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The Broad Ripple Gazette

Vol. 6 No. 3

The news from Broad Ripple “Now & Then” Pages 14-15

Broad Ripple Village Association’s

Village News & Views

Find out what your neighborhood association is doing for you!

Donnella: history of a local broadcaster By Mario Morone



Former Indianapolis Motor Speedway/TV & radio reporter and news anchor Bill Donnella was born in Chicago one month before the 1929 stock market crash. He recently shared some of his career memories and life stories with me. “My father, William, met my mother, (the former Ruth Amanda Harvey) in Chicago when he was looking for work. Soon after I was born, our family left Chicago for Louisville. When the Great Depression that followed was at its worst, my father caddied for rich people there until 1937. We left after a flood in Louisville had occurred and relocated to Crawfordsville. My father got a job from his older brother, Rowland and operated a fruit and vegetable stand there. Rowland was an astute businessman who always helped family members and friends, giving them jobs during good and bad economic times. I helped my father sell fruits and vegetables on the streets during those summers, beginning when I was about eight years old. Three quarts of strawberries cost 25 cents then,” he noted. photo courtesy of Bill Donnella Bill appears with trophy girl Miss St. Louis at a Du Quoin, Donnella’s first glimpse of IL race in the 1970s. the world’s greatest racecourse occurred at an early age. “When my father and I drove to Indianapolis from Crawfordsville to pick up our fruit that we were going to sell, I noticed a 12-foot high green wood fence along Georgetown Road and asked my dad what it was. He told me, ‘They run a race behind that fence once a year.’ I wondered why such a race was run only once annually. My dad explained, ‘If the race was run only once a year, more people might attend from around the world than if it ran more often.’” That moment steered the way for Donnella’s five decades plus of Indianapolis 500 broadcast coverage where he met IMS statistician Donald Davidson, numerous future racing legends and team owners. His future broadcast career and life would take more than a few turns that he successfully navigated. “My parents later separated in 1942, but remained good friends. I moved between Chicago and Louisville to New Castle during this time,” he said. “I went to live with my Mom on Chicago’s South Side. It was a rough area back in those times. There were gangsters who frequented the speakeasies there. On Thanksgiving Day in 1938, my mother and I ate a meal at a Chinese restaurant for 45 cents in Chicago’s Chinatown area. They served good food there and it was marvelous meal,” he recalled. “We attended a Christian Science church on Sundays. After church, we would visit places like a museum or an aquarium or the Brookfield Zoo. I liked animals, especially dogs and have always enjoyed learning about them,” he said. He takes his dog Tiffany, a Belgian Tervuren, for walks in his northside neighborhood. “After a few years, I moved to New Castle where my father lived with his sister, brother-in-law and nephews. He worked at the Perfect Circle Plant in Hagerstown, which manufactured piston rings to help improve a car’s engine performance. We stayed in a YMCA sleeping room during my high school years. They had ping pong

Sudoku page 17

Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

Urban Vinyl on the Avenue - Gnosis By Heidi Huff

heidi@broadripplegazette.com Looking for a unique Valentine’s Day gift? How about a two-headed, onehearted, plush patchwork rabbit, a hot pink Barbie-shoe bracelet, or the latest Friends With You urban vinyl toy? These odd sounding but cute looking gifts can be found at Gnosis Store & Gallery. Owners Kris and Jon May recently relocated Gnosis (pronounced noh-sis) to Broad Ripple from Fountain Square. This gift shop specializes in urban vinyl and plush toys, many of which are handmade by local artists. They also sell a selection of tee shirts, zipper pulls, and sock A small sampling of characters at Gnosis. zombies. Gnosis is part store, part gallery, and part newsstand. All in one afternoon you can shop, take in some art, and feed your brain with magazines like Found, Giant Robot, and Juxtapoz. The word “gnosis” means relating to knowledge and

In This

See GNOSIS pg. 3


‑ BRVA Public Meeting Pg. 2 ‑ BRHS Debut ‘09 Pg. 16 ‑ Braille Challenge Pg. 28

tables there. I played at every opportunity. In my second year in the army when I was stationed in Vint Hill Farms, Virginia, weekly ping pong tournaments were held. I won them on a regular basis, earning a $10 prize, compared to my monthly military pay of $21.50. “While attending school in New Castle, my father gave me $1 per day to eat on. I saved some money and attended movies for a dime at a local theater. Movies actually cost 11 cents at that time, with a penny going toward the war effort. I never ate popcorn while watching movies, though. I went to the Kroger grocery store next door and purchased a jar of black olives. I poured the brine into a movie restroom (toilet) and ate the olives during the movie. “My broadcasting career started after my army discharge in my home town of New Castle, where I graduated from New Castle H.S. in 1947. I applied for a voice test at radio station WCTW and got a part-time job working on weekends. It became a full-time job for me when the guy working in that job was drafted in the army,” he mentioned. Donnella enlisted in the Army and served from August of 1947 to July of 1950. “When I was in the Army, my lone skill was aiming and firing a gun, but I was able to type and showed an affinity for Morse code during my basic training in Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. I had heard of Morse code before, but was unfamiliar with it. It required a certain rhythm and the ability to transfer information quickly enough. They made me an instructor, so I no longer participated in troop formations.” He served in the Army Security Agency (ASA), which was an intelligence agency that

See DONNELLA pg. 4

1 Bill Donnella

9 Random Rippling Periwinkle 13 Big Hat Books

18 Random Rippling Ramblers 22 Maps

1 Gnosis

9 Local Contacts

14 Village News & Views

19 Historic Ad

25 Gettin’ Ripped in Ripple

2 BRVA meeting

10 Wine Scene - Jill Ditmire

16 BRHS Debut ‘09

19 Crossword

26 Random Rippling Girly

3 Calendar

10 Random Rippling signing

16 Right in my own Back Yard

19 Hidden History

26 Financial Focus

6 Buzzing Around Town

10 Howling at the Moon

17 Where in the Village

20 Life’s Ripples

27 SBS Review

8 Classified Ads

12 Recipes Then & Now

17 Sudoku

20 Poetic Thoughts

27 Random Rippling Bistro

8 Public Notices

13 What’s in Heidi’s Purse

18 Rick on the Records

21 Directory

28 Braille Challenge 2009

2 Vol. 6 No. 3

The Broad Ripple Gazette

Marshall new president of BRVA By Alan Hague

alan@broadripplegazette.com Elizabeth Marshall, the newly elected president of the Broad Ripple Village Association (BRVA), opened the January public meeting of the BRVA that was held at the Indianapolis Art Center on January 20. Marshall announced that the BRVA is changing their public meeting schedule from monthly to quarterly. The October 20 meeting will be the “annual meeting” with the election of board members. First up to speak was Lindsay Grace from Smoke Free Indy. Grace explained that Smoke Free Indy was founded in 2002 and that they are working to make everything in Indianapolis smoke free, including bars, bowling alleys, membership clubs, and tobacco stores. The current smoking ban does not include a specific list of establishments like those just mentioned. Smoke Free Indy wants to expand the smoking ban to protect all workers. Grace read from several studies in favor of such a ban. She stated that over half of the people in the country now live under a comprehensive smoking law. Visit www.smokefreeindy.com for more information. Next on the agenda was Indianapolis Fire Department (IFD) chief Brian Sanford and City of Indianapolis public safety director Scott Newman. Sanford and Newman came to the meeting to discuss the rumor that the IFD is going to close the Broad Ripple fire station. Both Sanford and Newman made it clear that no decision has been made on the future of the Broad Ripple fire station. Newman explained that as the director of public safety he is the civilian commissioner over police, fire, emergency management, homeland security, and animal care and control. “We are looking at a number of transactions around the city and a number of different properties. I feel duty bound to look at all of these opportunities to make sure that we have and can afford the fire department you deserve, “explained Newman. “We will do nothing, even it saves a few bucks, to cut muscle, impair quality, or fall below any standard...that is money, this is human lives we are talking about,” assured Newman. Newman explained that the fire house has no real fire apparatus because of a decision from the previous administration to remove the engine and replace it was an emergency rescue truck. He explained that there may be other options for the station. One could be a police bike patrol station. Another could be a “cop shop” for managing off-duty officers who work security at Broad Ripple bars on weekends. “[Broad Ripple] is a uniquely dense area of people that do need protection - for people we are trying to attract to a safe, fun venue. We recognize that,” said Newman. Chief Sanford stated that currently the Broad Ripple station responds to a call in four minutes, well below the national standard of eight minutes. “We [IFD] feel there needs to be a public safety presence in [Broad Ripple] as does [Newman]. We’ve

Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

come out to talk to you folks to give you a chance to have input, and so forth, before we make any decisions.” Newman and Sanford answered several questions from the audience. They reiterated that they are looking for suggestions of possible uses for the station. Newman agreed to return for a future BRVA meeting to discuss this topic again. When asked about the timetable for a final decision on the station, Newman replied that by May or June he would like to know what direction they will be going. Next, Tom Healy presented a summary of the Envision Broad Ripple meeting that was held at the Art Center in December. Next, the recent activity of the Land Use and Zoning committee was reported as: support for IFD chief Sanford. a new clothing store in an existing dental lab 6544 Ferguson, support for the Subway Restaurant remodelling along with several agreed-to concessions, and the continuation of the Connor’s Pub expansion hearing to March. During the community sharing portion of the meeting it was announced that the Washington Township offices of the city were moved to the old Target building at 52nd and Keystone. Northminster Presbyterian Church will have an open house in March. Also, Brenda Rising-Moore asked for residents to bring their glass to be recycled to the bin in the alley behind Union Jack Pub. She said that nine tons of glass have been recycled. (See page 14 for more information.) Thanks to Hot Box Pizza for supplying pizza for the meeting. The next public meeting of the BRVA will be Tuesday, April 21, at 7pm at the Indianapolis Art Center.

Rene’s Bakery

Mistakes Can Be Sweet YOU COULD BE A winner! Find a mistake in the Gazette and be the first reader to email the mistake to us at contest@broadripplegazette.com to win a free treat (up to $5 value) at Rene’s bakery, located at 6524 Cornell Avenue.

Vol. 6 No. 3


The Broad Ripple Gazette

Calendar .Sights.Sounds.Places.

from pg. 1

Gnosis goers can certainly get an Gnosis Store & Gallery urban education. One entire wall of Gnosis is de823 Broad Ripple Avenue voted to gallery space. Currently, the artwork of Mike Altman is on (317) 709-7968 display until February 10th. Altwww.gnosisstore.com man’s pop-esque spray paint on cardboard fits right in at this urWinter Hours 2009 ban art space. He hung this selecTuesdays - Saturdays 12 Noon - 8 pm tion of 50 paintings for 50 bucks Sundays 12 Noon - 4pm to celebrate his 50th birthday. Now to define urban vinyl. For you Gnosis novices, think streetsmart figurine meets Japanese anime art, add inspiration from comic books, graffiti and other sub-culture phenomena and you’re almost there. Each series of vinyls range in subject matter from anthropomorphic T.V.’s to breakfastthemed zipper pulls. You can even purchase a blank urban vinyl “Munny” to design and decorate yourself. For you collectors out there, Gnosis carries brands like Attaboy, SketOne, KidRobot, Friends With You, StrangeCo, TokiDoki, Frank Kozik, Toy2R, You and Your Little Brother, and Kaching Brands, to name a few. Get to know Gnosis by attending an artist toy signing, expanding your urban vinyl collection, or simply stopping in to see for yourself. See page 10 for Claudio Sanchez’s visit to Gnosis.

3 Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

Kristin May, owner of Gnosis.

Feb. 7


White River Sound Women’s Chorus “One Genie, Two Nights, Three Wishes” North Central High School 7 pm

Feb. 7


Philpot - instore performance - free

Feb. 7


Typhanie Monique and Neal Auger concert

Feb. 8


Kaffeeklatsch @ Perk Up - every Sunday

Feb. 8


Symphony on the Move: The American Genre

Feb. 8


Odela Dance and Drum Company performance

Feb. 10


Opening a Yahoo Email Account

Feb. 10


Broad Ripple Kiwanis Mtg. (Stuart Lowery, spkr.)

Feb. 10


Kiwanis Club of North Indianapolis

Feb. 13


Drop-In Craft: Last Minute Valentines

Feb. 24


BRVA Land Use and Development Meeting

Mar. 10


Annual Soup and Salad Dinner

Indy CD and Vinyl 806 Broad Ripple Ave 4 pm Jazz Kitchen 54th and College 8 pm & 10 pm

6536 Cornell Ave 1 pm to 4 pm (winter hours) Glendale Branch IMCPL 2 pm

Northminster Pres. Church 1660 Kessler Boulevard 4 pm Glendale Branch IMCPL 9 am to 10:30 am Binkley’s Kessler & College Tuesdays at 11:45 am

Just Judy’s 2210 E. 54th St Tuesdays at 6:30 pm Glendale Branch IMCPL all day

Broad Ripple United Methodist Church 6 pm

First Meridian Heights Church 47th & Central Ave 5:30 pm

Calendar items are subject to change without notice.

4 Vol. 6 No. 3

The Broad Ripple Gazette


from pg. 1

listened to foreign communications. “While in the military, I met a fellow solider who later played professional basketball and served as a U.S. Senator from New Jersey named Bill Bradley. I was discharged as Corporal and had intended to attend Purdue University. I wanted to earn a Civil Engineering degree, go to South America and help build their infrastructure. However, a friend of mine who was a broadcaster before enlisting suggested taking a test to become a broadcaster,” he said. Serving in the Army brought Donnella many cherished memories. “For about a year, my station was within hiking distance of Hershey, Pennsylvania. There were street lamps in the shape of Hershey’s Kisses and chocolate samples given to visitors at the end of each plant tour. You could smell chocolate within miles of the plant.

Bill interviews race car driver Dan Gurney in 1962

photo courtesy of Bill Donnella

Hershey chocolate bars have been a favorite of mine ever since,” he noted. He met football legend Jim Thorpe in Carlisle, Pennsylvania when Thorpe’s son was attending ASA school where Donnella was stationed during his military service. Another memorable time occurred when he and a girlfriend traveled to New York during the holidays to see a show where a young lady wearing a white dress sang The Christmas Song. “It was a magical moment that stopped the clock,” Donnella recalled. He described another memorable moment, “When I was stationed in Virginia, I dated a Russian girl, which was not permitted by the military, but we were never caught. We visited Philadelphia and saw a movie there.” Taking a self-guided tour, they walked up the steps of the Philadelphia Free Public Library overlooking the city – the location was later used in the movie, “Rocky.” Donnella worked at a Chrysler factory in New Castle as a timekeeper for a year after his military discharge. His father, uncle and cousins were also employees there. He didn’t care for the work and eventually auditioned for, and obtained, a part-time job as a control panel operator on Sundays at WCTW in New Castle. He eventually picked up additional responsibilities there. “I was a newscaster – reading news throughout the day or night at WCTW from December of 1950 to August of 1952. One of my early interviews was with World Heavyweight Champion boxer Jersey Joe Walcott, who made an appearance at the Perfect Circle Plant in Hagerstown where my father had worked,” he explained. “I had no expectation in my first radio job that I would run into or talk with the variety of people I would eventually meet because I was just a young kid,” he added. “I worked in Elkhart for five years at WTRC-TV from March of 1954 until July of 1957, then I switched over to WSJV-TV, also in Elkhart, where I became their News Director. “In March of 1959, I went to Channel 8 in Indianapolis where I worked until March of 1964. At WISH-TV, I reported on local, national and international news and had the leading program in the market on the 1 p.m. o’clock newscast from Monday Serving Broad Ripple & Surrounding Area

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Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

through Friday. Daily newscasts were 15-minute formats at that time,” he noted. He completed a short course in Crime News Analysis & Reporting at Northwestern University in March of 1959. The program was conducted by Northwestern’s School of Law and their School of Journalism. At WISH-TV Donnella covered key national events, including JFK’s inauguration. “There was a bad snowstorm that occurred before the event, but public works crews cleared the streets for the parade,” he noted. Describing one of his more memorable news stories, Donnella mentioned, “The explosion at the Indiana State Fairgrounds Coliseum on Halloween night in 1963 was the opening night for the Holiday on Ice Show. I just got in bed that evening when I received a telephone call that the popcorn machine at the Fairgrounds had blown up. Returning to the station, I spoke over the telephone with Walter Cronkite, who called us from CBS in New York for further information. I worked the telephones at the station that evening gathering details. The fire from the popcorn machine got mixed in with the gas and it blew photo courtesy of Bill Donnella up. I was on the scene Bill Donnella in WISH TV newsroom. the next day.” According to the Indianapolis Star, the incident claimed 74 lives, becoming one of the worst tragedies in Indiana history. Propane gas was being used to keep prepopped popcorn warm and began leaking due to a faulty valve. A second blast occurred a few minutes later, caused by rising heat and air rushing into the vacuumized area. Donnella not only reported on daily news events, but also expanded his broadcast skills into other areas. “When I got started doing sports at Channel 8, I announced Indianapolis Indians baseball games at Victory Field at West 16th Street on television and worked with former Chicago Cubs player Bill Tosheff. I broadcast sports one day a week on Sundays. We had a beer sponsor for the broadcasts. For each Additional photos for most stories can be viewed at game, they brought a tub of beer on ice. www.BroadRippleGazette.com We usually drank two or three beers, but one game we were broadcasting played on into extra innings. We drank two or three more beers and became a little creative. I announced the Indians’ home games on Sundays while Pee Wee Reese and Dizzy Dean announced their Saturday games,” he reminisced. “I later learned from my father that he played minor league baseball with Pee Wee’s older brother in Louisville. My dad was of small stature, about 5’5” and weighed about 115 lbs., but he was a good hitter and could field well. “I worked at WISH-TV for about five years, then another four years as news director at WIFE radio, where I was the first newsman from Indiana who provided coverage from Vietnam. I flew over there on New Year’s Day in 1966 for a couple of weeks and reported from an area near Da Nong where I interviewed Pfc. Paul Cozat from Muncie,” he recalled. “I was the original news director at WIFE radio, which was taken off the air when the owner, Don Burden, was sent to jail for cheating on their promotional contests. “While I worked at WISH-TV during the week, on the weekends I would go somewhere and report on a United States Auto Club (USAC) sprint or dirt car race. I did a couple of reports for ABC’s Wide World of Sports. “I started working at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in 1962 and did broadcasts of the track’s daily fast laps. I interviewed Parnelli Jones after he turned the first 150 mile per hour lap in qualifications. He was one of my wife’s all-time favorite drivers. I also reported on a lot of sprint car races outside of Indiana (in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois and Missouri) and wherever else they ran. I did the first interview with Mario Advertising is easy in the

Broad Ripple Gazette

Try our step-by-step form at www.broadripplegazette.com or Call 508-6634 We deliver 7000 copies to over 200 locations on the north side every two weeks.

