pauline Dettloff Nancy W. Gavin Liam Helton Jim Hullihan Scarlet Ireland Karin Katz Dave Krajovic Dr. William Karl, D.C Miche Lame’ Carol Laycock Chef Deborah Lieder Nancy Lynn Aluna Michaels Wendy Powers Nugent Phil Rosenbaum Carolyn Simon Todd Stockwell Billie Tobin Jennifer Vanderwal Barbra White Eve Wilson Melissa Zaineb

Highlighting leaders in Michigan from the spiritual and holistic fields. We cover all aspects of wholeness from ancient wisdom to modern methods. The Body Mind Spirit Guide is printed and distributed to over 1400 locations throughout SE. Michigan each month. A great place to find humor, inspiration, information, local events, products, and professionals that will assist you in enjoying a Healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind and Renewed Spirit.

Our Founding Vision…

“I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.” Black Elk’s Vision (1862 - 1950)

Our Beliefs...

We believe all people are One! And that this great truth lies deep within each person’s heart! We dedicate the Body Mind Spirit Guide to the One Mother, the One Father and their children (you & I)! Though we speak many languages from differing nations, professions, religions, and realms, as we start to sing the language of LOVE we begin to become aware that we are all singing the same song! This publication seeks to create Harmony to that One Song, the BEAUTIFUL Song of life! ~Howard & Penny Golden We welcome your contributions in the form of articles, comments and opinions. Ideally, we would love to know what you like, don’t like and what you want more of from our writers, advertisers and us. Give us a call at: 734 513-6137 | Mon - Thu. 10 to 6 or email at:

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w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2018

December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

Page 3

Articles this issue...


The Gift - By Wendy Powers Nugent............................................7 One Light. One Hope. One World. By Rev. Ric Beattie................8

IN STORES: Printed & delivered to over 1200 locations in SE Michigan. Call 734 513-6137 to find the location closest to you.

Feel Connected And Radiate Compassion By Barbra White.......9 Preparing for 2019 By Eve Wilson.............................................10 Live A Life of Compassion By Gwendolyn Esco Davis...............12 The Mighty Diaphragm By Robert Auerbach..............................12 Peaceful, Healthy, Joy-filled Holidays!

ON THE WEB: Download the latest issue for your computer or ipad at:

By Dr. William H. Karl, D.C.........................................................14 Happiness Rising – The One Thing To Be Happy All The Time, Everytime By Dave Krajovic.......................................................16 Do You Feel Like a Victim? By Phil Rosenbaum........................18

DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR: Don’t want to miss an issue? See page 2 for home delivery.

Self - Compassion By Scarlet Ireland.........................................19 Remembering WHOSE You Are By Faith Brower......................19 The Family of Humanity By Chrissie Blaze................................20 Claiming Your Sacred Sexual Shamanic Self by Leslie Blackburn, MS, RCST®..............................................22 Connecting as One By Miche Lame...........................................22

CONNECT WITH US: We welcome your comments by phone, in letters, emails and on the web...

Using Crystals for Protection By Jennifer VanderWal................23 Someday is Now By Susan deCaussin......................................24 How To Get Through The Holidays and Stay Happy By Pauline Dettloff...........................................25

734 513-6137 or info@

Clairvoyance – The Gift of Psychic Sight By Nancy Lynn..........26 Christmas Story: For the Man Who Hated Christmas By Nancy W. Gavin.........................................28

We look forward to hearing from you!

On Santa’s Team By Carol Laycock...........................................30 Tis The Season By Carolyn Simon.............................................35 True joy, true path, true you By Todd Stockwell..........................38 Ayahuasca Ceremony Weekend Trip in 2019

One People, One Life One Love, One World!

Hosted by Liam Helton...............................................................39 Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover By Jim Hullihan......................40 Fat is Your Friend (Recipes) By Chef Deborah Lieder...............41 Hello to “A sample of love” By Karin Sherman ..........................45


...................................................................................................46 CLASSES & EVENTS...............................................................31

We print with SOY INK on RECYCLED PAPER!

PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY...............................32 HOROSCOPES By Aluna Michaels.........................................42 COMMUNITY CLASSIFIEDS.....................................................43

Please join us in honoring the Mother Earth by sharing or recycling used copies or get a digital copy from our website

BODY MIND SPIRIT RADIO LINE-UP.......................................46

Thank you for picking up, reading and sharing the Body Mind Spirit Guide... 4

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December 2018

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December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m



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w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2018

The Gift

that there were so many children. That holiday my daughter found her giving heart and later became a nurse.

By Wendy Powers Nugent The holiday season is here already -- expectations of finding the many gifts for everyone on your list can be daunting. This can be a very stressful task, trying to decide on gifts for co-workers, friends, service people and family! However, the most daunting task for me and I am sure for most, is trying to figure out what to buy for those on your gift list! Facing this quandary of what the kids may want, parents, friends, co-workers… the list goes on! We bundle up to run to the mall, which if there ever was a shopping experience that needed shopping carts, it’s the mall! They should have large carts to hold coats, children, and the many things you are intending to buy, ... that’s just my opinion. With your coat still on, as you must have your hands free to hold the gifts, you start your search, hoping you will find ideas of what to buy. The only good thing about this experience is that the holiday decorations and cheer gets you more in the mood for the holidays. Then there are the post-holiday blues which comes over us as we find out that our loved one didn’t like their gift at all, imagine that! But no worries. Now we just need to enclose a gift receipt with our gifts, so they can run to the mall and find something they do like! Does this sound a bit like a retail conspiracy…? Or is it only me? The real stress for many people, especially young families, is that they can’t afford to buy all those gifts; this unfortunate situation is very often solved by charging up the credit cards! Which then means that all those deals you thought you got at the store or online turn into high-interest-rate bills for the year. Whew! This is a valid argument as to why at holiday parties we might drink too much spiked eggnog! While accumulating all this stress, it led

me to wonder something I never really thought about before, What would Jesus want for Christmas? After all, this is his birthday celebration! After a long meditational moment, I felt an answer flow through me. The answer was not that astounding, it was just trying to figure out how to wrap it -- Show acts of kindness to your fellow humans. That’s it! So, what did the higher mind of God mean by this and how do I wrap it up? Suggestions on how to show acts of kindness to your fellow human beings: 1. For the younger children on your list: Keep the giving to a minimum; kids can become overwhelmed with too many toys. Teach your child that giving is as rewarding as receiving. Maybe have your child give a gift to a homeless shelter or to your place of worship. Many organizations collect gifts for needy children. Several years ago, I took my twelve-year-old son to a gift drive for a local orphanage. He announced that he would like to donate his prized gift from his wish list, a Nintendo gaming system. He had such a joyous feeling giving that year, and he felt content playing his old game unit, plus some new games we bought for his older unit.

3. Adults: I have talked about the kindness of ‘paying it forward’. Many times, I have been blessed with finding someone to gift groceries too or help someone in need without expectations of anything in return. Even the kindness of simply smiling at someone who is a bit stressed or grumpy is a gift. You don’t know what they might be going through. Maybe give an extremely large tip to a stressed-out waitperson. Doing such things won’t necessarily get you a writeoff on your taxes, but instead, you get that ‘joyous receipt’ of helping someone else. We run across such opportunities all the time. Your giving to others will make them feel so blessed that they will pay it forward to others. When you find a moment to give someone this gift of kindness and they thank you, simply share with them to pay it forward, even if it is only a smile to help someone through a stressful time. After all, kindness is the ultimate gift. Have a Joyous Giving Holiday. Wendy Wendy Powers Nugent, Clairvoyant, Minister, Writer, and Certified Counselor. Wendy has been a professional Psychic for more than 35 years with proven accuracy. Text or call: 248-826-8255 for more Information about appointments. Visit her website:

2. Older children: Encourage them to volunteer. My eighteen-year-old daughter and I decided to volunteer to feed the homeless at a shelter one Christmas. She was stunned by the poverty people endured, also taking note

December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

Page 7

One Light. One Hope. One World.

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Big Change? Self Acceptance Process Certification and Healers Training’s Jan 2019 2nd Weekend Retreats Sat/Sun 9-6 Mentorship, Personal Healing, Shamanic Learning

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If you’re ready to live your highest joy and purpose. Call 734-796-6690 for the 2018/2019 program or visit to see full curriculum!

By Rev. Ric Beattie

Happy Holy Days from Unity of Royal Oak! Our theme for this year’s season is: One Light. One Hope. One World. One Light. It is no accident that there are several holidays at year end that all focus on light including Santa Lucia Day, Hanukkah, Diwali, Winter Solstice, Yule, Christmas, and several others. In our American Culture Christmas dominates the list in popularity. Each of these holidays (holy days) is a celebration of Light. Light is an expression of wisdom and the illumination of Spirit within each of us. The Light of the World is our true expression of the indwelling I Am or Christ. One Hope. Christmas is both a commemoration of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth long ago and a celebration of the rebirth of Light and Hope within each of us, right here and now. In Truth, we know that into what seems to be a dark world, the presence of Light diminishes all darkness. This Light first appears in consciousness. One World. As we look at world events, it may seem that we are becoming more separated each day. Christmas presents an opportunity to see beyond our apparent differences to the Truth that we are all emanations of one Light. All life flows from this One Light - The indwelling Christ. Let’s celebrate this season by honoring the Light within each other and the Hope that unites us as One World. In a Spirit of Unity, Ric Beattie, Spiritual Leader & Pastor of Unity of Royal Oak.


w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2018

Feel Connected And Radiate Compassion By Barbra White

Why are you not consistently feeling a sense of purpose and overflowing joyful connection to life? The answer may surprise you. It is because you are afraid to feel. I promise you this— feeling is the answer to real joy in your life. Rushing, media distraction, overthinking, complaining, obsessing is for one purpose only... to not feel. The mind only races in an attempt to avoid a feeling. Your purpose IS life. So many people are chasing to find “their purpose,” not realizing it’s right within and around them. Your life is your mission. When you feel the innate connection to this moment (that includes pain) you will no longer feel alone or question your purpose. Ready to step into deeper joy? Then, make pain an ally and real joy will be your normal. Emotional pain is here to clear away what does not serve you. Decide to hold pain like a baby, and you will feel invincible in the world. You will no longer try to anxiously avoid yourself through food, addictions, stress, and ploys to gain approval. People-pleasing and lack of confidence is a result of trying to avoid pain (insecurity). Stress is a secondary symptom of not living from center. Your reaction to emotions (pain) is what creates stress. It is important to know that suffering is created by your reaction to pain, but not to the pain itself. To reduce or eliminate suffering, feel the pain without adding a story. What I mean by not adding story is 1. Do not blame anyone (including yourself). 2. Do not ask “why” you are feeling a certain way. The “why” or “a ha” always comes after. Your personality is just a small part of you. Your personality always needs approval. Your personality is based on your family, culture, gender, life story, politics, job, reputation etc... Your personality is not good or bad. “Persona” in Latin translates to mask or actor. You can only feel stressed, rejected, or attacked when you are expressing from the personality. Only your personality can feel attacked. The Real You cannot. Who You Are is far bigger than a persona. When you are simply being yourself--not to impress,--you can’t feel attacked, stressed, or rejected. When you are trying to impress or prove something, you are trying to get something from someone. The solution is to live from your true, fully authentic self.

transform those around you. This is living in your purpose. Your Real Self can never be rejected or tarnished by this world. Your Real Self is love, beauty and the qualities of God. Only what is not truly you can be harmed, hurt or rejected. Learning this spiritual truth doesn’t mean then you should deny your hurt. On the contrary, learning to feel everything and hold it with love is the path to embodying radical faith and love. Real joy for no reason, and simply being alive. Real joy is just a half degree to the side of grief. The Divine is all things. Including you.... right now. Don’t wait for proof to see God in your problems, pain or life. Be a radical love warrior and decide to now. God/Love is not just in all things, it IS all things. Embodying more faith and living in real joy starts with seeing your pain with Love. Holding it with Love. Faith is not a thing outside of you, but something you cultivate within through selflove. Feeling is healing, and as you feel the pain without adding a story you naturally organically embody your Soul. You represent God on Earth by loving your personality. “Self-Love” is actually an inaccurate statement. It is only your personality that needs love. Your Real Self is Love. You open more and more to the Truth of Love that you are by loving the personality. What you love, or accept, you now have the choice to act from. When you judge something you are in an energetic tug of war with it and you don’t consciously have a choice. This is why no matter how much you “will” yourself to not do something ( that is self-sabotaging) if you are not loving the pain (personality) will do it again. Whenever someone verbally attacks you remember that they are just in pain. It is only their personality attacking you, not their Real Self. If you can silently say in your heart “I see you are in pain. I love you” while someone is attacking, you will no longer internalize their pain. Learning to hold pain with more love, you feel safe in the world, and radiate life-changing compassion to whomever you meet. If you want more joy, connection, and beauty in your life hold an unwavering intention of self-love now... AND come to join me and be ignited into greater self-love every 3rd Thursday from 7-9 PM Self Acceptance Process Workshop in Northville. Also, individual healing sessions and healers training are available. It would be my privilege to love you. Hope you come. Barbra White

Expressing from your heart (living as your Real Self) doesn’t make you weak. An open heart means you are dwelling in the power given to you before you are born. The world craves your heart. Living with your heart open, you stay in joy, and December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

Barbra White is a compassionate gifted intuitive, and holistic therapist. Mentoring, healing sessions and training are available. 734-796-6690 or Page 9

Preparing for 2019



By Eve Wilson

Each year has a cycle of purpose that a soul has contracted to fulfill. These contracts, prepared by our Higher Selves prior to incarnating, include gifts, opportunities, and challenges. As we approach each new year there is an opportunity to review the gifts and challenges of the year just finishing. We can recognize what we have accomplished and celebrated that. Then we can ask for guidance about how to complete any remaining contracts before the next set comes on board.

