Brauerei Forum 9/2022 (intl.)

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Technical Periodical for Breweries, Malt Houses, the Beverage Industry and PartnersBRAUEREIInformationServiceofVersuchs-undLehranstaltfürBrauereiinBerlin–GermanyNo9–InternationalVLBEditionII/2022|12September2022 | ISSN FORUM0179-2466  Cambodian Hanuman Beverages new member of VLB Berlin  VLB Berlin merges Research Institutes for Raw Materials and Beverage Analysis  International VLB activities 2022  Certified Brewmaster Course successfully finished

Pure Yeast & Starter Cultures Yeast strains and functional micro organisms for the brewing, distilling and beverage VLB Berlin – Biological Laboratory Seestrasse 13, 13353 Berlin, yeasts + Bottom fermenting yeasts + Yeasts for low alcohol beers and speciality beers (e.g. sour beers) + Spirits, wine and champagne yeast strains + Lactic acid bacteria for biological acidification + Cultures for alternative beverages (e.g. Kombucha, Water Kefir) Shipping as slope culture or concentrate Brewing in a Nutshell – ONLINE Self-directed online seminar about the basics of beer brewing: Raw materials / Malting / Brewing / Filling / Beer styles & quality Scope: about 10 hours, to be finished within 3 weeks – 100 % online – Corporate rates available eLearningVLB

VLB'scertificatesinternational Around 200 brewing experts from Southeast Asia, Europe and America attended the 7th Bangkok Brewing Conference in June in Bangkok, Thailand

3Brauerei Forum International September 2022 CONTENT  VLB INSIDE 4 Hanuman Beverages from Cambodia new member of VLB Berlin 5 VLB Inside: VLB merges its Research Institutes for Raw Materials and Beverage Analysis 6 Technical Scientific Committee met at VLB Berlin  TRAINING & EVENTS 8 Check your expert knowledge! 10 VLB Symposium: Sour fermented, non-alcoholic beverages remain as popular as ever 13 World Beer Market: Biggest brewing groups increase market share worldwide – and again: 7 German breweries under top 40 14 Bangkok Brewing Conference 2022 – successful new start in Southeast Asia 16 VLB international activities in 2022 18 General Information on VLB Alumni Association “ehem. VLBer ” 19 Certified Brewmaster Course 2022: The graduates have the certificate in their pockets 20 Certified Brewmaster Course 2022: The graduates' gallery 22 VLB course offerings 2022/2023  OTHER 23 Imprint / VLB institutes and departments Contacts 24 VLB event schedule 2022/2023 19 On 22 July, the Certified Brewmaster Course 2022 successfully came to an end. 22 gradu ates of this year and a total of 7 participants from 2020 and 2021, (finally) received their

activities are gaining momentum:

14 Cover photo: Panorama picture of the VLB "Wilfried Rinke Brewing Plant". More photos are available at Google Maps → "VLB Berlin" WE BREW FOR THE BEERS OF THE WORLD Roasted Malt Beers Malt Extracts Beer PhoneASPERALiquidCaramelBrewingConcentrateSyrupsSugarBRAUEREIRIESEGMBH45478Muelheim-Ruhr,Germany+49208588980/

4 Brauerei Forum International September 2022 VLB INSIDE  VLB MEMBERS

Hanuman Beverages Co Ltd, a young and upcoming beverage company from Cambodia, has been a new member of the Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin (VLB) since January 2022.

(oh) Hanuman Beverages is based in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cam bodia. With a total investment of US$ 160 million, the family-owned company began the construction of a new greenfield brewery on the outskirts of Phnom Penh in 2018. The first expansion stage, with a ca pacity of 1 million hl, went into op eration in October 2021. A second expansion stage for up to 2 million hl beer is already being planned. In line with the claim “Greatness in Every Drop”, major importance was attached to state-of-the-art brewing and filling technology from Germany and the establishment of sustainable and environmentally compatible production. With more than 1000 new jobs, Hanuman also wants to contribute to the further economic growth in Cambodia. Sarsileap Khieu, owner and chair woman of the Board of Hanuman Beverages, and CEO Chas Geschke have ambitious plans: “Cambodia is a coun try with a very young population that is de veloping rapidly. Our goal is to establish the Hanuman brand as a benchmark for the highest quality in the Cambodian beverage market.” In doing so, the company aims to meet the increasing demands of custom ers with clingmaterials,nology,of-the-artproducts:ronmentallyinnovativehigh-quality,andenvifriendlyWithstate-planttechthebestrawwaterrecyratesof90%, and largely no plastic packaging, Hanuman aims to become the first climate-positive brewery in Cam bodia. Market Success A gold medal at the Monde Selec tion Beer in June 2022 for the flag ship product “Hanuman Premium Lager” was an initial confirmation of the successful start of operation. Another brand was Hanuman Black, based on the German beer type Schwarzbier, which was also very well received by the Cambodian market. Furthermore, an additional production facility for non-alcohol ic soft drinks and energy drinks is currently in planning. “There is an enthusiastic spirit of optimism at Hanuman, which is strongly supported by the owner family. The great market successes immediately after the start of pro duction confirm that we are on the right track,” says the German Brew master and Certified Beer Somme lier Bernd Kirsch, summarizing his experience of the past two years at Hanuman. ”We are glad to have VLB Berlin as a competent and neutral partner at our side, that will support us in the further expansion of our beer and beverage activities.”

Photo: Hanuman Beverages

Hanuman Beverages from Cambodia new member of VLB Berlin

VLB is also pleased about the new cooperation: “It is a special honor for us to welcome Hanuman Bever ages, another member from South east Asia, to our VLB family”, says VLB Managing Director Dr. Josef Fontaine. “The company has a very ambitious and extremely profes sional approach. We are proud to be able to support Hanuman in its further development and looking forward to a fruitful cooperation!”

