BGKC August 2014 Newsletter

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Table of Contents

3: President & Editor's Note 4: Past Events-School Shifts 5: OC Fair 5K Fun Run 6: Hawaiian WADY 7: Paul Revere Back to School 8: Beach Social/ 7 Leaves Fundraiser 9: Member/Officer of the Month 10: Upcoming Events 11: Contact Us

President's Note

“Howdy Y'all!”



Can you believe that school started already?! Sadly, summer had to come to an end, but don't worry, your service continues. Thank you for being such amazing members so far; your attendance to the fundraisers, socials, meetings, Division Council Meetings (DCM's), and service projects does not go unnoticed. The board members and I are excited to see all of your beautiful faces around campus again! Soon, the freshmen will join our ohana, and our club will be complete! Before this message comes to an end, here's a piece of advice for your high school experience: Make the best of every moment, and don't miss out on any opportunity. Have a wonderful day, ottadors. I'll see you soon! ♥

Jenny Nguyen, President '14-'15

Editor's Note

“Welcome Back!” Hello my fantastic ottadors! It's your tech editor here hoping you all had a wonderful break! Thanks for those you submitted articles, you guys are amazing. If you'd like to submit one, just email them to! August had been a great month. Since summer was coming to a end, I've notice many of you signing up for events. I've been seeing new faces at services and socials which is wonderful! If you'd like to sign up for any service projects, just message your class director and let him or her know. It is a great opportunity to make new friends and bond with your fellow Key Clubbers while serving for your community. I hope all of you enjoyed your summer and filled it with a sea of service! Congrats to a few people who had accomplished more than 30 hours this whole summer. I am beyond proud of you. Also don't forget to stop by 7 Leaves Cafe on Westminster from September 8th through September 28th to help support you very own Key Club! In order to help fundraise, you may either print a flyer out or save it onto your phone and show it to the cashier. Information and flyer should be located on Facebook and on page 8. Have a fantastic school year!


Vyvien Pham, Tech Editor '14-'15


Past events SCHOOL SHIFTS Bolsa Grande Key Club was happily able to help out other schools during the summer with registration and office work. Those schools involved Bolsa Grande High, Jordan Intermediate and Cook Elementary. Our members are otterly serving with spirit! FRANCINE TRAN Sophomore To continue my day, it was a blazing hot day at Jordan Intermediate! Twelve o'clock in the afternoon was shift two of registration for Jaguars. After I finished registering freshmen at Bolsa, I rushed over to Jordan for my shift. It was very tiring because of the California weather. This shift was on August 26, 2014 and call time for Jordan registration shift 2 was at 12:45 in the afternoon. Mr. Yoon, the assistant principal of Jordan Intermediate, assigned volunteers to their stations. Unfortunately, there were too many people who volunteered for this shift so this shift was kind of slow. I was assigned to screen check for information papers before the 7th and 8th graders turn in their papers to ASB members. Knowing that I'm not in middle school makes me feel old! Knowing that screening wasn't as busy, we were reassigned to file papers alphabetically. Separating papers made everyone forget their ABC's and getting huge mind grains. I never thought putting things alphabetically was so complicated, although it was a piece of cake in elementary! JENNIFER HOANG Senior On August 18, 2014, I returned back to my middle school, Jordan Intermediate, to help the staff prepare for the upcoming school year. Tiger, Mindy, Jacquelyn, and I started our work by compiling papers together for the students’ registration packets. We finished at around 10 o’clock, but we were told that we would not have any work until Mr. Yoon, the assistant principal, comes and gives us directions. Around 11 o'clock we met Mr. Yoon, who is so nice! He told us that we would be distributing books to the classrooms for the remainder of the time we were there. Therefore, we lifted heavy boxes filled heavy textbooks onto a cart to transport them and let me tell you that those boxes were heavy! I recall that they were labeled as exactly 42.6 pounds; to me, that is quite a load of heaviness. That is a little bit less than half of what I weigh. No kidding. When we finished, I was already working up the sweat. Although the work was quite tiring, I am glad that I decided to take time out of my day to come help Jordan. I had a great opportunity to meet and know Mindy and Tiger a bit better. It was also great being back at the school I loved attending; it brought back many memories as I walk through the halls and classrooms. Here I am now, an upcoming senior in high school. It is unbelievable.


