Martial Arts Magazine Budo International 328 January 2 fortnight – 2017

Page 1

Chin Na techniques require a thorough study not only of the body joints, but also of Anatomy in general. Chin means "catch, capture" and Na means "control." Then we can say that Chin Na are those techniques of gripping, pressure and dislocation, by which we can control our opponent in a defense situation. The Shaolin Chin Na techniques are used to neutralize or interrupt an attack. Although its origins date back practically to the foundation of the Shaolin Temple itself, it is well known that already during the last Chinese dynasty, Chin Na techniques were most popular among the population in general, so in that time the techniques of capture and control lived their moment of boom and expansion. Chin-na practice should be done placing a greater emphasis on the development of the control and sensitivity needed to leave an attacker defenseless by any of the 5 principles of Chin Na: Muscle or tendon tearing, Incorrect bone placement, Blocking or cutting off respiration, Blocking a vein or artery, Pulsing a channel of Qi.

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“If thieves knew the advantages of being honest, they would be even if only for convenience.” Basilio Antonio Tucci Salvi

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“You cannot pretend to be continually what you are not, so the best strategy is the truth. It saves energy and without energy, men are only a piece of meat.”” Huang Ta chung

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Perhaps the fact of being a woman is not sufficient condition - although needed - to have a starting point that really allows you to act in a natural way focused on the issue of female selfdefense. It is a fact assumed today that women perceive the world in a totally different way than men and I must add, through my own experience in all these years as director of this magazine, that the Martial world is, in general terms, markedly masculine and, much too often, male chauvinist. Masters in this issue tend to patronize their female students; perhaps for this reason feminine defense systems rarely are that... feminine... I f wom e n have take n command of so many things in the modern world it's only right and pr oper that they do it also in something as basic and fundamental as self-defense. Nobody better than Trina Pellegrini, who not only has had an extraordinary formation from her position as the couple of that "great" who is her husband John, but also because he, by his maturity and despite his masculinity, has managed to place himself in the right place so that she could find her way. Besides Trina has the motivation to have been on both sides. Experiences, bad as they can be, can leave us lessons, understanding, empathy and compassion to be able to interact with others who eventually are in the same place in which we once were... Trina possesses all this, as well as the strength of improvement and the technical knowledge to give shape to an efficient system which is centered on the nature, idiosyncrasy, psychology and nature of a woman before a terrible event, excessively frequent to be ignored. For all this, she also starts out from an extraor dinarily lucid viewpoint: Being a victim is not an option! Alfredo Tucci

Self Defense

No More Victims!

A MESSAGE OF EMPOWERMENT by Master Trina Pellegrini

Every day I read the news (not the old-fashion way in a newspaper, but online) and search for stories that are relevant to my work: specifically, stories of crimes perpetrated against women. Sadly, I never have to search too long or too hard. Every day I find several heartbreaking stories from around the world of women victimized (usually by men) in many different ways: assaults, domestic violence, rapes, abuse, robberies, abductions, torture, murders‌. the list is sickening. I also read true crime books and follow many TV shows about true crime stories. Sometimes I don't sleep very well because of all the horrific things I see. Why do I read and collect those sad stories? Because I learn from them and then I can teach what I have learned to other women. What I learn from those stories is usually what NOT to do or what things to avoid. I also analyze each case to formulate strategies and tactics to prevent, fight back and escape similar situations. I have made it my mission in life to help as many women as possible to NOT become

Self Defense victims of violence. And I take my work very seriously, with single-minded determination. I sit and watch TV shows with a notebook so that I can take notes on a particular case or situation (I'm so happy we can pause live TV now!). I often go online later to see if I can find out more facts about what I just watched. It's very disheartening to see that in a lot of cases the crime could have been prevented if only women had some basic skills to fall back on. During my life, I have experienced abuse and violent assaults. But that is not what qualifies me to do what I do. It only helps me to better understand what is like being a victim and being able to relate to women who have also been victimized. What qualifies me are 25 years of studying, researching and training in the field of Self-Defense. It was my destiny to meet and become the wife of a man who has dedicated his life to the studying and

No More Victims!

“It's very disheartening to see that in a lot of cases the crime could have been prevented if only women had some basic skills to fall back on.�

Self Defense

No More Victims! teaching of realistic , effective Self-Defense. By his side, for many years, I have learned; I have absorbed knowledge like a sponge, hoping that, one day, I would be able to teach others and thus make a positive contribution. My husband, John Pellegrini, the Founder of Combat Hapkido, is a Martial Arts celebrity, respected and admired throughout the World. And he is the one who inspired and motivated me to achieve my goals. Unlike other famous men, he was not content to just have me follow in his shadow. He wanted me to find my own passion, create my own path and be successful in whatever I decided to pursue. And what I committed myself to was the development of a system of self-defense specifically designed for women. Of course there are those (men and women) who strongly object to even the idea of a system created just for women. After all, women can just join a Martial Arts school and learn to defend themselves like everyone else. Have we not finally achieved equality? Why should we be treated different or special? Well, it is very convenient but also disingenuous to bring up “equality� in this

Self Defense

context. We are not talking about “equal pay� or equal rights. No one could argue the merits of equality in those areas. What we are talking about are the all too real physical and psychological differences between men and women and how those differences relate to violence, abuse and victimization. Men and women are definitely NOT equal in that area. And the daily news and crime statistics prove it. We are also talking about women who have been abused or violated and they absolutely cannot stand the thought of being in the room with a man while training. Generally speaking, men are not usually victims of domestic abuse, are not sexually assaulted or raped and are not abducted, tortured and murdered. Of course, men are also victims of crimes and violence but mostly of a different nature and for different reasons. And their physical make-up, upbringing, contact sports practice or military training, all contribute to their willingness and ability to fight back.

