BGKC June 2014 Newsletter

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Division 4 North Region 3 CNH District

The Ottador

Bolsa Grande Key Club Newsletter| Volume 3| Issue 3| June 2014

HB Surfrider

Bolsa Grande Key Club volunteering at HB Surfrider with their buddy club Westminster Key Club!

“Aloha everyone! “

The school year finally came to an end, and summer is finally here. I hope that you ended your school year with an amazing GPA and with many new memories to share. Graduates, thank you for spending the last year of your high school career with us; your service has been exceptional. During the start of summer, many of you have already gone to the beach, tried the infamous Popbar at the Anaheim Packing District, watched new movies, caught up on TV shows, and spent a lot of time with your family. While you are doing all of this, please do not forget about service. There are many opportunities for you to serve the community this summer, so please don't take them for granted: Summer services are perfect for those who want to volunteer without the stress induced by heavy loads of homework. That said, I hope to see all of you soon, whether it may be at our next summer meeting or at a service project. Otter out!

President's Note”

Table Of Contents INTRODUCTION















Editor's Note KEY CLUB. As it is being acknowledged all across the nation, what is your first instinct when hearing the two words, Key Club? In my head, numerous of words and phrases are disseminating all across my mind. I could think of hundreds of words that could describe Key Cub: amazing, family, love, "How do you feel?", leadership, opportunities, future, happiness, and so much more. In Key Club, the KEY which stands for Kiwanis Educating Youth, is popular all over the world. People mistaken it for a club that "makes keys", well, some people have a wild imagination. Here at Key Club International, we come together to help serve for our school and community, working together with others, and building core values. Many members, as I observe their changes, grow core characteristic traits such as leadership, caring, inclusiveness, outgoing, responsibility, and character building. Whether you're a new or past member, each and every one of you are in progress of growing or have already grown these values. My purpose of this and many more newsletters to come, is to give YOU, the members of Bolsa Grande's Key Club, a voice. At meetings, officers are mostly overpowering as they update and inform the club on past/upcoming events and keeping every individual up-to-date, but how about the members? These newsletters will allow the members to reveal their thoughts of Key Club, their purpose and opinions. These newsletter will contain articles on past events or Key Club in general which had been written by YOU. These newsletters will show the world through visuals of how YOU help and serve the community. It's all about you. YOU are there reason for the existence of this club. With the combination of an otter and a matador, you are an “Ottador." Your involvement, suggestions and ideas, help strengthen the club. With these daily newsletters, I hope your passion for Key Club develops as I encourage you to step forward and show the world how you as a member could change the world.


Vyvien Pham, Tech Editor '14-'15

Don't forget to check out our new official BGKC website!


Farewell to Our Seniors

ThroughoutS my four years here at Bolsa Grande High School, Key Club has taught me a variety of various and different things. To start off, I had joined Key Club as a shy young freshmen with the will to succeed in the club. Once I was accepted, I knew I was in for a long ride. Key Club is a lot about unity and service. Our ideals are very simple but can take us very far. Inclusiveness is taught amongst our members, and even though they don't realize it, they perform this skill every single day. At events, at meetings, even at socials, we are always inclusive to our club members. As for services, we have a service almost every weekend to keep members active and allow them to get a goal of how ever many hours they aimed to shoot for. Some members have a hundred hours, most have fifty, and even some strive for two hundred. Key Club teaches you such great communication and even leadership skills that truly is the best that High School can offer someone coming in to this as a freshman. I do not regret joining and am grateful for such an amazing opportunity. THANG THAI|GRADE 12

It's that time of the year when we say good-bye to our fellow seniors as they enter “the real world.” Class of 2014 Key Clubbers will truly be missed by all the underclassmen within Key Club. To honor their achievements, BGKC had offer to reward any seniors who accomplish the goal of 50 or more hours. A handful of these wonderful seniors were able to accomplish this task and earned a medal with their name engraved on the back. In other news, two lucky seniors were also able to win a scholarship from our Kiwanis Program. The lucky winners of this scholarship was Donald Huynh and Victor Nguyen, congrats to you both! To all the seniors of Key Club we wish you the best of luck!

