The Beaver Tree 2022-2023 | January Edition | Issue 7

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T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S 04 Editor's Note 15 Division Updates 16 District + International 17 Articles 32 January Calendar 37 Find the Buckys? 38 Game! 39 Club Pledge 40 Closing 05 Reminders 06 Board Remarks 33 Event Descriptions
S O C I A L M E D I A Follow for access to important club updates and resources! INSTAGRAM @thetechkey FACEBOOK Brooklyn Tech Key Club WEBSITE DISCORD Brooklyn Tech Key Club YOUTUBE BTHS KC

EDITOR'S NOTE hey tech key!

I'm Siri, your bulletin editor for the 2022 to '23 service year. This is our seventh issue of the Beaver Tree for this service year. This issue focuses on December-January and has all the information you need about upcoming events, past events, and Key Club at our school and outside. 2023 is here so make sure to stay on top of club updates. (awards are soon!!)

While you look over this issue of the Beaver Tree look out for pictures of our mascot Bucky (if you ' ve forgotten what our beloved beaver looks like you can find one of him at the bottom of this page). If you found them all, you get +5 points! Also, there is a custom word search at the very end related to our club! If you complete it, you get another +5 points (remember to screenshot your finished game). There is a proof form on page 37/38 for both activities. Do one or both!

This is the January 2023 issue! I hope everyone is gearing up for midterms with lots of sleep along with studying. We are a week away from the end of the semester; Finish strong!

You can contribute to our next Beaver Tree issue with articles and/or pictures from events. Articles are +10 points and pictures are +5 points. We always need more material so help us out!

the link is:


award season is coming!

In March we compete with other Key Clubs across NY State. Here are the awards members can apply earn:

1. 2. More information will be sent out in the coming months but continue volunteering and you'll have the opportunity to add these accomplishments to Key Club memories... and your resume :)

Outstanding Key Clubber Awards: one student in each grade applies from each school. you must be nominated by BTHS Key Club executives Distinguished Key Clubber Award: EVERYONE can apply the award is non-competitive - if you qualify, you get it!

Also, our Cabinet Board will be applying to awards based on their specialty. If you are on a committee, look for ways that you can help!

There are all kinds of awards for the different executive positions. There are up to two winners for each 'Outstanding' exec award and a few other applicants receive 'Distinguished' awards, basically second place. These are a incentive for applying for higher positions in Key Club.


Our Executive and Cabinet board members sent their new year ' s resolutions for 2023! Let's read ' em:


our new year ' s resolutions!

Jennifer Li president

In 2023, I will actually exercise more and wake up earlier on weekends!

Cyrus Castellanos

co-vice president

I want to try journaling as much as possible to keep track of all the memories I make in 2023!

Susan Wang co-vice president

In 2023, I will not get hit with senioritis.

Muhtadi Islam treasurer

In 2023, I will not spend money on useless items :'(


our favorite quotes!

Mamoona Hassan treasurer

In 2023, I hope to get more sleep :)

Frankie Negri exec assistant

In 2023, I will become ambidextrous (and save my left hand from constant cramping).

Miehema Mishi exec assistant

In 2023, I will not procrastinate.

Yijin Dong PR head

in 2023, I will not procrastinate on writing Siri’s newsletter articles


our favorite quotes!

Ochen Ou webmaster

I'm hoping to stop procrastinating so much, and really to be more on top of my work.

Seraphina Ng secretary

In 2023, I will have lot of money.

Alexandra Shatan secretary

My New Year’s resolution is to travel to at least one country!

Nina Tamoshunas project manger

My new year ’ s resolution is stop procrastinating my work so I can go to bed earlier!


our favorite quotes!

William Long project manager

In 2023, I will stay more motivated on the things that really interest me and not let them fall by the wayside.

Genesis Li interclub co-head

In 2023, I will not wait until the night before my deadline to finish my AP Bio lab reports.

Derrick Lin interclub co-head

In 2023, I want to fix my sleep schedule and get at least 8 hours of sleep every day.

William Magalong

In 2023, I will not

events coordinator

BOARD REMARKS our favorite quotes! Khandaker Abid events coordinator My new years resolution is to make a 50-photo portfolio with my DSLR
member rep
2023, I will make sure to stop spending my free time on Valorant.
member rep
2023, I will spend more time outdoors!
2023, I will not spent an excessive amount of money on clothes
Jason Jiang
Yoobin Oh
fundraising co-head Chloey Lin In


Hadeel Als fundraising co-head

My New Years resolution is to perfect my sleep routine to get more sleep!

