A Classic Rock Book of writing By: Izel Vazquez
Table of contents Introduction 2 About Author 3 Dedication 5 Punctuation/Capitalization 6 Parts of speech 8 Phrases/Clauses 16 Sentences 18 Paragraphs 21 Essay 25 1
Introduction Atthebeginningofthissemester,IwastoldIwasgoingtobewritingmy ownbook.IwassonervousbecauseIhaveneverdoneaprojectlikethis before.Ididn’tknowwhatkindofbookthiswasgoingtobe.Iremember duringthefirstcoupleweeks,Mr.Rodriguezgaveusinstructionsto choosethetopicweweregoingtobaseourbookon.Atthestartofthis projectIneverthoughtthebookwasgoingtobeaboutwriting,butI’m gladhegaveeveryonethisopportunity.Withthisbook,Ihopepeople everywherewillbeabletolearnfromit Formybook,IchosethetopicofClassicRock.Thisgenrehasalways playedabigpartinmylife.Listeningtomusicistheonethingthatcan relievemefrommystress.Ialwaysfindcomfortinmusicandcanlisten tosongsforhoursatatime Myfavoritememoriesarelisteningto musicwithmydadinthecar.HewouldshowmesongsbyTheBeatles, TheDoors,Queenandsomanyotherclassicrockbands.Classicrockwill alwaysbeoneofmyfavoritegenresandI’llnevergettiredlisteningto allthesebands. 2
About Author MynameisIzelVazquez andIamcurrentlya16yearoldstudent inmyJunioryearatBravoHighSchool.Iwas borninBoyleheightsandraisedinEastLosAngeles alongwithmytwoyoungersisters.Iamveryclosewithboth sidesofmyfamily,especially mygrandmother My grandmotheristheonewhointroducedmetomy passion.Sheencouragedmetojointheorchestra inelementaryschool.AtfirstIwasskeptical butnowIamgratefultoherforshowing meanewsideofmyself.Musichasalwaysbeenan importantaspectofmylifeeversincethen.NowI knowhowtoplaythreeinstrumentsand wanttolearnmore. 3
In pre k, I was taught the alphabet and how to write each letter but I did not learn how to write actual stories until first or second grade. I learned to write in my elementary school, Malabar St Elementary School With each year my writing has evolved in many ways I remember a time, around fourth grade, I wrote a short story about archeologists for class and the teachers of that grade would show it to all their students as an example. I remember how proud I was that year. At the time I thought I was such a good writer and I wanted to increase my knowledge of different writing styles Now I have trouble at times with my stories as I feel I am always having writer's block. Although I have trouble, I believe that with more practice I will be able to improve my writing. With each grade, I understand more and more about writing and how to create a story. Every time I think about the difference between my writing from middle school and now, it shocks me Although I still have trouble with vocabulary, I believe I have improved on my grammar, spelling, and my reading comprehension This also allows me to be a better writer as well
Dedication I dedicate this book to all the people who are learning English as their second language. Learning a completely different language is extremely difficult and I admire those who are taking that journey. 5
En dash(used between figures to show a range) The Doors were active from 1965 1970.
Period(used to indicate the end of a sentence) The Beatles consisted of four members , Comma(used to separate parts of a sentence like clauses or items in lists) There are many classic rock bands including The Beatles, The Doors, Pink Floyd, and The Rolling Stones.
Em dash(are used to set off extra information and can be used in place of parentheses, commas, colons, or quotation marks) Syd Barrett guitarist and lead vocals of Pink Floyd was nineteen when he co founded the band.
Punctuation- Identify the functions of each mark and create one (1) example sentence of the usage for each mark 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7 8 9. 6
Book of Writing Section 1
: Colon (precedes an explanation, a list, a quotation, or a block quotation) Queen consisted of four members: Freddie Mercury, Brian May, John Deacon, and Roger Tayler.
; Semicolon(used to separate complex items within a list and to connect independent clauses) I like The Beatles; My friend likes Guns N’ Roses.
Punctuation and Capitalization
‘ Apostrophe (used to indicate the exclusion of a letter or number) Paul McCartney is the bass player in The Beatles and he’s one of the songwriters as well.