Vol. 6 No. 3

The Broad Ripple Gazette

5 Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

Andretti before his IMS debut in 1964. He has remained a close friend of mine over the years and we send one another Christmas cards. I met a lot of popular drivers like Tommy Hinnershitz in Williams Grove, Pennsylvania. He was a big name dirt track racer in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s,” he noted. Bill’s sports-related work continued with the Indiana Pacers where he was their first public address announcer from November of 1967 through April of 1976, witnessing their three American Basketball Association (ABA) titles. The Pacers relocated from the Fairgrounds Coliseum to Market Square Arena in 1974. He was also a member of their statistics crew from November of 1976 to April 13, 1987. Describing his family, Donnella said, “I have four grown children all in their 50s, two girls and two boys. One daughter is a nurse; another is a computer programmer for the U.S. Air Force. One son works as a computer programmer and my youngest son repairs radio equipment for Raytheon and served three years in Vietnam. Two live in California, one lives in St. Louis and one lives in New Jersey.” Donnella’s first wife died from cancer and he remarried in 1966. His wife, Maggie, described their meeting, “We met at a USAC banquet at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway when we were seated together, thanks to Bill’s exchanging seats with George Moore, a writer for the Indianapolis News. I later moved to California, but we met again at the IMS in May of 1966 and were married in August of that year!” Maggie had been a trophy girl at several races, handing out trophies to winning drivers. At the Pat O’Connor/Joe James annual memorial race in Salem, Indiana, she awarded four time IMS winphoto courtesy of Bill Donnella ner A.J. Foyt the winner’s trophy. Bill Donnella was the first Indiana reporter providShe is a big sports fan who has ing coverage for WIFE radio in Vietnam in January assembled many scrapbooks of of 1966. Bill’s storied career, which also includes: public relations for Superintendant of Public Instruction, Harold Negley, from May of 1976 to November of 1976; promoting races at Salem Speedway from January of 1977 until February of 1978; P.R. for David Crane in his run for Congress from February of 1978 until December of 1978; P.R. for Attorney General Ted Sendak from December of 1978 until January of 1981. Donnella also spent a memorable time at Channel 13 from July of 1968 till January of 1977 and WIBC radio from 1981 to March of 1988, ending with Christian radio station WXIR from 1988 to 1992 when he left broadcasting to start his own video business, Bill Donnella’s Videos & Such, until his retirement in 2003. Providing advice for future journalists seeking radio or television careers, Donnella said, “Learn how to read well, speak well and emphasize well. Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach. I never had trouble interviewing anybody because I never put on airs,” he noted. His down to earth approach has established many life-long friendships with several of his interview subjects over the years, including Indiana Senator Richard Lugar, who also served as Mayor of Indianapolis from 1968 to 1976. The wide variety of interviewees he has met during his career range from sports personalities to several United States Presidents. Bill Donnella has been writing an autobiography which includes many of his life stories not mentioned here. He hopes to publish it in the near future.

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6 Vol. 6 No. 3

The Broad Ripple Gazette


Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

rock days. Pogo dancing is a great aerobic work out. I’ll have to try it again – in the privacy of my own home, of course. Lockstep sounded great in their punkishreggae-ska way. Latex Novelties were big punk-rock fun and I had a blast (from the past!) watching them. And the crowd obviously loved them. I was happy to run in to the excellent pop music writer for the Indianapolis Star, David Lindquist. I had to resist the urge to copy off of his paper – notebook in this case. Indianapolis is lucky to have someone of his caliber writing about the scene. A bit about the venue: ES Jungle is in the lower level in the Trinity Church. There is an actual stage and professional sound and lights. Snacks and sodas are available. The vibe is cool – I felt comfortable and didn’t feel like I was crowding out the teenagers. And I was happy to see so many under 21 year-old fans there.

Around Town with Nora Spitznogle

Previews: Friday, February 6, 2009 Indy School On Wheels Benefit Birdy’s 2131 E. 71st Street 9:00, 21 +, $5

Reviews: Lockstep, Latex Novelties January 30, 2009 ES Jungle

I was well accessorized for this show. I had my vintage Latex Novelties button and I’m proud to say that I’ve lost enough weight that my punk rock days leather jacket with zippers and buckles fits for the first time in years. But enough about me…. I was glad to see a good crowd for the show. I’ve been preaching about the need for another all-ages venue for years, so I’m thrilled to see it being supported. I

As regular readers know, I’m a big Chad Mills fan and I think that School on Wheels rocks, so I was delighted when Chad took up the School On Wheels cause. I asked Chad what prompted him to host the benefit. “As most people are, I was shocked to hear that the average age of a homeless person in Indianapolis is nine years old...and that children make up 30% of our homeless population. That’s a big ugly problem that’s looming in the shadows of money monuments like Lucas Oil Stadium...and it’s a problem that needs to be more of a priority for all of us. Being a dad, I’m particularly sensitive to struggles that children face. And I couldn’t agree more with the mission of Indy School on Wheels...because getting an education may be the best chance these kids have to survive. “Sally Bindley, who started ISOW, has great vision and an even bigger heart. Folks like her, and the hundreds of staff and volunteers at non-profits like this one, are making a difference in this City. I’ve been pretty blessed in my life... if I can use my talent to help get some folks together and raise money to make a difference in these kids’ lives...that’s a pretty easy decision for me.” The evening promises to be a blast – it will feature performances by the always fun Scott Rudicel, the talented Matt Martin, the man you’ll be hearing more from Evan Haughey and his band Shogun Attractions, the folks I know nothing about - Glass Halo and of course, Chad Mills. I’ll see you there – I’ll be the one trying to figure out my new camera.

www.indysow.org www.birdyslive.com www.chadmillslive.com

Davey Cretin of Latex Novelties at ES Jungle.

photo by Nora Spitznogle

KaiserCartel (music) / James Ratliff (art) Saturday, February 7th, 2009 Vibes Music 1051 E. 54th Street (54th Street and the Monon Trail) 7:00, all-ages

arrived just in time for Lockstep, I’m sorry that I missed the sets by Pleasant Run and Up Scumbag – I heard they were great. Lockstep had the crowd dancing. I remember why I was so skinny in my punk-

The Brooklyn based duo KaiserCartel (Courtney Kaiser and Benjamin Cartel) is indie folk music at its best. Dreamy tunes, harmonies and catchy music and stuffed animals. Yep, you read that right – stuffed animals. And I hear they make it work – bringing out the inner kid of their audience.

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Vol. 6 No. 3

7 Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

The Broad Ripple Gazette

I checked out James Ratliff’s art online and really dug it. I was especially drawn to his work sketched on Moleskine notebooks. All of us obviously talented folks carry a Moleskine book (I favor the reporter style). You can find many shapes and sizes at Big Hat Books. Many surprises, including a smoking bunny are promised, but I have to admit that I am the most intrigued by the Waffle Raffle at 10:00 to end the show. I can’t wait to hear about that!

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www.kaisercartel.com www.jamesratliff.com www.moleskines.com

Company of Thieves, Hello Roger Wilco, The Awkwards and Sanuk Friday, February 13, 2009 ES Jungle 6151 Central Avenue 7:00, all ages, $10.

Company of Thieves is in the middle of a national tour, with a stop on the Carson Daly Show along the way. The Chicago based trio is touring in support of their latest record, Ordinary Riches. I don’t know much about Hello Roger Wilco or The Awkwards – and now might be a good time for me to mention that a short bio on your MySpace page would be very helpful. Sanuk just released their loaded-with-great-original songs CD, Honey I Have News…. They are a real treat to see live. Not only are the shows at the EJ Jungle all-ages, they have a fine selection of sodas and snacks and the shows start and end at a reasonable time.

www.myspace.com/companyofthieves www.myspace.com/hellorogerwilco www.myspace.com/sanukmusic

The Toasters, Same As Sunday, Opposites Attract Wednesday, February 18, 2009 ES Jungle 6151 Central Avenue 7:00, all ages, $10.

The Toasters have been around since 1981, making them the longest running (sounds better than oldest) ska band in the country. Front man, Bucket, has been called a ska Johnny Appleseed – spreading his music across the world. Punk-pop band, Same As Sunday and rock quartet Opposites Attract open the show.

www.myspace.com/indyska www.myspace.com/oppositesattractmusic www.myspace.com/sameassunday www.myspace.com/toasters

Indianapolis Songwriters Cafe Friday, February 20th, 2009 Boulevard Place Cafe 4155 Boulevard Place 7:00, all ages, $5

This month’s Indianapolis Songwriters Café features Suzette Weakley, Bobby Clark and Joe Peters. Suzette Weakley hosts the Bloomington Songwriters Showcase and is part of the duo Stella & Jane. Bobby Clark also hails from southern Indiana. He’s a Kentucky Colonel, sings about the Midwest -- in fact John Mellencamp purchased a song from Bobby for future use. Joe Peters will represent for northern Indiana. His latest album, Pilgrimage was released on February 1st. The songwriters will play in the in-the-round format, swapping songs and telling stories. Host Cliff Snyder will emcee and favor us with a few of his great songs.

www.myspace.com/suzetteweakley www.myspace.com/bobbyclarkandwitchdoctorshooch www.myspace.com/joedaiwarriors www.indianapolissongwriterscafe.com

Noche de Carnaval Friday, February 20, 2009 The Jazz Kitchen 5377 North College Avenue

• Chelsea’s

902 Westfield Blvd. 251-0600

• Backyard Birds

2374 E. 54th St. 255-7333

• The Bungalow

924 Westfield Blvd. 253-5028

• Artifacts

6327 Guilford Ave. 255-1178

• Ripple Bagel & Deli

850 Broad Ripple Ave. 257-8326

• Rock and a Hard Place 826 Broad Ripple Ave.

Cloisonne pins are 1.25” wide.

$5.00 each

Each pin is limited to 500 pieces

8:00 & 10:00, 21 +, $15 reservations online at www.thejazzkitchen.com or call 317.253.4900

Stacie Sandoval, leader and lead singer the salsa band Orquesta Bravo!, presents her first musical production, “Noche de Carnaval,” a Latin perspective on Mardi Gras. The interactive show features her Mundo Beat All Star Band in a collaboration with regional dancers. It is described as a musical tour of Latin American carnivals and promises to give the audience a very fun time. The Jazz Kitchen will be offering food and beverage specials with a Latin America flair. After the late show, an after salsa party ($8.) will be held the new back room of The Jazz Kitchen.

Mardi Gras Celebration featuring Living Proof & Swamp Stomp Saturday, February 21, 2009 The Jazz Kitchen 5377 North College Avenue 8pm - 3am, 21+, $15.

Living Proof is a fun eight-piece, funky, bluesy, R&B band. Recently they opened for the legendary Earth, Wind, & Fire, Chicago, and Morris Day & The Time, and K.C. and the Sunshine Band. Swamp Stomp is a five-piece Dixieland band that brings memories of riverboats, gambling and good times. The group is led by trumpeter Mark Buselli and bangoista Robin Hopkins. Need any more incentive? Buffet by Yats.


Free Chili Mondays at Locals Only

The lovely Michele at Locals Only tells me that there will be free chili “every Monday unless we are having a concert night. It’s Queisser homemade spicy chili with macaroni noodles...mmmmmyumyummmm... I don’t like chili but I love his.” Sounds like a great way to start the week. They are also hosting a service industry night on Tuesday. I hear there are great deals on that day as well. I’ll see you out and about! -Nora Not-for-profit director by day, music writer by night, Nora Spitznogle reviews music that happened and previews music and events around Broad Ripple Village. Nora managed CATH Inc coffeehouse at 54th Street and College Avenue for seven years. During that time she hosted hundreds of local and touring musicians, both at the coffeehouse and her home. When CATH closed in 2004 and the music was no longer coming to her, she had to wander from her corner of Broad Ripple to see what is happening elsewhere. You can find her at Second Helpings during the work day, waitressing at the Red Key on Saturday nights and prowling Broad Ripple music venues the rest of the time. Visit Nora’s Web site www.queenbeemusic.blogspot.com, send any questions, comments or suggestions to Nora@BroadRippleGazette.com

8 Vol. 6 No. 3

The Broad Ripple Gazette

Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009




Use our website, call in, or mail your classified ad and payment by the Monday before the Thursday delivery day (every two weeks). Remember, payment is required in advance. Credit cards accepted.

Gazette Classified Ads are 35 cents per word, per issue. $3 minimum per listing. Prepayment required. Ads in the Free and Lost/Found categories run without charge and will be published as space permits. Phone numbers count as one word, addresses as two words.


Garage Sales - For Sale - For Rent - Homes for Sale - Services - Lost/Found - Real Estate - Help Wanted - Free - Wanted to Buy - Child Care - Cars for Sale - Pets for Sale - Notices - Personals

All classified ads also appear on the Broad Ripple Gazette Classified Ads web site - www.BroadRippleGazette.com



OFFICE SPACE - Tranquil therapy suite to share; furnished, windows, kitchenette, bathroom, elevator, parking. Yours M,W,F and weekends. $245/mo. plus utilities. Call Bonnie 925-4101 ext.2

BED- A Queen PillowTop Mattress Set, NEW, Still in Plastic. $190, 317-2239301, Deliverable


PIANO is easily learned at any age. Contact 475-0574 to work with teacher with 18 years of experience.

MATTRESS- Full Size Mattress Set. Brand NEW in Bag. Call 317-679-3575 $125

GREAT LOCATION! Furnished and Unfurnished Office Suites available from $280/month. 819 E. 64th Street. Recently remodeled. www.CrossroadRealEstate.com for info and pictures or call Mike 317-626-5000.