Rachel Lu visual media co-head

In 2023, I will learn to have better time management!

Tao Chen

visual media co-head

In 2023, I will... not get sick of System.out.println();! "

Tristan Albano school service co-head

This year, I will do more to give back to my friends, family, and community.

our favorite quotes!


our favorite quotes!

Nathan Cao school service co-head

In 2023, I will get more sleep! major

emphasis co-head Anthony Chen

In 2023, I will gain 30 pounds.

George Chen major emphasis co-head

In 2023, I want to stop crying over AP Physics.

Maria Olivarez single service co-head

In 2023, I'll spend more time with family and friends :)


Keith Ngo advocacy co-head

new year resolution is that I will spend less money
Kristine Jiang
service co-head In 2023, I hope to travel more. advocacy co-head Xin Yi (Cindy) Chen My
on foooood.
My New Year’s resolution is to put more effort into my relationships with my friends who are
for me. our favorite quotes! BOARD REMARKS our board is here to help YOU! don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or thoughts about key club!
always there

Fundraising Goal: $45,000

All of the clubs in D9 are working toward these goals for the whole service year. We are a bit behind but if we continue working, we can do it!

Our next divisional is January 20th. Register HERE! Divisional meetings are the place to meet Key Clubbers from our division and there are great snacks provided by our LTG (leader of our division) Amy Wu.

Division Nine Goal Update Service Hour Goal: 40,000
the D9 Instagram: @nydkcd9
The November-December issue of our divisional newsletter came out on New Year's Eve! You can read it here. It dives further into division news.
T E S follow

January Governor Greeting

Every month, our Governor Amy, who leads New York District, publishes a governor ' s greeting to update our district about upcoming events, district news, and other Key Club Updates. It is short but super informative. READ January's Greeting: HERE

93% Division Nine Goal Update Service Hour Goal: 175,000 Fundraising Goal: $225,000
87% D I S T R I C T + I N T E R N A T I O N A L
All of the clubs in New York State work toward these goals for the whole service year. We have made amazing progress through the last two months.
Instagram: @nydkc
Scholarship Opportunity so what's going on globally... HEY SENIORS! You can get scholarship money for college through Key Club. Applicants can receive upwards of $3500 DEADLINE: February 1st, 2023 More INfo: HERE
the NY District

event spotlight articles


december 10th

On Saturday, I attended the cafe fundraiser! I had really fun interacting with board members while also sipping my bubble tea :)) The event was very relaxing and it was nice to see everyone play board games. My drink was customized to my liking so overall it was a great event!!! We collaborated with BTHS Paw Patrol Club, so it was great meeting their members. I look forward to future Key Club events!!!

Mamoona Hassan



december 10th

I attended the Mad Fun Farm event on December 10th with our Single Service cohead Kristine. The “farm” was a community garden that needed tidying up, and so our job consisted of raking and bagging leaves. We were led by Anthony, a manager of the farm who was really funny and talked to us about college and his experiences. Even though the weather was pretty cold, we were warmed up by our labor and we got frequent indoor breaks. Overall it was a fun and productive event and I’ll be attending more service ones in the future!

- Yoobin Oh


december 17th

On December 17th, I attended the NySoM Holiday Mania event. This was my first NySoM event and I heard so many good things about them, so I was very excited. I did not know what to expect going into the event but I was pleased to see that a few of my friends from school were also attending. I only worked for the second shift so there was already an impressive amount of work down by the shift one volunteers. They managed to wrap hundreds of gifts in just a few hours.

The other volunteers and I started by setting up a few games that visitors to the event could play. We were all assigned different jobs, like wearing costumes or hosting various booths/games. My job was to play Hannukah themed bingo with visitors. When people started arriving I was very nervous. I do not have a lot of experience talking to little kids and there were so many of them. However, I was able to push past my initial fears and entertain the kids and their parents through bingo and other board games. I also got to meet Key Clubbers from other schools like Cardozo, Stuyvesant, and Bronx Science. After the event wrapped up me and a few new friends got ramen together afterward. I had a great time at my first NySoM event and look forward to attending future events.

Tristan Albano



I had another fascinating experience at the NYSOM holiday mania event on December 17th, 2022!