Published by Balboa Press, a Division of Hay House.

Purchase now at

This is easier than you think. First of all, how often do we really give ourselves credit for and celebrate all that we have accomplished? If done without judgment, but truly focusing with a generous attitude, we find that a year holds so many accomplishments. Some are so common we take them for granted: • times I was forgiving and kind instead of judgmental to myself or others • times I stood up for and had faith in myself • times I didn’t say something that would have created conflict but no benefit • times I helped someone • times I chose not to help because it wasn’t right – but

Eve Wilson BRIDGE to Wholeness Healing & Ascenion Treatments, Classes, Blog Since 1986 Healing & Training Healers, UCM Healer Practitioner, Reverend, Reiki Master, Director The Healer Development Program Classes - NCBTMB Approved

$10 Off Family Healings - December Sessions with Eve available for individuals, couples, families, children and pets. Recommended by Doctors, Nurses, and Psychologists for physical, emotional, mental, spiritual healing, empowerment and ascension. Monthly Ascension Support Class Starts Dec 13 ♥ Focus on the positive shifts ♥ Empowering Healing - Joyful 7:30 - 9:30 by phone or in person The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Voted One of the Best Healing Blogs on the Planet by Visit Experience Wholeness & Well Being Beyond Your Expectations Healing Sessions with Eve Wilson


RIDING THE WAVE OF CHANGE Hope, Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World Available at Crazy Wisdom Bookstore &

Visit Website for Sessions with Eve, Classes, Healer Certification, and The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog! 734-780-7635

w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2018

• • • •

instead did what was truly right for me emotional processing that released the past so I can move forward to new experiences self-care and spiritual work that I invested in for myself choosing what is good for me and leaving behind what is unhealthy daily things that I did to my best ability – kids, work, relationships, finances, diet, exercise etc.

When meditating on what contracts are yet to be completed, be aware that sometimes completion of contracts can be fairly simple to do. It may involve recognizing the lesson or gift in a challenging circumstance and then giving thanks for that. It may be a small attitude shift which allows you to get out of an old rut and respond to life in an empowered way. It may be something you do in your heart, such as forgiving yourself or someone else; accepting the gifts and letting go of sorrow and pain because the gifts are worth the suffering. If your contracts require diet and exercise here is a hint -- do them out of selfcommitment and self-love rather than self-judgment and they will succeed. So simple! Many contracts extend through multiple years, and some through most of a lifetime, so if something doesn’t resolve this year, that may well be the case. While we would like uncomfortable challenges to finish immediately, where the contracts are long we just have to recognize that there are probably much greater gifts yet to come from them. Meditate to understand the gifts that are being gained through the process of living through these contracts and the work yet to accomplish. We can surrender our judgments and fears and welcome the support of our Higher Self to find strength, courage, and clarity to move through the future opportunities these contracts bring us. Most people think of their challenges as coming from others or outside influences. However, the truth is much more personal than that. Others are drawn into our life by the soul contracts we enter this life with. While it may seem unkind of our Higher Selves to give us some of our contractual experiences, once we complete the contracts we can let go and heal from the hardship they brought. Then we can realize how generous our Higher Selves are, believing in us and giving us the opportunity to uncover our vast potential through the challenges we face in life. Doing this end of year review is like taking a cleansing shower, washing away the debris from a year of growth, being refreshed and ready to experience the gifts the coming year brings. Anytime in December will be best for this meditation, though it would make a lovely New Year’s Eve ritual. The week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve gives many people time to make this change-of-year transition thoughtful and even beautiful. Candles or a fire can help you focus and

create comfort for your process. Or, just a private place filled with loving self-regard – something we all deserve. Add some prayers for the coming year; opening to guidance, support, and love for fulfilling next year’s opportunities with love, wisdom, and satisfaction. Life is purposeful; each day brings opportunities that our Higher Self has contracted for our growth. Working deliberately with our soul contracts in this way helps us root deeply into our lives and find satisfaction in our circumstances instead of judging them and ourselves. Judgment comes from fear of being wrong or failing. Use this meditation to discover that you are really on track and let the universe support you in recognizing that, and loving yourself and your life more in 2019! Eve Wilson Eve Wilson – Learn more about ascension and healing at www. Purchase a copy of Eve’s book Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World. Discover her International Award-Winning Blog – The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension, plus classes, treatments and events!

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December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

P a g e 11

Live A Life of Compassion

The Mighty Diaphragm

Adopting the universal treasure of compassion or being compassionate is a shift to inclusiveness that is being a part of a greater good, a greater good that morphs a single act that is bigger than we can envision.

By Gwendolyn Esco Davis One of the greatest treasures in the universe is compassion. Not just for our loved ones, but for all humanity. ...G.Esco Davis

The Muscle That Can & Does How Your Diaphragm Determines Your Health By Robert Auerbach

My wish for you during this holiday season;

We are finally on the other side of the nations midterm election. If the outcome was aligned with our hopes or not, we have to adjust and work it out the best we can, while our democracy works its way through the mire.

May the air of this holiday season lift your spirit; the sun brighten your destiny

As Americans, we have had to make our way: By tapping into our most indepth resources: intelligence, wisdom, integrity, strengths, and self-worth. For there is no circumstance significant enough to excuse us from being our best.

And may the moon of the season glow with everything you wish upon.

Be the blessing to others with compassion, and in turn, they will be a blessing to you.

This nation has created a society where individual rights and freedoms, compassion and diversity are core to our American citizenship. However, underlying that idea is the promise that we all have a chance to build a better life for our children and ourselves. As we evolve to a higher level of our humanist, we reset our compass to a new course to include all humans no matter our differences. The results will only enrich our differences, therefore, enhance our common good.


In the popular 1930’s children’s storybook, “The Little Engine Who Could”, the author Matty Piper, tells a wonderful tale about a little blue train engine who came upon a train at the base of a tall hill whose engine had broken down and could go no further. The train is filled with toys and food that the children are waiting for. Although the little train engine was small, it knew what had to be done. Over and over it repeated to itself, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.” And sure enough, the tiny but mighty engine is eventually victorious and achieves her goal. As this memorable story concludes, the little engine is chugging down the mountain and is heard saying, “I thought I could, I thought I could, I thought I could.”

Namaste, Peace, and Blessings

Gwendolyn, owner of G. EscoDavis, LLC, is a certified life coach and business mentor. Her practice of four decades focuses on women entrepreneurs, although she also coaches men business owners. She uses a holistic/ organic approach and publishes a monthly newsletter. For more info call 313-717-8988, email

The diaphragm in your body is a lot like that little blue engine that could. I say that because your diaphragm is somewhat small for its workload but definitely mighty. This vital muscle in your body is the primary muscle of respiration. It functions as a wall or partition between the abdominal cavity, thorax, lungs, and heart above it.

Our uniqueness, our individuality, and our life experiences mold us to what and who we are today. It molds us into fascinating human beings. When we embrace our differences with understanding, love, and compassion, we then can all challenge ourselves to delve into the most in-depth resources of our hearts to cultivate an atmosphere of understanding, acceptance, kindness, tolerance, and compassion. A society absent of these, humanity cannot survive.

The heart rests atop of this domeshaped muscle. The movement of a properly functioning diaphragm creates a pressure that pulls in air and generates our breathing. The diaphragm helps the kidneys by massaging them 24 hours a day through it’s movement and increases the natural functioning of the vascular and lymphatic system. With all of these bodily units working together, there is an increased nourishment supply to the organs surrounding it. You could say that this amazing muscle contributes so much

When compassion comes into play, the paradigm makes a significant shift.


w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2018

to the body’s homeostasis that it is well on its way to being a proto-organ and it knows what it has to do and keeps doing it over and over unless we prevent it. Watch a baby as it breathes and you will notice that its belly rises and falls with each breath, and that rhythm generates a subtle but powerful ripple of energy and movement throughout the body. The majority of people do not naturally experience full diaphragmatic breathing, and that is why we have so many people who breathe shallowly and from their upper chest. This results in them not having as much energy as they could have. Another side effect is the dulled perception of one’s own life force or chi. Additionally, when a person does not breathe fully and cannot utilize their abdomen and chest, they are more vulnerable to external and internal stressors, resulting in ever more compounded tension stored in the body. Can you imagine where this progression is headed? That’s right ...even shallower breathing and stress-related diseases like hypertension. Over a lifetime, there are a number of reasons why the diaphragm’s effectiveness is reduced. In some cases, when a person suffers a traumatic experience, the diaphragm can literally be locked down or go into diaphragmatic shock. Once when I was doing a session with a five-year-old, I saw right off that his diaphragm was barely moving and it appeared to be sucked upwards from the bottom of his rib cage. Fortunately, after a few minutes of structural bodywork aimed at lengthening and releasing the anterior attachments of this muscle, his breathing changed dramatically, becoming deeper, smoother and slower. As this five-year-old experienced this new breath, his facial expression changed from one of “frozen” worry to a smile. Scar tissue in the abdomen from surgery can also severely restrict breathing. Just this week I was working on a 70 something male client who had

a surgical scar just under and running the entire length of his diaphragm. As the scar tissue was released, he was able to breathe easier and deeper than he had in the four years since the surgery. He could also stand a lot taller. If smaller energy reserves and greater potentially life-threatening stress and tension were not serious enough, there is another often overlooked consequence of the diaphragm’s restriction. As both of this muscle’s attachments and connective tissue (fascia) that envelopes it shorten, the overall space/ volume in the rib cage and chest can be compromised and posture greatly affected. In fact, Rolfers and Structural Integrators often find that a forward head posture cannot be resolved without lengthening the diaphragm’s fascia. Oftentimes, clients with asthma say that as we released their diaphragm and opened up their rib cage, their symptoms would recede.

* Shoulders rounded and tense? * Are you less flexible than you use to be? * Chronic hip, neck or lower back pain? * Does your body feel beaten down & compressed? Structural Integration (Rolfing") can:

* Improve your posture dramatically * Assist in breathing easier and deeper * Improve your game (yoga, golf, etc.) * Make being in your body joyous and uplifting

Certain types of healing exercises including yoga exercises, Cranial Sacral and Structural Integration (AKA Rolfing) can do much to normalize the diaphragm. With the Rolf method, the work on the diaphragm will support your standing tall and balanced in the gravitational field of Mother Earth. So, like the little blue engine who drove the train filled with toys and food that the children were anxiously waiting for, your properly functioning diaphragm, moving through its up and down cycle 23,000 times a day, can deliver the necessary helpful elements that are so vital to your body. This Holiday season, why not give yourself the gift of full and easy life-giving breath! Robert Auerbach is a Certified Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration with over 21 years of experience treating clients. You can contact him at 313-407-6343 or or visit his website at

December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

Robert Auerbach, Certified Advance Rolf Practitioner – Family Constellations workshop facilitator

"I send my patients with soft tissue pain to Robert for Rolf Structural Integration" Sharon Oliver, M.D

P a g e 13

Peaceful, Healthy, Joy-filled Holidays! Staying healthy during the holidays is often quite a challenge. Between joyful things like cherished family traditions, music, and festive lights, you’d think staying healthy would be easy. Instead, the holidays are often one of the hardest times of the year because of the emotions they evoke, including ones revolving around food.

glyphosate (Round-Up), MSG (in the disguise of over 50 different names) and obesogens (endocrine disruptors) designed to make you eat more and buy more to fatten both the pocketbooks of big corporations and you! It’s a sneaky way to make you think that bad food is good...

For many people, the holidays mostly seem to be about giving gifts wrapped in shiny paper and decorations. Unfortunately, the important symbolism behind gift-giving is often forgotten or overlooked. Some people buy gifts for others because they feel it’s expected or it’s what they’ve done throughout the years. Overspending, crowded shopping experiences, heavy traffic, and wasted resources are a few of the negative experiences contributing to ill-health during the holidays. No, I’m not a Grinch. I love holidays and the crowds! And while gifts are great, I believe the best gifts are based on love and quality time spent with family and friends.

If you normally eat healthy during the year, you’ll probably be more reactive to toxic food. When you eat food that’s different from what you normally eat, you may feel ill while others seem to be immune to it. Your body is cleaner, healthier and smarter so it reacts to unhealthy chemicals.

I like the idea of taking the time to write what we want for ourselves, our families and our world -- and how to best see these things come to fruition. My list includes peace and health for all, my own good health and time to enjoy my family and friends.

The holidays aren’t the time to educate family and friends that don’t share your knowledge of healthy food. Whatever you do, don’t tell them that the feast they prepared is mostly inedible. If you do, you probably won’t be invited back next year. Instead of being regarded as the guru that lives on your own mountaintop, instead, you will be regarded as a nut that is most suitable for use in a holiday fruitcake. So what should you do?

By Dr. William H. Karl, D.C.