OC FAIR 5K FUN RUN ANDREW NGUYEN Senior Like many others, this event was one with a very early call time. Though everyone felt lethargic, they were still up to do the job that they signed up to do. When the members arrived at the OC Fair, their signs of tiredness vanished from their faces anyway. It’s as if service was a placeholder for an energizing cup of coffee and a cold shower. Everyone was eventually suited up with OC Marathon shirts just like how Power Rangers transform into their gear, both knowing that they had an obligation to serve the people. All the members, including me myself, started off by packaging tickets and mini-posters into bags for the runners in the marathon. Though the tables were wet from rain, we were still able to assemble the packages without damaging any of the material. The sun soon came up and it was time to shift our attention to other matters. Some of the members worked water stations, while others prepared to hand out tshirts and tickets to runners. The t-shirt station was a station that required a very keen eye as volunteers had to make sure that only one t-shirt was given per runner. We also had to explain to some runners that paid at the entrance that people who preordered tickets get first priority on t-shirts. Though there were a few rolling of the eyes and complaints about the first priority, the members still kept a positive attitude because they were there to serve. It was a long shift, but eventually the marathon was finished and my day ended with Jenny Nguyen and Thomas Nguyen completely knocked out on the car ride home.


Hawaiian WADY THIEN PHAM Junior During August WADY, I was project chair for this special event. This event required some prep work, I had to buy the leis from the 99¢ store ,about 16 of them to be exact. At first I was fine with them in the store, but as soon as I walked out I noticed I received a lot of stares from people. They even gave me attitude for crossing the light. The actual event was held on August 9th at 7:30. I was splitting people up, one group must at least have one person wearing a Hawaiian shirt. Sadly most of the attendees did not participate, but it was fine because I had a decent amount of people wearing Hawaiian shirts. I split up the leis and I remember this Korean lady pointing at the purple one and she said "purple, my favorite color.â€? We passed on the boxes one by one as we spread the aloha spirit. After we reached to the lady with the purple lei she started dancing hula for us. I saw most of my team members cringed but I thought it was sweet. As time goes on we gradually ran out of leis, but every elderly person had a certain glow to their face and the pride they wore when they had their lei on. It was a wonderful feeling and I loved that they loved the leis so much! I hope we could do this again sometimes because I had fun and I am pretty sure they had fun too.


JESSICA LU Junior Some say hello, annyeonghaseyo, shalom, hallo, ciao, and the list goes on. But, on this particular day, it was rightful to say, "Aloha!" On a warm saturday morning of August 9th, we had our monthly WADY service with a theme fit for the hot summer. Hawaiian! Leis and colorful tourist styled shirts were worn by us. I have just discovered that Hawaiian tourist shirts are rare to find in our closets. In order to join the elderly into this party, we gave them each a colored lei with their food boxes. The mood was so ohana-like, and I loved it. Delivering each and every box was fun for us, and brings a bright smile to the retired. Though carrying the boxes repetitively is not that great of a job, we especially do it because it is like a tradition for our home key club. Another great thing about this event is that we tend to be in a talkative and hyped up mood.There are times when the elders would give is a gift in thanks of our hard work. There is this woman who always give minty dental gum to whomever that delivers food to her and another would give us chocolate bars. Yummy. Well other than that, we surely did have a blast.

Paul revere BACK TO SCHOOL PHONG NGUYEN Sophomore Today was the first service event I’ve ever went to. This event was mostly about giving children the school supplies they needed for school. At first, a 7-hour event seemed a lot to handle, but throughout the day I forgot all about it because I had so much fun while doing it. I met new people, got closer to a friend, and ate awesome food! Thanks to this event I have a new friend named Eileen Tran and I got closer to a friend I’ve known for years, Theresa Dinh. I loved how the people we were working with were so friendly, thanking us for everything we did and giving us free food; it made me feel good how doing something so simple can mean so much to others and affect their lives. However with everything aside, the best part was seeing the smiles of the families when they came to my booth and I handed them shoes. Working there and seeing the families taught me a valuable lesson: be grateful for what you have. These parents waited in the hot sun just so their children can get the proper materials they needed for school. When I handed them the shoes they smiled and thanked me. Knowing that I’ve made them happy makes me feel good inside.

JENNY NGUYEN Senior Wednesday, August 13th's event was a tad different than the other events that we usually do; in fact, working at Paul Revere Elementary School was a new experience for all of us! The purpose of the event was to give school supplies, hygiene products, and shoes to those who needed them. Before event began, we had to check in, and with much surprise, the event coordinators treated us with great hospitality and were extremely generous. They provided all sorts of snacks, drinks, and breaks for us to ensure that we were okay. First, we had to transport many shoe boxes and heavy supplies to the middle of a wet, grassy field, which did not treat my shoes very well. With much help from the stronger half of the crew, the preparations were complete! We were then assigned to our tasks-mine happened to be the shoe distribution. Most of the time, I hung out with Phong, Cristy, and Theresa, and they are incredibly sweet! Their company made me feel comfortable with the work environment and made the work less tedious. After seven and a half hours of good work, we quickly fell asleep with a good feeling in our tummies.




