The Beaver Tree 2022-2023 | April/May Edition | Issue 1

Page 1




President Remarks


Divisional Information


District News


International News




Upcoming Events


Find the Buckys?




Club Pledge





Editor's Note

Follow for access to important club

updates and resources!


FACEBOOK Brooklyn Tech Key Club


DISCORD Brooklyn Tech Key Club




EDITOR'S NOTE hey key clubbers! I'm Siri Waxenberg, your brand new

bulletin editor! I am so excited to present our first bulletin of the 2022-23 Service Year. Our newsletter

The Beaver Tree will

come out at least every two months. The newsletter is here to honor your hard work in our events and fundraisers. We are off to a great start so far and with all of you the Tech Key will only become even better! This Beaver Tree issue will cover exciting events from April and May 2022. While you look over the amazing articles written by our volunteers,

look out for pictures of our mascot Bucky (if you've

forgotten what our beloved beaver looks like you can find one of him at the bottom of this page). If you found them all, you get

+5 points!

crossword at the very end that will rely on your knowledge of our club. If you complete it, you get another +5 points Also, there is a

(to fill it out, I recommend taking a screenshot and then using the draw tool on that image). There is a proof form on pages 20/21 for both activities.

Do one or both!

You can contribute to our next Beaver Tree issue with articles and/or pictures from events. Articles are +10 points and pictures are +5 points. We always need more material so help us out! the

link is:

PRESIDENT REMARKS hey guys! I am so excited to enter the 2022-2023 service year as your president. This is going to be my fourth and final year in Key Club and I honestly could not have asked for a better experience. I’ve been able to create so many events and watch service be transformed in a pandemic as your Interclub coordinator and Vice-President. Out of all my activities, my favorite has been meeting you guys at our events. Our club truly had and has so many personalities and so many wonderful people to meet. You guys have done such a superb job as members at

participating in events, I hope you’ve been able to enjoy them and learn something new! But enough about the past, let’s talk about the future!

I am so proud of our newest executive and cabinet board and cannot wait to show you guys all we have planned! I’ve heard the feedback and this service year I plan to attack them head on. My goal has always been to make Key Club a fruitful place for every one of you to grow. This year I plan to have more fundraisers, school events, and leadership opportunities to make that a reality!

I’ve used the word service a lot but what exactly is it? Service is defined as the action of helping others or doing work for someone. While this is true, I truly don’t believe the seven letter word can define such an amazing concept. Helping others always ends up helping yourself, making your character more than you can realize, even if you’re just raking leaves. Service is an act of giving back to the community that has shaped every one of us. For that, I want to thank everyone for playing a part in making the Brooklyn Tech Community beautiful and encourage you all to keep playing a role in that!

Yours in care and service,

Jennifer Li

Brooklyn Tech Key Club is part of DIVISION 9!

What's been going on in our division?


Welcome to Amy Wu! Our new Lieutenant Governor

Amy Wu is our LTG this service year. She has already been doing great work and you can get more information via the Division 9 Instagram @nydkcd9.

Divisional Positions Amy is looking for a SECRETARY The Secretary supports the Lieutenant Governor and Executive Assistant. This role is a good fit for a person who enjoys regular communication with the LTG, has good management skills, and is willing to do whatever it takes to serve his/her division.

As Secretary, you will be responsible for assisting the LTG with contacting other clubs and taking attendance at events. Secretary plays a major role in managing paperwork alongside the LTG.

Apply here

Applications are due June 7, 2022 at 5:00PM. (you MUST be member to apply) You will be notified about interviews by June 8, 2022 11:59PM.

Interviews will be on June 9, 2022 at 5:00PM to 7:00PM on ZOOM. If you have any other questions, please contact Amy at

Hello Brooklyn Tech Key Club! This is your Lieutenant Governor Amy Wu! It is a pleasure serving you all this service year and I hope to meet you all soon. (see the previous page for information about the divisional meeting on June 7th!)

District Key Club I would recommend signing up for my

weekly updates! In my weekly updates, I forward messages from the District level to my entire division (you!)

