BGKC December 2014 Newsletter

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Table of Contents

3: President & Editor's Note 4: Run for a Claus 5: Winterfest 6: Make Room for Santa 7: WADY 8: December DCM 9: Member/Officer of the Month 10: DCON/Movie Night Promo 11: Contact Us

President's Note

“Hello Ottadors,”

Merry Christmas, and happy New Year! I'm still in disbelief that Christmas is over and 2015 is finally here. I hope you had a restful Winter Break with the ones you love. Truthfully, I'm really sad that Christmas passed by so quickly, but I'm excited for the new year. Did you make any New Year's resolutions? Do you strive to be more active in your community or plan to meet someone whom you've never spoken to before? Let's start the new year well with continued dedication to our home, school, and community. On another note, along with the new year, we will have a new board that will take the reign soon, and I'm anxious to know who they will be! I have approximately three more months to serve you as your president, and because that seems like a short amount of time left, we should make the best of it, and make BGKC 20142015 more memorable than it already is! I hope you stay warm through this chilly weather, and take care of each "otter." I love you, and if you ever have any questions or need someone to talk to, you can definitely count on me.



Jenny Nguyen, President '14-'15

Editor's Note

“Happy Holidays!” Hello my amazing Ottadors! I hope you guys had a great winter break because I know I did! December was a pact month filled with exciting events that many of you have attended. Christmas themed events such as Run for a Claus, Make Room for Santa, and more were spectacular according to a few articles I've received. Would you like to tell me about your time at certain services? Feel free to send me your articles at Can you believe it is already 2015? Wow time flew by pretty fast. Sadly this means my term is about to come to an end. It's okay! No need for tears! Just know that I am just a message away. If you are interested in my position, feel free to personally message me and I would be glad to answer your questions. Just because the term is going to end soon, doesn't mean services are over. Sign up for as many service events as possible Ottadors! Keep on shining and volunteer your heart out!


Vyvien Pham, Tech Editor '14-'15


Run for A CLAUS CHRISTINE NGUYEN Freshman On December 6th, I attended the event Run for a Claus at UCI where people ran either a 5k or 1 mile. When we arrived at UC Irvine, we received a elf shirt and an elf hat in order to look like Santa's helpers. Volunteers came early to prepare the stands for the runners. Although it was cold in the morning, it was not cold after we carried various items such as cartons of Hubert's Lemonade and bottled water up the flight stairs to set up separate booths. The different stands are for the runners to come to receive drinks and snacks after their run. There was even a booth to take a picture with Santa! I was in charge of the Trumoo stand so I handed out chocolate milk to the runners. Unexpectedly, more adults drank the Trumoo than the kids. It was nice seeing all of the runners in their unique costumes with the Christmas spirit all around. After the race, there was a costume contest and the finalists were dressed up as a Christmas gift, Santa and his reindeer, and the nutcracker. It was a close call but the Santa and his reindeer won receiving a $150 Amazon gift card. Ending the day with a cleanup, overall, this event was the most festive one I have attended so far this year, inspiring me to attend more holiday events.


WINTERFEST FRANCINE TRAN Sophomore Winterfest took placed in the play center on a hot afternoon. Bolsa Grande Key Club and many other clubs volunteered this day on December 6th 2014 to help stations such as monitoring the jump house for kids, the ice pit, and many more. Before we headed to our assigned shift, we received a food ticket to eat dinner later. Before we opened the play center for all the children and families to come in, my members and I play a little bit in the fake snow. I remember that day I wore my rainbow sandals and I ran in the icy snow. I strongly regret that! My feet were literally freezing and I needed help to get out of the ice. I was calling for Truman, my freshman friend, to help carry me out because I felt so helpless! Anyways, I was in charge of monitoring the children so they would not trample and jump on each other in the bounce house with my good friend, Norman. After the first shift that me and Norman were assigned to, we were led to break to get some refreshments. My members and I ended up with one slice of pizza towards the end of the day. Overall the day was filled with festive activities and was a fun way to help our community.

ROBERT RAMIREZ Senior Winterfest was the same day as Run for a Claus, a event I had earlier on that day, but I am always up to do service. The project chair was Brandon Ho and he had us all meet at the park. When we were all there we walked over to the event as a group; we sat at the benches and signed up for jobs. This event was nice as they would provide us with food later as well as giving us breaks throughout our shift. I decided to sign up to work in the snowball pit with Priscilla and Nancy. The event did not start as soon as we got there so we looked around as we waited until we are needed. So when the event started I monitored the snowball line and made sure no one got hurt. The snow was really slippery so some people fell down, including me.It was all good though; no one got hurt, everyone just had fun. We had pizza at one point and then went back to work. The event was pretty fun because the little kids wanted to have a snowball fight and play with the volunteers. Other jobs that our club did included monitoring the jumper house and sleds.


Make room for santa


I am not quite a morning person, but when it comes to services I am up and ready to volunteer! It was 4:40 am and I was on my way to school for call time. This event that I had attended was an exciting one. It was Christmas themed and went by the name of Make Room for Santa. I love knowing that the holidays is right around the corner. Being able to attend this event left me pumped for Christmas. This event was particularly early as it was really dark and cold when we got to the event. Once we arrived at the event, we were handed with volunteer shirts and a task coordinator asked for our help to pass out medals and take off running chips. We were then separated to do different tasks. I was lucky enough to stick with my good friends Tiffany and Pauline. We were assigned to the goodie bag station and after that task was finished we slowly shifted to course monitoring. After the event was over, members gathered around and helped the coordinators break down the equipment and clean up. This event was pretty nice since it was filled with my favorite color, red! I enjoy holiday events and look forward to next year's.