? Question mark (used to identify sentences that ask a question)- How many classic rock bands are there? ! Exclamation point(used at the end of an exclamatory sentence) I can’t believe Guns N’ Roses are still together!
Classic Rock
(Used for names and proper nouns)- Aerosmith was a popular band with lead vocalist, Steven Tyler.
(Used to begin a sentence)- Classic rock is rock music created in the 60s,70s, and 80s.
Capitalization – Identify and create one (1) example sentence for each rule of capitalization. The rules of capitalization: 7
10 “ ” Quotation marks (used to indicate the exact words that someone else said)- Freddie Mercury once said, “Music is Limitless.”
11. .… Ellipses (used when omitting a word,phrase,line,paragraph, or more from a quoted passage)- The Who is good...but the Beatles are better.
14. / Forward slash (meant to indicate the word “or” ) - Ask him/her what their favorite classic rock band is.
13. ( ) Parenthesis (used to separate elements in a sentence)CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival) was an American rock band that formed in 1959.
12. [ ] Brackets (used to include information that is not essential to the main point)- He [Carlos] formed the band Santana.
(Used for the first word of a quote when it is a complete sentence)- As Led Zeppelin said, “A new day will dawn for those who stand strong, and the forests will echo with (Usedlaughter.”formost words in titles, time periods, and events)- One of my favorite movies that includes music from The Beatles is
Pete Best was later replaced by Ringo Starr as the drummer for The Beatles.
Parts of Speech NOUNS
EX: guitar, microphone, drums.
Proper Nouns: give the name or title of a particular person, place, thing, or idea (must be capitalized).
Types of nouns:
EX: Freddie Mercury, Liverpool, Los Angeles
Common Nouns: name a class of people, places, things, or ideas.
EX: friendship, lifespan, bandmate
Compound Nouns: consist of words used together to form a single noun.
Concrete Nouns: refer to material things, to people, or to places.
8 Classic Rock Book Of Writing Section 2
EX: fascination, laughter, courage.
Functions (How nouns are used):
Led Zeppelin holds the record for number one classic rock song of all time with their song “Stairway to Heaven.”
EX: stadium, concert, band
Subject (comes before the verb)
Direct Object (comes after the verb and answers what or whom)
· Indirect Object (answers to who or to whom)
Jim Morrison gave an autograph to his fan after the concert.
Abstract Nouns: name ideas, qualities, concepts, emotions, or attitudes.
9 PRONOUNS Pronouns take the place of nouns that have been e Personal: Nominative (subjects) Objective (objects) I/we me/us you/you you/you He, she, it, one/they him, her, it, one/them Possessive My, mine our, ours Your, yours your, yours His, her, hers, its, one’s their, theirs Relative: Nominative Objective Possessive who whom whose That that of that those/ this Interrogative: who, which, what, whatever, whoever Reflexive: (personal pronouns plus the suffix –self or –selves) Used only: when the action verb is directed toward the subject of the construction: Paul McCartney and John Lennon wrote the songs for The Beatles themselves Glenn Frey from The Eagles taught himself how to play instruments and sing to intensify a point: Debby Harry herself made classic rock history. Creedence Clearwater Revival rose from being just a garage band themselves. Demonstrative: this, these that, those Indefinite:
stative verbs (describe a condition) infinitive verbs (indicate tense) infinitive verbs (infinitives or participles) regular verbs (weak verbs) irregular verbs (strong verbs) transitive verbs (verbs followed by a direct object) intransitive verbs (verbs that do not take direct objects)
Passive: The guitar was played by Pete Townshend.
Verbs show the time, action, and state of being of a subject.
