Brewing & Beverage Industries Business, Spring 2023, issue 27

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March • April •May Issue 27 Spring 2023 ISSN 2398-2489 Plus all the latest pr oducts & ser vices news fr om the UK drinks industr y’s suppl y chain PREVIEW SHOWC ASE In The Mix BeerX 2023 The Products & Services Magazine for the UK’s Drinks Production Industry Incorporating

Brewing & Beverage Industries Business is a quarterly ‘Supply Chain’ magazine targeting the UK drinks production industry. If your company supplies products and services to brewers, distillers, cider makers, etc, then this is the platform for you

Subscription is free and printed copies are mailed out throughout Great Britain and Northern Ireland If you are one of the very few UK brewers, distillers, or cider manufacturers, not receiving a regular copy, then please contact us today



Chris Freer

Digital Editor

Simon Butler

For editorial or advertising enquiries, call the Editor on 0115 8 549 349 or e-mail: chris@brewingbusiness co uk



Ruth is CEO of BFBi, whose membership represents the supply chain for the brewing and beverage industries


Julian Grocock is a former chief executive of SIBA with extensive experience in beer, brewery and pub politics


Alan Powell is a specialist excise duties consultant, who heads up the British Distillers Alliance.

Members of

Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information in this publication is accurate and up-to-date, freerbutler limited does not take any responsibility for errors or omissions Opinions expressed in editorial contributions to this publication are those of their respective authors and not necessarily shared by freerbutler limited © freerbutler limited 2023

We are delighted to be the new home of News from the Brewing, Food & Beverage Industr y Suppliers Association 5 freerbutler limited is a Supplier Associate member of WELCOME TO Published by freerbutler limited PO Box 9666 • Nottingham • NG10 9BY United Kingdom Tel: 0115 8 549 349 Our print circulation is audited and certified Representing the entire value chain supplying the Brewing, Food & Beverage Industry Brewing & Beverage Industries Business magazine is an independent publication delighted to be a MEDIA PARTNER to All rights reserved No part of this publication may be stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any other means, electronic or mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the prior permission
freerbutler limited
Products & Services Magazine
the UK Drinks Production Industry
ISSN 2398-2489
7th year! Magazine Editor
Cover illustration - Courtesy of SKA Fabricating

Word from the BFBi

Welcome to 2023!!

A new year, with new energy to address the existing and new opportunities and challenges. A new yet not so new New Year Resolution – to match the expectation of our members and industry.

BFBi took part in a global Association survey late last year, comprising input from 51 trade associations across the world and 12,700 respondents The outcome of the survey was not surprising but it did endorse what Associations (we) know they need to do to remain engaged with their members:

• Associations must leverage technology solutions like AI to ease access and help tailor communications and content to meet audience needs and expectations

It is no longer about virtual vs. in-person - it is about the right channel, for the right activity Access to products and programmes that meet members’ needs and interests, be that committee meetings, task forces and special interest groups

• Retired (aged 70+), and most likely honorary members, showed a higher relationship strength The older a member is, the more likely he/she is to recommend; the younger the member, the least likely. To be future-proof, we must consider the interests, preferred style of engagement and ease of access desired by younger, working members of the community

We NEED to better understand what drives and motivates Millennials and Gen Z to secure their involvement, active engagement, and brand loyalty.

Relevance of content is vital Fostering innovation and ease of access to products/programmes and content are key drivers.

• For all age groups, the survey clearly shows that associations must improve the personalisation and

customisation of their members’ and customers’ experience and access. Members want easy access to benefits and services that correspond to “my or my company’s needs”

A deep dive into performance engagement showed that only 21% of 12,700 respondents felt their trade associations “excellent” at providing benefits and services that meet “my needs” Or, in the case of trade associations, less than one quarter (24%) consider their association “excellent” in representing “my company’s interests.”

Conversely reputation and subject matter expertise rank highly – with more than half of the respondents awarding excellence to their association’s reputation

So, that is the market research and jargon To put it bluntly, a trade association cannot rely on reputation alone and the quicker and more easily a member can access the benefits, products and programmes that are relevant “to him/her/they”, the more the member or customer will likely engage and the more he/she/they will become an advocate

In order to remain relevant we need to:

• Review our engagement strategies against this benchmark

• Build on the agility, ways of working, and connectivity implemented during the pandemic

• Develop specific engagement

Gen Z

• Be sure to offer choice and multiple channels – both offline and online

• Involve young professionals in designing future strategy and relevance

• Leverage technology (data, help customise (personalise) members’ access to content, programmes etc

• Adapt in line with members’ evolving needs and preferences

That job starts now But, it can only be successful with your input and help

Established in 1907, BFBi’s membership represents the entire value chain supplying the brewing and beverage industry – from seed geneticists through raw materials, brewhouse and process equipment to dispense, point-of-sale and brewers/distillers. The Association’s objective is to be the foremost trade association providing opportunities for its Members to develop within the brewing, food & beverage industry

As well as offering many benefits and services to suppliers of raw materials, process and packaging machinery, dispense and point of sale products, BFBi is a Trade Challenge Partner for various overseas exhibitions and owner and organiser of the oldest international brewing and cider Awards in the world

Ruth Evans MBE
Photo by Gerardo Jaconelli

The View Through My Glass Bottom

Julian Grocock

Counting the Cost

Fifty years ago, I was a Leeds University undergraduate drinking the local beer Last weekend, I was a regular in my village local drinking the guest beer

Needless to say, these two experiences share precious little in common Except, of course, for my starring role – and the brand name of my chosen tipple… Tetley’s.

I know I have asserted an unequivocal intention never again to go near a pint of the imposter now masquerading as the love of my formative ale-swilling youth But please bear with me – this is not about either the subtleties of flavour variation or my inability to stick to my word

(And I will throw in this brief, bracketed and italicised note: there was a touch more familiarity about this latest alien incarnation It wasn’t proper Tetley’s, but it was a good pint, with definite hints of my old ‘Hunslet hero’ )

What I am asking you to think about – with further and extreme emphasis on the chasm between then and now – is price.


In my first year as a student, a pint of Tetley Bitter cost as little as 12p Half a century later, the Tetley’s Cask in the Nags Head is £4 30

I hear your derisive snort: Haven’t you heard of inflation, you bloody idiot?! So let’s add some context

I began a teaching career in 1976 By this time the price of a pint of bitter had of course risen Online research reveals a UK average of 23p – but in the Midlands and the North I was still paying around 20p. And my starting annual salary was about £4,000, which invites a moment of comparative analysis across the ages Today, government websites suggest a minimum secondary school starting salary of £28,000 – an inflationary factor of 7 from where I began. However, because my pub pint example has risen by a factor of 21, you might just be beginning to see why I’m drawing attention to this marked disparity

Based on these figures, three pints in the pub then cost 0.8 percent of a

week’s gross pay; now, that modest amount of leisure activity can consume 2 4 percent – three times as much And though I accept these selective statistics cannot automatically be applied comprehensively across the board, they are certainly accurate, relevant on a personal level, and likely to reflect a general broad truth Which prompts a question: where does that leave the social media debate I’ve recently encountered, which is taking the pub trade to task for trying to drive down beer input prices? ~

What really tasks me is the way financial hardship across the hospitality industry – from manufacture to supply to retail – is generating division between its constituent parts. The severe economic climate is forcing breweries and pubs out of business and, ironically, the close (some would say symbiotic) relationship between the two is pitting them against each other on the fundamental issue of core product cost

Yet, at the same time, we can still buy the small-pack versions of Tetley’s in supermarkets for less than £1/pint (£1 70/ltr) This is an on-/off-trade price differential that didn’t exist in my student days And it begs another question: to what extent is on-trade pricing being used to subsidise cheap off-trade booze?

You may well retort that such a scenario could only apply to the massive brewery conglomerates, and thus seek to exonerate the smallerscale craft industry from any complicity in such devious dealings Except that I’ve sounded off before in this column about craft bar

‘schooners’ retailing at well over a fiver (£8+/pint) – which is far more than the same beers cost on those take-home shelves A quick scan of the Tesco website finds craft beer pint-equivalent prices as low as £1 55, up to £4 85, with a median at around £2 50


Off-trade prices introduce a ‘Catch-22’ element, undermining any campaign for real unity across our beer-oriented and beer-loving hospitality sector. An evening out can be prohibitively expensive, and even I succumb to the temptation to buy cheaply and drink at home – sometimes when I’m writing articles seeking to bring together beer and pub champions

But the mounting pressures on the on trade mean the ‘Catch-22’ also works in the opposite direction, against those persisting with its exploitation As pubs are increasingly being priced into submission, the subsidy they provide is shrinking, which will inevitably force up prices in the off trade

The final – and biggest – question is: how many more pubs have to die first?

Julian Grocock
Julian Grocock is a former pub landlord, managing director of Tynemill/Castle Rock, and chief executive of SIBA.
Extensive experience in beer and pub politics, brewery and pubco operations, and on the front line in the pub trade...‘from cellar to ceiling’.

Showcasing the British spirit

Alan Powell

WOWGR and spirits duty stampstwo steps forward, one step back!

In to my previous column (Ding Dong the WOWGR’s dead) I reported on HMRC’s findings of their review of the Warehousekeepers and Owners of Warehoused Goods Regulations 1999 (WOWGR). Their preferred option is to repeal that law, with a target of this year (following an administrative and legal process). The problem is that in fact HMRC has not formally committed to the repeal of WOWGR without ministerial sign-off and, inter alia, resources being available to make the changes to the law which could now take effect next year

In a meeting with Policy officials this month (January 2023), I stated that if HMRC had discounted all other options in their review to amend WOWGR, there seemed no logic not to proceed with their preferred option Moreover, ministers may well have the final say but it would require some special insight by ministers to go against the findings of HMRC’s administrative staff and lawyers. Besides, the industry can, and will, be writing to the HMRC minister (Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury) to make the case that WOWGR never had any legitimacy, is disproportionate, discriminatory and in breach of retained (sensible) EU principles about there being no liability to duty of spirits or beer sitting safely and securely in an excise warehouse even if aspects of the WOWGR provisions had been breached. In summary, this would support HMRC’s preferred option Nothing else would make sense

Some warehousekeepers had expressed concern about having to carry out enhanced due diligence on owners of goods if registration of owners is repealed from the law, particularly in sales of spirits in cask I think this misses the point and is a red herring I see no difference whether beer and spirits are subject to WOWGR or not. An owner of spirits in warehouse may be WOWGR registered but that does not mean the standard due diligence condition is modified. The Due Diligence condition does not constitute tick box checks It is a risk-based “probability” process to identify risk of alcohol duty fraud in the specific supply chain and mitigate any risk identified, the process commencing with “discovering how the fraud occurs”, as the courts have told us In terms of cask sales,

say, there is not even a supply chain per se, so one has to assess if there is even a risk to mitigate Sensible and reasonable commercial due diligence augmented by excise duty fraud awareness would be a responsible approach to assess such fraud risk and whether there is any risk to be mitigated This is regardless of WOWGR registration of the owners of the goods (For comparison, wine is not even subject to the due diligence condition per se in the warehousing system (but is for AWRS))

To shortcut extended legal deliberations, I proposed that the simplest step would be an amending Statutory Instrument (SI) to WOWGR to retain the necessary warehousekeeper authorisation and registration and repeal the provisions pertaining to registration of owners and duty representatives. There is no need to change primary law (Part VIIIB of the Customs and Excise Management Act 1979). An amending SI would simply be laid to indicate the amendments to be made and by negative assent of the House This procedure happens all the time More on WOWGR as things develop, but in the meantime

HMRC review of the spirits duty stamps regime

In early December 2022, HMRC invited industry members to provide input to a questionnaire in connection with HMRC’s review into the efficacy and, indeed, need for the spirits duty stamps scheme as an anti-alcohol duty fraud measure HMRC acknowledged that this subject had been raised by respondents to the Call For Evidence exercise in 2020 in relation to the government’s Alcohol Duty Review

The British Distillers Alliance (BDA) is a non-profit making body which provides a professional service for independent and craft businesses in the spirits production industry and supply chain The BDA represents distillers, rectifiers and compounders and those in related sectors New members always welcome

(ADR) but it was felt better (and more appropriate) to treat this matter under parallel modernisation exercises being carried out by HMRC for alcohol excise duty I had, in fact, written to ministers in 2020 and 2021 to set out the case for repeal of spirits duty stamps as well as part of my in response to the ADR and for the British Distillers Alliance (BDA) Just as for the origin of WOWGR, HMCE erred in believing there was any statistically significant duty fraud in spirits after 1998 but rather than acknowledge they had erred, ploughed on with measures that have placed immense and pointless burdens upon the legitimate trade More recent problems have arisen with what has to be done by industry to comply with the law when re-cycling empty spirits retail containers that have been stamped and re-filled The response of members of the British Distillers Alliance to the consultation has been uniform in supporting repeal of the duty stamps legislation Such repeal could be achieved very simply by Parliament not carrying over the duty stamps provisions in the Alcoholic Liquor Duties Act 1979 when it is repealed to make way for the new Alcohol Act currently in the form of a Bill Phew!

Alan Powell is a specialist excise duties consultant, formerly a Policy official within HMCE’s HQ teams. He is excise duties advisor to the Chartered Institute of Taxation, honorary advisor to the UK Warehousing Association and founded the British Distillers Alliance as a conduit for consultation with, and representation to, Government bodies and to assist and advise on technical matters.

10 For further information:

Being staged at Liverpool Exhibition Centre from 15th-16th March 2023, BeerX is back once more. Over the following pages we give exhibitors an opportunity to let brewers, delegates and other visitors to the show, know a little of what they can expect to see and hear on their stands at the show

An 8th BeerX for Beer Box Shop, part of Drinks Packaging Ltd

It’s been a very busy year for us as we continue to develop all aspects of our business. We’re excited to meet new and old friends from the brewing industry at BeerX 2023 and have the opportunity to present and talk about our new products and services

The Drinks Packaging Ltd (DPL) side of our business is focused on high volume, high quality, low cost packaging solutions that range from auto-pack retail packaging, bottle trays, and trade boxes to bespoke shelf-ready packaging and shipping solutions, all supported by our in-house box design services

With our move to a new purpose-built 18,000 sq/ft warehouse last summer, we’re now providing customers with free storage for their bulk packaging orders, with immediate call off as and when needed

We’ve developed new Point-of-Sale and Free Standing Display Unit concepts for the DPL range and we’re looking forward to talking to customers about options that will help to ensure that their products are best represented in retail locations

Beer Box Shop has had a great year since BeerX 2022; we’ve relocated, grown our customer base and expanded our product range!

We’re continuing to provide our customers with a fast and efficient next day delivery service for our in-stock packaging range Our new warehouse has allowed us to hold more stock and accelerate the expansion of our range of trade, shipping and gift boxes We’ve also added Bag-in-Box solutions, liquid pouches, 750ml bottle packaging and some exciting new gift packaging concepts to our range!

All of our products are fully customisable

so customers can add their logos and branding, and we also provide highly competitive and comprehensive bespoke printing options

We’ll be displaying examples of our favourite gift box creations together with our new exciting packaging and point-ofsale concepts Come and see us at BeerX on Stand 166!

For further information:

Automated solutions from Vitikit on show

Vitikit is proud to be an official exhibitor of this year's BeerX UK exhibition which takes place from 15-16th March in Liverpool We are providers of the latest wine, cider, distilling and brewing equipment in the UK. At Vitikit, we are constantly adding new products to our range and also holding more and more items in stock to meet our customers' needs.

We are excited to demonstrate at the show:

Smart Analysis

SMART ANALYSIS is a portable, highly accurate and reliable enzyme analyser for the beverage industry. The system uses innovative, patented fibre-optic and LED source technologies, which makes Smart Analysis a compact and rugged

spectrophotometer that requires little to no maintenance It allows your brewery to have more control than ever before The system records all of the key parameters and implement a robust quality control regime to ensure the product is just as you wanted, time and time again

Automated Brewery Control System

Vitikit works with Fermecraft to create the best automated brewing solutions for breweries, distilleries and wineries to make the processes easier, more timeefficient and cost-effective We do this by using revolutionary industry 4 0 software, which utilises automation to ensure consistency and quality, with every batch, using an intelligent automated system that integrates everything into one user-friendly control point

Keg Washer

Vitikit installs and supplies keg washers up to 30 kegs/hour The BiboKeg series of keg washers are built to meet our

customer's needs of washing and cleaning kegs with 1-2- or 3-stations

The machine is made of 304 stainless steel and is fully automatic except for the loading and unloading of the kegs The intelligent cycles adjust the cycle time to real conditions and purge old beer left inside the kegs, and this operation is also automatic

Contact us

If we have sparked your interest, then It would be great if we could set up a personal meeting with you at the show, which would give you a better understanding of our equipment If you have any questions, please contact us on stand

For further information:


PREVIEW BeerX 2023 Tel: 01538 528181

Fulton to promote solutions for brewery decarbonisation strategies

Heat transfer specialist Fulton will be using BeerX to promote how its class-leading fuel-fired and electric steam boilers and portfolio of aftercare solutions can help with a brewery’s or distillery’s decarbonisation strategy and put your company on the Road to Net Zero

While Fulton will continue to promote the many features and benefits of its Classic and award-winning VSRT vertical steam boilers the company will, at a time when fuel costs are soaring and efficiency is vital to an organisation’s on-going strategy, also be promoting its range of electric steam boilers

Some believe that electric steam boilers are superior to fuel-fired steam boilers in many ways, believing that using electric boilers may be less expensive than using a fuel-fired boiler in the long term, whilst also possibly being more environmentally-friendly

Using Fulton’s portfolio of electric steam

boilers as an example, including Compack, Electropack and Europack models, less ancillary equipment is required than a traditional steam boiler, therefore helping to reduce the installation costs that come with a fuel-fired boiler Electric boilers also generally have a smaller footprint and can therefore fit into smaller areas, thanks to the way they are constructed and the lack of ancillaries that a fuelfired boiler needs to operate

Additionally, because no flue system nor fuel supply is required, electric steam boilers can sometimes be located closer to the process, which reduces pipe work losses and improves steam system efficiencies

However, this doesn’t mean the end for fuel-fired boilers which, given the correct infrastructure and process requirements, will play a huge role in a company’s decarbonisation strategy

Beyond its product portfolio, the company will also be showcasing the many solutions on offer from its

aftercare division, which can support Fulton’s own installations and those from other boiler manufacturers

As well as offering boiler spares and repair service for all makes and types of heat transfer equipment, Fulton’s aftercare portfolio also includes accredited boiler operator training to INDG436 and BG01-R2, technical boiler house risk assessments, boiler and water treatment service contracts, water treatment training to BG04 and EN12953, steam trap surveys, site mass balance assessments and system design, etc

Multifaceted approach from Lallemand

Many brewers will know Lallemand as the company behind stalwart brewing yeasts such as Nottingham®, Windsor® and London®.

