BGKC July 2014 Newsletter

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Table of Contents

3: President & Editor's Note 4-5: Welcome New Members 6: Past Events 7: Beach Boomba 8: Summer Meeting 9: Member/Officer of the Month 10: Upcoming Events 11: Contact Us

Volume 3 Issue 4

President's Note

“Hey Bolsa, what's up?”



Jenny Nguyen, President '14-'15

Sick of that line yet? Oh well, it just keeps on coming. Anyway, hope you're having a fantastic summer so far! July has been a busy month for us all; all of those service projects, meetings, and socials were sure worth the time, sweat, and effort. Seeing familiar faces and hearing members say "Man, I haven't seen you in a while!" to each other sure made my stomach feel fuzzy (or maybe I was hungry, too). I would like to give a huge and warm welcome to the new members who joined our BGKC ohana. Think Key Club is fun already? Well, I'm glad because it only gets better from here! BGKC has a lot to offer: new friendships, a relaxed atmosphere, character development, team-building, service opportunities, and a second family. I hope to see more of your lovely faces throughout the summer. Otter out!

Editor's Note

“Something looks different!” Hello Ottadors! You guys are probably wondering why the newsletter looks different from the previous ones. Due to my goal of applying for the newsletter contest, it was crucial for me to edit a few flaws in my previous newsletters. I hope you guys enjoy it and look forward to reading future newsletters! On the side note, I hope you all are having a terrific summer vacation. It is so heart warming seeing all your faces at summer services. The last couple of months had a handful of events in which many of you had attended. With that being said, you guys have something to write about! Don't forget to send articles to It would be highly appreciated! Who knows? It may be featured in next month's newsletter! You have a variety of choices to write about. It may be your experience from a previous event you had attended, your goals as a member in Key Club, or things that you had accomplish within the club. There are so many things to write about, hope to see you in the inbox! Summer is almost coming to an end and there are so many opportunities to fulfill your break by attending exciting service events. Be sure to contact your class director for any further questions. There were numerous of events for the month of July, and one pleasurable event was Beach Boomba! A region event hosted by Region 3's LTGs. If you were not able attend, you missed out! But do not worry, be sure to flip to page 7 too see photographs and what members had to say about their experience at Beach Boomba. I hope you guys are making the best out of your summer break. Be sure to stay safe and write articles! Have an ottertastic day!


Vyvien Pham, Tech Editor '14-'15


Welcome New Members! Thank you for joining our Key Club family!

The Journey Awaits...

Brian Bui (12) Han Bui (12) Cresencio Carlos (10) Brian Chau (10) Terri Chu (11)

Son Kien (12) Alicia Mam (10) Kimberly Nguyen (11) Norman Nguyen (10) Phong Nguyen (10) Quan Nguyen (12)

Courtney Pham (10) Angel Roldan (10) Kylie Ta (11) Jenny Thach (12) Khalid Tokhi (11)

Brian Tran (12) Tiffany Tran (10) Tracy Van (12) Pauline Vo(12) Brian Wynn (11)

New Ottadors


Theresa Dinh (10) Tiger Do (11) Stehpon Doan (10) Rich Duong (12) Andrew Ha (12)

WHAT THEY HAVE TO SAY I am honored to be a member of Key Club and grateful to be in a club that helps the community, work together as a team, and lead others to success. As a brother or a sibling of BGKC family, I feel as if I could continue a legacy for Key Club later in the future. As a member, I think I could cooperate well with others and uphold the responsibilities that are required from each member. One thing I love about Key Club is that we raise money for people in need and we gain a special experience from helping others with such an impact to the community. I hope to gain more knowledge towards the history of Key Club and gain experience in communication and uphold more responsibilities as a leader. I hope that someday I would become an officer just like my sister and like her, impacting the club in so many ways. I hope to graduate Bolsa Grande as a Key Club member that fulfilled all requirements and duties as a member and hopefully changed my mindset as an individual. Since Bolsa has a huge club, I wish to meet more people and have more opportunities to expand the horizons. There are many expectations for me and for the club itself and I will do my best to enjoy the sole purpose of the club which is to reach out to the community and help or care for others.

-Norman Nguyen, Sophomore

The meeting on July 18, 2014 was my first meeting as a Key Club member. I was able to socialize with other new members of the Bolsa Grande Key Club. It was a typical warm day. During the beginning of the event, we had an icebreaker to get to know the members better. I liked how the officers were introduced in the Powerpoint. Each officer discussed their role and position in Key Club and it was fascinating to learn the different things they did. I liked how the Powerpoint was well organized and presented. The Powerpoint was very descriptive and easy to understand, I learned so many new things about Key Club that I have never heard of before. There were many acronyms that were mentioned during the meeting, but luckily our vice president was able to create a list of all the acronyms online. The meeting made me feel good because it was my very first meeting as a Key Club member at Bolsa Grande. I had no idea what to expect when I got there, but I felt at eased after the meeting had been adjourned. I am excited to attend the next club meetings for Key Club and become an active member.