RESIDENTIAL HOUSE CLEANING/ORGANIZATIONAL SERVICES. Reliable detail cleaners, 6 yrs in business, bonded, insured, references. Sheryl 679-8549 Email: sheryl@thepersonalconcierge.net

BED- $250 King PillowTop w/Box, NEW still in wrapper. 317-223-9301 Can Deliver FOR SALE - Precast Concrete Items: Splashblocks, Stepping stones, Concrete bases, balustrades, concrete fencing, assorted shapes & sizes, custom cast concrete pieces, special pricing on short runs and end lots – CGM Precast Concrete, 5402 Massachusetts Ave., Indpls. (317) 545-6557

Broad Ripple Gazette Classified Ad Form Visit www.broadripplegazette.com or you may fill out this form, clip it out and mail it in with your payment. Multiply the number of words by 35 cents and that by the number of issues you want the ad to run. Min cost $3. Addresses count as two words, phone numbers one. Photo prices are dependent on size - typical car photo would be $8. Red highlights $1 per word. Prepayment is required for all ads. Credit cards accepted. NEXT DEADLINE Feb 16




































Total number of words X $.35 = Ad Cost Per Issue

Clip form, Enclose Check in Envelope and Mail to Broad Ripple Gazette, PO Box 55973, Indpls, IN 46205

NAME ________________________________ Phone Number _______________________ Questions? Call the Broad Ripple Gazette at 317-508-6634

White River Sound Women’s Chorus

White River Sound Women’s Chorus proudly presents, “One Genie, Two Nights, Three Wishes” at North Central High School, 1801 East 86th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana. Fun begins at 7:00 PM on Saturday, February 7, 2009. Chorus and visiting quartets will entertain. Tickets $15 each and available at door. For more information call (317) 580-9844.

Annual Soup and Salad Dinner

Annual Soup and Salad Dinner (hosted by FMH Deacons) on March 10. Dinner will be available from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. for dining in the Gallery or ask about Soup to go. We will have five different soups; -Broccoli & Cheese, -Chili, -Chicken Velvet, -Chicken Vegetable & Wild Mushroom, and -Black Bean with Chorizo. Back by popular demand is the Potato Bar, with salad, beverages, rolls, desserts and a hearty helping of fellowship. Tickets may be purchased in advance (in Gallery 2/21, 3/1, 3/8)) or at the door and all proceeds will benefit the JOY Program. (Local Youth Program) A family ticket is $25.00, Adults are $8.00, Children ages 3 to 12 are $5.00 and Children ages 2 and under are free! Soup to go $5.00. We look forward to seeing you there! Location; First Meridian Heights Church, @ 47th & Central Avenue. (317) 283-1305

Dromtonpa Buddhist Center Events

PRAYERS FOR WORLD PEACE - Every Sunday -- KEYSTONE AVENUE CENTER 2/8/09: NO Class, 2/22/09, 3/1/09, 3/8/09, 3/15/09, 3/22/09, & 3/29/09 10:00-11:15am $5, NEW LOCATION ON KEYSTONE AVE-- Dromtonpa Buddhist Center 6018 N Keystone Ave, (317)374-5281, www.meditation-indianapolis.org Without inner peace, outer peace is impossible. Everyone is welcome to join us for an inspirational talk, special prayers, and meditation guiding us to compassion and wisdom. Ideal for beginners! Wednesdays -- BROAD RIPPLE - New Series: “Introducing the Secrets to Happiness” January 7: Happiness, Health and Meditation, January 14: Solving Our Problems Through


GREAT Broad Ripple Home. Many Upgrades and improvements. 3bd., 2ba., 2-story with semi-finished basement. Hardwoods, working fireplace, gas logs, large deck, sun room, fenced yard. Updated kitchen, bath and second story bed/bath. 1 car garage + carport. 1938 construction, second owner. 6427 Central Ave. 317-694-3264.

REAL ESTATE Hundreds of available houses for rent all areas of Indy! 317-253-1533 PlaceToLiveRentals.com MONON TRAIL HOMES FOR SALE. On/near trail. All sectors/prices. Enjoy MONON bike-hike lifestyle. 317-2932729 Gary Davis. M.S. Woods Real Estate LLC

FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE - Recently remodeled 2,627 sq. ft. building with 14 parking spaces for rent at 3640 Washington Blvd. 6 offices internet ready plus conference room, kitchen, 1,102 sq. ft. basement, and 2 car garage. Easy access to downtown or Broad Ripple area. Visible signage available. Call Kari at 317-829-1094 for viewing or questions.

PET SITTING SERVICES Loving care in your home. Dog walking. Dog and Cat Sitting. Other Pets Too. Bonded. Insured. Call Marti at I LOVE PETS. 253-3818 Marenkn@aol.com Free Get Acquainted Meeting. SPEAKER DESIGN - High-end and vintage speaker repair. MFR Engineering. mark@mfr-eng.com 823-3897 Legs wobbly? Arms weak? Back crooked? If this is you, call 911. If this describes your solid wood chairs, call Matthew. Other solid wood items repaired also. 25 years local experience. [317] 840 0803 mjsilverhouse@sbcglobal.net Bookkeeping & Business Services for Small Businesses Start-up, clean-up, reconciliations, reporting, office management. Mindy 317-9857622 Free phone consultation. Small business owner since 1995! Tranquility For Stressful Times A unique blending of Reiki and Sound. Serene Broad Ripple location. Mindy 317-985-7622. Visit your Happy Place often!

WANTED TO BUY I BUY: Jewelry, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Rolex, Diamonds, Old Coins, Bullion Coins, silverware, Old watches, estate items and anything of value. Call 317496-5581 or visit us today at www.indyestatebuyer.com WANTED TO BUY used Bo-Flex or other. 450-1632

Patience, January 21: The Freedom of Contentment, January 28: The Balanced Mind of Equanimity, Feb 4: A Natural High - Seeing Others as Precious, Feb 11: Advice From a Spiritual Friend. 7:00 - 8:30pm $10 Broad Ripple Drop-In Meditation Classes at Heal Thyself 6220 Broadway Street -- Perfect for beginners! (317)374-5281 www.meditationindianapolis.org

Broad Ripple Community “Garage” Sale

Broad Ripple Community Sale Benefiting Broad Ripple Athletic. Saturday, March 21, Broad Ripple High School Gymnasium, all fees are non-refundable. Registration fee includes booth space and advertising. Set up time is Saturday, March 21, at 6:00am. Sale begins at 9:00am and runs to 3:00pm. Booth fees: $40.00 ( 8’ x 10’ ), $5.00-Table & chair fee. You cannot rent table without renting a booth. All Registrations and fees due by March 18. Questions: Call Mike Hannan 693-5718 or 496-3495.

“A Steward of the Land: New Works by Wendy Weldon”

From her home in Chilmark, MA, on Martha’s Vineyard, Indianapolis native Wendy Weldon is inspired by the wetlands, cedars and various wildlife that surround her. Her latest body of work honors Squibnocket Pond, the pond that she overlooks everyday. “I love the stonewalls, the curves of the land, the blues of the pond, the Hornblower Barn on the south shore, the tree line against the horizon, and the changing shades of the shrubs and the undergrowth.” Exhibit runs through February 28, 2009. Admission is free. Editions Limited Gallery of Art, 838 E 65th Street, 317-466-9940, M-F 9-5 Sat 10-3 www.editionsltd.com

Vol. 6 No. 3

The Broad Ripple Gazette

9 Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

Random Ripplings The Broad Ripple Gazette

Periwinkle will be moving into the storefront last occupied by Marigold at 6323 Guilford Avenue. Periwinkle is moving from about a block west on Westfield Boulevard.

Editor Alan Hague Regular Contributors: C.W. Pruitt II, Paul Walker, Tim Rassmusen, Nora Spitznogle, Brandt Carter, Candance Lasco, Douglas Carpenter, Jill A. Ditmire, Rick Ziegler, Rebecca Davidson, Tammy Lieber, Susan Smith, Bob Kawaguchi, Theresa Kolbus, Heidi Huff, Mario Morone, Reesa Kossoff, Ashley Plummer, Vivien Bray, Ashlee McCann, Sean Kaellner, Larry Warner, Laura Minor, Mark Cline, Casey Jo Ailes, Norm Tucker.

Ad Rates and Deadlines Complete instructions for advertising at www.BroadRippleGazette.com Email ads@broadripplegazette.com Phone (317) 508-6634 Fax (317) 536-3625 Mail P.O. Box 55973 Indianapolis, IN 46205-5973 *The Broad Ripple Gazette is an independent paper published bi-weekly by Broad Ripple Publishing, LLC and is not affiliated with any other businesses or entities. *Have an issue? Have a photo? Email alan@broadripplegazette.com. *We would love to hear from you. No anonymous letters to the editor will be considered for publication. 45% recovered postconsumer fiber ©2009 Broad Ripple Publishing, LLC

Local Contacts Neighborhood Associations Broad Ripple Village Association Sharon Butsch Freeland, Executive Director sharon.b.freeland@mybroadripple.com 251-BRVA (2782) PO Box 30361 Indianapolis, IN 46230 www.discoverbroadripplevillage.com Greater Broad Ripple Community Coalition

GBRCCindy@egixmail.com PO Box 30465 Indianapolis, IN 46230 216-4176 Meridian-Kessler Neighborhood Assn Caroline J. Farrar, Executive Director 283-1021 meridiankessler@aol.com www.mkna.org Arden Neighborhood Association Derek Redelman, President 250-5501 dredelman@indy.rr.com www.ardenna.com Kesslerwood Civic League Herman & Sharon Brandt, Presidents 251-1806 hershabra@sbcglobal.com Oxbow Estates Homeowner Association Matt Brooks, President mattlobby@yahoo.com Canterbury Neighborhood Association Brad Beach, President brad@wandkoi.com P.O. Box 20165 Indianapolis, IN 46220 Warfleigh Neighborhood Association www.warfleigh.net

Submit calendar items and press releases to: info@broadripplegazette.com

Mayor’s Action Center: (317) 327-4MAC Your IPS Contact Kelly E. Bentley

IPS School Board Member, District 3 bentleyk@ips.k12.in.us 317-418-4283

Your Wash. Twnshp. Contact Don Kite School Board President

MSD Washington Township 317-624-1306 dkite@msdwt.k12.in.us

Broad Ripple Park

Allen McClendon, Park Director 317-327-7161 WMCCLEN@Indygov.org www.indygov.org/parks

Your Neighborhood Liaison Catherine Moore

Mayor’s Neighborhood Liaison City of Indianapolis

317-327-5380 cmoore2@indygov.org www.indygov.org/myneighborhood

911 Communications Liaison Deputy Diana Vanarsdall

Marion County Sheriff’s Dept 317-327-4934 SHV3128@indygov.org

Non-emergency IPD calls 317-327-3811

Rocky Ripple Community Association Karen Stone, President www.rockyripple.org 930 W. 54th Street

Your IMPD Contact

College Ave Neighborhood Dev. Org. Sarah Larkin, President (CAN DO!) cando4846@aol.com 49thandcollege.blogspot.com

317-327-6167 20099@indygov.org

Keystone-Monon Neighborhood Partnership David Eckert, (317) 251-5965 www.kmnp.org info@kmnp.org

Kelly Jessup

Office of Community Relations North District, Indpls. Metro. Police Dept.

Your City-County Councillor Ryan Vaughn 317-327-4242

www.indygov.org/eGov/Council District 3: Bounded roughly by:

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The background of The Gazette:

I am a life-long resident of Broad Ripple. My family has been in Broad Ripple for many generations. Jacob Coil platted and named Broad Ripple in 1837. Two of his daughters married into my family in the 1870s. My grandfather was a mail carrier at the BR post office and a charter member of the American Legion Post. My grandmother worked at the Broad Ripple National Bank in Mustard Hall that became Fletcher Trust, then AFNB, then Bank One, and now Chase. My uncle worked at TV News and at Hoster-Roberts Ford, which is now Passwater’s and the Old Pros Table. My great-grandfather, grandmother, uncle, father, sister and son all graduated from BRHS; I am class of 1978. My son is BRHS class of 2006 and now plays bass trombone in several Ball State ensembles (He also write the crossword puzzle clues). I am currently the organizer of the BRHS reunions for the classes of the 1930’s and early 1940’s. For many years, I have wanted a newspaper that answered my questions. Where did that store go? Why were those people digging on the corner? When is the BRHS Homecoming Parade? What happens at that business? The Gazette is that paper. You will get an unbiased look into what is happening in Broad Ripple because I have no financial interests in Broad Ripple, nor am I affiliated with any of its organizations. I am simply a resident who is passionate about the area. You will also read about the history of Broad Ripple. This history continues to expand as I uncover new sources of stories and photos. The Gazette’s area of coverage has no real boundaries. Historically, the town of Broad Ripple extended down to 54th Street. The goal of the Gazette is to share with readers stories that are within 10 minutes or so from the heart of Broad Ripple. Also, Broad Ripple is one of the six Cultural Districts recognized by the City of Indianapolis. We try to let you know what is going on in the other five districts as we can. Since this is a bi-weekly paper, we will not be able to cover news as it happens. Rather, our focus is on issues that are not time sensitive. You will probably never see these stories anywhere else, so getting them a week or so later will be much better than not at all. I have hundreds of stories planned, but if there is something you want to read about, please let us know. I think you will enjoy the Gazette. I know I enjoy bringing it to you. -Alan Hague

Spring Mill to Keystone and 52nd to 96th

The items in the Local Government section are listed for information only and are not considered to be legal notices. No judgments, for or against, implied. Items are selected from public records as space provides. We are not responsible for errors or omissions.

More pictures from each issue are available at www.broadripplegazette.com

10 Vol. 6 No. 3

The Broad Ripple Gazette

Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

The Wine Scene as seen by The Broad of Ripple (Jill A. Ditmire)

Wine and Chocolate:

The Perfect match or eventual mismatch? Two of life’s simplest pleasures. Should one enjoy each on its own? Savoring the aromas, mouthfeel and amazing endorphin afterburn? Or combine the two— an indulgence for some—necessity for others. As a rule of thumb when pairing wine with desserts you need to find a wine that is SWEETER than the dessert, otherwise it can be a chemical nightmare in the mouth. (Think about dry champagne and sweet butter cream frosted wedding cake—Always forced to dance together at the big day and always a disappointment) Pairing wine with chocolate gives one a bit more leeway in the “sweeter than” perspective. Chocolate comes from a bean so already has tannins—just like grapes. Shorthand on tannins—they create astringency, dryness, bitterness both in wines and chocolate. The key is to find a wine with round ripe fruit tannins. Grapes get their tannic qualities from skins but grape juice (i.e fermenting wine) brings in tannins from the wood in the barrel in which it’s developing. Both of these forms of tannins must be considered when selecting a red wine to pair with chocolate. I could write on and on about the chemical compatibility between the two, but isn’t that something we all do every day of our lives with those around us? Ha. Instead here are some nice wine finds for chocolates. Wines and chocolates all available in Indianapolis area.

Random Ripplings Claudio Sanchez, lead singer for mega rock group for Coheed and Cambria, visited Gnosis at 823 Broad Ripple Avenue on Tuesday, February 3 to sign autographs. Gnosis was packed with fans bearing his vinyl art figure Kill Audio and comic books he authored.

