Key Club
Editor's Note Editor's Note Editor's Note
Hi Key Clubbers!!
Howhasthefirstmonthofschoolbeenforyou? Forme,I’vebeenjugglingschoolworkand collegeapplicationsasexpectedofsenioryear. ButtheKeyClubfundoesn’tstop!
I’mlookingforwardtosomeupcomingevents forKeyClubsuchasthehighlyanticipated culturalfairwithotherschools,apossiblemerch competition,andthechancetoredesigntheKey Clubbulletinboardonthefirstfloor.Whilemany ofthesethingsarestillintheplanningstage,I lovehavingsomethingtolookforwardto throughouttheschoolyear!
Asweareatthestartoftheschoolyear,weare lookingformorememberstojoinusonthe neverendingkeyclubjourney!Besuretoreach outtofriendswhoaren’tinkeyclubyettosign upforthegreatvolunteeropportunitiesand undraisers.
Find the Buckys Find the Buckys Find the Buckys
Hi there I'm Bucky the beaver, the Tech Key's beloved mascot! While reading this newsletter, take note of the amount of times I appear. At the google form for you to fill out. If yo amount of times, you can get +5 p The one on the cover counts but th pictures don't!) Happy se
Key Club Sign Ups Key Club Sign Ups Key Club Sign Ups
Key Club sign ups are open now!!
New and non-official members who did not pay dues last year members must fill out the google form below to become a member for the 2023-2024 service year. By filling this out now, you will be able to earn points and service hours after participating in our events. From volunteer events to fundraisers, there is something from everyone to enjoy! Refer our club to your Tech friends who are not members yet to earn extra points!
To become an official member of Key Club, you must pay dues in the fall: $14 for returning members and $15 for new members.
Committee A Committee A Committee A
Thisyear,committeeapplicationsareopeningupearlyand speakingfrompersonalexperience,thisisagreatwaytoget moreinvolvewiththeclub!
Committeememberscanreviewupto75pointstowards their16clubcredits.Thereare7committeestochoosefrom whichgreatlycorrelatewiththecabinetpositions.Learnmore abouttheminthedescriptionsbelow:
Eventscommitteemembersareresponsibletofindevents, contactorganizers,comeupwitheventideas,andattendour events,fundraisers,etc.Otherappointeddutiesinclude creatingsignupformsanddraftingemails.
School Services School Services School Services
Theschoolservicescommitteeisresponsibleforassistingin theexecutionofschoolwideandclubwideevents.Basically, yougettobrainstormhowBTHSKeyClubcanbemore involvedintheBTHSenvironment!
Applications Applications Applications
Visual Media Visual Media Visual Media
Areyoupassionateaboutphotographyandvideography?What aboutgraphicdesign?Editingphotosandvideos?ORhaveyou wantedtoexplorethatslightinterestinenteringtheworldof visualmediabutdon'tknowwheretostart?WellKeyClub's gotyoucoveredwithourVisualMediaCommittee!
Fundraising Fundraising Fundraising
Thefundraisingcommitteeisdedicatedtoraisingmoneyand awarenessfornumerouscharities.Committeemembers willbrainstormpotentialKeyClubfundraisersand executethem.
Public-Relations Public-Relations Public-Relations
We’relookingforenthusiasticmemberswhocanpitchin creativeanduniqueideas,provideawelcomingcommunityfor allmembers,andpromoteKeyClub’smessagetoothers.This committeewillbededicatedtomaintainhealthyrelations withinourownKeyClubaswellasotherKeyClubsaround thecity.
TheMajorEmphasisProjectisoneofKeyClub'slargest projectsoftheyear,anditisdonespecificallytosupport children.Fortheserviceyearof2023-2024,ourmain objectiveistohelpandgivebacktounprivilegedkidswho deservetoexperiencetheluxuriesoflife.Wealsofind eventsoutsideofschooltohelpsupportkids.
Single Service Single Service Single Service
TheSingleServicecommitteewillfocusontheworkrelated totheSingleServiceProject:AnimalWelfare.You'llworkwith thesingleservicedirectorstobrainstormideasforoursingle serviceproject!
Summer Recap Summer Recap Summer Recap
Video Video Video
Check out the second member rep video by Madj and Kristine which covers events from July and August!
