the dogs times

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the dogs times vladimir radivojević

ĂŠditions bsides

PORTFOLIO #20 été / summer 2010

the dogs times vladimir radivojević

éditions bsides

PORTFOLIO #20 été / summer 2010

Vladimir Radivojević Born in 1975, lives and works in Bor. Photographer enthusiast, trying to record daily life in his hometown.He believes that the future of the nation is sketched in portraits of ordinary people.

comité de rédaction : Jean-Luc Cormier, Hervé Dez, Pablo Fernandez. maquette / layout : Virginie Laurent et Hervé Dez

THE DOGS TIMES Bor’s almanac

The 21st century in a small industrial town is it backing back in time, walking in sleep, searching debris of the past - to be faced with what is coming tomorrow? Left with no beliefs which they fed their lives, people are thrown out like a dog in the street, to find - a piece of bread, and the right to live. Collective, solidarity, the society made to measure individual - based on generations of workers who built their existence, have proven to be inappropriate ground for the continuation of future life. Going to the extreme, where the values of the past decades, declared a failure and promise of future prosperity, both economic and spiritual, replaced by fear of losing a job and a lie - values. At the time, when the law forbade the persecution of stray dogs, also did not take care of their care and accommodation to asylum for animals, but they were left to survive on the streets, feeding on the remains of the food we found in the over packed trash containers. Vladimir Radivojević

La photographie, dans son utilisation de message visuel a des fin de propagande commerciale ou journalistique, peut sans doute atteindre un certain espoir en l’avenir de l’homme. Sans être “impropre”, cette photographie s’éloigne volontairement de la nature même du procédé photographique : la fabrique de la mélancolie. Dans “the dogs times”, c’est une autre mécanique qui se met en place. Vlada traverse les yeux écarquillés, un monde sans nostalgie et sans espoir. Ici tout ce qui n’est pas violence semble déjà brisé. Le chaos n’est pas loin. Bientôt, les chiens redevenus sauvages, seront les maîtres de la ville. Hervé Dez

bsides © 2010 pour la présente édition © Vladimir Radivojević pour les photographies Tous droits réservés

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