Tense: verbs indicate time via tenses:
Gerund: word ending in “ing” used as a noun. All the fans of the classic rock bands appreciate singing
Voice: Voice is the form of the verb that indicates how it relates or interacts with the action. The English language has two voices: ACTIVE and Active:PASSIVE.PeteTownshend played the guitar.
all, another, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere, few, many, much, neither, nobody, none, no one, nothing, one, other, several, somebody, someone, such. VERBS
linking verbs (verbs that do not describe action, but connect the subject of a sentence to other parts of the sentence – usually the lexicalpredicate)verbs (main verbs) dynamic verbs (indicate action)
Participle: word ending in “ing” or “ed” used as an adjective 10
Simple past simple present present perfect Past present progressive past perfect present perfect future past progressive present progressive. future perfect Types: There are at least eleven (11) types of verbs: auxiliary verbs (helping verbs)
Degree –
Correlative: Either/or; neither/nor;
Frequency –
. Time –
· Paul
both/and; whether/or; as/so
ADJECTIVES Adjectives modify, describe, limit, and ident · Kinds: Demonstrative, Common, Proper Demonstrative: This Common: Adventurous Proper: American ADVERBS Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. · Endings –ly : -wise:-wards:FamouslyTowardsFlockwise Conversions“Delightful” becomes “Delightfully” Types: Manner, Frequency, Degree, Place, Time Example Types: Manner –
the venue The
The charming musicians took with their fans of convinced were certain they would find their idol at the bands like to when singing McCartney likes to sing beautifully. Jimmi Hendrix played the guitar aggressively Guns N’ Roses will play a show at the stadium tonight I was not able to attend Queen’s concert because the was too far Freddie Mercury’s voice during the performance was good. Brian May is constantly astonishing people with his skills. and, nor, but, or, yet, so not only/but also;
Place –
mall. Infinitive:verb preceded by the word “to” (to go, to jump) used as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs · Many
CONJUNCTIONS Coordinating (FANBOYS): for,
Prepositions and phrases to other parts the Prepositions NEVER followed by verbs.
There are one-word prepositions and complex prepositions These are some common one-word prepositions: INTERJECTIONS Interjections are the final part of speech Aah Duh Hey Nooo Quite so Well Well Zap Ah Eek Hmm Not Rah rah Whatever Zipp Aha Er Ho hum Nuts Rats Whee Zzz Ahem Fine Hooray Oh Shh Whoa Argh Gee Hum Okay Ta da Whoops Aw Gesundheit Ick Okey-dokey Thanks Wow Aye Good job Icky Oof Touche Yea Brr Gosh Jeez Ooh Tsk tsk Yeah Bye Grr Mmm Oy Tut tut Yech Cheese Ha My oh my Pew Ugh Yikes Curses Ha-ha Nah Phew Um Yippee Darn Hallelujah Naw Phooey Voila You bet Drat Hee No Psst Vroom Yummy
Subordinate: after, though as, as if, as long as, as thought, because, before, if, in order that, provided that, since, so, so that, that, though, till, unless, when, where, whereas, while
Relative pronouns: who (refers to people), which (refers to non living object or animals), that (may refer to animals or nonliving objects)
aboard, about, above, according to, across, across from, after, against, along, alongside, alongside of, along with, amid, among, apart from, around, as, as far as, aside from, at, away from, back of, because of, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, but (except), by, by means of, concerning, despite, down, down from, except, except excluding for, for, from, from among, from between, from under, in, in addition to, in behalf of, including, in front of, in place of, in regard to, inside, inside of, in spite of, instead of, into, like, near, near to, notwithstanding, of, off, on, on account of, on behalf of, onto, on top of, opposite, out, out of, outside, outside of, over, over to, owing to, past, prior to, to, toward, under, underneath, until, unto, up, upon, up to, versus, with, within, without. 12
link nouns, pronouns,
13 Transitions of Logic Chart Milder Stronger ComparisonAdditionContrast a further and and then then also too next another other nor further furthermore moreover in addition additionally besides again equally important first, second finally, last just as so too a similar another like similarly comparable in the same way likewise but yet and yet still otherwise or though but another rather however still nevertheless on the other hand on the contrary even so notwithstanding for all that in contrast alternatively at the same time though this may be otherwise instead nonetheless conversely
then now soon afterward later shortly earlier recently first, second, third next before after today tomorrow meanwhile at length presently at last finally immediately thereafter at that time subsequently eventually currently in the meantime in the past in the future to do this so that to this end with this object for this purpose for that reason because of this in order to there here beyond nearby next to at that point opposite to adjacent to on the other side in the front in the back so and so then hence therefore accordingly consequently thus thereupon as a result in consequence
14 PurposeTimePlaceResult
that is specifically in particular for one thing for example for instance an instance of this this can be seen in in sum generally after all by the way in general incidentally naturally I hope at least it seems in brief I suppose in short on the whole as I said in other words to be sure in fact indeed clearly of course anyway remarkably I think assuredly definitely without doubt for all that on the whole in any event importantly certainly
A group of words that include all the words that modify an appositive and function as an adjective IT MUST BE SURROUNDED BY COMMAS
Noun Phrase:
Musicians must know when to play their instrument.
