BGKC October 2014 Newsletter

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Table of Contents

3: President & Editor's Note 4: Color Rain Glow 5: Regional Training Conference 6: Hayden Fall Festival/Barker Festival 7: Spooky Run/ Surf City 10 8: Trick or Treat for UNICEF/ Freshman Class Director 9: Member/Officer of the Month 10: Upcoming Events 11: Contact Us

President's Note

“I feel good! Oh, I feel so good!”

Hey Ottadors, how are you doing?! November has arrived! I hope everything is running smoothly with your schoolwork and extracurricular activities. October was such an exciting month! Not only did we relaunch the K-Kids program, but we also raised so much money for Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus. Your cooperative efforts go a long way: You helped save hundreds of lives without having to leave school! Although we are a small group of teenagers, the impact that we have on others around the world is truly tremendous. Thank you for raising so much money! I am so proud. ♥I'll see you soon!



Jenny Nguyen, President '14-'15

Editor's Note

“BOO!” October was filled with fun within the club and outside. By observing many of your Instagram and Facebook posts, you all seem to be having a great time at service. Remember that after a service, you could always send me an article about how much fun you had to! Many of you had helped raise money for our fundraiser: Trick or Treat for UNICEF. In this issue, I had announced the class who raised the most money. You have to keep on reading to find out! Congrats to that class! Don't forget to keep signing up for events. There's numerous of events that occur each week, just contact your Class Director. I hope you all had a splendid and safe Halloween, see you all next time, ottadors!


Vyvien Pham, Tech Editor '14-'15


COLOR RAIN GLOW CRESENCIO CARLOS Sophomore This event made me feel like I was actually doing something to help serve my community. When I was younger, I always wondered why volunteers woke up at 5 or 6 in the morning just to help with nothing in return. Then the light bulb in my head went off when I saw the people running and smiling and screaming of excitement. All of the people running, made me so happy. I can't even describe how I felt when cheering on the people and the amount of excitement that was came out of all the people. There was a specific person that actually caught my eye. He was a bit on the big side, but he was running, keep in mind I haven’t ran since 2013. I cheered him on, and then cheered the people behind him. A few seconds later the guy passes by me. It turns out that just went on the other side of the cones and ran the opposite direction. It was so funny I nearly peed myself. Another reason why the event was so enjoyable, because the instructions that the actual coordinator gave us was a bit confusing at times, it was probably because she was from the Netherlands and she had a really thick accent. It was also entertaining because, while we helped clean up, there was a JBL booth that played music and gave away free things (albums, bags, headphones, t-shirts, etc.). It was funny to see people literally wrestle for the free items. Overall, I had a blast at this event.

JULIE CAO Senior On October 4, 2014, I attended the Color Rain Glow event. It was absolutely spectacular, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The supervisors—twins—were extremely kind and helpful. When we first gathered around the booth, they distributed us into smaller groups. I was able to work at the check-in tents, which was a fantastic experience. My primary responsibility was to direct participants to the line corresponding to the certain type of race they signed up for. As the number of runners and walkers began to grow, things became somewhat chaotic, but in an exhilarating fashion, since everyone was very pumped up and energetic. I also had to go around and give out waivers for the people waiting in line to fill out. I was fortunate enough to meet another film enthusiast there, and we had a great conversation, for he offered enlightening tips and advice. As the night gradually set in, the vivid, radiant lights burst into view, and it was a truly astonishing sight. The music was loud, thrilling, and electrifying. The area ignited with vigor and intensity. After the riveting race, which rippled with an abundant array of color, the emcee held engrossing dance-offs and competitions. All in all, this was an unimaginably quality event.

