BGKC April 2014 Newsletter

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Division 4 North Region 3 CNH District

The Ottador

Bolsa Grande Key Club Newsletter| Volume 3| Issue 1| April 2014

Table Of Contents

March of Dimes and April DCM





DCON 2014








For more of March of Dimes and April DCM, go to page 6!

President's Note

“ “Hello Ottadors!” Jenny Nguyen, BGKC President of 2014-2015

I hope your Spring Break has been exciting and restful. Although we had a week away from school, Key Clubbers never have breaks, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. That just means that we love to serve our homes, schools, and communities with a great deal of passion. April has been a transitional month for us officers; since the adjournment of DCON, we have been working endlessly to make sure that the club runs smoothly. In fact, the start of the term was more than I could ever ask for. You have provided so many useful suggestions to improve the club and have given us your utmost respect. I was most impressed with our spirit and our attendance at April's DCM at March of Dimes. If you didn't go, you definitely missed out! For the first DCM of the term, Bolsa Grande Key Club brought home the spirit stick and an Officer of the Month award! I could not be any prouder. I expect to see the same spirit and attendance at the next DCM. Other than that, I wish you the best of luck with all of your tests! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.


Editor's Note

KEY CLUB. As it is being acknowledged all across the nation, what is your first instinct when hearing the two words, Key Club? In my head, numerous of words and phrases are disseminating all across my mind. I could think of hundreds of words that could describe Key Cub: amazing, family, love, "How do you feel?", leadership, opportunities, future, happiness, and so much more. In Key Club, the KEY which stands for Kiwanis Educating Youth, is popular all over the world. People mistaken it for a club that "makes keys", well, some people have a wild imagination. Here at Key Club International, we come together to help serve for our school and community, working together with others, and building core values. Many members, as I observe their changes, grow core characteristic traits such as leadership, caring, inclusiveness, outgoing, responsibility, and character building. Whether you're a new or past member, each and every one of you are in progress of growing or have already grown these values. My purpose of this and many more newsletters to come, is to give YOU, the members of Bolsa Grande's Key Club, a voice. At meetings, officers are mostly overpowering as they update and inform the club on past/upcoming events and keeping every individual up-to-date, but how about the members? These newsletters will allow the members to reveal their thoughts of Key Club, their purpose and opinions. These newsletter will contain articles on past events or Key Club in general which had been written by YOU. These newsletters will show the world through visuals of how YOU help and serve the community. It's all about you. YOU are there reason for the existence of this club. With the combination of an otter and a matador, you are an “Ottador." Your involvement, suggestions and ideas, help strengthen the club. With these daily newsletters, I hope your passion for Key Club develops as I encourage you to step forward and show the world how you as a member could change the world.


Vyvien Pham, Tech Editor '14-'15

Don't forget to check out our new official BGKC website!


DCON 2014

This year, I had the honor of attending District Convention for a second time. Rather than having it in Anaheim like last year, it was held in Sacramento from April 11th to April 13th. It was amazing to be where Key Club all began in 1925.When we first arrived, I expected more from Sacramento, but the new environment was exhilarating. After we checked into the Hyatt Regency, we dressed up in our Harry Potter costumes for the first day! When we had free time, we were able to explore the city and discover beautiful landscapes.The last day of DCON was bittersweet. It marked the end of a journey and a start of another. I will never have the same DCON experience again, and I was glad that I took my opportunity to go and make the best of it. DCON 2015, I'm coming for you. JENNY NGUYEN| GRADE 11

On the weekend of April 11-13, I had the privilege of attending my very first DCON or District Convention with Key Clubbers from California, Nevada, and Hawaii. Honestly, I wasn't looking forward to DCON because I was overwhelmed and stressed out about school and I was not looking forward to an eight hour bus trip. However, my attitude was completely turned around once we arrived. The other attendees were so friendly and spirited and it was hard to not be smiling. One of my favorite things about DCON was the general sessions. What made my weekend so memorable was meeting new people. Overall, DCON was an amazing experience and I highly encourage everyone to attend at least once in his or her key club career. Jen K Nguyen| GRADE 11