By acknowledging and appreciating the wonderful things we already have in our lives, whether physical, mental or spiritual, our gratitude expands. In old parlance, this is called “counting your blessings.” When counting your blessings, remember that it’s not about what others have; it’s about being grateful for what you have. Each new holiday triggers emotions of past holidays. Keeping our emotions in perspective contributes to good health during the holidays. For those who have lost loved ones, this includes being thankful for the time they were in our lives. For those feeling lonely because they do not have a special someone, keep looking with the knowingness that a special someone is just around the corner looking for you. For those blessed to have special people in your life now, be sure to let them know how much you care. As cliché as it sounds, every day is a gift so let’s use it to help make the world a better place. Now for the food part of staying healthy: This aspect may be likened to walking across a minefield. There will be attractive-looking, enticing food-like substances everywhere you look. Filled with artificial sweeteners, refined sugars, flavor enhancers, and artificial colors, they’re designed to fool you into eating them. Even the veggies and meats are loaded with these things. They also typically have hormones,

St. Jude’s Novena

It’s also a good idea to take along your Celtic sea salt. This will be used as an antidote to the corn syrup that will be in most of the foods, even meats, at holiday gatherings. Since corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup have no appreciable amount of minerals, they will steal the minerals they want from your body. This causes and/or contributes to muscle soreness. When you take your Celtic salt out to use, you can tell your

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the world Now & Forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us, St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day; for 9 consecutive days. By the 8th day, your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. ~Thank you St. Jude S.B.B.


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Eat small portions and make reference to your plan of trying to slim down in the New Year if you’re asked why you’re not eating more heartily. They may identify with that and cut you some slack. Next, if you’re going to be eating foods that are out of your healthy comfort zone, arm yourself by taking a couple Magnesium Lactate first. This will help your body deal with the MSG in commercially prepared foods and desserts. When you leave, take a few more capsules.

December 2018

tablemates that it was a gift and it tastes really good. Since this unprocessed salt really does taste great, they may want to try it -- but don’t tell them it’s good for them! This is a tricky game but it’s worthwhile so that you don’t lose friends because of your knowledge on this subject. When you’re choosing what to eat, try to avoid foods made with soy, flax, and beans or any other highly estrogenic foods as they will bring out the fangs and claws you may’ve seen at other holiday gatherings. While this may have an entertaining element, it could turn on you at any time. Last but not least, make an appointment with your chiropractor to get adjusted. Whether good or bad stress, all kinds of stress contributes to subluxations which will interfere with your enjoyment of the holidays. This is a time to be healthy and happy -- a time to count your blessings, not your aches and pains. All of us at Karl Wellness Center wish you the most joyous of holidays filled with many precious moments and lots of love! Dr. William H. Karl, D.C., is a Brimhall Certified Wellness Doctor with over 35 years of experience helping people obtain optimal health. For more information visit Call 734.425.8220 to schedule your FREE initial consultation.


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December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

P a g e 15


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Happiness Rising – The One Thing To Be Happy All The Time, Everytime By Dave Krajovic

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a magic pill that would make us happy all the time, no matter the circumstance? There is such a pill, and it is available to all of us. No exceptions. In fact, the Universe is set up to help you get it. All you have to do is allow it. Every religion, every wisdom tradition has this knowledge at its core. It has been said that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. It’s great to read this article, hear the words and even ponder their meaning intellectually. However, this is not the same as knowing this as truth. To know this you must be this. If we are spiritual beings, then what is this Spirit that we are? It is who we were before we came into this body and who we are after we leave this body. Our Spirit is timeless. Made in the image of God, who is perfect, we are perfect. An individualized spark of the Divine, we are the Souls. As we came into our bodies, a part of our Soul’s essence was placed in our bodies, animating us, giving us life. We are a spark of the Divine having a physical experience. When you remember this as true, you are happy. When you deviate from this truth, you are unhappy. Because you are perfect and God’s love is unconditional, God sees only you as perfect. Since God is everywhere and in all things, when you look at the world and see something other than love, you are not seeing as God sees. This conflict within you causes angst and blocks your happiness. When we see love, we are in alignment with the Source that creates all things. This alignment is our joy. The more aligned you are with Source, the more you will experience joy, independent of circumstances around you. You will be joy, no matter what. But there is more. Alignment with Source is how we become a powerful and conscious creator. The group of beings known as Abraham, channeled through Ester Hicks, refers to this as “being in the Vortex”. The Vortex is the place within you where you are aligned with Source. Also within the Vortex is everything you desire. That which you do not desire resides outside the Vortex. Source cannot help you get what you want if you allow your

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December 2018

consciousness to reside outside the Vortex. Inside the Vortex the power that creates worlds awaits you. Abraham gives us the Emotional Ladder of Consciousness. Simply stated, reach for the highest feeling you can in the moment. If you are sad, try to reach for anger. If you are angry, reach for frustration. The higher your resonance, the closer you are to the center of the Vortex. A Course In Miracles teaches that we are the Holy Son of God. The bible says “ye are Gods.” Many will refute this instead wishing to believe in a single godhead, an angry, vengeful God that will punish us if we sin. This is fear at its best, yet fear is one of the lowest of energies. A person in fear cannot feel joy. Why would God want us to be in fear? This is counterintuitive to His wishes. Take nothing of what I said as true. Go experience this for yourself. This is why the previous articles focused on YOU making the choice for happiness. You must make this choice for yourself. You must be willing to go where your Higher Self directs you to go. You must be willing to let go of your story and old beliefs. You must be willing to step into a new world view. Beliefs are the basis of your judgments and thoughts. They limit you. They keep you small. They prevent you from reaching the unlimited potential that pure awareness can access. When you are thinking, speaking or acting, ponder first how it makes you feel. If it feels good in the heart, then you are likely aligned with Source. Choose that action. Always align with Source first, then act. This is also why mindfulness, meditation, and breathwork were also on the list as they help loosen the shackles of the prison of your mind. These tools will help you align with your Higher Self, the Self that not only resides in you but is You. Meditation and Breathwork are the best tools to help you have an experience of the God Self within. When you begin to know You, you will begin to see it in others as well. When you look into their eyes you will see yourself and know that we are One. God is in you, in me, in everything and is everywhere. This recognition is heaven on earth. Joy will be the natural outcome. As Holy Sons of God, let’s go forth and co-create the good, the holy the beautiful. Let’s bring heaven to earth. Namaste. Dave Krajovic Join Pat and I for our evening series on Happiness Rising beginning in January or learn more by visiting our website at www.

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P a g e 17

Do You Feel Like a Victim?

can also contribute to serious health problems. Dr. Lipton reported that the Jesuits have known this for years and even expressed that if they are given a child for the first seven years of his or her life, that child will belong to the church. They understood all about programming.

Dr. Bruce Lipton is a well-known cell biologist who wrote the book The Biology of Belief. Through his research, Dr. Lipton came to the conclusion that it is not your genes that determine your fate; rather, it is the environment that is the key factor. He states that the genes are more like a potential blueprint. In and of themselves, they are not, the cause of the end result. Furthermore, he stipulates that a vital part of the environment is your own perceptions and beliefs. It is these beliefs that determine what will happen to the genes. Thus, you are not a victim of your genes. If you change your beliefs, you can affect your health and the quality of your life.

One exception to being controlled by the programming is when one falls in love. When this happens, the individual is living very much in the present moment and is temporarily free of the programming. Living in the present moment, or being mindful, releases you from the programming. However, this period does not last indefinitely and once the “honeymoon” is over, you go back to being at the mercy of your subconscious programs.

By Phil Rosenbaum

Dr. Lipton explains that the first seven years of your life you are being programmed by everything around you and that your conscious mind is not present during this period. After age seven the conscious mind develops. However, everything that you learned the first seven years now becomes part of your subconscious mind. Dr. Lipton states that about 95% of the time your subconscious mind is dictating what is occurring in your life, and only about 5% of the time is your conscious mind in control. In other words, even though you think you are in control, it is the subconscious programming that is calling the shots. Because it is “subconscious,” or below conscious awareness, you are not even aware of how you are being impacted. Dr. Lipton further points out that 60% to 70% of the programming that is in your subconscious is not positive; in fact, it is often disempowering. This negative programming prevents you from being your best self and from getting what you want out of life. To make matters worse, this negative programming

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Although this sounds rather discouraging, there are things you can do to free yourself from the negative or disempowering programming. Dr. Lipton maintains there are only three ways you can do this. One way is with the use of certain types of psychology. Another very significant way is through the use of hypnosis. Hypnosis deals with the subconscious and can thus help you replace the negative beliefs or programs with much healthier and enabling beliefs. Finally, Dr. Lipton suggests the use of repetition. Here again, hypnosis can actually enhance this method by providing hypnotic suggestions to encourage you to practice these new behavioral patterns until they become a habit. If you feel that you are not living the life you truly desire, or that something is holding you back and causing you distress, hypnosis may be the answer. Hypnosis is safe and is usually very relaxing and enjoyable. You are always in control and will never do anything that goes against your moral beliefs or values. In addition, with hypnosis, you can make significant changes in a relatively short period of time, so it is really quite cost-effective. If you would like to experience hypnosis, or just find out more about it, please contact Phil Rosenbaum at 248-688-6469. Don’t be a victim; take control of your destiny. Old Habits & Negative Thought Patterns Keeping you Stuck? Get Unstuck Now

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December 2018

Self - Compassion

Remembering WHOSE You Are

By Scarlet Ireland

“When you say ‘Yes’ to others make sure you are not saying ‘No’ to yourself.” —Paulo Cohelo The Holidays are truly a magical time! They flow with celebration and excitement. We enjoy a warm, spirited connection to our family, friends, community, and even folks we meet in passing. Collective generosity seems the norm. Yes, this is all true… There is also another side. It may involve hectic schedules, extended travel, crowds, short tempers and unhealthy, untended, unhealed, interpersonal relationships that have emotions running rampant. So how do we navigate this energetic mix? May I suggest starting with “Self-Compassion” -- discovering what it means to be caring and helpful to ourselves first and see how this affects our internal and external world. Yes, this can be challenging in the best of times! But why not try it NOW… right in the middle of all of it? Explore what it means to be open-hearted with others yet grounded in love or at least deep like for yourself. We might be surprised by shifts, changes and good that can come of it! “Self-care is not selfish or self-indulgent. We cannot nurture others from a dry well. We need to take care of our own needs first so that we can give from our surplus, our abundance. When we nurture others from a place of fullness, we feel renewed instead of taken advantage of.” —Jennifer Louden Sincerely, Scarlet Contact me and mention this article for a free phone or email consultation on a Personal Energy Art Session, at: 248-765-1832, or Visit: and please see my ad in the directory section. Scarlet Ireland is an Energy Artist. Her art creates an empowering vibrational space for authentic, higher purpose and transformation, allowing for healing, focus, and profound experience. ~Private Energy Art Sessions ~ Obtain a specially channeled Work of Art. ~Intuitive Abstract Art Classes~, ~Commissioned Artist”. Gather your tribe and book today!

By Faith Brower

Why do we prepare for Christmas for the whole month of December? Why do we create traditions around December 25? We cook, shop, clean, and often go a bit overboard with everything, often feeling pooped out by Christmas dinner. Why do we get sadly nostalgic, missing those loved ones who are no longer here to celebrate with us? I think it is because we are focusing on the outer joy of Christmas, including the traditions we partake in around that time of year. Christmas tells of a miraculous conception leading to the birth of a man who lived over 2,000 years ago. It is the time of year we celebrate the birth of that man. But it is so much more too. Jesus was sent from God to remind us WHOSE we are. Jesus showed us and told us who he was. He said we are his brothers and sisters capable of doing great things too. Being God’s children, we are amazing and filled with Christ Spirit. We can do miraculous things for ourselves and others. We are not these wonders just on December 25th, but every day! And that realization is why Christmas is an inner experience. We can BE that Christmas/Christ Spirit every day. How? •

Reach inward in prayer to find the Christ Spirit within

Think of others and give them love, friendship, and your time

Let your heart be happy

Sing and rejoice (even if you have to do it in the shower)

See the miracles around you daily; they are evidence of the loving Christ all around you

If we all tried to be more like the man, Jesus, every day (which I think is our purpose), I bet this world would be even more remarkable. What a powerful prayer that would be! Faith Brower Faith Brower is the founder of a dog walking and pet sitting business called, “Faith’s Fidos & Felines”. She has her Masters in Early Childhood Development, managed preschools and was the President of the Board at Unity Farmington Hills.

December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

P a g e 19

The Family of Humanity

selfless love for our family and may even sacrifice our own needs for the well-being of our family. Our lesson, as we pass through countless lifetimes separated by differences of color, creed, and religion, is to learn that same love for our larger family – humanity.

By Chrissie Blaze

At this time of the Holidays, we feel a certain magic in the air. It is a time of family and love. For many of us, it feels as if our hearts are more open to generosity and compassion. Many of us love to spend time with our families at this time. However, I believe it is when we learn the lessons of the heart, we then come to the realization that we are but one family on this Earth – humanity. Within this one family are thousands and millions of smaller family units throughout the world. Outwardly each family unit looks different, but inwardly they are similar, with similar hopes, desires, and needs. Each individual family is a different expression of this one great human family. Most of us want what is best for our family. Most of us feel a

When we are able to do this, compassion is borne in our hearts. We suddenly find ourselves anxious for the plight of a stranger. A hungry child across the world moves us to tears. Gradually, slowly, but inevitably we realize we share the same rain, the same air, the same oceans, and the same pain. When the first astronauts left Earth and were able to look back through the emptiness and fullness of Space at this beautiful planet of ours, they had similar realizations that we are one human family sharing our lives together on the beautiful planet Earth. American Astronaut, Donald Williams, realized: “The things that we share in our world are far more valuable than those that divide us.” To find our own lasting peace and joy, we must in some way create peace and joy for all. The time is urgent and we must


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December 2018

not rest until this is done. Let us now strive for a philosophy of Oneness, above all dogma. We are all connected to each other; we share the same rivers, oceans, and air. Above all, we share in the universal language of love. It is only when we realize these things and feel them in our hearts, that the long-dreamedof brotherhood of man can come to pass upon our world. Just as we are learning, sometimes slowly, so too are our friends, families, and strangers. Let us strive to be tolerant, understanding and strong in our own spiritual resolve. Let us be grateful for all the blessings in our own lives; let us pray constantly and passionately for those who are suffering throughout our world. You may wish to use the following prayer to help, protect and strengthen your children and the children of the world – our future:

Prayer for Your Children May the power of God’s Infinite Love Surround and enfold our children

Happiness: Be Generous of Spirit The spirit of generosity—what a gift to give to others and to yourself! Imagine adding this spirit to your heart, and the positive impact you’d have on others. Imagine the goodwill you’d create by being determined to leave no encounter without some small act of generosity, and how happy and fulfilled you’d feel expressing this throughout your day. Being generous of spirit will go a long way toward experiencing the happiness you so richly deserve. Be aware of the opportunities that exist with the people in your life and find ways to express generosity. You can make a profound difference within your little corner of the world. Start with your immediate family, then expand to your friends and colleagues, and go from there to the chance encounters you have with people during your everyday life. You can and will impact them by acting with this spirit of generosity. Russell Grieger, Ph.D. Source:

To keep them warm in winter And safe in the depth of night. May we resolve to help our children


And all the children of the world To grow as strong and true citizens


Imbued with wisdom, love and light.