What they may not know is the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes to develop and market new yeasts to the brewing industry

Lallemand is a global leader in the field of biotechnology, operating not only in the world of brewing, but also in wine making, distilling, human and animal probiotics, plant care and baking The vast knowledge amassed by Lallemand is a product of the R&D done by the brilliant and creative scientists that we employ, as well as collaborative work conducted with universities and private biotechnology companies around the world

When bringing new products to the market we can draw on the combined experience of the many specialists present within our team, to create

genuinely innovative solutions for brewers

Recent innovations by Lallemand Brewing included WildBrew Philly Sour™- a lactic acid producing yeast which negates the need for kettle souring, LalBrew Farmhouse™- an STA negative saison strain, and LalBrew NovaLager™ - a temperature tolerant lager yeast, allowing brewers to save both time and money

Our approach to a new strain launch is multifaceted Unlike some yeast producers, we do not just reproduce the strains of others freely available on the open market, but work alone, and collaborate directly with research partners to produce strains that are genuinely new, interesting and innovative

Further, production is not outsourced but takes place in our own bespoke plants, allowing Lallemand Brewing to control all stages of the production and QC process New strain development is not

quick, and the entire process can take between two and three years

When you choose Lallemand you can rest safe in the knowledge that our strains are new, original, and have been thoroughly researched and tested before being launched to the marketmeaning you know exactly what you are going to get Premium, well characterized yeast, in an easy-to-use dried format

STAND 85 www fulton co uk Tel: 0117 972 3322 For further information: For further information: STAND 113 PREVIEW BeerX 2023

PREVIEW BeerX 2023

Evolution uncovered

Innovative bottling and packaging equipment for beer

With nearly twenty years experience in delivering bespoke packaging line solutions, Evolution BPS is recognised for its expertise in providing state-of-the-art equipment combined with first class customer service

Evolution BPS understands your passion for the unique qualities of your beer In particular, bottling represents a critical stage in the life cycle of beer, and for this reason it must be managed with competence and accuracy Evolution provides quality, innovative machinery for all parts of beer bottling lines, maintaining product integrity at every stage, and in particular during the delicate stage of filling

Evolution works in partnership with MBF for rinsing, filling and capping machines

MBF (machine pictured) is a renowned expert in the careful management of delicate products through the filling process In addition the portfolio includes TMG for depalletisers, palletisers, case-packing machines and all end-of-line machinery; Robino & Galandrino for capsuling machines; P E LABELLERS for types of labelling machines; Logics & Controls highly advanced inspection systems for fill level, label, empty bottle and closure inspection

In partnership with its suppliers,

Evolution provides quality, innovative equipment to secure the correct solution for any project, creating a proposition that can offer full line turnkey solutions or individual machines for all your bottling and packaging needs Its equipment is installed, commissioned and maintained by a UK-based team of Field Service Engineers, complemented and supported by its manufacturers every step of the way

Providing bespoke solutions via its premium product range is only one aspect of the Evolution BPS proposition Evolution also prides itself in delivering outstanding Customer Service by developing a partnership relationship with its customers which is based on delivering a solution-driven working relationship

For further information:

See Muntons at BeerX 2023


Muntons, widely regarded as one of the world’s most sustainable maltsters, will be exhibiting at BeerX in Liverpool this year

Muntons has received a number of accolades including Global Brewing Supplier 2022 for its practical work in sustainability, championing pioneering programmes in malt production and demystifying the world of carbon for the wider food and drinks industry

Find out more by visiting the Muntons stand at BeerX.

For further information:

Brewing Services Ltd promoting excellence

Brewing Services Ltd has worked with over 200 breweries in the UK and abroad, offering training, advice and technical support.

Our mission is to help establish breweries with a complete commitment to quality, promote excellence throughout the brewing process, assist brewers in producing beers of the highest possible standard and train brewers to achieve their full potential

Technical Support and Brewing & QA Surveys

At Brewing Services, we believe that good technique, consistency and efficiency are the foundations of great beer Through a combination of on-site

surveys and remote technical support, we provide a service tailored to your needs, looking at your brewing process and procedures, from raw materials to the quality of the beer on the bar, along with microbiological checks, analytical testing of products and hygiene monitoring


Providing on-site training, exam mentoring and brewing courses, Brewing Services has helped increase the knowledge of hundreds of brewers ‘Brewing: The Fundamentals’, a four-day residential training course held in March and November each year, covers the basics of brewing theory and good brewing practice through a combination


of lectures, workshops and visits, with participants gaining greater insight into the art, science and craft of brewing

Start-Up Services

We aim to help you make a better beer before you’ve even brewed your first pint Our Start-Up Consultancy service covers initial feasibility studies, through site and equipment planning, to training, recipe development and commissioning We provide full support over those first critical brews

See you on Stand 72 at BeerX

For further information:

l A Genuine Alternative to Cask and Keg Replacement l Repairs to casks and kegs of all sizes l We can supply refurbished casks too l Fast On-Site Turnaround l Competitive R ates l Over 60 years of Industr y Experience Please contact us for details of our other onsite ser vices. Head Office: 01283 740807 • Mob: 07952 152 099 Email: • Contact: Jason Miller Web: www dhmbreweryservices co uk • Twitter: @DHMBreweryServ
Cask and
Repair & Refurbishment Specialists

Close Brothers Rentals puts Ekeg Plus on show

The latest addition to the Close Brothers Brewery Rentals product portfolio is EkegPlus, which allows customers to collect and refill from our vast fleet of and ECasks and deliver them directly to venues as well as through approved wholesalers

This flexibility gives our customers increased control, with the added benefit of only paying for containers when they’re being used The technology driven combination of bulk scanning equipment and the PlusPortal

management platform offers brewers live cycle data, transparent billing, and informative insights to reduce costs and streamline operations

This year at BeerX we will be offering demos of our newly launched Handheld Scanner App which provides handy process walkthroughs helping to streamline brewery operations.

Close Brothers Brewery Rentals provides a wide range of services in addition to longer term container rental, including our well-known fee-per-fill short term rental containers ECasks and EKegs, as well as repair and refurbishment services and equipment

finance By providing these financial solutions to the UK drinks industry, we have become extremely familiar with the equipment commonly used and have good relationships with many of the main suppliers

Come and see us on stand 80 at SIBA’s BeerX (15-16th March) to discuss our range of products and services We’re sure that we will be able to find the right means to help your business grow this year


We are once again looking forward to being back at BeerX, seeing customers and friends face to face

With a 150-year heritage of supplying into the UK beer industry, supporting SIBA through our Gold Sponsorship is just one thing we do to ensure that we are investing in our customers and the fabulous beer industry

Glass is endlessly recyclable and the obvious material for sustainability If you want to know more about how Croxsons and glass can help meet your own sustainability goals, come and speak to one of our team at BeerX

We put our resources where our heart is: a climate positive workforce, and a commitment to be carbon neutral in 2023 We can't do everything, but we must do something Come and be part of the journey

For further information:

croxsons com

Smaller breweries needing a cost-effective, reliable dissolved oxygen (DO) content measurement device, could find the answer in Pentair Haffmans’ Oxy-2Go

Pentair Haffmans Oxy-2Go is a portable device that measures the complete range of DO content in beer wort, beer, and other carbonated beverages

Developed using Pentair Haffmans known and trusted optical technology (incorporated into our long-established O2 Gehaltemeter, in-line, and laboratory quality control devices), the Oxy-2Go ensures you don’t run the risk of your DO content becoming too high or too low

Pentair Haffmans Oxy-2Go enables smaller breweries to measure their DO content without significant hardware investment The device’s lightweight portability allows measurement throughout the entire brewing process line, reducing overall batch losses due to more regular monitoring Maintaining the correct levels of DO during the complete brewing process is crucial to the taste and stability of your beer ’s shelf life The built-in optical technology of the Pentair Oxy-2Go provides reproducible & reliable DO content level readings

Features & Benefits:

• Built with Pentair ’s proven optical technology

• Portable and wirelessly rechargeable

• Multiple language options

• Lightweight & compact

• Wide-ranging, cost-effective DO measurement

• Ensures beer quality

• Reduces beer loss

For further information:

Croxsons at BeerX again STAND 80 STAND 81 Tel: 01425 485 421
PREVIEW BeerX 2023
further information:
Pentair showing Oxy-2Go STAND 178 www foodandbeverage@pentair com

News from the Rawlings Group

Just over a year ago, Rawlings, leading independent packaging specialists, announced a merger with Vigo Limited, renowned production equipment suppliers since 1984

Now, as key brands of the Rawlings Group, the consolidation has allowed for increased capacity, efficiency and a complete (end-to-end) processing and packaging solution for all clients. The Group warmly invites you to visit them at BEERX 2023

Here's a preview of our offering:

Vigo - New Canning Line Additions

Vigo is pleased to be launching two new additions to our range of canning systems:

New! CraftCan Go: The CraftCan Go is ABE's latest innovation, offering the flexibility to fill either via counter pressure filler or at open atmospheric pressure without having to purchase a new canning line This gives craft breweries the versatility to fill low carbonated beverages or those with a high volume of CO₂ The CraftCan Go is compact, mobile and can be operated by just one operator As with all the equipment Vigo supplies, servicing, maintenance and breakdown support, is offered by our team of 9 engineers You can see the CraftCan Go at BEERX 2023

CIMEC Rotary Canning Lines: Vigo has added CIMEC rotary canning lines to its range, which are not only counter pressure fillers, but can at speeds of up to 6,000 cans per hour Having supplied, installed and commissioned CIMEC bottling lines for 19 years now, Vigo's natural transition to CIMEC canning lines enables breweries to achieve higher outputs of carbonated beers As always, servicing, maintenance and ongoing support is offered by the Vigo engineering team

Rawlings - helping you find the right container for your brand!

Rawlings has been supporting the beer industry for decades, working in partnership with both newly formed start-up brewers and established highvolume multi-brand breweries to create standout, on-brand packaging, whether bespoke or off-the-shelf With an informed collaborative approach to the development of packaging, Rawlings' experts foster both creativity and innovation, while building long-standing relationships Offering a complete bespoke container design service as well as an extensive range of standard off-the-shelf bottles (many unique and proprietary to Rawlings), clients benefit from Rawlings independent and strategic partnerships with manufacturers all over the world

Collaborative partnership

Working alongside a dedicated technical team, Rawlings manages the design and production process on the client's behalf, advising on relevant design options that fully encompass a brand's persona, whether traditional or contemporary

Decoration & Labelling

Rawlings offers an array of decorative techniques and labelling to achieve a unique and distinctive product which grabs attention and recognition at point of sale, helping clients' brands stand out with the use of decorative embossing, screen printing, full body sleeving, or textural and highly visual labels, to mention a few

The finishing touches

Whether the bottle requires a crown cap, cork, swing-top or other closure, Rawlings can help Further customisation and branding can be achieved by embossing or printing on the closure

Using sophisticated forecasting to monitor both client and manufacturer activities, Rawlings can make sure you have the right stock in the right place, when and where you need it

Come and have a chat with Vigo and Rawlings on stands 46 - 48 at BEERX

Whether you are interested in the new CraftCan Go, CIMEC rotary canning lines, CIMEC bottling lines, Malek kegging equipment, Quantor temperature control equipment, filtration, brewhouses, bottles and decoration, the Rawlings Group looks forward to seeing you.

For further information:


Part of the Rawlings Group

Ninkasi at BeerX

STANDS 51 & 52

Ninkasi Rentals & Finance is an ideal partner for fast growing and pioneering breweries From our range of high-quality equipment to our competitive finance packages, Ninkasi is uniquely placed to provide support to you and your business from our team of industry experts.

Our innovative FV rental product allows for an almost instant capacity boost and is delivered and installed by us Along with FVs, we have a wide range of products in stock and available for immediate delivery. Drop by our stand to find out more about how we can help you and learn more about our new CO₂ Capture Technology – available on rental or finance

For further information:

www ninkasirentals co uk

PREVIEW BeerX 2023
STANDS 46 - 48

Full range of equipment and services from Enterprise Tondelli

Over 45 years Enterprise Tondelli have been supplying bottling, canning and kegging lines from single machines to complete turnkey projects and has taken three stand spaces 174, 176 and 176 at BeerX 2023.

On our stand will be a Eurosistemi TF 1 self-contained bottle and can drier This stops under crown mould, makes selfadhesive labelling easier and reduces moisture in the final pack preventing soggy trays/boxes!

This is being supplied as part of a complete beer bottle and canning line rated at 9,000 container per hour for the UK market The line includes all our equipment from depalletiser, labeller, bottle and can filler, packer, multipacker, conveyors and palletiser etc

Examples of new bottling and canning line projects completed by Enterprise this year will be demonstrated from a 1,500 bph kombucha bottling line to a turnkey 13,000 cph widget beer canning line with tunnel pasteuriser project We supply beer bottling and canning lines from 600 containers per hour to 72,000 containers per hour and all sizes in between

Enterprise Tondelli has a full design service so we can check the space required and also ergonomics to give the most efficient project as possible

We welcome the opportunity to discuss your requirements from single machines to complete lines If you are unable to visit then check out our website to see the full range and recent case studies

For further information:

Tel: 01525 718288

Arlington for beer transport and storage

Arlington’s innovative beer combo system and associated products are leading the way in the transport and short-term storage of real ale, craft lagers, and other types of beer The system consists of a heavy-duty, all-plastic collapsible 1000L container that is used with a range of product-specific airless liner bags.

Each fill requires a new bag to ensure maximum cleanliness and hygiene The bags unfold as the product is filled into them and, when used correctly, contain nothing but the product, with no air or contaminants This results in less dissolved oxygen, less energy usage, fewer chemicals required for cleaning, and less time spent preparing transport containers The combo system boasts a 2 5:1 empty-to-full ratio, making it easy to store and transport

The four-way entry pallet base also allows for easy handling when full, and the containers can be stacked up to 5 high when full or 10 high when empty With over 25 years of experience in filling and transporting high-value liquid products, Arlington is a name that you

STANDS 174, 175 & 176 STAND 45

can trust From drinking water to pharmaceuticals, we have a wealth of knowledge and experience in handling products where hygiene is critical

In addition to the combo system, Arlington also offers a range of fittings and accessories specifically designed for the brewing sector Our goal is to ensure the highest quality and lowest “DO” fill possible Most hoses, fittings, and liners are available off the shelf, so you can get what you need when you need it At Arlington, we are proud to provide immediate, knowledgeable service that covers all aspects of what we do Whether you need assistance with equipment rentals, bag filling, or technical queries, we are here to help Our tailored, affordable packages ensure that you get the best value for your investment

True to our packaging roots, we also supply the Arlington 4pt flat pack beer carrier pouch, perfect for take-outs and

cellar door sales

Come visit us on stand number 45 at the exhibition and see for yourself why Arlington is the leader in the beer transport and storage industry

Pictured: Arlington containers at Stroud Brewery

For further information:

Tel: 01672 563723

PREVIEW BeerX 2023

Caskwasher returns to BeerX 2023

It’s great to be returning to Liverpool again this year and we are looking forward to seeing customers old and new on Stand 140.

Despite the challenging conditions over the last 12 months within the industry we have still seen a steady demand for our range as brewers strive for effective cleaning and operational efficiency

Our range of cask and keg washers is designed and built to order from our manufacturing facility at Acle in Norfolk. Rugged yet simple to operate, Cask Force machines accelerate the cleaning process, thus saving money, labour and time Using a state-of-the-art manufacturing processes we pride ourselves on providing our clients the best quality components and through innovation we are continuing to update and invest in the range helping us to maintain our position as one of the leading manufacturers in this sector

Cask Force has a great heritage It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hugh Crane (Cleaning Equipment) Ltd who have been manufacturing specialist cleaning equipment systems across a range of industries for 40 years and our machines are recommended by breweries everywhere

What makes Cask Force the cleaning system of choice?

