The Beaver Tree 2023-2024 | July Edition | Issue 2

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Brooklyn Tech

Key Club

Editor's Note Summer Sign Ups Meet our Board! Member Rep Update Vid Articles Upcoming Events Divisional + District + INTL Find the Buckys? Word Search Club Pledge Closing Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents 04 06 08 12 13 26 28 32 33 34 35
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Editor's Note Editor's Note Editor's Note Hey Key Clubbers!!

Hopeyouallhavebeenenjoyingyoursummer! SofarIhavebeenabletorechargeandrelax whileworkingparttimeforaninternship.But eventhoughweareonbreak,theTechKey doesn'tstop!

ThismonthIwenttothetotebagfundraiser whichwasveryfunandrelaxing.Iendedup paintingaSnorlaxonmytotebagandIlovehow itturnedout!Ican'twaittoattendmoreevents asmyscheduleclearsup.

IwasveryexcitedwhenthefirstBeaverTree issuewaspostedlastmonthandI'mgladtobe doingitagain!Asalways,feelfreetoemailmeat,ormessage @thetechkeyoninstagramaboutanyquestions orconcerns.Staycoolinthesummerheatand hopetoseeyouatfuturekeyclubevents!

Find the Buckys Find the Buckys Find the Buckys

Hi there I'm Bucky the beaver, the Tech Key's beloved mascot! While reading this newsletter, take note of the amount of times I appear. At the end, there will be a google form for you to fill out. If you spotted me the right amount of times, you can get +5 points!

The one on the cover counts but the pictures don't!) Happy searching!

Articles Articles Articles
Submit Here!

Summer Sign Ups Summer Sign Ups Summer Sign Ups

Key Club sign ups are open now!!

Newandnon-officialmemberswhodidnotpay dueslastyearmembersmustfilloutthegoogle formbelowtobecomeamemberforthe20232024serviceyear.Byfillingthisoutnow,you willbeabletoearnpointsandservicehours afterparticipatinginoursummerevents.

ReferourclubtoyourTechfriendswhoarenot membersyettoearnextrapoints!

TobecomeanofficialmemberofKeyClub,you ......mustpayduesinthefall:$14forreturning membersand$15fornewmembers.

Sign Up Now!!

Why Key Club? Why Key Club? Why Key Club?

KeyClubisaninternational,studentledhighschoolorganizationwith thousandsofmembersworldwide.

Makefriendswhilegivingbacktoyour communityandgetservicehours!

BeapartofthebiggestclubatBrooklynTech, andoneofthelargestKeyClubsintheworld! ApplytowinawardsattheLeadership ConferenceinAlbany. executive,cabinet,orcommittee positioninthisclub!

StartyourKeyClub journeytoday! journeytoday!


Treasurers Exec Assistant Secretaries President Yoobin Oh
Industrial'24 Finance'24
Executiv Executiv Executiv
Kayla Kwan
Yijin Dong
Seraphina Ng
Kevin Jiang
Media'24 Environmental'24 Environmental'25 Software'24 Vice-Presidents
Tristan Albano

ve Board ve Board ve Board


Connie Liu Software'24 BioSci'24 Bulletin Editor Exec bonding dinner Webmaster Genesis Li Cindy Gao Rachel Lu LAS'24 BioSci'25 6/15/22 GenKoreanBBQHouse

Events Coordinators

Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet

Brandon Wong Olivia Mohindra Fundra Divina Lu Mary Bh Member Reps Kristine Jiang Yaye-Madijguene Single Service Henry Li Youer


Board t Board

Major Emphasis

School Service

Visual Media

Jasmine Zhang
aising owmik
William Magalong
Yeyin Li Wu Aurora Zhang
Kimberly Ling
Annie Chen
Member Rep Member Rep Member Rep update Video! update Video! update Video! CheckoutthisrecapofJune!Thisisthefirstmember repupdatevideobyMadjandKristineanditturned outgreat!BeonthelookoutfortheJulyupdatevideo onInstagram.

