BGKC November 2014 Newsletter

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Table of Contents

3: President & Editor's Note 4: Key Club Week 5: Fall Rally South 6: November DCM 7: Stache Dash 8: Club Photos/ Welcome Ethan! 9: Member/Officer of the Month 10: Upcoming Events 11: Contact Us

President's Note

“Hello there!!”

How has your November been? I know that it has been a stressful month, especially for the seniors with the college apps. I wish you the best of luck! Personally, I do not like autumn too much because of the dry and windy weather, but that just means that Christmas is coming closer! Despite how crazy November has been,you managed to handle everything on your plate and made time for service. I am beyond proud of our achievements! We've accomplished a lot together this month: We raised the most money for Project Eliminate in the division, we earned the spirit stick at the DCM, and one of our very own members earned the title of Otter of the Month! Keep up the great work! I love you all. Otter out!



Jenny Nguyen, President '14-'15

Editor's Note

“How do you feel?” Oh how that question had been constantly asked at Fall Rally South. If you were not able to attend and is a underclassman, I HIGHLY recommend you to attend this fun event next year! And Hello my lovely ottadors! It's been a great month filled with fun services and most importantly, FALL RALLY. Flip to page 5 for more updates on FRS. Anyways, I hope you guys are having an amazing November. Thanksgiving has passed and I see many you guys enjoyed your break. Even though it's been a hectic month with school events and college applications, you guys still managed to attend events. Keep on shining my ottadors! And do not forget to email me your articles at See you in the inbox!


Vyvien Pham, Tech Editor '14-'15


Key club week

Nam Tran, a friend, lead members in the Key Club pledge

Members of Bolsa Grande Key Club participated in Key Club week by wearing club and volunteer shirts, sending thank you notes to other members, and bringing friends to our daily club meeting! Thanks to all the members that showed their Key Club spirit! Few members also changed their social media profile picture to overlays that I had made.


Fall rally south Six Flags Magic Mountain

BRANDON HO Freshman Waking up at four in the morning for a day to remember: Fall Rally. I’ve never been so excited in my life. On the way to Six Flags Magic Mountain, I was shaking of excitement in the back of the bus, sitting next to the only junior there, Joann. It was an hour drive to get their but time flew by quickly and we were at Six Flags before you even know it. When we were there, the freshmen stuck together like a wolf pack; Truman, Johnson, Brian and I were the only freshmen there. Our first stop was the spirit session. Luckily, we got the front middle seats where everyone wanted, and all I could see was teal! When we first got to our seats, I could barely hear myself over all the noise that all the divisions had made. After cheering our hearts out we were able to get to the second round. We were disappointed that we did not win the spirit stick in the end, but we kept our heads up high and still had a good time. After the spirit session was over, we ran to get food, enjoyed the theme park, and got to make new friends. Overall, I had a great day with my fellow members!




ANDREW NGUYEN Senior This November DCM at Garden Grove Park was not only a meeting of the Division, but also a canned food drive. Since Thanksgiving was near, our members wanted to give back to the hungry by donating because many of us are very fortunate to have food on our tables. It was a very good turnout seeing that there were many cans on the benches. After everyone was done with their donations, the meeting commenced. It began with the usual flag salute followed by the Key Club pledge. Then each club had a recap on their monthly events. After that, awards were given. Our own Johnson Nguyen won Otter of the Month and our club, with the help of Cook Elementary, won the Project Eliminate Stick for raising the most money. After hearing the great news, the spirit battles began. I started off by leading our club in a Pokemon-themed cheer and we were able to make it to the second round which called for a Thanksgiving oriented cheer. I came up with a cheer thanking a multiple of people that contribute to Key Club followed by “Thank you” in Japanese, Vietnamese, and Spanish. Because of the strong competition of the other clubs, there was a third round of silent cheering between La Quinta, Santiago, and our club. Though this was a very difficult cheer since numbers didn’t matter, BGKC was able to win the final round; however, I ripped my pants in the process. I tried my best to dodge backpacks behind me during the cheer, but I finally tripped into a split, creating a huge tear right in the middle of my pants. Though my dignity was compromised, my pride for my club flourished knowing we finally won a spirit stick after many DCMs. This DCM was one I was really happy about because I had many doubts of my Spirit Chair abilities, but winning the spirit stick against the other really competitive schools made me feel that I was still effective in my position. Now I am even more excited to attend DCMs and see what other cheers everyone has to show off.