Self Defense

No More Victims! “Women are not only physically less powerful than men, but they are also conditioned since birth to be gentler, less aggressive and avoid activities, games and sports that are perceived as “violent” or mimic fighting.”

Women are not only physically less powerful than men, but they are also conditioned since birth to be gentler, less aggressive and avoid activities, games and sports that are perceived as “violent” or mimic fighting. For us, self defense starts in our mind. We have to learn to give ourselves permission to fight back. For the longest time, we would hear "Just do what your attacker says, don't fight back and maybe he'll let you go".. Thankfully people have stopped saying that! Therefore, in creating my system of self-defense for women, I wanted to do more than just put together a syllabus of effective, no-nonsense, easy-to-learn techniques, I wanted to create a complete program that included other essential components: • Situational Awareness • Levels of Alert Conditioning • Improvised Weapons • Tactical Escapes • Confidence Building • Wellness & Fitness Information

“Of course there are those (men and women) who strongly object to even the idea of a system created just for women.�

• Victim Assistance & Resources • Sources for Related Products & Services • Crime Statistics & Data

That’s why TRU, my system, was born. To EMPOWER women, to provide the tools needed to prevent or escape an attack or, if inevitable, to successfully fight back. The acronym TRU stands for “Trained- Ready-Unafraid”:

Trained – Before you can fight back an assailant, you must be trained in your mind and in the self-defense techniques that we teach. They cover most types of attack, including the ground and weapons. We teach mostly by seminars and classes given by Certified TRU Instructors. We also offer our basic course on DVD (but hands-on training is best).

Ready - “Knowledge is Power!” You must know your environment, possible dangers and unfolding situations. You must be prepared to act. Don’t give the attacker the advantage of the element of surprise. Be always aware and alert.

Unafraid – You must NEVER feel or think of yourself as a victim. You must have the heart of a tigress. You start by developing strong confidence in yourself, your skills and your abilities and with your absolute will to survive. Surrendering to violence is never an option!!

Self Defense

TRU is more than a great self-defense system, it is a formula for personal empowerment. In my seminars, the lecture part is often more meaningful to women than even the actual techniques. They know that I understand their past traumas, I know their secret fears, I share their experiences and, because I “speak their language�, they feel inspired, motivated and, most of all, they feel empowered (in some cases, for the first time in their lives!). And that is one of the most rewarding parts of my work. We laugh a lot at my seminars but sometimes there are tears as well. We discuss things that we could never discuss if there were men present in the room.

Self Defense “You must NEVER feel or think of yourself as a victim. You must have the heart of a tigress.”

TRU has been so well received everywhere I have introduced it that I have decided to offer teaching opportunities to competent, sincere, and seriously dedicated women. Beginning in 2017 I will conduct courses to certify TRU Instructors, so that they can help spread our message of empowerment around the World. My first course is scheduled for March 4th & 5th in Galesburg, Illinois (USA). I am also excited about several other TRU projects that are in progress and will announce in the near future. I am grateful that in my life I have been given this opportunity to help women prevent, escape and fight back violence. It is an awesome responsibility that I accept gladly. I also want to thank all the friends who have helped bring TRU to life by believing in me and supporting my efforts. Special thanks to my husband for always encouraging me and advising me every step of the way. And “thank you!� to my dear friend Alfredo Tucci, the publisher of Budo International magazine, for offering me his respected forum so that I can bring this message of empowerment to the women of the World. If you would like more information, please visit my website and sign up for our newsletter! You can also follow me on Facebook at Unafraid Women, Instagram: unafraidwomen and Twitter @unafraidwomen

Arts of Japan

Now and then some people tell me they have dreamed of swords, medieval weapons, and, in some form or another, they look for an explanation. The sword has always been a mythical and mystical object in the male universe. The word "Sword" continues the Old English, "Sweord", of Germanic origin, and related to Dutch "Zwaard" and German "Schwert". According to the English - Oxford Living Dictionaries, a sword is a weapon with a long metal blade and a hilt with a hand guard, used for thrusting or striking and now typically worn as part of ceremonial dress.


“Many students who became great teachers, discovered in this form of observation that during a fight, life and death mix.”

“Kansatsu - which in Japanese means observation, i's the moment when the student discovers that he can observe, that he can understand the movements of others. It's the separation of mind and brain.”

Arts of Japan

lso, "the sword" - literary - Military power, violence, or destruction. And "swords" - One of the suits in a tarot pack. If we see it from the point of view of militarism, we all have a brave aspect that leads us to fight for our goals. In Japan, the man who carried swords was defined as "the one who serves" Samurai. This means that the first step in the learning of Kenjutsu is to serve, to solve that distance that we establish between pride and humbleness. The act of learning is totally devoid of pride or arrogance. It means, for the way of the sword, surrendering, control of external and internal distances. Many believe that there is only external "Ma-ai" in front of the opponent. Quite the contrary, Ma-ai begins inside of us and manifests externally.


"If you calm your mind by stopping its movement, that stillness will make it move even more."