Tuesday, December 18 – 1:00-2:00 PM at with host, Chrissie Blaze and guest, Alyson Lawrence

May they be nourished with plenty Food, water and spiritual light Sustained with good and justice Foundations for the family of man. Extract from Deeper Into Love, Chrissie Blaze. Mill City Press, 2010. Chrissie Blaze Chrissie Blaze is the author of twelve books; a priest in The Aetherius Society and Spiritual teacher. She is c0-host of Aetherius Radio Live, and is a direct disciple of Spiritual Master and Founder of The Aetherius Society, Dr. George King. Websites: www. and

Topic: The True Spirit of Christmas CHRISTMAS SERVICE & SOCIAL 11:00–12 Noon You’re warmly welcome to attend our Christmas Service and celebrate with us afterwards with a social and light refreshments

Please visit for details of Events and Services

December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

P a g e 21

Claiming Your Sacred Sexual Shamanic Self by Leslie Blackburn, MS, RCST®

Here we go!! Are you ready?! Are you ready to claim your erotic power as a transformational tool to align your passion with your work in the world? Are you done playing small? Would you love to grow and be supported in a community that shares your passion for sexuality, leadership and inspiring others? Are you ready to look deeply within? Are you ready to co-create a culture of love and respect among all beings - honoring and learning from our bodies, ourselves, each other, nature and the planet? “Claiming Your Sacred Sexual Shamanic Self”, a 3 month leadership and sexual empowerment program supporting sexuality educators and somatic professionals to feel joy and clarity on their soul purpose so that we create a culture of love and respect for our bodies, ourselves, each other, nature and the planet. Feb 12 - May 21, 2019. Location: Group calls and one-on-one coaching sessions are live online from wherever you are on the planet. Our week together in Retreat will be at the beautiful Ronora Lodge & Retreat Center in western Michigan (100 miles east of Chicago & 200 miles west of Detroit) Details at: If you are interested, fill out the interest chat form so we can have a conversation about whether this is the right thing at the right time for you! Thank you! Namaste, Leslie Blackburn | 313-269-6719

Connecting as One By Miche Lame’

You know how we keep hearing, We are all One. What if we really knew and integrated this knowing? The world would be a different place. Be willing and open to know and experience the person next to you as an aspect of you. Close your eyes, open your heart and feel the connection you have with each other. Together, we are all part of Source, drops of one consciousness. Just feel your heart connect with love... a web of connecting love. In almost every spiritual culture, there is a focus on the idea that we are all One, all connected. So, taking this deeper... if we are all connected... then what we give to someone else with generosity and compassion, we literally give to ourselves. Let me say that again. As we are all connected, when we give through the energy of generosity and compassion, we give to ourselves. We have all experienced the joy of freely giving a gift and the deep feelings of connection, love, and gratitude that we experience when we give without expectations. Yes, that gratitude and opening when we give to someone else. Generosity, compassion, and connectedness go hand-in-hand with each other. They all come from the same emotion - love, which is of the Divine. You are already Divine. So allow yourself to feel the connection and generosity - the compassion that goes with being Divine. We are created in the image and likeness of our Creator and we can connect with those feelings, that center of our being, any time we allow ourselves to do so. We choose not to only when we allow the ego’s past perceptions of hurt to interfere and block those feelings. The ego is very good at pushing negative perceptions on us and lowering our connection with our true self that is Divine. In disconnecting with our Divine selves, we also disconnect with our knowledge of our connectedness with our self and others. We disconnect from the knowingness to be generous

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December 2018

and compassionate to ourselves and therefore, others. Often, people will get stuck in wearing, like a jacket, the external roles of compassion and generosity which are not rooted in the core of love. It’s like living in a script, a story. This can even look like codependence, a survival skill of the ego, developed when young with the idea of pleasing others to earn love. The reverse can also be true; an extreme might be to be so defensive as to be narcissistic. And there can be everything in between. They are all just shadowy survival skills we learn from our early environment and where love is a distant memory.

Using Crystals for Protection By Jennifer VanderWal

There is a lot more activity going on in our environment from souls that don’t have physical bodies. All life is comprised of atoms and molecules vibrating at various speeds; when a frequency or vibration is very slow, it’s what gives matter the appearance of being solid. Everything has a consciousness and soul. New technology can show more on film than what we are aware. Common names are spirits, ghosts, angels, orbs, entities, lost souls or loved ones. Their intentions are good, more often wanting to feel our frequency or use our body to have experiences. Even though most have good intentions, we should still keep our auras strong to prevent them from attaching to us and draining our energy.

Be courageous, take the barriers down, connect with your true, loving self. Integrate this connection and allow yourself to be open and accepting of the connection with others. Be generous and compassionate from a foundation of love rather than ego and “should”. Allow yourself to feel the true power of love, compassion, and generosity and you will choose to continue to do so. Be generous with your compassionate and loving nature, feeling and knowing that we are all connected. That is our true nature, what our Creator intended. This is part of accepting yourself as a Divine being.

There’s a variety of crystals that can be used for protection. Black tourmaline is great; it’s so protective that it protects against black magic, also absorbing lower vibrational energies. You can place four pieces of black tourmaline, one in each corner of your home or office for protection. Labradorite’s beautiful -- it radiates and projects the colors creating a strong aura of rainbow protection around the wearer.

I am honored to be a guide in assisting you in finding your true self - the self that is connected, compassionate and generous from a foundation of Divine love. Discover who you really are and find your Divine, loving nature within! Connecting as One

Hematite and Smokey quartz both ground lower vibrational energies. Hematite’s white light fills and strengthens our aura. Smokey quartz strengthens, protects and grounds all lower vibrational energies to the earth. Smokey quartz clusters placed at work or home can have the same effect.

By Miche Lame’ Miche Lame has been compassionately guiding people for over 25 years. Through Spiritual Living and Healing Miche utilizes Intuitive and Universal Principals to guide you in healing your emotional, mental, physical, & spiritual state.

Citrines are another great crystal; it transmutes all energies to gold light. Placing a cluster of citrine in a room or at work also brings about cheery dispositions. Quartz crystals have been used since before Lemuria for healing and protection by strengthening and filling our auras with white light, by wearing it. They can also be programmed which strengthens and amplifies your intentions. There is a combination of two stones when used in conjunction that gives the best protection -- chlorite in quartz and amethyst. This combination can be worn or placed in a specific area of your home. I keep mine by my bed. All of the obsidians are great protectors as well, my favorite being rainbow. They are very protective but still allow some energies through grounding everything else. You can place one piece under your bed or wear it.

To program a crystal for protection, you need just one. Hold the crystal at your heart chakra and imagine the stone emitting a brilliant white light in the shape of a bubble. Now see yourself safely inside the impenetrable bubble and all lower vibrational energies bouncing off of it and going away. Hold this visualization for 15 minutes and you’re done. Keep the crystal in aura to keep you protected. Have fun! Jennifer Jennifer VanderWal, a Melody Crystal Healing Instructor and Facilitator, is a master of the Usui Tibetan Karuna Seiryoko system of Reiki. She offers readings, mediumship, spiritual counseling, EFT, teaches crystal healing classes and offers crystal healing techniques at Bodyworks Healing Center, Journey to Health Chakra & Crystal Treasures & More.

December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

P a g e 23

Someday is Now

join us!

By Susan deCaussin

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December can be a very powerful month for reflection, growth and trans-formative change. It’s a time when we gather with family and friends, look back on the past year, and begin to set our intentions for the months to come. If you use this time to elevate your state of consciousness and form a deeper connection to your Higher Self, you can begin to lay the groundwork for immensely gratifying changes to occur. We all possess the power to create the lives we desire if only we would stop looking outside of ourselves for the answers. It’s much easier to blame the circumstances around us as the driving force in our lives. If you believe that your happiness is dependent upon influences outside of you, it’s only because you’ve decided – whether consciously or not – to surrender your energy to those sources. It’s time to stop believing that you are powerless to affect change in your life! I’ve been drawn to do many things in my life, such as a long-time desire to author a book. But, somehow I’ve always placed everything else at a higher priority. It’s amazing how easy it is to find reasons that support our need to delay taking action. We always feel that when the time is right, some significant sign will shake us from our slumber and provide the motivation to move us forward. We keep chugging along, saying that “someday” we want to do this or that, never realizing that the power to do whatever we desire exists within us. Well, I’ve decided not to wait around for the “right moment” any longer. Instead, I’m moving forward, without knowing exactly how it will all fall into place. By making a commitment to myself and taking the first step, I know that the energy will build and the power of intention will propel me through the process. I can’t say precisely what it was that changed within me, but I felt a shift take place. About a week ago I started setting an early alarm so that I could commit to a morning meditation practice. After each session, I move to the computer and begin to write. At first, I assumed that by extending the length of my day, fatigue would set in, but something amazing happened instead. My energy level has actually accelerated! I’m quickly learning that by pursuing my passions, I’m able to tap into the energy that I never knew existed. You see, there is no reason to wait for the perfect time or the perfect circumstances. You must, however, do your part in the process of manifestation by always continuing to move forward. Sometimes it can feel like stepping out over open


w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2018

water, as you move into the uncertainty of how it will all come together. However, once you make a commitment and begin to build energy in the direction of your goals, momentum will grow and you’ll be on your way! So, as you look back at the year 2018, and set your sights on the next chapter in your life, realize that you hold the key to making amazing changes happen. Confidently commit yourself to take action, without having to know all of the “hows” in advance. Feel empowered, being ever so grateful, as you begin to manifest the life of your dreams by taking the first step TODAY. If you’re feeling stuck and desire to make changes in your life, Hypnotherapy and Spiritual Guidance can help you move forward. I offer free consultations by phone or in person. Happy Holidays! Namaste’, Susan Susan deCaussin CHt, Healing Methods LLC. Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master/Teacher, Spiritual Counselor, Psychic/Medium. 248759-6486 www.

Pauline ♥ Tarot Cards ♥ Mediumship ♥ Spirit Channeling ♥ Clairvoyant ♥ Clairaudient

Readings by appointment

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How To Get Through The Holidays and Stay Happy By Pauline Dettloff

There are so many words to describe Happiness, there’s Gratitude, Love, Joy, Delight, Enjoyment, Good Fortune, WellBeing and there’s another side! How do we stay happy when some of us have experienced loss in relationship to the holidays? With family and friends, this is a huge dilemma. I have found that life can be beautiful if you stay in the mindset of happiness. Many have experienced the loss of loved ones during the holiday season and this may prove difficult to stay positive and happy. Here at Michigan Psychic Fair we Psychics can help you start the New year out right helping you change your life into a New Year for a New You. One of the ways we can change our lives to become more positive and loving is to talk to a psychic to see if we are on the right path, there is no wrong path, although sometimes we pick too quickly and then may regret that; but if you talk to a psychic they can help you make your decision more positive in a direction with more loving and caring. We can’t change yesterday, but what we can do is mentally erase all our hurts from the past, moment by moment and try and find something that would make us happy. Sometimes it’s a learned energy, an energy you can see it in your mind’s eye, you can feel, you could touch. In meditation, if we sit quietly and try to feel what happiness is Picture past experiences, feel the emotion repeatedly till you get it to the point that you can put a smile on your face and it just won’t stop.

December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

I am a love attraction person. I believe like attracts like. Getting through the holidays can be very difficult or can give one the happiest time of your life, it all depends on your perspective, please come and see us at Michigan Psychic Fair we have dates and times on our website

Pauline Dettloff With over thirty years as a psychic medium, Pauline offers insight on love, career, finances, family, the future and soul purpose. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, mediumship and tarot are all be used in a reading. She offers advice in making changes in your life, with direct information from your angels and spiritual guides that will empower and transform you. Book your reading at 586 939-4230 and visit www.

MICHIGAN PSYCHIC FAIR Michigan’s best psychics!


Novi - December 2nd

Holiday Inn - 39675 12 Mile Rd. (12 Mile & Haggerty)

Chesterfield - December 9th

Hampton Inn 45725 Marketplace Blvd. (Gratiot & M-59) Farmington Hill - December 16th Comfort Inn -30715 W. Twelve Mile Rd (12 Mile & Orchard Lake Rd) NEW EVENT December 29th Warren/Sterling Hgts Elks Lodge #2292, 25950 Schoenherr ( at Frazho)

Hope to see you there! Questions? Pauline 586-939-4230

P a g e 25

Clairvoyance – The Gift of Psychic Sight

dispute is that remote viewing is still being used in some form of our military programs as well as within many other countries.