• Simple to Operate and Maintain Casks/kegs are placed once, without the need of additional lifting

• Saves Time

Fully automated washing process

• Saves Water

Recycled water from the process is cleverly reused minimising usage costs and the environmental impact

• Reduced Problems

Eradicates the expensive issue of contaminated casks/kegs

• Reduces Bottlenecks

Quickly restores the supply of clean units to circulation

One cask washer that has proven popular over the years is the 200 K-series electrically heated machine It cleans up to 24 casks per hour Power is supplied though a 16amp; 3 phase supply although the steam version can be powered by a single phase supply. The cleaning process is simple and clients have seen massive savings in manual labour and time taken to thoroughly clean returned casks

The machines also provide other financial benefits They save water, as the recycled water from the cleaning process is cleverly reused for pre-rinsing minimising usage costs and the environmental impact It also

Multi-generational family

Thomas Fawcett & Sons Ltd was established in Castleford, West Yorkshire in 1809 and is now in its 214th year of trading

The Company manufactures over 30 styles of malt which it supplies to discerning brewers all over the world It remains a 100% family-owned business with 6th, 7th and 8th generation family members involved

In spite of its longevity the company remains small and specialised. It produces the finest ale malts from only the best malting barleys which include Maris Otter, Halcyon, Pearl of the winter varieties and Golden Promise and Laurette from the springs These are barleys that produce consistent and


flavourful malts which remain favourites with craft brewers as well as brand leaders Together with its offerings of fine malt, the Company manufactures the complete range of Crystal and Roasted malts allowing brewers to make excellent balanced beers of all styles

The Company retains its own fleet of vehicles which allows it to deliver malt on time and encompasses all practical packaging requirements from bulk tipper or blower deliveries to pre-milled and palletised options

The Company is proud to be trading with some of the biggest and some of the smallest breweries in the UK and abroad and is very much customerdriven A little old-fashioned perhaps, but great emphasis remains on building

significantly reduces the likelihood of not cleaning effectively potentially spoiling batches This improves the customer experience knowing that products are going to arrive with the client in first class condition

If you are looking to make an investment in our range visit Tim and Chris at BeerX on Stand 140 on March 15-16th We look forward to seeing you there

lasting and collaborative relationships with its customers to promote all the best things that can go into a pint

24 Tel: 0800 157 7198 For further information:
PREVIEW BeerX 2023 For further information:
maltster STAND

The ‘perfect partner ’ at BeerX

With its comprehensive range of keg washer/fillers specifically designed for the craft sector, Lambrechts is the perfect partner for craft brewers requirements, according to its UK spokesperson, Mike Hickman. With its global reputation for sterilising kegs, you can have total confidence in filling ‘’pay-per-fill’’ rented kegs or brewing the most individualistic beers of any style, whilst still saving energy without compromising quality

From individual standalone washing and filling heads, to the ubiquitous two-head semi-automatic Compact machine, these are ideal for those brewers requiring up to 35 kegs washed and filled per hour Alternatively 60 one-way PET kegs or pre-washed steel kegs

For these brewers looking at increasing efficiency in and around their kegging area, the Monobloc Slimline 50 is the

answer Taking up a footprint of only 4 x 4 m including conveyor, it maximizes the output of washed/filled kegs at 55 per hour for the minimum footprint

The larger Monoblocs are capable of washing and filling over 80 kegs per hour with built in external keg washer and check weigher We can also offer a range of keg handling solutions including robots, as they become virtually standard on continental and US installs

With remote internet monitoring of the machine when needed, Lambrechts can work out the optimum time for servicing along with full diagnostics, so solving potential problems before they arise This combined with superb build quality and supplying competitive off the shelf non-proprietary spares makes Lambrechts a great long-term partner

Manufacturing the largest range of returnable containers of any global keg producer, Schäfer will once again be at BeerX.

As well as the standard stainless steel 50-, 30- and 20-litre kegs produced in 304 material with a higher tensile steel for the chime ends, Schäfer has also pioneered designs of lighter weight kegs and improved branding recognition

The returnable ECOKEG will reduce the average weight of the empty keg by 2 5 kg on a 30-litre size and 3 4 kg on a 50litre size keg Utilising comfortable to handle, customer-designated coloured polypropylene hoops, when combined with silk screening they offer an attractive contemporary solution to bulk beer packaging

The well-known PLUS keg, like the ECOKEG, is fully stackable and reduces noise in the kegging hall and during offloading by 70% Also available in slim line designs, both the ECOKEG and PLUS help to promote your quality brands

The new 10-litre d beer system does require power to dispense or keep and offers pub qu beer without the n pythons, coolers Co2 cylinders It i for small volume and the more disc home drinker tryin create the pub experience.

According to Mike Hickman from Sc the UK industry is to start gearing u smaller container desires a wider choice of fresh tasting products, but will not be increasing their overall consumption

“With health and economic considerations ‘quality over quantity’ will lead to meaningful change in the coming years, based on what we have seen in Europe The 20-litre is the ideal diameter to fit inside an under-counter fridge ”

Both Mike Hickman and Tobias Wirth will be attending the show Pictured: The Lambrechts OMNI COMPACT
ECOKEG and PLUS keg on show on the Schäfer stand at BeerX STAND 169 www schaefer-container-systems com For further information: For further information: STAND 167 PREVIEW BeerX 2023
Schaefer light weight ECOKEGS

LemonTop can help your brand to stand out

Whether you need a refreshing change, or you just want to heat things up a little, LemonTop can help your brand or service stand out from the competition

We have built a reputation as specialists due to our ability to offer the whole package - branding, graphic design, illustration, packaging design, promotional material and advertising

Some of our clients are suppliers at the start of the production chain and want us to promote their service or equipment, while other clients are at the end of the process and have a product to sell Wherever you are in the sequence, you’ll benefit from the services we offer

We’ve helped many businesses get their products to market, and helped many other businesses navigate their way along the processing chain From brilliant beer brands and fabulous drinks packaging, through to compelling pointof-sale and stimulating promotional material, we offer everything you need to place your products, services and

business at the forefront of the brewing industry

How do we do this? Your products and services are the items that kickstart the journey but we start by listening to your story We look at how your business sits within the marketplace, who your competitors are, your target audience, and your ultimate objectives

Only then can we use our creative and conceptual thinking to position your brand and tell stories that draw customers closer to you

Product packaging design is one of our most dynamic and captivating design services It is an inescapable part of everyday life, yet it requires a high standard of skilled design. It motivates the consumer to try your product, ultimately creating a cycle of repeat purchasing and brand loyalty Get it right and it even has the potential to become a collectible piece of art



BRITANX from Fabdec offers high quality hygienic stainless steel vessels to the food, beverage and processing industries

With over 60 years’ experience, all manufacturing is from our state-of-the-art 65,000sq ft facility in Shropshire, UK

As specialists in hygienic and pressure vessels, we design and manufacture all vessels for the brewery industry

From mash tuns to DPVs, to serving tanks, we have our own complete standard range and can also custom design to your specification

All vessels are expertly produced using the very latest technologies in welding, polishing and testing This includes our very own and the UK’s only laser

welded dimple plate machine This enables us to produce and test our own heating and cooling jackets in house

All claddings are fully welded and 85mm of injected polyurethane insulation comes as standard

All pressure vessels are designed to PD5500 and both the vessel and jackets come with all pressure test certification

To complement the brewing process, we manufacture a number of ancillary items, such as Plate Heat Exchangers, inline carbonation, hop dosing and more.

Find us at BeerX on stand 143-144

For further information:

sales@britanx com

Visit us on stand 60 (look out for the yellow balloons) and take a look at some of the projects we have on display
BRITANX’s range of vessels for the brewing industry PREVIEW BeerX 2023 STAND 60 Tel: 01642 969 222 For further information:

Is it time to invest in CO2 recapture?

With CO2 prices rising and sustainability becoming increasingly important, so is the option of investing in technology to reduce waste and cost

By reusing the carbon dioxide rather than releasing it we have found many of our customers benefit from:

Core Equipment exhibiting at BeerX 2023

Following on from the major success of BeerX 2022, Core Equipment will again be showcasing its products and services at BeerX 2023. As a market-leading brewery equipment supplier, Core is looking forward to meeting with both existing and new customers as well as industry partners

Core supplies a wide range of brewery and packaging equipment, including counter-pressure canning lines, brewhouses, fermenters, kegging machines and much more The company specialises in providing brewers with the latest innovation to support business development and growth

The Core purchasing team ensures that the equipment supplied is manufactured by industry-leading companies and has been quality assessed The Core sales team will be available to discuss your brewery needs across the 2-day event, to answer any questions you may have and any queries relating to brewing and packaging equipment

Sales Director Dan Tomlin, explained: “We are delighted to be here at BeerX once again, supporting this great event As the UK craft beer market continues to experience growth, BeerX 2023 is set to be the biggest brewing event in the calendar and we therefore look forward to having a beer with our customers once again ”

For further information:

• Cost savings

• Reduced emissions.

• Time savings

Lots of breweries are still reliant on CO2 delivered by 3rd parties while letting their own supplies bubble off into the atmosphere This is highly inefficient when you think you are releasing a by-product from your yeast and buying someone else’s

So is it time to get the full potential out of fermentation and close the loop? The biggest hurdle is process and upfront cost of the equipment It is possible to do it via adding a spending valve during fermentation, however for operations of a larger scale or looking to can A CO2 recapture system can offer an effective solution

The issue within the craft brewery industry has always been the upfront cost of most machinery Here at Moorgate Brewery Finance, we have been able to find cost effective solutions that are good for cashflow As we have seen an increase in demand for these types of kit, its become increasingly

important to introduce funders to the benefits and cost savings

The other concern with bringing in more electrical equipment is the cost of power, but these systems are modern and of low cost to run generally and many breweries are making the jump to solar power with the cost lowering, availability improving and batteries becoming common place Reducing your energy cost can help you reduce the price of producing a pint

We have been working with many breweries since 2015 to find solutions to advancing craft brewing and helping expansion The team will be at BeerX again this year and are always keen to have a chat over a pint

Full range of keg options from Keg Logistics

Keg logistics is the only company that can offer you rent-to-own, flexi rental, pay-per-fill, sale and lease back and steel export.

Rent-to-own - allowing the brewer to build up their keg and cask population with the option to purchase the containers

Flexi rent - with agreements starting from 3 months up to 72 months for a cheaper rental

Pay-per-fill - one time fills sent to wholesale

Sale and lease back - unlock £££ within your assets

Steel Export Keg - send steel containers worldwide including Europe, Canada and the USA

Keg Logistics gives breweries flexibility in uncertain times

To discuss one of our programs please call at our stand at BeerX or visit our website

For further information:

30 PREVIEW BeerX 2023
For further information:

We asked companies supplying the following products and services to let us know something about themselves....

l Malts, hops, fruit, yeast and any other raw materials which contribute to the finished product

l Chemicals and other adjuncts used in the drinks production process

l Companies providing power and other resources, plus products and services to help meet hygiene regulations

Suffolk maltster, Muntons, shares the secret of its sustainability success

It is no secret that a lot of energy and water are used in producing malt, making it a major contributor to the carbon footprint of beer. We talk to Muntons, widely regarded as one of the world’s most sustainable maltsters, as the company shares its story of how it is reducing the environmental impact of malt, safeguarding it in centuries old heritage beer brands as brewers look for opportunities to form sustainable supply chains from grain to glass

“To us, sustainability is defined by the need to make meaningful long-term systemic changes To do that well, you must truly know your business,” explains Adrian Dyter, Head of Procurement & Technical for Muntons.

“Creating the first malting barley carbon calculator gave us the data and knowledge to meaningfully change our environmental and social governance and underpin lower carbon supply chains The time taken to measure and baseline our data back in 2007 has proven invaluable Not least of all because we can see where we can make the most impactful changes but also demonstrate how far we have come “Our biggest carbon reduction opportunities involve the growing of malting barley from our farmers and the energy we use Focusing on the areas is making the most significant difference to Green House Gas Emissions. Real action we can pass on to our customers.”

Global drinks giants, Heineken and Suntory are not only sourcing low carbon, 100% sustainable malt from Muntons but are working with the supplier and its partner farmers to radically change the way the barley is grown to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50%*

Muntons has received a number of accolades including Global Brewing Supplier 2022 for its practical work in sustainability, championing pioneering programmes in malt production and demystifying the world of carbon for the wider food and drinks industry The company has recently been awarded a Platinum Medal for the second year running by the world’s most trusted sustainability ratings organisation, EcoVadis This places the maltster in the top 1% of companies globally for its sustainability performance

The company has invested in novel applications of technology across its Suffolk and Yorkshire plants including green energy generated from waste water treatment that enables the company to recycle and be a valued contributor to the local river network

Muntons is already seeing decarbonisation of its UK maltings by around70% Having been in the earliest cohort of manufacturers and the only maltster to set Science Based Targets reducing its GHG emissions by 45% by 2025 and to be Net Zero by 2050, the progress it have made so far has given the firm confidence to challenge itself even further, bringing forward its net zero target by 2 decades to 2030

*Early trials are producing certified carbon negative barley and expecting to show reduced GHG emissions by 50% for the growing of malting barley Data source Sustainable Futures Ltd 2022

See Muntons at BeerX - stand 145

Above: Muntons Maltings and Malted Ingredients site in Stowmarket ”

Below left: Muntons’ anaerobic digestor has now generated over 17 million kWh of electricity for the plant

For further information:

Siebel Institute introduces Sensory Training Kit for Sour Beer

To assess brewers’ abilities to perceive the characteristics of each of these compounds and/or be able to detect off-flavour linked to souring, a Siebel Institute Sour Sensory Training Kit has been developed which allows the compounds to be mixed with beer to mimic their sensory impact

The Siebel Institute Sour Sensory Training Kit offers 6 vials with different compounds that cover a spectrum of organic acids, Diacetyl and one biogenic amine (cadaverine) commonly produced by microbiological acidifying agents such as bacteria Each vial allows for spiking 1 liter of beer As with the other kits, the Sour Sensory Training Kit is shipped in ready-touse liquid form, making them as easy to use as possible

For further information:

www siebelinstitute com/sensorykits



A Curious relationship for Christeyns Food Hygiene

As the craft beer market becomes increasingly competitive, it is even more important to stand out from the pack. This means consistently creating and producing outstanding product. We talk to Wesley Lynch, Head of Production at Ashford-based Curious Brewery as to how the company achieves this.

Curious is a fully independent brewery, run by brewers and focused on making the UK’s best lager, IPA and cider Its journey began through the Kent-based winemaker Chapel Down who introduced its first beer product in 2011, Curious Brew lager In April 2021 Risk Capital Partners, (RCP), purchased Curious in what set out as a passion-led project for its CEO, Luke Johnson

The site for the brewery in Kent was purchased in late 2017 and doors to the brand new brewery opened on May 10, 2019 The project cost around £16m with an addition of £6m equipment sourced from around the globe, including fermentation vessels from Austria and the Brew House from China

As of Summer 2022, the brewery has brewed approx 7 5 million pints The biggest seller and flagship beer is Curious Brew Lager which boasts a clean, fruity, and aromatic finish During the summer months Curious Apple, an aromatic cider fermented with Bacchus wine yeast, is not far behind

There is also a Curious Session IPA brewed with three complementary hops and the newest product, Kentish Pilsner brewed in celebration of Kent’s hop-growing heritage, was launched in 2022

So, what makes Curious Brew different and how does it keep output quality consistently high? Wes explains in more detail

“We may brew lagers, but they aren’t your standard lagers We want to brew characterful beer which celebrates the ingredients that go into it We use a lot of hops in our products which gives us a more flavourful product once it’s finished. We may no longer have the winemaking connection through Chapel Down, but what we want to celebrate is the

provenance of Kent and the hops grown here

“However, the addition of champagne yeast and Nelson Sauvin hops means we have a lot more hops to clean out at the end of our processes The physical debris is always a challenge and a good hygiene partner is crucial to help us stay on top of our game and ensure a pristine brewing environment

“What I discovered is that Christeyns Food Hygiene really goes the extra mile to encourage its account managers to work closely with clients They make time for proper visits and have a good reporting structure with audits to highlight areas that need attention from hygiene to chemical safety They visit monthly as a minimum and produce a detailed report about any findings or recommendations

“Since using CFH we have done a lot of work on our brewhouse CIP procedures We standardised and validated the process and ended up with a much better result As this is one area where malt and hops and heat make the equipment that much harder to clean, it has been an invaluable improvement for us

“We have also installed an automatic testing and dosing unit for the detergent on our keg washer/filler This has allowed us to have much more confidence in the cleanliness of our kegs before they are filled Dirty kegs have a huge impact on beer quality and can lead to sourness and haze, so this is one of our key areas for brewery hygiene

“Having a supplier that knows best practice (and particularly safe practice!) matters We work with Justin Adams at Christeyns and he has carried out numerous chemical

handling training sessions with my team as well, so they are knowledgeable about the risks they are taking on Health and safety is always at the top of our list – followed closely by quality ”

Not one to rest on its laurels, Curious is firmly set on the future and working on several initiatives

The brewery recently purchased Wild Beer Co. from administration and is now in the process of bringing those beers online at the Curious site From a hygiene perspective, the famous Wild, or sour beer, can only be produced in an environment with impeccable hygiene standards

Sustainability is a personal focus for Wes this year As well as looking at shortening raw material supply chains the brewery now sends spent grain to aerobic digestion rather than animal feed There are also discussions underway with a local hop farmer about taking the used hops as potential fertiliser and negotiations are underway with a new waste supplier to improve the brewery’s recycling programme.