Articles Articles Articles Articles Articles

1 Tote Bag Painting Fundraiser

2 Japan Fes at Chelsea

3 Basketball Fundraiser

4 Camp Happy Tails NYC Volunteer Event

Big thanks to those that submitted articles for this newsletter!

Tote Bag Painting Tote Bag Painting Tote Bag Painting

Fundraiser Fundraiser Fundraiser




Thiswasthefirstfundraiserofthemonth!Key Clubberswereabletopainttheirowntotebags withthesuppliesprovidedattheevent.Itwasa niceafternoonandmemberswereabletosit togetherandchatwhileDIY-ingtheirtotebags!

Genesis Li

Tote Bag Painting Fundraiser

MyfriendsandIwereabletoenjoyarelaxingafternoonatKissenaPark whilepaintingouttotebags!Therewasabunchofcolorstochoosefrom andeveryonehadcuteuniquedesigns.Ireallysaweveryone’sartistic styleshinethroughoneachindividualtotebag.ItwassomethingI’ve nevertriedsoIwassuperexcitedabouttheevent.Thelocationwasalso supernice,therewasapondthathadturtlesandtherewasalotoftrees andagreatminiescapefromthecity.Iwasabletoinvitemanyofmy friendsIdon’tusuallyseetocomeparticipate!Overall,Ireallylovehow mytotebagendedup,Iwilldefinitelybeusingitandbringingit everywherewithme.

Tote Bag Painting Fundraiser Connie Liu

IwenttotheToteBagFundraiserhopingtopaintmyselfanicetotebag touse(toacertainextent,Idid)butIhadlotsoffunbondingwith membersandtheexecs/cabinetthere!Itwasareallyniceafternoon thatIgottospendwithmyfellowexecsandIfeltveryrelaxed.Atfirst, itwasawkwardpaintingsinceIhadn'tusedpaintinafewyearsbut watchingothersaroundmejustdiveinreallyencouragedmetosimply havefunwithit.MybagwasfarfromprettybutI'mproudofhowit turnedout:)AsourVicePresidentsputit,mybaghadalotof "personality."IalsoneverthoughtIwouldbewalkingaroundsellingtote bagssothatwasaninterestingexperiencehaha:D

Kimberly Ling

Tote Bag Painting Fundraiser

OnJuly8th,Iattendedthetotebagfundraisingevent.Itwasthefirst fundraiserofthenewserviceyear,andIhadalotoffunpersonalizing myowntotebag.AlthoughIwasworriedaboutthestormwarningsprior totheevent,theweatherendedupbeingprettynice.Ihadthe opportunitytomeetsomeoftheboardmembersinpersonforthefirst time,andwasabletocatchupwithsomeofmyfriends.Despitethe manybugsthatwefoundsurroundingus,Ihadagreattimeandcan’t waittoattendmorefundraisersinthefuture.Theexecsevenhanded outfreepinstomemberstowardstheend,andmadethewholeevent superfun!

Tote Bag Painting Fundraiser Divina Lu

Unfortunately,Iwasnotabletoattendthetotebagpaintingfundraiseras muchasIwantedtoduetoconflictsinmyscheduleforthatparticularday. However,IspentthedaypriortotheeventwithSeraphina,Youer,and Genesistoprepareforthebakesaleonthenextday.Duringthosehours, wewenttargetshoppingforingredients,diggedaroundourhousefor necessaryingredients,borrowedneighbor’saluminumfoil,knockedon neighbors’dooraskingforbakingpans,andcalledupourfriendstobringus flour.Itwashilariousandanuniqueexperience.Moralofthestory,we shoulddefinitelyhavethingsplannedoutbetterforfutureevents.Despite allthosehardships,Iamproudtoannouncethatweallofourcookieswere eithersoldoutorpreorderedbeforetheevent.Weevenhadtoturnpeople awaybecausesupplywaslessthanthedemand.Ourhardworkpaidoffwell andIfeltlikeIwasthereinspirit!!