By Nancy Lynn

The poet Jonathan Swift said, “Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” I believe that he was onto something here. This month we are taking a look (no pun intended) into Clairvoyance, the act of ‘clear seeing’. This telepathic gift allows us to see the spirit world, objects, locations, and many other things through extrasensory ability, not through the conventional means of seeing with our eyes. It is thought that this inner vision is directly or indirectly linked to the Pineal gland located at the base of the brain. Clairvoyance can come as a slight tingling sensation or an awareness of the third eye chakra being active. It can also come in vivid dreams that foreshadow what is to come. When seeing clairvoyant visions, it will be typically accompanied by a clairsentient feeling and clairaudient hearing. Clairvoyance has also gone hand-in-hand with other psychic gifts, including clairolfaction (smelling), clairgustance (tasting), and clairtangency (touching/psychometry). Going back to the Victorian era, there are documented demonstrations of clairvoyance. This age seemed to be fascinated with the supernatural, as spirit communication became a marvel. A number of Christian saints were said to be able to have the gift of clairvoyance, as they were able to see things and visions outside of their immediate sensory perception. It is probably the most well known of the Clairs as many have familiarized themselves with this term through popular TV shows, such as, Alison Dubois in “Medium” or Melinda Gordon in “Ghost Whisperer”. Though these TV shows may not be totally accurate in their depiction of the afterlife, they have served to open our minds to the gift of clairvoyance. This article would not be complete without briefly touching on the modern technique of clairvoyance known as, remote viewing, a scientifically structured approach to ‘seeing’ people, objects or locations over a long distance. This process was intended to have an individual who had the gift of Clairvoyance focus in on a certain target and relay all the information they could pick up about the location to their superiors. When it began and how much it is used seems to be disputed in many different areas. The only thing that does not seem to be in


As stated by Anthon St. Maarten, “Clairvoyant psychics and mediums have the ability to see mental images or perceive paranormal visions that are beyond the normal human senses. Simply stated, clairvoyants are able to ‘see’ beyond the normal range of

physical eyesight”.

For me, I perceive spirit as a hologram, usually seeing the person, animal or object as a 3-dimensional image. This then yields the question, What do I do with what I am receiving? As I touched on before, one or more of the other Clairs will accompany the image to provide clarification on what the meaning is. Information that is relevant to the client’s current lifetime will be stationary images, while a glimpse of their past life will come through as a clip from a movie. Every medium and psychic will have his or her own way of obtaining, seeing or interpreting information from the spirit world. As for your journey, be open to the means by which they (the spirit world) is sending you the answers to your questions. I would like to wish you a happy and fun Holiday season in 2018. I will be seeing (pun absolutely intended) in 2019. Nancy Nancy Lynn is a gifted medium, able to speak with spiritual guides and those who have crossed over. Her mission is to help people reconnect to their own spiritual insight and to their own unique gifts. Visit www.nancyote. com for information about workshops, spirit fests and future events, or email her at

“True generosity is an offering; given freely and out of pure love. No strings attached. No expectations. Time and love are the most valuable possession you can share.” Suze Orman

w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2018

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December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

P a g e 27

Christmas Story: For the Man Who Hated Christmas

their dad. The tradition has grown and someday will expand even further with our grandchildren standing to take down that special envelope.

By Nancy W. Gavin

Mike’s spirit, like the Christmas spirit will always be with us.

It’s just a small, white envelope stuck among the branches of our Christmas tree. No name, no identification, no inscription. It has peeked through the branches of our tree for the past ten years.

Editor’s Note: This true story was The story inspired The White Envelope Project and Giving101 www.giving101. org/white-envelope-project/

It all began because my husband Mike hated Christmas. Oh, not the true meaning of Christmas, but the commercial aspects of it – overspending and the frantic running around at the last minute to get a tie for Uncle Harry and the dusting powder for Grandma – the gifts given in desperation because you couldn’t think of anything else. Knowing he felt this way, I decided one year to bypass the usual shirts, sweaters, ties and so forth. I reached for something special just for Mike. The inspiration came in an unusual way. Our son Kevin, who was 12 that year, was on the wrestling team at the school he attended. Shortly before Christmas, there was a non-league match against a team sponsored by an inner-city church. These youngsters, dressed in sneakers so ragged that shoestrings seemed to be the only thing holding them together, presented a sharp contrast to our boys in their spiffy blue and gold uniforms and sparkling new wrestling shoes. As the match began, I was alarmed to see that the other team was wrestling without headgear, a kind of light helmet designed to protect a wrestler’s ears. It was a luxury the ragtag team obviously could not afford.

Dec. 3: 1st Monday Healing Night/ Reiki Share with White Light Clearing Dec. 8: 2nd Saturday Psychic Party UNIQUE Psychics, Shopping, Snacks, Door Prizes 1st Hour! Dec. 9 & 16: Sound Healing Concert Rare chakra-tuned crystal bowls & healing instrumental music

That afternoon, I went to a local sporting goods store and bought an assortment of wrestling headgear and shoes, and sent them anonymously to the inner-city church. On Christmas Eve, I placed a small, white envelope on the tree, the note inside telling Mike what I had done, and that this was his gift from me.

Dec. 12: "Ask ALL THAT IS" Channeled Event with Tammy Braswell / Advance tkts ONLY

Mike’s smile was the brightest thing about Christmas that year. And that same bright smile lit up succeeding years. For each Christmas, I followed the tradition – one year sending a group of mentally handicapped youngsters to a hockey game, another year a check to a pair of elderly brothers whose home had burned to the ground the week before Christmas, and on and on.

Dec. 15: How to Spiritually Cleanse Your Home Dec. 16: Ordination into Order of Melchizedek

The white envelope became the highlight of our Christmas. It was always the last thing opened on Christmas morning, and our children – ignoring their new toys – would stand with wide-eyed anticipation as their dad lifted the envelope from the tree to reveal its contents. As the children grew, the toys gave way to more practical presents, but the small, white envelope never lost its allure.

Become a legal minister. Includes lecture & energy transfer! Dec. 17: Group Healing Circle

The story doesn’t end there. You see, we lost Mike last year due to dreaded cancer. When Christmas rolled around, I was still so wrapped in grief that I barely got the tree up. But Christmas Eve found me placing an envelope on the tree. And the next morning, I found it was magically joined by three more. Unbeknownst to the others, each of our three children had for the first time placed a white envelope on the tree for w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

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Dec. 6: Crystal Bowl Concert

Well, we ended up walloping them. We took every weight class. Mike, seated beside me, shook his head sadly, “I wish just one of them could have won,” he said. “They have a lot of potential, but losing like this could take the heart right out of them.” Mike loved kids – all kids. He so enjoyed coaching little league football, baseball and lacrosse. That’s when the idea for his present came.


Dec. 2: "Thoughtforms & Spirit

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December 2018


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P a g e 29

On Santa’s Team

She looked at the coat, the money, and me. “Is this a Christmas present for someone?” she asked kindly. “Yes,” I replied shyly. “It’s ... for Bobbie. He’s in my class, and he doesn’t have a coat.” The nice lady smiled at me. I didn’t get any change, but she put the coat in a bag and wished me a Merry Christmas.

By Carol Laycock

My grandma taught me everything about Christmas. I was just a kid. I remember tearing across town on my bike to visit her on the day my big sister dropped the bomb: “There is no Santa Claus,” jeered my sister. “Even dummies know that!” My grandma was not the gushy kind, never had been. I fled to her that day because I knew she would be straight with me. I knew Grandma always told the truth, and I knew that the truth always went down a whole lot easier when swallowed with one of her world-famous cinnamon buns. Grandma was home, and the buns were still warm. Between bites, I told her everything. She was ready for me. “No Santa Claus!” she snorted. “Ridiculous! Don’t believe it. That rumor has been going around for years, and it makes me mad, plain mad. Now, put on your coat, and let’s go.” “Go? Go where, Grandma?” I asked. I hadn’t even finished my second cinnamon bun. “Where” turned out to be Kerby’s General Store, the one store in town that had a little bit of just about everything. As we walked through its doors, Grandma handed me ten dollars. That was a bundle in those days. “Take this money,” she said, “and buy something for someone who needs it. I’ll wait for you in the car.” Then she turned and walked out of Kerby’s. I was only eight years old. I’d often


gone shopping with my mother, but never had I shopped for anything all by myself. The store seemed big and crowded, full of people scrambling to finish their Christmas shopping. For a few moments I just stood there, confused, clutching that ten-dollar bill, wondering what to buy, and who on earth to buy it for. I thought of everybody I knew: my family, my friends, my neighbors, the kids at school, the people who went to my church. I was just about thought out, when I suddenly thought of Bobbie Decker. He was a kid with bad breath and messy hair, and he sat right behind me in Mrs. Pollock’s grade-two class. Bobbie Decker didn’t have a coat. I knew that because he never went out for recess during the winter. His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he had a cough; but all we kids knew that Bobbie Decker didn’t have a cough, and he didn’t have a coat. I fingered the ten-dollar bill with growing excitement. I would buy Bobbie Decker a coat. I settled on a red corduroy one that had a hood to it. It looked real warm, and he would like that. I didn’t see a price tag, but ten dollars ought to buy anything. I put the coat and my ten-dollar bill on the counter and pushed them toward the lady behind it.

That evening, Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas paper and ribbons, and write, “To Bobbie, From Santa Claus” on it ... Grandma said that Santa always insisted on secrecy. Then she drove me over to Bobbie Decker’s house, explaining as we went that I was now and forever officially one of Santa’s helpers. Grandma parked down the street from Bobbie’s house, and she and I crept noiselessly and hid in the bushes by his front walk. Suddenly, Grandma gave me a nudge. “All right, Santa Claus,” she whispered, “get going.” I took a deep breath, dashed for his front door, threw the present down on his step, pounded his doorbell twice and flew back to the safety of the bushes and Grandma. Together we waited breathlessly in the darkness for the front door to open. Finally it did, and there stood Bobbie. He looked down, looked around, picked up his present, took it inside and closed the door. Forty years haven’t dimmed the thrill of those moments spent shivering, beside my grandma, in Bobbie Decker’s bushes. That night, I realized that those awful rumors about Santa Claus were just what Grandma said they were: Ridiculous! Santa was alive and well ... AND WE WERE ON HIS TEAM!

w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2018



Ascended Master Lectures using the teachings from Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet plus weekly Sunday devotional services at The Summit Lighthouse of Detroit. 313-768 5737

Naturopathy Training Open House Herbal Advisory, Herbal Pharmacy/ Supplies, & Massage Therapy Training, welcoming you & questions. 10-3pm. 734-769-7794 www.

Sisterhood of the Rose- Guided Meditation Thursdays 7 pm, West Bloomfield location, Anchoring Divine Feminine Energy to Create Balance and Support Planetary Ascension. or 248- 225-9912 www.InnerPathWisdom. com/Sisterhood-of-the-Rose

Wed - A Course In Miracles: 1-2:30 pm. Weekly study group. 248-288-3550 or

The Healer & Ascension Certification Course – accredited throughout USA. Spiritual healing for body, emotion, mind, spirit, all lifetimes, adults, children, pets, the planet, and ascension work. Eve Wilson. Enrolling for Winter 2018:


Mon - Night mediation with Kimberley, Angelic Reiki Master. Guided mediation to help calm, sooth and put you in touch with Spirit. Different topic weekly. 6:30-8pm $10 at 15373 Farmington Rd., Livonia 734-4692091 See our Facebook page for updates Mon - Yoga with Jayne: Mondays at 7pm. Weekly Beginning Yoga Class. (1st Mondays are Reiki infused.) Walk-ins welcome. Love Offering. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI www.unityoflivonia. org Mon – “Drop-in Healing Night” First Monday 7–9 pm. Practitioners and clients can drop in to practice/receive energy work. Donation. 3820 Packard #280, Ann Arbor, free parking. 734-358-0218.


Cleansing/Healing Meditation! 3rd Tuesday monthly. 11am-12:30pm. Donation $8.00. Billie Tobin, West Bloomfield. RSVP required 248-789-1980 Tue - A Course In Miracles: Introductory 12 week classes. Unity of Livonia (5 Mile Rd. just E.of Middlebelt) 7-9pm. For more information, Call Chuck 734-756-6507 Tue - Open Mindfulness Meditation: 6-7pm. Calm your mind, find your center and experience peace within. Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, gain clarity, sleep better, enjoy life.. $15/session. 734-416-5200 Tue - Unity Basics Class: 7pm. 5-Week Tuesday night course. Instructor: April Ellenburg, LUT. Love Offering. 248-288-3550 or

Wed - Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Clients enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. 248-7885808 Healing_Touch/Welcome.html Wed - Meditation & Mindful Musings 7-8 PM Deep meditation, spiritual discussion and self-discovery. Rev. Eileen Patra and special guest speakers facilitate this weekly. Love Offering. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia Wed - Midweek Mediation: 7-8 pm. Weekly meditation service designed to reset your week. We begin with a brief teaching followed by guided meditation and concluding with prayer requests. 248-288-3550 or


Thu - Self Acceptance Workshop! Be ignited into greater joy, learn life changing tools. 3rd Thur monthly from 7-9pm www. Sisterhood of the Rose- Guided Meditation Thursdays 7 pm, West Bloomfield location, Anchoring Divine Feminine Energy to Create Balance and Support Planetary Ascension. or 248- 225-9912 www.InnerPathWisdom. com/Sisterhood-of-the-Rose Thu - A Course In Miracles: Introductory 12 week classes. Unity of Livonia (5 Mile Rd. just E.of Middlebelt) 7-9pm. for info call Chuck 734-756-6507 Thu - Attitudinal Healing: 7-8:30 pm. Join us each Thursday night and transform your life by learning to choose peace and love over conflict and fear in all situations. Love offering. 248-288-3550 Thu - Guided Meditation 7pm $10 See more classes on Facebook/ Mama Tracys Inc.734-626-5436 Thu - Meditation Class 1st & 3rd Thursday 7–8pm. Short lesson & meditation, followed by discussion led by Lori Barresi. Drop in, suggested donation $10. 3820 Packard #280, Ann Arbor, free parking. 734-3580218.

