The Beaver Tree 2017-2018 Valentines Special Edition Newsletter

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SUMAIYA RIPA CLASS OF 2020 In my community, I love my significant other David Wang. I have no idea where to start this but I’ll try to keep it short and simple. In the beginning I had to question everyone whether he was a perfect fit. And everyone- who barely knew him- all disagreed on the perfect fit. David has taught me many things, and the first one will definitely be to not judge a book �� by its cover. Our story is just a typical teenagers in high school story. Our friend tried “putting us on” for fun and I refused his attempt. David was honestly that mystery guy that popped out of nowhere. Everyone was confused on his motives (if there were any) or the most important thing at the time-whether he actually was single or just a player. A few days after this friend of mine tried to put us on, he showed up at the place my friends and I hang out in and I got dared to ask for his Snapchat. For some reason he was reluctant to give it which got us one step closer in knowing about this mystery guy. Surprisingly, days passed before I actually added him. My focus was not on relationships at that time. All of a sudden I’m asking homework questions on my computer science chat and this weird guy @s me saying “@Sumaiya Papito you still didn’t add me back on snap”. I found it so hysterical that I finally added him ��. And you know how friendships start nowadays with the “streak?” Anyway, that’s how we met. I was not a girl who believed in the concept of love at a young age. My mentality was “why proceed with relationships at this age when you’re bound to break up?” David assisted me in overcoming this fear. It’s essential to experience things and even if they go wrong you learn from it. The biggest thing he taught me is trust. It’s okay to not trust just anyone, but it’s important to trust someone who demonstrates nothing but love and consistently puts in effort. This includes friendships, relationships, etc. It took me months to trust him so that we can officially initiate something. I thank him for having patience. I thank him for overall being such a nice, genuine, cute, loving and lovable person. From our first awkward adventure on October 9th where it was raining and we interned but did absolutely nothing and ended up in a meeting where I accidentally ate pork as a Muslim, we’ve been on so many

fun adventures. He’s implemented things like making me want to excel in school. But this goes both ways. That once quiet mysterious guy has unexpectedly broken out of his shell after befriending a loud girl-me. Now everyone has to deal with him playfully arguing in public with me on something as little as what we should go eat. There are both supporters and haters to this relationship, yet at the end we have each other. My time with him has thus far been a blast. It’s been one happy month with an amazing person. Trust me when I say I have been blessed. Eventually if things go wrong, it’ll still be one heck of a memory. So now for the summing up part, go out there and do things you didn’t think you would do or didn’t think was possible. Go ask that funny girl for her Snapchat-dare or no dare, or tell that cute guy you want to have a slice of pizza with him ($1!!) You might find your soulmate in the process����.

JAHIN RAHMAN CLASS OF 2021 What I love at my home is the support and love of my mom. My mom is always there to support me. Whenever I have a test she is more worried than me. Whenever I am depressed she makes me feel better in any possible way. She always understands my problems. She goes to talk to my teachers whenever I am having trouble in school. She loves me with her whole love and I know that I will always have her by my side my whenever I need her

KATHY SONG CLASS OF 2018 CLUB PRESIDENT I love my dog Julie! We adopted her from Puerto Rico and she is the sweetest puppy. She's always there to Send me off to school and greet me when I come home. I am really thankful and blessed with such a great companion.

JULIA CHEN CLASS OF 2021 There are many things I love in my life and in this world. Some of them are my family, my boyfriend, my interests, dream, and home. The company and love I receive from my boyfriend and my family isn’t anything I can get anywhere else. This means that I must cherish it and keep it close, because nothing lasts forever. I make sure I try to take care of my loved ones and tell them as often as possible, “I love you!” So many things are luxuries that others do not have the chance of having. Having a nice home with food, clothes, and everything I could ever want is something I really love. I love playing league of legends with my boyfriend and my little brother. I love helping my little brothers with homework. I love taking care of my boyfriend and cooking/cleaning his house too. I love making pretty crafts, making yummy food treats, buying bubble tea and dessert, shopping, and having my beautiful book collection. The company and time I get to have with my boyfriend is wonderful and I love it a lot. All of these things make me really happy, so truthfully, I really love my life.