-Brian Wynn, Junior Hooray for my first Key Club meeting! Driving to this meeting, I felt my body rushed with anxiety. Not anxiety of the unknown and intimidation, but anxiety of questioning if I had what it take to contribute what Key Club needed. Though filled with such thought, I was still not overthrown because I knew that everyone there would be a new member, just like me. Upon arrival, I immediately saw familiar faces that I hadn’t seen all summer long. Just like myself, everyone did not know what to expect. We started off with an the “human knott” as an icebreaker, which I can honestly say eased up the tension for me. It was a game where we were separated into groups and had to untangle each other. It was a great way to start off the meeting! We then went inside where all the officers would introduce themselves and explain their duty as office. The constant reminders of “please don’t hesitate to talk to me about anything” fully put me at ease. I felt so relieved walking away from this meeting. Driving home, I remembered telling myself that this year was bound for greater things than I initially expected, thanks to Key Club.

-Pauline Vo, Senior


Past events Beach Cities Splash Dash 5K By Catherine Truong, Senior

On Saturday, July 19th, 2014, Bolsa Grande's Key Club had the privilege to volunteer at the Splash Dash Marathon. At this event, it began as a small meet up of Key Club members from different schools including ours. We talked for a bit and met new people while we were waiting for the coordinator to finish his other tasks. The weather was cloudy and there was not much sun, but we manage to push that aside and continued to have fun at this service. There were a lot of activities at this event such as rock climbing, a fake surf machine, house jumpers for children, and lots of food vendors. We helped contribute towards this event by placing and setting up chairs and tables around the area so that people were allowed to eat their food and sit down to rest. The best part of this event was helping the coordinator get this event together and watching Andrew Nguyen's dance battle against a little boy. Because there were so many volunteers, we did not have much to do. We were looking forward to work with the water guns but there were already too many people working at the station. We helped by setting up and also some of us had the privilege to work the snow cone machine. The boys did a fantastic job with the snow cone machine and there was even a long line, but they managed to complete their job and satisfy everyone with delicious snow cones.

HB Big 8KByand 2K Charity Walk Tracy Van, Senior With the drought in California getting worse and the temperatures in the weather getting up pretty high, a day at the beach would do more than suffice! What better than a service right by home of the U.S. Open of Surfing, Huntington Beach? On a cool and early Sunday morning on July 27th, thirteen Key Club members including myself, arrived for call time at 5:20 and headed out to the beach for the Huntington Beach Big 8K and 2K Charity Walk. Arriving at the lot by Pacific Coast Highway and Warner around 6 am, Bolsa Grande Key Club was not the only ones there; also present for the service were other Key Clubs such as from Rancho and Santiago, Red Cross from La Quinta, and other various volunteer clubs. In addition to other clubs being present, fellow Key Club members, especially new ones like myself, got to meet and see LTG’s Hanh Do and Keyian Fallah. After moments of waiting, once most of the volunteers arrived, we were tasked with many various jobs. Some of us were taken to the halfway point to direct and cheer on racers while some were tasked to stand at the finish line and congratulate race finishers, as well as handing out medals. Overall, it was a nice and relaxed day of service with a huge plus with it being at most Californians’ favorite, the beach!


Region Three

beach boomba

& JULY DCM Huntington Beach|July 26th 2014|11 A.M


It was a lovely morning on July 19th 2014. As I arrived to Huntington Beach for my first DCM, I had no clue of what to expect. For a quick moment, I was lost in a crowd of people enjoying their Saturday afternoons next to SoCal’s coast. However it wasn’t long until I found a sea of teal and red. I spotted them pretty quickly from a distance. I felt a wave of nervousness come about my entire body. I made my way to the table where I would then signed in, being greeted with such warm and welcoming smiles from the Division Leadership Team. From then on, I knew I would have an amazing time. Everybody I met at my first DCM was so friendly and liberal. I saw so many new and familiar faces. The fun began when we started to do some icebreakers with the whole region. All throughout my life, I’ve gone through so many icebreakers but none compared to “Ride That Pony”. I remember I not once was I able to keep myself from laughing. All around the circle were genuine smiles. Beach Boomba has marked my start of total comfort and feeling of belonging in Key Club.


Beach Boomba began with a few ice breakers such as “Ride that Pony.” The icebreakers were fun, but the energy slowly died down and we eventually stopped. However, everyone’s energy skyrocketed when pizzas and cookies were being handed out. Everyone sat and ate together, intermingling with different clubs from different divisions. Soon however, everyone started their DCMs. After the DCMs ended, it was time for the pieing of the LTGs. I, however, do not remember many of the activities because I was out swimming most of the time trying to even out my tans. When I think of Beach Boomba, I mostly just remember myself swimming with fellow Key Clubbers. However, when I came back, I saw many buckets full of water balloons. Once I saw the balloons, I knew chaos was about to ensue. All the divisions gathered up and the water balloon fight commenced. As soon as it did, I felt water balloons hitting me like wet slaps coming from giant hands. Though it was painful, I was able to get a few headshots on some random members. Once we finished, everyone picked up the water balloon scraps which turned out to be our beach cleanup. That signaled the end of Beach Boomba. My personal experience of Beach Boomba can be summed up in 4 words: pizza, swimming, water balloons.


