BGKC September 2014 Newsletter

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Table of Contents

3: President & Editor's Note 4: Welcome New Freshmen/ Transfers 5: Past Events 6: Aquarium of the Pacific 5K Run/Walk 7: Club Rush 8: CDM Car Classic 9: Light the Night/ DCM 10: Surf City Dog 11: Upcoming Events 12: Member/ Officer of the Month 13: Contact Us

President's Note

“What's up, Ottadors?”


How was the first month of school so far? I know that it hasn’t been easy for you, but have no fear, Key Club is here! Get away from that homework stress and studying, and take a short break on the weekends. September was filled with all sorts of events, such as the Aquarium of the Pacific 5K, CDM Classic, WADY, Brain Tumor Walk, Jordan Intermediate, Basketball Shift, Light the Night, OC Children’s Book Festival, Surf City Dog, and LEC. However, besides all of this service, we have new special faces that joined us in September! I would like to give a warm welcome to our new freshmen and transfer students, who recently joined our ohana. We have a great year filled with service and fun, but do not forget that Key Club is what you make of it. Meet new people, go to new events, and cheer your hearts out every now and then. The effort is definitely worthwhile.


Jenny Nguyen, President '14-'15

If you think September was a busy month, wait for October! We’ll fundraise to eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus together, bond with the K-Kids at Cook Elementary, and meet new people from different divisions in our region at Region Training Conference (RTC). However, before we can do all of that, do not forget to pay your club dues! Otter out!

Editor's Note

“Dear Members,” Hello my terrific ottadors! It's your tech editor here, hoping the first month of your new school year has been great! It's been a pretty hectic month since teachers had been piling us students with homework and assignments, but I'm glad many of you had taken a break from all that stress and attended several of events. Remember after you attend an event, tell me how it goes! I'd like to know about your volunteer experience at the events you had signed up for. Email them to me at:! Some special people had joined our Key Club ohana this month. Welcome new freshmen and transfers to Bolsa Grande Key Club! You guys are wondering why I'm making this and what it's for. Well as your tech editor, I'm in charge of making monthly newsletters that inform you guys about past events that had occur. In case you guys were not able to attend a specific event, pictures and descriptions of how the event went are all in this newsletter, The Ottador! I hope you guys have a great day and don't forget to submit your articles!


Vyvien Pham, Tech Editor '14-'15


WELCOME new members Freshmen and Transfers Welcome New Members of Bolsa Grande Key Club! Thank you all for joining our Key Club ohana! Make it an otterific year and attend as many service events and socials as you can! Here are some goals a few new members are striving to accomplish:

My goal is to be able to be the most spirited, fun, and hardworking otter Key Club has ever seen!




I hope that by the end of the year, I will become a better and different person. I think that Key Club will help me change my lifestyle and develop skills to become a better leader.

I hope that Key Club will help me become a better person than the person I am right now. I would like to become more helpful, caring, and loving. One of the main goals that I want to accomplish this year is to experience the "Key Club Experience" of helping people and giving back to what people have given to me. Since I'm new to Key Club and Bolsa Grande, I want to develop the skills of how to interact with people especially with large groups of people. As a freshman, I hope to be aware of all the future service, social, and leadership opportunities ahead of me. I also hope to build communication and unification among others.

BAO-VAN LE Freshman


HUNG MAO Freshman

Past events Monthly Events LEC JENNY CAO Senior On September 25, 2014, I went to the Lincoln Education Center. This marked my third time going to this particular event, and fortunately, I think I am starting to become familiar with the basic procedures. The Lincoln Education Center essentially offers tutoring for students who are struggling in their classes. In the specific building I volunteer in, students can independently study. The primary purpose of this event is to aid the supervisors with grading the paper load. My job is to examine a multitude of students’ worksheets, and correct each multiple choice and free response answer, as well as calculate the overall grade percentages for every chapter. It is not as simple as it may sound, however, because grading requires an immense amount of time and effort; one can easily get very fatigued with grading the same assignments over and over again. Whenever I made a mistake, I had to go back and reassess and review the entire packet. Still, I am glad I was given the opportunity to help out the students and supervisors there. I am planning to go the Lincoln Education Center every week to provide assistance. I admire the peaceful environment it instills, as it allows everyone to concentrate on his or her work.