District Convention 2014 was a golden experience for all attendees. It was held at the Sacramento Convention Center from April 11 to 13. It started with a 7-hour road trip from our school to Sacramento. The trip was not only a great time for members to socialize, catch up, sing a long, and most importantly take a selfie. Once we got to the hotel, our group quickly changed to our Harry Potter-themed costume and participated in the district spirit rally. If you thought Fall Rally was loud, this was even louder and more exciting. On Saturday, our members dressed up in formal attires and attended many workshops such as membership recruitment, fundraising, and public speaking. The day ended with a formal dinner, an awards session, and a dance.On our last day, we packed up, had breakfast, attended the closing session, took a bunch of group photos, and headed home. Overall, I hope everyone had a golden experience. Next year, the convention is coming back to southern California at the Anaheim Convention Center and the Hilton Hotel. Its theme will be "Celebrate: Friendship, Family, and Service" as it will be celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Kiwanis Foundation. Isn't that exciting or what? Make sure you start to save up now and join us at District Convention 2015. MR. TONTHAT| FACULTY ADVISOR


BGKC Banquet2013-2014 When was it? Thursday, April 17th

Where was it? Eagle's Nest Restaurant For what? Celebrating members

accomplishments within Key Club, last farewell of our officers of 2013-2014 and a new beginning for the new officer elects for the year of 2014-2015!

A few weeks ago was Bolsa Grande's Key Club's annual end of the year banquet. This banquet is to sum up the end of another great year in Key Club. We were brought together to celebrate the achievements of our club, as well as, a farewell to our former officers and welcome the elects for the new term. After checking in, the sophomores in BGKC all went to take photos, I genuinely felt very happy at that moment, being surrounded by the people that was there with me at the very beginning of Key Club. After the photos, we all sat down and the award ceremony started. I received the award for "Most Dedicated Sophomore", following that was the speeches, to me the speeches were very heartwarming, they truly expressed their emotions about Key Club and I felt their compassion. It also made me realized that every good thing must come to an end one way or another, and something else will surely start. It was sad, knowing that I will not be seeing some faces next year, people that I have very much enjoyed being in the club with, laughing, doing service, bonding with. These people are like a second family to me. People will come and go, but Key Club will always remain Key Club.

Duy Tran| Grade 10

As a freshman, during the 2013-2014 term, I started a new journey as a member of Key Club.I've been to countless service events, spirit rallies, and DCM's ( division council meetings ). DCON has also played a big role in my thrive to do service. Our club banquet has been the most memorable event that happened during this term. There, the former officers of the term of 2013- 2014 presented awards, speeches and welcomed the new term of 20142015 . Surprisingly I received an award for Most Dedicated Freshman which made me really happy. I'd have to say that presenting the new board for next year's term had to be the best memory. Getting to hear their speeches and viewing the club slide show made me realize how much I've grown attached to Key Club. I can't believe that the previous term has already ended but there are many more to come. Over the next three years of high school, there's nothing I look forward to more than being in Key Club.


Kevin Nguyen| Grade 9

PAST Events MS WALK JULIE CAO|GRADE 11 On April 5, 2014, I attended the MS Walk Event at the University of Irvine. First, we were divided into groups, and I went with my sister, Vivian Leduc, Peter Kwon and an unfamiliar individual from another school named Richard. We then, followed the volunteer coordinator, and with the other groups, scattered and interspersed along the trail. The air was very crisp and fresh, something Vivian pointed out; the environment was extremely wellmaintained, which was great. Our principal task was to cheer on the runners, joggers and walkers, as they passed by us. When the runners approached us, we cheered them on vigorously. We started reciting Key Club cheers as well, to boost their spirits. (I must admit, my voice embarrassingly cracked a few times when I stretched my voice higher by several notches). After the run, the other volunteers and I gathered at the entertainment area, where we received free and unlimited slices of pizza and a myriad of free stuff. The event was thoroughly enjoyable.

WADY KELLY TRINH|GRADE 10 My morning on Saturday, April 12th, began with my waking up at 7 for yet another visit to the Pacific Terrace Retirement Home. This was my first WADY’s in about a month or so, and I was pretty excited to participate in it again. Like with all my past visits, I knew it’d be fun and that everyone would have an enjoyable time. The entire day was very amusing, thanks to Manh and Thien’s great sense of humor. In addition, our efforts were rewarded with bananas and cookies by various jolly residents. Overall, this visit to the retirement home was yet another wonderful one I was given the pleasure of being able to talk to members that I hadn’t spoken to before and bring a smile to the faces of many cheerful senior citizens as well. I recommend everyone attend WADY's at least once and experience this for themselves!