December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

Thu - Thursday Night Thrive: 7-8:30 pm. We come together for sacred conversation, mutual support, fun and friendship. A lot like a small group but so much more! Love offering. 248-288-3550 or


Fri - Award Winning - Best Healing Blogs in the World - The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension


Sat - Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. Call: 248-788-5808


Sun - Join us in our Services to find inner peace and bring peace to our world. Pray, visualize and chant sacred mantra; learn about Cosmic wisdom. 11:00am. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell., Royal Oak (248) 588-0290. Sun - Sound Healing Concert, 7–9pm. Rare, therapeutic chakra-tuned crystal bowls played with recorded soundscape music while Reiki is sent to the audience. $20 at the door. 3820 Packard #280, Ann Arbor, free parking. 734-358-0218. www. Sun - Sunday Celebration Service: 10-11 am. Weekly Sunday worship service. 248288-3550 or Sun - Sunday Meditation! Susan deCaussin, BMS Staff Writer, leads meditation each week at Renaissance Unity Church in Warren at 9:30am. An inspired message is given followed by silent reflection. More info: Sun - Yoga Nidra Meditation 4-5pm $10. See more classes on Facebook/ Mama Tracys Inc.734-626-5436


11/30 Josh White Jr. Benefit Concert! 8pm. Folk/blues, pop, jazz vocalist, guitarist, song writer, actor, and recording artist will perform his “White Christmas” concert at Unity of Livonia on Friday, November 30, 2018 at 8:00 PM. Donation $20. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 12/01 Powerful, Positive Prayer 2: 12-5 pm. 20-day workshop that defines prayer as introduced by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore. This course is required for those individuals wishing to become prayer partners. Instructors: Sharon Lewis & Mary Wackrow Instructors. Love Offering. 248-288-3550 or

P a g e 31





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Celebrating a World Awakened to Love Sunday Service & Youth Ministry 10:00 am Wed Meditation & Mindful Musings 7:00 pm * 734-421-1760 28660 Five Mile Rd., Livonia, Ml 48154



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w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2018

12/01 Women Of Spirit: 10 am - 12 pm. Safe and sacred space open to all women, this monthly breakfast potluck often has a speaker and is a wonderful space for spiritual friendship and growth. Join us this month for our Christmas Party. 248-2883550 or 12/02 Michigan Psychic Fair at Novi Holiday Inn 9675 Twelve Mile Rd. (12 Mile, W of Haggerty) Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at Questions? Pauline 586-939-4230 12/02 Peace on Earth Holiday Meditation and Ascension Breathing: 10:30-12pm. One of the greatest gifts is peace. Open your heart, feel the gratitude. Connect to God. Break from the hustle and bustle of the season and join us in peace, joy and the love of the season. $35. 734-416-5200 12/02 Wellness Group: 12-1:30 pm. Committing to a year of self-love. We meet monthly to support each other and share tips for a healthy 2018. All are welcome. 248-288-3550 or 12/04 Mindfulness Meditation: 6-7pm. Calm your mind, find your center and experience peace within. Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, gain clarity, sleep better, enjoy life. Note: Participants will have the option of stretching or leaving after 30 minutes. $15/session or 6 for $60. 734-416-5200 12/04 URO’s Annual Christmas Caroling Event: 6-9pm. Join us for as we put on our Santa hats and head out into the community to spread some Holiday Cheer. We meet in Fellowship Hall and caravan to Royal Oak Manor Senior Co-op Apartments to sing holiday songs with the residents. Call for more info. 248-288-3550 12/05 Sound Healing Meditation7pm. Join Lisa Harthun for a Reiki infused guided sound healing meditation along with shamanic healing elements including use of crystal singing bowl. Love Offering basis. Unity of Livonia, 28660 5 Mile Rd, Livonia 12/06 God Will See You Through: 7-9pm Thursdays, This course offers positive solutions and words of comfort to help deal with life’s challenges. The five week class (through 12/20) will focus on understanding grief and loss and how faith and prayer can assist in moving toward acceptance. using the Five Unity Principles. Instructor: Mary Wackrow Love offering. 248-288-3550 or 12/07 Jewish Renewal Kabbalat Shabbat with Song & Spirit: 7-8:30 pm. Join Hazzan Steve Klaper and Judy Lewis in song and celebration. Divine grace and mercy are ours -- all we need is to tune in. Music. Prayer. Stories, a Nosh. People of all Faiths Welcome. 248-288-3550 or www.

12/08 Jobs Club Royal Oak: 10 am - 12 pm. Join Luther Taylor each month as he presents inspiring speakers and networking opportunities. 248-288-3550 12/08 Powerful, Positive Prayer 2: 12-5 pm. 2-day workshop that defines prayer as introduced by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore. This course is required for those individuals wishing to become prayer partners. Instructors: Sharon Lewis & Mary Wackrow Instructors. Love Offering. 248-288-3550 or 12/09 Attracting Prosperity: 11am-1pm. The vibrational energy of crystals enhances infinite abundance by transforming poverty consciousness to prosperity consciousness. Learn what crystals will help you attract prosperity. Includes aromatherapy, feng shui and prosperity meditation. $44. 734-416-5200 BodyWorks 12/09 Michigan Psychic Fair at Chesterfield Hampton Inn (Gratiot & M-59) Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at Questions? Pauline 586-939-4230 12/11 Group Singing Bowl Bath 6-7:30pm. Experience sound and vibrations from 21 bowls to promote health, spiritual well-being and prevent illness. Calm you mind, delight the body and uplift your emotions as you bathe in the rich harmonics of the individual voices of these beautiful bowls. $20. 734-416-5200. Bodyworks 12/11 Royal Oak Community Sing: 7-8:30 pm. Community Sings are not performances. They exist so that like-minded people can gather in community and SING! Hosted by singer and radio host, Matt Watroba. Love offering. 248-288-3550 12/12 Introduction to Pal Dan Gum QiGong: 6-8pm. Used for millennia to promote radiant health, the 8 Silken Movements are easy to learn. Experience meditation through movement in a mindful and graceful way. Release stress and reenergize. Try it and believe it. $40. Repeat $20. 734-4165200 12/13 Monthly Ascension Support Class - Potent and refreshing - Create positive change for yourself and our world. Each class designed for your needs. 6 classes, Phone or in person, Eve Wilson - 734-7807635 12/16 Family Christmas Service 10am. An intergeneration celebration of Christmas. Love Offering basis. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Rd, Livonia 12/16 Michigan Psychic Fair at Farmington Hills Comfort Inn (Orchard Lake Rd. & I-696) Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at Questions? Pauline 586-939-4230

December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

12/16 Temple Community Gathering. Connect and discuss openly, sexuality, consciousness, spirituality, tantra and more! (Sun 5pm-7pm) Free. Email to pre-register:, Details at: 12/19 Holiday Memorial Service 7pm. Special service to remember those who are no longer with us in the earthly realm. Love Offering basis. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia 12/20 Open Mindfulness Meditation: 6-7pm. Calm your mind, find your center and experience peace within. Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, gain clarity, sleep better, enjoy life. Note: Participants will have to of stretching or leaving after 30 minutes. $15/session or 6 for $60. 734416-5200 12/23 Christmas Service 10am. Love Offering basis. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia 12/24 Christmas Eve Candle Light Services: 6 pm & 8 pm. Candle Light worship service with special holiday music. 248288-3550 or 12/24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 5pm. A Metaphysical Journey to the birth of the Christ within. Special music and traditional Christmas songs by Maggie Ferguson. Love Offering basis. 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 12/27 Open Mindfulness Meditation: 6-7pm. Calm your mind, find your center and experience peace within. Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, gain clarity, sleep better, enjoy life. Note: Participants will have the option of stretching or leaving after 30 minutes. $15/session or 6 for $60. 734-416-5200 BodyWorks 12/29 Michigan Psychic Fair at Warren/ Sterling Hgts., Elks Lodge #2292, 25950 Schoenherr (at Schoenherr & Frazho) Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at Questions? Pauline 586-939-4230 12/30 New Year’s Burning Bowl Service 10am. Start your New Year with a powerful, symbolic Sunday Service of releasing the limitations, boundaries and misfortunes of the past and entering freshly into the newness. Love Offering basis. 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 12/31 New Year With Metta Meditation 12-1:30pm Join our annual New Year’s Eve Day Meditation, leaving the old year behind and welcoming the new year, both with Metta (Loving kindness).The session will consist of mindfulness meditation with Tibetan Singing Bowl accompaniment, followed by Metta Meditation focusing on Love and Kindness within. $20. 734-4165200

P a g e 33

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Hands on Healing Healing at a Distance Send Reiki to Heal Situations Reiki Exchange Group

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Holistic Harmony, 9191 Dixie Highway, Clarkston, MI 48348 Book Today at (248) 625-1405  HEALING  regenerate... Slow down, relax, unwind and Get •to your Offering: Chakra Balancing EFTknow • Foot Baths • ColorSymbolic Light Therapy • Reflexology • Hypnotherapy • Energy Healing • Yoga • “Body & Mind” Story Hypnotherapy • Readings • Meditation • Sound Healing • Angel Harp Healings • Support Groups Chronic • Wellnessdis-ease, Consultations • Retreats allergies, and

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Sherry Gazdag, Spiritual Life Coach 734 756-6773 | 34

w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2018

S as In M

H C Te R


50 M



12/31 NYE Burning Bowl Service: 6 pm. Release the old year and welcome in the new with this sacred evening celebration in the Unity tradition of affirmative prayer and meditation. 248-288-3550

Tis The Season

01/07 Conscious Creating in the New Year! 9:30-11am, $30. Open to a new level of awareness. Experience life with new enthusiasm and curiosity. Tap into your higher knowing to access your path in the New Year! 734-416-5200 BodyWorks

One of the many Christmas songs I like is “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” The verse that stands out the most for me has the lyrics:

01/09 Experience the Self: An Inner Journey. Take an in-depth look at the essence of Self. Experience the radiant, peaceful presence, within. Includes Present Moment Meditation™. Senior discount. 6:30-8:30p. Schoolcraft College, Con’t. Ed., Livonia. 734-462-4448 01/16 A Peaceful Mind is a Precious Gift. With a few easy tools and Present Moment Meditation™, quiet the restless activity of the mind. Enjoy peace and happiness. Senior discount. 6:30-8:30p. Schoolcraft College, Con’t. Ed, Livonia. 734-462-4448 01/20 Loving Yourself and Others! Presented by Jennifer Vanderwal. Learn the importance and benefits of self-love and how crystals enhance self-reflection and inner knowing. Experience the bliss of a loving crystal array. Guided Meditation. $44. 734-416-5200 BodyWorks 01/20 Temple Community Gathering, Sun 5-7pm. Connect and discuss openly, sexuality, consciousness, spirituality, tantra and more! Free. Email to pre-register:, Details at: 01/9 A Journey of Self-Discovery: Meditation Series. Engaging! Insightful! Learn Present Moment Meditation™ plus tools for daily living. Release stress. Gain new perspectives. 6:30-8:30p. 4-Weds. Senior and series discounts. Schoolcraft College Con’t. Ed., Livonia 734-462-4448 www. 02/09 Energy Clearing, Get ‘unstuck’. 124:30pm. Life Learning Center. www, 02/17 Temple Community Gathering, Sun 5-7pm. Connect and discuss openly, sexuality, consciousness, spirituality, tantra and more! Free. Email to pre-register:, Details at: 02/12 – 05/21 2019 Claiming Your Sacred Sexual Shamanic Self! A 3 month leadership & sexual empowerment program: Listening to Your Body as a Spiritual Sexual Compass for Guidance for your life, your play and your offerings in the world! www.

By Carolyn Simon

It’s the hap-happiest season of all, with those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings when friends come to call It’s the hap-happiest season of all Why is this one of my favorites, because it is joyous and uplifting. During this time of the year no matter what disturbing issues may be occurring in the world, this song gives me cause for pause and reflection of the good that is still possible no matter what the appearances suggest. This is the time of the year when many Christian communities will begin to participate in Advent as remembrance and preparation for the coming of the Messiah with a celebration commemorating the birth of Jesus. For a little background history of what had been transpiring during the era before Jesus’ birth and why his birth was so meaningful: the Hebrew people had suffered much and were looking for the Savior that had been promised or as some today would say, prophesied by Isaiah. They believed this person would be able to revolt against their persecutor and free them from their continued oppression. They were looking for that person to demonstrate his power in the manner in which they were accustomedthrough warfare, fighting, battle, and confrontation. So, when the news of Jesus’ birth was heard, and it was said this child was indeed the deliverer that had been foretold, it was a joyous time for the Hebrew people because they thought they would be freed.