Handing over the VLB VatanakKirschMayPhnommembershipcertificateinPenhin2022:Bernd(HanumanBrewmaster),co-workerHanuman,RobertoBiurrun,MickHolewa,JanFischer(allVLB),Mr.(BrewingManager),VisalTy(AssistantBrewingManager),PhilippZeuschner(VLB)andRolfSanktjohanser(PlantManager)

Technical Committee Production/ Brewing Technology Chair: Michael Jakob (Carlsberg Supply Chain) / Dr. Roland PahlDobrick (Pall) New members: ‰ Dr. Jörg Maxminer (Filtrox AG, St. Gallen, Switzerland)

Technical Scientific Committee met at VLB Berlin

Technical Committee Environment, Resource Management, and Safety at Work Chair: Werner Sauer (Privatbrauerei Sauer & Hartwig) / Bernd Franzmann (Karlsberg Brewery) New members: ‰ Olaf Teunissen (Aqana, Nether lands) ‰ Lucia Rupp (Radeberger Group, Frankfurt am Main) The good-humoured guests ended the meeting at the evening reception at VLB with fresh Berliner-Kindl and a buffet. The next morning, the advi sory board of the German Braugers ten Gemeinschaft also met at VLB.

TWA (oh) Due to the pandemic, the meet ing was moved from its originally planned date in mid-March to 11 May. After the TWA had met ex clusively in (well-attended) online meetings in the past two years, this meeting was now held in hybrid form. A total of more than 100 TWA members and guests took part in the face-to-face event, while another 25 joined the individual expert com mittees online. Dr. Stefan Kreisz, TWA Chairman and member of the VLB Board of Directors, was pleased with the lively interest and popular ity and thanked all participants.

Photo: oh

For the first time since October 2019: In May 2022, the Technical Scientific Committee (Technisch Wissenschaftlicher Ausschuss, TWA/TSC) of VLB met again for a working conference in presence form. The members of the five technical committees discussed current topics and trends from the brewing, malting and beverage industry.

VLB DirectorManagingDr.JosefFontaineandTWAChairmanDr.StefanKreisz(r.)welcometheparticipantsoftheconferencetotheeveningreception 

New members: ‰ Katrin Pankoke (BR ŁO, Berlin) ‰ Simon Esser (Kulmbacher Brau erei AG, Kulmbach)

Technical Committee Raw Materials, Malting, and Hop Processing Chair: Dr. Christian Müller (IREKS) / Darko Zimmer (Brauerei Bischofs hof) New members : ‰ Dr. Marc Kusche (Carlsberg Sup ply Company Germany, Wernes grüner Brauerei) ‰ Florian Schrickel (VLB RI for Beer and Beverage Production)

Technical Committee Filling, Pack aging, and Business Technology Chair: Thomas Faber (Erdinger Weißbräu) / Thomas Lauer (Bitbur ger Brewery Group) New members: ‰ Gernut van Laak (ABB, Mann heim) ‰ Jan Fischer (VLB Research In stitute (RI) for Beer and Beverage Production) ‰ Florian Heukäufer (VLB RI for Management and Beverage Logis tics, Packaging Testing Department)

6 Brauerei Forum International September 2022 VLB INSIDE

About the TWA VLB's Technical and Scientific Com mittee looks back on almost 120 years of existence. Its main task is the discussion of practice-relevant, future-oriented topics from the brewing, malting and beverage in dustry with scientific support from VLB. The TWA is thus an active link between science and industry. The members of the TWA are executives from national and international breweries or brewery groups, malt houses, soft drink producers, uni versities and colleges, industry as sociations and the supply industry. A prerequisite for admission to the TWA is membership in the VLB. In addition, it is possible to appoint personalities from associations and other scientific institutions as mem bers of the TWA. According to the statutes, the number of members is limited to 150. Since March 2019, the TWA has been chaired by Dr. Stefan Kreisz, Erdinger Weißbräu. His deputy is Peter Peschmann, Brauerei C. & A. Veltins. The TWA meets twice a year.

Technical Committee Quality As surance and Analytical Technol ogy Chair: Frank Homann (Warsteiner Brewery) / Dr. Annika Lagemann (Bitburger Brauerei Group)

6. If the malting barley is too wet on delivery, there is a risk that the barley will mould during storage. Which of the following statements regarding water content is incorrect? a) If the water content exceeds 17 %, the barley should be dried.

Check your expert knowledge!  CHECK YOUR EXPERT KNOWLEDGE ewPhoto:

4. The optimal pitching yeast in a brewery should have special properties. Which of the following is not one of them? a) Thick consistency b) The number of dead yeast cells should not exceed 3 % c) High vitality d) Immediate begin to fermentation e) High fermentation power

b) A water content of 12 % is ideal for long-term storage. c) If the water content is high, the barley should be stored in a cool place. d) At a water content of over 15 %, respiration increases very sharply. e) The respiration loss does not depend on the water content of the stored barley.

How solid is your expert knowledge when it comes to beer brewing? Whether craftsmanship or extensive expertise in the field of microbiology and food chemistry: A brewer needs the knowledge and overview of the manufacturing process. Therefore, the questions in this issue cover a broad range of facts which a professional brewer should be familiar with.

5. Before the yeast proliferates strongly after the pitching, it goes through a latency and fermentation phase. This is followed by the multiplica tion phase. What is this phase also called? a) Lag phase b) Log phase c) Stationary phase d) Sprouting phase e) Ascending-phase

8 Brauerei Forum International September 2022 TRAINING & EVENTS

a) Energy suppliers – they provide energy for metabolic processes b) Signal transducers – they transmit signals to other messengers c) Biocatalysts – they accelerate the transformation of chemical substances d) Inhibitors – they slow down metabolic transformations e) Moderators – they initiate substance transformations

1. There are different types of dry hopping. From the technological point of view, which one is the most efficient technology without losing beer quality? a) Hop dosage in an open fermenting tub b) Hop dosage in the CCV c) Hop dosage in the storage tank d) Dosage of hop pellets directly into the bottle

3. Unlike the hydrofluorocarbons used in the past, ammonia (NH3) as a refrigerant is not consi dered ozone-depleting. Nevertheless, there are certain risks associated with handling ammonia. Which ones (3)? a) Ammonia is a highly corrosive gas. b) Ammonia is explosive at very high temperature especially when mixed with oxygen. c) Ammonia is a substance hazardous to water. d) Ammonia is not soluble in water.