Coney Island Coney Island Coney Island
Fundraiser Fundraiser Fundraiser
Withatotalof6differentschools, keyclubberswereabletomake lastingmemoriestogetheratthis amusementpark!Fromthemany ridesandfungames,thisannual eventneverfailstoputasmileon theattendees’faces.Allfunds fromthiseventwasdonatedto RoomToReadourGovernor's Project!
Coney Island Fundraiser Henry Li
OnSeptember1st,IwenttoLunaParkforourKeyClub'sLunaParkFundra haveeverysummer.Infact,Iwentlastyeartoo,andhadablastsinceithad accompaniedagroupoffriends,quiteafewofwhomhadneverbeentoLun inwithKeyClubtogetourwristbands.Thiswasarelativelyquickprocess,ta a50%discountforthosesamewristbands,anditwasalsogoingtowardsch describingtheridesandexperiencesavailabletoKeyClubmembersduringt Nomatterwhattypeofamusementparkexperienceyouwouldwant,youco dozenridesyoucouldgoonwhilehearingpeoplelaughinginsteadofscream gamesatLunaPark,whichonlycost5dollarspergame.Myfriendgrouponl
iser.Ifyou'renewtoKeyClub,thisisbasicallyanannualfundraiserthatwe beenmyfirsttimeatanamusementparkinover5years.Thistime,I naParkbefore.Whenwegotthere,thefirstthingwedidwasobviouslycheck kinglessthan5minutes,whichisamazingconsideringwebasicallyalsogot harity!DuetothesheersizeofLunaPark,Ihavenocluewheretobegin hefundraiser.Ofcourse,therewereridesforallages,sizes,andthrilllevels. ouldfinditatLunaPark.Forthemorefaintofheart,therewerenearlya ming.Obviously,theinversewasalsotrue.Youcouldevenplaysomecarnival yplayed3roundsandendedupwith2bigplushiestocapofftheday.
Genesis Li
Coney Island Fundraiser
IthoughtConeyIslandfundraiserwasagreatwaytoendsummerbreak. For$38weweregivenatonofperksnotofferedanywhereelse.My favoriteridewasprobablytheWonderWheel.Iwentonitwith5ofmy otherfriends.Weareabletogetasuperniceviewoftheentirepark,pier, andbeach.Additionally,Ireallylikedhowitwasa5boroughcollaboration becauseIwasabletomeetatonoffriendsthatdon’tattendtech!The nightviewbythebeachwasalsosupercute.Itwasniceseeingallthe lightsgoonduringthenight!
Aurora Zhang
Coney Island Fundraiser
IwenttotheConeyIslandFundraiseronSeptember1st.Ispenttheday atConeyIsland'samusementparkwithmyfriends,anditwassofun! Theweatherwasreallyniceandthescentofsaltwaterfeltsorefreshing. Itwasonerollercoasterafteranother,withscreamsofjoyandlaughter fillingtheair.Afterenjoyingalltherides,westrolledalongthe Boardwalk,refuelingourselveswithcorndogs,funnelcakes,andsoftserveicecream.IalsospottedmanypeoplefromTech;being surroundedbylaughterandchatterinsuchanexcitingplacefelt amazing.Thecarnivalatmosphereistrulyaplaceforbonding.I’mreally gladIwenttothisKeyClubevent.Thememoriesoflaughter,thrilling rides,andthewarmthofbeingwithmyfriendswilllastforalongtime.
MeowSquad MeowSquad MeowSquad
Atthissmallcatsheltercompletelyrunby volunteers,keyclubbershelpedcleantheplace, feed,andgivewatertothecats.Infact,they wereabletointeractwithcatsthroughoutthe wholeshift.Besuretoparticipateinthefutureas thisisabi-monthlyevent!