Wes concludes: “CFH has always been supportive of using less chemical and optimising how we use it – this is counterintuitive for them as it means we would purchase less, but that’s a mark of a good supplier who looks after its customers and the environment as a whole rather than always selling more ”

In 2019 Curious won the UK Brewer of the Year award and Gold medal at the World Beer Awards for their product Curious Brew The brewery continues to go from strength to strength

For further information:

Brew your own energy

Here’s a sobering thought – the UK economy would probably have fallen into recession if the breweries hadn’t kept the taps flowing during the World Cup. Pubs and bars experienced a sales jump of 30-40 per cent on matchdays during the tournament, with around 50 million pints alone drunk during the weekend of the quarter finals

GDP Figures for November released in January showed unexpected growth of 0 1 per cent, again highlighting the importance of the hospitality industry to the UK economy This should have marked the beginning of a post-Covid recovery in the brewing sector, but high energy costs and inflation continue to cast a shadow over the industry.

With the cost of commodities and labour inextricably linked to inflation, they will continue to present a substantial challenge, although energy may be the most severe, even existential, threat

Unlike at home, breweries can’t just turn down the thermostat, reduce the boiler flow temperature or unplug appliances not being used If you’re energy intensive, you are cost intensive – beholden to an energy market which has the potential to spiral again and with no guarantee of long-term Government support

The Government announced in January that it will continue to support breweries and other energy intensive industries until March 2024 under their new Energy Bills Discount Scheme. Reports had suggested the scheme would be targeted at vulnerable businesses, so it was a welcome surprise for most businesses that the scheme will be universally extended for another 12 months However, the stark reality is that businesses still face huge energy cost increases

The application of the original price cap meant the net cost to business was circa 24p kWh However, with the replacement scheme halving support, the same businesses are expected to be paying around 30p kWh – around twice as much as most were paying twelve months ago

Adding other elements, the net cost to business could be somewhere between 35p and 40p kWh Beyond international market fluctuations, additional concerns have been raised about increasingly fractious relationships with suppliers, prompting the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) to raise the matter with Ofgem Accusations of profiteering are rife at the moment, with upfront deposits demanded and non-energy costs layered onto bills, leaving many publicans and breweries concerned about what they can do to secure their energy supply.

There is also a distinct lack of focus on improving efficiency, with most contracts encouraging breweries to use as much energy as possible With the wider focus on decarbonisation and meeting Net Zero, it seems counter-intuitive to seek operations that are more energy intensive While ‘cash is king’ for the time being, consumer interest in sustainably sourced products looks to only grow and it must be built into any long-term energy supply strategy

It is clear breweries must become more innovative in the way they operate At Ylem Energy we are seeing an increasing number turn to on-site energy generation, whether this is installing technologies such as solar panels, or hydrogen-ready gas power generation systems

Having a bespoke energy supply and storage system which is more sustainable provides security that energy tomorrow will cost no more than the energy today, rather than being at the mercy of global market headwinds Where more power is generated than needed, you can choose to engage with the grid on your own terms by selling that excess on With energy costs remaining stubbornly high and Government support being gradually reduced, the time to act is now The spike in brewing sales during the World Cup showed there is still life yet in the brewing industry and that our pubs and bars can survive in the post-Covid economic environment

However, what the past year has shown us, is that their long-term

survival hinges on being futureproofed against avoidable energy price spikes

There is no sure way of predicting when the next hike in energy prices will come, but by moving your energy generation on site you can take control and insulate your business against these fluctuating costs

This energy crisis we are experiencing may be new, but the solutions don’t have to be.

As Managing Director of Ylem Energy Limited, Ian is leading the UK based business growth across a diverse range of energy projects. These include expansion of the company’s O&M services, grid connected “peaking“ generation, grid scale battery energy storage and onsite power generation – utilising solar, battery storage and base load generation solutions for intensive energy businesses In addition to its UK business, Ian is also responsible for the oversight of the business’ activity in South Africa and Mexico

For further information:

New Beer Recipe Development Course

The IBD has launched a short course aimed at brewers on a path of continuing professional development and those who just want to become better brewers!

The course provides essential knowledge for recipe development for experienced commercial brewers with a sound understanding of the basics of brewing, and it will also benefit more serious home brewers The course includes expert advice and guidance from brewers who have developed some of the world’s most iconic beer brands:

For further information:



NZ Hops Ltd unveils Superdelic™

NZ Hops does it again, launching a new hop variety with the ‘wow’ factor, set to delight tastebuds of craft beer fans the world over.

Superdelic™ is the brand-new hop cultivar released into market this 2023 season by leading co-operative, NZ Hops Ltd After more than 10 years of breeding work, the early brewer trials suggest it will deliver like no other “This exceptional hop is a playful number, with red fruit, candy, citrus and tropical fruit characteristics, offering brewers something totally different to use in their craft We’re excited to release this unique hop and expect it will create a frenzy,” says Blair Stewart, general manager of NZ Hops

NZ Hops values its highly successful hop breeding partnership with Plant & Food Research where Superdelic™ was developed Scientist, Kerry Templeton, leads the hop breeding programme

“It’s an amazing milestone to see a new variety enter market after our years of breeding work and Superdelic™ has winning strengths Its excellent yield potential will allow growers to produce high-quality hops

more efficiently and sustainably. And in the brewers’ hands, new and interesting beers will come from Superdelic™’s unique flavour and aroma profile,” says Kerry

Dr Ron Beatson, who led the hop breeding programme at Plant & Food Research before his retirement in 2021 added, “The use of both European ancestry and New Zealand stocks when breeding Superdelic™ has resulted in flavours different from others in the portfolio, complimenting other varieties when used together It will be a significant player ”

Several of the co-op’s 27 Master Growers, have been involved in early grower trials for Superdelic™, including Wilson Matthewson of Glenrae Hops. “We’ve been impressed with Superdelic™ vigorous bine growth It promises to yield well, and it looks spectacular out in the field We’re hopeful for an excellent harvest and can’t wait to see it performing well for the brewers "

Through NZ Hops’ Bract Brewing Programme, select global brewers trialled Superdelic™ in special craft brews to explore the hops’ characteristics, aromas, and brewing performance

“From the very first brew we knew it was something special In a Hazy IPA it revealed its ripe mango, sweet berry, and citrus notes We also noticed its unique performance, with great biotransformation properties from dry hopping during active fermentation It is an incredible

addition to our brewery We were lucky to be one of the first to try it,” says Mike Sutherland, Director at Sawmill Brewery

Commercialisation of a new variety is a vital part of NZ Hops’ commitment to innovation as the leader in that country’s hop industry. Over 85% of New Zealand-grown hops are exported, with a turnover of around $40 million Superdelic™ follows Nectaron® in the growing NZ Hops Ltd brand family

“Nectaron® brought a whole new flavour profile to the market in 2020, with its full tropical notes Demand for Nectaron® grows every year and we expect the same with Superdelic™,” says Blair Stewart

The launch of Superdelic™ comes during the midst of the 2023 harvest and before NZ Hop’s two-day festival‘HarFest’ on 20 & 21 March During ‘HarFest’, NZ Hops will showcase hop growing and the breeding programme to visiting brewers from Australia, United States, United Kingdom and from around New Zealand – a tribute to the global demand for high-quality New Zealand hops

For further information:

www nzhops co nz

The flavour combinations tipped to drive growth in the flavoured beer market

Drawing on and enhancing the naturally

occurring flavours



is a recipe for success

Distinctly different flavoured beers capture drinkers’ imaginations and appeal to those with a sweet tooth, attracting new consumers to the market.

Flavour matters in beer as much as any other drink – 57% of drinkers say it’s the most important factor when choosing a beer and it’ll also convince

consumers to pay more*. It is an ideal way to ‘premiumise’ beer and appeal to more women and millennials The UK’s fruit beer market is forecast to grow 4% annually over the next five years**

So as other drinks edge ahead of beer to win its share of total alcohol sales, flavoured beer will be essential to help it retain a top spot

*SIBA Craft Beer Report, 2020

**Research & Markets, 2020

Sours & Citruses

Sours are no longer a niche within the beer market, instead appealing to all demographics Added flavours can heighten sours Citruses are ideally suited to this; elevating the naturally occurring citrus tones from the aromatic hops or wild yeast used to create sour beers Sours’ zesty appeal can also be imitated in a standard beer by adding citrus flavours

Continued on Page 42


Sirencraft choose Lambrechts for kegging expansion

As part of its expansion programme, Sirencraft - the Wokingham-based craft brewer renowned for its wide range of quality beers - will be installing a Lambrechts Monobloc 50 early in 2023 The new machine will increase output while also reducing staffing levels in the kegging area.

The fully-automated Monobloc 50 is the smallest of the Monobloc range having 2 washing heads and one filling head, transferring the kegs from station to station using a walking beam mechanism

Taking up a space of only 4 5 m x 4 5 including conveyor, while potentially delivering outputs of up to sixty kegs per hour dependent on agreed cycle times, the Monobloc 50 delivers the maximum output for its footprint. Indeed, like many UK craft brewers, space was a real issue at Sirencraft and the MB50 was an ideal fit

The Lambrechts philosophy of delivering a surgically sterile keg was vitally important to Sean Knight and owner Darron Anley, as the Sirencraft reputation is built on the quality and diversity of its beers

On a recent visit to Lambrechts to see


Continued from Page 40

the machine on FAT test prior to delivery, Sean explained the reasons behind choosing Lambrechts

‘’Having over forty years of sterilizing kegs for the eclectic style of beers brewed by Belgian brewers, Lambrechts is dedicated to ensuring a sterile keg The build integrity of Lambrechts equipment is second-to-none and designed to last a generation ’’

The UK spokesman for Lambrechts, Mike Hickman, stated that the current production at Lambrechts reflects the company’s international reputation with orders for brewers on three continents being built during Sean Knight’s recent visit

Added Mike Hickman, “Whatever the size of the brewery, Lambrechts offers the solution from the ubiquitous twohead Compact machines with over 250 installed worldwide, to the comprehensive Monobloc range, from the smallest three-head machine to the five-head machine delivering 80 plus kegs per hour.”

The flavour combinations tipped to drive growth in the flavoured beer market

Confectionery & pastry beers

Sharing the same key ingredients and offering the same appeal of a ‘guilty pleasure’, confectionery or pastry-flavoured beers are both indulgent and familiar Malty beers work best with these types of flavours

Summer fruits

Summer fruits can enhance the natural aromas of hops to create moreish flavoured beers. And with similarities to fruit ciders and sweet cocktails, fruity beers are a good route to new markets

Low & No Alcohol options

As more and more drinkers opt for low or no alcohol alternatives, drinks that prioritise flavour over strength have a captive market So-called ‘Nola’ options have vastly improved over the years to offer the same breadth of flavour as standard drinks

Tap into new flavours

Additions of fruity, spicy or savoury flavours can enhance or replicate the naturally occurring flavours of beer to create drinks packed with character Simpsons Beverages can help you to

With labour costs rising throughout the economy, a more automated kegging solution will be high on the agenda for the craft sector in the coming years As with increased output on kegs the health and safety implications of keg handling, plus cost implications of associated tasks, robots will also become a real option in the future for craft brewers

For further information:

formulate and manufacture new and innovative flavours for your flavoured beer range Flavours are supplied as liquid compounds containing all the ingredients required to manufacture your product Just mix with water and beer after it has been distilled – it really is that easy

For further information:

www simpsonsbeverages com

Pictured are Sean Knight (on right) Head Brewer of Sirencraft on his recent visit to Lambrechts, with Steven Clymans of Lambrechts

New Vigo service contracts for canning lines

Vigo, UK agent for ABE canning lines, has announced the launch of Service Contracts for canning lines. Having supplied multiple lines to craft breweries in the UK/Ireland and supported them through its engineering team, Vigo (now part of the Rawlings Group) is offering service contracts to customers for optimal line efficiency and additional peace-of-mind. There are 3 different service contract plans to choose from, offering varying levels of service and/or breakdown cover from the team of 9 engineers.

Martin Gillard, Engineering Manager, at Vigo, comments “We are proud of the relationships we have forged with

customers we have supported over the years and aim to continue to do so into the future We offer servicing, maintenance and repair for all the equipment we supply and we provide phone support, help and advice.

“These Service Contracts offer an even higher level of support and are designed to keep lines in optimal condition, minimising downtime "

New features for Bürkert’s Ex valve island optimise performance in hazardous areas

Process automation in hazardous areas requires specialist equipment, which Bürkert has excelled in for many years. The company’s process of continuous improvement has led to the latest update to the Type 8650 AirLINE valve island, which has expanded the features of this industryleading equipment

The use of pneumatic process control systems offers many advantages to manufacturers operating in food and beverage settings, especially in hazardous areas Bürkert’s AirLINE range of valve islands has been developed and proven in the field for many years; the latest update extends the functionality in the most challenging environment.

The new Type 8650 has an integrated pressure sensor as well as a filter in the air supply to ensure optimum performance It also has an extended temperature range, and IECEx / ATEX approvals have been updated to the latest specifications

In addition, new functions have been directly integrated on the valve island, which controls process equipment while located in zones 1/21

The Type 8650 was originally developed with the cooperation of Siemens and this partnership has enabled complete integration with the SIMATIC ET 200iSP This partnership makes the Type 8650 the only valve island whose hardware and software are fully integrated with the Siemens IO system This includes the diagnostics, which ensures any fault signals, such as a wire break or short circuit, are directly integrated with the PCS7 process control system

The external valve shutdown function enables the pneumatic feed to the valve island to be closed off while the communications remain operational with the rest of the network At the same time, air inside the valve island will be exhausted to atmosphere, preventing any further process valve actuation This ensures any feedback relating to the shutoff, such as the final position of a valve, is relayed to the central processor

Operators and installers of pneumatic process control equipment have many considerations when they are planning, installing and operating systems that are working in explosive atmospheres Safety is clearly the top priority, closely followed by ease of installation and operation. One

method of achieving these and several other goals is to work with an experienced manufacturer that offers a comprehensive range of products for an easier installation.

Bürkert has specialist design and manufacturing facilities that can create complete solutions with all the latest certifications and documentation For installations where safety and reliability are paramount, the Type 8650 valve island, combined with a purpose-build enclosure, is the ideal solution for precision process control in challenging environments

For further information:

NEWS Equipment www vigoltd com/beer
For further information:
The new Type 8650 has an integrated pressure sensor as well as a filter in the air supply to ensure optimum performance

Could electric storage boilers beat batteries on cost as industrial users seek savings?

A new type of solid-state electric storage boiler could store solar energy more cheaply and safely that batteries, and unlock increased on-site generation

Combining solar generation with heat storage will be the optimal combination for many users Ideally suited to the food and distilling sectors, Caldera has secured £295,000 from BEIS to design a factory to mass produce its technology.

The patented technology, developed by British start-up Caldera, uses a solid material which is heated up using off-peak electricity and on-site renewables This energy is then stored with very high efficiency and released when required as highpressure steam

It is ideally suited to industrial users who rely on process heat or steam

The Hampshire firm is already producing a domestic scale heat store, which is currently being rolled out in a number of trial homes countrywide

Earlier this year Caldera secured a

£295,000 grant from the Department of Business Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) via their Industrial Fuel Switching competition to investigate the design and build of a UK factory capable of rolling out Caldera storage boilers at scale The company is now engaging with a number of businesses in different sectors Europe-wide to optimise the design for a range of industrial users

Caldera CEO James Macnaghten, says: “For industrial users who have processes which use heat, we believe it will be more cost-effective to store excess on-site generation as heat

“Lithium-Ion batteries are a tremendous technology, but they are expensive, and bring associated downside risks including fire And for many industrial users, it is heat they need, not electricity

“It therefore makes more sense to store excess solar energy directly as heat, using a technology which

replicates (and in many cases can replace) existing gas or oil-fired boilers

“With our technology, banks of solidstate electric storage boilers can be charged by on-site solar PV at around 99 percent efficiency, and can hold this heat for hours, ready to deliver high pressure steam as required at temperatures up to 200°C.”

“It is a simple, modular system which costs significantly less than batteries We believe that combining on-site solar generation with heat storage will be the optimal combination for many industrial users,” Macnaghten concludes

For further information:

New Flex-Blend 3000: Unleash your creativity

Anton Paar has launched The Flex-Blend 3000 series for blending, carbonating, nitrogenating and dosing. The system was designed specifically for craft brewers, soft drink manufacturers and contract packagers.