Wady Christmas Party

JENNY NGUYEN Senior Every month, Bolsa Grande Key Club goes to a local retirement home in Midway City to distribute food boxes to the elders' doors, and every month seems like the same routine. However, December's WADY (We Ain't Dead Yet) was very special, for we had a Christmas party! Since I was the Project Chair, I prepared with the event coordinator Judy months prior and made sure that we had all of our needed supplies. For instance, I downloaded and printed Christmas carols, borrowed speakers, brought my laptop, made goodie bags, made Bingo cards, brought Christmas decorations, and brought tablecloths. Before we had our party, we unloaded boxes and cheese and delivered them to their respective owners. Two hours later, the party finally began! All elders were invited to the main lobby, where the festivities began. As the co-host, I introduced the club, and soon, we commenced with caroling, followed by a performance from Manh and Uy and recognition. It was very nice of Judy, the event coordinator, to thank us for our efforts even though it really was our pleasure to help. We spent the last two hours playing Bingo with the residents and cleaning up the area. I was really glad that the event was a success and that many of us had a blast connecting with the older generation of our community.


DECEMBER DCM THIEN PHAM Junior The December DCM was held on the Saturday on the 13th. It was held in Westminster Park next to the REC center. The weather was freezing to spend outdoors. It was 56 degrees and most people were covered up in layers. We were warned that the grass was going to be wet and we were going to sit on it. Jenny and I thought of the amazing idea to bring a tarp. The problem was that there was no tarp except for the tablecloths we brought for WADY’s. We decided to sacrifice the green Christmas tree tablecloths in order to save our Glutinous Maximus from being soaked in lawn water. As each club representative went up for the daily speech for each DCM, Jenny did the hunger games call, which made our club ultra unique. However there was one flaw to our club, the missing key to win the victory of the spirit battle. Andrew was not present, and without his zesty personality and humorous behavior, we were shy away from victory. We tried to do the rhymes that he taught us, but this was a task only he can accomplish. Though we lost, our club had so much fun and we sold many key caps also. Overall this DCM was an success.



November's Member of the Month Name: Quinton Ta

Quinton Ta

Reason: For the month of

November. Quinton truly exemplified the meaning of an Age: 17 outstanding Key Club member. Not only did he attend services, Grade: Senior such as several spirit nights, KKids, L.E.C., Fall Rally, DCM, Birthday: Jan 24, 1997 and 'Stache Dash, but he also provided rides whenever he rd could. Wherever he went, Years in Key Club: 3 year Quinton showed his spirit and said his famous "SENIORS!" He Service Hours: 25.5 always did more than what was asked of him, like bringing more Fun Facts: Loves to sing than one canned good or offering whether it is in the shower or his help from his good will. in the car or on the toilet, part Although Quinton really loves his time magician and full time seniors, he reaches out to other members as well. Thank you for entertainer, loves to make people smile, known as the guy all of your hard work, Quinton! who always yell “SENIORS”

November's Officer of the Month

Brandon Ho

Name: Brandon Ho Age: 14 Grade: Freshman Birthday: June 28th, 2000 Years in Key Club: 1st year Service Hours: 48 Fun Facts: “I love puppies, spirit is my thing, if you know me; you know that I could be super outgoing at times, and my favorite sport is badminton.”

Reason: Although Brandon is a relatively new member and officer, he has already made a big impact on his class and the club. Brandon is constantly striving to improve himself and positively encourages his class to go to events. Also, his bubbly personality welcomes many members and brings a smile to their faces. Brandon likes joking around often, but when he has to get work done, he takes it very seriously. On top of all of his duties, Brandon is not afraid to sign up to be Project Chair often and always lends a hand to his fellow peers. BGKC is proud to present November's Officer of the Month: our baby otter, Brandon Ho!


DCON is right around the corner! Be sure to turn in your dues!

Bolsa Grande Key Club Presents...

Movie: Rise of the Guardians When: FridAY January 16, 2014 From 4-6 Pm AT bghs cafeteria


Open up to all high school students. Nonbolsa students must bring a signed waiver along with school ID.

BGKC will be selling tacos, popcorn, snow cones and beverages!

Free admission. Bring your friends and we'll see you there!

Contact Us If you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact the board. We are here to serve you!

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Tonthat E-mail: President: Jenny Nguyen E-mail: Vice President: Jacquelyn Do E-mail: Secretary: Gianhu Nguyen E-mail: Treasurer: Joann Vuong E-mail: Tech Editor: Vyvien Pham E-mail:

Senior Class Director: Jennifer Hoang E-mail: Senior Class Director: Robert Ramirez E-mail: Junior Class Director: Thien Pham E-mail: Sophomore Class Director: Francine Tran E-mail: Freshman Class Director: Brandon Ho Email: K-Kids Coordinator: Ethan Nguyen E-mail: Spirit Chair: Andrew Nguyen E-mail:



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