Analogous to this, we can say that our interior is as if it was a great mountain. For Zen, in chapter 62 of the Shôbôgenzô, by Dôgen Zenji (1200-1253), the mountain has a virtue to which nothing is lacking, it is absolute in itself: therefore, despite being

“If you calm your mind by stopping its movement, that stillness will make it move even more.”



firmly established in the ground, it's always moving. In the face of the sword, the inner mind is aware of its movement. The Ma-ai can establish the eternity of the moment in one single movement. This "movement" to which Dokai referred, is the essence of all movement. However, he who is on the mountain is not aware of this movement. Those who are not able to see this mountain at least once, cannot understand, see or hear this kind of thing, because of its principles. Kenjutsu is experimentation, donation, surrender, a unique moment! The way in and out of our inner mind! In a real confrontation there is no time, there are no truths or lies, everything is very fast. Internal and external distances hardly exist. The wisdom of attracting and warding off the manifestations of the Dojo in constant movement. This way of thinking is obvious in the way of Kenjutsu: all new experience is a challenge, characterized by surmountable difficulties which greatly promote the development the moral values of those who want to live through it. Regarding the experiences more deeply complex, such as the transformation of the old man into a new being, the steps to conquer are manifold and covered with understandable impediments. If we go further, we will find the importance of Kansatsu - which in Japanese means observation. It's the moment when the student discovers that he can observe, that he can understand the movements of others. It's the separation of mind and brain. We explain: The brain is only a part of the central nervous system - even if it is the most complex one. It consists of a mass of nervous tissues, which occupies most of the cranium and fulfills the functions of reasoning and language, among others. It's egg-shaped, with the longest portion turned backwards. It weighs on average 1,100 grams. The left side of the brain commands over the right side of the body and the right side of the brain commands over the left side of the body. The left side of the brain is logical, while the right side is intuitive. For Haragei Masters and ancient specialists in the art of fighting with the sword, it can be described as a three storey castle.

“The Ma-ai can establish the eternity of the moment in one single movement.�

Arts of Japan

The 1st floor - subconscious - is the "residence of our automatic impulses", symbolizing the living sum of the services performed. The 2nd floor - conscious - is the "domain of current conquests", where the noble qualities we are building up stand and consolidate. The third floor - superconscious - is the "home of the superior notions", indicating the eminences of what fulfills us to reach. For our mind to continue in the direction toward the highest, the balance of these three areas of our brain is indispensable. The mind is the guide of this microscopic universe (the brain), in which trillions of bodies and multiform energies are consecrated to its service. From it emanate the currents of the will, determining a wide network of stimuli, reacting to the exigencies of the exterior landscape, or responding to the suggestions of the interior zones. Various Masters of Zen and more mystical follow-ups of Japanese culture, establish an inner path in the mind, which lies between the objective and the subjective. It's obliged by the Divine Law to learn, verify, choose, reject, accept, collect, keep, enrich, enlighten and progress always. From the objective plane, he receives the problems and influences of the direct struggle. From the subjective sphere, he absorbs the inspiration, more or less intense. From the disincarnate or incarnate intelligences that are related to him, the results of the mental creations that are peculiar to him. In the way of Kenjutsu, although it might remain apparently stationary, the mind continues its way, without drawing back, under the unfailing performance of visible or invisible forces. Many students who became great teachers, discovered in this form of observation that during a fight, life and death mix: the value of the Ma-Ai lies in the separation of the feelings that are externalized in the form of "time and distance" between the opponents, causing the perfect, exact distance! Life is a period in itself. Death is a period in itself. For example: they are like winter and spring. We do not think that winter is transformed into spring, or that spring becomes summer. Then there is the deep within the inner and outer distances. This, in all its aspects, keeps peculiar characteristics that make it special, that make it magical! Several people I know,


“In the path of the sword we can say that, in this case, the observer is fear itself.�

Arts of Japan

who dedicate their lives to something they consider important, throughout their activities understand that the "deep" is beyond the moment, the opportunity. We interact, but we not always do it in a true, essential, interesting way! Thus freeing ourselves from the superficial, from the illusory, from the "unreal" that is not true - means freeing ourselves from fear, from psychological fear, from fear of reflection about the interaction of the "I" with the moment. A middle-aged man said to me: "Why should I want to practice with the sword? That's for idiots! " Certainly the term "idiot" refers to ancient warriors, who only spoke a language... But, establishing an idea about something, if only to know, is it to establish a strong path with idiocy or not?

"Every mistake is based on a truth that has been abused" (Whillein Bousset)

The practice with the sword undoubtedly establishes a route different from that of the "idiocy"; Its depth is related to the highest concepts of reasoning and conclusions. It is through the deep that we find the space between the imagination and the true. For the wisest, this interval, this space, which is time, exists in the person who establishes the path of superficiality, fear and stagnation. The act of deepening establishes the condition of interrupting the illusory cycle: fear disappears and the person remains directly in contact with the fact that is observed from a rational point. For Zen, it is only the fact what dissolves within itself... There is only the fact and there is no environment. By this way, in parallel with Zen, we can say that several things take place in that process: the conflict is completely eliminated when self-observation is given at the moment that the observer is the observed thing. In the path of the sword we can say that, in this case, the observer is fear itself. Once there is no selfobservation, the current energy of the moment rises; that is, we experience the phenomenon that all energy (internal and external) takes on the form of fear. Dissolving this interval is the most adequate way for the wise. Once there is no interval, once we are the energy, fear, by dissolving it, becomes a logical, rational way.