RTC Regional Training Conference JOANN VUONG Junior RTC, which stands for Region Training Conference, is held annually on our very own campus, at Bolsa Grande High School. It is a time where several other districts within our region, Region 3, come to attend workshops to get tips and tricks on many topics such as: fundraising and sponsorships, how to be organized, how to be an effective leader, and team building. Before the event took place, I, along with other officers, came to school early to make posters and put them on the walls. After two short hours, the crowd started to form and I felt the adrenaline rush: RTC was about to begin! All I could see was a sea of teal, orange, red, yellow, and purple. RTC kicked off with the opening session led by Lieutenant Governor (LTG), Kian Falah, inside the gym. After the Region 3 LTGs took turns explaining the workshops, we were finally dismissed to our workshops! During session one, I attended the “Vice Presidents” workshop because I have an interest in becoming vice president next year. Session two, I attended “Effective Communication,” to learn more about efficient ways to contact and get through companies, administrators, or even your friends. In session three, I went to the “Treasurer” workshop to get more information on how to pay club dues and apply for “Distinguished Treasurer.” Last and finally, I enjoyed the last session, “Magic,” hosted by Juwan De Jesus. Juwan was so fantastic he blew our minds with hypnotizing card tricks, money tricks, and more! To wrap up RTC 2014, everyone met up in the gym again for the closing session. Here, we had a workshop trivia, spirit session, raffle, and announcements. To top off the day, we all did the “Region 3” cheer! This year’s RTC was filled with much fun and exciting surprises!


School Festivals HAYDEN ELEMENTARY FALL FESTIVAL COURTNEY PHAM Sophomore On October 24th, 2014 I attended Hayden Elementary Fall Festival. Call time was right after school so I made my way to the meet up spot. My sister, Vyvien Pham, did a wonderful job as project chair. She was doing her job and making sure everything was in place. When we arrived to the event, we were asked to choose a task we'd like to do. I chose one of the game booth with my good friend Pauline Ly. This event was absolutely wonderful. Being able to work with kids is a treat. Seeing the children in their costumes laughing and smiling brings me joy. To be quite honest, the game booth that I was assigned to was quite difficult. Some kids were struggling to win, but I gave them candy anyways. What made this event more terrific was seeing my little siblings. They currently attend Hayden Elementary so they were already planning to attend this event before I heard of the opportunity to volunteer. At the end of the day, we helped cleaned up and organized the equipment. The staff treated us with delicious cookies and thanked us through a small speech. Overall it was a well spent Friday.

BARKER FESTIVAL JENNY NGUYEN Senior On Saturday, October 25th, I attended a fall festival at Barker Elementary, where I had never visited before. After we arrived, most of us were stationed at the game booths in the scorching sun, but Kylie and I were assigned at the pizza station with Men's League members from my school. During my shift, I bonded more with them, and I learned that they are pretty nice people! As people came and go, we served them cheese or pepperoni pizza with a drink of their choice. Luckily, they were all very kind, so we did not have trouble with customers. Kylie and I became very tired from standing for several hours, so we visited the pumpkin patch! Then, we were dragged into the haunted house, which was not fun whatsoever. All I remember was hiding behind Anthony and running for my life at the end. Although it was a haunted house made for elementary students, I did not have fun at all! Afterwards, we resumed our shifts until it was time to go. The festival seemed fun at first, but after working there for six hours, I changed my mind. However, I do not regret signing up because I got to connect more with Kylie and meet new people from school.


PAST EVENTS SPOOKY RUN JENNIER HOANG Senior Spooky Run for the Raptors held at Irvine Regional Park on October 26, 2014. This event was supporting the OC Birds of Prey Center, which is basically a group that tends to and cares for birds that are injured and cannot survive independently in the wild. It is a cause I absolutely support because I am a big animal lover. In addition, Halloween costumes were greatly encouraged for this event, so I appreciate those who dressed up; as for myself, I dressed up as Wednesday Addams! Since call time was 5:50 A.M., the skies were still pitch black. Therefore, it was such a scare when we got lost driving around the park looking for the race’s exact location. As animals would unexpectedly run out in front of the car, we did not know what to expect from the darkness. Eventually, we found the right place as the sky lightened up. We helped set up the race and offered assistance when needed. The most exciting part came as the race was drawing to an end. Two owls were brought in- one was a baby, while the other was an adult. They were so adorable; I felt like they came straight out from a Harry Potter movie! Their eyes were so mesmerizing. That will be an experience I will never forget!