A group of words consisting of nouns or pronouns and their modifiers that function as a noun. All the bands gathered on the stage to perform in front of the audience
• Gerund Phrase verb ending in ing that functions as a noun Writing a song is very difficult when you don’t have a lot of experience.
Clauses groups of words with BOTH a subject and a verb that function as parts of speech There are TWO kinds: Independent and Dependent (called “Subordinate”)
The Beach Boys had five members.
Verbal Phrases:
Phrases groups of words that function as a part of speech.
INDEPENDENT CAN stand alone as a complete sentence, known as a simple sentence pattern.
Led Zeppelin is one of the best classic rock bands by far Appositive Phrase:
erb Phrase:
Prepositional Phrase:
• Infinitive Phrase verbs preceded by the word “to” (to read, to study, to write) that function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs
The Eagles, an American rock band, were the most successful bands in the 1970s
DEPENDENT (SUBORDINATE) CANNOT stand alone as a complete sentence and MUST begin with a SUBORDINATE CONJUNCTION There are seven (7) kinds:
People planning on forming a band must be ready to put in the effort
A group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun, and functions as an adjective or an adverb.
A group of words that begin with a verbal and ends with a noun
• Participial Phrase word ending in ing (present participle) or ed (past participle) that functions as an adjective.
A group of words consisting of verbs working together and that function as a verb Pete Townshend has written most of the high charting songs performed by The Who
Fleetwood Mac was a classic rock band that formed in 1967.
Adverb Clause: Used to modify verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in an independent clause, introduced by a subordinate conjunction and used to indicate time, place, cause, purpose, result, condition, and/or concession.
Modifying verbs: When the band got their first hit, they celebrated.
Modifying adverbs: Freddie Mercury sang better than most musicians
singing, John Fogery hits every single note.
Nonessential Clauses: Clauses that are NOT necessary to the meaning of the sentence.•“Every
Noun Clause: Used as the noun in a sentence and may function as a subject, a predicate noun, a direct object, an object of a preposition, an indirect object, or an appositive
Relative Clauses: Dependent clause that begins with a relative pronoun.
Modifying adjectives: Journey’s song “Don’t Stop Believin” is more popular than any song I know
Essential Clauses: Clauses necessary to the meaning of the sentence.
Some adjective clauses begin with relative pronouns: The people in the audience who came to see the band are big fans.
Elliptical Clauses: Adverb clauses in which part of the clause is omitted.•While
• The song that Blondie fans liked best is ‘Heart of Glass.”
• Ray Davies is the musician who formed the Kinks.
Breath You Take”, released in 1983, is still listened to today.
Adjective Clause: Used to modify a noun in an independent clause. Some adjective clauses begin with an introductory word: Santana will always remember the day when they received their first award.
The eager fans waited for The Who to perform..
Declarative a sentence that makes a statement (ends with a period mark)
Predicate – what the subject does
Sentence Types
Song writing is more difficult than it seems.
Interrogative a sentence that asks a question (ends with a question mark)
The Doors concert was so fun!
Sentence Patterns
Listen to Pink Floyd when you get home.
Exclamatory a sentence that expresses great emotion, passion, excitement (ends with an exclamation mark)
Sentence Parts
Have you listened to Sheer Heart Attack by Queen?
Compound Sentence: A sentence with multiple independent clauses, but no dependent clauses connected by FANBOYS (coordinating conjunctions) or a semicolon (;).