"A life is not important, except for the impact it causes in other lives" (Jackie Robinson)


“In the way of Kenjutsu, although it might remain apparently stationary, the mind continues its way, without drawing back, under the unfailing performance of visible or invisible forces.�

In this new DVD of Vovinam, Patrick Levet has wanted to show the facets of the use and handling of the Vietnamese Stick. Although little known, the Vietnamese long stick is, without a doubt, the most important weapon among all the weapons of the traditional Martial Arts of Vietnam. The Vovinam school, in its official program, only proposes the Stick Form (Tu Tuong Con Phap) and the counterattacks of stick vs. stick (Phan The Con), without explaining the intermediate movements. But the Vietnamese stick goes far beyond these two facets and Master Levet offers us 2 detailed DVDs on all the applications of the numerous intermediate movements of the Stick Quyen. This first volume includes a series of specific stick warming up and bodybuilding exercises, the guard, fundamental principles, stylistic handling of the weapon, defense against disarmament, blocking and dodging, displacements, as well as combat techniques. An original work that shows for the first time the Vietnamese stick in a complete and exhaustive way.

REF.: • DVD/VIET7 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.



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This DVD is the result promoted by the Spanish subsidiary of the Zen Nihon Toyama-Ryu Iaido Renmei (ZNTIR - Spain Branch), to publicize the technical content of the ToyamaRyu style as practiced in the ZNTIR Honbu Dojo in Machida, Tokyo, unchanged, with no alterations. The loyalty of the program is such that is its president and maximum technical manager, Yoshitoki Hataya Sensei, who, accompanied by some members, executes personally the entire compendium of the current style program. In him you can find the basic structure of the methodology that is applied, from the coded exercises of warming up and preparation and through the cutting exercises; the guards; the school Katas, including those corresponding to the Toyama Army Academy, the Gunto Soho and its explanation; work in pairs, both in Kumitachi and Gekken Kumitachi, and the cornerstone on which the Toyama-Ryu is based, i.e., Tameshigiri or cutting exercises on a real target. Zen Nihon Toyama-Ryu IaiDo Renmei (ZNTIR) is the body that currently - once reviewed and adapted the concepts and methodology of a school that comes from a method of actual combat intends to maintain alive this tradition and the original forms through a system that unifies body, mind and spirit in a realistic and effective way. Thanks to the commitment of a few graduates of the Toyama Army Academy (Rikugun Toyama Gakko), who continued secretly keeping alive the art until the lifting of the bans and the return of sovereignty to the Japanese people, today can learn a fencing style framed among the current schools of Iai-Do. This is a meticulous DVD in different languages, which proves to be a valuable source for researchers and practitioners of Japanese sword, and for martial artists in general or interested in the history of Japan and its last world war. It's a real stroke of luck being able to observe the techniques it contains, and at least for serious researchers, is well worth having it in your video library. We practitioners of the style want to share loyally the knowledge of our Japanese fencing school, in the hope that at the same time, the own inter nal values of those armed men impregnate the new generations and allow to glimpse a revulsive, in a traditionally way very different from the current approach to combat disciplines of Japanese origin. All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


Pinching techniques Many people are surprised to feel my pinches and ask me why I use this method. First of all, I would like to pay tribute to Sifu Dan Inosanto, who spoke about this method during a seminar in Scotland many years ago. In fact, he explained that these techniques were used to pinch an opponent's nipple and pr oduce ver y surprising reactions like unbearable pain. He then demonstrated to us the effectiveness of pinching techniques in a technical series, and I was astonished to see the reactions they produced in an a g g r e s s o r. S o I d e c i d e d t o deepen in the knowledge of these techniques, testing the pinching on myself.

