The Beaver Tree 2023-2024 | January Edition | Issue 7

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Brooklyn Tech

Key Club

Table of Contents 04 Editor's Note 06 TikTok 07 Executive Board Applications 08 Articles 22 Upcoming Events 24 Divisional + District + INTL 28 Find the Buckys? 29 Word Search 30 Club Pledge 31 Closing

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Editor's Note Hi Key Clubbers!! How has January been for you? Have you stayed on track with your new years resolutions? For me, I enjoyed my regents week break and finally check off a skill I’ve been wishing to learn: snowboarding! It was a very exciting trip I had with my cousin up in Vermont. With the start of 2024, the tech key board has been working hard on finding more fun events, updating the instagram, and applying for LTC awards. Along with this, executive board applications have been released this month! I wish the best for anyone who applied. While January has been a busy month with midterms and college applications for seniors, I hope that key club continues to be an outlet to recharge while giving back to the community. As always, free to email me at, or message @thetechkey on instagram. Until next time!

- Rachel Lu

Articles I would love to hear from more members about their experiences in Key Club. You can contribute to the Beaver Tree by writing an article (+10 pts) and sharing pictures (+5pts) after attending an event! Articles are just a quick paragraph about your experience at the event! It should take no more than 10 minutes to write one!...................................

Submit Here!

Find the Buckys Hi there I'm Bucky the beaver, the Tech Key's beloved mascot! While reading this newsletter, take note of the amount of times I appear. At the end, there will be a google form for you to fill out. If you spotted me the right amount of times, you can get +5 points! (P.S. The one on the cover counts but the ones in pictures don't!) The Buckys in article profile pictures are included. Happy searching!


TikTok @bthskeyclub

is our first year utilizing this platform and it has already captured the vibrant energy of the tech key. Shout out to Visual Media Co-Head Kimberly who has created many of these fun videos with the board members!

Uploads of Jan


Executive Board Applications Who will be leading the Tech Key the next service year? Shout out to those who have taken a big step into their Key Club journey by applying for an executive position. We are excited to hear to results in March!

24' 25'

Articles Articles Articles General Meeting 1 January Articles The Second New Year’s Day America 2 Carnation Parade Articles 3 FABCSCRAP Articles Party 4 Winter Essentials 5 LittleArticles 6 Ice Skating Fundraiser Articles Articles

Big thanks to those that submitted articles for this newsletter!

January General Meeting 1/11/24 BTHS Mezzanine We had our first meeting of 2024! It was so nice to see many of our members again. The highlight of this meeting was the announcement of executive applications for the next service year. NY district governor Amy attended as well and shared her insight of executive positions on the divisional and district levels.

1st meeting of

The Second New Year’s Day America Carnation Parade 1/6/24 Main St, Elder Av Key Clubbers visited Flushing, Queens to help out at this parade of cultures! They helped with the event setup and cleanup, dressed in event-themed costumes, oversaw the parade and march, led the flag, and decorated the floats car.

FABSCRAP 1/13/24 FABSCRAP Brooklyn Warehouse Another event with FABSCRAP, a service that aims to stop commercial textile waste and maximize the value of unused fabric. Volunteers helped sort fabric samples and readied them to be saved for reuse. They were also allowed to take free fabrics and were offered a 30% discount on other materials in the store.


FABSCRAP is a nonprofit organization that extends the life of fabrics. They recognize the amount of fabric that goes to waste everyday, and so they take these fabric scraps to hopefully reuse them and put them to good use. During this event of volunteering, we helped FABSCRAP sort and organize the fabrics to the ones that will be recycled/reused or downcycled. While the majority of the fabric was shredded, many of the pieces may still be put to good use. There are numerous fabric materials available, such as silk and denim. This process takes quite a while and gets quite messy as there is so much fabric that FABSCRAP collect, it's unbelievable. It is really endless bags of fabric scraps that might have a longer life than they think. After helping with sorting and organizing the fabrics, we were able to choose up to 5 pounds of fabric for free!


On January 13th, I volunteered for Fabscrap, sorting through multiple bags of fabric samples and swatches at Brooklyn Army Terminal. Fabscrap is a recycle and reuse service that aims to stop commercial textile waste and maximize the value of unused fabric. When all the volunteers arrived, the people in charge gave us a brief overview of task and how to organize the fabrics according to their material. Then we paired up with another person (I went with my friend) and started working on our big bags. There were multiple categories such as denim, shred, recycle, and special fabric (glitter, sparkly, silk, etc.) and we could ask the workers if we were unsure of anything. It honestly felt pretty good seeing the neatly sorted fabrics and the slowly declining bags of unorganized cloth. Around 3:40, we were able to choose some fabrics we wanted to take home with us! I wanted to make a small quit so I choose a variety of designs but it was difficult finding similar material of different colors. In the end I only ended up taking 2 lbs of fabric but I loved my choices!

