The 21st century in a small industrial town -is it backing back in time, walking in sleep,searching debris of the past - to be faced withwhat is coming tomorrow? Left with nobeliefs which they fed their lives, people arethrown out like a dog in the street, to find - apiece of bread, and the right to live. Collective,solidarity, the society made to measureindividual - based on generations of workerswho built their existence, have proven to beinappropriate ground for the continuation offuture life. Going to the extreme, where thevalues of the past decades, declared a failureand promise of future prosperity, both economicand spiritual, replaced by fear of losinga job and a lie - values. At the time, whenthe law forbade the persecution of stray dogs,also did not take care of their care and accommodationto asylum for animals, but theywere left to survive on the streets, feeding onthe remains of the food we found in the overpacked trash containers.Vladimir Radivojević