December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

However, Jesus began his ministry with a different type of revolution. He came with a message of love, peace, hope, and joy. His was not one of viciousness and violent overthrow, as was anticipated. His message was an inner message. A message that freedom did not come with physical force, but it comes from the power of the Wholly (all of the attributes that God possesses: love, peace, kindness, compassion, gentleness, patience) Holy (the sacredness of this presence) Spirit, residing within you, me, and all people. This message frees us from being dependent on any individual or entity outside of ourselves to be our Savior or control our lives. This inner message frees us from intimidation, feelings of unworthiness, feelings of despair or anything that is unlike the goodness of Spirit. This message gives us strength, as well as endurance. When applied to our daily living, this message is one of empowerment and will bring us into a joyous state of being. Tis the season. Tis the season to bring joy to someone, tis the season to show compassion for those who may be dealing with heartbreak, loss, loneliness, and despair; tis the season to show generosity by sharing with those who are less fortunate and in need of the basic necessities of life, tis the season to remember the importance of connecting and staying connected with this all-knowing wholly, holy presence, Spirit, to lead, guide, and direct your life during the remainder of the year and beyond. Tis the Season! Happy Holidays and Many Blessings, Carolyn is the founder of InnerEssence Counseling and Clinical Hypnotherapy, Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Ordained Unity Minister, Retired Dental Hygienist, and Retired Teacher. 248-827-5583 website:www.

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Dr. Marjorie Farnsworth, Clinical Hypnotherapist Tel 734-347-8180 - Ann Arbor Area 


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Take back your power - Heal your soul: Offering intuitive Reiki healing Anxiety, Chronic sessions, issues (pain, illness, reiki classes and depression, misfortune, fatigue), therapeutic massage. Scattered Thinking, Lack of Life Specialized in spiritual growth, Purpose, and Paranormal problems chakra balancing and pain relief Call Farnsworth at2, 734-347-8180 906Dr. S Main St., Ste Plymouth - 734-772-2491 or visit 


Take Back Your Power & Take Back Your Power Reach Your Dreams & Reach Your Dreams TREATMENT FOR: ● Weight Loss ● Smoking ● Phobias ●

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achieveDr.results in as little as 3-5 sessions Marjorie Farnsworth, Clinical Hypnotherapist Tel 734-347-8180 - Ann Arbor Area TREATMENT FOR: ● Anxiety ● Low Self-Esteem ● Weight

Loss ● Quiting Smoking ● Phobias ● Panic HEALING SHAMANIC Pain Attacks● Performance Anxiety ● Management ● Past Life Regression Native American Shamanic Healing Take back your - HealFarnsworth, your soul: MBA, MHt, Dr.power Marjorie Anxiety, Chronic (pain, illness, PhD, issues Clinical Hypnotherapist offers personalized, relaxing, drug-free, depression, misfortune, fatigue), and cost-effective Scattered Thinking, Lack of Life therapy. Purpose, and Paranormal problems Spirit Assist Hypnotherapy LLC Call Dr. Farnsworth at 734-347-8180 Tel 734-347-8180 - Ann Arbor or visit 36

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Wow, you did great work! I'll give you a call Artist tomorrow. Can you ad Energy nervous tics to the ~ Private Energy Art hypnotherapy? that's another things ISession treat. ~ Obtain a specially channeled work of Should we add any info foryour thedistinct Enlightened art, that holds energy and provides clarity, designed support Soul Center? We're starting up the to next set your authentic life purpose. of shamanic healing classes, probably in ~Intuitive Abstract Art Classes~ August. We're also planning to try offering Gather your tribe and book today! shamanic healing clinics--so the public can try it and so that my students can practice. 248.765.1832 PSYCHIC READER 

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Health, Wellness, Wealth, Relationships, Career


w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

Take Back Your Power &


December 2018




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December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

P a g e 37

True joy, true path, true you By Todd Stockwell

Hello my friends, Hope everyone is loving and enjoying the exercises and awakening we’ve been doing and especially the amazing growth that comes with them. I’m running into more and more of you letting me know how valuable these exercises are for you and I am honored to be able to help you all on your paths. It’s very exciting to hear your growth so please make sure to share your experience with me and others. Happy holidays and highest joy to all! This month we will focus on aligning with our true paths. We can continue with similar process that we have with a new focus. We will work inward so focus inward like we have in earlier exercises on the flame at the base of our heart chakras. As we did in those exercises, let’s begin with expanding that flame outward until it fills the room. Lean forward slightly with your head, place your tongue to the roof of your mouth and take three deep breathes. State with conviction to the universe that you accept your true path. Focus on the warmth within your heart and expansion. now focus on the back of the heart chakra opening up and blasting a flame outward and let your system connect. .While focusing on fire start with this chant, Draygoshvahem Now meditate for 11 minute, set a timer. Focus on air and begin again with this chant, Ayaaoovamhoush Now meditate again for 11 minutes. Don’t worry about a perfect pronunciation just feel the sounds of each letter. Focus on water and begin again with this chant, Nuaszhvaynough Now meditate again for 11 minutes. Focus on Earth and begin again with this chant, Bruukyaajhmuan Now meditate again for 11 minutes and focus entirely on your true path. Switch this up every day, one day do them all together, the next day split each part up at different times of the day. Do the


first when you wake in the morning, second midday and third before bedtime. Switch it up as many different ways as you can come up with. Let your self feel the expansion and connection. As always, it is very important to read and share this as much as possible it will help you, your path, your awakening, your enlightenment and your truest service to the Universe. Remember I am here to help support you and your growth so if you have any questions go to: or https:// toddstockwell/. You can also reach me on Facebook, via the website, or by phone call: 734-7409110. I look forward to meeting you and hearing about your progress. Exciting news, I will be doing special group awakening sessions that will be specific for New Paradigm shifts as they are taking place (twice a month at) 6th Sensation, 37632 Ford Rd, Westland, MI so Thurs., Dec., 13th and Thurs., Dec., 27th at 7:30 pm I will also have a booth and will be doing special empowerments and healing sessions this month at: Michigan Psychic Fair Sun., Dec 2nd. in Novi, Sun Dec 9th in Chesterfield, Sun Dec 16th in Farmington Hills, and Sat Dec 29th in Warren, MI. Be sure to check Facebook page for exact locations. Also remember the majority of my work is remote work so you can also contact me by phone and set up work without having to go anywhere. Light, Love, and Service!!! Todd Stockwell Todd is a Master Teacher, Guide, and Healer, connect with him at Genesis Power Systems,,

w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2018

Ayahuasca Ceremony Weekend Trip in 2019

will be one of many scheduled trips that I will be leading into 2019 and beyond. This may be your calling. We will be participating in two ayahuasca journeys; Friday evening and Saturday evening before heading home Sunday afternoon.

Hosted by Liam Helton

Feeling depressed? Lost? Confused? Have you ever been curious about wanting to know more about this life and why you are here? What’s your purpose? Would you like to explore beyond the confines of matter? I believe I can assist you in finding these things out, and more! “ Let’s bypass the mundane conscious mind to explore the richness of that which is beyond the veil of this reality “ In the past one had to fly to Peru and head into the jungle to take part in these potential life-changing ceremonies. Not any longer! I am happy to announce that I will be taking a group of those who are beginning to wake up and ask deep intriguing questions. The good news is we do not have to fly, but drive, only 6 1/2 hours to Berea, Kentucky. I have already been there and found this place not only to be credible— but knowledgeable, respectful and clean. I am looking forward to going back. This

Higher Self Anchoring This healing process “anchors” your Higher Self directly and permanently into your ♥ heart center. Creating a connection that gives you immediate access to bring through clear information and guidance. Find your highest purpose, begin to heal & transform your life in endless ways. Start seeing from a Higher Perspective now! Call Todd Today 734.740.9110 HALF OFF this month with this ad

Todd Stockwell Master Multi-Dimensional Teacher, Healer, and Trainer

The gentleman that will be there for guidance and to navigate our group, as well as myself, is Demian Gover. To say we are in good hands is an understatement. Demian is a “ medicine man “ ordained by Oklevueha Native American Church and an ordained minister of the International Metaphysical Ministry, and is the chief minister of ONAC of the Peaceful Mountain Way; established in September of 2015 with over five hundred people as participants in their ceremonies thus far. To find out more about Oklevueha Native American Church please visit Here you can also join and become a member. Which is necessary to receive your membership card before taking part in their ceremony. On their site, they offer a plethora of information that is helpful. Please explore to know more. If interested email me at or call me at 313-207-4483 I’ll break down the price as well as answer any question you may have. We will be going together in a van that will lead to many great conversations on our trip to & fro. This will be a very informative trip that will keep you wanting to know more. I’ve been researching everything metaphysical for over a decade. We will leave on a Friday between 8-9 am and be back Sunday around 7-8pm. I look forward to sharing this awesome weekend with those who want to take part in self-exploration. The price includes lodging for both nights. The two ayahuasca The ride to and from. Organic vegetable soup after both ceremonies. ONLY 8 SPOTS AVAILABLE PER TRIP! Local eateries are available. We will eat super light over the weekend. Always my Best! Liam Helton Liam Helton, Mind/Body/Nutrition Coach, 313-207-4483 please see his ad in the directory section and join him on facebook at

December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

P a g e 39

Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover By Jim Hullihan Some people are just doomed to be failures. That’s the way some adults look at troubled kids. Maybe you’ve heard the saying, “A bird with a broken wing will never fly as high.” I’m sure that T. J. Ware was made to feel this way almost every day in school. By high school, T. J. was the most celebrated troublemaker in his town. Teachers literally cringed when they saw his name posted on their classroom lists for the next semester. He wasn’t very talkative, didn’t answer questions and got into lots of fights. He had flunked almost every class by the time he entered his senior year, yet was being passed on each year to a higher grade level. Teachers didn’t want to have him again the following year. T. J. was moving on, but definitely not moving up. I met T. J. for the first time at a weekend leadership retreat. All the students at school had been invited to sign up for ACE training, a program designed to have students become more involved in their communities. T. J. was one of 405 students who signed up. When I showed up to lead their first retreat, the community leaders gave me this overview of the attending students: “We have a total spectrum represented today, from the student body president to T. J. Ware, the boy with the longest arrest record in the history of town.” Somehow, I knew that I wasn’t the first to hear about T. J.’s darker side as the first words of introduction. At the start of the retreat, T. J. was literally standing outside the circle of students, against the back wall, with that “go ahead, impress me” look on his face. He didn’t readily join the discussion groups, didn’t seem to have much to say. But slowly, the interactive games drew him in. The ice really melted when the groups started building a list of positive and negative things that had occurred at school that year. T. J. had some definite thoughts on those situations. The other students in T. J.’s group welcomed his comments. All of a sudden T. J. felt like a part of the group, and before long he was being treated like a leader. He was saying things that made a lot of sense, and everyone was listening. T. J. was a smart guy, and he had some great ideas.

instruction from T. J. Ware. When T. J. showed up at school on Monday morning, he arrived to a firestorm. A group of teachers were protesting to the school principal about his being elected co-chairman. The very first communitywide service project was to be a giant food drive, organized by the Homeless Project team. These teachers couldn’t believe that the principal would allow this crucial beginning to a prestigious, three-year action plan to stay in the incapable hands of T. J. Ware. They reminded the principal, “He has an arrest record as long as your arm. He’ll probably steal half the food.” Mr. Coggshall reminded them that the purpose of the ACE program was to uncover any positive passion that a student had and reinforce its practice until true change can take place. The teachers left the meeting shaking their heads in disgust, firmly convinced that failure was imminent. Two weeks later, T. J. and his friends led a group of 70 students in a drive to collect food. They collected a school record: 2,854 cans of food in just two hours. It was enough to fill the empty shelves in two neighborhood centers, and the food took care of needy families in the area for 75 days. The local newspaper covered the event with a full-page article the next day. That newspaper story was posted on the main bulletin board at school, where everyone could see it. T. J.’s picture was up there for doing something great, for leading a record-setting food drive. Every day he was reminded about what he did. He was being acknowledged as leadership material. T. J. started showing up at school every day and answered questions from teachers for the first time. He led a second project, collecting 300 blankets and 1,000 pairs of shoes for the homeless shelter. The event he started now yields 9,000 cans of food in one day, taking care of 70 percent of the need for food for one year. T. J. reminds us that a bird with a broken wing only needs mending. But once it has healed, it can fly higher than the rest. T. J. got a job. He became productive. He is flying quite nicely these days. Note: This story is taken from the inspiring book series Chicken Soup for the Soul

The next day, T. J. was very active in all the sessions. By the end of the retreat, he had joined the Homeless Project team. He knew something about poverty, hunger and hopelessness. The other students on the team were impressed with his passionate concern and ideas. They elected T. J. co-chairman of the team. The student council president would be taking his


w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2018

Fat is Your Friend By Chef Deborah Lieder

Optional add in’s: cinnamon, peppermint extract, almond extract, chocolate shavings, toasted coconut, toasted almonds Instructions:

We enter a season of hustle and bustle, the cold winter air is settling in and the holidays are in full swing. It is a time when, yes, we can get caught up in all the hubbub, yet the foundation of the season is about generosity, compassion, and connection. All those attributes start within one’s self. If we are generous with ourselves, then we give ourselves love, space, and grace where needed. And when we might not be doing exactly what we ought to, then compassion is called for. We end up learning to listen to what our body, mind, and soul are telling us, which is where we form the connection. Living in this way gives us not only love and acceptance towards ourselves, it also makes giving love to others easier. The weather calls for that extra layer of warmth on our body and a hearty meal is what nourishes our soul. Good, clean, healthy fats provide us that extra layer, the protection that we need during this time of year. Fat creates a cushion around major organs in our body, and fat-soluble vitamins would not be absorbed into our body without it, which gives us that luminescent glow! We need it to build hormones and healthy cells, and it boosts energy and metabolism, leaving us fuller longer. It is the stuff our brain is made of, and acts as a sheath around each nerve fiber, allowing messages to pass through even faster! When we center on healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts and seeds, avocado, and clean dairy, it can be incredibly beneficial for our body. Fatty fish give us our Omega 3’s which help fight anxiety, depression, eye health, brain function and blood and heart-related issues. As we navigate through the holidays with parties and food galore, it’s a good excuse to take a deliciously fatty dish. Both recipes are great for dinner or holiday parties.