Here is the sign up for that:

Upcoming Divisional! June 7 at 6PM. It will be held at: 8711 18th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11214. Our first divisional will be Tuesday,

We will be going over

divisional updates and also

celebrating the new service year! This is a perfect

opportunity to meet Key Clubbers from other schools and be updated on what's going on throughout the division. Snacks will be provided and expect the divisional to last about 2 hours!

You will get POINTS AND HOURS for attending!

Click here for the sign up to the divisional.


If you'd like to be caught up to date with every New York

District-Wide Goals For this service year, our district goals are:


Fundraising Goal: $185,000 Service Hour Goal: 175,000 hours

We have it in us so please continue participating in events (and be on the lookout for division-wide events!)

District Project Voting We there three final candidates for the district projects. Key Clubbers across New York district can vote on which one will be our district project.

The options are: 1. Pencils of Promise - more info 2. American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA) - more info 3. National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation (NOAH) - more info

YOU can vote here

This is a new service year across our

Upcoming Event Spotlight: 77th Key Club International Convention (ICON) This annual conference is to be held in Washington, D.C. at the Washington Hilton from July 6 to 10th. Brooklyn Tech Key Clubbers can attend virtually for $25. Registration closes on June 15th. There will be in-person attendees as well but we encourage Brooklyn Technical High School Key Clubbers to stay virtual.


Past Event Spotlight: Earth Day: Trees and Hope! - April 22, 2022 The Wawasee High School Key Club in Indiana combined efforts to help the environment and mental health through its Earth Day: Trees and Hope service project.

With the help of a

Youth Opportunities Fund grant and the Wawasee Area Conservancy Foundation


global club! so what's going on...



NYSoM’s events are always so fascinating! Whenever I see collaborations between Tech Key Club and NYSoM, I’ll sign up immediately~ On April 16th, I attended the Easter Eggstravaganza event with many AMAZING Key Club executives and friends who were so passionate about helping children. It was held in a park located in Brooklyn with security standing by to protect the staff and visitors’ safety. When I volunteered there, I asked myself many times if I was dreaming because the smile on each child’s face was so lovely!!! There were so many cool activities - inflatable castles, egg paintings, popcorn makes, etc. - that even I wished to travel back to my childhood. I first volunteered as a photographer to help kids take pictures with toy costumes. Then, I served as an “artist” to paint cute cartoon figures on children’s faces. “Can I have the princess one in pink, please” many children ran to me excitedly. Every time I looked or talked to the children, some warm air circulated throughout my body. “EMPOWERMENT” was the only word that could describe my feeling at that time. The energetic children jumping around yelling, “mom, I don’t wanna go home,” or seeing the quiet children smiling shyly, “thank you,” made me feel so powerful! Even as a sophomore in high school, I could still contribute a lot to building warm communities and spreading love:)

- Yijin Dong


I had so much fun in Japan Parade! It was one of the most fantastic events I ever attended in this service year <3 On April 9th, I helped run one of the largest annual festivals that celebrated Japanese culture through food, music, and art. As soon as my friends arrived, we were amazed by how populated the festival was. Hundreds of people moved forward slowly on the blocks, and each store had an endless line. Japanese music played all over the blocks; some customers even went into the middle to dance! The Japanese manager was very kind. She introduced to us serval interesting working positions, such as guiding customers to different stores, organizing lines order, and promoting the festival to passers-by. Eventually, I chose to do the promotion job. With her guidance, I soon became familiar with my responsibilities - ask customers to fill out surveys as they would get the chance to win a prize. Not surprisingly, many people rejected my request to fill out surveys. However, because of experienced so many rejections, I was very excited when I met the one customer who said "yes" to me! Through our chatting, he told me how he came from Korea and aimed to visit every landscape in NYC. His politeness led me to feel so deeply touched. After he finished his survey and exchanged social media accounts, we took a picture together. Even today, we are still in touch - sharing our daily highlights occasionally:) I also met other dedicated key clubbers from different grades and schools in this event! The corndog store's owner even offered me a free corn dog as an appreciation for volunteering at the festival. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE

- Yijin Dong

GLOBAL LEADERSHIP CERTIFICATE PROGRAM At the end of April, I and many other members participated in Key Club International’s Kiwanis Global Leadership Certificate program. Consisting of a variety of informative and engaging courses, the program supplied Key Clubbers with an opportunity to develop skills pertaining to one of our organization’s major core values, leadership. The courses provided educational insight on how to take an active role in your community and build meaningful connections with fellow volunteers. For instance, one of the courses which I completed was a session named What is Bias? This particular course defined the concept of “bias” and informed viewers on ways which we can all go about tackling our implicit biases to create a more equitable and open-minded community atmosphere. Another course, called Building Meaningful Relationships, addressed the importance of forming connections with one’s peers not only in the world of volunteering but as a general life skill. The session provided valuable tips on how one can reach out to others in their community and potentially organize rewarding service events to bring people together and strengthen friendships with one’s peers. Overall, the Global Leadership Certificate Program offers Key Clubbers on a global scale the chance to become more involved and active members in their home clubs, encouraging students to take on leadership roles and become more critical minded volunteers.

- Frankie Negri


On May 14th, I joined the Kiwanis Donation Packing Event to help pack essentials for Africa Children’s Fellowship (USACF). Once I arrived there, I was first surprised by how nice the place was - a large farm with ducks playing around and dandelions flowing in the air. Mr. Grashow introduced the three large blue containers located in the middle of the farm. Each of them contained hundreds of boxes of books shipped to Africa as charity supplies! Our excitement turned into motivation that we dedicated to volunteering. The works were separated into four stages packing, grouping, organizing, and pizza time! We first all stood in from a table, folding and taping cardboard into paper boxes to store a large number of essentials. Secondly, we taped the boxes and tabled them based on their categories. Then, we lined up the tables like a security check-in airport; and each member stood in a fixed position, pushing boxes forward to the next person. The scene of seeing members’ collaborations was so memorable!!!

- Yijin Dong


On May 14th, I took the train to the Barclay Center, and right outside, I saw a group of people waiting there. I asked them if they were from Key Club and they said yes! We were greeted by a man who we supposed is the guy that was picking us up from the place to our destination. We all got in the car and on our way there, we were just chit-chatting about random things to break the ice! Mr.Grashow told us about his stories and how he became an advisor for multiple key clubs across different schools in New York City and Brooklyn Technical High School was one of them and which to me, was very impressive!

When we got there, he gave us instructions and the story of the organization he created. It was made to help the children in Africa because it was his passion to support those in need. We were very moved by his determination and started packing right away. We organized the books and toys in a separate box and moved the boxes to another cart. Through this, I was able to experience and learn the skill of teamwork which enabled me to deepen my relationship with those around me and Key Club! I was so happy that everyone there was very kind and friendly to one another. It was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to continue volunteering for Key Club in the near future!

- Xin Yi Chen


Key Club held its first in-person fundraiser for this service year at Yaya Tea! This event was dedicated to raising funds for the Trevor Project, a charity focused on suicide prevention efforts amongst the LBGTQ community. Personally, I absolutely loved interacting with members and guiding them with picking up their mobile orders. It was truly heartwarming to see how devoted our members were to this fundraiser. I was able to speak to people on line and educate them about how Trevor Project contributed its resources to the LGBTQ youth. With May being Mental Health Awareness Month, I believe it is essential to making mental health services more accessible to the LGBTQ community. As members, we participated by purchasing a drink/meal from Yaya’s entire menu. My role was to ensure members indicated that they were Key Clubbers at register and I also convinced others to make extra donations as well. It was quite the experience! Even though being somewhat drenched by the rain, I had so much fun socializing with new people! I ended up purchasing a Milk Tea drink and I donated my additional change to our donation bucket. Overall, I enjoyed providing service to our community!

-Mamoona Hassan


On May 20th, there was a Ya-Ya Tea fundraiser that was held right around our school’s corner; it was my first and favorite in person fundraising event! I ordered a chicken origini online using the revel thirty minutes before the school had ended and when I got there, I saw a huge line that piled right outside the store. It was expected as Ya-Ya Tea is very well known and relatively new to the area. As I got closer, I recognized a face among all of the people there and it was Seraphina! I saw her standing outside with a few others next to her. I waved at her and we just started talking. There, I met many of the executives in the Key Club. One of them was named Ochen and he had the brightest smile on his face. I was asked if I needed any help and I answered yes and told him that I had digitally ordered an item from the menu. I was informed that I could just skip the line however it was a bit crowded so Ochen offered to help me to get my origini! I thanked him for helping me because I was in a rush since I had to volunteer for Yuh-Line right afterschool that day! I am so delighted to know that Key Club is filled with executives who are kind and understanding!