It is no longer commercially inhibitive for craft brewers and contract packagers to have inline “on-the-fly” control of their processes

Flex-Blend 3000 series delivers the “fastest continuous measurement of concentration values on the market (one second measuring cycles)”, says Anton Paar By doing so, it ensures rapid and precise control of ABV, OE, BRIX, CO2 and N2 with zero compromise on quality or specifications and at a top priceperformance ratio

These compact, maintenance-free carbonators and blenders offer recipe-specific calibration for optimised management of an unlimited number of product types, helping you avoid product loss and ensuring minimum changeover time Combined with unique pre-delivery testing of the entire specifications range, they let you cover all future product and dosing choices and unleash your creativity

Features include:

• Automatic, skid-mounted blending &/or carbonating (dependant on model number) system tailored for craft producers

• All-in-one package – without compromise on quality and specifications – at a top priceperformance ratio

• Optimised recipe management for an unlimited number of product

types, which avoids product loss and ensures minimal changeover time

Building on more than 50 years of experience working in the brewing industry, Anton Paar continues to supply some of the highest quality and most flexible process systems on the market

For further information:

NEWS Equipment

WDS Group drives sustainable beverage-packaging collections across the north

WDS Group is partnering with hospitality businesses across Manchester, Cheshire, Lancashire, North Wales and Yorkshire to make a positive environmental impact.

For almost 14 years, the Bury-based beer, wine and spirits wholesaler and distributor has been minimising its carbon footprint, operating a zerolandfill model and fully recycling all its trade waste WDS Group now supports the beverage industry across the region to be more sustainable During its deliveries to pubs, bars, cafés and restaurants, WDS Group collects empty KeyKegs that may otherwise end up as landfill

KeyKegs are sustainable, designedfor-circularity beer, wine and other beverage Kegs produced by OneCircle; once empty, they can be processed to recover the actual raw materials used to produce new KeyKegs WDS Group joined OneCircle's Return Partner Network in early 2019 and has already collected 65 tons of empty Kegs for recycling

During last summer alone, it collected

10,000 empty KeyKegs

An environmentally conscious hospitality industry is creating a buoyant market for sustainable wastemanagement solutions. From Sheffield to Stoke, Lancaster to York, and everywhere in between, a steady stream of businesses are approaching WDS Group to return all their empty KeyKegs to the circular economy, helping protect the environment As more empty Kegs are collected, the amount of circular material in each new KeyKeg will steadily increase, conserving precious natural resources

Salford’s First Chop Brewing now packages many of its most popular beers in KeyKeg WDS Group not only distributes First Chop beers around the region, but also collects the empty KeyKegs afterwards

Rik Garner, Founder, First Chop Brewing: “Sustainably distributing our beer as fresh as possible is most important WDS Group and KeyKeg help us do that We are also pleased to be part of WDS Group’s closedloop recycling process ”

WDS Group crush and bundle the empty KeyKegs for OneCircle to collect OneCircle then shreds, separates and sorts the different plastics on an automatic recycling line to recover the raw materials. As much recycled material as possible is used to produce new KeyKeg parts, while the remainder is recycled for other uses

Sam Evans, Sales Director, At WDS Group, say, “We want to continue collecting and recycling as many empty KeyKegs as we can to make a greater positive environmental impact in the region "

Schoeller Allibert launches Fill Level feature to take the guesswork out of IBC management

Logistics operators can now easily check the fill level of their intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) thanks to a new service launched by leading returnable plastic packaging supplier, Schoeller Allibert.

Schoeller Allibert has announced the launch of the Fill Level feature for its logistics tracking platform, SmartLink® Fill Level keeps its users informed of how full their IBCs are, enabling them to quickly and conveniently schedule refills to maximise usage, productivity and profit

The system is designed to streamline fill level monitoring, which typically involves manually checking each container at the cost of time and manpower

Nick James, Sales Director, at Schoeller Allibert, said: “It always pays to know just how full – or empty – your IBCs are Fill Level does exactly what its name suggests – it provides you with a constant stream of data on the fill levels of your logistics assets

“This is a revolutionary improvement for managing a critical status element for liquid and other variable assets and helps to put logistics operators back in the driver ’s seat when it comes to managing their business

“With this new feature, Schoeller Allibert’s top-of-the-line SmartLink® system takes the guesswork out of IBC management Fill Level tells you what you need to know, when you need to know it, letting you take the appropriate action to keep your business moving ”

SmartLink® lets operators monitor the status and movements of their assets by connecting them to the internet As well as informing users of an asset’s location, it can monitor its interior temperature – and through the new Fill Level feature can also provide updates on the fill status

Via SmartLink®, Fill Level can also set an alarm if or when assets fall below a certain fill threshold

Fill Level is natively integrated into ChemiFlow®, Schoeller Allibert’s family of bulk containers specifically designed for the transport of hazardous materials

co uk
further information:
NEWS Containers
Sam Evans (left) and the WDS Group team crushing and bundling empty KeyKegs For further information:

Why every insurance broker should have a claims team

Clarke Dove's in-house claims team offers expert advice and support to every client. “Handling claims is a crucial part of the insurance process and our service to all our clients,” says Andy

IFP rebrands to NIRAS

NIRAS has announced that its UK-based food and beverage capital investment expert, Integrated Food Projects (IFP), will rebrand and operate as NIRAS – creating the UK’s largest food and beverage manufacturing consultancy.


“When a client experiences a loss covered by their insurance policy, they will file a claim with the broker, who will provide initial advice and then work with the insurance company to assess the claim and determine the appropriate course of action In some cases, insurance brokers no longer provide this service to their clients, expecting clients to go directly to the insurer or outsourcing the service to a third-party provider In our experience this seldom works and often leads to dissatisfied clients, so we don’t do it Having a dedicated claims department allows us to handle claims efficiently and effectively on behalf of our clients It also helps to ensure that our clients receive prompt advice and fair settlements when they experience a loss Our claims team maintains strong relationships with our clients, supporting them through some of the most stressful and emotional events By providing an excellent claims service, we prove our commitment to our client's needs and satisfaction ”

Meet the Clarke Dove claims team

Kevin Dean Cert CII

Claims Manager, Kevin has over 15 years of experience in claims management, working in all areas of claims management across the insurance sector About his role, Kevin says "Our clients know we’re here to help them when they need to make a claim, and we’ll be there at every stage of the claim In serious circumstances, this could be the worst day of their lives and we need to be on hand to provide advice straight away and to help smooth the claims process balancing the situation with making sure we have the information we need to present the claim to the insurer in the best possible light ”

Katie Ritchie

Claims Handler, Katie has worked for the company since 2005 having various roles since her time at Clarke Dove Katie looks after a portfolio of claims, making sure they are progressing, keeping the diary up-to-date, and updating clients on developments Kevin and Katie work together on making sure the team is up-to-date on claims trends, updates from insurers, and any regulatory changes that could affect claims handling Sharing information with their colleagues regularly For example, a recent trend we continue to see is delays in the car repair sector, this is due to a shortage of parts as well as the shortage of vehicles We will work with insurers to ensure all options are explored to make sure the client has their vehicle repaired and returned to them as soon as possible

For further information:

https://clarkedove co uk

enquiry@clarkedove co uk

Integrated Food Projects, which was acquired by NIRAS in 2020, is located in Kegworth, East Midlands, and has achieved substantial growth over the last five yearsdelivering projects for the world’s biggest food and beverage brands IFP will now fully integrate with NIRAS’s current food and beverage business operating from four locations throughout England (Ascot, Kegworth, Greater Manchester and Leeds)

NIRAS will be the UK’s largest food and beverage manufacturing consultancy, with a 150+ strong team of consultants, engineers and project managers currently working for clients around the world with a focus on helping drive change in the value chain and optimising their clients’ competitive position As part of the rebrand, Matthew Carr will be promoted to Business Unit Director The senior leadership team will also include Nick Hickman, given the responsibility of VP Projects, and Phil Mason will take on the role of VP Operations.

For further information:

NEWS Business Services
www niras com

News from the Brewing, Food & Beverage Industr y Suppliers Association


ISSUE 1 Spring 2023

Bayliss BFBi National Chair

Welcome to the March 2023 edition of Your Voice and it’s hard to believe that we are into the third month of the year already. The world we live in remains volatile, with energy prices continuing to affect businesses and homes alike, fuelling the most discussed ‘cost of living crisis’ and causing a spike in the rate of inflation Our industry is certainly being affected as consumers rein in their spending whilst at the same time the cost of running our businesses increases Certainly in my “day job” with Christeyns Food Hygiene we are constantly reviewing our prices, seeking new raw materials, and endeavouring to work with our customers to mitigate these cost increases wherever possible. There is some good news, however, with the wholesale cost of energy decreasing and an increasing supply of many raw materials,so I am hopeful that, as this year progresses, we will see a return to confidence in our sector

There’s certainly much to look forward to with the (hopefully) improving weather as we enter Spring and the upcoming Bank Holidays in May including the coronation of Kings Charles III which will potentially see the sort of boost to our sector that we experienced during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022. Then, of course, we will be into the Summer months with the long evenings and with a fair wind we will see that consumer confidence continue and flourish into Autumn.

As I near the end of my term as National Chair of the BFBi, I reflect on the turmoil that has affected our industry throughout my tenure – from the Covid-19 pandemic, to the shortage of personnel and more recently the cost of living –and it has certainly been a turbulent time although I hope that the last few months will be calming down as I prepare to hand over to my successor But more of that in my next editorial, so in the meantime may I wish you success in your businesses, a warm Spring and a successful May Bank Holiday season

Best Regards


More demand for complete system solutions

Irrespective of industry or sector, manufacturers and plant operators are increasingly choosing to invest in complete system solutions which can easily be integrated into existing operations, rather than sourcing components or equipment for inclusion in lines which are designed and installed in-house or by third-party contractors.

The reasons for choosing complete solutions will vary according to client, but industry observers have noticed some common trends in recent years, which we have also seen in our own experience For example, the data collection and utilisation trends encapsulated by Industry 4 0 and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) mean that many clients are looking for machinery and systems which are connected to their data systems, something which is often outside the scope of their own in-house engineering and IT functions.

Complete systems, whether off-the-shelf or designed to meet client’s bespoke needs, also reflect an overall trend towards complete line integration which is increasingly seen in manufacturing environments. In 2019, just before the Covid pandemic, it was reported that 35% of food manufacturers had fully integrated processing and packaging lines and that the trend was not limited to larger companies. Data collection and the IIoT enable manufacturers to plan and operate more efficiently, and this trend is increasing all the time

Against this backdrop it is natural that manufacturers are looking for ‘plug-andplay’ solutions. Rather than in-house fabrication of production lines, manufacturers want standalone systems and equipment than can easily be integrated with other components This is an acceleration of a trend which began many years ago, but which has really

come to the fore since the pandemic HRS has produced complete systems for the food and environmental sectors for many years and is continuing to develop new products and solutions as demand increases Some of these implement existing technologies – such as the HRS DSI (Direct Steam Injection) Series –while others provide a pre-packaged combination of proven heat exchanger technologies, like the HRS Thermblock & Asepticblock Series of Pasteurisers/ Sterilisers

In the environmental and energy sectors HRS systems provide convenient and economical solutions for the problems faced by developers and operators of anaerobic digestion plants, including digestate concentration and/or pasteurisation and biogas dehumidification. Elsewhere HRS concentration and evaporation systems are used for manufacturing and waste management, with the ultimate waste solution being the HRS ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge) System

All of these HRS systems offer monitoring and telemetry systems with connectivity via ethernet or integrated 4G data SIM This enables the systems to integrate with the rest of your business both physically and in terms of data, control and the IIoT

Whether you are looking for a completely standalone thermal system, or equipment that can be integrated as part of a large production or processing unit, HRS has a comprehensive range of systems and heat exchangers to meet your needs.

New Ox y-2go to be introduced at BeerX 2023

Smaller breweries need a costeffective, reliable dissolved oxygen (DO) content measurement device, and Pentair Haffmans says Oxy-2Go is the answer.

Pentair Haffmans Oxy-2Go is a portable device that measures the complete range of DO content in beer wort, beer, and other carbonated beverages

Developed using Pentair Haffmans known and trusted optical technology (incorporated into our long-established O2 Gehaltemeter, in-line, and laboratory quality control devices), the Oxy-2Go ensures you don’t run the risk of your DO content becoming too high or too low

Pentair Haffmans Oxy-2Go (pictured) enables smaller breweries to measure their DO content without significant hardware investment The device’s lightweight portability allows measurement throughout the entire brewing process line, reducing overall batch losses due to more regular monitoring. Maintaining the correct levels of DO during the complete brewing process is crucial to the taste and stability of your beer’s shelf life The builtin optical technology of the Pentair Oxy-2Go provides reproducible & reliable DO content level readings.

Features & Benefits

Built with Pentair’s proven optical technology Portable and wirelessly rechargeable

Multiple language options

∙ Lightweight & compact

Wide-ranging, cost-effective DO measurement

Ensures beer quality

∙ Reduces beer loss


BeerX stand 178 to learn more.

B&B Attachments offers CF TS accredited Thorough E xamination

A leading specialist in material handling solutions, B&B Attachments provides CFTS (Consolidated Fork Truck Services) accredited Thorough Examination inspections as part of its service offering. Its fully qualified service technicians, located throughout the country, are trained to perform Thorough Examination, and provide UK companies with legislation compliance.

The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) were introduced to place duties and responsibilities on people and companies who own, operate, or have control over lifting equipment

The LOLER Regulations require that all lifting operations involving lifting equipment must be properly planned by a competent person and carried out in a safe manner It also requires that all equipment used for lifting is fit for purpose, appropriate for the task, and suitably marked, with its maintenance

recorded and defects reported.

LOLER also states the requirement for Thorough Examination and Inspection, which are key requirements of the regulations.

A Thorough Examination is a detailed examination of the lifting equipment by a competent person to detect any defects that are, or might become, dangerous. Methods of the examination includes visual examination, functional checks, and measurements of wear. Equipment owners must ensure lifting equipment (including lifting accessories) undergoes a regular Thorough Examination by a competent person within the specified timescale.

B&B’s attachment specialists have been fully trained and certified by CFTS to provide Thorough Examinations for forklift attachments They have practical and theoretical knowledge and experience of lifting equipment, enabling them to detect defects or weaknesses and assess how critical they

Hygiene industr y experts join forces

Hygiene equipment application specialist H&M Disinfection Systems Ltd and specialist hygiene solution provider Christeyns Food Hygiene have today announced the signing of a strategic partnership.

Christeyns Food Hygiene, (CFH), based in Warrington and H&M Disinfection Systems Ltd of Northwich, are both industry leaders with over 30 years of experience in their respective fields Having worked together for three decades, this strategic alliance will allow the two companies to provide a turn-key solution to the food, dairy and beverage industries for effective cleaning and disinfection operations.

The current CFH engineering offering for the optimisation of water, energy consumption, dosing, time and labour will be strengthened, combining both chemical and engineering expertise including a complete equipment portfolio, CIP sets, Washdown Systems, Bulk tanks and bespoke engineering This unique full-service package will include maintenance and periodic safety inspections.

“We are delighted to confirm this formal alliance with H&M Disinfection. The excellent equipment, control systems

and reliable pump-sets they manufacture, combined with formulations created by Christeyns Food Hygiene will ensure our customers can rely not only on the chemistry, but also on the application equipment,” commented CFH Operations Director, Andy Bethel

are in relation to the safety and the continued use of the attachment

B&B’s trained specialists will attend your site and carry out a full inspection of your attachment(s) and leave you with a detailed report of the Thorough Examination If repairs or maintenance are identified, B&B offers a competitive maintenance service, backed up by its dedicated parts division, to ensure repairs are completed quickly and to the highest standards. B&B also carries out inspections on all its rental attachments, so you can rest assured that your attachment(s) are safe and compliant

Forklift attachments must be thoroughly examined by a competent person at least every 12 months, and often more frequently (every 6 months) depending on conditions of use Or in accordance with an examination scheme drawn up by a competent person

Ensure you meet the requirements and that your ‘Thorough Examinations’ are carried out to the highest possible standards by scheduling inspections in line with regular maintenance of your attachments


FREE eBook is now available

It is essential that food and drink businesses adopt a product optimisation strategy to identify factors that are affecting their product's profitability. They also need to recognise the attributes that customers value the most to help with maximising sales.

Discover more with a FREE product optimisation eBook from Campden BRI, which explores the steps required to develop a successful strategy.

For over 30 years Christeyns Food Hygiene has produced effective formulations of detergents and disinfectants for all application in the food, dairy and beverage industries with customers from across a range of household consumer brands and suppliers to the UK’s food retailers Since 1989 H&M Disinfection Ltd has built a reputation for providing high quality, bespoke hygiene application equipment which is the corner-stone of many customer’s food safety management systems.

Included in the eBook:

•Product optimisation roadmap

•Two approaches to success - value optimisation and cost optimisation

•How to build a compelling business case

With a range of infographics, case studies, and supporting research, the eBook establishes the foundation for a successful product optimisation strategy.

The free ebook can be downloaded from the Campden BRI website

53 SPRING 2023

‘Game-changing’ analysis instrument for sparkling wine from Foss

Foss has launched OenoFoss 2, an instrument that allows winemakers to analyse their wines at the touch of a button in just over a minute –including, for the first time, sparkling wine.

The new model provides a faster and easier-to-use solution than the original OenoFoss, which was launched in 2008, and according to Søren Thiis Heide, program director of wine & beer in Foss’s R&D department, with user experience that is more “intuitive ”

“The old OenoFoss is also a fantastic instrument, but it uses a method that’s more dependent on the user and the skills of the user, ” he explained “With the new device, the winemaker can focus on making wine and the machine will provide the data. It gives you a super performance every time without the need for a trained operator. It is also

much easier to get started with it.”