Subject – what/who the sentence is about
Imperative – a sentence that makes a command (ends with a period mark)
The eager fans waited for The Who to perform.
Simple Sentence: A sentence that is just one independent clause. I enjoy listening to Classic rock bands.
Most of the band’s concerts sell out, but most people buy tickets to resell
Sentence – a set of words that contains a subject and a predicate and conveys a statement, command, question, or an exclamation.
Since The Beatles were popular, they were surrounded by fans when they came to America, so they needed more security.
Guns’ and Roses arrived on the stage and performed and danced and played.
Periodic Sentence: A sentence in which the independent clause is given at the end of the sentence in order to create interest or generate suspense with the main point coming at the end. Even though they were a small band, The Beatles changed the music industry forever Parallel Structure: A sentence using the same pattern of two or more verbs or ideas that match in tense or structure to show that they are of equal importance and to help the reader comprehend what is being written this sentence requires symmetry. The band stored their instruments, packed their clothes, and headed for the tour bus.
Compound Sentence: A sentence with multiple independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.
Polysyndeton: A sentence that uses multiple conjunctions in close proximity to each other between words, phrases, or clauses for a rhetorical purpose
Chiasmus: A sentence that includes a repetition of ideas (words, phrases, or clauses) in inverted (reversed) order this sentence requires symmetry
Complex Sentence: A sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause.
Although Gun’s and Roses was a band of the 80s, they still have concerts around the world Complex
Asyndeton: A sentence that leaves out conjunctions between words, phrases, or clauses for a rhetorical purpose
Loose Sentence: A sentence that contains an independent clause plus a subordinate construction (either a clause or phrase) with your main point at the beginning.
The Who enjoyed performing and the fans enjoyed watching them perform.
Guns’ and Roses arrived on the stage, performed, danced, and played.
The Beatles changed the music industry forever, even though they were a small band
Balanced Sentence: A sentence where phrases or clauses at the beginning and the end parallel each other by virtue of their likeness of structure, meaning, or length this sentence requires symmetry. Queen always sings to the fullest, performs to the fullest, and dances to the fullest.
The fans can’t find Guns’ and Roses’ merchandise anywhere [RIGHT]
Because they were having fun, they wanted to hear more [RIGHT]
The manager said on Monday the concert would take place [WRONG]
Sentence – a sentence construction error where two or more independent clauses are connected incorrectly without punctuation.
Comma Splice a sentence construction error where two or more independent clauses are connected incorrectly using commas
The fans wanted Pink Floyd to keep playing, they were having fun, they wanted to hear more. [WRONG]
The manager said the concert would take place on Monday [RIGHT]
Anaphora: A sentence that features the purposeful repetition of a word, words, or a phrase at the beginning of several successive clauses in order to place emphasis and draw attention
Sentence Errors
The Fans wanted Pink Floyd to keep playing they were having fun they wanted to hear more. [WRONG]
Every classic rock band makes music for their fans, performs for their fans, and thrives for their fans
Epistrophe: A sentence featuring several phrases or clauses ending with the same word or words.
Fragment incomplete sentence pieces that are not connected to or do not form an independent clause
Because they were having fun. [WRONG]
Misplaced/Dangling Modifiers modifiers are words, phrases, or clauses that add description; a misplaced modifier describes the wrong part of a sentence and a dangling modifier is missing the part it’s supposed to modify
Double Negative combining two or more negative words in a sentence in a way that is supposed to produce a positive force
The fans can’t find Guns’ and Roses’ merchandise nowhere [WRONG]
The fans wanted Pink Floyd to keep playing They were having fun; they wanted to hear more [RIGHT]
The Fans wanted Pink Floyd to keep playing because they were having fun and they wanted to hear more [RIGHT]
For the fans at the concert, it was a night to have fun, it was a night of excitement, and it was a night to remember.