WADY VIVIAN LEDUC Senior On Saturday, September 13th, I attended WADY with Bolsa Grande Key Club. This is my first event upon returning to school, so I was excited. I took Son Kien, Peter Nguyen, Quinton Ta, and Jacquelyn Do to the homes. As usual, we arrived at there at around 8:00 A.M., and we waited with the other members until the delivery food boxes came. We proceeded to carry all the boxes inside using an assembly line. I always get such a great workout for my arms during this time; it is tiring, but I like doing it. Then we split into groups to go to different floors: I worked with Duyen Diep, Jenny Cao, Julie Cao, and Waheda Tokhi. WADY is one of my favorite events, but they made my experience this time so much nicer. We finished early, and had the chance to meet some interesting old people. They were so cute! Judy also gave us cookies and drinks. Near the end, we talked about planning a Christmas party. I'm so excited! Christmas is my favorite holiday. Julie, Jenny, Waheda, Duyen, and I planned that we would go to every WADY from now on because we love the atmosphere of the whole service.


Aquarium of the pacific 5k Walk/run



At first, I wasn’t so sure whether or not to attend this 5:30 event because there was so much going on school wise, and I barely had a chance to breathe through my AP tests. However I also realized I didn’t volunteer for anything yet! And then I remembered how much fun I had in the first grade when I took a field trip to the Long Beach Aquarium and I thought, “It’ll be worth it wouldn’t it?” I remembered carefully setting my alarm clock so I wouldn’t show up to school an hour late because it really does happen. Believe me, I know. I arrived around 5:20 AM and I saw tired faces with dark circles and eye bags, but everyone seemed excited at the same time, which gave me a relief that I wasn’t the only one giving up my sleeping schedule. While waiting for everyone else, Mr. Tonthat offered some sweet and colorful donuts as a kickstart of the day. The minute I saw the blueberry pastry, I died a little inside. Everyone finally showed up and Vyvien was assigning us rides. I was the first one to go inside Brian Chau’s car along with Francine. They weren’t really good companies because they both fell asleep during the trip. We were the first ones to arrive at the event, and when I got out of the car, I started hearing whale noises early in the morning. Francine and I got the personal belongings booth where people drop off their bags to run the marathon. Everyone else arrived and we began opening up water bottle packages as well trying some beef jerky out of curiosity. I think the highlight for me was when Robert got up the stage and started singing and one of the workers had to shoo him off. Finally, all of the hard work paid off when the employee gave us free tickets to the aquarium. Although it was exhausting, it truly gave me something to remember that hard work really does pay off in the end and it makes you feel good knowing the deeds you do for pure enjoyment.

Club rush


Wow isn't it a hot day today? September 11th was club rush where all the clubs came out to show off what they do best. Obviously Key Club was the best stand out there! Lunch was extended 20 minutes longer for club rush for students to go out there and join something they could possibly like. During club rush, all the officers came out and supported the club by wearing our teal division shirts, cheering our hearts out and informing freshmen and transfer students about the informational meeting. The down side of it was that it was blazing hot, but that didn't stop us for promoting our club! Luckily we had so many people wanting to join our family. We cheered the famous "How do you Feel" cheer and "Teal Machine" to get the student's attention. There was an informational meeting on Monday September 15th to let upcoming members know more about our awesome club on campus. We painted people's faces with teal to grab more people's attention around the school as well. A lot of people gave attention to our booth because our club was the most spirited. It was great seeing so many people eager to join Key Club.


