The Beaver Tree 2021-2022 | November/December Edition | Issue 3

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brooklyn tech the beaver tree

November/December 2021

IN THIS NEWSLETTER THERE ARE 10 HIDDEN BEAVERS! find all of them to earn a total of 10 points, each beaver is worth +1 point (hint: take a peek at the editor's note!) fill out this form when you think you've found them all! 1

editor's note... Hi Key Clubbers! I know that this is coming quite late but I hope that you all had a good and hopefully restful holiday break. Thank you all so much for your continued participation in our club and a special shoutout to those of you that submitted articles for this issue of the newsletter! I can’t believe it but the 2021-2022 service year is already coming to a close (the next service year begins on April 1st!) You all deserve to be recognized for your service contributions this year, therefore, I want to encourage all our members to apply for the

Distinguished Key Clubber Award! Not sure what that is? Find out by turning to page 5 of this newsletter! As always, if you have any questions or comments feel free to email me at


belated season's greetings

TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 editor's note

35 bowling fundraiser

5 reminders

39 single service

6 social media

40 upcoming events

7 executive board

43 district board

8 cabinet board

44 district updates

10 executive's remarks

45 key club pledge

13 pupoween donation drive 19 NYSoM halloween havoc 23 NYDKC fall district conference 25 cardmaking workshop 29 NYSoM holiday mania


reminders ONLY A COUPLE MONTHS LEFT OF THE SERVICE YEAR... that means the National Leadership Training Conference (LTC) is just around the corner! This annual event is a celebration of all Key Clubs in the New York State area that have gone above and beyond during the service year. Of course, Key Club would be nothing without you guys, the members! This is why I want to encourage all of you to apply for the Distinguished Key Clubber Award. The award is non-competitive meaning that any hard-working member who applies will receive it (this award also looks great on college applications and resumes!) Follow this link to apply for the award :)


Follow us on... Social Media thetechkey Brooklyn Tech Key Club BTHS KC BTHS KEY CLUB


executive board







co-vice president




co-vice president




co-executive assistant




co-executive assistant

bulletin editor



cabinet board SUSAN WANG


member representative

fundraising co-head



member representative

fundraising co-head



single service director

advocacy head



interclub co-director

YOOBIN OH interclub co-director

visual media co-head

JANA CHAN visual media co-head



major emphasis director

school services head schoolservices.thetechkey



cabinet board MIEHEMA MISHI events coordinator

SERAPHINA NG events coordinator

Some Executive Remarks Happy New Year BTHS Key Club! I hope you’ve all been doing well and staying safe. I’m super excited for you to read our latest newsletter, courtesy of our amazing Bulletin Editor Frankie. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out at or through instagram @dorishongg. Happy Key Clubbing! ❤ - DORIS HONG, PRESIDENT

Hey hey tech key, I'm Siri - one of your co-vice presidents. We have gone above and beyond our goals for this service year thanks to the hard work of each and everyone of you! If you have any questions or ideas, don't hesitate to reach out to any of the execs or dm us - you can email the co-vp's at - SIRI WAXENBERG, CO-VICE PRES

Hi everyone! I hope you all are staying warm and well this winter season. Our events and projects have been going so amazingly this service year thanks to you all so keep it up!! Go tech key! - JANICE CAO, CO-TREASURER



Exciting Event Highlights


pupoween donation drive



On October 30th, Tech Key Club had their Pupoween fundraiser with the Paw Patrol Club, and I can possibly express how satisfying it was to see all the hard work between both clubs come into fruition. The night before, I had an incredible amount of worries: What if the volunteers get bored? What if we raise no money? What if the weather ruins it all? I had been looking at the forecast the night before and my eyes winced at the heavy rain predictor, and I was cursing Halloween for being in the gloomy month of October. However, when I woke up, my eyes were greeted by a bath of sunshine. This was to be a great, metaphorical predictor about how the rest of the day would go. Our event was to be accompanied by the stunning views of Prospect Park, and it was not long after the first shift of volunteers met that we took upon the hefty task of setting up booths. However, each and every single volunteer showed a heartwarming dedication, and the layout was set out in no time. It was amazing to see volunteers connect so quickly, as though knowing each other was the most natural thing in the world.


Once the actual booths were finished with their intricate decorations and strategic placements of dog treats and toys, the hurdle of the ‘donation’ part of ‘donation drive’ came into view. Yet, this relief was significantly quenched once we realized that people were approaching us, more than the other way around. People, namely with dogs, would walk, then, for the slightest second, lock eyes on our booth. Their eyes lit aflame with curiosity, they’d approach volunteers and ask them exactly what we were doing. Once we mentioned that we were high schoolers working to raise money for nonprofit animal shelters, a lot of people were not simply willing, but eager to donate!