SUNEHRA SUBAH CLASS OF 2020 There are many things I love in my life and in this world. Some of them are my family, my boyfriend, my interests, dream, and home. The company and love I receive from my boyfriend and my family isn’t anything I can get anywhere else. This means that I must cherish it and keep it close, because nothing lasts forever. I make sure I try to take care of my loved ones and tell them as often as possible, “I love you!” So many things are luxuries that others do not have the chance of having. Having a nice home with food, clothes, and everything I could ever want is something I really love. I love playing league of legends with my boyfriend and my little brother. I love helping my little brothers with homework. I love taking care of my boyfriend and cooking/cleaning his house too. I love making pretty crafts, making yummy food treats, buying bubble tea and dessert, shopping, and having my beautiful book collection. The company and time I get to have with my boyfriend is wonderful and I love it a lot. All of these things make me really happy, so truthfully, I really love my life.

JERRY TRAN CLASS OF 2021 In my own opinion, my school can be my home and my community. Brooklyn Tech has multiple clubs and organizations that make each individual welcomed and loved. Specifically, I love my mother who motivates me to work hard and achieve my expectations in academics. Although, she smothers me quite often I find it a goal to make her happy and proud from my success.

ANNA KURCHENKO CLASS OF 2020 I love my mom, for being really strong to support me and my sister. I love my sister for always being there for me and helping me with absolutely anything I can come up with. Both these wonderful ladies give me love and support in anything that I want to pursue, and give me their honest opinions and advice even when I don't want to hear it, which is usually when I need it most. I love my brother-in-law, for helping me and my sister grow into knowledgeable and rational people. I love my dog, for giving my family happiness and for being really cute and dumb so we have something to look forward to in the mornings. He also curls up next to me when it's cold and sighs really deep which is really precious and makes everyone feel better.

NOUSHIN SHRISTI CLASS OF 2020 My best friend, Jennifer Chen is one of the most important people in my life. From hating her in sixth grade to absolutely adoring her now because she has a very special place in my heart and I wouldn't know what do to without her. Through the ups and downs, she's always is there to calm me down and make me feel safe. Out of all the ugly things I've seen in this world, Jennifer never fails to amaze me with her genuine words, thoughts and beauty. The only person I can talk to about the dumbest things without feeling judged and we only grow closer. Our relationship is something, I find amazing because we both teach each other new things and I feel thankful. Probably because I always ask her the dumbest questions and she still doesn't make me feel stupid. Even if we don't see each other at school at all, she knows I love her just as much as she loves me. Jennifer Chen deserves more than these words, she deserves the world.

JENNIFER CHEN CLASS OF 2020 The person that I love is apart of my homes, school, and community and that person is Noushin Shristi! She’s been apart of my life since 6th grade and every moment since then, has she made better. She makes me better. We are both such flawed human beings and yet, she’s still the perfect one to be standing next to me. We realize that in terms of school, we aren’t physically with each other and that’s all right because at the end of the day, I’m always with her. Hell, the girl haunts me in my dreams most of the time. She doesn’t know what I’m writing and for the most part, I’ve downplayed how much I really cherish her existence. I have no idea where in the hell I would be without that girl and I don’t ever want to find out. But this isn’t about me. She is the most beautiful, strong, and sarcastic person ever. She doesn’t appreciate herself as much as she needs to because not only has she gotten through so many things herself, she has gotten me through the toughest years of my life and I want to say thank you. Because without her, I probably wouldn’t be here typing this long ass paragraph. (: I LOVE YOU NOUSHIN SHRISTI.

MAAHIN NAFI CLASS OF 2020 I love my school friends and my friends that live near me. I get along with all of them and they are very special to me because of each of their unique characteristics. They're always there when I need a good laugh or when I need encouragement. A lot of people are fast to judge me but my school friends gave me a chance to prove myself and that's why I love them because they have done something for me that many people have never done. We all share something in common so we always have something to talk about. That is why my school friends and "community" friends are so special to me.

MIA KOTIKOVSKI CLASS OF 2020 I couldn't be more happy with the people around me this year! All my friends are my valentines!! They're always here fo me whether I need to have a deep talk, a silly joke or to cheer me up! They made me a better person and shaped me with the great experiences and times we spent together! I couldn't have asked for better valentines and don't know what I would do or who I would be without them!