9. Which of the following enzymes is not yet detect able in the ungerminated barley grain, but is only formed during germination? a) Alpha-amylase b) Beta-amylase c) Peptidases d) Exo-beta-glucanases e) Proteinases

2. A barley kernel consists of about 12 to 14 % water and the „dry matter“. Which carbon hydrate is the major component of the dry matter in barley? a) Cellulose b) Maltose c) Starch d) Glucose e) Dextrin

7. In addition to aroma, hops also bring bitterness to the beer. The bitterness of beer is described in Bitterness Units (BU). 1 BU is approximately... a) 1 mg iso-alpha acid per hL of wort. b) 1 mg iso-alpha acid per L of sales beer. c) 1 mg iso-alpha acid per 100 L wort. d) 1 mg iso-alpha acid per L wort. e) 1 g hop pellets per hL wort.

8. Enzymes play an important role in malting and brewing. What are enzymes?


3. a), b), c) Ammonia (NH3) is a very corrosive gas which can cause serious injuries. Any direct contact has to be avoided and strict safety measures have to be employed.

4. d) Immediately after pitching, the yeast cells must first multiply. Therefore, the wort is aerated to enable the yeast to respire and thus to multiply quickly. After the oxygen in the wort has been consumed the yeast cells change their metabolism and (anaerobic) fermentation begins.

(C 6 H10 O5) n is the most important constituent of barley and makes up 63 % of the dry matter. The starch of a barley kernel consists of about 20 % amylose (long, unbranched helical glucose chains) and 80 % amylopectin (very long, branched glucose chains).

1. c) There are several technologies for dry hopping. Dosing hop pellets into the storage tank is one of the most efficient 2.ways.c)Starch

6. e) Since the respiration of the barley kernels increases rapidly at a water content of more than 15 %, it should be dried in order to avoid respiration losses during the storage. (And also to avoid the mould formation!)

7. b) The bitterness of a beer is expressed in bitterness units (BU). According to the definition by the European Brewery Convention (EBC) 1 BU refers to the content of 1 milligram bitter substances (iso-alpha-acids) per liter of beer.

8. c) Biocatalysts: Enzymes are proteins that act as biologi cal catalysts by accelerating biochemical reactions. They increase the reaction rate by lowering its activation energy for a specific reaction.

9. a) Alpha-amylase is not detectable in ungerminated bar ley. Most of the alpha-amylase is formed during the malting process on the third and fourth day of germination. Betaamylase is already present in large amounts in ungerminated barley.


5. b) In the phase of exponential or logarithmic growth (log phase), the growth rate of the yeast is constant and maximal. The generation time (the time period during which the cell number doubles) is minimal during this phase. In this phase the yeast is at its most vital.

9Brauerei Forum International September 2022

right: Dr. Mathias Hutzler listened with interest to the participantsbelow:Hepresentations.talkedaboutpureandmixedfermentationsonday2ofthesymposiumDr.MartinSenz,whoorganisedtheevent,welcomedtheathisopeningspeech

Sour fermented, non-alcoholic beverages remain as popular as ever

Photos: ew

10 Brauerei Forum International September 2022 TRAINING & EVENTS  VLB SYMPOSIUM

The joy of being able to meet and talk at a live event was clear to see on the faces of the 85 people from ten countries across Europe who at tended the symposium. During the breaks, people discussed the event with a sour fermented drink in hand, be it water kefir or kombucha. And on the first night of the symposium, everyone enjoyed the warm sum mer evening with a Berliner Weisse or other type of beer. Before the presentations began, participants had the opportunity to learn about flow cytometry tech nology in a demonstration by Sys mex. In this workshop targeted at the beverage industry, anyone who wanted to could perform analyses on real samples and learn more about the kits available and the potential of the tech nology live and in person. Day 1 Following a short presentation on VLB Berlin by VLB’s Manag ing Director Dr. Josef Fontaine and an intro duction by Dr. Martin Senz, Head of the VLB Research Institute for Biotechnology and Water (FIBW) and host of the conference, Dr. Christian von Wallbrunn from Hochs chule UniversityGeisenheimstarted the symposium off by providing an overview of alternative fermenta tions in beverage technology. In his presentation, he discussed the wide variety of microbes and raw materials used in different bever age fermentations and highlighted the overlaps that could be of in terest to practitioners. Wallbrunn motivated the audience to think outside the box and, wherever pos sible, draw on existing knowledge and combine it in new ways so that we can continue to enjoy new prod ucts in the future.

The inaugural symposium on acidic fermented, non-alcoholic beverages was held in 2019. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 event was postponed until 2021, with the VLB Virtual Campus chosen as the new venue. At long last, VLB Berlin was able to open its doors again for an international inperson event held on 24 and 25 May 2022.

Dr. Martin Senz, Head of VLB Research Institute for Biotechnology and Water

Dr. Paul Cotter, Head of Food Bio science at Teagasc Food Research Center in Ireland, started off the second session. In his presentation on microbiome-based research in fermented beverages, he outlined the possibilities of using the latest NGS technologies to identify and compare characteristic microbi omes of various traditional fermen tation products. Using kefir bever ages as an example, he explored the topic of microbiota both original and characteristic of the beverage and discussed the implications for food regulation in relation to mod ern production.

Fabio Carlucci , founder and CEO of ROY Kombucha, took the audi ence on the journey of the startup, which launched back in 2019. In a presentation on the story of ROY Kombucha , he described the company’s growth from the early days where it brewed kombucha in a kitchen to when it became an established market player in 2022. Participants found out about the hurdles a growing company has to overcome and the many responsi bilities that come with this. Carluc ci also touched on the issues and choices that a food manufacturer constantly faces. Dr. Thierry Tran from the University of Burgundy (France) closed out the first of the six sessions. In his presentation, Tran spoke about the latest findings from his research on kombucha fermentation, highlight ing the interactions of yeasts and acetic acid bacteria typically found in kombucha and the associated ef fects on aroma-related fermenta tion by-products.