Japan Fes Japan Fes Japan Fes at

Chelsea at Chelsea at Chelsea


WehavehadmanyeventswithJapanFesandas usual,ourmembersenjoyedseeingthevibrant Japaneseculturewhilevolunteeringatthisevent! Thefood,music,goods,andartbroughtmany peopletovisitChelseathisSaturday.Wecan'twait topossiblybeapartofmoreJapanFeseventsin thefuture!


Japan Fes at Chelsea Olivia Mohindra

OnJuly15,IwenttovolunteeratJapanFes.Thistime,JapanFeswasin Chelsea.Volunteerswereeithergoingaroundandtalkingtopeopleatthe fesorholdingsignstohelpdirectcrowds.Abunchofmyfriendswere holdingsigns.Iwasoneofthepeoplewhowalkedaroundthecrowds,and Ihadposterstoshowpeople.TherewasaphotocontestJapanFeswas having,soIwasgettingpeopletojoinitandtellingthemhowtoenter. Apartfromthevolunteering,therewerealotofothercoolthingsat JapanFes.Therewerelotsofboothswiththingslikestreetfood,bubble tea,andsouvenirs.Therewerealsoperformers,andthatwascoolto see.Attheend,volunteersevengotfreeramentickets!Itwassuperhot thatday,butIstillhadareallyfuntime,andIgottomeetabunchof newpeople,whichmadetheeventevenmorefun!

Basketball Basketball Basketball

Fundraiser Fundraiser Fundraiser




Evenwiththeeventpostponeddue torain,keyclubbersenjoyedthe basketballfundraiserasaspectator orplayerinateam!Thiswasa sequeltothebasketballfundraiser lastmonth,allowingteamsto competeonceagainforthemoney prize.Congratstothewinning teamforbacktoback victories!

part 2! part 2!

Basketball Fundraiser Seraphina Ng

Iwenttothebasketballfundraiseraftermydoctor'sappointmentandarrived alittleearlytohelpsetup.WhereIgotthereIsawmanyofourexecsand Cardozo'sexecswaitingforatableforsignin.Therewasalreadyagood amountofplayerswarmingupandsoonwestarted.Iwastaskedwithselling thesnackatthetable,aswellascollectingthemoney.Iwasabletowatch Cardozo'sboardplay,anddespitelosing,theystillkeptahighmoraleand pushedon.Soon,itwastimetogetlunch,andIdecidedtogowithmyfriends totrythispekingduckbunsstandanditwasdelicious!Weateintangramand boughtacoupleofdrinksbeforegoingtobrowsearoundthestoresand headingback.Beforeheadingback,Idecidedtovisitoneofmycabinetboard members,Divina,atthebobashopsheworkedatandboughtabubbletea. Whenwegotback,wewerejustintimeforthefinals.Wewatchedatthe returningchampionsdefendedtheirtitleandlikelasttime,theircaptainfell andbeganbleedingagain.Despitethesetback,theirteamcaptaincontinued onandtheywonthechampionshiponceagain.Thankyoutoalltheplayers andeveryonewhocameouttosupport!Seeyouguysnextfundraiser!

Basketball Fundraiser Divina Lu

IattendedthesecondbasketballfundraiseronJuly23rd.Iamproudtoclaim thatIconvincedmyfriendstojoinasateam.Although,theydidnotwinthe championship,theycommentedthattheylookforwardtoparticipateinthe tournamentagainnextsummerandareambitioustowinthatone.During mytimethere,Iwitnessedtheteamspiritsandplayers’enthusiasminthe fieldthattheyarepassionateabout.IwasalsoabletointeractwithKeyClub boardmembersfrombothschoolsanddiscussedKeyClubprovisionswhile takingpleasureinthebasketballgames.Thankyouforouradvisor’sgenerous donationtowardsthecashprize,boostingitto$160forourwinningteam, BlackandYellows.ItwasaspectacularexperienceandIwouldcallitanother success.