Ex. A young child born to Mexican immigrants navigates the American education system Richard Rodriguez tells the story of his experience as he attends school while only knowing a few English words. In the household, the only language spoken between members of the family is spanish As Richard grows older English begins to be his dominant language and loses his Spanish. Rodriguez takes his readers through his journey from being a child to becoming a successful man Query Based (Question that brings the reader to the topic avoid second person POV “you”)
Ex. Rodriguez’s journey provided him with many opportunities
Assertion (claim a subject + a “so what” about the subject)
Ex. Rodriguez’s resentment against the affirmative action program makes him a traitor, turning his back on his people
Fact (empirically verifiable but often difficult to argue extensively about better used as evidence to support a claim)
Hook (Lead / Opening Statement) can begin with the title
Ex. Minorities are always being discriminated against
Ex. The bilingual education program allows for children to grow comfortable with being in a new education system. Belief (social, religious, or political in nature an opinion held by many to be a fact, though it is not necessarily factual often involves a judgement)
Introductory Paragraphs (Introductions)
Ex Should a person’s public language be more important than their private one?
Paragraphs a group of sentences that together convey a shared purpose structured around the same topic
Ex. Richard Rodriguez is a very controversial person because of the opinions discussed in this book
Anecdotal (Brief story to set the mood and lead the reader into the topic)
Thesis Statements (the purpose of a piece of writing usually one sentence in length, but can be longer depending on the purpose must be something that is arguable)
Opinion (personal position on a topic)
Generalization (uses absolute or statistical pronouns: all, always, every, never, none, most, half avoid using this type of thesis statement unless citing the source of the data)
Theory (a statement that can be tested and potentially proven - often answers a research question)
Ex. In Hunger of Memory, Richard Rodriguez explains the role education has played in his life and how learning the public language would allow for him to not feel socially disadvantaged.
Presenting Evidence from Quotations (quotes should NEVER be used as individual sentences quotes should be embedded within sentences)
Ex “If, because of my schooling, I had grown culturally separated from my parents, my education finally had given me ways of speaking and caring about that fact ”
Document Based (cites a specific source, author, and position on a topic)
Topic Sentences (must specifically indicate the topic of the paragraph and focus on one subject and/or area of evidence or support could start with a “Transition of Logic” that connects to the previous paragraph to give context)
Ex “A primary reason for my success in the classroom was that I couldn't forget that schooling was changing me and separating me from the life I enjoyed before becoming a student ”
Body Paragraphs (must have echoes of the thesis in each AND present evidence to support or expand on the thesis)
Ex Language is not what holds a family together but instead it is intimacy.
Ex. Rodriguez explains how education and catholicism played a role in his coming of age.
ORIGINAL QUOTE – “But well before then, from my first day of school, I was a student of language. Obsessed by the way it determined my public identity.”
Ex “It is education that has altered my life Carried me far ”
Ex Rodriguez expands on his claim by expressing his opinion on the affirmative action Program, mentioning how he has turned down many people jobs to teach minorities, saying instead of having this program, the government should put money into the schools so everyone is at the same level
Clarification/Expansion of Thesis (could extend the thesis, preview the evidence supporting the thesis, give the purpose of thesis, establish the importance or significance of examining the intricacies of the thesis this could be several sentences long)
Ex “I never forgot that schooling had irretrievably changed my family's life That knowledge, however, did not weaken ambition Instead, it strengthened resolve ”
Ex “The boy who first entered a classroom barely able to speak English, twenty years later concluded his studies in the stately quie of the reading room in the British Museum ”
Concrete Examples (actual examples that do refer to a source useful for enhancing your analysis of the quote)
Ex. A website known as Hiplatina.com shows numerous times where people have been looked down upon due to them speaking Spanish in America, where English is the dominant language.