Maciej Krol , founder of mac. ferments ApS (Copenhagen), provided an overview of nolo fermented beverages inThe audience is applauding: after the lecture is before the discussion

An overview of the regulatory aspects of sour fermented beverages from a European perspective was provided by Jana Thenert from analyze & realize GmbH. She gave an overview of how traditional and new beverages are named, as well as possible claims made about these products. Along with that, she also drew atten tion to the major regulatory gaps in the relevant product categories. She then went on to discuss the need for greater regulation to members of the audience in the auditorium, at which time she touched on the different views and opinions of food producers, suppliers, and consumers and highlighted potential challenges faced by food manufacturers and regu lators when niche products rapidly establish a foothold on the market.

In her presentation on state of the art technology in vine gar production, which opens up the possibility of fully automated, industrial-scale kombucha production, Liesa Wilsberg , Managing Director of Cetotec GmbH, discussed automation of the kombucha production process and the current technological require ments regarding controlled production. Because Cetotec was a silver-level sponsor of the event, participants had the opportunity to share ideas and experience with plant technol ogy in the exhibition area at the end of the session. Simon Gerhard reported on all about tea as a raw material. He touched on the enormous differences in the quality of the product from the per spective of the global Martin Bauer Group, which develops plant-based solutions for the tea and beverage industry. He also discussed the use of tea as the primary ingredient in the production of fermented kombucha. The final presentation of the second session on the influ ence of yeast additives on the aroma profile of kombucha by Dr. Niel van Wyk (Hochschule Geisenheim University) also focused on current research into kombucha. He presented recent findings from research at the university regarding the influence of the targeted addi tion of non-typical yeasts on the aroma profile in the pro duction of kombucha. The third session was kicked off by a presentation on the in ternational kombucha market by Denis Kelleher, CEO of Good Culture Kombucha (Ireland). He explained how the many categories of kombucha now available are produced and why this is important, espe cially when it comes to market ing the beverage. According to Kelleher, the cult drink is cur rently subject to a lot of hype. This is reflected in new food products such as ice cream or sweets in which kombucha is used as a “hero ingredient” to create new taste experiences.

Dr. Daniel Ramón Vidal , ADM Biopolis, Spain, closed out the first day of presentations. He discussed the use of probiot ics, prebiotics, and postbiot ics in the beverage industry He then went on to describe the current state of knowledge regarding the impact of biolog ical substances and microor ganisms and the mechanisms that underlie them. In addi tion to this, he also presented a number of examples of how modern technologies and ana lytical methods can be used to demonstrate the correlation between diet and the effects of functional ingredients. At the subsequent get-togeth er, participants exchanged ideas over a variety of sour fer mented beverages. One of the main highlights of the evening was a tour of the Wilfried Rinke Pilot Brewery operated by VLB Berlin, with traditional Berliner Weisse and other beers on tap in a nod to the symposium. Day 2 The second day of the sympo sium got started with a pres entation by Dr. David Laureys , Innovation Center for Brewing & Fermentation at Ghent Uni versity, on current research findings on the production of water kefir. He presented fac tors that influence the lactic fermentation process of the beverage and explained the impact of various process fac tors on the product when re using the water kefir crystals, also known as backslopping. The speaker described how the fermentation temperature over several cycles enables the amount of certain lactic acid bacteria and yeasts to increase or decrease and how these contribute to the characteris tics of the beverage.

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T he final session kicked off with a presentation by Dr. Fanny Canon , Atelier du Fruit (France). She re ported on an article from the Insti tut Agro Dijon in France on micro bial interactions and interactions in co-cultures . Canon provided an overview of the latest information available on the interactions, some of which are multifactorial, and dis cussed the importance and poten tial of fermentation products.

EVENTSDenmark, with a special focus on kombucha. Krol spoke about the brands and trends on the market and outlined the potential for small and medium-sized bev erage producers in particular to position themselves in an increasingly diversified mar ket.

Philippe Janssens , application specialist from Fermentis by Lesaffre (France), closed out the first session of the day with a presentation that covered both technical and scientific aspects of the production of non-alcoholic and reducedalcohol beers (sour NABLAB) . In addition to exploring funda mental aspects of the produc tion process, he also presented in-depth studies on different combinations of mashing pro cesses, wort acidification, and subsequent fermentation with special yeasts. Janssens de tailed how the various produc tion processes correlate with product characteristics, including the fermentation by-products that for bitterness units and sensory im pression. During the break that fol lowed, those who wanted to learn more about the various lactic acid bacteria and yeasts and their use in practice had the opportunity to visit the booth of silver-level event sponsor Fermentis. In his presentation, Dr. Mathias Hutzler, Director of the Microbiol ogy and Yeast Center at the Weihenste phan Research Center for Brewing and Food Quality, illustrated the current status in beverage fermentation To get things started, Hutzler gave an over view of the history of the use of yeast cul tures in beverage fer mentation. He report ed that before yeast cultures were utilized, all beverage fermen tation was done using mixed populations of bacteria and yeasts. It was not until 1883 that yeast cultivation was successfully car ried out on an indus trial scale. Using current examples of beverages fermented in a mixed culture, the speaker explored their complexity and described modern techniques and approaches to char acterize and develop processes.

In the final presentation of the symposium, Sophie Lange from VLB Berlin gave a practical overview of different microbiological analyses that can be used for isolation, identification, and quantification of beverage-specific microorganisms. Lange used selected examples to present possibilities for a system atic approach that can also be used in beverage development. To close out the event, Dr. Martin Senz gave a few parting words to everyone in attendance. He re-it erated that there have been great strides in science in the field of complex fermentation products, which were reflected in the presen tations and discussions. The ingre dients and properties of the vari ous types of beverages discussed at the event have the potential to bolster trends and contribute to a healthy lifestyle. According to Senz, however, much more information is required in order to tap this poten tial. Other things that are needed include transparency and consumer education. The next symposium on acidic fer mented, non alcoholic beverages is scheduled for May 2024. Checking the agenda on the mobile phone During the breaks sour

Dr. Martin Senz , Head of the VLB Research Institute for Biotechnol ogy and Water (FIBW), then ex plored the question of what are the basics for the classification of acidic fermented beverages ? In his presentation, the speaker high lighted the different motivations from the perspective of beverage producers, government agencies, marketing professionals, and the scientific community. He described strategies for manufacturing com plex and “traditional” fermentation products as well as gaps in how they are defined under current regulations. This was followed by a panel discussion where representa tives from industry, stakeholders, and the scientific community dis cussed aspects of manufacturing and food categorization. The posi tions taken and ideas expressed on issues such as the extent to which certain types of beverages may be overregulated, or when a product is considered “traditional,” were a testament to the wide range of dis ciplines represented at the event. The discussions highlighted gaps in the regulation of certain types of beverages internationally.