Camp Happy Tails Camp Happy Tails Camp Happy Tails

NYC Volunteer NYC Volunteer NYC Volunteer Event Event Event



SingleService: SingleService: AnimalSingleService: AnimalWelfare AnimalWelfare Welfare

Ifyoudidn'tknow,ourSingleServiceTopic thisyearisanimalwelfare!Atthisevent, volunteerswereabletohelpwalkdogs,and helpcleanthingsliketheyardanddog crates.Shoutouttothoseofyouthatwent tohelpoutatthisanimalshelterinQueens!

Camp Happy Tails NYC Volunteer Event Henry Li

IattendedtheCampHappyTailsvolunteereventonJuly29thandworkedthe morningshift.Unfortunately,duetotheheatwave,bothafternoonshiftshad tobepushedback.But,atleast,themorningshiftsweregoodtogo.Afterwe gottherundownofhowCampHappyTailsoperatesonaday-to-daybasiswe receivedabrieften-minutetrainingsession.Unfortunately,therewerealso lotsofbugs,andworkingwithdogscangetmessysotheyprovideduswith gloves.Theyalsoprovideduswithleashesandtreatstotakethedogsona mile-longwalk.Ofcourse,asupervisorwasthereatalltimestomakesure nothinghappened.Wesplitinto2groups;onethatwalkedthedogsfirstand onethathelpedcleanoutthedogcages.Onceeachgrouphadtheirturn walkingthedogswewerenearlydonewithourshift.So,oursupervisors allowedustojusthavefunandplaywiththedogsforthelasthour.Lastly, theyallowedustowashoffintheirbathroomfromanylicksorfurthatwas stillonus.

Upcoming Events Upcoming Events Upcoming Events

Children Book Festival

Come volunteer at the Children Book Festival on August 5th. Volunteer duties include greeting parents and children who are attending the event and assisting with activities. Examples of such activities include story time, arts & crafts, dancing, face painting, etc. There is a max of 5 members for this event!

Date: August 5th

Time: 11 AM - 3 PM

Location: 5018 Kings Highway, BSMT level

Brooklyn, NY 11234

Hours & Points: 4 hrs & 20 pts

PCOG Back to School Supply Giveaway

Come volunteer at the Pentecostal Church of God's Back to School Giveaway. Volunteer duties include organizing backpacks and supplies to be given away to children and conducting inventory of donated supplies. Refreshments will be provided for each shift! Please note there is a max of 6 members per shift, and the deadline to sign up is August 12th.

Date: Shift 1 - August 5th

Date: Shift 2 - August 12th

Time: 12 PM - 3 PM (Both shifts)

Location: 2310 Cortelyou Road Brooklyn, NY 11226

Hours & Points: 4 hrs & 20 pts (*Max 20 pts)

Sign Up Form HERE
Sign Up Form HERE

BTHS Key Club x URounded (VIRTUAL)

URoundedisanon-profiteducationorganizationthatprovides studentsK-11withfreetutoring,workshops,andmentoringsessions. KeyClubbershavetheopportunitytogainservicehoursbysigning uptobeatutororcurriculumspecialist.

Tutorswillmakelessonsforatleast1sessionaweekwhile CurriculumSpecialistswillfocusoncreatingcommoncore curriculumslides.

TheonlyrequirementsaretohavehigherthanaGPAof80.Check outtheURoundedresourcesbelowtogetstarted!




Instagram: @uroundededucation


Be sure to check out our emails for more upcoming events. There will be more events coming up than what is shown in this newsletter!

Reminder: Email Co-secretaries Kayla and Kevin at if you can’t make an event that you signed up for. If you do not email the secretaries 48 hours before the event notifying them that you cannot make it despite signing up, you will receive a point penalty.