• I have had good luck pairing Dark or Milk Chocolate truffles with either a Raspberry or Cherry or Caramel filling with the following: Malamado Malbec Port, Argentina Stella Rosa, Italy Jean Bousquet Cabernet Sauvignon, Argentina Casa de Santar, Portugal Black Chook Sparkling Shiraz, Australia CJR Sparkling Malbec, Argentina Badger Mountain Cabernet Franc Port, Washington • For Chocolates filled with vanilla, lemon, orange, mango, tangerine I suggest the following: Dry Creek Vineyards Chenin Blanc, Sonoma County, California Romantic Riesling, Germany Powers Muscat Canelli, Washington Santa Julia “Tardio” Late Harvest Riesling, Argentina Di Lenardo Pinot Grigio, Italy Golan Moscato, Israel • Love Means Never Having To Say You’re Sorry... Here are some wines that won’t bring on heartache in a glass or heart burn with a meal. Enjoy with someone you love even if that someone is you. Tardio Pinot Grigio, Italy Dry Creek Vineyards Fume Blanc, Sonoma County, California Hey Mambo White, California Sediento Malbec/Bonarda, Argentina Belle Vallee, Oregon Cristalino Brut Rose, Spain

And In The Cultural Districts... By Casey Jo Ailes

February’s First Friday is always a smash hit in the Art Districts. With more than twenty-five venues to visit, most of them offering wine and snacks for the Artist receptions and a meet and greet with local artists. On the Avenue the Dean Johnson Gallery (646 Mass Ave) is exhibiting for the first time “Studio Sessions”. Come see what a talented group of local artists can do with three hours and a few pieces of paper. While you are out check out Photo by Casey Jo Ailes the Franklin Barry “Studio Sessions 2009”

Broad Ripple Brew Pub Where Families and Friends Meet

Family Dining Available Year-Round Mon-Thurs 11am - midnight Fri-Sat 11am - 1am Sun 3pm - 10pm

840 E. 65th Street 253-2739

Gallery (617 Mass Ave), this month they are featuring charcoal life drawings by Kelly Borsheim: “The Florence, Italy collection.” Don’t forget to make it down to the East End of Mass Ave to see William Ray’s new bizarre pieces at the McFee Gallery. All three of these galleries will be open on Friday until 9pm. Don’t miss the chance to make it to Fountain Square to see the newest gallery on the block, Chaos is located on 630 Virginia Avenue and will be open late on this First Friday, you will see some new art from local emerging artists as well as some familiar faces. For more info on the galleries showing this month visit www.IDADA.org Jill A. Ditmire is an Omnimedia Wine Specialist who shares wit and wisdom nationwide in print, TV and radio, and is also an AWS-certified wine judge. Jill and doggyboyz Guinness and Harp live in Warfleigh, where she also consults and teaches in an effort to keep the doggyboyz’ treat jar filled with biscuits and her freezer stocked with ice cream. Send your questions and comments to Jill at jill@broadripplegazette.com or to Casey at casey@broadripplegazette.com

Vol. 6 No. 3

The Broad Ripple Gazette

11 Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

Howling at the Moon by Susan Smith

I am inviting reader participation to share your pet stories. I will be working alphabetically with pets from A to Z. I doubt many of you have a zebra but I do know a dog named Zoe. So if you have an Akita, an Airedale, an Abyssinian cat, an aardvark, an anteater or a mouse named Angel send me a picture and/or a story for consideration. Let’s see what furry friends live in Broad Ripple. Are you looking for ways to economize? Most of us are. If pet food is one area in which you might consider cutting back, before you rush to Wal-Mart, let me give you the scoop on poop because that is the “end” result of inexpensive food. What’s left in the backyard for you to clean up is called waste and that is exactly what it is. It is the cheap filler and indigestible ingredients that your pet buddy is not absorbing and not needing to use for nutrients and energy. Since I am in the dog food business the first thing I learned about Super-Premium foods is that they are actually less expensive to feed since you feed less per day due to the nutritional power of the food. That lesson was substantiated by authors Nan Weitzman and Ross Becker of THE DOG FOOD BOOK, who in 1991 published a study of theirs with regard to feeding a 40 pound dog. In a test they had to feed five times as much of the Economy brand dog food to get the same nutritional benefits of the Super-Premium. In their study the Premium foods had an average of 22% crude protein and 10% crude fat. The Super-Premium dog foods examined had an average of 27% crude protein and 15% crude fat. The Economy brands averaged 20% crude protein and 8% crude fat. The Super-Premium foods suggested feeding an average of 1-3/4 cups of food per day for a 40 lb dog. Premium brands recommended 3-1/4 cups, while the Economy brands instructed feeding 6 cups a day. The study showed that despite the lower cost per bag of the Economy brand, it costs more to feed than a Super-Premium, because more bags are used. In figuring costs they measured the price of 40 pound bags of various adult dog foods and took the manufacturers’ suggested feeding instructions. The study then tells us how much per day this breaks down to but I won’t depress you since these are 1991 costs. This last year alone at our store we have had three price increases from nearly all of our manufacturers. Suffice it to say that you spend much more buying the economy brand. They drove their point home by giving examples of the giant breed Irish Wolfhound eating 12 cups a day of the economy brand versus 4 ¾ cups of SuperPremium and asking you to imagine having to clean up the results of 12 cups. Super-Premium foods are more digestible so more of the nutrients are utilized which means less stool volume. The added benefit is your dog’s coat and skin are healthier, not smelly and less gas and bad breath are produced. I think your dog would feel more comfortable. It’s sort of like pushing away from the Thanksgiving Day feast. Why eat all that if you don’t have to? Now add in that healthier animals have less vet bills. Now that’s a savings! I hope I have given you food for thought. Pets make you smile! Susan Smith is a life-long area resident and is the owner of City Dogs Grocery located at 49th and College. Send your pet related questions/comments to susan@ broadripplegazette.com

Advertising in the Gazette is easy! 1) go to www.broadripplegazette.com 2) click on Advertising Information There, you will find details, such as: - upcoming ad deadlines, delivery area - detailed artwork specifications for your graphic artist Click on the picture for the type of ad you want Display Ads or Classified Ads Then, you can either print out an ad contract, or simply follow the step-by-step wizard that takes you through the ad process from start to finish. If you don’t have access to the web, or just want to speak directly to someone, call us at (317) 508-6634.

Visit Our Web Site

www.BroadRippleGazette.com COLOR

You will find pictures from most articles in the paper. You can also browse through photos from our back issues.

12 Vol. 6 No. 3

The Broad Ripple Gazette

by Douglas Carpenter

Recipes: Then & Now A Treasure Trove A treasure trove has come my way. One of my readers called to find a new home for some cook books she no longer wanted. Most had come from her mother. Five boxes of various cook books as well as magazine and newspaper clippings, pamphlets, recipe cards and other wonderful things. When we talked on the phone I

Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

had no idea there was so much she needed to find a home for. And a good home she found. I have spent the last week making my way through one box after another. I feel as if I have been given a glimpse of the woman who collected these things over her lifetime. She had evidently spent a bit of time in Palm Beach, Florida as there were three cook books from that city. She may have been to Hawaii, too. Two books of Hawaiian cooking were included. There was a cook book from Jamaica so she might also have made that trip. For the most part they are in very good condition, too. A few are falling apart pretty badly and I am setting those aside to see how much can be saved. Even the newspaper and magazine clippings were well cared for. Even if they were a bit jumbled together in as much organization as I would have given them. The selection of topics and titles are quite varied. From the grand two volume set “The Gourmet Cookbook” to “Cooking with Soup” from Campbell’s. Also a years worth of Bon Appetit Magazine from 1979 and a couple of local celebrity and TV station cook books. All in all over 75 actual books and scads of pamphlets and recipe cards. Wouldn’t you agree I am indebted to the generous lady? So I wish to thank her here for this treasure of a gift. Thank you R. E. For a recipe I include one from a booklet found in this collection called ‘Quick Trick Cookery’ from the American Can Company. It has no copyright date on it, but I would say it seems to have been produced around the late forties to the mid fifties. I have not yet tried this recipe but it sure sounds good.

Spicy Cherry Dessert

Combine 2 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca; ½ cup sugar; 1/8 teaspoon each cinnamon, ground cloves and nutmeg; and dash of salt in medium size saucepan. Stir in syrup drained from 1 No. 2 can (1 lb. 4 oz.) red sour pitted cherries plus ¼ cup water. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly; remove from heat and add cherries; cool. Serve as a fruit sauce spooned over cake squares, ice cream, or creamy puddings or custards. Douglas Carpenter is an avid recipe and cookbook collector. He has over 400 cookbooks in his library and he has published two cookbooks of locally-collected recipes. He has won sweepstakes and blue ribbons in the Culinary Arts division of the Indiana State Fair. Email your cooking questions to douglas@broadripplegazette.com

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Broad Ripple Kiwanis Club

Meeting Day: Lunch meeting every Tuesday 11:45-1:00 Meeting Place: Binkley’s Kitchen & Bar Camaraderie! Service! Friendship! Fun! Food! --------------------------------------

February 2009 Weekly Programs & Guest Speakers Feb. 3 - Lyn Blake on Amazon and applications for small business Feb. 10 - Stuart Lowery, Dir. Indy Parks and Kathy Fitzgerald, Ass’t park manager BR Park. Feb. 17 -Armando Pellarano speaking on Ebay applications for fund raising Feb. 24 - Kelly BeDell from the Amer. Heart Assn.

The Gazette It is because of them that this paper exists.


Binkley’s Kitchen & Bar

5902 N. College Ave. Corner of College and Kessler (parking in back) Call Donna Laird for information 679-7550 Visit our website at www.brkc.org to find out more about our volunteer efforts including our annual Auction for Kids Sake!!!

- Alan

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The Broad Ripple Gazette

Vol. 6 No. 3

What’s in Heidi’s Purse? by Heidi Huff

Invoice from the Broad Ripple Animal Clinic.

2 hats, a scarf, and gloves. It’s winter you know.

Makeup. Before I put it on I say a little prayer for you.

Christmas chocolate.

Paycheck for Gazette delivery.

Two NY Times Arts Sections.

Receipt from Fresh Market for emergency groceries. Items purchased: Cake mix and eggs.

Business card Gnosis store and lery. Can you the article about business?

13 Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

Empty travel tissues.

for galfind this

The one dollar I have to my name.

Playbills from Epilogue Theatre and the Ricks-Weil Theatre in Greenfield.


Mail to my dad and my debtors.

Hallmark magazine my mom mailed me. iPod.

Indiana Blood Center donor guidelines.

Big Hat Books big move to Cornell Ave By Mark Cline

mark@broadripplegazette.com On a snow filled picturesque evening befitting one of Charles Dickens’ novels I walked into the latest version of Big Hat Books and was greeted by more than friendly smiles and shelves of prose, poetry, and political satires. I was struck by a feeling to grab a book, a big comfortable chair, and settle down in front of one of the huge windows to get lost in it all. The new space Big Hat Books occupies feels less like a retail store and more as though you have just walked into someone’s personal library. If this was the vision that owner Liz Houghton Barden was hoping to achieve, then she hit the nail right on the head. Located right next to the community staple Broad Ripple Brew Pub on the corner of 65th and Cornell Avenue, the brand new building that Big Hat shares with Marigold Contemporary Clothing was built and designed specifically for them, and it shows. This new space is one that Liz envisioned since she brought the first general interest independent bookstore to Indiaphoto by Mark Cline napolis four years ago. While she Liz Houghton Barden and Rachael Mass at Big loved the space Big Hat occupied Hat Books on Cornell Avenue. on Westfield Avenue she always knew that to reach the full potential of what a locally owned, well run bookstore could be, they needed to be bigger. While the last few minutes of 2008 gave way to the start of 2009, the new and improved Big Hat Books closed the chapter of its story on Westfield Avenue only to just as quickly turn the page and start anew on Cornell Avenue. Liz, a transplant from New York City where she wrote book reviews for both the New York and L.A. Times, moved to Indianapolis five years ago when her husband took a position at Butler University in the creative writing department. With her background firmly rooted in books, the choice to bring a bookstore to Broad Ripple was easy, and making that bookstore an independent was just as easy a decision for Liz. “I absolutely believe in a locally owned independent anything. With an independent you’re hiring locally and your tax money stays in the local economy, that’s what creates the character of a community.” It is not only Big Hat Books look and ideals that differentiate them from a chain bookstore, it is their knowledge and love for the reading life that keeps them rising to the top. When

NY Times Magazine. Hopefully this crossword won’t take 3 hours like the last one!

asked what she thought was the difference, Liz, a normally modest woman, quick and concisely responded “we know our books.” Long days and even longer nights are spent reading anything she can get her hands on to make sure Liz and the rest of Big Hat’s staff can give the customer an honest and educated suggestion. The motivation Liz says is to make sure the customer enjoys what they have just read and keep them wanting more. At Big Hat Books no one will push the latest best seller just because it is trendy; they will suggest it because it is good. The concept of having the customer’s best interest in mind seems almost too good to be true in today’s world, however, Big Hat doesn’t stop there. In Broad Ripple’s new multi-level bookstore you won’t only find the title you have been searching for but you will find that the store is covered in original pieces of artwork. The walls are adorned with paintings, photographs, and sculptures all from the owner’s personal collection. These along with the desks and furniture that give such a warm and personal feeling to the store are also for sale. While all of these extras are there just to offer a comfortable seat to peruse a new book or give you something beautiful to look at, Liz feels that if it moves you or pleases you then it can be yours. “Everything is for sale” Liz says, not in an attempt to make a dollar anyway they can at Big Hat Books but to truly offer the customer anything and everything. So regardless if you know exactly what you’re looking for or have no clue as to what to read next, Big Hat Books should be your destination. While they may not always be able to offer the beautiful snowy setting I was lucky enough to receive when I walked through the door, Liz and her staff will always be able to offer that little bit more then an ordinary book seller. Look in the next issue for an article on Marigold’s move to Cornell Avenue.

photo by Mark Cline

14 Vol. 6 No. 3

This page paid for by the Broad Ripple Village Association

The Broad Ripple Gazette

Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

Fr o m Yo u r B r o a d R i p p l e V i l l a g e URGENT! Along with everyone else in this economy, your Village Association is facing cuts in spending. Membership has dropped, and we may no longer be able to sustain our bi-weekly publication of “BRVA News & Views.” One of the BRVA’s highest priorities is communication, with both our members and the community at large. Not only is this publication available in many locations in the Village, 7,000 copies are distributed throughout the city. An unprecedented number of people are now being reached by the neighborhood organization, thanks to the generosity of Gazette publisher Alan Hague. A mailed newsletter would cost much more than this centerfold. If you would like to see the BRVA continue communicating via these center pages, we need your support now. Please join or renew your membership today.

BRVA C A L E N D A R February–March Saturday,February 7, 2009 Village Cleanup CaNCeLLeD due to weather forcast Please join us on March 2

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 Broad Ripple Gallery Tour Meeting 9 am The Bungalow 924 e. Westfield Blvd.

meet a brva member


Recycling Efforts Are Growing In The Village – Bridget Carson


GROUP OF CONCERNED Broad Ripple business owners has come together to make glass recycling a reality in the Village. The Green Broad Ripple Restaurant Group won a grant from the Coca Cola Company and National Recycling Coalition to purchase recycling bins for each merchant. These bins have been distributed along “Broad Ripple Square,” the block that contains Union Jack Pub, Corner Wine Bar, Ambrosia, The Usual Suspects, Brothers Bar & Grill, Broad Ripple Steakhouse, Boogie Burger, Monkey’s Tale, The Wellington, and The Casba. Brenda Rising-Moore of Union Jack Pub is one of the promoters and lead cheerleader in this effort. “In order for us to get to full stream recycling, we need to remove the most offensive issue in a restaurant, and that is the glass,” she said. Brenda estimated that, through the efforts of one block alone, eight to nine tons of glass are being removed from the Village each month. The bins are emptied into a large glass recycling container in the alley in the center of the block. This container is open to anyone who wants to recycle glass, as long as they follow a few simple rules: dump only clear or colored glass bottles and jars. It’s important that no plates, cups, pottery, mirrors, lids, window or safety glass are dumped in with the glass, as this would contaminate the entire bin and make it useless for recycling. Glass recycling is just Phase 1 in a master plan, Brenda said. The merchants are looking to expand to other blocks of the Village, adding the white recycling dumpsters wherever there is a commitment to recycle. Phase 2 of the recycling effort will add containers for corrugated paper, metal and plastics, and Phase 3 will work toward composting. Since the program began last fall, the cooperative recycling effort has gained the attention of several national organizations, including the Glass Packaging Institute (GPI) and Owens Corning. For more information on recycling, as well as several other green initiatives, visit online at www.greenbroadripple.org.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 BRVA Committee for Historic Broad Ripple 6 pm Old National Bank Community room 6135 N. College avenue

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

BRVA Land Use & Development Committee Meeting 6 pm Broad ripple United Methodist Church 6185 Guilford avenue

Monday,March 2, 2009

BRVA Beautification Committee Meeting 6 pm Old National Bank Community room 6135 N. College avenue

Strategic Materials, Inc. is providing an 18-cubic yard collection container for the recycled glass

Dr. Bryan Bingham completed his chiropractic education in Portland, Oregon. The Terre Haute native met his wife, also a Midwesterner, while hiking. Bryan practiced in Oregon for six years before moving “back home.” The couple was excited to find an established neighborhood, where they could walk with their daughter to restaurants, shops, and the Monon Trail. Bryan’s practice, Compass Chiropractic, focuses on individualized treatment and education, with the tagline “A new direction in health.” He teaches patients to prevent pain, as well as to alleviate it.