Jeet Kune Do

Jeet Kune Do íêáÉÇ= çå= ~ää= é~êíë= çÑ= ãó= ÄçÇó= íç= ÑÉÉä= ~åÇ= ëÉÉ= íÜÉ êÉ~Åíáçåë= íÜÉëÉ= éáåÅÜÉë= ÅçìäÇ= éêçÇìÅÉK= få ~ÇÇáíáçåI=f=~Ç~éíÉÇ=íÜÉ=éáåÅÜÉë=íç=íÜÉ=ëáòÉ=çÑ=ãó Ü~åÇë= ÄÉÅ~ìëÉ= íÜÉó= ~êÉ= ëã~ää= ~åÇ= f= ÅçìäÇåDí Öê~ëé=íÜÉ=ãìëÅäÉë=ïáíÜ=ÉÑÑáÅáÉåÅó=~åÇ=ÉåÉêÖóK pç=f=ëí~êíÉÇ=íç=ïçêâ=ãó=Öê~ëéë=çå=ãó=ëâáåK=f ëççå= êÉ~äáòÉÇ= íÜ~í= ëçãÉ= Öê~ëéë= ïÉêÉ= ~ÅíáåÖ= çå ãó= åÉêîÉ= ÉåÇáåÖëI= ~åÇ= íÜáë= êÉëìäíÉÇ= áå= íÜÉ íÉãéçê~êó=áåíÉêêìéíáçå=çÑ=íÜÉ=Ñäçï=çÑ=ÉäÉÅíêáÅ~ä ëáÖå~äë=áå=íÜÉ=ÄçÇóI=çê=áå=ÅÉêí~áå=é~êíë=çÑ=íÜÉ ÄçÇóK=låÉ=çÑ=íÜÉ=áããÉÇá~íÉ=~Åíáçåë=ï~ë=íç ëíçé= íÜÉ= é~ëë~ÖÉ= çÑ= íÜÉ= ÉäÉÅíêáÅ~ä= ëáÖå~äë íç= íÜÉ= Äê~áåI= ã~âáåÖ= ÅçìåíÉê~íí~Åâ êÉ~Åíáçåë= îÉêó= ÇáÑÑáÅìäí= çå= íÜÉ= é~êí= çÑ= íÜÉ çééçåÉåíK= cêÉèìÉåíäóI= íÜÉ= çééçåÉåí êÉÅçáäÉÇ= çê= ÄÉÅ~ãÉ= é~ê~äóòÉÇ= ~åÇ= îÉêó ÑÉï= éÉçéäÉ= ïÉêÉ= ~ÄäÉ= íç= ëíêáâÉK eçïÉîÉêI= áå= çêÇÉê= åçí= íç= í~âÉ ìååÉÅÉëë~êó= êáëâëI= f= ã~å~ÖÉÇ= íç ÇÉîÉäçé= ~= ëíê~íÉÖó= ÅçåëáëíáåÖ= áå ãáë~äáÖåáåÖ= Ñêçã= íÜÉ= ÅÉåíÉê= äáåÉI= äáâÉ ÄçñÉêë= Çç= ~í= íÜÉ= ÄÉÖáååáåÖ= çÑ= íÜÉ ÅäáåÅÜK= qÜáë= ~ääçïÉÇ= ãÉ= íç= Öì~êÇ ~Ö~áåëí= ~å= áåëíáåÅíáîÉ= Ääçï= ìåÇÉê íÜÉ=ÉÑÑÉÅí=çÑ=é~áåK=få=~ÇÇáíáçåI=íÜÉ Ñ~Åí= çÑ= ãáë~äáÖåáåÖ= ~äëç= ~ääçïë ìë= íç= çéÉå= çìê= ÑáÉäÇ= çÑ= îáëáçå ïáíÜ= íÜÉ= éìêéçëÉI= áå= Å~ëÉ= çÑ ~ÖÖêÉëëáçå=áå=íÜÉ=ëíêÉÉíI=çÑ åçí= ÄÉáåÖ= ÄÉ~íÉå= Äó= ~å ~ÖÖêÉëëçê= ïÜç= ïçìäÇ= ÄÉ ÄÉÜáåÇ=ìëK


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Jeet Kune Do

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What you think, is what you are If you think that you are the best cook, that you are the best mechanic, that everyone appreciates you, it will be so. But if you think that your life is not worth it, that nobody is going to love you, it will also be like that. Justo DiĂŠguez

Where does everything start?

fí= áë= íêìÉ= íÜ~í= íÜÉêÉ= ~êÉ= ÇáÑÑÉêÉåí= ÇÉíçå~íçêë íÜ~í= ã~âÉ= çìê= êÉëéçåëÉ= êÉëìäíë= áå= çåÉ= ï~ó= çê ~åçíÜÉêX= íÜÉëÉ= ÉåÉêÖó= íê~åëãáííáåÖ= ÅÜ~ååÉäë ÑçêÅÉ= çìê= Äê~áå= íç= íê~åëä~íÉ= áí= ïáíÜ= ~= éÜóëáÅ~äI ãÉåí~ä=çê=Éãçíáçå~ä=êÉëéçåëÉX=~=êÉëéçåëÉ=íÜ~í êÉã~áåë=áåëáÇÉ=çÑ=ìë=~åÇ=ï~åíë=íç=ëÉííäÉ=Ççïå ~åÇ=ëí~ó=íÜÉêÉ=ÑçêÉîÉêI=f=Ñáêãäó=ÄÉäáÉîÉ=íÜ~í=ïÉ ~êÉ=ïÜ~í=ïÉ=íÜáåâK=lìê=íÜçìÖÜíë=Öç=ÇáêÉÅíäó=íç çìê= ãáåÇ= íìêåáåÖ= íÜÉãëÉäîÉë= áåíç= Éãçíáçåë ~åÇ= ÇÉëíêçóáåÖ= çìê= ëÉäÑJÉëíÉÉãI= çìê= ÜçéÉë ~åÇ= çìê= ÇêÉ~ãë= ÄÉÅ~ìëÉ= ïÉ= ÉåÇ= ìé Éãçíáçå~ääó= ~ëëìãáåÖ= çìê= ãÉåí~ä= ä~óçìí= ~åÇ ÄÉäáÉîáåÖ= íÜ~í= ïÉ= êÉ~ääó= ~êÉ= íÜ~í= éÉêëçåK= låÅÉ ãó= Ñ~íÜÉê= íçäÇ= ãÉ= åçí= íç= ÉîÉê= äÉí= ~åóçåÉ= íÉää ãÉ=ïÜç=f=ï~ëX=çåäó=f=Ü~Ç=íÜÉ=éçïÉê=íç=ÇÉÅáÇÉ ïÜç=f=ï~åíÉÇ=íç=ÄÉI=ëç=f=ÇÉÅáÇÉÇ=íç=ÄÉ=ïÜç=f ~ãI=ïáíÜ=ãó=ëíêÉåÖíÜë=~åÇ=ãó=ïÉ~âåÉëëÉëK