The “game-changing gadget” can also cope with the complexities of sparkling wine as well as still wine and must, giving winemakers the information they need to make informed decisions on when to pick, control fermentation and when to bottle their wine, in just over a minute.

“It will be much easier for sparkling samples to be easily and rapidly analysed with the OenoFoss 2, so the cellar master can get on with the important business of making wine,” he said.

Previously, in order to test sparkling samples or must under fermentation, winemakers would have to de-gas the sample However Heide said this is the first instrument in its field to allows testing without de-gassing.

It also includes a sucrose measurement that can be used when making a dosage in traditional method sparkling wine and self-cleans between tests

The winemaker takes a sample of wine or must, places it under the pipette and presses play, with results for the pre-set parameters – up to 34 different parameters, from ethanol, glucose and fructose to volatile acidity can be applied – appearing on screen in just over a minute.

Users have the flexibility to start with just a small selection of parameters and then add more as required in line with the demands of the winery.

More info at

Radical approach to growing barley developed

Showing true pioneering spirit, a collaborative team of forward-thinking companies in the food and drinks industry are radically changing the way that barley, one of the main ingredients of beer and whisky, is grown, by cutting CO2 emissions of producing barley by 50% in five years.

The Suntory Group, headquartered in Osaka and with a diverse global portfolio of consumer beverages including whisky, beer, gin and soft drinks, has signed up to an innovative regenerative agriculture trial with Suffolk-based maltster, Muntons plc, to explore how barley can be grown in a more sustainable way to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions and protect water

The trial is a collaborative effort between The Suntory Group, award-winning sustainable malt supplier Muntons plc, supply chain consultancy Future Food Solutions Ltd and Norfolkbased barley farmers lead by Dewing Grain Ltd. In the first year of this sizeable pilot, which has begun with the 2022 autumn crop-sowing campaign, 16 farmers are dedicating around 400 acres specifically to the trial producing over 1,000 tonnes of barley from spring and winter varieties. This will be made into malt by Muntons and be used in Suntory’s beer and whisky production from 2024.

The project will start by baselining all crop-related emissions, which will inform an innovative nature-based programme of interventions that seek to reduce emissions, enhance soil health and protect water, while maintaining crop performance and grain quality The ambition is to produce barley with 50% lower GHG emissions within five years

Adrian Dyter, Head of Procurement & Technical at Muntons plc, comments, “Muntons sees the importance of taking a practical and holistic view to reducing GHG emissions and we ’ re proud to have been the first maltster to develop a carbon calculator to help identify where the biggest impact of reductions can be made

“Malted barley contributes 39% and 41% to the carbon footprint of beer and whisky respectively So, the success of

this trial could pave the way for reducing the overall value chain of production by 20% in a single leap We have invested heavily in reducing Scope 1 & 2 emissions and water conservation and have decarbonised our maltings by 83% since 2007. We are now looking to Scope 3 and collaborations with forward leaning farmers and drinks producers to help achieve ambitious net-zero goal of 2030 and vision to make a real difference ”

Regenerative agriculture is a sustainable farming method that reduces dependency on chemical fertilizers and pesticides through the use of cover crops and no-till farming, lowering GHG emissions but also increasing soil biodiversity


Brewer y tests show cold rinse methods can save energy without impacting quality

Brewing equipment specialist, Collective Motion Brewing, has worked in conjunction with a microbiological laboratory on a series of tests which prove that cold rinsing techniques can be used to dramatically reduce energy costs without compromising quality or cleanliness.

The scientific trials carried out at Tractor Shed Brewing were designed to determine whether decreasing the rinse temperature applied to kegging equipment would increase risk of microorganisms and product contamination The results reported showed there was no significant difference between a hot rinse and cold rinse when followed by the steam sterilisation cycle.

Six kegs were tested to achieve a statistically significant conclusion. Collective Motion Brewing applied a detergent temperature of 70°C (just above pasteurisation temperature) and cooled the kegs prior to testing to enable the heat and time to have maximum pasteurisation effect. Sterile saline was poured into each keg to completely line the inside walls. Three 10ml samples were then drawn from each keg and applied to a membrane filter in petri dishes containing Wallerstein Nutrient Agar, Yeast Mould Agar and Raka Ray agar to detect microorganisms including bacteria, yeast and mould. The results across each

sample showed zero to minimal traces of wild yeast, moulds and catalase positive bacteria to levels commonly found in kegs subjected to a hot rinse

Dominic Smith, Director at Collective Motion Brewing, said: “We were approached by Tractor Shed Brewing to try to reduce energy usage on their kegging equipment Their original set-up was using copious amounts of electricity to heat the hot water tank, so we decided to look at the possibility of decreasing the rinse temperature and test whether it had a negative impact on the quality of the product or the level of cleanliness of the containers

“Analysing the process was an eye opener - before this study I had only a partial set of information to navigate the delicate balance between the economy and biological safety, but the data has given us confidence in the viability of cold rinsing as an energysaving method. I am extremely happy with the result and over the moon that it has achieved the client’s objectives without putting the product at risk ”

Tomasz Lenartowicz, Director at Collective Motion Brewing, said: “The exercise provided some valuable insight into the combination of factors that determine levels of cleanlinesstime, temperature, the turbulence and

Energy Saviour™ from DFx

Energy Saviour™ is an intelligent Appdriven, power-saving plug-in device for all beer and soft-drink coolers running from a 13A UK mains supply.

Features include:

• Programmeable trading hours to ensure that the device is ideally matched to your trading patterns ensuring perfect dispense during opening hours and maximum energy savings when closed.

• Advanced Learning Algorithms continuously adapt the operating parameters of the device to the conditions of a given cellar environment once more ensuring maximum savings

• Trading Hours Override allows easy adjustment of standard trading hours to accommodate special events.

• Cleaning Mode ensures that lines do not freeze during line-cleaning operation

• Programmeable Python Refresh makes sure that the product within the python

is kept at a safe temperature whilst the cooler is in energy saving mode.

• The ENERGY SAVIOUR™ device is compatible with all coolers which run from a UK13A mains socket.

To ensure that you maximise your savings, supplied is a simple-to-you, Bluetoothconnected App which runs on both Android and IOS platforms By working through a few simple steps via the App screens you can match the operation of the device to the way you run your business


velocity of fluids and the chemical strength and composition of fluids The tests showed that a reduction in temperature can be compensated by the other factors

The team from Tractor Shed Brewing (pictured above) has now fully adopted the cold rinse cleaning systemsignificantly reducing energy usage without impacting the consistency of the cleanliness - and plans to use the method for other areas of the business.

IC Filling Systems for Mexico

IC Filling Systems is supplying Campo Azul Tequila of Jalisco, Mexico with an automatic labeller and wax capsule applicator.

The automatic line consists of a linear labeller able to orientate the bottle first, then apply a front, back and tearstrip self adhesive label to the bottles This is followed by a wax capsule over the T-cork finish (with top embossing) with a rotary bottle infeed and rotary bottle accumulation table, allowing for a single person operation of the entire line at a rate of 1,250 bottles per hour

Campo Azul Tequila began in the 1960s, with the first generation of agave producers in Casa Campo Azul They decided to dedicate their lives to growing agave at Jesus Maria, Jalisco Many years later, in 1996, Casa Campo Azul Distillery was inaugurated under the shelter of Productos Finos de Agave Nowadays, the third generation of the family runs the company, and maintains their own agave plantations


Alan Ruddock Engineering Ltd provides space-saving solution to Fierce Beer

Alan Ruddock Engineering Ltd was contacted by Fierce Beer Brewery in Aberdeen to provide a solution to accommodate a complete dry goods intake for its brewery, where unfortunately space was at a premium.

After discussions with owner Dave McHardy the decision was made to utilise a twentyfoot container as a mill room A new container was delivered to the Alan Ruddock workshop and two 30 tonne silos was delivered to the site, whilst the company continued to manufacture and install a conveyor, elevator and a 1-tonne precision mill inside the container This also included a control panel to automate the system

The container was uplifted to site where a minimal amount of outwork was required to

Machine vision expert joins Bytronic

Bytronic Vision Intelligence has strengthened its UK team with the appointment of expert vision engineer, Iain Clowery.

Iain joins UK-based Bytronic as technical manager specialising in vision and ID after a career in vision engineering spanning almost 30 years. During two decades at the global machine vision supplier Cognex he helped develop the software that powers the cameras and imaging software now used by many of the world’s largest companies.

In his new role, he will work with Bytronic’s growing list of manufacturing customers, building vision projects to help improve productivity and speed up moves towards smarter factory automation

Martin Hurworth, CEO of Bytronic, said: “Iain joining us is a real endorsement of our business and a sign of our reputation in the industry. His technical knowledge of vision is second to none and I’m really excited to have him on the team. Our partnership with Cognex has never been stronger, and now with Iain here that will only get better, allowing us to help more customers transform their productivity with vision."

With Bytronic being rated Platinum as a Partner Systems Integrator for Cognex since 2014, and more recently Logistics Partner Integrator since 2021, Iain is joining a team of familiar faces at its Innovation Campus

enable Fierce Beer to achieve a full malt intake solution (pictured)

A further project has taken place at the other end of the country, working in conjunction with SSV Ltd on a new brewery for St Ives Brewing Co Alan Ruddock Engineering was commissioned to manufacture and install a Full Malt Intake System to complement the stainless steel vessels supplied by SSV Ltd The two companies successfully finalized the installation with an Alan Ruddock mashing in elevator and conveyor marrying up to an SSV Mash Tun to give a full turnkey project

The company has since returned to the site as a courtesy visit and is pleased to announce all running smoothly.

Graphic Packaging International moves packaging operations

Fibre-based consumer packaging company, Graphic Packaging International, has announced it is moving its Bristol, UK beverage packaging manufacturing operations to a new, state-of-the-art facility nearby, creating up to 30 new jobs in the process.

The move to the 255,000-square-foot factory - twice the size of its current base in the Fishponds area - comes in response to increasing worldwide demand for fibre-based packaging Once the new site becomes fully operational in Q4 2023, its expanded and upgraded production capabilities will make it one of the largest and most technologically advanced sheetfed folding carton plants in Europe. The new facility will also house an innovation centre that will enhance the company ’ s innovation and development capabilities.

Graphic Packaging International customers will be invited to view progress of the new site at various stages as it nears completion.

Martin Sheppard, general manager, beverage, EMEA, announced the move, stating: “This key investment in our Bristol operation makes for exciting news for our customers and employees It reinforces our commitment to the UK and European beverage packaging markets for decades to come.

“It has been an exceptional few years for our Bristol site, and we look forward to making an even greater impact on our local economy in 2023 with the relocation of our facility to a significantly larger site - a move that will provide many new jobs. The boost to capacity means the future is very bright indeed for our Bristol operations ”

The news follows success for the Graphic Packaging Bristol team, who scooped two prestigious prizes at the Bristol Live Business Awards. The double gold came in the Large Business of the Year and Manufacturer of the Year categories, recognising the outstanding contribution the plant made to its employees, the local economy, and the manufacturing sector as a whole Many of Graphic Packaging International’s key innovations have been developed at the Bristol site, including the multi-award-winning KeelClip™, a fibre-based beverage multipack solution that has been adopted by some of the world’s leading beverage brands.

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57 SPRING 2023

SEEPE X to showcase progressive cavity pumps at Foodex

In food processing, SEEPEX pumps are ideal for transferring thin to highly viscous, sticky products and those containing soft solids. Their low shear action preserves the integrity of shear-sensitive products such as yoghurt, cream, yeast, ice cream and sauces. Hence, removing the need for costly additives to restore product texture and appearance.

SEEPEX's EHEDG pumps meet the highest hygiene standards for the food and beverage industries Their internal design guarantees residue-free cleaning with CIP/SIP and the low shear pump action ensures the highest product quality For highly viscous to nonflowable products, the company also offers its open hopper pump ranges in hygienic design

Sophisticated By-product and Waste Removal

SEEPEX has created a pumping system for handling difficult food waste - such as fruit including stones, vegetables, poultry and ready meal packaging This integrated maceration and pumping

technology enables hygienic waste removal through enclosed pipework from high-care to lowrisk areas With this solution, waste volume can be reduced by up to 60% with significant transport cost savings

SEEPEX’s Smart Air Injection (SAI) technology is used in breweries and distilleries to remove spent grain, draff and hops This system uses a progressive cavity pump and pneumatic dense-phase conveying to boost efficiency and reduce energy use. SAI can convey products with 15-40% dry solids in 2030m long plugs over distances of up to 1,000 metres using controlled air pulses

Beyond Hygienic and Food Waste

SEEPEX’s dosing pumps are ideal for continuous and batch dosing with high precision and repeatable accuracy of

±1% Non pulsating flow ensures even mixing and distribution of ingredients, such as colours and flavours, to maintain high-quality products and control costs

SEEPEX's Digital Solutions can restore pump performance and efficiency, and increase uptime with predictive and planned maintenance

“In few other sectors are the demands on pump technology higher than in the food and beverage industry,” explains Damian Clifford, Commercial Lead for SEEPEX UK. “Our pumps are utilised widely for food waste processing but also meet the most stringent hygiene regulations for use in production Visit us at stand E129 at Foodex to learn about our conveying solutions and discuss your pumping applications ”

Vel x MDU and Vortex-I sparkle for Qualflow

Developed during lockdown, Velx MDU was launched last summer by Qualflow just in time for some of Britain’s best festivals.

OBC got the season off to a great start at Kenwood House Concert, with ten MDUs pouring over 3,500 pints within two hours of the gates opening. Other gigs on last year ’ s circuit included Isle of Wight Festival, The Neighbourhood Weekender in Victoria Park, South of England Showground Festival, Reading Festival, Saffron Walden Carnival, Kendal Calling and the Victorious Festival Portsmouth. With a total of 30 MDUs on the circuit Qualflow estimates that it helped operators pour an impressive 350,000 pints at these festivals alone.

The Velx MDU's simple operation, fast pour speed and uncomplicated setup is

designed to maximize festival operators’ draught beer operations.

Every great result for Manchester City FC this season was followed by a win for the stadium beverage teams with beer sales doubled since the introduction of the Velx Taps. Installed in record time under the direction of Asahi Technical Services, the Velx MDU and Swift Taps have transformed beer operations at the Etihad stadium. In under two weeks the Asahi team upgraded the dispense system which included the installation of 30 Velx MDUs and 20 Swift taps

At drinktec 2022 in Munich, Qualflow introduced its most advanced beer line cleaner to date, Vortex-I

Designed and develop in partnership with the dispense team at Agora Brewery, in Zaragoza Spain. Vortex-I brings brewery cleaning process into

every outlet, and uses hot detergent and turbulence to improve the cleaning power by 500% compared to traditional soak cleaning. The system is completely automatic and, once set up, smart algorithms automatically rinse the lines to a drain, charge the lines with hot detergent and optimize the flow to ensure it is turbulent There is no need for any buckets or operator intervention. At the end of the clean, all process data is transferred to the VerifyClean web app so that brewers can be assured that every line is cleaned to the highest standard. Vortex-I improves, beer line hygiene, beer quality, sales, and profits

SPRING 2023 E: enquiries@hopsteiner co uk W: www hopsteiner com/uk Steiner Hops Ltd is part of the Global Hopsteiner group supplying brewers with a complete innovative range from whole hops pellets Lupulin pellets to extracts & oils Our staff have over 50 years of experience in the brewing industry and can offer technical, focused customer support Our progressive breeding program has led to innovative new sustainable varieties, including Sultana, Lemondrop and Lotus from the US and Akoya and Solero from Germany
Above : SEEPEX low shear hygienic PC pumps maintain product quality Above: SEEPEX PC pumps for waste removal eliminate manual transfer between high care and low risk areas

Sure Purity awarded Queen’s Award for Enterprise, International Trade

Ms Lucy Winskell OBE, His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Tyne and Wear, has presented North East manufacturer, Sure Purity Limited, with the Queen’s Award for Enterprise, International Trade 2022.

Visiting the company ’ s Blaydon manufacturing base, the LordLieutenant of Tyne and Wear was joined by the Mayor of Gateshead, Councillor Dot Burnett, who celebrated the achievement. Having received notice of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in 2022, Sure Purity became one of just eight North East businesses to receive this prestigious business award

Sure Purity manufactures carbon dioxide polishing filtration systems used by the beverage industry to prevent product contamination The unique technology removes harmful trace impurities from carbon dioxide which can be a cause of food safety recalls in the industry. Sure Purity works with a host of international clients including the world’s two largest beverage brands, who now require their bottling partners to use Sure Purity’s polishing filters

Established in 2016 by Gary Robson, Sure Purity’s CEO, the Tyne and Wear manufacturer has experienced exponential year-on-year growth, doubling its turnover each year since 2020, and expecting to continue this growth for a fourth year in 2023

The seven-strong team - including a recent apprentice who has just been offered a full-time position - will also continue to expand in the coming year, creating more jobs in the region

Carbonating machines range

Carbonation Techniques Ltd manufactures carbonating machines from 200 and 500 litres per hour manual machine, 1,000 litres per hour semi-automatic with touch screen control, and 2,000 litres up to 60,000 Litres per hour fully automatic machines, with temperature monitoring and pressure adjustment as the temperature in product changes.