The Winds of Change


– Diane

he year 2009 brings many challenges for the BrVa; among them is the question of how to continue with our newsletter, “BrVa News & Views.” at the present, there is no way we can afford to sustain a bi-weekly publication on our current budget. The most likely scenario is that we will go to a once a month schedule to communicate with our members and the community. Since the number of BrVa Public Meetings will be pared down to four a year, a means of communication is more vital now than ever before. We want to keep our readers informed on a number of important issues, such as public safety, development, and the fate of our firehouse. To be more efficient, as well as more responsive, in our communication, we would like to invite our readers to comment on what they would like to see in “BrVa News & Views.” To date, we have tried to give a mix of BrVa Board and committee activities, reports on special events, profiles of businesses, and Village news that affects our members. We provide a monthly calendar to keep you up to date on coming events. If there is something you especially like, or do not like, about “BrVa News & Views,” please send your comments to the Broad ripple Village association, and we will carefully consider each and every idea we receive. you can e-mail your thoughts to

BRVA Resident Membership Application – Pleas

The BRVA needs your support to continue its many init greater participation by more residents. Join us today For a Business Membership Application, call 317-251-2 BRVA Volunteer Opportunities Join like-minded people who share your interests! ___ Beautification ___ Business Division ___ Communications ___ Cultural District ___ Farmers’ Market ___ historic Broad ripple ___ historic home Tour ___ Land Use and Development ___ Membership ___ Public Safety ___ Special events

Name _____________

address ____________

City _______________

Phone _____________

BRVA Resident Members ___ Student $25 ___ Couple/Family $50

Membership Dues enclosed:

Total amount enclosed: __

___ MC ___ Visa Cardh

Name on Card _________

This page paid for by the Broad Ripple Village Association

The Broad Ripple Gazette

Vol. 6 No. 3

e Association

15 Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

The mission of the Broad Ripple Village Association is to support and encourage a spirit of community cooperation in Village development and beautification, and to serve BRVA members, Hey, that’s only as a community liaison to the your COLOR AD 40 bucks an issue to City of Indianapolis.

could be here get the word out

for only $240 for about your business. meet a brva member

BRVA Business Profile

Many Experience Metamorphosis

six issues. That’s Value. – Over 7,000 issues of The Broad Ripple Gazette are distributed biweekly –

– Bridget Carson


Founder Julie Craft created The Adoption Support Center, Inc., 22 years ago, after adopting a daughter herself. The business, a new member of the BRVA, is located in a charming 104-year-old cottage on Carrollton Avenue. The agency is the largest in the state. All the employees are female; “It’s a women helping women philosophy,” she says, “…we’re a tireless, passionate group.” They make possible 50 adoptions each year and facilitate 500 more international adoptions through referrals. They provide counseling and home studies, as well as hold monthly seminars.

e Seybert brva@mybroadripple.com or snail-mail them to 6311 Westfield Boulevard, Indianapolis, IN 46220. you can also phone your comments to 317-2512782. We, the volunteer staff, intend to keep you informed by “BrVa News & Views,” and we hope that you enjoy seeing your friends and neighbors – and perhaps even yourself – pictured in these pages. Though it’s been necessary to cut the Communication Committee’s budget drastically, we want to continue with our publication in some fashion. you can help in that regard, by advertising on our pages. a full color ad on the “BrVa News & Views” center pages now costs $40 per issue. That’s a great bargain, as 7,000 papers are distributed at each publication. you need not own a business to advertise on our pages, but you must be a BrVa member. even a single ad for a block party, yard sale, lost pet, or other event is welcome. We can offer slightly discounted packages for three, six and twelve month commitments. Please contact the BrVa for more information, and watch for our next “BrVa News & Views” in the future. as always, you can visit the neighborhood association’s website, to get the latest information on Broad ripple Village and the BrVa at www.DiscoverBroadrippleVillage.com.

se support your neighborhood organization!

ETAMORPHOSIS TATOO and Body Piercing Studio has been a fixture in the Village for more than a decade. “Business is good,” says Kristin Otter, owner of the studio, which is located at 828 Broad Ripple Avenue. “Like every business, we have our ups and downs, but I definitely will not complain.” The studio specializes in the body arts of piercing and tattooing. Demand is enough to keep a staff of three piercers and six tattoo artists busy seven days a week. Kristin observes that her clients seem to fall into two basic age categories, 18 to 21 year-olds, and those 30 and over. She theorizes that members of the twenty-something crowd are worried about building careers and put thoughts of a tattoo on the back burner until they are established in their jobs (she added that Metamorphosis will only tattoo clients aged 18 and older.) What’s in style? She says clients are requesting lots of word art: poems, sayings or just favorite words. For piercings, there is much interest in cartilage piercing. Metamorphosis carries an extensive line of body jewelry for every taste and every piercing. They offer organics (horn, bone, wood, stone, vegan ivory and shell), as well as non-organics (gold, silver, glass, acrylic, stainless steel and titanium). Those contemplating a tattoo can look through catalogs in the studio, bring in their own ideas for body art, or schedule a consultation with an artist to decide upon a design. Large tattoos may require several appointments in one- or two-hour sessions. Tattoos average about $100 an hour, depending on the size of the artwork, complexity and location on the body. The studio is open Monday through Saturday from 1 to 9 p.m., and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. Walk-ins are accepted for piercings, but if you are planning on a tattoo, Kristin recommends an appointment. For more information, call Metamorphosis at 317.466.1666 or visit them online at www.metamorphosisink.com. Located in the alley at 6267 N. Carrollton Ave. in downtown Broad Ripple 317-257-4036 Hours: 7am-3am Mon-Sat 10am-Midnight Sundays

tiatives. We CAN make a difference, but we need y, and volunteer for a committee. 2782 or visit www.DiscoverBroadRippleVillage.com



_________________ State ________ Zip __________

_________e-mail ____________________________

ship Categories ___ Senior 55+ $25

___ Individual $35

___ Sustaining $100

___ Champion $250

: ________ additional tax-deductible donation _________

_______ (Make check payable to Broad ripple Village association)

holder’s Sig _________________________ exp ___/___

_______________ acct # ______________________

Kristin Otter is the owner of Metamorphosis

16 Vol. 6 No. 3

The Broad Ripple Gazette

Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

Right in my Own B a c k y a r d by Brandt Carter Here’s to Hearts and Flowers “One billion valentines are sent each year worldwide, making the day the sec‑ ond largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas.”

Debut at BRHS - one act plays The Broad Ripple High School Theater Magnet presented De‑ but ‘09 on January 23 & 24, after a week delay due to sub-zero temperatures. Five student directed one act plays were on the bill, including two student written and directed plays. Sean Kaellner wrote and directed Captive Audience, a play about a television set that controlled its viewers. Derek Kaellner wrote and directed Oedipal Re‑ mix, a modern version of Oedi‑ pus Rex. Upper: Captive Audience featured Joely Pope, Jordan Mather-Licht, Samantha Schroeder, and Jeremy Eckert. They all became part of the TV. Lower: Devin Johnson and Karolyn Williams performed in How To Pick Up A Man by Gene Lesser.

Valentine’s Day – once called St. Valentine’s Day – has a way of commanding February’s focal point. While early Rome had stories of Valentine, and the Catholic Church wrote of three different Valentines, no one knows this special day’s exact origin. February 14 gradually became the date for exchanging love notes and gifts of candy and flowers, and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers. Cupid, the son of love goddess Venus, came to be folded into the mythology and traditions of Valentine’s Day. When I was young, I would carefully cut out red hearts, coat them with white paste, and stick them on a doily. I like lacey, dainty valentines. The more red and pink I added to the card the better. In grade school, we decorated shoe boxes, lettered our names on the top, and put these “mail boxes” on our desk to receive valentines from classmates. There were usually high hopes for the valentine from someone special, but alas disappointment was more often the outcome. I think teachers ultimately made valentines mandatory for each classmate to quell that issue. I never had a “valentine” in junior high or high school – too busy with activities to be distracted by a steady beau. Luckily, Mom and Dad always needed a valentine. I got my practice making heart messages for later years when sweethearts entered the picture. To this day, I think the best cards are handmade even though commercial vendors believe it’s their job to inspire, celebrating the Love Day with no end of cards, novelty gifts, sweets, floral options, and jewelry. Valentine’s Day has encouraged generations of commemorative gestures. Have you heard any of this folklore connected with February 14? • In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. They would wear those names on their sleeves for one week. That’s the origin of the saying “wearing your heart on your sleeve.” • If a young woman received a gift of clothing from a young man, keeping the item was a sign she would marry him. • Some believed that a young woman seeing a robin flying overhead on Valentine’s Day meant she would marry a sailor. If she saw a sparrow, she would marry a poor man and be very happy. If she saw a goldfinch, she would marry a millionaire. • While twisting the stem of an apple, an eligible young man or woman could say the names of five or six potential suitors. Superstition held that he or she would marry the person whose name was being spoken when the stem fell off. Happy Valentine’s Day! Brandt Carter, artist, herbalist, and naturalist, owns Backyard Birds at 2374 E. 54th Street. Visit her web site www.feedbackyardbirds.com. Email your bird questions to Brandt@BroadRippleGazette.com

The Kimmel crew from Glendale is back on Keystone!

Advertising is easy in the

Broad Ripple Gazette

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Try our step-by-step form at www.broadripplegazette.com or Call 508-6634 We deliver 7000 copies to over 200 locations on the north side every two weeks.

17 Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

The Broad Ripple Gazette

Vol. 6 No. 3

Where in the Village? Have you seen this writing in the sidewalk? Where is it? Answer on page 26

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Sudoku is a nine by nine grid. The solution (each puzzle has only one) will have all the numbers from one through nine in every row and every column. In addition, the grid is divided into nine three-by-three sections. Each of these three-by-three sections will also contain all the numbers from one through nine. Each Sudoku puzzle from Pappocom can be solved using logic alone. If you prefer guessing, you can – but there is a logical way to solve every puzzle. Let’s start with the easy puzzle. We will try to put a 5 in the right section of the middle row, which contains 3-4. The 5 in the left-middle section eliminates the three spaces in the top row. The 5 in the center section eliminates the three spaces in the middle row. The only place left is to the right of the 3-4. You have learned one technique needed to solve Sudoku puzzles. There are many more.

answers on Page 26


on the north bank of the canal in Broad Ripple Village



18 Vol. 6 No. 3

The Broad Ripple Gazette


Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

Random Ripplings The Village Ramblers recently played at Mug Shots Cafe, located at 6525 College Avenue. The Ramblers set list includes folk and country songs by Johnny Cash and The Kingston Trio.


Glasvegas, by all rights, should not be very good. Songs based on childhood travails, attitudes towards parents, and the loss of innocence are not the stuff of rock legend, nor is a voice with the thickest Scottish brogue this side of the Proclaimers something that one might ordinarily get excited about. But Glasvegas’ self-titled debut is good--very good, in fact. Anthemic to the core, the melodies on each of Glasvegas’ songs soar with an unswerving, heart-on-the-sleeve sincerity miles away from the ironic distance we’re so accustomed to with rock bands, particularly those from across the pond. Further, these are melodies that will stick in your head, regardless of your desire to have them there, as proven by the fact that the band successfully released FOUR of these songs as singles in England. Glasvegas hails from Glasgow, which explains the Scottish brogue (and the name), but what is special here is the wallop that this band is able to deliver as it sings about a childhood kidnapping and murder (“Flowers & Football Tops”), playground bullying (“Go Square Go”), or waiting for the icecream truck as a synonym for embracing community (“Ice Cream Van”). There’s even a song in which the singer uses the analogy of the devotion of a social worker to proclaim his devotion to his love (the brilliant “Geraldine”), a lyrical tack this writer has never before encountered. Glasvegas’ unusual lyricism, however, packs its punch (and its sincerity) by being united with the muscular voice of James Allan and the wall-of-sound guitars provided by Rab Allan (bassist Paul Donoghue and stand-up drummer Caroline McKay round out the group). Allan’s voice owes a strong debt to both Joey Ramone and to Phil Spector’s girl groups (especially the Ronettes). Ramone, himself, drew from the Spector well quite liberally, and Allan is not afraid to go there repeatedly, with “oh-oh’s” and “ba-ba’s” sprinkled throughout these tunes. But, more importantly, it is the unflinching strength and conviction with which Allan sings that truly conveys the intensity that was so often a part of the Spector productions. In the aforementioned “Flowers & Football Tops,” whose lyrics deal with the true story of a kidnapping and murder of a teenager, when Allen inserts a portion of “You Are My Sunshine” (“…my only sunshine”) into the song, it is a truly heart-rending moment. Similarly, when he intones “Here we f**king go” over and over as an accompaniment to his dealings with a bully (“Go Square Go”), what should be contrived pap instead conveys hard-fought determination. As for the music, guitars are fiercely strummed and layered throughout, creating the aforementioned wall-of-sound that Spector accomplished by use of a full orchestra. While there are surely echoes of the Jesus and Mary Chain in Glasvegas’ approach here, the guitars play a much less dominant role for these Scots. Ever-present, their six-string wash always stays in the background, with strong melodies and thumping beats always in the foreground. In sum, one might say their music sounds like the work of hard-nosed softies, as when a nursery rhyme (“liar liar pants on fire”) underpins a balls-out anthem. Occassionally, Glasvegas do get a little repetitive with their template, with later songs on the album sometimes sounding like less-strong versions of what has come before (e.g., “Polment On My Mind). Also, their spoken-word foray utilizing Beethoven’s “Moonlight” sonata (“Stabbed”) doesn’t really work (with Allan’s Scottish accent being particularly impenetrable here). But all in all, this is a blazingly excellent debut.


School Of Seven Bells is composed of Benjamin Curtis, formerly lead axeman for Secret Machines, and twins Alejandra and Claudia Deheza, formerly of On!Air!Library!. Leaving behind the upfront guitar pyrotechnics of his former band, Curtis has embraced a much softer, but no less dynamic, vision for SOSB. While preparing multiple layers of guitars, effects, and keyboards, Curtis keeps

Above: Bill Harding Right: Steve Papesh Below: Val Muylle

these sounds far to the back while putting the vocals upfront, sort of a reverse My Bloody Valentine approach. The resulting sound contains elements of chill-out music and shoegaze pop, but there is also ever-present tension from the washes of guitar effects and the propulsion of tom-tom heavy, often tribal-sounding drumbeats. It all sounds rather dreamy, but with a definite edge. The album starts off with a nice tribal beat, guitar drones, and a beautiful vocal melody sung with the Deheza’s genetically-matched “twin harmonies”. The song then breaks into a multi-layered guitar background wash, complemented by a single keyboard line which then fades back to the beat, making for a captivating listen. The next tune melds chantlike vocals and “ooohs” with guitar effects in such a way that it’s hard to pull the two apart. Further songs delve into a variety of other guitar and keyboard effects, but whatever the instrumental approach, the vocalists stay to the fore. Occasionally songs stretch out a little too long, but when SOSB mixes their hazy feedback, heavy drumbeats, and enchanting vocals in the right proportions, Alpinisms bridges the gaps between meditative electronica and dynamic rock in all the right ways. Rick Zeigler, along with his wife, Jeanne, owns Indy CD and Vinyl at 806 Broad Ripple Avenue. Back in his musician days, his band opened for the likes of U2, XTC, Gang Of Four, The Pretenders, Los Lobos, and, um, Flock Of Seagulls, among others. Email your music questions and comments to rick@broadripplegazette.com

The Broad Ripple Gazette

Vol. 6 No. 3

19 Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

Historic Ad This Valentine ad for Stewart’s Book and Stationery ran back in 1960. Stewart’s was located at 824 Broad Ripple Avenue, where Rock Lobster is today.

More than 6,700 readers make

Broad Ripple Gazette Classified Ads WORK! Page 8 and online.

Hidden History

Hidden History is a simple letter-substitution cipher. If K equals B in one word, K will equal B throughout the puzzle. Solve by looking for frequently-used letters and common patterns.

encryption by Jim Alred

answer on Page 26



Crossword clues by John S. Hague


1. phantom 6. not a frog 10. allowed 12. exterior 14. 1985 Kurosawa film based, in part, on Shakespeare’s King Lear 15. You hear with them. 17. establishes truth though evidence 19. a conjunction 20. composed 22. friendly face 23. Wm. 25. ancient and medieval weapon 27. feline 28. extreme incline 30. neighborhood north of Broad Ripple 31. wagers 32. outer-most part 33. for boiling water 34. implementation or employment 35. from Broad Ripple Village to the Atlantic Ocean 38. cloths 40. This word is the shortened form of a synonym for container & comes from a Greek word meaning “wicker or reed basket”. 42. take up weapons 44. nonpolar, hydrophobic, lipophilics liquids 47. Combined with the name of the animal as its prefix, it is one who watches over.

answer on Page 26

48. requirement 50. They’re in your mouth right now! 52. singular of #15 ACROSS 53. a component (and symbol) of industry and mechanization 55. clarification of an order at Broad Ripple Steak House 56. in drama, a line spoken to no one, audible inner-dialogue 59. take without permission 61. herbal beverage 62. disclose, divulge, or open up to view 64. reduced pricing for merchandise 65. Happily Ergonomic Roundabouts 66. much mass for the volume 67. Maglev trains work on these 69. colored 70. portals


L equals S

1. intrusive, felsic, igneous rock 2. manipulated 3. at state of activation 4. Every time I have some of this for a meal, I think about how often we put it in this puzzle! 5. lacrimative outpourings (sniff, sniff) 6. upper-most part 7. belonging to us 8. metonym for “nucleus” in regards to a source of energy 9. equipment or plan 10. reaches for or to 11. death by submersion in water

13. entertain a connection or interaction 16. From the Dutch for “small porch”, it is front steps of urban dwellings. 18. collections 21. mistake 24. myth 26. Lieutenant-Commander serving on NCC 1701-D 29. comes with others in a pod 31. more overworked and unavailable 36. made music vocally 37. woody plants 39. acquired 40. stopped 41. reached the destination

43. available at 56th Street and Illinois Avenue at Kinkead’s 45. cow (or other) hide goods 46. paved roads (as in the city) 47. less than to listen 49. experience visions 51. present tense, third-person of #47 DOWN 54. leafy entrée precursor 57. decline 58. facility 60. famous Danish toy(s) 63. ___ Zeppelin was founded in 1968 in England 68. negative interjection

20 Vol. 6 No. 3

The Broad Ripple Gazette

Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009 • Full spectrum of medical care for all ages. • Conventional and alternative treatment of minor or chronic illnesses.