Exactly one year ago, I attended the 2021 NYSOM holiday mania party. It was my first Key Club event. And it was the event that inspired me to have the determination to contribute myself in Key Club throughout my high school years. I can still recall the memories I have of being scared and excited as a sophomore fresh out of remote learning! As the the Visual Media co-head, I kept walking around the room to take pictures of volunteers for Instagram posts. Later that day, I remember seeing Jen, our president, holding a package of gifts on the cover of our Instagram post. At the time, I was really looking forward to having my face on our post cover for once hahaha....

This year, I fortunately got to participate in our Youth Opportunity Fund project planning. With a grant of $1750, we prepared over 400 incredibly lovely gifts to donate at the NYSOM holiday mania event ...... From applying for the grant to actually volunteering at the event with our donations, there were many behind-the-scenes hardships and funny anecdotes that took place. For example, our president had to stay up all night to pack over 400 gifts because of package delivery delays. I was amazed by the video of her packing hundreds of toys, books, pencils, etc. into each decorated gift bag.

I met many friends, old and new, at this event. After talking to so many sophomores and freshmen, I finally had to face the reality that "I am a junior now ...... "Time flies... Also, as I was taking hundreds of pictures of the event again like I did last year, one of the volunteers stared at me and asked, "Do you remember me? I'm the snowman from last year " . I was really shocked and then realized he was the guy I took the selfie with because he was wearing a frozen super cute snowman costume ...... A year has passed and we met again at the same event. What a magical moment that was!

Yijin Dong


h o t o s P h o t o s P h o t o s P h o t o s P h o t o s P h o t o s P h o t o s P h o t o s P h o t o s P h o t o s P h o t o s P h o t o s P h o t o s P h o t o s



december 10th

I attended the holiday crafts workshop hosted by single service on December 16th. I started out the event by signing in everyone who came and then completed some miscellaneous tasks before entering the event. At the event, I first headed to the pom pom station. I had learned how to make pom poms back in quarantine when I first learned how to crochet and I was more than happy to use my skills to assist my friends in making some pom poms. (I basically made it for them.)

After I finished, I headed over to the embroidery section to see what other Key Clubbers were making and everyone ' s craft was so creative! I started my embroidery with a small hoop with little time left for the event. It worked out though because back in quarantine, I also learned how to embroider, so I could just take my work home and finish it there. (I'm almost done, but not finished yet!) We ended the event with a group photo. It was a chill event and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Shoutout to Maria, one of our single service heads, and the crochet and embroidery clubs for hosting this event!!

Seraphina Ng

december 22nd HOLIDAY PARTY

Key Club's holiday party on December 22nd was a huge hit! Other execs and I helped set up the food station and helped hand out snacks to members and then we facilitated the tower building and gingerbread house making activities. It was really fulfilling to see the huge turnout and my co-head and I went around interviewing the tables and interacting with key clubbers.

I also got to exchange a few words with Division 9's LTG Amy, and it was cool to see Kiwanis representatives at the event. There were many other familiar faces in the room and I laughed a lot with my table. Our gingerbread house was meaningful to say the least, and I think the winners of the contest really deserved it. After the group picture, some of us stayed behind to clean up the remaining tables and chairs. I left the event looking forward to next year ' s party!



december 22nd

I was so happy to see the return of the annual Key Club holiday party this service year! For the past couple of years, we were not able to hold a gathering like this due to COVID-19 restrictions. However, on December 22nd we were able to bring back the tradition with much success! We started off by sharing some food, drinks, and snacks together. Afterward, we began our first activity of the evening: the pasta tower contest! We were each given pieces of uncooked pasta and some marshmallows with the task of building the tallest structure. Although my team failed and our tower collapsed, it was still a great bonding experience!

The next activity was my personal favorite: the gingerbread house contest. My team and I were extra careful to make sure that our house was well-constructed and had tons of extra details. Once again, although we didn’t win, I really enjoyed the process!

This event was a great way for everyone to celebrate the holidays together and build more Key Club spirit. I hope it continues for years to come!