Am I like that?

f= ~ã= äáâÉ= íÜ~í>= eçï= çÑíÉå= ïÉ= ÜÉ~ê= íÜáë ~åëïÉê>= ^åÇ= áí= áë= åçí= íêìÉX= ïÉ= ~êÉ= ïÜ~í= ïÉ ï~åí= íç= ÄÉI= áåÇÉéÉåÇÉåíäó= çÑ= ïÜ~í= çíÜÉêë= íÉää ìë= ïÉ= ~êÉK= tÉ= ãìëí= âÉÉé= ~å= çéíáãáëíáÅ ~ííáíìÇÉ=áå=Ñêçåí=çÑ=íÜÉ=äáãáíë=íÜ~í=çìê=~ÅèìáêÉÇ

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Am I an optimist dreamer?

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The RaĂşl GutiĂŠrrez Column

"We are born to live, that's why the most important capital we have is time, so short is our passage on this planet that it is a terrible idea not to enjoy every step and every moment, with the favor of a mind that has no limits and a heart that can love much more than we suppose."

Facundo Cabral

The Noble Eightfold Path (Sanskrit: ry gamrga, Pali: ariyo ahagiko maggo) is considered, according to Buddhism, as the way that leads to the cessation of "dukkha" (suffering). This liberation from "samsara" (the painful cycle of rebirth) is known as Nirvana.

GM RaĂşl Gutierrez

Fu Shih Kenpo

GM Raúl Gutierrez

he Noble Path is one of the fundamental Buddhist teachings; the fourth part of the Four Noble Truths. In Buddhist symbology, the Noble Path is usually represented with the dharma wheel (dharmachakra), where each ray represents an element of the path. This symbol is also used for Buddhism in general, and in many styles of Martial Arts such as KoshoRyu Kenpo, Kenpo-Karate, Fu-Shih Kenpo, etc. The elements of the Noble Eightfold Path are subdivided into three basic categories: wisdom, ethical conduct, and mind training (or meditation), to rehabilitate and remove the constraints of the mind. In all the elements of the Noble Path, the word "correct" or "right" is a translation of the word "samm" (in Pali), meaning "fullness", "coherence", "perfection" or "ideal." The noble path is:


• Pali: paññ) Wisdom 1 (Sanskrit: di • Pali: dihi) Right vision or understanding 2 (sakalpa • sakappa) Right thought or determination

• (Sla) Ethical conduct 3 (vc • vc) Right speech 4 (karmnta • kammanta) Right conduct 5 (jva • jva) Right livelihood

• (Samadhi) Training of the mind 6 (viima • vima) Right effort 7 (smriti • sati) Right mindfulness 8 (samdhi • samdhi) Right meditation

Although the path is numbered from one to eight, it's not normally considered as a series of linear steps by which one must progress; rather, as the Buddhist monk and scholar Walpola Rahula points out, the eight elements of the Noble Way "must be developed in a more or less simultaneous way, insofar as is possible according to the capacity of each individual. All of them are united and each one helps the cultivation of others", this being a practical guide that is done in parallel. The Noble Eightfold Path, by the way it is written, can be understood in an ordinary or practical way for non-Buddhists, or in a transcendental and sacred way for Buddhists.

A. In the Benares sermon, after his enlightenment, Buddha expounded the four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path:

1. The first Noble Truth is Dukkha, the nature of life is suffering. This is the Noble Truth of Suffering. Birth is suffering, old age is suffering, illness is suffering, death is suffering, associating with the undesirable is suffering, separation from what is desirable is suffering, and not getting what you want is suffering. In short, the five aggregates of adherence are suffering. 2. The second Noble Truth is the origin of dukkha, the desire or "thirst for life" accompanied by all passions and attachments. This is the Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering. It's the desire what produces new rebirths, which accompanied with pleasure and

Fu Shih Kenpo passion it always finds new delight, now here now there. That is, desire for sensual pleasures, desire for existence and desire for non-existence. 3. The third Noble Truth is the cessation of dukkha, attaining Nirvana, absolute Truth, ultimate Reality. This is the Noble Truth of Cessation of Suffering. It is the total extinction and cessation of that same desire, its abandonment, its discarding, freedom from it, its non-dependence. 4. The fourth Noble Truth is the Path that leads to the cessation of suffering and to the experience of Nirvana. This is the Noble Truth of the Path that leads to the Cessation of Suffering. Only this Noble Eightfold Path, i.e., Right Thinking, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Life, Right Effort, Right Attention, and Right Concentration.

B. The essence of the thousands of speeches in which the Buddha explained his teaching in various ways is contained in The Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path.

C. This Path included in the fourth Noble Truth is the Middle Path, so called to avoid both extremes: the pursuit of happiness through sensual pleasures, and the mortification of oneself. This Middle Path is called the Noble Eightfold Path, as it consists of eight factors, which are: 1. Right understanding (samina ditthi) 2. Right thinking (samma sankappa) 3. Right words (samma cow) 4. Right action (samma kammanta) 5. Right livelihood (samma ajiva) 6. Right effort (samma vayama) 7. Right attention (samma sati) 8. Right concentration (samma samadhi)

D. These eight factors are not separate and must be developed simultaneously, since they are all closely interrelated, and each one contributes to the cultivation of others. Also, the different trajectories of the octagon (also known as OCTANGLE) divided into angles could have the following meaning: Angle 1: Intended for the study of concentration and energy generation exercises. Angle 2: Intended for the study of the healing arts. Angle 3: Intended for the study of physical exercises for a correct body conditioning for the practice of the arts of Kosho Ryu Kenpo and Fu-Shih Kenpo, called Japanese yoga. Angle 4: Study of the escaping arts. Angle 5: Study of the culture, history and philosophy of the style. Angle 6: Intended for the study of the takedown arts. Angle 7: Study and practice of meditation, through the learning of Shodo, Ikebana and Iaido. Angle 8: Intended for the study of the arts of war, with and without weapons.