Poetic Thoughts

by C.W. Pruitt II

• Health education and emotional counseling. • Low velocity osteopathic manipulation (esp. Cranial Osteopathy and Myofascial Release).

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American Board of Holistic Medicine Osteopathic Family practitioner Marx A. Clark is a young man who shows a rare soft touch in his poetry. Below is an elegant tribute to his grandfather:

Still Missing You In a few weeks, it will be one year since you left this world. I still shed tears, and think about the good times we had. I see pictures of you, and still remember all our talks. I really don’t have to say it, cuz you know that I’m Still Missing You Holidays are the worst, cuz I can still imagine you, sitting in your chair, watching the games. We would go back and forth, on who we thought would win. I really don’t have to say it, cuz you know that I’m Still Missing You I’m glad you taught me how to drive, cuz that has become my outlet, when I want to get away from it all. Your patience is a virtue, I really don’t have to say it, cuz you know that I’m Still Missing You Marx A. Clark October 2008 CW Pruitt II has been on the poetry scene in Broad Ripple for years. Email your questions/comments to cw@broadripplegazette.com

6471 Broadway Street Indianapolis, 46220

317-254-8187 www.drdefrese.com

• Physical therapy, massage therapy and nutritional supplements. • Be treated with dignity and respect. Defrese Osteopathic Clinic, Inc., P.C.

Life’s Ripples from Broad Ripple United Methodist Church Rev. Timothy Rasmussen Well, we have a new president. There is a lot to talk about on that subject, but what impressed me most about the event itself was to see an outgoing president shaking hands with the man who was going to replace him. Watching the former president fly off in a helicopter while the new office holder waved was quite an exceptional sight. We have a lot wrong in this country right now, but that was one thing we got right. I would think that governments who function on the power of oppression would tremble some at the uniqueness and ease of our transition of power. It is easy to become comfortable and take our democratic process for granted, but what a privilege it is to live in a country where the people can decide who they want in government positions, and to even openly disagree with that leadership when we feel the need to do so. Many lives have paved the path for us to have the right to make that kind of choice. Freedom in this country didn’t just happen. People believed and acted on that belief so that we could have the choices we have today. It would be a great thing if we could learn from the presidents, and even in our differences be able to stand next to one another with dignity and respect. May God bless our country, and may we be worthy of that blessing. Tim has been a United Methodist Pastor since 1973 and has been at Broad Ripple United Methodist since 2003. Email your questions/comments to tim@broadripplegazette.com

Broad Ripple History .com


Traditional Family-Style Dining

81st and College Avenue Reservations Recommended (317) 251-2294

21 Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

The Broad Ripple Gazette

Vol. 6 No. 3

Broad Ripple Village & surrounding area

Free listings for businesses in the map area. Is your business missing? Contact the Gazette at 508-6634. info@broadripplegazette.com Advertisers are marked in RED type and their phone number is included.

Map & Directory Art/Galleries/Photography Broad Ripple Art & Design 5368 Winthrop Ave Ceramic Dreams 1134 E. 54th St. Studio G 202-9200 Douglas David Fine Art 7172 N. Keystone Ave 257-7515 Editions Limited 838 E. 65th St Frame Designs 838 E. 65th St 253-3298 Hoosier Salon Gallery 714 E. 65th St Indianapolis Art Center 820 E. 67th St James Betley Photography 6055 College Ave, Suite 4 Kiley Studios 6328 College Ave Michael Mendez Portraits 6180 Washington Blvd. Multi-Media Art & Materials 6507 College Ave 255-8552 Potters House, The 6503 Carrollton Ave 251-0688 Ruth D. Stoner Artistry in Clay 6340 Ferguson St S.D. Battista Painting Conservation 5430 New Jersey St Sigman’s Gallery 930 Broad Ripple Ave Spahr Photography 1133 E. 61st St Susan VanHuss Design Studio 1134 E. 54th St. Suite J 257-7551 The Framer - Tom Altpeter 777 E. 66th St The Thompson Collection 6516 Carrollton Ave

OO25 OO26 CC31 C4 C4 C3 A4

E2 JJ21 C3 C3 E4 OO21 H5 K7 OO26



Chase G3 706 Broad Ripple Ave Debra L. Kelb, CPA D4 819 E. 64th St Edward Jones D2 6434 #E College Ave 257-7588 Equitable Solutions Inc I5 6251 Winthrop Ave Suite 4 Fifth Third Bank G7 1036 Broad Ripple Ave Flagstar Bank E2 6320 College Ave Forum Credit Union C3 6501 College Ave Highfield & Associates J2 6144 College Ave Huntington Bank H3 724 Broad Ripple Ave January & Engel F2 688 E. 63rd St KeyBank D2 6410 College Ave

H3 E2 CC23 K3 I4 B4 E6

Places of Worship



M&I Bank 714 Broad Ripple Ave Matrix Mortgage 6338 College Ave National City Bank 7040 College Ave Old National Bank 6135 College Ave 254-6300 Raymond James 6235 Carrollton Ave Sage Capital Management, LLC 921 E. 66th St, Suite B Yount & Company, CPAs 6311 #150 Westfield Blvd

Bethlehem Lutheran 526 E 52nd St Broad Ripple United Methodist 6185 Guilford Ave Christ the King Catholic Church 1827 Kessler Blvd Congregation Shaarey Tefilla 5879 Central Ave Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist 655 E. 62nd St Immaculate Heart of Mary 5692 Central Ave My Father’s House 6219 Guilford Ave New Paradigm Christian 6202 Carrollton Ave Northminster Presbyterian 1660 Kessler Blvd Olive Branch Community Church 5610 Broadway St Progressive Spiritualist Church 6225 Carrollton Ave 66th Street Baptist Church 918 E. 66th St St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 6050 N. Meridian St Trinity ES Jungle 6151 Central Ave

PP22 J5 KK30 KK22 J2 LL22 H5 I3 KK28 MM21 I4 A5 JJ20 JJ22


21st Amendment HH31 2201 E. 62nd St Breadsmith HH31 2234 Broad Ripple Ave Cork and Cracker HH31 2126 Broad Ripple Ave Fresh Market OO23 5415 College Ave Good Earth Natural Food Store E4 6350 Guilford Ave 254-8604 Johnny’s Market E3 6335 College Ave Just Pop In G4 6302 Guilford Ave Kroger I4 6220 Guilford Ave Lilly Orchard CC22 71st and College Rene’s Bakery C4 6524 B Cornell Ave 251-2253

Rock & Hard Place Gen. Store 826 Broad Ripple Ave United Package Liquors 1002 Broad Ripple Ave Village Pantry 6302 College Ave

Hair/Spa/Fitness/ Health/Wellness


H6 F2

Adaru Nat. Hair/Braiding Salon B3 6524 Carrollton Ave A Do I3 6207 College Ave Air-Tan I3 6249 College Ave Balance Pilates Studio E4 6340 Ferguson St bambū G5 916 Westfield Blvd Belladonna C4 6512 Ferguson St Bill’s Hair Design J2 6163 College Ave Blue Eyed Girl H5 6223 Guilford Ave Bogie’s Barber Shop E4 815 Main St Brandon Hair Designer JJ23 6025 College Ave Broad Ripple Body, Mind & Spirit J3 701 E. 62nd St Broad Ripple Hair Salon OO23 5420 College Ave Brunette C4 6531 Ferguson St Cardinal Fitness H4 831 Broad Ripple Ave Changes Salon D4 6416 Ferguson St Classic Cleaners I6 1037 Broad Ripple Ave Dr. Terri Sites-PsycHOPE PP24 740 East 52 Street, Suite 12 Educating Hands Massage School JJ23 6013 College Ave Elisabeth Henn-Carlson, LMHC PP24 740 East 52 Street, Suite 12 Essence For Life D4 819 E. 64th St, Suite SE FACE-IZ Makeup Studio G3 826 Westfield Blvd Facets Studio I5 6251 Winthrop Ave Flamingo J4 6194 Guilford Ave Flaunt C4 6515 Ferguson St Great Clips I7 1077 Broad Ripple Ave Hair @ 6310 E2 6310 College Ave 255-6310 Hair Etc. E4 6360 Guilford Ave Hair It Is I5 6251 Winthrop Ave suite 10 Hairquarters B4 6551 Ferguson St

Your business could advertise in a spot like this for as little as $15 per issue Broad Ripple Gazette


Located in SoBro

Hair That Rocks PP25 1109 E. 52nd St Heal Thyself & Co I1 6220 Broadway St The Healing Room D4 819 E. 64th St Herbonique H4 6332 Guilford Ave suite 205 Indy Acupuncture J3 6155 College Ave Indy Physical Therapy H4 831 Broad Ripple Ave Infinity HairWorks C4 6511 Ferguson St Jaye Dubman K3 6111 College Ave LA Fitness JJ31 6160 Keystone Ave Macy’s - The Salon II32 Glendale Mall Marisa, CMT D4 819 E. 64th St Suite C5 Massage Connection D4 819 E. 64th St Metamorphosis H4 828 Broad Ripple Ave Modern Nails I7 1065 Broad Ripple Ave Mona’s Hair Design E4 6349 Guilford Ave Monarch Massage G2 6224 College Ave Moondance Massage Therapy D4 6340 Ferguson St New Energy Wellness OO29 2026 E. 54th One Life Pilates H3 6285 College Ave suite A One Body Inc. B4 6528 Ferguson St Osteopathic Clinic - Dr. Defrese D2 6471 Broadway St 254-8187 Paul’s Barber Shop PP23 648 E. 52nd St 283-6258 Peggy Taylor’s Salon & Spa E4 6372 Guilford Ave Physical Therapy D2 6471 Broadway Street 254-8187 Pilates - The Integrated Body C4 6507 Ferguson St Premiere Hair K2 6120 College Ave Psychic Reader H4 819 Broad Ripple Ave Ripple Effect C3 6503 Carrollton Ave Running With Scissors E5 6357 Guilford Ave Salon6 H3 6267 Carrollton Ave Savvy H5 823 Broad Ripple Ave Sayla Gossard, LCSW-Life Solutions PP24 740 East 52 Street, Suite 12 School of Metaphysics II31 6138 Hillside Ave Shampoo Salon H3 6247 College Ave

Professional Space Available

Hair @ 6310 6310 College Ave Debbie


22 Vol. 6 No. 3

The Broad Ripple Gazette

Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009




Shear Uphoria E5 6350 Cornell Ave Sign of the Tymes Salon I5 6201 Winthrop Ave suite 2 Simply Eyebrows! H5 6314 Winthrop Ave Skinners Hair Design I4 6233 Carrollton Ave Snapdragon Salon & Spa JJ32 Glendale Town Center So.Be.Fit. OO25 1134 E 54th Studio B 697-1939 Spectrum Hair Designers E4 6367 Guilford Ave Static Salon B4 6543 Ferguson St Style D4 820 E. 64th St Supercuts II30 2112 E. 62nd St Synchronistic Touch D2 6471 Broadway Street 254-8187 Tangles Hair Salon E3 6310 College Ave The Yoga Center H3 6245 College Ave Urban Gypsy D4 6407 Ferguson St Village Barber Shop D3 810 64th St suite 200 Virginia Jarvis Coiffures C3 716 E. 65th St Wellness Space, The C4 6516 Ferguson St Where Beauty Begins I5 6521 Winthrop Ave Suite 9


Indy Hostel 4903 Winthrop Ave


BP Service Station 7068 College Ave Quick Exchange 5628 Illinois St Rich Gas Station 6419 College Ave


Gas/Service Stations

MM19 D3

Dr. Robert D. Lucus, D.D.S. 6211 College Ave Dr. Ronald L. Johnston, D.D.S. 6545 Carrollton Ave George Pendygraft, P.C. 6770 Spirit Lake Glendale Dental Associates 6202 Evanston Ave 251-0085 Martin Dentistry 1927 Broad Ripple Ave Mitch Wohlmuth, D.D.S. 917 E. 62nd St Northside Family Physicians 6320 Ferguson St Ossip Optometry 804 Broad Ripple Ave Osteopathic Clinic - Dr. Defrese 6471 Broadway St 317-254-8187 Paul Kolman, D.D.S. 6508 #4 Westfield Blvd Scott Christy, D.D.S. 6201 Winthrop Ave



Demos & Reyome Law Office KK23 5954 College Ave Jeffery A. Evans, Attorney I2 6202 College Ave Law Office of Gary Colasessano II30 1915 Broad Ripple Ave Law Office of Keith Shelton I5 6251 Winthrop Ave. suite 12 Lawrence Law Firm JJ31 6100 Keystone Ave Suite 257 Monday, Rodeffer, Jones & Albright II30 1915 Broad Ripple Ave Ross & Brunner D2 6434 College Ave, suite F


American Village 2026 E. 54th St Apter Properties 810 E. 64th St Broad Ripple Apartments 6184A Carvel Ave 259-7166 Century 21 - Gilliam 1001 Broad Ripple Ave Coffey Group Real Estate 6523 Cornell Ave College Court Condos 5347 College Ave Dale Morris Carpenter Realtors 6101 College Ave 216-8112 Edgewater Apartments 6701 College Ave Equitable Solutions 6251 Winthrop Ave. suite 4 Jade North Apartments 6565 College Ave Landford Realty Corp. 6332 Guilford Ave, suite 205 Lincolnshire Apartments 6221 College Ave Marcy Village Apartments 4555 Marcy Lane 259-7774

OO29 D4 I7 H5 C5 OO23 J3 A3 I5 C3 G4 H3

McLane Realty 6358 College Ave Monon Mortgage 6525 Ferguson St Monon Place Apartments 5900 Carvel Ave Morris Group Realty 5936 N. Keystone Ave., Ste 203 RE/MAX Ability Plus 711 E. 65th St School 80 Condominiums 920 E. 62nd St Shore Acres Apartments 1105 Westfield Court West The Townes at Winthrop 6139 Winthrop Ave Veritas Realty 930 E. 66th St Wellington Square Apartments 725 E. 64th St Your Home Company 6325 Guilford Ave, suite 215


Arno & Fox Family Medicine 1001 Broad Ripple Ave Broad Ripple Avenue Chiropractic 1803 Broad Ripple Ave Broad Ripple Dental Assn. 6214 Carrollton Ave Broad Ripple Village Dental 6116 College Ave 251-9990 Darlene Vaughn, D.D.S. 6214 Carrollton Ave Dirk A. Sterley, D.D.S. 6545 Carrollton Ave Dr. Andrey M. Horton, D.D.S. 6434 College Ave Dr. Eve Earley, D.C., C.S.T. 6344 Kingsley Dr Dr. Gary Breslauer, D.D.S. 6117 College Ave 257-3368 Dr. Harvey Himelstein 6320 Ferguson St Dr. John M. Klemen, D.D.S. 6112 College Ave

Gil’s Lamp Repair 35 years in the business

Flowers & Gifts

Glendale Area

1134 E. 54th St. Studio A 923-6000


I3 C3 DD25 II30 JJ30 I5 E4 H4 D2 C5 I5


Bark Tutor HH30 2122 Broad Ripple Ave Broad Ripple Animal Clinic I1 6225 Broadway St Fur Bee E5 911 Main St Synchronistic Touch Doggie Tuning D2 6471 Broadway Street The Neighborhood Veterinarian HH31 2110 E. 62nd St. Three Dog Bakery H4 844 Broad Ripple Ave Village Dog, The H5 6224 Winthrop Ave