Winter Party 1/17/24 Brooklyn Tech We participated in Corlears Park’s annual holiday festival! Volunteers helped the staff with the ornament making table and helped kids decorate their ornaments. Shout out to the key clubbers that attended!

Genesis’ Birthday

Arvin Cheng Winter Party

I went with my friend to the Key Club Winter Party. There I met another friend and we ate pizza. We talked about our midterms and such, but it was nice to just talk before our many midterms tomorrow. There was also a bingo where you could try to win some candy (I think). Sadly, I didn’t win anything, nor did my friends, but it was a nice experience. A unique thing we did was making DIY snow globes, mine didn’t go so well, but it was fun (check image to see it). It was nice to interact with the executives while we were there, everyone was very friendly. At the end, everyone surprised Genesis with a happy 18th birthday and we all enjoyed some tiramisu together. Overall, the event was a nice experience, it went by very fast and it was definitely a great way to relieve some stress before midterms tomorrow.

Tiffany Yu Winter Party

On January 17th, I was at the winter party, enjoying making snowman, snow globes, and trying out other fun activities. I was really hungry that day, and the tiramisu they had was really good. Although I was a bit shy, the president chatted with me and was very welcoming , which made me really happy. Despite the upcoming midterm and a mountain of homework from other classes, the event turned out to be really fun, a great way to de-stress and hang out with friends.

Aurora Zhang Winter Party

I had a great time at Key Club's annual Winter Party, which was Wednesday, after school. We played bingo, crafted little snowmen (they were so cute!) and made snow globes. We ate pizza to holiday music, and there was this really amazing tiramisu that one of our board members made. I had an amazing time catching up with friends and enjoying the afternoon with fellow key club members. At the end, there was a surprise birthday party for one of our Key Club executives, and everyone singing together for her made it so special! It was a really fun evening, can’t wait for next year’s!

Little Essentials

1/25/24 Building 131, Brooklyn Little Essentials is an amazing organization that advocates and provides support for families living in poverty. At this event, key clubbers helped sort and pack children’s items to later be donated.

Aurora Zhang Little Essentials

During Regents Week, I went to volunteer at Little Essentials! Little Essentials is an organization that provides support for families living in poverty. The Key Clubbers and I met at Little Essentials' warehouse, where we sorted and packed children's items, such as baby clothes, baby shoes, and toys. Today, we mostly worked on clothes. We sorted the donated pieces of clothing, ordering them by size and separating them into age groups and wearing seasons. We threw out the stained clothing and packaged the filtered, sorted piles. These clothes will be provided for children in need, and making an effort that will eventually help infants was a nice thought throughout the event. I had a great time!

Ice Skating Fundraiser bths x bsxci x stuy 1/29/24 World Ice Arena The Tech Key had their annual ice skating fundraiser with Bronx Science and Stuyvesant Key Clubs! It was great to see the many smiles at this event as key clubbers were able to meet peers from other schools as they skated.

Kaylee Chan Ice Skating Fundraiser

On January 29th, I went to World Ice Area for the ice skating fundraiser! The rink was huge! I saw many students from different schools, and I was really excited! I went with my friends, and I really enjoyed skating while feeling the cold air brush past me as I skated around the rink. When my friend and I arrived, there was a big line of students waiting for their skates, which made us even more anticipated to get on the ice. When we finally got on, we had a blast chasing each other! I'm glad I didn't fall down in the ice, because that would've been very painful. When the event concluded, I felt very tired since I was skating for hours, but I was also felt a bit sad because I loved ice skating. But it was very fun event nevertheless, and I'm hoping to go to an event like this again!

Upcoming Events Hashtag Lunchbag Queens Help pack lunch bags with Hashtag Lunchbag Queens! Volunteers will put together lunch bags until a goal of ~100 are met. Then, the lunches will be distributed to community fridges in the area. For this event, there will be a maximum of 10 volunteers, and you must reserve HERE in advance. Date: February 4th Time: 12:00PM - 2:00PM Location: 233-10 Linden Blvd, Jamaica, NY 11411 Hours & Points: 2 hrs & 10 pts

Onsite Form HERE

Fill out the onsite volunteer form first!

Sign Up Form HERE Fill out this form for Key Club after!