During the brief speeches I usually give during my various seminars, courses or stages around the world, I usually mention the following: each and every one of us, we are always in the center of a circle. You, I, they, everyone. That is, each one has his or her own center in the

space, in the earth, in the Universe. And basically in our maneuvers of displacement, defensive in the beginning, then offensive, we have 8 angles denominated of "Evasion and Escape". From the center of our circle, moving backwards, considering therefore backward lateral displacements, left or right, and backward diagonal displacements left or right; these would be the angles of "No Violence", in which we try not to establish a physical contact with our aggressor. The angles from the center of the circle moving forward, that is, diagonal displacements left or right and to the front, force us to take into account a physical encounter or clash, whether of protection, dodging, diverting and reduction or total confrontation. Self-Defense does not mean to harm or destroy an opponent or aggressor. It means being prepared to have sufficient reflexes and ability to react and anticipate a possible conflict, and with that try to avoid the harm we could cause to each other. Not being in the place of conflict is a good form of Self-Defense. Bars, clubs or public places noted as "dangerous" must be avoided, as well as the late hours of the night in which vice, alcohol drinking or consumption of any type of drugs, could drag us to suffer attempts of outrage, insults or challenges. We must be discreet, educated, quiet and intelligent so that as soon as we perceive the slightest possibility of violent acts, leave immediately the place. Especially women must avoid walk around neighborhoods or habitual sectors of violence. They must be careful with the clothe they wear, which shouldn't be provocative or insinuate any more than what is correct.. That is known as "Body Language". All these points are aspects of a good self-defense. Avoiding street fights, we will avoid remorse, harm, pain, suffering (personal or of others), conflicts with justice and loss of time, money and energy. There will be situations in which we can unwittingly come across an unexpected problem, and the particular situation will mark the way we will have to make use of our knowledge acquired through the practice of Martial Arts and our psychological and emotional ability. Emerging unscathed from street conflict not only consists in winning the fight, but also the way in which we have resolved it causing the least possible harm. We have trained, or have been trained to be citizens useful to society, not to destroy or cause pain. That is the easiest thing. The difficult thing in reality is to sacrifice so many days, weeks, months or years to control our inner demons, to consider that the others are also persons, and that by a slip, an excess of drinks or drugs, we are not the owners of their lives. Therefore, resorting to our knowledge, we must use the various methods of persuasion or reduction without sending them to a hospital, or to the cemetery. With this we will avoid a lot of subsequent trouble. There will be situations in which we won't be able to use the angles of Evasion and Escape, i.e., the No-violence angles, simply because we might be against a wall, a car, a table, or because there are people around that prevent us from moving in those directions. Then we will have to use the most suitable diagonal forward direction, bearing in mind that at the time of moving we must try to step aside from the line of the aggressor's weapons, and move away to diminish his avalanche of possible blows. This means that if he is standing in a guard position with the left leg forward, it could be that he was left-handed, and so we should move precisely toward his left diagonal side to hide behind him. And although, according to his own ability, he could try other type of counterattacks, anyway he will be more

Fu Shih Kenpo

limited, slower and he will have less power, especially if we have moved to the right distance to control his weapons keeping them close to us, and we stay in a correct diagonal line to jump on him and break his balance keeping ours, and press on him. If this circumstance does not occur and the situation forces us to get out by his dangerous side, where we will run head-on into his arsenal, then, protecting ourselves, we must launch a blow (Atemi) to some area of the adversary that can destabilize him, stop him or reduce his continuity capabilities. Finally the direct frontal line is for when there is no other option. And here we have to enter with all decision, strength and forcefulness, especially if the guy is too strong and aggressive, or if he is armed and we cannot take any more risks than the one that represents the entrance by itself. Logically, it will all depend on what kind of weapon holds the aggressor, and of course we know that we may suffer some blow or even a cut, in the case of a knife, but this is

"theoretically" less dangerous than receiving a flurry of ammunition that can seriously injure us. Foreseeing, anticipating, avoiding, not being there or not wanting to prove that you are very brave or very manly, is what will make the difference. No matter how well-trained we are or the degrees or tittles that we possess. There's sport and then there's "real life". Prudence, respect and knowledge to be will provide us with many satisfactions and "tranquility" in every way. We train sports or Martial Arts not to test our mettle in the street, but to be healthy, to be better in our home, in our work, with our friends and in society; to live our lives peacefully and to try to be and make happy those around us.


"Try to reach your goals without causing pain or trampling others, but to try to overcome your own person."

Wing Tsun

From the Origin... Since I started practicing combat disciplines, at a very young age, I've always felt deeply attracted by the Chinese Martial Arts. And when I talk about Chinese Martial Arts (Wu Shu) I don't simply mean their combative aspects or the applications to Self-Defense. The history of the Chinese people, their traditions, their culture, the philosophy that permeates the practice, all this makes up a conglomeration of elements that made the Martial Art that I practice become a WAY of LIFE for me.