A Key Club Bonfire is a great way to spend one of my last days of summer vacation. I really did have a blast that day. I started off the day with shopping with some officers and our advisor Mr. Tonthat. We came with a load of supplies and food. Before the bonfire was even scheduled to start we had a good amount of people. We ate pizza at the beginning and I spent the beginning portion of the social messing around with Quinton, Andrew Ha, and Andrew Nguyen! We went to the water, laid around, and listened to music while waiting for others to come. It was a lot of fun when more people showed up. We went to the water and swam. The waves by the way were really nice that day. One of my favorite parts of the social was doing cheer stuff! We also ate burgers and watermelon and after had an intense water balloon fight. I for one was not left untouched. It was great seeing some people that I had not had the time to hang with during the summer. We ended the day with a bonfire and roasting marshmallows. I had no regrets going to the social. I used to not be much of a beach person but this surely helped change my opinion.

Stop by 7 Leaves Cafe and help support

Bolsa Grande Key Club !

WHEN: September 8th - September 28th, 2014 WHERE: 9786 Westminster Ave. Garden Grove CA 92844 WHAT: 20% of the profit will go back towards Bolsa Grande Key Club HOW: You may either hand in this flyer OR show it to the cashier through your phone! Bring along friend and hope to see you all there!


Presenting... July's Member of the Month Name: Mindy Huynh Age: 16 Grade: Junior Birthday: July19, 1998 Years in Key Club: 2nd year Service Hours: 67.4 Fun Facts: “I've traveled to Alaska, Seattle, Miami, NYC, New Jersey, Boston, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Hawaii, the Bahamas, and The Virgin Islands”

Mindy Huynh

Reason: July's Member of the Month is a very hard-working member, who has the whole package! She always radiates her kindness and always has a positive attitude. Mindy attended the snack bar shifts, WADY, Splash Dash, and HB Charity Walk, accumulating a total of 28.75 hours and 2 spirit points for the month of July alone. On top of all of her achievements, Mindy always contributes as much as she can to the club by being one of the star ride providers. Also, although Mindy already finished her 50 hour mark, she is still determined to do well in Key Club. She was even willing to attend a service on her birthday! Bolsa Grande Key Club would love to announce July's Member of the Month to Mindy Huynh!

July's Officer of the Month

Gianhu Nguyen

Name: Gianhu Nguyen Age: 17 Grade: Junior Birthday: April 30th, 1997 Years in Key Club: 3rd year Service Hours: 82.3 Fun Facts: “I love kpop and kdrama. I enjoy meeting new people. I don't know my streets and directions well, hence I tend to get lost often.”

Reason: July's Officer of the Month is a diligent, well-rounded officer who always puts as much effort as she can into her job and offers much reason into making club decisions. This officer is in charge of filing hours, completing the Monthly Report Forms (MRF's), taking Meeting Minutes, and keeping all records. With her brilliant organization skills, she keeps the club on track the write (pun intended) way. Gianhu is a lovely person to work with, and her consistent work does not go unnoticed. Gianhu Nguyen, you definitely deserved Officer of the Month!


Upcoming Events WADY

If you would like to attend any of the following events, contact anyone that needs a replacement or the Project Chair!

Saturday, Sept 13 8 a.m-10 a.m PC: Jennifer Hoang

Light the Night/DCM

Brain Tumor Walk

Saturday, Sept 27 City 2:30 p.m- 7 p.m

Surf PC: Jenny Nguyen Dog Shift #1 Sunday, Sept 29 6:45 a.m-11 a.m PC: Jennifer Hoang

Surf City Dog Shift #2 Sunday, Sept 29 11 a.m-3 p.m PC: Vyvien Pham


Saturday, Sept 13 p.m PC: Vyvien Pham

OC Children's Book Fest Sunday, Sept 28 6 a.m-9 a.m PC: TBA

Contact Us If you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact the board. We are here to serve you!

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Tonthat E-mail:

Senior Class Director: Jennifer Hoang E-mail:

President: Jenny Nguyen E-mail:

Senior Class Director: Robert Ramirez E-mail: robertiramirezz@gmail.

Vice President: Jacquelyn Do E-mail:

Class Director: Thien Pham E-mail:

Secretary: Gianhu Nguyen E-mail:

Sophomore Class Director: Francine Tran E-mail:

Treasurer: Joann Vuong E-mail:

Freshman Class Director: TBA

Tech Editor: Vyvien Pham E-mail:

K-Kids Coordinator: Jessica Lu E-mail: Spirit Chair: Andrew Nguyen E-mail:



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