26th Lunar New Year Firecracker Festival Come celebrate Lunar New Year at Better Chinatown’s Firecracker Festival. Volunteers will help set up, clean up, and participate in the parade! Lunch will also be provided. Be sure to fill out the organizer’s form HERE before filling out ours! Date: February 10th Time: 9:00AM - 4:00PM Location: Sara D. Roosevelt Park Hours & Points: 7 hrs & 35 pts

Onsite Form HERE Fill out the onsite volunteer form first!

Sign Up Form HERE Fill out this form for Key Club after!

BTHS Key Club x URounded (VIRTUAL) URounded is a non-profit education organization that provides students K-11 with free tutoring, workshops, and mentoring sessions. Key Clubbers have the opportunity to gain service hours by signing up to be a tutor or curriculum specialist. Tutors will make lessons for at least 1 session a week while Curriculum Specialists will focus on creating common core curriculum slides. The only requirements are to have higher than a GPA of 80. Check out the URounded resources below to get started! *Check out the monthly email for more information Website: Discord: Instagram: @uroundededucation Email:

Sign Up Form HERE

Be sure to check out our emails for more upcoming events. There will be more events coming up than what is shown in this newsletter! Reminder: Email Co-secretaries Kayla and Kevin at if you can’t make an event that you signed up for. If you do not email the secretaries 48 hours before the event notifying them that you cannot make it despite signing up, you will receive a point penalty.

Division 9 News The Wave January Issue

Check out LTG Anastasia's Issue of The Wave from December! It contains information about our Division and District in greater detail. She did a great job and I highly recommend you to read it HERE!

Divisional Meeting Division 9 will have a divisional meeting this month where there will be snacks along with fun service crafts. Be sure to attend! Date: February 16th Time: 9:30PM - 7:00PM Location: Federation of Italian-American Organizations of Brooklyn, LTD

Follow D9 on Instagram to be up to date with our division: @nydkcd9 Join the D9 mailing list to get weekly updates. The form is HERE.

District News Service Hours Goal - 225,000 Hrs Currently reached around 150,278 hours, 67% of the goal.

Fundraising Goal - $225,000 Currently raised $119,715, 53% of the goal.

We are more than half way for both goals! Let’s keep it up!

The Empire Key January Issue 9 Bulletin Editor Junjin Tan published the January Issue for NYDKC! It contains board updates, and goals of the service year, and more details about how Key Club functions. Check it out HERE!

76th Annual LTC On March 15-17, Key Clubbers of NY district will meet in Albany! Please consider signing up to celebrate your key club endeavors. LTC award winners will also be announced here! For more information, check out, and the NYDKC Instagram!

Governor's Project The governor has chosen to support Room to Read for this year's governor's project. Room to Read is a non-profit organization that aims to end illiteracy and gender inequality.

District Project The New York District has voted to support St. Jude Children's Research Hospital for this year's District Project. St. Jude's goal is to provide free treatment to children and, most notably, combat childhood cancer.

Treasurer of the Month District Treasurer Rina Takai is choosing a treasurer for NYDKC's Treasurer of the Month. Nominate a treasurer who you believe has done a great job in their role. Fill out the form HERE.

Editor's Choice Award

Apply for the Editor's Choice Award by submitting at least 1 article and 1 photo or design from the event. The awardee will get a certificate and personal note from Junjin Tan. Apply for the Editor's Choice Award HERE!

Check out the NYDKC website: Follow New York District Key Club on Instagram for more updates: @nydkcd

International News 2024 Key Club ICON

Start planning for the annual International Convention event which will be on July 10-14, 2024, at Atlanta Georgia! From more information, check out this LINK!

“Serving in Harmony”

At the 135th Tournament of Roses Parade, President Kyle Hanson and KIWANIS leaders rode the KIWANIS float that was decorated by around 7,000 Key Clubbers and Circle K members!

Global Leadership Certificate

Congratulations to Evan Xiao from the Tech Key completed the 20,000th course of the Global Leadership Certificate! He won an Amazon gift card as a result. Consider taking GLC courses by registering HERE!

Check out Key Club International's website: Follow Key Club International on Instagram for more updates: @keyclubint

Find the Buckys?

Hi again! Feeling confident that you spotted me every time I appeared? Fill out this form to prove it! You can earn +5 points if you get it right.

Form HERE!

Word Search

Here's another Beaver Tree Game! Complete this word search and upload a screenshot at the end for +5 points. Fill out the form HERE!

Key CLub Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and World; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Caring; our way of life

Thank you for reading!

Brooklyn Tech

Key Club

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