Henry Li MeowSquad
IattendedtheMeowSquadeventonSeptember23rdasaprojectcaptain. Unfortunately,thetimingwasn'tgreatandduringourcommutestoandfrom MeowSquadtherewasasevererainstorm.Luckily,allofthe5volunteerswere abletomakeit.DuetothesmallsizeofMeowSquad5wasunfortunatelythemax amountofvolunteerstheycouldtake.However,intermsofgettingto MeowSquaditwasmoredifficulttoosinceofthefactthatgettingtheremeans eitherwaitingforabusorwalking20minutes,unlessyouarrivedbycar.Despite this,allofthevolunteersthatwalkedstillsaiditwasworthittohelpandhavefun withthecats.Throughouttheevent,wehaddonesomeroutinetaskssuchas cleaning,feeding,givingwater,changinglitterboxes,andadministering medicationforthecats.Fortunately,theyhadmasksandgloveswhichmadethe wholeprocessmuchfaster.Infact,weevenhadasolid30minutesoftimeleft justtoplayandgivetreatstothecats.Obviously,somewerejustabitaggressive andscratchedluckilytherewereband-aidsandalcoholwipes,butthey'reall vaccinatedandperfectlysafe.Infact,mostofthemareperfectlyfinetoplaywith aslongasyoubereasonablycareful.Whentheeventwasover,wereceivedsome drinksandcandyandwerefinallyonourwaybackhome.
OnSeptember24th,IattendedtheMeowSquadVolunteerEvent,which non-profitorganizationstartedin2019.Theirgoalsistoreducethelarg techniquesaswellasworkingwiththecommunitytofindforeverhome workingsafeenvironments.VolunteersfromBrooklynTechwereprovid completionofourtasks.Ourresponsibilitiesincludeaidingwithcleaning twoandahalfhourshiftwentbyquickly;timeseemstoflywhenweare aroundthecansofwetcatfoodandfetchfortheirmeal.Ireallyenjoye theend,IwasreluctanttoleavebutIknowthatIwillbebackagainand
hisapartofKeyClub'sanimalwelfareprojectthisyear.MeowSquadisa gestrayandferalcatpopulationbyusingTrap-Neuter-Return(TNR) esforcatsthatcanbere-socializedorrelocatethosewhocannotinto dedwithachecklistandwewereabletocheckoffeachboxuponthe gandmaintenance,whichincludesfeedingandgivingwatertocats.The ehavingfun!!Myfavoritememorytherewaswhenthecatscrowd edthechocolatebarsatthecatshelterandthecompanyofthecats.At Ihopethatallofthesedearlycatswillfindtheirhomeofbelonging.
Upcoming Events Upcoming Events Upcoming Events
Lupus Walk
Come volunteer at the Lupus Walk. The Lupus Foundation of America has made pioneering contributions toward ending the brutal impact of lupus. Some of the things you can expect to be doing are directing and cheering on crowds, and setting up and decorating the area.
Date: October 7th
Time: Varies per shift
Location: South Street New York, NY 10038
Hours & Points: Varies per shift
Note: Because the Lupus Foundation receives volunteers until the day before the walk, we can’t confirm any shifts You will receive details about your shift from them after you sign up!
Love and Unity Fall Festival
The Love and Unity Fall Festival got pushed back to October 8th due to the rain. Take this opportunity to participate! There will be live performances, entertainment, bounce houses, pony rides, community groups, arts & crafts, popcorn, cotton candy, and many giveaways! As a volunteer, you will help manage those activities with fun jobs such as making and distributing snacks and managing bouncy castles, and lunch will be provided! Be sure to fill out their form first before the filling out our form.
Date: October 8th
Time: 10AM - 5:30PM Location: 45th Ave and Colden Street, Flushing
Hours & Points: 7 hrs & 35 pts
Onsite Form HERE
Fill out the onsite volunteer form first!
Sign Up Form HERE
BTHS Key Club x URounded (VIRTUAL)
URounded is a non-profit education organization that provides students K-11 with free tutoring, workshops, and mentoring sessions. Key Clubbers have the opportunity to gain service hours by signing up to be a tutor or curriculum specialist.
Tutors will make lessons for at least 1 session a week while Curriculum Specialists will focus on creating common core curriculum slides.
The only requirements are to have higher than a GPA of 80. Check out the URounded resources below to get started!
*Check out the monthly email for more information
Instagram: @uroundededucation
Sign Up Form HERE
Be sure to check out our emails for more upcoming events. There will be more events coming up than what is shown in this newsletter!