Speaking of the company ’ s award and of its future growth plans, Gary Robson said: “It’s a very proud moment for the Sure Purity team and we ’ re on an exciting growth trajectory Having had a brilliant experience of taking on our first apprentice, we are looking to implement a growth strategy whereby for each new hire we also offer an apprentice role “As a former apprentice myself and having recently relocated to a premises on the site of my own initial apprenticeship, I’m passionate about helping to support young people into work and offering an alternative to traditional higher education.”

Ms Lucy Winskell said: “The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise are the country’s most prestigious business awards and are not awarded lightly The businesses who receive this commendation must demonstrate true excellence in their field and Sure Purity’s award is recognition of their outstanding achievement.”

The award presentation was attended by 40 invited guests including local businesses who supply the firm and Blaydon’s current MP Liz Twist

The 1,000 and above have recently been updated to touch screen control, making the machines even easier to use Touch screen recipe selection change over, with minimum waste, allows programmable recipe selections, giving state-of-the-art control technology for the highest accuracy and consistency of CO2/Nitrogen within the product.

The machines are able to carbonate a range of product including, beers, cider, wines, soft drinks, alcopops, water, kombucha, and - says the company, ‘well pretty most any product’

Environmentally friendly specifications include:-

• Lower carbonation pressures.

• Lower power consumption to be more cost-effective.

• Lower CO2 pressures required during carbonation: Less filling pressures required, less CO2 wastage

• More stables saturation of CO2 in the product resulting in less foaming during filling on more difficult products

• CO2 being used efficiently with less CO2 wastage to be more cost effective

• Machine will give greater efficiency and lower running costs

Charles Faram’s Harlequin big winner at Hops awards

Herefordshire hop grower, Sarah Hawkins, and farm Manager Matt Bailey of The Farm in Bosbury, travelled to the Pure Craft Bar in Birmingham on Friday to pick up the award for the Best British Hop Sample at the most prestigious hop awards ceremony for British hops in the UK.

The competition, organised by the Institute of Brewing and Distilling (IBD), brought together samples from every hop grower in the UK The hop variety samples were judged in November by an expert group of leading brewers and the sample they selected as overall champion was Sarah’s sample of the new variety, Harlequin.

This variety has recently been developed by Charles Faram to enable UK growers to produce hops that will compete with the fruity “ new world” flavoured hops from the USA and New Zealand, and to reduce British craft brewers' reliance on imported hops for beer styles such as New England IPAs

and India Pale Ales.

Sarah said, “We are over the moon to have won this award, it is such a fantastic achievement for all of us at the farm and especially for Matt and his team who have put an incredible amount of work in to produce these beautiful hops ”

Matt commented: “To be honest, I am not surprised that the judges selected the Harlequin variety. When we are picking them during harvest the aromas coming from the kilns are just incredible; you can tell from a mile away that we are picking Harlequin!”


UBC Group – Ukrainian Beer Company ... in their own words....

Before the war, the company employed more than 5,000 people, had 25 sales offices worldwide from Santiago to Bangkok, had 4 manufacturing plants operating, two of which were located in Kharkiv (NE of Ukraine), one in Vinnytsia (SW of Ukraine) and a factory in russia*, a town just across the border from Kharkiv. The total production area was more than 300,000 m2 (*russia, russians, putin etc. is officially spelled in lower case letters in Ukraine now).


Plants in Kharkiv immediately found themselves in the war zone They were repeatedly fired upon with heavy artillery and rockets, and bombed too The russians dropped four 500 kg bombs (FAB-500) on UBC PROMO plant in Kharkiv One of them did not explode, which is good news (the efficiency of russian bombs is 75%).

Three days before the war, at PROMO we launched a new workshop for glass processing with laser equipment and special custom-made tools for figure cutting. That workshop lived for 3 days...

The war actually broke out at a really bad time for our business. All warehouses were overfilled with finished products ready to be shipped to clients before the season starts Some orders for our clients had to be produced for the second time, but at the new location already as we were forced to relocate it to SW of Ukraine


The plant for the production of customized promotional products: commercial parasols, awnings, restaurant furniture, etc , had to be relocated to Bulgaria

We have focused on the markets of Western Europe and North America The key country for our business in Europe is the UK We are opening a separate company with a local warehouse in the UK Our products are tailored to the UK local market requirements

One of our strengths is the rapid development of new models and modifications of beer coolers and beer towers according to the specific requirements of each client. At our production facilities in Vinnytsia and in Bulgaria, we have created teams of engineers focused exclusively on the UK market Ukraine has all it takes to become a manufacturing hub


According to Microsoft rating, Ukraine is #4 IT outsourcer in the world In the year before the war, Ukrainian technical Universities produced more engineers than any European country

We moved the plant for the production of draft beer coolers such as mini and midi remote, integral and water coolers, beer fonts as well, from Kharks to SW of Ukraine to Vinnytsia, where we have already been producing chest freezers for the ice cream market and bottle fridges for beer and soft drinks industry since 2018.

Part of our warehouse with packaged products was destroyed. One of the warehouses happened to be 2-3 km away from the front line back then. It burned down at the very beginning of the war. When a rocket from a russian MLR Smerch/Tornado/Typhoon whichever, hits a warehouse, which has 5,000 coolers in 4-5 levels of palletized storage space, after the explosion it all turns into a big pile of burnt iron with ashes 2 metres high

Vinnytsia is a convenient geographical location - 200 km to the border with Romania and 300 km to the Polish border. Easy access to the ports of the Black and Baltic Seas. Odessa port was of course our main shipping port before the war, which obviously is on hold for now Hopefully not for long There in Vinnytsia we ’ ve expanded our existing plant and have launched a new production facility of 20,000 m2


The business has adapted After the outbreak of the war, we stopped all operations and closed offices in belarus and russia (yes, belarus is also spelled in lower case now).

Ukraine is a traditional labour donor of skilled labour for European countries. 5-7 million Ukrainians were working in the EU even before the war. We are an energy-surplus country with a developed nuclear power industry and metallurgy. Ukrainians are fighting for the right to be Europeans 90% of Ukrainians unambiguously support integration into EU and NATO We are ready not only to fight for our country, but to reform it, to work hard as a righteous members of the civilized world

We have everything for this: human resources and technical capabilities We are from Ukraine

For more information



Utilising a portable CO2 detector for pub engineers and deliver y drivers

Typically, people may think that a portable CO2 detector will only need to be utilised in drink creation and bottling. However, CO2 can be present throughout the process, from creation all the way to the shop front or pub.

Thus, it is vital to implement a portable CO2 detector wherever it is present to prevent exposure to this hazardous gas. At risk yet sometimes not considered are teams which can include pub engineers and drinks delivery drivers. But how at risk really are these teams?

CO2 is naturally present in the atmosphere at 0 037% but is classed as a substance hazardous to health under COSHH. At room temperature and atmospheric pressure CO2 is a colourless and odourless gas and, because of this, people are unable to see it or smell it at elevated concentrations And due to the natural concentration already in the air we breathe, concentrations can rise quickly if a leak occurs Although not flammable, CO2 can cause headaches, dizziness, confusion and loss of consciousness at high concentrations. Since CO2 is heavier than air, fatalities from asphyxiation have occurred when it has entered confined spaces at high concentrations and displaced oxygen. Therefore, it is vital to implement a portable CO2 detector in breweries, where mass amounts of CO2 are used and confined spaces are common

So why are pub engineers and delivery drivers particularly at risk? Pub engineers are personnel who perform general maintenance on pubs, including fitting kegs and piping etc Within pub cellars, CO2 cannisters are used as they are part of the system to deliver carbonated beer to

the beer taps. Thus, pub engineers could come across big CO2 leaks without any notification, putting themselves at risk of asphyxiation. So, it is vital these engineers carry a portable CO2 detector to prevent the risks to themselves

Delivery drivers are often at risk for similar reasons

The most effective way to mitigate hazards to your team is by providing a portable CO2 detector to each pub engineer and delivery driver you work with. IGD has over a century of experience in gas detection, and can provide a detectably better solution for portable CO2 detection

IGD recommends using the iGAS portable CO2 detector from SENKO With an average sensor life of 5-7 years, this not only reduces the maintenance costs but increases the time in which you have an accurate and reliable portable CO2 detector, perfect for delivery drivers and pub engineers who are constantly travelling yet need continuous CO2 personal monitoring, and making it the perfect companion for pub engineers and delivery drivers who handle a wide variety of environments and are susceptible to liquid splashes in their day-to-day work

IGD is the UK’s approved manufacturer and distributor for all SENKO portables in the range, thus the company can offer full expert servicing and support on the iGAS portable CO2 detector.

Paul Huntley calls time on career

Simpsons Malt Limited Director, David McCreath OBE, has paid tribute to Seed Director Paul Huntley who has retired after a 38-year career with the company. Paul joined McCreath Simpson & Prentice (MSP) – the agricultural merchanting division of Simpsons Malt Ltd – as a Seed Technician in 1984, and progressed through the ranks to become Seed Director, a position he has held since 2000

Throughout his career, Paul (pictured on left) has been instrumental in the development and implementation of new seed varieties, as well as the research and development of innovative seed treatments His dedication to quality and innovation has helped MSP become one of the go-to agricultural merchants in the UK

InnCellar boosts Booths portfolio

Booth Dispensers Limited is an independent UK manufacturing company, specialising in the design and production of beverage cooling and dispensing systems and ancillaries.

Booth designs and manufactures using state-of-the-art technology to exceed the highest standards and provide innovative cooling solutions for the brewing, soft drinks, water and vending industries across the globe To help sustain the continued growth of the business the company has recently acquired InnCellar Equipment Limited

By expanding the portfolio, Booth

Director David McCreath OBE

(pictured on right) said: “I tell people this every time; it’s people that make companies, it’s not companies that make people Paul has helped make MSP what it is today, and I thank him very much for that “His wealth of knowledge and expertise will be greatly missed, but we are grateful for the time he has spent with us and for the countless contributions he has made to the company, and the industry as a whole.”

now supplies an extensive and comprehensive collection of cask cooling and cellar equipment, including Cask/Keg Cooling Jackets to accommodate where there’s no cellar cooling, to a range of stillages giving you the flexibility for storing and dispensing more cask ale.

The Auto tilt system is a self-tilting rack that gradually rises and the cask empties giving you minimal waste The Beer Festival Racking is a pre-set tilt system that keeps the barrel at an optimal angle while being taller than the cellar stillage allowing you to dispense directly from the cask.

As part of the cask dispense selection, Booth stocks all essential products from cask taps, nuts, tails, washers, hop filters and more, giving you everything needed to get from the barrel to the bar!

Booth has also appointed a new sales representative, Kyle Williams, who brings with him a wealth of knowledge in the cask equipment and beer industry!

www booth-dispensers co uk


Helping small drinks businesses grow with retail packaging

When Dalston's Soda Company experienced substantial growth throughout lockdown, it entered a new and exciting chapter and hit the shelves of supermarket giants Waitrose.

Smurfit Kappa’s Barnstaple team was on hand to ensure it had powerful packaging solutions to show competing, bigger brands that Dalston’s can hold its own on supermarket shelves.

Having previously developed Dalston’s seltzer eCommerce packaging, the multipack retail packaging presented another exciting challenge to Smurfit Kappa, who had to ‘hit the ground running’ to create stand-out, colourful packaging that had a premium feel Not only did Dalston’s need packaging ready to send its multipacks to Waitrose, but the brief also included the design of ten bespoke boxes for a stop motion animation for an advertisement - in just four days!

Previously Dalstons had mainly used two-colour flexographic print for its multipack packaging The new packaging needed to be striking, establish and reinforce brand awareness and incorporate the company ’ s musical heritage with the vinyl record player featured on the multipack boxes

So, as the new packaging would showcase a range of unique flavours, it was agreed that a full six-colour lithographic print option would yield the striking results they were looking for. The multipack packaging needed to be assembled quickly in Dalston’s fulfilment centre as they would be hand-assembled there The company also wanted to make sure no secondary packaging materials were needed, so getting their input was incredibly important.

This is where Smurfit Kappa’s 80 years of supporting small and growing businesses helped to provide a seamless solution both for the fulfilment centre

Diet soft drinks quality control

In light of new challenges facing soft drink manufacturers – including the move to supplant unhealthy industrial sugar in non-alcoholic beverages with low-calorie sweeteners – Anton Paar, a market leader in beverage analysis solutions, has released a new Packaged Beverage Analyzer (PBA 5001 Soft Drink Diet). All key parameters (e.g., °Brix, CO2, %Diet) are measured with the same system and in one measuring cycle.

For anyone still using the complex molybdenum blue or titration methods for diet drink analysis, Anton Paar’s new beverage analysing system can help. It is easily adjusted and operated, meaning anyone can perform highly accurate measurements without special training

A reference for %Diet measurements is only set at the beginning of a batch production, which reduces the demand for reference analysis by 75% and saves users money on costly chemicals and consumables Just press the start button and move onto other tasks: Depending on the configuration, it takes the system three to six minutes for a measurement, which enables a quick batch release Conducting a highly precise density measurement of process water and a diet sample with a DMA density meter sets the basis for a reliable, accurate %Diet determination The density value is not only the most reliable parameter

for %Diet analysis, it also forms the perfect basis for volume determination and therefore filling volume control Anton Paar has more than 50 years of experience in digital density measurement and is a global market leader in this field as well

Sample preparation is not required – the final package is simply placed in the filling device, and the sample is automatically transferred Since there is automatic filling error detection in the density and CO2 meters, users can be confident that their sample filling has been done correctly. Anton Paar offers a three-year standard warranty on the whole measuring system, and its global service network ensures the measurement system is always running effectively

In order to centralise data storage, the system can be combined with AP Connect, Anton Paar’s lab execution software, which enables data access from any network computer If there are Anton Paar inline sensors installed in a factory’s lines, the Davis 5 software links lab and process equipment, and automatically adjusts inline sensors without human interaction.

info gb@anton-paar com

and the customer. The retail packaging is frustration-free for the end user as well as easily disposed of in normal household recycling

Dalston's branding is vibrant, punchy and bright and its advertising conveys this perfectly Smurfit Kappa was delighted to be able to support the campaign launching the new multipacks into Waitrose, and producing the ten bespoke boxes that were to be used in an animation that would be shared across their social media channels

Andrew Richards from Smurfit Kappa Barnstaple, said, “We had just four days to produce the 10 packs for Dalston’s animation, which proved an exciting challenge for the team We promised packs in four days and so, four days later, the packs were ready to shine at the client’s animation shoot!”

Crowcon: DistilleriesThe dangers of ethanol (C2H5OH) and carbon dioxide (CO2)
Grundfos helps Britvic increase production
More in-depth reading


Efficient selection for greater profits

During these challenging times for many brewing businesses, it makes good sense to evaluate all avenues where costs can be reduced.

Vessel cleaning, essential in brewing, winemaking and distilling, is costly in many ways including water, chemicals, energy, effluent treatment, and time. Selection of the right equipment at the original planning or upgrade stage of a plant can be crucial both in capital cost and long-term running costs

When looking at cleaning technology for CIP often there are only two questions on a prospective buyer’s lips - will it clean my tank and how much does it cost?

Advancements in cleaning technology however, now mean that it is not just the ability to clean a customer’s tank but also save them time and money in the process

There are three basic types of technology, static spray balls, single axis rotating and duel axis rotating Each has their merits, and it is through the correct selection of the type of equipment used that produces savings for customers. To understand how selecting the correct equipment can save money we first need to understand the mechanics of how a vessel is cleaned

There are four inter-dependant factors which influence the result of a CIP cycle and in 1959 Dr Herbert Sinner combined these into what is now referred to as Sinner’s Circle

As can be seen from the graphic (right), Sinner identified the four key elements of cleaning to be Time, Temperature, Chemical and Mechanical Action Sinner recognised that by increasing one factor savings can be made on one or more of the remaining factors When looking at any CIP cycle the costliest elements are generally Time (lost production time), Temperature (energy required to heat cleaning liquids) and the Chemical or cleaning liquid itself (both in terms of the cost to buy the liquid and equally, in today’s climate, the cost of effluent treatment)

AWH Cleaning Technology focuses on the fourth factor, Mechanical Action.

Mechanical Action is the physical force used on the soiled area and with minimal investment in moving from one type of equipment to another it is possible to greatly increase productivity while reducing running costs significantly

The oldest, and currently most common, type of technology used is the Static Spray Ball. With no moving parts and proper care it is (potentially) maintenance free and,

coupled with low investment costs, it is often the first choice of both vessel manufacturer and end user alike. Operating at low pressure and with high flow requirements, the cleaning function of a Static Spray Ball is to produce points of impact on the vessel walls (where the jets from the holes hit) but we rely on a the volume of liquid running down the sides of the tank (a free falling film) for the majority of the clean This leans the suitability of Static Spray Balls more towards smaller vessels, as less overall volume of cleaning liquid is required to cover the tank walls, and easily removed soils (such as light liquids) as less mechanical action is required to remove them

As vessels increase in size or soiling becomes more difficult to remove you begin to look at single axis rotating cleaners like the AWH TANKO® S Series While still operating at low pressure, single axis rotating devices step up the level of Mechanical Action. The cleaning is carried out by a series of high energy droplets, generated by fast rotation and precision cut slots, impacting instantly and repeatedly against the soiling on all surfaces. Relating back to Sinner’s Circle we are now adding more energy to the cleaning action are able to reduce both the mount of cleaning liquid needed as it is used more efficiently) and often also the length of time required for cleaning. This relates in a direct cost saving for customers.