Cyrus Castellanos



december 22nd

The Holiday Party was a great way to start the break! Since this was my first time attending this annual event, I didn’t know what to expect. From the food to the tower building and gingerbread house competitions, I had a great time seeing our fellow Key Clubbers enjoy the celebration. As a person with a sweet tooth, I loved the marshmallows and other fun candies that were provided. During the decision making, I remember the Kiwanis advisors going around, asking every group the inspiration behind their creations. Some stories were really funny and creative and it was clear that many people truly enjoyed the building experience. While I helped out a lot behind the scenes, I was able to bond with members and the cabinet/executive board along the way. I also got some of my friends to attend and it was a great way to hang out with them while being in the Key Club spirit! Overall, I’m really glad I attended the holiday party and can’t wait for the one next year!

Rachel Lu


december 22nd

The event I’m writing for the Holiday Party, which took place right before winter break. It was a really interactive and laid back event that allowed members to interact with each other while having fun. I thought it was a great way to end the year and to start the holiday seasons. At the event, my friends and I built gingerbread houses, and had a towering competition. Even thought I did not win, I enjoyed seeing everyone else’s gingerbread houses and the creativity they put into their houses!

Genesis Li


december 22nd

On December 22, I went to my first Holiday Party! Due to COVID, many Holiday Parties were canceled last year, but this event has definitely exceeded my expectations. For just five dollars, you ' re able to eat pizza with refreshments and participate in a variety of interactive activities, such as spaghetti towers and gingerbread houses, with your peers! What turned to be a fun activity turned into a friendly competition! Siri was running around to measure the height of everyone ' s spaghetti towers, and the Kiwanis family judging the beauty and story of the gingerbread house! Even though I was running around taking photos (hopefully you don't mind!), the ambiance was really uplifting! It was a nice way to celebrate the upcoming holidays, and congratulate the work you have done this year.

Tao Chen


december 22nd

The Key Club holiday party on December 22nd, 2022 was a great way to meet new Key Clubbers and celebrate the holiday season. The event was held right at Tech after school and included food and drinks for everyone to enjoy. One of the highlights of the party were the fun activities that were offered, such as the tower and gingerbread house contests. The tower contest was a challenge to see which team could build the tallest structure using only marshmallows and spaghetti sticks. It was really exciting to see everyone ' s creativity and teamwork on display. The gingerbread house contest was also a lot of fun, with people coming up with some really impressive and intricate designs. Overall, the holiday party was a fantastic opportunity to have some fun, meet new people, and celebrate the holidays with the Key Club community.

Derrick Lin

OCEAN BALLS ongoing virtual

A new ongoing virtual event is through the app Ocean Balls. It is similar to the events we had during online school. It is an app that raises money for cleaning up the ocean while users get to merge creatures and get coins in the game. It is super fun and it's great for subway rides and stress relief. Personally, I don't like being idle while watching TV and this app was great for keeping me busy. Right now, I'm watching 'Ginny and Georgia' on Netflix. The show has a lot of storylines and Ocean Balls kept me focused so I could enjoy all of them. I got up to level ten on Ocean Balls pretty fast and that's already 20 minutes of service and +10 Key Club points. Right now, I'm on level 15 so I think I'll keep going till at least 20. I highly recommend this event to members that can't make it to Key Club's other events!

Siri Waxenberg


thank you for submitting

You can contribute to the next Beaver Tree here
16 18 17 20 19 21 23 22 25 24 27 26 28 30 29 31 sun thurs wed tues mon fri sat January 2023 CLICK on the yellow days to read about our Key Club opportunities! 2 1 4 3 6 5 7 9 8 11 10 13 12 14 15

Billiards Fundraiser (+20 points)

Hey Key Clubbers! Don't know what to do with friends on the upcoming three-day weekend? Well...

We are so excited to announce our new Prince Billiards Fundraiser with everyone! It has been four years since we ' ve hosted a billiards fundraiser, and we ' ve finally brought it back for you guys again.

Members, with a fee of $15, can enjoy up to two hours (11 am-1 pm) of private pool experience with their friends and other key club members!

There is no need to worry about waiting for a table or a spot to play, as we ' ve booked the entire venue for you guys. So, please don't be shy or hesitant to bring your friends with you‼

**Drinks and snacks are also available at the venue.

All proceeds will be donated to Kamp Kiwanis! They are aimed at providing fun, physical exercise, and adventure. They strive to afford opportunities to participate in a creative outdoor group experience in a democratic setting and develop characteristics of leadership and fair play.

Location: 35-11 Prince St, Queens, NY 11354 Date: Monday, January 16, 2023.