The next presentation shifted away from microbiology to look at food chemistry. Dr. Sascha Rohn, Tech nical University of Berlin, focused on the raw materials required to make beverages and shed light on the functionalities of phytochemi cals for short. He pointed out that many processes that foods and beverages undergo, be that during manufacturing, handling, or diges tion, can lead to structural changes in the ingredients, which may also affect their functionality.


12 Brauerei Forum International September 2022 TRAINING &

Biggest brewing groups increase market share worldwide – and again: 7 German breweries under top 40

(F.) The high proportion of brewing groups leading the rankings is par ticularly noteworthy: The top four – AB InBev, Heineken, Carlsberg and China Res. Snow Breweries – alone accounted for a good 61 % of the beer output of the top 40 breweries. AB InBev went clear at the top of the table with an output of nearly 582 million hectoliters (34 %). 2021 produced winners and losers among the different brewing nations. Many Western European countries were still laboring under the COVIDrelated restrictions. Nearly all the breweries in the beer stronghold of Germany, for example, had to swal low losses of output. For countries in most of the other regions around the world, however, the situation eased somewhat, with beer sales rising in many places. Mergers and acquisitions change the market Internationally, 2021 also saw changes in the market resulting from mergers and acquisitions, although the year was mainly characterized by the consolidation of minority share holdings. Heineken, for example, acquired a majority shareholding in United Breweries in India and gained control of Namibia Breweries by tak ing over the Distell Group. Kirin/Lion acquired Bell’s Brewing, a pioneer in the American craft segment, and consolidated its position as the lead er in this market segment by merging it with New Belgium Brewing, which was already owned by the group.

The world beer market recovered slightly in the second year of the coronavirus pandemic: The combined output of the world’s 40 largest brewers in 2021 rose by about 80 million hectoliters to nearly 1.7 billion hectoliters, representing an increase of just below five percent and bringing their total market share to 91.4 percent. This is one of the facts contained in the “Top 40 Breweries” rankings published in the BarthHaas Report 2021/2022.

The data were taken from the brewers’ own annual reports. In other cases, after different sources had reported differing figures, or where no figures were available, the production volume had to be estimated. Ranking2021 Brewery Country Beer output 2020 in mill. hl Beer output 2021 in mill. hl Change 1 AB InBev Belgium 530.6 581.7 9.6 % 2 Heineken Netherlands 221.6 231.2 4.3 % 3 Carlsberg Denmark 110.1 119.6 8.6 % 4 China Res. Snow Breweries China 106.9 112.2 5.0 % 5 Molson Coors USA/Canada 84.5 84.0 -0.6 % 6 Tsingtao Brewery Group China 80.0 76.0 -5.0 % 7 Asahi Group Japan 56.3 57.4 2.0 % 8 BGI / Groupe Castel France 36.7 40.0 9.1 % 9 Efes Group Turkey 36.2 37.9 4.7 % 10 Yanjing China 35.3 33.5 -5.1 % 11 Constellation Brands USA 30.2 32.6 7.9 % 12 Grupo Petrópolis Brasil 31.0 29.5 -4.8 % 13 Kirin Japan 27.7 26.1 -5.8 % 14 Diageo (Guinness) Ireland 20.8 21.0 1.0 % 15 CCU Chile 15.6 19.2 23.0 % 16 San Miguel Corporation Philippines 14.5 15.7 8.3 % 17 Saigon Beverage Corp. (SABECO) Vietnam 14.5 14.5 0.0 % 18 Grupo Mahou - San Miguel Spain 13.5 14.5 7.2 % 19 Singha Corporation Thailand 12.6 12.9 2.0 % 20 Pearl River China 12.0 12.8 6.7 % 21 Damm Spain 11.5 11.9 3.0 % 22 Radeberger Gruppe Germany 11.1 10.2 -8.1 % 23 United Breweries Group India 8.9 9.3 3.9 % 24 TCB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH Germany 8.6 8.5 -1.2 % 25 Oettinger Gruppe Germany 8.5 8.5 0.0 % 26 Suntory Japan 8.2 7.7 -6.1 % 27 Sapporo Japan 7.4 7.3 -1.4 % 28 Beer Thai (Chang) Thailand 7.6 7.2 -5.3 % 29 Swinkels Family Brewers Netherlands 7.7 7.0 -8.6 % 30 Krombacher Gruppe Germany 6.0 5.8 -3.3 % 31 Paulaner Gruppe Germany 5.9 5.7 -3.4 % 32 HiteJinro South Korea 6.1 5.4 -10.8 % 33 Bitburger Braugruppe Germany 5.9 5.0 -15.3 % 34 Olvi Group Finland 4.6 4.7 3.0 % 35 Estrella de Galicia Spain 3.4 4.4 27.9 % 36 Obolon Ukraine 4.2 4.2 0.0 % 37 Moscow Brewing Company Russia 4.0 4.1 2.5 % 38 Royal Unibrew Denmark 4.0 4.1 2.0 % 39 Hanoi Beverage Corp. (HABECO) Vietnam 3.5 3.6 2.9 % 40 Veltins Germany 2.9 3.1 6.7 % TOTAL 1,620.6 1,699.9 4.9 %


There were signs of further market shifts in the first quarter of 2022: In March, Heineken and Carlsberg both announced that they were with drawing from the Russian market fol lowing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. For the same reason, AB InBev an nounced in April that it was selling its share in a joint venture with the Turkish brewery Anadolu Efes which operates in Russia. The BarthHaas Report 2021/2022 was published in full length on July 25.