Key Club has changed my life. The amount of new friends that I have made, the experiences of helping my community and seeing gratitude from it, the lessons that were taught were all because of Bolsa Grande Key Club. I have few regrets leaving the club this year like never attending DCON or Fall Rally and even not running for an officer position on the executive board. But I am glad things turned out the way it did. I was able to enjoy the club experience as a member by attending services and having fun with my fellow members. The benefits and experience that I gained from attending service is unique to us volunteers and it shed light on our community and how there is always someone in need of help. Meeting new people was definitely the best part about Key Club; I have met a lot of people from all over the division that only helped with my social introvertness and I’ve made some of my closest friends. One of the best feelings was seeing underclassmen excited about key club and doing community service and I am glad to be a graduating senior able to witness that and serve as an example for the underclassmen. I know the club will be in good hands as the seniors of Bolsa Grande Key Club graduate and there is no doubt that our key club will continue to only grow and become a better club. DONALD HUYNH |GRADE 12

Congratulations to an Anonymous Designer! With numerous of wonderful designs being submitted, we've tallied up the scores of each design and this design ended up with the most votes! Thanks to everyone that voted. Make sure to start saving up for pre-sale!


Past Events

This week's Friday afternoon started off normal: the bell rang signaling the end of the school day and Jessica, Duy, Julie, and I walked to Cook Elementary for the weekly service K-Kids. The K-Kids coordinator, Jessica Lu, planned for everyone to play a game called Blitzkrieg. Not all of the K-Kids knew how to play this game, so Jessica and some volunteers spent some time to explain and demonstrate how to play the game. Everyone was split into 2 teams, but some volunteers we put as the dividing line for the game. The goal of this game was to retrieve the most amount of balls or hula hoops in the required time. There was a lot of running around involved. Towards the end of the service, Jessica gathered everyone in a circle to discuss future games to play. After that, some volunteers gathered up all of the equipment while the others led the K-Kids back into the cafeteria to get ready to go home. This week's K-Kids service was really enjoyable and I hope to attend another one just like this. ELLEN LE| GRADE 10

Last K-Kids of the School Year Today, I attended a service at Corona Del Mar State Beach. This event's call time was set to 04:45 A.M. Although only a handful of people came, the event was still a success. When we first arrived at the volunteer booth, we signed in and picked up a T-shirt of our size. After that, we were separated into two groups to hang up banners around the walk. This process took us a solid hour or so, with some time for us to take a break. Within our break, we were given the opportunity to eat breakfast at no cost whatsoever. After our break was over, we went back to our regular shifts. After working for another hour and a half, the event coordinator relieved us of our volunteering duties. We were given time to venture out and participate in the various activities that other booths set out. This event allowed us to interact with others, help out, and have fun simultaneously. All in all, this service was a great opportunity to achieve community service hours while having fun at the same time. ETHAN NGUYEN| GRADE 11

Corona del Mar Scenic 5K

What is a better way than to kick off the summer with some volunteer services? On Friday, June 20th, some of the key club members and I volunteered at Doig Intermediate. We were kindly greeted and welcomed by some of the wonderful staff members when we knocked on the office door. As they invited us into the facility, one of the teachers asked us who we were and why did we show up at the school. After finding out that we will lend them a helping hand, she then showed us a variety of tasks that needed to be completed. I volunteered to file folders of the incoming students for the upcoming school year in the fall. It seems as if there was an endless amount of folders that needed to be filed, but with another pair of hands to help me, Kevin and I efficiently completed the required task. After filing the folders, we were asked to put together the registration packets. Before we realized, it was time for us to leave, but prior to leaving, the volunteers gathered together with Ms. Wu, one of Bolsa’s administrators, and snapped a photo for memory. I thought that it was a nice way of spending my afternoon. GIANHU NGUYEN| GRADE 10