Corona del mar CAR CLASSIC JACQUELYN DO Senior I was never one to show much of an interest in cars. That said, I had never really pictured myself at a car show. On Sunday, September 7, however, there I was, smack-dab in the middle of a big car show by Corona del Mar beach. Of course, I wasn't there to admire cars--though I must admit, it was hard to take my eyes off of some of the shiny vehicles--but to work as a volunteer with my club. Several of us were located in the parking lots, directing traffic, while two were signing people in and out, and I was lucky enough to be one of the two people who worked in the shade, under a tent where we sold event T-shirts. It was extremely hot that day, but my job was easy enough: $10 per T-shirt and free for event judges. When business was slow, I kept myself busy by refolding T-shirts and stacking them according to size. There were smalls, mediums, larges, x-larges, xx-larges, and xxx-larges. Time went by fairly quickly, and my hunger was satisfied when I permitted to have as many Subway sandwiches as I wanted. I also got plenty of water to hydrate myself and ended the day soon after I was able to see the car parade from my tent. ROBERT RAMIREZ Senior September 7, 2014 was the day of Corona del Mar Car Classic. I along with Tracy Van, Andrew Vo, and Pauline Vo were assigned to parking. It was cool because we got orange vests and a sign to swing around. Our job was to stand at the entrance of the event and direct the VIP and general parking to their location. I had to continuously go up to the cars and ask if they were VIP. Those were some long grueling hours in the sun but it was bearable because I had Tracy to talk to. After a couple hours we were finally relieved of our duties and given the freedom to roam around and look at the cars. The coolest car just had to be the Bat mobile. There were a lot more cars. Many of the owners of the cars were nice enough to let us take pictures inside their cars. For a moment I felt rich! I would not have mind owning any of the cars displayed in the show. The coordinators were really nice. We ended the event by helping to tear down.


Light the night Walk for Leukemia & Lymphoma PAULINE LY Sophomore This September 27th I got the opportunity to be able to attend the Light the Night/ \DCM. I honestly have to say that it was one of the most memorable moments in my Key Club experience so far. I was able to share this spectacular moments with my fellow members. And I think I speak for all of us when I say this event was much needed. Through all the stress of the school year has already stored upon us, I was able to let it all go at light the night. In my opinion that's one of the most glorious things key club is able to offer us, a distraction from reality basically. Though it can serve as a distraction, it was very eye opening as well. Light the Night is a event where people who are effected by the leukemia syndrome in some way, come together and fight it off. I was content to see everyone enjoying themselves, having a blast, enjoying the event and the moment given to them. It was just that the dancing was enjoyable, it was the fact that when I looked around in the crowd I saw Key Clubbers from all schools join together. Rivalry schools standing side by side as a union, along with key clubbers from other districts and divisions. It was a the perfect night, one I know I will never forget. JOHNSON NGUYEN Freshman On September 27, I participated in my first event of Key Club, Light the Night. I was excited but very anxious since I didn't know what was going to happen. It turns out it wasn't that bad since I met new people and had a great time. The walk itself was rather short, and it was kind of awkward since Brandon and I were the only Freshman. Being part of Key Club ohana is something I don't take lightly, since it's a new experience for me. My main goal in Key club is to participate in as many events possible, and be more involved. I didn't have much to do until I joined, and I am very grateful. The people I've met are amazing and I am looking forward to the activities that are yet to come. I'm ready for the next event to be organized and will try my best.


Surf city SURF dog JENNIFER HOANG Senior Surf City Surf Dog was held on September 28, 2014 at Huntington Dog Beach. This event was a surfing competition for dogs of all breeds and sizes; it is mainly to raise funds for several dog charities such as Barks of Love The call time at school was 6:15 A.M. Although waking up early can be a struggle, I was looking forward to attending the event because I love being around dogs. I have two of my own! I immediately signed up for Surf City Surf Dog once it was available to our club because dogs in general just make my heart melt. Once everyone showed up to school, we headed to the beach. When we arrived, I saw there were also many other schools volunteering, such as Red Cross from La Quinta High School.; I was able to meet up with Antony, an old friend from middle school. I started to help everyone set up the event after the little reunion. Cars lined up by the sidewalk to unload different things that set up the booths. As volunteers, we grabbed those things and brought them to the beach to be set up. It felt never ending because as one car left another car came in and replaced. I believed it took about an hour to finish setting up the booths for the event. Afterwards, we were free to roam and explore all the available booths. The people at the booths were so nice and had such a positive attitude. I actually learned more about my dogs’ food diet from them; they were really helpful. After exploring all of the booths, we decided to head to the shore to watch the surfing competition. It was so different and new to me! It was unbelievable that some of the dogs were able to last long on a surfboard; I know I wouldn’t be able to do that. Honestly, I felt so sad when some of the dogs were washed off their boards; their faces of struggle got to me! After the competition was over, we resumed to roam until our shift was over, which was around 11 A.M. I fed the treats to my dogs when I arrived home. They loved it! Their tails were wagging a mile a minute…