The world's top 40 brewing groups


13Brauerei Forum International September 2022  WORLD BEER MARKET

Around 200 brewing experts from Southeast Asia, Europe and America attended the 7th Bangkok Brewing Conference, which took place from 12 to 14 June 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand. This year, the visiting programme led to the Thai Spirit Industry Co. The event has been jointly organised by the Thailand Beer Industry Guild (TBIG) and VLB Berlin for the sixth time since 2009.

Top: Technical visit to the new

50 hl SpiritsplantbrewingofThaiIndustry

Bangkok Brewing Conference 2022 –successful new start in Southeast Asia

14 Brauerei Forum International September 2022 TRAINING & EVENTS

Photo: VLB Berlin/Jan Biering

(oh) Actually, the Bangkok Brewing Conference was scheduled to start again in 2021 – but the pandemic threw a spanner in the works of the two organisers. All the more reason for the 200 participants from 15 countries, among them two partici pants from the African continent, to look forward to the new start this Thesummer.motto this year was "Odyssey 2022: Neutrality towards Net Zero for the Brewing Industry". The 18 presentations therefore focused on ideas and proposed solutions on how the brewing and beverage industry can meet the challenges of building an environmentally neutral production chain. Need to catch up in Southeast Asia According to Euromonitor Interna tional, the beer market in Southeast Asia was significantly more affected by the pandemic than the global av erage. In addition, there are current ly clear consumer trends towards reduced alcohol consumption and the weighting of environmental as pects (climate change, waste avoid ance, etc.). Nevertheless, according to Euromonitor's assessment, the beverage industry in Southeast Asia has a lot of catch-up potential, es pecially in Vietnam, the Philippines and Thailand. As a prelude to the Bangkok Brewing Conference, a visit to the production facility of the Thai Spirits Industry was on the agenda. Located around 60 km east of Bangkok, the company has been producing primarily fruit and wine-based beverages since 2003. In 2019, the company also entered the beer business and com missioned a brewery with a 50-hl brewhouse at the site. Craft beers in particular are produced there using the contract brewing process. Brew ery training courses have already been held there together with VLB. This year's Bangkok Brewing Con ference also enjoyed a broad circle of supporters. Ziemann Holvrieka (platinum sponsor) and the gold sponsors Krones, Ecolab, Pentair and Sidel deserve special mention. In addition, VLB would like to thank Thai Spirits in particular for their hospitality, as well as Boon Rawd Brewery and other companies for their support. The Bangkok Brewing Conference is a joint project of the Thailand Beer Industry Guild (TBIG) and VLB Berlin. First held in this constellation in 2009, the event has developed into the industry meet ing place for the brewing industry in Southeast Asia. The next Bangkok Brewing Confer ence is planned for June 2024.

15Brauerei Forum International – September 2022 SEMINARSINTERNATIONAL& VLB‘s ONLINE conference for the brewing industry in Africa – 27 to 29 September 2022, VLB Virtual Campus + Training Applied Microbiology Training course providing up-to-date knowledge in brewing-related microbiology – 14 to 18 November 2022, Berlin + 12th Iberoamerican VLB Symposium Brewing & Filling Technology After 4 years, the VLB Ibero-American Symposium returns to Brazil – 21 to 23 November 2022, Uberlandia, Brasil + 3rd International Brewing Web Conference International ONLINE conference focused on brewing & beverage technology 6 to 7 December 2022, VLB Virtual Campus + VLB Certified Brewmaster Course Hybrid training course for prospective brewers held as 6-months full-time programme –9 January to 23 July 2023, Berlin VLB Berlin, Seestrasse 13, 13353 Berlin – Germany Phone: +49 30 450 80-245, Fax: +49 30 450 80-210 Munich, Germany | 12 – 16 September 2022 VLB Berlin in Hall A6, Booth #317 All the guests were in good mood at the evening event at the Jim Thompson House in Bangkok The VLB Team in Bangkok: Philip Zeuschner, Christian Schubert, Rober to Biurrun, Dr. Josef Fontaine, Jan Biering, Florian Schrickel (f.l.t.r.) (2)SilpiPanuchaPhotos: From left: Philip Zeuschner, Jan Biering and Florian Schrickel (all VLB Berlin) at Boon Rawd Brewery in Banglen, 70 km northwest of Bangkok Photos: VLB Berlin/BIurrun

16 Brauerei Forum International – September 2022 TRAINING & EVENTS VLB international activities in 2022 2 to 5 May – Craft Brewers Conference in Minneapolis/USA: The VLB team on-site Roberto Biurrun, Chris Bergtholdt and Jan Biering 30 May to 1 June – Brazil Brau in Sao Paulo: Marina Witt, Alexandre Esber (Ambev), Roberto Biurrun, Vanessa Nadruz, Marilia Kleber (both Ambev) in front of the VLB booth Photo: VLB Berlin 26 to 28 May – Brewer World Conclave in Bangalore/India: Jan Biering and Gaya Mehta hold the workshop "Know your beer" 29 May to 2 June – EBC Congress in Madrid: Florian Schrickel is talking about “Beer Haze – the must knows and the hows” at the Brewers Forum BerlinVLBPhoto: Photo: VLB Berlin BhararinPrasadPhoto:


2022: Online Craft Brew ing Course of Thai Spirit Industry / Udomkati Brewhouse, Thailand, and VLB Berlin. Jan Biering joined the farewell party "only" online… Photo: Thai Spirits Industry

18 Brauerei Forum International September 2022 TRAINING & EVENTS

19Brauerei Forum International September 2022 CERTIFIED BREWMASTER COURSE 2022

Photo: ew On the last day, a total of 25 Certified Brew masters proudly received their cer tificates in person. Some partici pants ceremonyleavenatelyunfortuhadtobeforethe