MARIAE JULIA ROBIS CLASS OF 2019 I love the people who made 2017 less terrible and who continue to do so in 2018. I love my two cats Ninja and Scarecrow for giving me attention when no one does. I love this person which motivates me to do better in school and encourages me to use my talents that would otherwise remain hidden; without them, I’ll be clueless about college application ��. These are only a few of the people who made a difference in my life but they are the most worth mentioning as they made the most impact to what kind of person I am today.

KAITLYN CHAU CLASS OF 2020 For me personally, I really did not experience love in the conventional way with showering of kissing and hugs and affection. I was raised in a chinese household and I know my mom loves me and would give the world to me if she could but it was never expressed through touch or affections. But, recently I was opened to this idea of love. I have found another love in my life and his name is Adrian Criollo. He is my own lil baby unicorn, rare and hard to come by. He is by far the best man I have ever met in my life and I am so glad we met. Nothing can replace what we have and for that I love him.

TAOHID SHADAT CLASS OF 2020 I love my girlfriend Muna she is literally the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love her so much and to be honest I don’t know what I would do without her. She has been there for me through everything and I has made me the happiest. She is also the most beautiful, loving, and caring girl I have ever met. I love her so much and can’t appreciate her enough. I love you Muna.

EMMA ITSKOVICH CLASS OF 2020 Some of the people I love the most in my community are my friends. I feel so lucky to have such a great group of friends who’ve I’ve grown so close to in the last few years. I can always on them on to support me, help me, encourage me to do my best in school and in life, and make me laugh at the same time. They brighten my day and I can’t imagine my life without them.

KOLEA HO FENG CLASS OF 2018 I love love love Le-Ann Mac!! She’s my day one homie and my other half. She’s a supportive and honest friend. I’m so blessed to call this scholar my best friend! I’m honestly very grateful to have her in my life because I know that even when we go to different colleges, we’ll be just as close as we are now. ��

MILES PALMINTERI CLASS OF 2020 The person in my life who brightens up my day, who makes life in this dreary school actually half-decent, would definitely have to be my best friend; Yafa Elmasri. From taking naps together in Comp Sci, to talking about people in front of their faces in Spanish (or some extremely grammatically incorrect dialect of Spanish that we somehow conjured up together), life in this school would not be nearly as interesting without her. Yafa is probably criminally insane (she's always getting herself into these insane predicaments), for example, how does one sprain their knee in orchestra class? But, that's why I love her, she makes life so entertaining and interesting. We always find a way to make every single day a new adventure; be it, getting stuck in the middle of a parade at 10pm in Manhattan on Halloween, to sneaking into her lab room, then sprinting out as fast as I could when her teacher yelled at me; without Yafa, life would be incredibly dull, depressing, and uneventful. I cherish the memories that I have with her so much, and I know that there are many more to come! Happy Valentines Day!

REZAUR KHAN CLASS OF 2020 Love isnt just about romance, its someone or something you can have experiences with as many times possible without getting bored of it. A perfect example for me is my parents. I love them as it is, the rasied me. But everyday I have fun with my parents because i can never get bored of them

WINNIE MEI CLASS OF 2020 Not to be cheesy but, I really do love my boyfriend to the moon and back. We met on a cruise to Bermuda over the summer and I never expected someone to walk into my life and completely change it in a matter 5 months. He's always there for me whenever I need him. I've never been happier than I am now with him. We don't go to the same schools, but I'm seeing him on Valentine's Day so it's okay:)) I love you so so much baby��

ELIZABETH TIPOGRAF CLASS OF 2020 I love my family and close friends. I value their love and support they offer to me as well as how they make me feel when I'm down. They're always there for me when I need them most. My friends especially offer their advice and do anything possible in their power to help me out. I'm so grateful for such a good circle of friends. Additionally, I love my boyfriend Dylan Lo in ways that are unexplainable. He has such a loving personality that is hard to resist from. His presence warms my heart even during the tough times. His laughs and smiles are very contagious. He always makes me happy even when no words are said; his actions speak for themselves. I can't imagine losing Dylan or being without him. He completes me and I'm so grateful to have met him and call him mine. He showed me what love is and gave it a true meaning for me that now, it blinds me in ways I never thought it would. I love him so much.

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