Presenting... August's Member of the Month Name: Tiger Do

Reason: August's Member of the Month

Age: 16 Grade: Junior Birthday: June 9th, 1998 Years in Key Club: 1st year Service Hours: 30.6 Fun Facts: “I don't like chocolate, but I like snickers. When I eat beef stew, I like smashing my carrots. I'm also scared of the dark.�

Tiger Do

is special because it belongs to a member who joined our family this year. Tiger Do, a current junior, deserves this award because he constantly signs up for the DCM and service projects, such as WADY, Jordan Shifts, Cook Shift, and 2 Jordan Registration shifts. In fact, one officer even mentioned how Tiger is like a well-seasoned Key Clubber. Although Tiger is one BGKC's shy members, he is always willing to try new things with great optimism and an open mind. Tiger has an inquisitive mind, a great smile, and a warm personality that can brighten anyone's day. Furthermore, he has no problem working with people, whom he has never met, proving that Tiger is a very inclusive and versatile member. Bolsa Grande Key Club is proud to honor Tiger Do for August's Member of the Month!

August's Officer of the Month

Vyvien Pham

Name: Vyvien Pham Age: 16 Grade: Senior Birthday: Oct 30th, 1997 Years in Key Club: 3rd year Service Hours: 23.5 Fun Facts: I loathe horror movies, very very much. I also tend to take selfies... a lot. Capturing a photo at any time during the day is what I like doing!

Reason: Vyvien deserves the award of Officer of the Month because she is always willing to lend a helping hand with a positive attitude. She efficiently creates any flyers or graphics that the club may need with great precision and creativity. Moreover, Vyvien takes beautiful photos at services and creates the monthly newsletter, "The Ottador," which you are reading right now! However, her job does not end there! Vyvien is also responsible for editing the monthly articles and creating the Member of the Month scrapbook pages. Although Vyvien does this every month, she shined for the month of August for her willingness to improve and work hard. Congratulations, Vyvien!


Upcoming Events WADY

If you would like to attend any of the following events, contact anyone that needs a replacement or the Project Chair!

Saturday, Oct 18th 8 a.m-10 a.m PC: Jacquelyn Do

School Ghoul

Sunday, Oct 19th 6 a.m- 10 a.m PC: Jacquelyn Do

Raptors Sunday, Oct 26th 6:30 a.m- 9:30 a.m PC: Jennifer Hoang


RTC Saturday, Oct 11th 11:15 a.m-5 p.m PC: Thienn Pham

Surf City 10 Saturday, Oct 25th 5:45 a.m- 9:30 a.m PC: TBA

Contact Us If you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact the board. We are here to serve you!

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Tonthat E-mail:

Senior Class Director: Jennifer Hoang E-mail:

President: Jenny Nguyen E-mail:

Senior Class Director: Robert Ramirez E-mail:

Vice President: Jacquelyn Do E-mail:

Junior Class Director: Thien Pham E-mail:

Secretary: Gianhu Nguyen E-mail:

Sophomore Class Director: Francine Tran E-mail:

Treasurer: Joann Vuong E-mail:

Freshman Class Director: TBA

Tech Editor: Vyvien Pham E-mail:

K-Kids Coordinator: Jessica Lu E-mail: Spirit Chair: Andrew Nguyen E-mail:



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