On 22 July, the Certified Brewmaster Course 2022 came to an end. 22 graduates of this year and a total of 7 participants from 2020 and 2021, who could only take their exams now due to the pandemic, (finally) received their certificates. During the ceremony, VLB Managing Director Dr. Josef Fontaine acknowledged the performance of the examinees and thanked all VLB staff who contributed to the success of the course both in front of the class and behind the scenes. (ew) VLB Managing Director Dr. Josef Fontaine opened the graduation cer emony with an address to the gradu ates as well as to a handful of family members, friends and partners who were able to attend the farewell cer emony in person for the first time in two years. He congratulated the newly graduated Brewmasters and praised their achievements, some of which were outstanding, before presenting the coveted VLB Certified Brewmaster certificates. In January, 30 participants from 18 nations took part in Part 1 (theory) of the Certified Brewmaster training. The majority followed the lectures online, only about a third were on site in Berlin from the beginning. Phase 2, the practical part of the training, began in mid-May. Now not only those participants who had joined online during the first three months came in person. Those who had to interrupt the training in the pandemic years 2020 and 2021 and had to leave early at that time also joined them. The practical work took place in the in-house laboratories and in the Wilfried Rinke Brewery Technol ogy Centre. Around 25 VLB staff or lecturers gave lectures and practi cals. External guest lectures with Tim Schrodt and Julia Rossmann from Endress+Hauser as well as Dr. Roland Pahl-Dobrick from Pall en riched the lecture programme. And not to forget: Cramming for the final exams was also on the agenda. But a pleasant post-pandemic premiere cushioned all these exertions. After a two-year break, the budding brew masters were finally able to taste the results of their craft again in the leg endary Zunfthaus. Course leader Burghard Meyer thanked all participants for their support. He was pleased that almost all participants were able to success fully complete the course again this year and invited them to join the VLB alumni network “former VLBers”. It got emotional at the end: course coordinator Heike Flohr is retiring in spring 2023 and therefore dismissed her protégés with a special farewell: “It's always a bit sad when you see people leave. But it also makes me happy that in the last course I su pervised from start to finish, almost all of them were able to finish the course and finally hold their certifi cate in their hands without the pan demic having too much of a hand in it.” And because the pandemic actually took a bit of a back seat, the subsequent farewell party took centre stage.

The graduates have the certificate in their pockets

20 Brauerei Forum International September 2022 VLB Certified Brewmaster Course – Graduates 2022 –ewPhotos: Adar, (Israel)Chen Aguinaga Cabredo, Manuel (Spain) Ahu, (Turkey)Demirer Arguello Castillo, Paola M. (Nicaragua) Bahl, (India)Omar Biedermann, Jorge (Paraguay) Bozkurt, Özgün Umut (Turkey) Brown, Patrick (USA) Cabral, Lucas (Brazil) Cortal, Jean Patrick (Brazil) Demir, (Turkey)Serhat Diss, Jakob (UK) 22 graduates of this year and a total of 7 participants from 2020 and 2021 received their certificates at the end of July. VLB Berlin congratulates all participants on their successful completion of the demanding Certified Brewmaster Course. TRAINING & EVENTS

21Brauerei Forum International September 2022 Duong, (Vietnam)Chi Escobar Gonzalez, Bertha M. (Nicaragua) Guzenko, (Uzbekistan)Andrey Hamester, Gustavo (Brazil) Kabadi, Manish M. (India) Katirci, (Turkey)Özge Leite, (Brazil)Marcondes Lule, (Uganda)Fredrick Malldorf, Maximilian (USA) Murillo González, Isabel (Spain) Nguyen, Huy Quoc (Vietnam) O‘Neill, Hugh (UK) Sinisalo, Juha (Finland) Stamm, Christopher (USA) Swinkels, Michiel (The Netherlands)

This on-demand online course cov ers the basics of beer brewing. It ap proaches the general principals of the brewing and malting processes, the raw materials as well as filling and packaging in theory. The par ticipant will receive a Certificate of Attendance. Location: Online on-demand Next date: Anytime throughout the year More information: Since its foundation in 1883, VLB has also been a brewing school. VLB supports the regular study programs for brewers at Technische Universität Berlin. Furthermore, it provides continuous training in the field of beer brewing and beverage technology – in German and English. Due to COVID-19 pan demic, VLB has temporarily modified the concept of the Certified Brewmaster Course, being another two block event in 2023. On top, Brewing in a Nutshell is now on offer as an on-demand online course. In VLB's laborato ries as well as in the pilot brewery students learn the practical aspects of being a brewer; here: quality control in the lab Photo: ew

l Certified Brewmaster Course

l Craft Brewing in Practice

The VLB’s flagship training course for prospective brewers contains a six-month full-time program pro viding in-depth understanding of brewing technology with its re lated major fields of engineering, filling and packaging and quality control. The Certified Brewmaster Course 2023 once more starts with a dif ferent concept. The course will be offered in two blocks: first theory, second practice. The first part will take place as a hybrid event, i.e. all theory lectures from 9 January to approx. mid-May will be held via video conference – but students, who want to attend lectures per sonally at VLB Berlin, are welcome to do so. Extensive practical work in our laboratories will start midMay as a second block-event – for this block the students will have to come to Berlin. With lectures and desktop studies in the theory block, the participants will prepare them selves for the practical work in part two. Despite this hybrid concept, the Berlin brewmaster education is still focused on a comprehen sive, practice-oriented knowledge transfer and on an open dialog with the lecturers. To receive the VLB Brewmaster Certificate, the gradu ates have to finish the course and all exams successfully. In addition, they have to prove a minimum of 3 months practical work in a brewery before coming to the VLB. A reason able group size for practical work guarantees an intensive and indi vidual teaching.

This is a ten-day full-time training course providing up-to-date know ledge in the field of pub and micro brewing. It covers the basics of beer brewing. The lectures will approach topics such as raw materials (water, malt, hops, and yeast), the brew ing process, yeast management, fermentation, hygiene, sensory evaluation, basics of quality con trol as well as economic and legal aspects for starting a pub brewery. The course is planned as an on-site class at VLB Berlin. If the pandemic does not allow a face-to-face event, it will be held as an online seminar.