Sign Up Form HERE

The Wave June Issue The Wave June Issue

Check out Anastasia's June Issue of The Wave. It contains information about our Division and District in greater detail. She did a great job and I highly recommend you to read it now HERE! Be on the look out for the July Issue!

ICON July 5th - 9th

ICON July 5th - 9th

Anastasia attended the Key Club International Convention this month at California! There were fun activities such as visiting the Santa Monica Pier and Disneyland, and insightful workshops, guest speakers, and more. Check out the awesome videos and stories posted on the D9 Instagram!

Follow D9 on Instagram to be up to date with our division: @nydkcd9

Join the D9 mailing list to get weekly updates.

The form is HERE.

Division 9 News Division 9 News Division 9 News

District News District News District News

Service Hours Goal - 225,000 Hrs

Service Hours Goal - 225,000 Hrs

Currently reached around 24,750 hours, 11% of the goal.

Fundraising Goal - $225,000

Fundraising Goal - $225,000

Currently raised $29,250, 13% of the goal.

Every effort counts! Keep up the good work this summer and we'll see these numbers increase!

The Empire Key July Issue


The Empire Key July Issue 3

Bulletin Editor Junjin Tan published another amazing newsletter for NYDKC! This issue contains board updates, and ICON recap, and more details about key club at different levels. Check it out HERE!

Editor's Choice Award Editor's Choice Award

Apply for the Editor's Choice Award by submitting at least 1 article and 1 photo or design from the event. The awardee will get a certificate and personal note from Junjin Tan. Only 1 candidate will be chosen per issue for this award.

Apply for the Editor's Choice Award HERE!

Governor's Project Governor's Project

The governor has chosen to support Room to Read for this year's governor's project. Room to Read is a non-profit organization that aims to end illiteracy and gender inequality.

District Project District Project

The New York District has voted to support St. Jude Children's Research Hospital for this year's District Project. St. Jude's goal is to provide free treatment to children and, most notably, combat childhood cancer.

Treasurer of the Month Treasurer of the Month

District Treasurer Rina Takai is choosing a treasurer for NYDKC's Treasurer of the Month. Nominate a treasurer who you believe has done a great job in their role. Fill out the form HERE.

Key to College Night Key to College Night

On Tuesday, August 8 at 8 PM, New York District Circle K Alumni & Kiwanis Family Relations Chair, Roy Lu will be giving tips for college! Share the news and be sure to sign up HERE!

Check out the NYDKC website:

Follow New York District Key Club on Instagram for more updates: @nydkcd

Kyle Hanson is the new Kyle Hanson is the new International President! International President!

The International Key Club board has been chosen! Our new president, Kyle, is from the Pacific Northwest and has served as a district governor the previous service year. We are excited for the new board and know they will do great! Read the Kyle's introduction HERE!

Key Club International

Key Club International

On July 5-9 at Anaheim, California, Key Clubbers worldwide got to meet at one of the largest events of the year. From the many activities at ICON, we were so excited to hear how the Tech Key was recognized as a Schoolhouse Silver Club a Distinguished Diamond Level Club!

Check out Key Club International's website:

Follow Key Club International on Instagram for more updates: @keyclubint

International News International News International News
Convention 2023
Convention 2023
thatyouspottedmeevery timeIappeared?Filloutthis formtoproveit!Youcanearn +5pointsifyougetitright. Find the Buckys?
Find the Buckys? Find the Buckys? Form

Word Search Word Search Word Search

Here's another Beaver Tree Game! Complete this word search and upload a screenshot at the end for +5 points. Fill out the form HERE!

I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and World; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Caring; our way of life Caring; our way of life Caring; our way of life

Thank you for Thank you for

reading! reading!
Key CLub Pledge Key CLub Pledge Key CLub Pledge

Brooklyn Tech Key Club

Up next: August Issue

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