-Xin Yi Chen


On May 20th, I attended to the super cool Yaya Tea Fundraiser! I was very surprised when this event was announced in our event emails. The excitement of seeing the collaboration between my favorite club and my favorite snack store made me look forward to my after school time of that Friday. I called my friends to join as soon as I heard the news. We were so excited that we preordered our food and drinks through the “Revel” website Key Club recommended for faster service a week before the event. It was so nice to chat with my friends as well as to meet other Key Clubbers in Yaya Tea store! I heard that our purchases contributed a lot to the success of the fundraiser. I’m now feeling so proud that we contribute to build better communities for both Key Club and “Trevor Project.”

-Yijin Dong


THANK YOU FOR SUBMITTING ARTICLES You can contribute to the next Beaver Tree here

If you would like to be project captain (+10 pts), please email us at and include the name of the event, your name, OSIS, phone number, and whether or not you can text. As project captain, you are in charge of taking photos, making sure key clubbers that attended the event are signed in/out,

The Happening (+20 points) Hey Key Clubbers! It is time for Church Street School's annual Block Party, the Happening! The event itself will run 12 - 4pm, but we always need help in the hours prior and after to help with set up and break down.

They will have several activities happening throughout the street and could use up to 10 volunteers at a time that could come in 2 shifts!


June 5

Time: Shift 1 - 10am - 2:30pm


Shift 2: 2pm - 5:30pm.

Location: 41 White St, New York, NY 10013 Outside on White Street between Church Street and Franklin Place Points: 20 points Hours: varies on shift

Sign up here

NY Mets (+30 points) Hey Key Clubbers!! Join the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center Foundation and the New York Mets out at Citi Field during the 2022 season. Purchase tickets through the link below for 40 dollars to these select games. The Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center Foundation will receive $10 off of each ticket sold. (No need for a project captain for this event)


7/1, 8/31

Time: 7:10pm Location: Citi Field 41 Seaver Way Flushing, New York 11368 Points: 15 points Hours: 3 hours

Sign up here Proof form


etc. If you have any questions about this position, contact us!

NYSoM Once Upon a Time (+30 points) We are back with another NYSoM event!! The event will take place on Saturday, June 25th and we will need volunteers from 12pm-6pm. Volunteer duties will include being costumed fairytale characters (costumes provided


in clean and new conditions) and managing the fairytale themed activities.


Saturday, June 25th

Time: 12pm-6pm Location: Maria Hernandez Park Points: 30 points Hours: 6 hours

Sign Up Here

ONLINE: East Side Elders Reach out and write a letter to a senior! older folks in isolation.

Your words will mean so much to

East Side Elders will print and distribute your

letters to seniors in the community – spread kindness and hope in a time of uncertainty! All you have to do is go onto Letters to Elders and write your letter.

Points: 10 points per letter (max 3 letters) Hours: 30 minutes per letter (max 1.5 hours)

Proof Form: here

ONLINE: Re-Mission 2 Re-Mission 2 Nanobot's Revenge is a game designed by the nonprofit, HopeLab. It's designed based on cancer treatment options and is used to help improve the mental health of young cancer patients. When playing this game, you’ll be destroying tumors in the body using a nanobot!

Points: 5 points per level, max 20 points Hours: 15 mins per level, max 1 hour Proof Form: here


Did you find all the hidden Bucky's?

If you think found them all, submit here

You'll get

+5 points if

you really did find them all!


ACROSS 3. What is happening on June 7th?


5. KEY stands for: "_____ educates youth" 7. What's our club's president's name? 8. Who is your all powerful bulletin editor? 9. What is our instagram handle?

DOWN 1. Who is our mascot? 2. Our club model is an upside down ___! 3. We don't make keys but we open ___! 4. Who leads our division? 6. What number division are we in?




I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.


CARING; OUR WAY OF LIFE the beaver tree

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