Naturally, there were those who brushed by without a second thought, who gave a strained “No thank you”, and those who said they would donate but never did. Yet, morale was never fully dampened and the event persevered until its close at 6:00 PM. Both shifts and all volunteers present were united in a single goal to make the fundraiser a success, and it was heartwarming to see that manifest itself. Upon closing all the booths, I marveled at how comfortable I had become with these people in the short time span of that day, that we were able to crack jokes and make conversation at our leisure. Overall, this event will truly retain a special place in my heart, and hope-

fully the heart of all Key Clubbers and volunteers who attended. I cannot forget all the relationships that were forged from that day and all the effort that preceded it --- I still give a hearty “Hey!” to the Paw Patrol execs whenever I see them in the halls, and I was able to get closer with my co-head Yoobin. The hard work and passion did not go unrewarded, and we ended up raising a total of $383 for Badass Animal Rescue! It was a success not just because of the work of Key Club and the ever-amazing Paw Patrol execs, but because, on October 30th, the kindness, hard work, and community that defines Key Club shone. -Alexandra Shatan


NYSoM Halloween Havoc



NYSoM’s Halloween Havoc, October 30th, East Harlem. The building, where the event was being held, was bustling with kids. There were kids from all over the state, partaking in this year's Halloween Havoc. At first, they had me stationed in front of the entrance, to greet all the volunteers. This gave me the chance to meet tons and tons of volunteers from different schools and places. The building consisted of three floors and different Halloween-themed activities on each floor. My team was assigned to the third floor, the haunted house. It was complete chaos on the third floor: kids bustling about setting up fog machines, throwing fake glowin-the-dark spiders around, spraying silly string on the tables and each other. Stuyvesant and Bronx Sci key club members were also on the third floor, we all shared bags of popcorn while setting up the haunted house. As the day progressed and we approached the evening, the event coordinators told everyone to get into costumes. Now, this is where the real fun began, everyone got into costumes and hid in different corners of the haunted house, waiting for the players. Let’s just say, there was a lot of crying,


screaming, and running that happened that evening. The NPCs were rotated in and out, giving me time to get out of my costume and go check out the other floors. A group of us went down to the first floor and checked out the gym. The gym consisted of over 15 stations of fun activities, a large dance floor in the middle of the gym, large Halloween inflatable decorations, and loud music blasting speakers overhead. Some of the stations provided mini-games that could be played to win tickets and different prizes. Other stations served treats (like cookies) and other hands-on activities, such as slime making. This year’s Halloween was amazing, not only did I get to meet new friends from around New York, but I also got to get into the real Halloween spirit. A blastedly wicked fun Halloween event, if I do say so myself. -Genesis Li


NYDKC Fall District Conference


On November 20th, Key clubbers from across the state of New York gathered for the second annual virtual Fall Conference. This Leadership Conference was beautifully organized by New York District Key Club leaders. It included remarks from Chloe Baker, the inspiring District Governor, workshops from the various LTGs, time for service, and moving speeches by the opening and closing Keynote Speakers. I went to the Club President & Vice President, D-Board 101, Awards Process, and The Key to Balance workshops.. In each one of those meetings, I met wonderful, dedicated

Key Clubbers and learned how to be a better Key Clubber and more productive member of society. My favorite part was the Virtual Session & Fellowship section in which I participated in the Bean Bean Bean breakout room. Along with doing virtual service as a community, LTGs on the call used the time to share their experiences to inspire future leaders. I went to the meeting last year and this year’s was just as good or even better. I’m so excited for this event to happen again in 2022!" -Siri Waxenberg


December card making workshop



I attended the card making event on 12/8. If I were to be totally honest, I only did this event because I had time that day and I wanted to get club credit. I did not do it because I truly wanted to. However I’m really grateful that in the last moment I signed up to do this event. I’m also really glad I made 3 other friends, I’ve met this year, tag along; this gave me and opportunity to bond with them. We had a great time making cards and laughing. Not to mention that this event gave me an opportunity to give back, and to provide a source of happiness for others in these hard times. I really do appreciate that even though we aren’t providing money, per se, we are doing something small that not only is affordable but kind. Love the message that this event gave voice to which is “even small acts of kindness makes an impact.” Also I haven’t gotten to do any art/ hands on activities since 7th grade, I really miss it. This event gave me a chance to show my art abilities and enhance my creativity. This opportunity also gave me a sense of peace. For the past few weeks I’ve been stressing, studying, and having some social issues. So thank you Key Club for offering this to


us! And thank you to the two executives that were super welcoming. I really appreciate it since I was quite nervous to go. -Iris Zhu

This event gave me a chance to show my art abilities and enhance my creativity. This opportunity also gave me a sense of peace.