Paraphrasing (rewording of a quote into other words of the same length without quotation marks, but still citing the source useful for examining the quote and transitioning to your analysis of the quote)
QUOTE “My parents would say something to me and I would feel embraced by the sounds of their words. Those sounds said: I am speaking with ease in Spanish I am addressing you in words I never use with los gringos I recognize you as someone special, close, like no one outside You belong with us In the family ”
Ex People believe others to be socially disadvantaged due to the fact that they do not know how to speak the dominant language in that area
Examining the Evidence
Consequences of Disregarding the Thesis (establishing the potential consequences of disregarding the implications of the thesis CREATING A COUNTERARGUMENT could be one or more sentences)
Ex. If speaking a private language in public was not looked down
Abstract Examples (hypothetical, “what if” examples that do not refer to a source AVOID USING THEM AS EVIDENCE but useful for examining the quote)
Closing Paragraphs (Conclusions should not be mere summaries of the previous paragraphs of your essay)
Summarizing (condensing larger quotes or sections useful for closing the examination of the quote/evidence and transitioning to your analysis of the quote)
QUOTE “The boy who first entered a classroom barely able to speak English, twenty years later concluded his studies in the stately quiet of the reading room in the British Museum.”
Ex Private language should only be spoken at home and when outsid the public language should be used.
Ex PARAPHRASE As a child, Rodriguez had trouble with English but now he is a college graduate who spends his leisure time reading.
Ex. SUMMARY Rodriguez felt comfort when spoken to in Spanish fro his parents because it felt like their private language
Closing Sentences (must end the discussion of the topic within the paragraph with a transitional or culminating word possibly an adverb and should echo the thesis of the essay)
Ex. Learning more than one language is extremely difficult and people who don’t know a language should not be frowned upon because of it.
Ex. People begin to lose the side of themselves that they show at home due to the fact that they feel they can’t reveal that side to the public.
Final Sentence (closing statement that connects to the hook and finishes the essay (finish your argument) – the “Smokey the Bear”/”Drop the mic”/dot dot dot moment…)
Reestablishing the Significance of the Thesis (could be one or more sentences)
Ex. It is important for people to be more open and realize there are different types of people around the world that don’t speak the way they do.
Statement(s) of Extension (extending the consequences of disregarding the implications of the thesis could be one or more sentences)
Synthesis An essay consisting of gathered information from different sources used to form into a new idea
Document Based Question (DBQ) Documents are given to the author and are used as a source of information for the essay
Narrative (Tells a story) Personal Statement/Anecdote Focuses on the writer’s motivations and gives readers an insight on the writer’s life Research A way of looking for information and collecting data/careful and organized study
This essay provides a judgment on a topic based on a criteria through a clear thesis Interpretive An Interpretive essay provides an analysis of a piece of literature.
A persuasive essay is written to get the reader to see something from the writer’s point of view and agree with it by providing captivating evidence. Expository (Informative) Definition or Description
An essay is a short formal piece of writing revolved around a specific subject/topic Types (Argumentative)
Process (How to) Expository essays should include evidence from different sources and should not include the writer’s personal opinion but instead facts
An expository essay is used to inform readers on a specific topic so that it is more clear to them
Compare and Contrast This approach allows the reader to understand the difference between certain topics and how the two compare.
Cause and Effect This approach allows the reader to understand the relationship between topics and how they can affect each other. Analytical/Critical Evaluative
Pre writing/Prompt Analysis/Outlining
used before writing a draft where a writer generates ideas and organizes their thoughts to help prepare for the writing process When Prewriting it is important to understand what the essay is going to be about by analyzing the prompt.Outlining is when a writer maps out their essay by, mostly, using bullet points to show what information is going to be in each paragraph
Work Cited Page –MLA Format A format created by the Modern Language Association used by academic institutions to attribute information. MLA format requires for a paper to be in a certain layout with one inch margins throughout, twelve point size in Times New Roman Font, and double spaced A work cited page in MLA format should be structured like: Author. “TItle of the Source.” Title of the Container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location. APA Format A format of the American Psychological Association used to communicate information about ideas and experiments and to cite sources within the social sciences. This format has 4 sections; Title Page, Abstract, Main Body, and References
Prewriting is the strategy
Researching/Evaluating of Sources When researching writers gather information and facts relating to the topic Evaluating of Sources is a process where writers must evaluate the information to determine if it is appropriate for the essay written.
Strategies/Planning Tips/Steps
The title page should have the tiles, author name, and school affiliation as well as the course number/name, instructors name, and due date. The abstract should have a brief summary of the paper that is no more than 200 words The main body includes the essay of the subject and the references section is the list of sources the writer used. References should be in alphabetical order 26