22 Brauerei Forum International September 2022 Our courses meet the requirements of the German Accreditation and Admission Ordi nance (AZAV) Reg. No. 004007 AZAV


VLB course offerings 2022/2023

Hybrid course: Location part 1 (Theory): Online at home or on-site at VLB Berlin Location part 2 (Practice): On-site at VLB Berlin, Germany Next date: 9 January – 21 July 2023 More information: cbc2023

Brewing in a Nutshell Online

Applied Microbiology

Location: Berlin, Germany Next date: 19 – 30 September 2022 More information: craftbrewing2022

Applied Microbiology is a oneweek full-time training course providing up-to-date knowledge in the field of practical microbiol ogy with relevance for the brewing and beverage industry. It covers the basics of microbiology, labora tory techniques as well as micro bial sampling in theory and prac tice. The course is conducted in the VLB’s microbiological training laboratory and in our pilot brew ery. Applied Microbiology will be held as residential course. Location: Berlin, Germany Next date: 14 – 18 November 2022 More information: microbiology2022 l


Advertising Sales

VLB PR and Publishing Department Phone +49 (30) 450 media@brauerei-forum.de80-255

Editorial Department

Print and Distribution Westkreuz-Druckerei Ahrens KG Berlin/Bonn, Töpchiner Weg 198/200 12309 Berlin, Germany

VLB institutes and departments – Contacts

Microbiology and Brewing Biology

Dr.-Ing. Josef Fontaine (CEO)  + 49 (30) 450 80-292  fontaine @ Gerhard Andreas Schreiber (CFO)  + 49 (30) 450 80-292  g.schreiber@ Research Institute for Beer and Beverage Production (FIBGP) Dipl.-Ing. Jan Biering  + 49 (30) 450 80-132  biering @ Beverage Analysis Ludmilla Linke  + 49 (30) 450 80-100 

All rights reserved. No part of this publi cation may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of VLB Berlin. We do not accept any liability of unsolicited sended scripts. The editor do not assume any responsibility for contributions marked with a name or signature. 23Brauerei Forum International – September 2022

Dr. Martin Hageböck  + 49 (30) 450 80-157  m.hageboeck@

VLB LaboTech GmbH  + 49 (30) 450 80-220  labotech@ Spirits Analysis Tim Fuchs  + 49 (30) 450 80-243  t.fuchs@ Research Institute for Biotechnology and Water (FIBW) Dr.-Ing. Martin Senz  + 49 (30) 450 80-153  m.senz@

IfGB – Events Spirits & Distilling Wiebke Künnemann  + 49 (30) 450 80-270  kuennemann@ International Sales / Coordination Iberoamerica & Africa Roberto Biurrun  + 49 (30) 450 80-185  biurrun@ Logistics Dipl.-Ing. Norbert Heyer Returnable Systems and Packaging Dipl.-Ing. Ingo Pankoke Truck Database Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Scharlach Further Education Dipl.-Ing. Norbert Heyer Event Management Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Scharlach Sensory Patrícia Diniz Fischer  + 49 (30) 450 80-149  diniz.fischer@ Raw Materials Analysis Gustav Creydt  + 49 (30) 450 80-135  creydt@ Pilot Malting and Customer Services Markus Wildegans  + 49 (30) 450 80-285  wildegans@

Dr. Sarah Thörner  + 49 (30) 450 80-250  sarah.thoerner@

Phone: + 49 (30) 4 50 80-251 Fax: + 49 (30) 4 50 80-210 Email: Internet:

VLB Berlin, Seestrasse 13, 13353 Berlin, Germany  + 49 (30) 450 80-0,  , 

Publisher Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin (VLB) e.V. Seestrasse 13, 13353 Berlin, Germany Editorial Office Brauerei SeestrasseForum13,13353 Berlin, Germany

Managing Directors

Water Quality, Management and Technology (WMT) Dr. Alfons Ahrens  + 49 (30) 450 80-294  ahrens@ Research Institute for Raw Materials and Beverage Analysis (FIRGA) Dr.-Ing. Nils Rettberg  + 49 (30) 450 80-106 

Brauerei Forum Advisory Board Dr.-Ing. Josef Fontaine, Dr. sc. techn. Hans-J. Manger

Subscriptions Domestic 95 € incl. VAT Abroad 95 € (+ shipping) Cancellation of the subscription in each case at the end of the year Westkreuz Verlag, Berlin Phone +49 (30) 7 45 20 47 Fax +49 (30) 745 30 abo@brauerei-forum.de66

Imprint Brauerei Forum Technical periodical for breweries, malthouses, the beverage industry and their Informationpartners service of VLB Berlin ISSNwww.brauerei-forum.de0179–2466

Research Institute for Management and Beverage Logistics (FIM) Dipl.-Ing. Norbert Heyer  + 49 (30) 450 80-139  heyer@ Dipl.-Ing. Ingo Pankoke  + 49 (30) 450 80-192  pankoke @ Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Scharlach  + 49 (30) 450 80-239  scharlach @ PR and Publishing Department / Editorial Office “Brauerei Forum” Dipl.-Ing. Olaf Hendel  + 49 (30) 450 80-255  hendel@

Special Analysis and Research

Olaf Hendel, Editor-in-Chief (oh) Eva Wiesgrill (ew) Julia Bork (jb),

Publication Dates Appears with 8 editions a year, in German plus 2 issues in English. Day of publication: 12 September 2022 Our next German edition will be released on 10 October 2022 The next international edition is scheduled for May 2023 VLB SCHEDULE 2022/2023  Craft Brewing in Practice Workshop: 19 to 30 September 2022 VLB Berlin, Germany  3rd VLB Africa Brewing Conference 27 to 29 September 2022 Online event, VLB Virtual Campus  VLB Jahrestagung 2022 10/11 October 2022 Berlin, Germany  VLB General Assembly 10 October 2022 Berlin, Germany  Training: Applied Microbiology 14 to 18 November 2022 VLB Berlin, Germany  12th Iberoamerican VLB Symposium Brewing & Filling Technology 22 to 23 November 2022 Uberlandia, Brasil  3rd International Brewing Web Conference 6 to 7 December 2022 Online event, VLB Virtual Campus  Certified Brewmaster Course 2023 9 January to 22 July 2023 VLB Berlin, hybrid course: part 1 online or on-site in Berlin / part 2 on-site in Berlin, Germany  Micro Malting in Practice 29 March to 6 April 2023 VLB Berlin, Germany Naturally grown. Traditionally processed. Quality malt from Germany. Since www.bestmalz.dewww.bestmalz.de1899. Visit us at drinktec 2022 12-16 Sept | Munich A5, 460

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