Chocolate Avocado Pudding 4 Avocado, soft and ripe 1/4 c. Dairy-Free milk 1/4 c. Cocoa 2 t. Vanilla Pinch of Salt 3 oz. Chocolate, melted 1/4 c. Maple Syrup

Peel and remove pit of the avocado, while placing fruit into the food processor. Add milk, cocoa, vanilla, and salt. Process until smooth. Remove lid and add melted chocolate and maple syrup. Blend again until smooth. Serve and enjoy!

Roasted Vegetable-Cashew Dip

1c. Cashews, raw and soaked 8 hours or overnight 2 ea. Lemons, juiced 2 c. Roasted Vegetables such as broccoli, onion, garlic, carrot, cauliflower, celery, peppers Olive Oil Salt and Pepper Instructions: Preheat oven to 400. In a food processor, place drained cashews and juice of the lemons. Process until smooth. Season with salt. Cover and place in refrigerator until vegetables are ready. Toss vegetables in olive oil, salt, and pepper. Lay on roasting pan and roast vegetables for 25-30 min. Allow cooling. In the food processor, place cashews and roasted vegetables. Blend until chunky. Season with salt and pepper, if needed. Best served with crackers, toast, or on crudités. Chef Deborah Lieder For more information visit her website: or contact Chef Deborah personally at: 248-974-5696 and by email at

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Spiritual Horoscopes By Aluna Michaels, M.A.


agittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) — Happy birthday Sagittarius! Mercury moves direct and shifts into your sign. It’s great for focusing on passions, imagining dreams, setting goals and taking action to make everything a reality! The New Moon helps you be eager, and also to prioritize your first steps. Stay organized; do first things first, and watch results blossom! This can be in work, relationships, or any area. Pay close attention to dreams for guidance. Let meditation open your mind as wide as possible so you’re able to perceive your unlimited divine good!


apricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) — You don’t have to do everything on your own, Capricorn! You are a loved and valuable part of the universe and can ask for help and favors. Meditate on receiving goodness into your life, just because you exist. See love filling your head and joy filling your mind. Visualize financial abundance, good health, harmonious relationships, or inner spiritual peace. This month’s New Moon is a bit bumpy, so be kind and gentle with yourself. Observe how you pick on yourself and just cut yourself some slack!


quarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) — It’s an amazing career month! You can get

Astrology for Your Soul Aluna Michaels, M.A. Esoteric Astrologer “Together we will unveil your Life Plan and Soul’s Purpose.” Over 30 years of counseling experience.

(248) 583-1663


a fulfilling new position or assignment. You can work with a colleague who becomes a true friend. Spiritually, you could achieve a goal you thought was out of reach. Meditations deepen. You’ll overcome an old emotional pattern that interferes with serenity. You’re able “walk your talk” better. You’ll also be an inspiration to others, both at work and in your life in general. Lots of family healing is evident during holiday gatherings!


isces (Feb. 19 – March 20) — Like Aquarian pals, it’s a great career time! Beware of coming on too strong, or even getting anxious about these shifts. Mars makes you confident but can become a “fight or flight” response. Center yourself with meditation, knowing you deserve your abundance and can handle any work challenges with poise. Dealing with family poses similar issues of balance. Even if you know you’re right, decide whether it’s worth a confrontation. Take a breath and see if the person is open for gentle advice. If not, just surround them in love, while maintaining healthy boundaries!


ries (March 21 – April 19) — As emotions intensify in relationships, beware of starting arguments. It’s an unconscious way to create breathing space. Instead, be aware and honest, taking time for quiet reflection. Meditate on feelings of vulnerability and allow them to flow over you like a wave. You’ll feel stronger, more loving and trusting. Remember that with growth there’s risk. With Mercury turning direct, you might want to delve into a spiritual study like yoga, creative manifestation prayer work or a new form of meditation. If you feel bored, push ahead anyway since an inspiring breakthrough is right on the other side!

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aurus (April 20 – May 20) — Healing happens in relationships. Meditate to forgive old hurts so you’re open to new love. Current partnerships also feel renewed because of your release work. Communication will be profound, bonding and inspiring! Connect with a trusted friend about how you might mismanage money when you’re emotionally frustrated. Just being transparent about this hidden issue can cure it. During holidays, you can heal awkward family bonds so things feel “normal” again!


emini (May 21 – June 20) — It’s a month of balancing work and relationships. During such a busy time, be sure to continue self-care. Eat well. Rest. Meditate and breathe! Geminis can get high on activity, then suddenly become overloaded and crash. Be kind to those close to you, since the New Moon can make you snippy. On a positive note, you can get a great new job or project that inspires and excites you. Again, keep breathing! Treat yourself to massage or other bodywork. Yoga will be especially soothing, so try even five minutes a day!


ancer (June 21 – July 22) — It’s a great relationship month! You can start a new loving connection, or heal a current one. Bonds with kids get better, and you’ll have a surprising closeness with extended family. Make sure to curtail your obsessive caretaking for holidays (or ANY day!). The New Moon squaring edgy Mars can make you feel unappreciated. If you feel that way, check if you’re doing too much. People love you for who you are, not for what you do, sweet Cancerian friends! Likewise, love yourself for simply being you!


eo (July 23 – Aug. 22) — This month brings deeper trust and intimacy in your closest relationships. First, however, you’ll need to meditate or reflect on roots of abandonment and rejection fears. When you’re defensive or edgy, pause and see from where your reaction is arising. Imagine your ego melting away as it

December 2018

is compassionately and lovingly held by your heart. Even longstanding childhood issues can heal. Also, money breakthroughs happen as you have conscious awareness about old patterns and triumph over those as well!


irgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) — Venus, the planet of love and harmony, blesses and soothes your mind this month. Practice thoughts of gratitude and compassion. Of course, family dynamics can be triggering, so holiday gatherings will be abundant with “spiritual growth opportunities” that test the level of kindness in your mind! (You normally don’t say you’re critical thoughts aloud!) More importantly, be sweet to yourself. Constant critiques are not “self-improvement”, they are self-attacks! Be self-accepting no matter how justified it feels to pick at your “flaws”. What a great holiday gift to give to wonderful you!


ibra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) — Meditate on your beauty, both inner and outer. You’re very hard on yourself about appearance and body image issues. Practice saying kind things to your body. This can help prevent overeating during the holidays. Don’t abuse yourself in the name of “fun” while thinking January will bring discipline and deprivation. Also dwell on your innate kindness. Feeling self-love helps you forgive others for their “issues”. Also, you can have quite an abundant financial month!



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corpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) — Venus, the planet of love, moves back into your sign after being retrograde! You’ll have renewed confidence in relationships, finances and your creativity. Meditate on what a good friend you are. Do you know how valuable you are to others?! Sometimes, however, when connections deepen, you cause disruption by arguing. Observe yourself if you feel restless or irritated. Take a breath and admit your vulnerability to your loved one. You’ll be amazed at the healing that occurs within yourself and between the two of you!

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luna Michaels, a second-generation astrologer, holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has taught/ consulted for three decades. Her book, “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is on Amazon/Kindle and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call/text: 248-5831663. Visit:

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December 2018

Hello to A sample of love By Karin Sherman I’ve been a writer for most of my life. I wrote corporate speeches, a couple of children’s books, and helped friends here and there with speeches for weddings and celebrations. In May 2014, I decided to share my writing with a broader audience, so I started a blog called “Buddha ******” (rhymes with carbie). It took months to build the site and even longer to create the brand. I was nervous, but knew I needed something different to get noticed amongst the millions in the blogosphere. I posed in a traditional Indian saree dress for professional pictures and spared no detail. The day it launched, I attended a local baseball game for my son. Not one single parent mentioned it to me. Here I was thinking to myself, “OK, maybe nobody got the chance to read it yet.” That is, until … One brave dad walked over to tell me how well my son was playing but that nobody else could focus on the game because they were all too busy talking about my blog. As he’s talking, his wife, who was within earshot, proceeds to punch him in the arm and tell him to “shut the **** up.” Nice … Isn’t it great when your community is so supportive? While I know that the blog picture itself was somewhat “out of the box”, I never could have imagined the chitchat it actually caused. I was always very secure with my writing style and knew it

Think an EF5 tornado, ruby slippers, Dorothy and Toto.

would substantiate the picture in time. And as time went on, it did. But I guess during that particular interim, I never really understood why my own community (otherwise known as judgmental women, many who I know personally) were not as supportive of one of their females working hard to get a writing career started; as they were for me when things were harder in my life. I mean c’mon people, I was dressed in a saree on the grounds at Cranbrook Museum, not staring in some porn called, Karin does Kentucky… I’m thinking it’s because it wasn’t’ a traditional path and people struggle with what they are not familiar with- and that’s ok. I’ve never been one to care what ANYONE thinks of me-ever. I know many laughed and some even mocked my blog initially. But the goal was to gain more readers in the very competitive blog world. And it worked. I mean, it REALLY worked. I’m talking about half a million readers in less than two years. Fact is, I knew exactly what I was doing (although many did not and openly shared their ambivalence and trepidation throughout my community). “Buddha ******” seemed like a perfect name to show that spirituality can come in any form. Think “ying to the yang.” But all of a sudden it was hit by a sonic boom. And I don’t mean a SMALL little boom, I mean a major boom, the type that takes out not just the farm but the village and the neighboring town, too.

December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

This giant (corporate America) storm threatened my blog name, my trademark I had been granted, and challenged everything that I had built from the ground up. I cried a little (OK, a lot) but decided to just suck it up and get a new name, as fast I could, to keep up my readership. Kind of like what people do when they break up or get divorced and marry a new person 15 minutes later. (You get the drift.) I came up with “The Relationship Realist,” which never really felt like a perfect fit, only to by hit by a series of events, one after another, that wound up basically knocking me down to the ground. Think Rocky vs. Clubber Lang. (Rocky III in case you have no idea what I’m referring to.) Besides losing my blog, within a 16-month period I was struck by the shattering deaths of my father and my aunt (both Holocaust survivors), experienced various betrayals within my circle of trust, and recovered slowly from a serious jaw surgery followed by a bone infection. Life seemed as if it couldn’t get any more challenging. And to top it all off … I felt that I had lost my ability to write. I’d like to share a story my father used to tell me. A little boy found a caterpillar. He carefully took it home and asked his mother if he could keep it. The little boy got a large jar and put in plants to eat and a stick to climb. One day the caterpillar climbed up the stick and started acting strangely. The mother explained that it was creating a cocoon and was going to go through a metamorphosis to become a butterfly. P a g e 45

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w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2018

The boy was thrilled and watched every day, patiently waiting. One day a small hole appeared in the cocoon and the butterfly started to struggle to come out. At first the boy was excited, but soon he became concerned. The butterfly was struggling so hard, it seemed it couldn’t break free. The boy decided to get scissors and snip the cocoon to make the hole bigger to help. As the butterfly emerged the boy was surprised. He expected that at any moment its wings would enlarge and expand to support its body. But it never happened. The butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with shriveled wings. It never was able to fly. As the boy tried to understand what went wrong, his mother took him to a scientist at the local college. He learned that the butterfly was SUPPOSED to struggle. In fact, pushing its way through the cocoon’s tiny opening actually pushes the fluid out of its body and into its wings. Without the struggle, the butterfly would never, ever fly. I’ve come to realize that we are all meant to struggle. It’s our struggles and adversity that build character, strengthen our spirit and teach us to fly.

I changed the name of my blog yet again. “A Sample of Love” is in memory of my father, Sam. I’ll still be writing about life, love and relationships, but moving more into a space of inspiration, empowerment and resilience. I’ve been invited to host my own radio show for Body, Mind, Spirit radio ( beginning in January. (Details soon!) Throughout the last couple of years, I’ve learned firsthand about resilience, perseverance and the significance of adversity and strength. I’ve lived it. I’ve healed from it. And now I’m thriving. I’ve come out on the other side, with stronger wings than ever before. Thanks for your continued support and patience. I look forward to providing you with amazing things ahead. Love, Karin Katz Radio Show Host, Columnist/ Commentator, Relationship Coach and Founder of “A Sample of love”

At my very lowest, I began to remember the stories about my own father’s struggles. I started to think back to what he endured during his childhood in the Holocaust, his tales of betrayal and loss, grief and adversity. But what stuck out most during this time of reflection was the reoccurring theme in all my father’s stories. His resilience. His innate ability to bounce back and become stronger with each and every obstacle. My father was a survivor for a reason. And I have come to realize over and over that I am my father’s daughter. Not just because I look like him but because I too can bounce back, get off the mat and stand up after being knocked down. With the incredible love and support of my significant other, children, family and genuine friends, I am stronger today than ever before. And with this new strength and wisdom I’ve decided to write again, but with one caveat.

December 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

Before you..... Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. Before you retire, save. Before you die, give. William Arthur Ward P a g e 47

Happy Holidays, to our Body Mind Spirit Guide Community! 48

Howard & Penny Golden, & Staff

w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2018

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