Summer meeting JOANN VUONG Junior

Ever since school ended and summer started, our Key Club members never really got the chance to see each other on a regular basis, unlike during the school year, besides attending events together or simply just hanging out. Therefore, what’s a better way to reunite over the summer than to attend the general meeting to see friends, meet additional members, and welcome them into the club? On Friday, July 25th, we held a general meeting for the returners and our additional “Ottadors” at school in the afternoon. After playing a wild and loud icebreaker outside, everyone piled into the hot and stuffy room and sat down. Jenny Nguyen, our president, called the meeting to order, and it started off with the usual Key Club pledge, led by our techeditor, Vyvien Pham. Our vice-president, Jacquelyn Do, led us through her animated power point that was full of old and new business. It also included a slide dedicated to our special guest, Lieutenant Governor, Hanh Do, from Westminster Key Club! What made me smile while Hanh was introducing herself was when she noted that she loves our club’s enthusiasm and spirit! I thought that was very nice of her to say, because I also think our club’s enthusiasm was anything but ordinary! To continue the meeting, the officers took turns explaining upcoming events, call times, and other miscellaneous things. I got to inform the members on our previous fundraisers, such as Frozen Bar and the successful outcome of the 7 Leaves fundraiser. To address a suggestion from our club’s suggestion box which stated that we officers should include the members’ choices into the decision making, the members got the chance to vote for the next social and fundraiser! I thought that idea was a very precise way to allow the members to be apart of the decision making in our club. At last, the meeting came to an end and was adjourned. Everyone scurried out of the hot and suffocating room to go home and enjoy the rest of their sunny afternoon. I look forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting or perhaps social!


Presenting... July's Member of the Month Name: Kevin Nguyen Age: 14 Grade: Sophomore Birthday: Nov 1, 1999 Years in Key Club: 2nd year Service Hours: 97 Fun Facts: “I wear "socks" no matter where I go�

Kevin Nguyen

Reason: Throughout the month of June, Kevin Nguyen has attended many service projects, such as Downtown Anaheim 5K, the DCM, Doig Intermediate, and HB Surfrider; on top of that, he even provides rides for those services. Kevin is an exceptional member because he is always willing to serve the community with a positive attitude and has remained active throughout the year. One of the officers even noted how Kevin is always willing to do any assigned task, not the one that he enjoys doing. Therefore, Bolsa Grande Key Club is proud to bestow this honor to Kevin for June's Member of the Month.

July's Officer of the Month

Jacquelyn Do

Name: Jacquelyn Do Age: 17 Grade: Senior Birthday: June 20th, 1997 Years in Key Club: 4th year Service Hours: 172.65 Fun Facts: Allergic to sunblock. Fave restaurant: Mcdonalds, has fallen asleep in every single class, including choir

Reason: Jacquelyn has been in Key Club for four years and an officer for two years. As vice president, she is always willing to lend a hand to not only the president, but also the whole board and the members. Although she has many priorities on her plate, she is an active member and an efficient officer. In fact, many members always appreciate the fun and productive services that Jacquelyn provides for them. Whenever a problem arises, she becomes a part of the solution by talking to the president about it and by asking for advice. Bolsa Grande Key Club is lucky to have her on board again this year, for her service and her dedication are truly exceptional.


Upcoming Events WADY

If you would like to attend any of the following events, contact anyone that needs a replacement or the Project Chair!

Saturday, August 9 8 a.m-10 a.m PC: Thien Pham

Ribs, Pigs & Watermelon Festival

Paul Revere Saturday, August 9 12 p.m-3 p.m Elementary PC: Jacquelyn Do Back to School Saturday, August 13 7:30 a.m- 3p.m


PC: Jacquelyn Do

R e g i s t ra t i o n S h i ft s


(s1)Monday, August 25 7:30 a.m- 12 p.m (s2)Tuesday, August 26 7:30 a.m- 12 p.m (s3)Tuesday, August 26 12:30 p.m- 3:30 p.m

August DCM

(Scavenger Hunt)

Saturday, August 16 2 p.m-5 p.m PC: Vyvien Pham

PC: (s1)Jenny Nguyen, (s2)Francine Tran, (s3)Gianhu Nguyen

Contact Us If you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact the board. We are here to serve you!

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Tonthat E-mail:

Senior Class Director: Jennifer Hoang E-mail:

President: Jenny Nguyen E-mail:

Senior Class Director: Robert Ramirez E-mail:

Vice President: Jacquelyn Do E-mail:

Junior Class Director: Thien Pham E-mail:

Secretary: Gianhu Nguyen E-mail:

Sophomore Class Director: Francine Tran E-mail:

Treasurer: Joann Vuong E-mail:

Freshman Class Director: TBA

Tech Editor: Vyvien Pham E-mail:

K-Kids Coordinator: Jessica Lu E-mail: Spirit Chair: Andrew Nguyen E-mail:




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