Time: 11 am - 1 pm Points: +20 points Hours: +2 hours Price: $15 Sign Up: Here


Card-Making for Hospitalized Kids

Hey Key Clubbers!

School Service will host an event for the Cards for Hospitalized Kids organization. You can use your arts and craft skills by making colorful and creative cards that will be mailed to hospitalized children across the US. All supplies will be provided for you and we will mail your cards to you. The organization does have some guidelines so make sure you listen to the event coordinator's instructions so you follow them correctly.

The event will take place shortly after school on January 18th in 2S14. We hope to see you all there!

Date: Wednesday, January 18t

Time: 3:45-4:45 Room: 2S14 Points: +10 points Hours: +1 Hours

Sign up: HERE

Bake Sale

Hey Key Club!

On Thursday, January 19th, Key Club will be hosting a bake sale in the center lobby. It will be open to everyone regardless of whether they are in Key Club or not;. We will have a multitude of different snacks and desserts and we will do our best to find options for everyone regardless of dietary restrictions. When you purchase a treat a QR code will be given to you to scan to fill out a form to earn points. We hope to see you there!

Date: Thursday, January 19th

Time: 3:45

Location: Center Lobby Points +5 per item bought (max 6) Form: There will be a QR code to scan at the sale

I N -

Trampoline Park Fundraiser (+25 points)

Hey Key Clubbers!

Are you excited you ' re finally done with finals? Are you ready to jump into Regents Break? Look no further, and come bounce with us at our Trampoline Park Fundraiser. Members will be able to explore the attractions that Urban Air has to offer!


Battle Beam: Using beams, you will battle your friend and attempt to maintain balance at the same time

Climbing Hill: Race your friends to get to the top of the hill

Dodgeball: Dodge your way to victory

Rope Course: Navigate your way through obstacles!

Slam Dunk Zone: Sad that you ' re not able to dunk? Well, try dunking on these hoops with added boosts!

Trampolines: Showcase your trampoline skills!

Tubes Playground: Explore or race your friends in the playground of tubes!

Virtual Reality (tentative)

Ninja Warrior Course: Have what it takes to be the next American ninja warrior? Try this course!

Spin Zone Bumper Cars: Spin and whirl around, lock onto your target, and ram your bumper cars together!

For more information about the attractions, click: HERE

Before the event, fill out the MANDATORY waiver for Urban Air: HERE

Location: Urban Air Trampoline and Adventure Park 4422 2nd Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11232

Date/Time: January 24th, the event has in two sessions:

Session 1: 12:00-2:00 PM

Session 2: 2:00-4:00 PM

Cost: $34 (20 dollars cheaper than retail!)

This includes all attractions and jump socks!

More payment info on SIGN UP FORM

Hours: +2 Hours

Points: +25 points

Sign Up: Here



Ice Skating Fundraiser (+20 points)

Hey Key Clubbers!

Hope you all are excited because it is time for our highly anticipated annual Ice Skating Fundraiser!! Bronx Science, Brooklyn Tech, and Stuyvesant Key Clubs have once again collaborated to bring you guys yet another year of holding the sides of the rink while trying not to fall :) But don't worry, it takes no time to learn and after a few minutes, you'll be skating like an pro‼ So get hyped and invite all your friends and family ‘ cause this is a fundraiser that NO ONE wants to miss. BXSCI, BTECH, STUY Key Clubs presents... Ice Skating Fundraiser!

Payment info on sign up form
Sign up: Here All proceeds will be going towards the
Disease Foundation
an organization dedicated to raising funds for those in need of treatment from this disease caused by the
January 30th, 2023
12 PM-5 PM Location: World Ice Arena 131-04 Meridian Rd, Queens, NY 11368
$15 (Skates Included)
Pediatric Lyme
deer tick.
FIND THE BUCKY'S Did you find all the hidden Bucky's? If you think found them all, do this form You'll get +5 points if you really did find them all!

c z r p g z x c d g z c l u b q h c w f z p y k p j h w o r d d f v s p w

w r l j b p c a n c z k h s y d f x y o u r h v p g n m p x s o l v e n p b x k m t h e d b h r z v f m s p v h g p h x k e y b p k n x y q p l g m s e a r c h ? k r v r q l t b n p j t r y h d b p s f z s h e r e z w l p n k

play our custom
screenshot your attempt and submit here
key word search here


I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

thank you for reading!


the beaver tree

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