Broad Ripple Apts






School 80 Condos






Post Office








Fire Station




































E2 C4 KK25 II31 D3 I5 DD25 J6 B5 D3 G5

H5 II30 I3 K2 I3 C3 D2 GG29 K3 E4 J2


Bishop Chatard High School 5885 Crittenden Ave Broad Ripple Amer. Legion Post 6379 College Ave Broad Ripple Fire Station #32 6330 Guilford Ave Broad Ripple High School 1115 Broad Ripple Ave Broad Ripple Kiwanis meets at Binkley’s 875-8755 ext. 209 Broad Ripple Masonic Lodge 1716 Broad Ripple Ave Broad Ripple Park 1550 Broad Ripple Ave Broad Ripple Post Office 6255 Carrollton Ave Broad Ripple Village Assn. 6311 Westfield Blvd Broadway Park 61st and Broadway St Indpls. Mar. Cty. Public Library Glendale Mall 6100 Keystone Ave Indy Parks Greenways 900 64th St Marott Park 7350 College Ave Indpls North Side Optimists Park 775 E. 66th St Park Tudor School 7200 College Ave School 84 - Joseph Bingham 440 E. 57th St Senator Teresa Lubbers 813 Broad Ripple Ave Wash. Twp. Small Claims Court 2184 E. 54th St

JJ30 E3 G4 H9 KK23 HH29 H11 H4 F6 JJ22 JJ32 D5 BB23 A3 CC22 LL22 H4 OO30


SF=SmokeFree Alley Cat Lounge H4 6267 Carrollton Ave Ambrosia Ristorante G5 915 Westfield Blvd Amer. Legion Kennington Post D5 6440 Westfield Blvd

Your business could advertise in a spot like this for as little as $15 per issue Broad Ripple Gazette


Complete detailing services for cars, trucks, SUVs & vans

5301 Winthrop Ave. 923-0261

The Broad Ripple Gazette

Vol. 6 No. 3


23 Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009 How To Get To Broad Ripple From:


















I BUY: • Gold Jewelry • Old Coins • Silver Jewelry • Diamonds • Silverware • Rolex







Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill SF G7 1050 Broad Ripple Ave Aristocrat Pub & Restaurant SF PP23 5212 College Ave Average Joe’s Sports Pub G4 814 Broad Ripple Ave Bazbeaux SF G3 811 Westfield Blvd Binkley’s Kitchen & Bar SF KK23 5902 College Ave Birdy’s Bar & Grill CC31 2131 E. 71st St Biscuits Cafe SF I6 1035 Broad Ripple Ave Bleeker Street G5 6311 Guilford Ave Boogie Burger SF G5 927 Westfield Blvd Broad Ripple Brew Pub SF C5 840 E. 65th St 253-2739 Broad Ripple Steak House SF G5 929 Westfield Blvd Broad Ripple Tavern H3 745 Broad Ripple Ave Brother’s Bar and Grill G5 910 Broad Ripple Ave Brugge Brasserie SF G5 1011 Westfield Blvd Buck Wildz H5 6235 Guilford Ave Buffalo Wild Wings H5 6235 Guilford Ave Canal Bistro SF E4 6360 Guilford Ave Canal Point Grill SF G3 832 Westfield Blvd

I-465 and Michigan Road

Take Michigan Road south approx. 2 ¾ miles to Westlane Rd. Turn left (East) onto Westlane Rd. Take Westlane Rd (becomes 73rd, then 71st St.) approx. 4 miles to College Ave. Turn right (South) onto College Ave. Take College Ave. approx. 1 mile

























Take US31 (Meridian St.) South approx. 3 ¼ miles to 71st St. Turn left (East) on to 71st St. Take 71st St. approx. ½ mile to College Ave. Turn right (South) onto College Ave. Take College Ave. approx. 1 mile


61ST ST Brdway PARK














Carmel I-465 and N. Meridian

Take Meridian St. North approx. 6 ½ miles to Westfield Blvd. Turn right (North-East) onto Westfield Blvd. Take Westfield Blvd approx. 1 mile





Take I-69/SR37 Southbound (becomes Binford Blvd.) approx. 3 ¼th miles to 62nd St. Turn right (West) on 62nd. Take 62nd (becomes Broad Ripple Ave.) approx. 3 ½ miles

Downtown Indianapolis WESTFIELD BLVD








Contact the Broad Ripple Gazette at 508-6634.






Is your business missing from the directory? Want to improve your free listing? Gazette advertisers are listed with RED type and phone number.

Castleton I-465 and I-69



Casba G5 6319 Guilford Ave Chumley’s Grill H4 838 Broad Ripple Ave Circle City Pizza SF PP23 5172 College Ave Coffee and Crafts SF OO24 5345 Winthrop Ave. suite E Connor’s Pub E4 6331 Ferguson St Corner Wine Bar G5 6331 Guilford Ave 255-5159 Cornerstone Coffee OO23 651 E. 54th St Crackers Comedy Club H3 6281 College Ave Da’ Blue Lagoon SF PP23 5168 College Ave Dagwood’s Deli & Sub Shop SF H4 6336 Guilford Ave Einstein Bros Bagels SF H8 1055 Broad Ripple Ave Egyptian Cafe & Hooka Bar H4 6265 Carrollton Ave Enrico’s Italian Restaurant SF II31 6158 Hillside Food Paradise H5 6314 Winthrop Ave Greek’s Pizzeria SF D4 834 E. 64th St 465-9111 H2O Sushi SF HH30 1912 Broad Ripple Ave Hoghead’s BBQ SF C5 6420 Cornell Ave

Hollyhock Hill SF 8110 College Ave 251-2294 Hot Box Pizza SF H4 715 Broad Ripple Ave Hubbard & Cravens Coffee Co SF I4 6229 Carrollton Ave India Garden SF H4 830 Broad Ripple Ave Jazz Kitchen, The OO23 5377 College Ave Jimmy John’s SF H4 845 Broad Ripple Ave Just Judy’s SF OO30 2210 E. 54th St Khoury’s HH30 1850 Broad Ripple Ave L’Explorateur SF C4 6523 Ferguson St La Bamba SF H4 840 Broad Ripple Ave La Jolla Mexican Restaurant SF H5 921 Broad Ripple Ave La Piedad SF C5 6524 Cornell Ave Landsharks H4 810 Broad Ripple Ave Mama Carolla’s Italian Rest. SF OO24 1031 E. 54th St Marco’s Pizza SF H2 6286 College Ave Marco’s Restaurant & Lounge SF OO31 2380 E. 54th St McDonald’s SF G6 1020 Broad Ripple Ave Midtown Grill G3 815 Westfield Blvd


The Broad Ripple Gazette

Serving Meridan-Kessler & Broad Ripple for over 50 years

Next edition street date Feb 20

52nd & COLLEGE 283-6258

Ad deadline Feb 13

Since 1990

Mineshaft Saloon H4 812 Broad Ripple Ave Moe & Johnny’s OO23 5380 College Ave Monkey’s Tale Bar G5 925 Westfield Blvd Monon Coffee Company SF G5 920 Westfield Blvd Mug Shots Cafe C3 6525 College Ave Naked Tchopstix SF H3 6253 College Ave News Cafe SF OO23 5406 College Ave Noodles & Co SF H5 927 Broad Ripple Ave Old Pro’s Table H4 827 Broad Ripple Ave Pawn Shop Pub OO31 2222 E. 54th St 255-5430 Penn Station East Coast Subs SF I7 1089 Broad Ripple Ave Peppers H3 6283 College Ave Perk Up SF C5 6536 Cornell Ave Petite Chou SF G3 823 E. Westfield Blvd. Pizza King SF HH30 1904 Broad Ripple Ave Plump’s Last Shot D5 6416 Cornell Ave Qdoba SF G4 6334 Guilford Ave Red Key Tavern PP23 5170 College Ave Red Room, The G5 6335 Guilford Ave Ripple Bagel & Deli SF H4 850 Broad Ripple Ave Rock Lobster H4 820 Broad Ripple Ave Rookies Eatery & Pub CC32 2450 E 71st St 254-0037 Sam’s Gyros SF OO23 5404 College Ave Shalimar Indian Restaurant SF I7 1043 Broad Ripple Ave Sidewok Café, The SF I7 1087 Broad Ripple Ave Spin G4 6308 Guilford Ave Starbucks SF H4 854 Broad Ripple Ave Subway SF H5 901 Broad Ripple Ave Taste Cafe & Marketplace SF PP23 5164 College Ave Taza Cafe SF H4 825 Broad Ripple Ave Thai Cafe SF I7 1041 Broad Ripple Ave The Usual Suspects G5 6319 Guilford Ave Three Sisters SF E4 6360 Guilford Ave

Major Credit Cards Accepted

OLIS CONSTRUCTION Licensed, Bonded, Insured

Reupholstery Solutions for Interiors Phone 317.257.3246 Mobile 317.440.5544 Carpet & Cleaning UpholsteryGuy.com Residential/Commercial

• Painting • Flooring • Repairs

• Plumbing • Decks • Remodeling



24 Vol. 6 No. 3 Union Jack Pub SF 924 Broad Ripple Ave Upper Room Martini Bar 929 Westfield Blvd Vogue Inc 6259 College Ave Wellington Pub 6331 Guilford Ave Wild Beaver Saloon 723 Broad Ripple Ave Yats SF 5363 College Ave Zest SF 1134 54th St


The Broad Ripple Gazette H5 G5 H3 G5 H4 OO23 OO26

20 Past 4 & More C3 6513 College Ave 52nd Street Thrift Shop PP30 1929 E. 52nd St About Music H5 911 H Broad Ripple Ave Artifacts G5 6327 Guilford Ave Audio Solutions E5 6371 Guilford Ave Back on the Bus E4 6358 Guilford Ave Backyard Birds OO31 2374 E. 54th St Be: bon vivant OO23 5369 College Ave Bead Angels D4 6419 Ferguson St Bébé Gâté G3 824 E. Westfield Blvd. Big Hat Books C5 6510 Cornell Ave Bike Line, The C5 6520 Cornell Ave 253-2611 Blue Door, The D2 6426 College Ave Bluemingdeals PP31 2242 E. 53rd St Bokay Florist OO23 5410 College Ave Broad Ripple Knits D5 6406 N. Cornell Ave Broad Ripple Vintage D4 824 E. 64th St Brooke’s Army-Navy Surplus OO23 5402 College Ave Bungalow, The G5 924 Westfield Blvd 253-5028 Casey’s Closet OO24 5335 Winthrop Ave Ceramic Dreams OO26 1134 E. 54th St 202-9200 Chelsea’s G5 902 Westfield Blvd Coby Palmer Designs OO31 2376 E. 54th St Common Threads E5 6352 Guilford Ave Crazy8 Boutique G4 809 Broad Ripple Ave CVS G2 6290 College Ave Deconstructed G4 841 Westfield Blvd Der Glass Werks Stained Glass K3 6055 College Ave Designer Mens Room C3 720 E. 65th St Dinwiddies I3 6216 Carrollton Ave Divine Divas H4 811 Broad Ripple Ave Enchanted Studio OO26 1051 E. 54th St Fine Estate Rugs KK23 5914 College Ave 253-5910 Fox Studios KK23 5901 College Ave Frank’s Violins E4 6356 Guilford Ave Frankey’s G5 912 Westfield Blvd French Pharmacie G3 823 ½ E. Westfield Blvd. Future Shock F4 6323 Ferguson St Game Station I7 1045 Broad Ripple Ave 253-1434 gingko G5 908 Westfield Blvd

Girly Chic Boutique G4 Vi Walker Silver PP23 841 Westfield Blvd 5209 College Ave Gnosis H5 Vibes Records OO25 823 Broad Ripple Ave 1051 E. 54th St Good Earth Natural Food E4 Weaver’s Lawn & Garden H10 6350 Guilford Ave 1316 Broad Ripple Ave 254-8604 got SOLE? H3 Insurance 6243 College Ave AVAN Insurance Agency, Inc. HH29 Habig Garden Shop PP23 1702 Broad Ripple Ave 5201 College Ave Allstate Insurance - Don Oldham K3 Hardwickes Pipe & Tobacco H3 6117 N. College Ave Suite 6 743 Broad Ripple Ave David Logue & Assoc. Insurance C4 Haus KK23 6556 Ferguson St 5912 College Ave State Farm - Elizabeth Marshall K2 Head Lines G6 6124 N. College Ave 1056 Broad Ripple Ave 255-2700 Honeysuckle Home H5 920 Broad Ripple Ave Service Indie Bike PP23 Affordable Video H6 652 E. 52nd St 1009 Broad Ripple Ave Indy CD & Vinyl H4 Airmaster Heating & Cooling OO23 806 Broad Ripple Ave 5416 College Ave 259-1012 Alterations United Repair G4 Kayak Pools Midwest C4 817 Broad Ripple Ave 845 E. 65th St Apple Press C4 Kiln Creations H5 6523 Ferguson St 918 Broad Ripple Ave Arthur Murray Dance Studio H3 251-2386 723B Broad Ripple Ave Love Phaith H4 Auto Detailers OO24 809 Broad Ripple Ave 5301 Winthrop Ave. Luna Music PP23 923-0261 5202 College Ave AVI Systems D3 Madames, Mice & More B3 6413 College Ave 6551 Carrollton Ave Bray Technologies PC Repair K3 Magic Bus, The I7 6132 College Ave 1073 Broad Ripple Ave Bright Ideas AA25 Marigold C5 7425 Westfield Blvd 6512 Cornell Ave 257-4111 McNamara Florist K7 Broad Ripple Appliance C3 1111 E. 61st St 6515 College Ave 253-3434 Broad Ripple Design Assoc. I2 My Secret Garden D4 660 E. 62nd St 6409 Ferguson St Broad Ripple Heating and Air B5 Northside News OO23 6542 Westfield Blvd 5408 College Ave Broad Ripple Lawn Equipment E4 Now and Then Shop OO26 823 E. 64th St 1134 54th St, Studio I P.S. Jewelers B3 Broad Ripple Lock Service II31 6575 College Ave 2023 Broad Ripple Ave Palm Court Designs OO26 Broad Ripple P&L I2 1134 54th St, Studio K 6251 College Ave Pear Tree, The K7 Broad Ripple Restoration Painting G5 1111 61st St 5916 Birchwood Ave Periwinkle G4 Cabinetpak Kitchens JJ31 835 Westfield Blvd 6038 Keystone Ave Personalized Corporate Services OO26 Carreau Design C5 1134 E. 54th St, Studio L 6528 Cornell Ave Pitaya H4 Central Indiana Comm. Foundation I11 842 Broad Ripple Ave 1405 Broad Ripple Ave Portico F3 Classic Cleaners I6 804 Laverock Rd 1037 Broad Ripple Ave Posh Petals OO25 257-8267 1134 E. 54th St. Studio A Crystal Yacht Club DD25 923-6000 Pro Winds OO23 6729 Westfield Blvd 5412 College Ave Clark & Osborne A4 Rag-O-Rama I7 6617 Ferguson St 1069 Broad Ripple Ave Club House, The C5 Red Rose Vintage Clothing J2 6552 Cornell Ave 6169 College Ave. Contour Specialists Dental Lab C4 Reese Kitchens OO25 6544 Ferguson St 1057 E. 54th St Crystal Yacht Club DD25 253-1659 6729 Westfield Blvd Ripple Surf Shop H11 Deborah Marr Interiors B5 1430 Broad Ripple Ave 930 E. 66th St RSVP G3 DEA, Inc. C4 825 East Westfield 6548 Ferguson St Running Company I7 Deanna Hoskins Interior Design C3 1079 Broad Ripple Ave 726 E. 65th St Rusted Moon Outfitters D5 Deering Cleaners E2 6410 Cornell Ave 6380 College Ave Segway C5 Demerly Architects JJ22 853 E. 65th St 6144 Park Ave Sherwin-Williams II31 Drewmont Graphics OO24 2221 E. 62nd St Suite A 5343 Winthrop Ave Solomon-Jones Antiques & Interiors OO25 Elgin Water Care H6 1103 E. 54th 1009 Broad Ripple Ave Susan VanHuss Designs OO26 FedEx/Kinko’s G6 1134 54st St 1050 Broad Ripple Ave Tee Pot E2 Flanner & Buchanan H10 6378 College Ave 1305 Broad Ripple Ave Tee’s Daydreams C4 475-4475 6503 Ferguson St Front Row Tickets H5 Teeki Hut H4 1001 Broad Ripple Ave suite C 807 Broad Ripple Ave Genesis Music C5 Toggery Resale Boutique E5 6516 Cornell Ave 6349 Guilford Ave Goldleaf Promotional Products B4 Trash To Treasures I3 6630 Ferguson St 6201 College Ave Graham Sewing Service PP30 United Package Liquors H5 1927 E. 52nd St 1006 Broad Ripple Ave Greg Smith Associates, Inc. C4 Urbane Optical Village D5 6515 Carrollton Ave 840 E. 64th St

Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009 Hughey Automotive & Marine OO24 5337 Winthrop Ave. 507-7559 Hughey Hartman Interiors OO24 5335 Winthrop Ave. Indy Cellular Repair I5 6251 Winthrop Ave Suite 2 Infinite Self Storage PP25 1102 E 52nd St Integrated Learning I2 6201 College Ave Integrity Development Partners B5 930 E. 66th St JackieBlue ebay OO25 1049 E. 54th St Jiffy Lube D3 6401 College Ave Joy’s House HH30 2028 Broad Ripple Ave Kayak Pools Midwest C4 845 E. 65th St Kimmel Shoe Repair H3 733 Broad Ripple Ave Larry Hughey’s Refurbishing OO24 5335 Winthrop Ave. 257-3246 LifeGrid Internet HH29 1810 Broad Ripple Ave. #12 Merrill Stage Equipment C5 6520 Westfield Blvd Mirrormen, LLC I5 6201 Winthrop Ave Unit B Momentum Design H4 6304 Guilford Ave, suite A Mr. Poster E4 855 Main St Noble of Indiana JJ23 6060 College Ave Nugent Design B5 930 E 66th St Nygaard’s Service Center KK23 5898 College Ave Olis Construction HH29 1654 Broad Ripple Ave 847-9602 Optical Repair Shoppe JJ23 6021 College Ave Painting By A Woman’s Touch JJ28 6141 Primrose Ave 255-8754 PakMail HH31 2138 E. 62nd St Passwater’s Auto Specialists H4 829 Broad Ripple Ave Paymaster Sales & Service C5 6532 Westfield Blvd PointBlank Nutrition D5 6402 Cornell Ave Process Controls Corp. C4 6519 Ferguson St Quality Leasing Co Inc G4 6320 Guilford Ave Re-Bath Designs JJ31 6038 Keystone Ave Renaissance Studios Music C5 6516 Cornell Ave Ripple FX Inc E4 6330 Ferguson St Riverwalk (banquet facility) DD25 6229 Westfield Blvd Roger Ward Engineering OO23 5420 N. College Avenue, Suite 202 Rogers Pools E5 6364 Westfield Blvd Ross & Babcock Travel H4 832 Broad Ripple Ave Royal Trophies & Awards C3 6539 Carrollton Ave Sasha’s Watch & Jewelry Repair H3 739 Broad Ripple Ave Scofield Editorial F6 6311 Westfield Blvd #302 Sequences PP23 5206 College Ave Small Box Consulting H4 6332 N. Guilford Ave Suite 207 201-4339 Tender Loving Care Health II31 6100 N. Keystone Ave. Suite 360 Thorp Awnings OO26 1101 E 54th St TGS Architects C4 6535 Ferguson St The UPS Store I7 1075 Broad Ripple Ave Total Computing F5 6311 Westfield Blvd touchAsoul design studio B5 6500 Westfield Blvd Velvet Touch Dry Cleaners C3 6509 College Ave Village Plumbing B5 6542 Westfield Blvd Watt-A-Copy II31 2201 E. 62nd St

Vol. 6 No. 3

The Broad Ripple Gazette

25 Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

Gettin’ Ripped in Ripple by Laura Minor Guest columnist: Jennifer Willis

How Busy People Find Time to Exercise I was pleased and quite impressed to learn that both the new president and first lady are regular exercisers, managing to squeeze in workouts despite their hectic schedules. It’s difficult not to admire their dedication. When in Chicago, the new first lady was said to begin her day with a 4:30 a.m. gym workout. Barack kept up that same routine during his presidential bid and after he won the election. Last month, it was reported that he had gone to the gym for 90 minutes a day for at least 48 days straight. The number one excuse for not exercising is lack of time. I know the difficulty of fitting in daily workouts while working full time. It is hard! But, it should be one of your priorities to stay healthy for yourself and your family. Plus, exercise makes for a more productive day. So, I would like to make some suggestions of how to make time to become and stay physically fit. If you work in the corporate 9 to 5 (more likely, 8 to 6) world, there are three main time slots to fit in a workout; one, early in the morning before work, two, during your lunch break, and three, sometime after the work day. You may be able to fit in a full workout at one of these times or utilize a part of two or three. My favorite is early morning, before there is a possibility for interruption to your daily schedule or the temptation to take care of other responsibilities. The main deterrent here is basically the desire to sleep longer. However, it becomes easier and easier once it is your routine. You will find that your start your day off in a better mood because of a sense of accomplishment and knowing that you have done something good for yourself before facing the demands of the office. If you happen to “accidently” push snooze too many times or even smash your alarm clock to smithereens (a.k.a. Office Space), you have two other options. Lunchtime workouts are a great way to break up the day. If your job is flexible, you may have time to take a run or go to the gym, and make up for it by staying a little later. Another more time efficient way to grab a lunchtime workout is to have a trainer come to your office and teach a class. There are many effective non-sweating workouts including yoga, pilates, resistance training, stretching, or a combination of each. I have found that corporate classes increase employee moral and camaraderie. I have also seen many friendships formed between participants who otherwise never would have met. Okay, this is the hardest one for me, but is better than not exercising at all, and that is to go after work. It is amazing to me how tired I would get after sitting behind a computer all day. I guess the lack of exercise equals lack of energy. Here’s what you do; always have clothes in your car and drive directly to the gym or fitness studio. The hardest part is getting there. Once you get moving, you will feel the energy seeping back into your body. Also, try to choose activities you really enjoy. Taking a class or playing a team sport can feel more like social hour and a little competition can be a real motivator. These are just a few suggestions to fit in your daily workout. Busy people can and do workout, it is just a matter of making it one of your priorities. A former coworker of mine works full-time (well, really more than full time). He has five kids who he coaches every sport they are involved in. He keeps up the yard and the house. And, he is constantly training for a marathon or Iron Man triathlon. If this man can fit in that much time for exercise, I believe all of us can find at least one hour a day to dedicate towards our health because we have life, So.Be.Fit. Jenny is a former Civil Engineer who earned her degree from Purdue University. Currently, she is an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer who is been blessed to work for the amazing owner (who is also her sister) of So.Be.Fit. Laura Minor owner and operator of So.Be.Fit. Personal Training and Fitness studio located at 54th and the Monon. She is passionate about teaching others how to “FIT” exercise and physical activity into their daily lives, and have fun while doing so! Visit her website at www.sobefitindy.com or email her at laura@broadripplegazette.com

317-255-SSHE (7743)

5560 N. Illinois (56th & Illinois)

26 Vol. 6 No. 3 Sudoku solutions

puzzles on Page 17

The Broad Ripple Gazette Hidden History solution

puzzle on Page 19

Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

Financial Focus Sweeten This Valentine’s Day With Financial Gifts




You could give flowers. You could give candy. You could give jewelry, a watch or a gift certificate. They’re all fine Valentine’s Day presents, and your recipient would appreciate any of them. But this year, why not go beyond the usual gifts and give your valentine something that can sweeten the rest of the year — and beyond? Specifically, why not give a financial gift? Of course, you can always write out a check, or stick some money in a card. But why not think “outside the box” a little bit? Here are some possibilities to consider:

Crossword solution

puzzle on Page 19


• Give stocks. You might want to give shares of stock in a company that makes products favored by your loved one. As an alternative to buying stocks, you could give some shares of your own. You’ll need to know what you originally paid for the stock (its tax basis), how long you’ve held it and its fair market value at the date of the gift. The recipient will need this information to determine gains or losses when he or she sells the stock. (You’ll also need to determine if you have to pay gift taxes. You can give up to $12,000 per Kevin Schloneger, year, free of gift taxes, to as many people as you want.) CFP • Give a savings bond. You might think that U.S. government savings bonds were a quaint relic of the past, but they’re still around. Your valentine might appreciate a low-risk, government-backed bond that pays a guaranteed rate of interest. Plus, you can buy a Series EE bond for as little as $50 or as much as $5,000 (the limit for a calendar year).

Where in the Village?

puzzle on Page 17

Answer: The street name is written in the sidewalk at Central Avenue and 63rd Street.

• Contribute to an IRA. The IRA contribution limit for 2009 is $5,000. Investors who are 50 or older can also make a “catch-up” contribution of an additional $1,000. So, if your valentine hasn’t fully funded his or her IRA for this year, you can help. While you can’t put money directly into someone else’s IRA, you can write a check for that purpose. Because of their tax advantages, IRAs are great retirement-savings vehicles, so they are well worth funding. (Traditional IRAs grow tax-deferred; Roth IRAs grow tax-free, provided the investor has had the account for at least five years and is 59-1/2 or older.) • Make a charitable gift in your valentine’s name. Your loved one, like many people, probably supports a variety of social and charitable organizations. By making a donation to one of these groups in your valentine’s name, you can add a special meaning to this Valentine’s Day. At the same time, you’ll be giving yourself a little valentine, because you may be able to claim a tax deduction for your charitable gift. In fact, if you give an asset, such as a stock, which has appreciated in value, you’ll get an extra tax break because you won’t be responsible for capital gains when the charity eventually sells the stock. By making any of these gifts, you’ll show your valentine that you truly care about the most important part of his or her life — the future. Kevin Schloneger is a Certified Financial Planner at the Broad Ripple Edward Jones office. For more information, call 257-7588.

Random Ripplings NOW Serving Beer and Wine!

Greeks Pizzeria 834 E. 64th St.

317-465-9111 Hours: Sun-Thu 11am to 9pm Fri-Sat 11am to 10pm

Hiring Wait Staff $7-$13 Per Hour Apply In Person at 834 E 64th St

Dine In • Carry Out • Free Delivery

Girly Chic Boutique will be moving into the storefront last occupied by Big Hat Books at 6323 Westfield Boulevard. They will be moving from their current location about a block west on Westfield.

Vol. 6 No. 3

27 Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

The Broad Ripple Gazette

by Theresa Kolbus

by Norm Tucker

I was the first to arrive to the canal bistro. Even The Gazette received an invitation to the Canal though the streets were packed with snow, the Bistro Mediterranean Grille Preview Night to view closest available parking spot was around the corner owner, George Hanna’s, new Sahara Lounge and on Westfield Boulevard. The small parking lot was restaurant expansion. It is stunning. This was the filled. The hostess and waitress were both very night of the third largest snowfall in Indianapolis polite and personable, as talking about the weather history, so snowgear and pre-planning was in orwas more than a meaningless gesture today. I had der to make the treacherous journey to the warmer never been inside of the Canal Bistro (only on the confines of the Sahara Lounge. patio), so commenting on the atmosphere will be George met us at the door and put us in the quite from a new perspective altogether. The new dining capable hands of Carissa who was so well inroom was very elegant with plush maroon curtains, formed about the menu that I almost thought she tiled floors, and a ceiling painted blue with clouds. might double as the chef! All of the staff are very (reopening) The chairs require decent posture as the backs won’t attentive to detail and have a great attitude. allow slouching, and if everything wasn’t trimmed in There was a special menu to highlight popular gold, it may as well have been. items on the regular menu. We started with all 317-254-8700 My water with lemon arrived with a large, fresh three appetizers, hummus, baba ganoush and calaHours: juicy lemon slice. This is always important as water mari. I stuck with the first two and found them to Mon-Fri: 11:00 AM to 9:30 PM refills don’t usually come with more lemon, and this have very individual tastes with a nice presentaSat: 11:00 AM to 10:30 PM is one of the first impressions of the restaurant. Our tion. I ordered the house salad, which has nothing Sun: 11:00 AM to 9:30 PM appetizers were hummus, baba ganoush, pita and for to do with the guy that’s the irritable doctor, which • Non-Smoking the meat eaters, calamari. I’m not the biggest baba was very fresh and had just enough of the house • Carry out and Catering available ganoush fan, but the few bites of pita with baba dressing to add flavor. • Full bar ganoush were okay. There was just a mild olive taste. The list of entrees had a good variation but I per• Outdoor dining available It was creamy and oily on top. I would probably go sonally have never acquired a taste for lamb and • canal-bistro.com as far as saying that this hummus was probably the the tilapia had that dreadful word “spicy” in front best I’ve ever had. Perhaps it was heavy on the tahini of it, so I opted to let our editor give that a try. He reported that it was spicy, but not too spicy, and very good. The beef tender- or the garlic, but this hummus was bursting with a tangy flavor and a smooth loin kabab looked like a winner and trust me folks, it is. The smell on its way consistency. Rather than salad, I went with the lentil soup. The soup base was from the kitchen gives a hint that everything is going to be delicious, and it clear. I was informed it was vegan, and with the clearness of the broth, I was was. The skewers are retired dueling swords and must be 18” long, they’re surprised to find how flavorful this soup was. It complimented the heaviness of huge! Hunks of tenderloin big enough to be petite filets along with onions, the potatoes and lentils. The falafel plate came with falafel patties on a bed of tomatoes and green peppers which reminded me of our old boating days at tahini, diced tomato and something green, perhaps parsley, alongside with fries. Lake Monroe. This along with a small pyramid of rice, some tahini dipping The dish was served with a side of ketchup and a side of tahini. French fries sauce and some scattered vegetable goodies makes for a “to go” box which are really good dipped in tahini. The falafel patties were brown and hard on the outside and green and soft on the inside with a slight spice. If you’re wondering happened to me again last night on a return visit. For dessert…if you are starting to get full stop, just stop and do the “to go” what falafel is, it is a patty made of either ground chick peas or ground fava box because if you do not have a piece of Mona’s baklava you will be miss- beans. The falafel was pretty dry, but tahini will moisten the falafel. I would ing the best thing ever. George says his wife whips these up every morning probably be happy just eating tahini for dinner. and the secret is in the rosewater, that’s all I can tell you. Some baklava is Dessert was chocolate tuxedo cake and baklava. The chocolate tuxedo cake was overpowered with honey, not these, no honey used. They are very good! The sweet with a white cream on top of white cake, and a thicker, more solid layer chocolate tuxedo cake was also excellent, but it just pushed my sugar high of chocolate with a bit of white chocolate swirled on top. This dessert was pretty good, however, the baklava really takes the cake (no pun intended). This sweet over the top! Wow, good stuff. Maybe I should just taste deserts and forget about the other treat was flaky in a good way. It was sweet like honey, however it wasn’t made with honey. Our ever so informative, helpful waitress informed us that it’s made stuff, I’m sure my dentist would like that. All in all Canal Bistro is a must do restaurant and this Spring the outdoor with sugar and rose water, and it’s made by the owner’s wife every night. I could dining is the place to be—ideal for people watching. A great place to see and eat her baklava every night, that’s for sure. If you have never been to the Canal Bistro, you are in for a treat. If you have already been, then it is time to go again be seen. and check out the new section.

Canal Bistro

6349 Guilford Ave.

*The SBS (Side-by-Side) Review will attempt to cover every Broad Ripple-area restaurant with a goal of letting our readers, both meat-eaters and vegetarians, know what they can expect. We arrive unannounced and pay for our meals in order to remain objective. Send your question/comments to sbs@broadripplegazette.com.

Random Ripplings

The interior of the new section at the Canal Bistro.

28 Vol. 6 No. 3

The Broad Ripple Gazette

Feb 6 - Feb 19, 2009

First Braille Challenge held at ISBVI By Alan Hague

alan@broadripplegazette.com The Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (ISBVI), located at 7725 North College Avenue, held the first regional Braille Challenge on Saturday, January 31. Students came from New Harmony, Richmond, Batesville, Vincennes, Cloverdale, Indianapolis, Francisco, Fort Branch, Nappanee, Whiteland, Fishers, Carmel, Franklin, Elkhart, Valparaiso, Kokomo, and Osgood to compete in the all-day event. Competitions were held in several age and skill categories that tested spelling,

reading comprehension and proofreading. Toni Hughes, Director of Outreach and Related Services and Braille Challenge Coordinator at ISBVI, led an awards ceremony to honor each of the participants. It is planned to have another challenge in 2010.

Above: Jim Durst, ISBVI Superintendent and Diane Childers, SchoolAge Consultant, Outreach Department presented awards to each participant.

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Right: The Braille Challenge participants gathered on the stairs for a group photo.

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