As an example of this a study was carried out at one of the gest and most renowned an breweries who had exchanged large Static Spray Balls in 76 of their 700 m3 fermentation vessels for AWH TANKO® S50 rotating heads

After extensive testing they achieved a 38% reduction in cleaning (lost production) time, a 58% reduction in fresh water consumption (and so also 58% reduction in the amount of effluent they had to treat) as well as 39% reduction in caustic needed. In total this translated into a saving of €51 60 per tank, per CIP The payback period per tank by changing technology was under 10 CIP cycles

When considering larger tanks (typically >5m diameter) and heavy levels of soiling often the most effective technology is multi axis jet cleaners This type of equipment is slow rotating and builds up its wash pattern over a certain period of time. Although more costly from a capex point of view than the previous technology types their efficient use of the cleaning fluid and high level of Mechanical Action mean considerable savings on time and

chemicals can be made As an example, the AWH TANKO® S50 will clean tanks up to 6 metres in diameter but at 3 bar requires 15m3/h flow to do so The AWH TANKO® MX125 multi axis jet cleaner will clean the same size tank at a pressure of 5 bar but will only require 4m3/h to do so. Having said this, it is not always the case that a multi axis jet cleaner is the best solution It is important to consider the nature of the soil you are trying to remove A 5m diameter tank with a light soil type may be cleaned quicker with a fast rotating single axis cleaner (which instantly covers the surfaces) than a slower rotating multi axis jet cleaner. It is important to identify the cross over in realised value between time taken and flow rate per hour required.

Cleaning technology is most commonly operated / driven by the cleaning liquid flowing through it. Further efficiencies can also be made by using an externally driven jet cleaner. These are usually driven by either an electric motor or by compressed air such as the AWH TANKO® JX range. As these jet cleaners are not relying on a certain volume of water to drive them flow rates are often much lower than conventional media driven jet cleaners At 5 bar pressure the media driven AWH TANKO® MX125 with 4mm nozzles requires 4m3/h flow rate whereas comparably the externally driven TANKO® JX70 at the same pressure only requires 1 25m3/h

In summary, selecting the correct cleaning technology is not always a straightforward process The above are examples of the types of technology available to users but even within these 3 basic groups there are many variations on a theme, with each variation serving some specific condition It is easy enough to choose a cleaner based on tank size and price but without taking into consideration the large number of other aspects of a cleaning application the chances of selecting the best suited equipment are slim, and a golden opportunity to boost profits may be lost

It is this holistic approach to appraising a cleaning application which Neumo specialises in allowing AWH Cleaning Technology to achieve tangible cost savings and process optimisations for its customers


Certified safety for the food industr y

Freudenberg develops sealing solution for first EHEDG-compliant tubular heat exchanger according to the latest guidelines.

The technical components used in the packaging industry are subject to strict standards that include country and industry-specific hygiene requirements such as the EHEDG (European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group) guidelines The tubular heat exchanger from Tetra Pak that features a specially developed seal from Freudenberg Sealing Technologies was the first and only device on the market to receive EHEDG approval.

The objective of the development cooperation between Freudenberg and Tetra Pak was to develop a costeffective, hygienic sealing solution that would connect the stainless steel components of the new tubular heat exchanger. Tubular heat exchangers are used in food industry process lines wherever liquid products with different viscosities and solid contents are to be heated to achieve a longer shelf life. To prevent product contamination, all components of the new tubular heat exchanger that come into contact with the product must meet demanding industry-specific requirements Besides Hygienic Design Standards, these include statutory regulations such as FDA, EG (Reg ) 1935/2004 and 3-A® Sanitary Standards.

Before the new sealing solution for this special application was ready for series production, Freudenberg Sealing Technologies and Tetra Pak also had to overcome other challenges: The sealing

material not only had to be resistant to CIP/SIP media (Cleaning in Place / Sterilization in Place), but also had to accommodate a broad temperature range with particularly high temperatures and at the same time be designed for a long service life. In search of an appropriate, costeffective sealing solution, Tetra Pak turned to Freudenberg, who was able to convince them thanks to its extensive research, development and production capacities In addition, Tetra Pak had already gained positive experience working with Freudenberg in many development partnerships in the area of homogenizers Once all the requirements for the sealing solution had been defined, the Freudenberg Sealing Technologies team began with development work in close cooperation with Tetra Pak’s technical team

Thanks to its own FEM models, it was possible to determine the service life of the new seal in advance and optimise the design of the seal CNC machining of prototypes with the Freudenberg Xpress® service eliminated the need for tool production to save time and costs Challenges such as high temperatures, which proved to be very complex in the FEM analysis, were mastered by the teams working closely together

Choosing the right sealing materials was a key factor in this regard The two materials used, 70 EPDM 291 and 75 Fluoroprene® XP 40, meet the requirements of the FDA, EG (Reg ) 1935/2004, NSF 51 and the 3-A®

Sanitary Standards In addition, they are optimized especially for cleaning in CIP/SIP processes Both materials cover a wide range of temperatures: 70 EPDM 291 between -40 °C and +150 °C, 75 Fluoroprene® XP 40 between -15 °C and +200 °C

The developers further optimised the design and performance of the new product until all requirements could be met As a result, the tube modules comply with the latest EHEDG guidelines and is currently the only solution on the market to have received the respective approval. Tetra Pak is now having the newly developed sealing system produced in series, with four more dimensions planned

“We are proud to be able to help make food production safer with our sealing solution that is based on our extensive development and materials expertise,” explains Mats Harrysson, Key Account Manager Global Process Industry at Freudenberg Sealing Technologies success-stories/


Is Kombucha your thing?

Enterprise Tondelli recently supplied and commissioned an automatic Kombucha bottling line for the SynerChi Kombucha Brewery in the district of Gweedore, Donegal, a beautiful, picturesque area and a centre of Irish culture.

SynerChi is Ireland’s original Kombucha brewery and was established in 2012. This had been based on the company ’ s own custom, state-of-the-art, BRCGS A++ facility in Gweedore, Co Donegal Since being established, more than 20 Irish local jobs in the community have been created, and SynerChi has been certified by The Organic Trust to produce organic products

Of its process, the company states: “Our unique micro-brewing craftsmanship produces authentic live kombucha in small batches and without the use of any artificial additives or preservatives. We have nurtured our culture and carefully blended the finest organic teas and tisanes resulting in a perfect synergy of natural ingredients ”

To read the full story visit:

Don’t know what kombucha is?

Kombucha is a fermented tea product that is “live” and is generally made from green tea that is fermented with a “SCOBY” - an acronym for ‘Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast’. The product is then enhanced with such natural flavours such as ginger, raspberry, apple etc. There are purported health benefits from the probiotic bacteria in the product and this market continues to grow rapidly

Allegedly kombucha culture can even be dried into bacterial cellulose and then moulded into forms to create seamless clothing!

The new bottling line from Enterprise Tondelli consists of a de-palletising station feeding a rotary three station labeller The labeller from BRB Globus in Italy is fitted with servo-motor-driven bottle platforms so that any future labelling combinations can be accommodated The bottles are labelled before filling as the drinks are carbonated and filled cold This strategy avoids labelling on to bottles with condensation and allows more accurate labelling and better product presentation. A packaged carbonator supplied by Enterprise Tondelli is used to carbonate the final drinks with fine bubbles giving a velvety mouth feel The carbonator uses an in-line with flow meter control for accurate CO2 dosing and a stabilisation tank prior to filling all mounted on a stainless-steel skid Also supplied is a Cimec rotary rinser, counterpressure filler and crowner mounted on the same stainless steel base frame to ensure high product hygiene To enhance shelf life and potentially colour retention a double bottle pre-evacuation system is used with a final injection of CO2. As this is a ‘live’ product cleaning in place is also very important and the filler has special stainless steel dummy bottles For improved worker safety caps are loaded into a hopper at low level and then automatically delivered to the high-level cap unscrambler by a pneumatic pipe

system. A two tank CIP set with flow and return pumps and electrically heated tank ensure the system is cleaned effectively with a control panel with timers and temperature settings

Conveyors from Enterprise Tondelli partner Euro Sistemi Srl complete the line to give a turnkey project

Mr Seamus McGowan, factory manager of SynerChi, said: “We are very happy with the line supplied and commissioned by Enterprise Tondelli The result of our collaboration together has been a bottling line to be proud of, giving us gains in efficiency and consistent high-quality production ”

Mr Garry Wilson, senior project manager for Enterprise Tondelli, said: “It has been a pleasure working with Seamus and his team on this small but interesting project. By good cooperation the very best outcome has been achieved ”

Enterprise Tondelli continues to work in partnership with both small and large producers Do you need something like this for your kombucha production or other beverages? Or maybe you need a canning plant. If so, visit the company ’ s website to see the scope of supplyfrom single machines to complete turnkey projects

IBD appoints new Chief E xecutive Officer

The Institute of Brewing & Distilling (IBD) has announced that Tom Shelston has taken on the role of Chief Executive Officer, starting in this position effective 1st February 2023

Tom was preceded by Douglas Murray, IBD Interim Chief Executive Officer and Immediate Past President of the Institute, who will be continuing in the organisation as a Trustee of the Board.

Tom brings to the IBD a wealth of experience gained across several sectors helping non-profit and membership organisations implement growth strategies based on member and audience engagement and build highvalue partnerships With expertise in change management, audience insight and segmentation, marketing, operations and strategy, the IBD Board of Trustees has found in Tom the perfect

fit to help the IBD meet its ambitious plans for growth and members engagement.

Tom has delivered successful projects for the Royal Horticultural Society and the National Trust among other national and global organisations, increasing their market share and commercial performance on the back of creating highly engaged membership communities Tom’s initial responsibilities will be to scale the IBD's global reach reinforcing the lifelong value of their qualifications, learning and development portfolios, and membership value proposition to create a well-connected and strong community of professionals in the brewing, distilling and allied industries.

On his appointment, Tom commented, “I’m delighted to be joining the Institute

of Brewing & Distilling and working with the global community of experts to increase the value across the

membership base and expand our reach into new industry segments and markets. It is a privilege to be part of the next chapter of an organisation like the IBD with such a rich history and relevance to reinforce the membership and learning and development programmes, helping professionals and their businesses respond and adapt better to the new challenges that the fast-changing times are bringing”


Suppliers’ Association

11 Side Strand • Pendeford Place • Pendeford Business Park • Wolverhampton WV9 5HD

Chief Executive: Ruth Evans MBE

Tel: +44 (0)1902 422303 • Fax: +44 (0)1902 795744


• Website:


Limited Company by Guarantee Company Registration Number 11760186

BFBi represents the supply chain into the beverage industr y with Full Members ranging from barley and hop merchants through to process engineers, packaging, point of sale, etc

Manufacturers, including brewers/distillers, may join as Associate Members.

As a “traditional” industr y (in its best sense), where relationships between supplier and customer are recognised as adding value and ensuring sustainability, BFBi is well known as a facilitator of social and professional networking events.


COST: £235 + VAT per annum

For more information about member benefits, please contact

Forthcoming events

MARCH 2023

Thursday 2nd Northern Section Lunch, Edwardian, Manchester (note change of day to Thursday from Friday)

Wednesday 15th BFBi Evening at BeerX, Pump House, Liverpool

Monday 20th – Wednesday 22nd March – International Food & Drink Event, together with HRC & The Pub Show

ExCel, London

Tuesday 28th Tour of Lost & Grounded


Thursday 30th (date tbc), Eastern Section Casino Evening Murray Edwards College, Cambridge

APRIL 2023

Wednesday 19th Tour of Batemans Brewery

Wainfleet, Lincolnshire

MAY 2023

Sunday 7th - Wednesday 10th CBC Convention

Nashville, USA

Wednesday 24th Tour of Purity Brewing

Gt Alne, Warwickshire

JUNE 2023

Thursday 22nd Eastern Section Tour of Barley Trials & Summer BBQ

Venue tbc


Thursday 14th Midland Golf Day

Branston Golf Club

Tuesday 19th Eastern Section Badminton

Debenham Sports Club


Tuesday 17th Eastern Section Cricket

Debenham Sports Club

Thursday 19th - Friday 20th October Brew Asia

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Brewing Food & Beverage Industry
67 Want to promote your business to the UK marketplace? Then here’s what this magazine is all about! We’re a quarterly ‘Product & Services’ platform for the UK drinks production industry So if your business has something to sell to UK brewers , distillers, and cider makers, you can publicise it within our pages. Ask yourself, is there another UK drinks trade magazine that ticks all these boxes? o Free subscription for a printed copy open to ALL UK brewers o Free subscription for a printed copy open to ALL UK distillers o Free subscription for a printed copy open to ALL UK cider makers o Circulation figures which are actually ABC audited & certified (not assumed or simply mailed to members) o Free editorial (no advertorials please!) o Right-hand-page, low-cost advertising, with additional discounts and benefits. o Online page-flip version with editorial live links to advertisers’ websites o Social media coverage of advertisers’ editorial at no additional cost To be included in the next issue please email 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 DRINKS INDUSTRY SUPPLIERS The NEXT issue of will be published on 31st May 2023 Showcase Feature in this issue... Container s l New, or pre-owned and re-furbished casks and kegs – for purchase or lease – plus cask repair and branding services, and container closures l Bottles & cans plus labelling and decoration, and on-shelf packaging. l Bulk packaging & associated labelling for transportation of beer and other beverages l IT systems for container tracking. Br anding l Logo and image design, plus corporate branding on clothing, promotional literature, and other marketing material, including company websites EDITORIAL DEADLINE : Friday 5th May ADVERTISING ARTWORK: Tuesday 9th May For more detailed information on all these features, visit SUMMER 2023

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Articles inside

IBD appoints new Chief E xecutive Officer

pages 65-66

Is Kombucha your thing?

page 65

Certified safety for the food industr y

page 64

KNOWLEDGE I Efficient selection for greater profits

page 63

Helping small drinks businesses grow with retail packaging

page 62

InnCellar boosts Booths portfolio

page 61

Paul Huntley calls time on career

page 61

Utilising a portable CO2 detector for pub engineers and deliver y drivers

page 61

UBC Group – Ukrainian Beer Company ... in their own words....

page 60

Sure Purity awarded Queen’s Award for Enterprise, International Trade

page 59

Vel x MDU and Vortex-I sparkle for Qualflow

page 58

SEEPE X to showcase progressive cavity pumps at Foodex

page 58

Machine vision expert joins Bytronic

pages 56-57

Alan Ruddock Engineering Ltd provides space-saving solution to Fierce Beer

page 56

Brewer y tests show cold rinse methods can save energy without impacting quality

page 55

Radical approach to growing barley developed

page 54

‘Game-changing’ analysis instrument for sparkling wine from Foss

page 54

FREE eBook is now available

page 53

Hygiene industr y experts join forces

page 53

B&B Attachments offers CF TS accredited Thorough E xamination

page 53

New Ox y-2go to be introduced at BeerX 2023

page 52

More demand for complete system solutions

page 52

Why every insurance broker should have a claims team

pages 50-51

Schoeller Allibert launches Fill Level feature to take the guesswork out of IBC management

page 48

WDS Group drives sustainable beverage-packaging collections across the north

page 48

New Flex-Blend 3000: Unleash your creativity

pages 46-47

Could electric storage boilers beat batteries on cost as industrial users seek savings?

page 46

New features for Bürkert’s Ex valve island optimise performance in hazardous areas

page 44

New Vigo service contracts for canning lines

page 44

The flavour combinations tipped to drive growth in the flavoured beer market

pages 42-43

Sirencraft choose Lambrechts for kegging expansion

page 42

The flavour combinations tipped to drive growth in the flavoured beer market

page 40

SHOWC ASE In The Mix NZ Hops Ltd unveils Superdelic™

page 40

Brew your own energy

page 38

SHOWC ASE In The Mix A Curious relationship for Christeyns Food Hygiene

page 36

Suffolk maltster, Muntons, shares the secret of its sustainability success

pages 34-35

Full range of keg options from Keg Logistics

pages 30, 34

Is it time to invest in CO2 recapture?

page 30

LemonTop can help your brand to stand out

page 28

The ‘perfect partner ’ at BeerX

page 26


pages 24-25

Multi-generational family

page 24

Caskwasher returns to BeerX 2023

page 24

Arlington for beer transport and storage

pages 22-23

Full range of equipment and services from Enterprise Tondelli

page 22

News from the Rawlings Group

page 20

Close Brothers Rentals puts Ekeg Plus on show

page 18

Brewing Services Ltd promoting excellence

pages 16-17

PREVIEW BeerX 2023 Evolution uncovered

page 16

Multifaceted approach from Lallemand

pages 14-15

Fulton to promote solutions for brewery decarbonisation strategies

page 14

Automated solutions from Vitikit on show

page 12

An 8th BeerX for Beer Box Shop, part of Drinks Packaging Ltd

page 12

Showcasing the British spirit

pages 10, 12

Counting the Cost

page 8

Word from the BFBi Welcome to 2023!!

page 6
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