NYSoM Holiday Mania



On December 18, 2021, Key Clubbers from various schools gathered at East Harlem Scholars Academy to wrap gifts and bring an unforgettable holiday season to less fortunate kids in the city. All of us got to work at our assigned stations, which ranged from taking care of the food and drinks, others the gift wrapping, and the majority of students manned the holiday-themed stations. Once the time came, the families arrived at the center to collect the many gifts waiting for them. Brooklyn Tech Key Club was at the forefront of the gift-giving, handing out goodie bags full of fidget toys and other items that our club bought, personalized, and packaged with the generous help of the $1,660 grant from the Kiwanis Youth Opportunity Fund. We also passed out other gifts and plushies, and overall, it was a total joy to see so many kids light up after receiving their new toys. After getting their gifts and goodie bags, the kids were ecstatic to go into the school gym and see what holiday fun was waiting for them. Each holiday station had its own activity, whether it was making marshmallow snowmen or hand-crafting pasta necklace master-


pieces. Upstairs, kids got to visit Santa, and were offered gingerbread houses, made by our very own Key Clubbers and each embellished with a handful of Skittles and a generous portion of frosting. NYSoM also provided costumes that included many of the upcoming holidays. There was a gingerbread man, a dreidel, a kwanzaa, and even an elf! These dressed up characters were fun and festive companions for the kids to enjoy the day with. Throughout the whole event, our members had so much fun getting to know the bigger community of Key Clubbers outside our school and seeing the holiday spirit spread to so many children! -Janice Cao

BTHSKC bowling fundraiser



On December 11, 2021, we held a Bowling Fundraiser at Jib Lanes, the first fundraiser of the school year! Even though the weather was cloudy and gloomy, Key Clubbers from all over the city came to support Alex Lemonade’s Stand, this service year’s District Project, which is an organization that is devoted to helping end childhood cancer. With such a large student body at Brooklyn Tech, it was nice to have a solo fundraiser just compromised of our club as it allowed me to meet more of our new and returning members! And to meet a few Key Clubbers from other schools such as Bronx Science, and more students from the Brooklyn Tech community that aren’t Key Clubbers like our school’s bowling team! In addition to having friendly bowling competitions and chatting with members, for this fundraiser, we had designed special limited edition pins with an adorable key club bowling design, which we sold for $1 each, as well as a guessing game, to raise more money for the cause! For the guessing game, we filled up two holiday themed jars with Hershey Kisses, and asked members to guess how many they thought were in the jar! At the end of


the fundraiser, whoever was closest to the amount of Hershey Kisses won the jar. All together, we were able to raise over $300 to aid the efforts of Alex Lemonade’s Stand. It was amazing to see all of the hard work from our amazing co-treasurer, Janice, and fundraiser co-heads, Willem and Mamoona, pay off in this fundraiser. Here’s to more in-person fundraisers and events! -Laura Fan

All together, we were able to raise over $300 to aid the efforts of Alex Lemonade’s Stand.





Our amazing single service director, Nina has come up with another fun, virtual event for members to participate in and learn more about this year’s single service project, Climate Change! For this event, please choose one of the quizzes from NASA's Interactive Climate Change website. After completing the quiz, reflect in the google form!

Events & Volunteer Opportunities


LEADERSHIP TRAINING CONFERENCE march 24th-27th, 2022 Be on the lookout for upcoming details about registration in our events emails and instagram!


Spotlight General Events SIGN PETITIONS FOR CHANGE Sign petitions for different charitable causes! All you have to do is go onto and sign as many petitions as possible (the max for Key Club credit is 5 petitions). To earn credit, make sure to choose petitions that relate to one or more of our 3 service projects: Climate change, anti bullying, and helping kids in need. Earn up to +25 pts Get up to 1 hr & 25 mins of service Submit Proof Here

RE-MISSION 2 NANOBOT'S REVENGE! Re-Mission 2 Nanobot's Revenge is a game designed by the nonprofit, HopeLab. It's gameplay is based on cancer treatment options and is used to help improve the mental health of young cancer patients. When playing this game, you’ll be destroying tumors in the body using a nanobot! Earn up to 20 pts Get up to 40 mins of service Submit Proof Here

REPAIR THE WORLD IN THE SUMMER! In Repair the World NYC’s Summer Teen Service Corps, teens will volunteer hands-on, learn about social justice through a Jewish and interfaith lens, and travel throughout NYC to make a difference! Repair the World will be having a virtual info session on February 10th! The meeting will be worth 15 points and 1 service hour (you will still earn the points & hours even if you don’t commit to the program). Date: Thursday, February 10th, 8:00PM-9:00PM Earn +15 pts and 1 service hour RSVP Here, Submit Proof Here

district board





EXECUTIVE ASSITANT aaronyu.ea@nydkc. org

ANNA BELENKO WEBMASTER webmaster@nydkc. org





EXECUTIVE ASSITANT gabriellaslootsky.ea

follow... @nydkc

updates on district goals It was announced in December that we have reached the district goal of 100,000 service hours!

It was also announced that we have reached 80 percent of the district's fundraising goal which is $150,000!



the Key club pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions. 45

thanks for reading

caring; our way of life the beaver tree

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