Doig Intermediate

HB Surfrider

Huntington Beach Surfrider was on Saturday, June 21st. This was my first time attending a beach cleanup, so I was eager to get a taste of what this event was like. In addition, this event was collaboration with Westminster Key Club. More the reason to go! Since there was some time left, we started to roam around the booths available on the beach and wait for the rest of our group to arrive. There was a booth giving away hats and stickers in an effort to remind people about keeping our beaches clean, so we decided to take upon the opportunity. Once everyone arrived, including Westminster Key Clubbers, we started to buddy up- a group of four with two people from Bolsa Grande and two from Westminster. My buddy was Joann Vuong. At first, everyone had the chance to pick the remaining members of the groups, but everyone was shy and would not make a move. Therefore, Huong and Vyvien grouped people together. Joann and I were grouped with Steven and Nhan from Westminster. While picking trash up, we got along really well. We talked about school, life, etc. Do not worry. We still made a difference and collected a bunch of trash. Saving one specimen with each piece of trash. When the cleanup was over, we played “Hug A Bear” and took group pictures. I really liked the event and hope we’re able to collaborate with Westminster Key Club again.

Jennifer Hoang (11)

Bolsa Grande Key Club and Westminster Key Club had a beach cleanup at Huntington Beach on Saturday, June 21 2014. The day was cloud even before we arrived to the coast, but the weather was strangely warm. The surf competition at Huntington Beach had a steady crowd forming, they pooled the seating areas eager to watch the braves souls conquer the waves. Key Club was volunteering for the HB Surfrider event that same day. We were separated into groups with members of Bolsa Grande Key Club and members of Westminster Key Club. I was paired in the same group with the current LTG, Hanh Do, and we began our task by picking up trash. The ocean was very clean that day, but bad luck struck when I stepped on a shard of glass from a Budweiser bottle. Luckily, the wound wasn't too deep, so I ventured off. There was many cigarette butts in the sand, and they have a foul scent to them, Jessica had the liberty to pick them up. When we returned, we had ice breakers and had to regurgitate one fact that we know about our new group members. I chose Hanh; I learned that she was a tennis player that didn't really play. We also played hug-a-bear, I made it to the preliminary round, and almost won. Other than that, BGKC headed off to receive free snow cones and Bruxies.

Thien Pham (10)



May's Member of the Month

Kimberly tran

AGE: 15

Reason: Kimberly Tran deserves the title of Member of the Month for May because she GRADE: 9 truly showed her dedication to and passion for Key Club. Not only does she sign up for DATE OF BIRTH: April 19, 1999 many services, but also has a big smile on her face when she serves the community. Although a freshman, Kimberly found her YEARS IN KEY CLUB: 1 place in Key Club and is not afraid to show her Key Club spirit. Also, she is willing to try SERVICE HOURS: 52 new things and is a great team player. Whenever spotted on campus, Kimberly is FUN FACTS: “I am on the always wearing a smile and a Key Club shirt. varsity swim team, I play the Bolsa Grande Key Club is proud to honor drums and piano, and I'm also Kimberly with May's Member of the Month in Girls Scout!” and is lucky to have her in the club for years to come.

May's Officer of the Month

Andrew Nguyen



FUN FACTS: “I like to dance, I know how to yo-yo, I've had eyeliner on 3 times in my life, and have had my nails done a few times. I can solve a rubik's cube too.”

Reason: Although Andrew transferred from Rancho Alamitos last year, he has definitely made his mark here at Bolsa Grande. The role of Spirit Chair is relatively new, but it is vital in our club's atmosphere. This year, members said that they wanted to improve our club's spirit, and our club was lucky enough to have Andrew step up! For the month of May, Andrew effectively planned Lip Dub, one of the member's favorite events, and promoted our club to the rest of the school. Andrew's good communication and interesting cheers are definitely one of the club's greatest assets!

Contact Us! Faculty Advisor: Mr. Tonthat E-mail:

Senior Class Director: Jennifer Hoang E-mail:

President: Jenny Nguyen E-mail:

Senior Class Director: Robert Ramirez E-mail:

Vice President: Jacquelyn Do E-mail: Secretary: Gianhu Nguyen E-mail: Treasurer: Joann Vuong E-mail: Tech Editor: Vyvien Pham E-mail:

Junior Class Director: Thien Pham E-mail: Sophomore Class Director: Francine Tran E-mail: Freshman Class Director: TBA K-Kids Coordinator: Jessica Lu E-mail: Spirit Chair: Andrew Nguyen E-mail:


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