TRACK MEET JENNY CAO|GRADE 11 On April 23, 2014, I helped out at the track meet after school, from 3 to 5 PM. When the runners started sprinting and such, I was astonished with their formidable speed. I admire how dedicated the runners are, and I revere their endurance and stamina that must have been earned through long and grueling hours of practice. My job was to set up the hurdles and rearrange them as needed. We had to wait for the mile race to go first, before we could start dragging the hurdles to the track. Not only did we have to haul the hurdles on and off the track as ordered, but we had to adjust their height. To do as such, we had to press with our thumbs at their sides and either lifted or pushed the top. Moreover, we had to pull the hurdles across the wide field a few times, and they were heavy. Afterward, we had to clean up by lugging the hurdles back into the shed. Overall, it was an interesting experience, and I enjoyed watching the runners.


More PAST Events April 6th was the Ronald McDonald's Walk for Kids at the Honda Center. After arriving at 7 o'clock in the morning, I met up with our group to decide what task we were all going to do. Shortly after walking around we were able to get free stuff such as coffee, donuts, and a cow bell. Pauline, Huy, Samuel and I soon went to our station across the bridge to cheer on the crowd. During that time, about three people ran up to our group and took a “selfie� with us before we were aware of them. After cheering our hearts out to motivate the walkers and runners in the 90 degree weather for 3 hours, we walked back to meet up with everyone and take a team photo. I soon lost my voice but it as all worth it because at the end of our shift, we received free funnel cake from a kind organization. TUYEN NGUYEN| GRADE 9

Walk for Kids

On Saturday, April 12th, I attended the Survive and Thrive Expo, a walk to represent victims of theft and murder. In this event, we arrived at 5:30 am in the morning and began to set up tables by covering them with either a black or blue table cloth. After we finished setting up the tables, Tien and I had the pleasure to organize generic Snapple cans for the walkers. And with us being... Well, us, we decided to organize it by staking it in a pyramid, which was not a good decision. The first row was strong, it was quickly made and organize, but when we reach the second row of cans... That's when things started becoming unstable. Everything was going fine, until one man, with the stealth of a ninja, pulled a can from the bottom layer, and the cans came tumbling down. All our hard work, time, and determination, just slowly falling on the ground. Although it was a depressing sight, we managed to rebuild it and keep stable until the end of the event, it was actually fun stacking it all back up again. At the end of our shift, we got balloon animals to take home! A great end to a pretty satisfying day. MINDY HUYNH| GRADE 10

Survive&Thrive Run/ Expo

On April 27th 2014, we all arrived at Bolsa for the March of Dimes Event and April D04N DCM call time. I was really looking forward to this event since my Key Club days are coming to an end. I was placed in our faculty advisor, Mr. Tonthat's car for the ride to the event. Once we arrived at Chase Bank, the location of where our DCM took place, we met with the rest of our members. Successfully, we managed to have more than 30 attendees which surpassed our goal of at least having more than 20 members to attend. Proudly, our club took home the spirit stick during the spirit battle against all the schools in our division. After that, we walked the March of Dimes all together but ended up losing each other. We all were able to find each other at the end of the walk and walked around the booths and activities they had for all the participates, overall it was a fun event!


March of Dimes/DCM


Contact Us! Faculty Advisor: Mr. Tonthat E-mail: President: Jenny Nguyen E-mail: Vice President: Jacquelyn Do E-mail: Secretary: Gianhu Nguyen E-mail: Treasurer: Joann Vuong E-mail:

Senior Class Director: Jennifer Hoang E-mail:

Tech Editor: Vyvien Pham E-mail:

Senior Class Director: Robert Ramirez E-mail: Junior Class Director: Thien Pham E-mail:

Sophomore Class Director: Francine Tran E-mail: Freshman Class Director: TBA K-Kids Coordinator: Jessica Lu E-mail: Spirit Chair: Andrew Nguyen E-mail:


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