Stache dash

ETHAN NGUYEN Senior On November 30th, 2014, I attended an event under the name of “Stache Dash”. The event was a run held at Yorba Regional Park, a 30 minute drive from Bolsa Grande. The cause for the run was to support Movember, an annual event to raise awareness to men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer. We arrived to the park at around 6 AM and patiently waited for directions. Our Key Club was then assigned various jobs around the park. A small portion of us were assigned the task of monitoring the course. Most of Bolsa Grande’s Key Club ended up passing out medals to the finishing runners. This event had fewer runners than usual and the weather was very cold, but that didn’t stop many from enjoying their day. Upbeat music and good vibes kept everyone’s spirits high throughout the day. The run itself lasted for roughly ten to thirty minutes and everybody began cleaning up around 11 AM. I liked how every runner in the race had a mustache, whether it was real or not. Many runners had unique mustaches that you think would only be seen on television. I had so much fun passing out individual medals to each runner. Overall, I really enjoyed the event.


CLUB PHOTOS Capturing every BGKC moment Members of Bolsa Grande Key Club gathered at the bleachers for a yearbook photo.


Welcome our new K-Kids Coordinator... ETHAN NGUYEN 8

FUN FACTS : Senior, magician, skater, likes anime, ranked 249 in US for Osu Mania (rhythm game), hates stats


October's Member of the Month Name: Johnson Nguyen Age: 14 Grade: Freshman Birthday: Jan 29, 2000 Years in Key Club: 1st year Service Hours: 27.25 Fun Facts: “I like triangles, kimchi is my favorite food, and my favorite color is opal.”

Johnson Nguyen

Reason: Although Johnson is involved with many other extracurriculars, he always tries to find time for Key Club. As a firstyear member, Johnson attended Color Rain Glow, Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast, LEC, RTC, WADY, KKids, Spirit Night, and Surf City 10. Wherever he goes to volunteer, he always brings a fun and friendly vibe with him. Although he seems shy at first, he is actually really outgoing! Additionally, whenever a job needs to be done, Johnson is always eager to step up to the plate and complete the task without a single complaint. However, there's more! Rather than sticking to one group, he socializes with many different people and isn't afraid of being his true self. Thanks for being an otter-iffic Key Clubber, Johnson! Congratulations!

October's Officer of the Month

Jennifer Hoang

Name: Jennifer Hoang Age: 17 Grade: Senior Birthday: Aug 15, 1997 Years in Key Club: 2nd year Service Hours: 32.35 Fun Facts: “4'11, I have seen an exorism, I like to shop, I am always craving boba, and if I could dye my hair lavender or hot pink, I would.”

Reason: Although Jennifer does not hold an executive position on board, she takes her job very seriously and does all of her duties on time. Jennifer always makes sure that the whole senior class feels welcome and encourages them to do more than what is expected. Besides her class director responsibilities, Jennifer constantly stays organized and updates the strike roster often. Even though Jennifer is rather small, she has a big heart that cares for the well-being of the whole club. Whenever she is given a task, she tries to make sure everything runs smoothly even if it means making personal sacrifices. Congratulations, Jennifer Hoang on earning October's Officer of the Month!


Upcoming Events Christmas


If you would like to attend any of the following events, contact anyone that needs a replacement or the Project Chair!

Saturday, Dec 13 8 a.m-12 p.m PC: Jenny Nguyen

Make Room for


Saturday, Dec 13 5:30 a.m- 11 a.m PC: Robert Ramirez

Autism Speaks Sunday, Dec 7 9 a.m- 1 p.m 10

PC: Francine Tran

Santa Hustle Sunday, Dec 14 5:30 .am-11:30 a.m PC: Jacquelyn Do

Rose Float Monday, Dec 29 4 p.m-11 p.m PC: Jacquelyn Do

Contact Us If you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact the board. We are here to serve you!

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Tonthat E-mail:

Senior Class Director: Jennifer Hoang E-mail:

President: Jenny Nguyen E-mail:

Senior Class Director: Robert Ramirez E-mail:

Vice President: Jacquelyn Do E-mail:

Junior Class Director: Thien Pham E-mail:

Secretary: Gianhu Nguyen E-mail:

Sophomore Class Director: Francine Tran E-mail:

Treasurer: Joann Vuong E-mail:

Freshman Class Director: Brandon Ho Email:

Tech Editor: Vyvien Pham E-mail:

K-Kids Coordinator: Ethan Nguyen E-mail: Spirit Chair: Andrew Nguyen E-mail:



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