SURF CITY BRANDON HO Freshman On Saturday October 11, I was PC for a big event called Surf City 10. Before I volunteered to be PC for Surf City, I was a little overwhelmed of how big this event was. Luckily, Jenny was there to help me through the tough challenging job. There were many freshmen who volunteered to go to this event. Some of the freshmen that went to Surf City were: Katie, Pauline, Johnson , Bryan, and a few others. When we arrived to the event, I saw many other Key Clubs out there doing the same work we were doing. Key Clubbers from other school were so friendly; they talked to us, they helped us, and many other amazing things. We had a blast, we got to meet so many unique people running. There were people that ran the race seriously and there are others that were there to run for fun. Something that really caught my eye when I was at the event was a small family of four running the marathon together, they were all so motivated and looked like a really close family. I’m glad I got to be PC for this event because I was able to get closer to all the freshmen, we all fit in like a family.




Class Data Chart 160 140 120 100






40 20 0

$150.64 $93.27 $92.83 $85.93 Freshmen





Congratulations to our freshmen ottadors for raising the most money out of all the classes! Thank you to everyone that participated in this fundraiser by collecting donations. You helped support Project Eliminate and have saved mothers and their babies. Keep up your hard work!


to Our Freshmen Class Director...



Having the honor to be a freshman class director is all one could ask for. 8


September's Member of the Month

Brian Chau

Reason: Although Brian is a firstName: Brian Chau Age: 15 Grade: Sophomore Birthday: Feb 11th, 1999 Years in Key Club: 1st year Service Hours: 33.3 Fun Facts: “I love Arden Cho, my favorite color is red, and I love Mexican food!�

year member, he truly exemplifies what it means to be a true Key Club member. Not only does he attend many events, such as Aquarium of the Pacific 5K, Brain Tumor Walk, L.E.C., Jordan Work, Light the Night, and DCM, but he also provides rides whenever he can. Brian always serves the community with great enthusiasm and eagerness that he radiates his positivity to everyone around him. What's even more amazing is that he tends to include and befriend others and is always willing to lend a hand. Although Brian is usually occupied with his many other extracurricular activities, but he always tries to make time for Key Club since he claims that "Key Club is life." Therefore, Bolsa Grande Key Club is proud to announce Brian Chau as September's Member of the Month!

September's Officer of the Month

Jessica Lu

Name: Jessica Lu Age: 16 Grade: Junior Birthday: Jan 13th, 1998 Years in Key Club: 3rd year Service Hours: 52.7 Fun Facts: Allergic to cats and dogs, but loves cats and dogs.

Reason: Although

the position of KKids Coordinator is relatively new, Jessica Lu does such an amazing job. Even though the first K-Kids event did not begin until mid-October, Jessica worked very hard with the preparation and execution of the new school year at Cook Elementary. This year, Jessica worked very closely with Cook staff and Garden Grove Kiwanis to properly complete the K-Kids chartering process, and all of the paperwork and fees are good to go! She even made sure that the whole process went smoothly by attending the Kiwanis meetings. Additionally, Jessica is always on top of her game because she has already planned two months' worth of K-Kids activities and thought of back-up ideas in case anything happens. Besides all that she does for K-Kids, she does not forget to serve Key Club by volunteering to help her fellow officers and members whenever needed. You rock, Jessica!


Upcoming Events WADY

If you would like to attend any of the following events, contact anyone that needs a replacement or the Project Chair!

Saturday, Nov 15 8 a.m-10 a.m PC: Jessica Lu

Fall Rally SOUTH Saturday, Nov 15 5:30 a.m- 8 p.m

Walk to End Alzheimer's Saturday, Nov 15 8:30 .am-12 p.m PC: Thien Pham

Stache Dash Sunday, Nov 23 5:30 a.m-11 a.m PC: Francine Tran


Contact Us If you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact the board. We are here to serve you!

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Tonthat E-mail:

Senior Class Director: Jennifer Hoang E-mail:

President: Jenny Nguyen E-mail:

Senior Class Director: Robert Ramirez E-mail:

Vice President: Jacquelyn Do E-mail:

Junior Class Director: Thien Pham E-mail:

Secretary: Gianhu Nguyen E-mail:

Sophomore Class Director: Francine Tran E-mail:

Treasurer: Joann Vuong E-mail:

Freshman Class Director: Brandon Ho Email:

Tech Editor: Vyvien Pham E-mail:

K-Kids Coordinator: Jessica Lu E-mail: Spirit Chair: Andrew Nguyen E-mail:



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