Reminder: Email Co-secretaries Kayla and Kevin at if you can’t make an event that you signed up for. If you do not email the secretaries 48 hours before the event notifying them that you cannot make it despite signing up, you will receive a point penalty.
The Wave August Issue The Wave August Issue
Check out LTG Anastasia's August Issue of The Wave. It contains information about our Division and District in greater detail. She did a great job and I highly recommend you to read it now HERE!
(The cover is from our decoden event!)
RMHC Tab Collection Competition
RMHC Tab Collection Competition
Division 9 is helping the Ronald McDonald House Charities raise funds to provide services for families and children by collecting pop tabs! From August 15 to October 15, all clubs in our Division are competing to collect the most pop tabs to win a bag of candy and a special feature in the October Issue of The Wave!
Follow D9 on Instagram to be up to date with our division: @nydkcd9
Join the D9 mailing list to get weekly updates.
The form is HERE.
District News District News District News
Service Hours Goal - 225,000 Hrs Service Hours Goal - 225,000 Hrs
Currently reached around 35,480 hours, 16% of the goal.
Fundraising Goal - $225,000 Fundraising Goal - $225,000
Currently raised $29,635, 13% of the goal.
We’ll reach our goals before we know it! Keep up the good work!
The Empire Key August Issue 4 The Empire Key August Issue 4 Bulletin Editor Junjin Tan published the August Issue for NYDKC! This issue contains board updates, and goals of the service year, and more details about how Key Club functions. Check it out HERE!
Membership Recruitment Month Membership Recruitment Month
Recently, NYDKC has been promoting Key Club with different themes and challenges for clubs to do the upcoming weeks.
For week 1 we promoted Key Club videos, for week 2 there was a flyer contest, for week 3 we are spotlighting new members, and for week 4 we will share our favorite Key Club memories. Participate in these fun activities to help promote this organization!
Treasurer of the Month - Cindy Gao Treasurer of the Month - Cindy Gao
Congratulations to our treasurer Cindy Gao for being chosen as the Treasurer of the Month for September! She has done a great job at coming up with and managing fundraisers and with raising funds for the Tech Key. Way to go!!
District Treasurer Rina Takai is choosing a treasurer for NYDKC's Treasurer of the Month. Nominate a treasurer who you believe has done a great job in their role. Fill out the form HERE.
Governor's Project Governor's Project
The governor has chosen to support Room to Read for this year ' s governor ' s project. Room to Read is a non-profit organization that aims to end illiteracy and gender inequality.
District Project District Project
The New York District has voted to support St. Jude Children's Research Hospital for this year ' s District Project. St. Jude's goal is to provide free treatment to children and, most notably, combat childhood cancer.
Editor's Choice Award Editor's Choice Award
Apply for the Editor's Choice Award by submitting at least 1 article and 1 photo or design from the event. The awardee will get a certificate and personal note from Junjin Tan.
Apply for the Editor's Choice Award HERE!
Check out the NYDKC website:
Follow New York District Key Club on Instagram for more updates: @nydkcd
International News International News International News
Circle K International’s 76th Birthday Circle K International’s 76th Birthday
On September 25th, Circle K International celebrated their 76h birthday. We thank them for their great efforts to help students become leaders as they are one of Kiwanis’ Service Leadership Programs.
Tips for High School Tips for High School
Tips for Juniors
Tips for Sophmores
Tips for Freshmen
On the Key Club International website, there are three articles with advice for high schoolers as they navigate the new school year. Be sure to check it out to help make the most of your high school experience!
Promoting Key Club Promoting Key Club
Key Club continues to grow in its impact around the world. Check out and share the top 3 promotional videos to help others learn more about Key Club!
Check out Key Club International's website:
Follow Key Club International on Instagram for more updates: @keyclubint
Find the Buckys? Find the Buckys? Find the Buckys?
Hi again! Feeling confident that you spotted me every time I appeared? Fill out this form to prove it! You can earn +5 points if you get it right.
Form HERE!
Word Search Word Search Word Search
Here's another Beaver Tree Game! Complete this word search and upload a screenshot at the end for +5 points. Fill out the form HERE!
I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and World; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.
Caring; our way of life Caring; our way of life Caring; our way of life
Thank you for Thank you for reading! reading!