Taos Academy

Although I have to admit that for many years I lived focused on improving the training systems within the Wing Tsun style to obtain the best results in martial terms, I must also recognize that focusing the practice on this aspect alone, certainly left me "empty". An ambiguous feeling between the satisfaction of what you do and that fills you with excitement, and a strange sensation that forces you to ask yourself: Is this what we call “Kung Fu�? (Term with which WuShu is generally known in Europe) How would it be our style if it contained EVERYTHING? (Martial Techniques, History, Tradition and Culture, Philosophy...)

Wing Tsun

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Taos Academy

Wing Tsun

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Taos Academy

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Taos Academy

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“With the name of "Origin & Destiny", we will record a documentary about Wing Chun in the world.”

Taos Academy

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu VACIRCA BROTHERS JIU-JITSU The “re-invention” of the Jiu-Jitsu principles (part 2) © 2016 Franco Vacirca, Sandra Nagel © pictures by vacirca archive

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu The fusion of Jiu-Jitsu principles

Our Gracie Jiu-Jitsu teaching program, which is based on my grandmaster and main teacher Pedro Hemetério, is designed to help everyone, regardless of age, gender and attributes, to achieve a respected level in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. There is no secret knowledge or abbreviations on the way to the Black belt. In Gracie Jiu-Jitsu one quickly learns that it is the continuous work that will bring you closer to the goal.

The Black belt can, of course, serve as a kind of “motivator”, but it is rather the maintenance of this honorable status, by offering your contribution and help to others who are going the same path like you, which will me you personally grow. In addition, for me is a Black belt, only then a real Black belt, if he or she maintains these values also outside the Tatame, in the daily life. Our Academy primary mission is to serve our students, and to provide them with a healthy and life in-reaching way. To understand the technical content of our Gracie

“At our Academy, we encourage the student from the very beginning to participate actively in the so-called POSITIONSRANDORI, as well as in the FREE-RANDORI.”

Vacirca Brothers Jiu-Jitsu method, we must always know the following points:

No. 1 - Learn to read between the lines: Most people who start with Jiu-Jitsu believe that it is enough to just imitate the techniques shown by the instructor, without asking themselves the question, how do I get at all to make this technique and why do I have to. Here is an example: If you want to work out of the

GUARD (Position in which your opponent legs are around your waist and you have your back on the ground), you should also ask why you have landed at all in this position so that you can prevent this next time. If you try to pass the GUARD, you may should ask yourself, what could be happening while passing the GUARD; as an example, “where and how can your opponent prevent you from doing so, and what might result from it?

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu kçK=O=J=iÉ~êå=íÜÉ=ïÜçäÉ=Ö~ãÉW At our Academy, we encourage the student from the very beginning to participate actively in the so-called POSITIONS-RANDORI, as well as in the FREE-RANDORI. The Japanese word RANDORI stands for “free grabbing” (which is often seen as Sparring), which is for us not quite correct. In others schools, it is first demanded that the students should learn only techniques, and that RANDORI is not introduced before reaching a very good technical level, which is certainly also a way to avoid serious injuries. We are, however, more likely to be involved “almost” from the start, but by looking at the RANDORI as a training method and not using

“If you practice with someone that is less technical, then you should use this opportunity to train yourself to execute the techniques as clean as possible.”

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as Sparring in the traditional way as it is used in other Martial Arts and Grappling schools. With our POSITIONS-RANDORI we learn to put the theory into practice, step by step and under supervision, so that not too many mistakes or bad habits arise later, which in turn can slow the progress of the student regardless of his technical level and Belt color.

No. 3 - Learn to pay attention to the knowledge: If both students are equally strong, regardless of their Belt color, then you should try to deceive the opponent with small movements, to learn how to work with feints, so that you can open the opponent's Position and create possibilities. If you practice with someone that is less technical, then you should use this opportunity to train yourself to execute the techniques as clean as possible. In this way, you will also help your training partner to understand what you are doing to him, and you give him the chance that he can understand the mistake that he or she just did. You should always remember that it is not a crime to lose a fight in RANDORI. Try also to get always enough feedback from your training partner and provide him the same. Most of the problems usually change when you are less powerful than your opponent. The most common mistake is made by simply using muscle power unnecessarily. If you are athletic, you will apply very soon your muscle power instead of focusing in your technical skills.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

No. 4 - Learn to work continuously on your Jiu-Jitsu: Newcomers should be remembered: Patience, the first basic principle, will also bring you furthest. Nobody should feel under pressure and no one should rush each other. In the beginning, often someone gets too much technical knowledge and too little time to “digest” the information. It is also the case that one's own self-confidence is also connected with the small successes on the Tatame. As soon as you have developed a better body feeling, I call it “polish the corner edges and make your body rounder”, you will soon achieve greater success in the training, which in turn strengthens your self-confidence.

After learning Jiu-Jitsu from his elder brother Carlos, Grandmaster Hélio Gracie, recognized not only the incredible potential of this Self-defense method, but also the need to modify individual techniques and exercises. The three most important guidelines for Gracie Jiu-Jitsu technique are: 1. Check the effective applicability: The technique must also work, if the opponent can strike (punch proved). Should the technique convey a false sense of security, it certainly does not belong to the method. 2. Use your own energy correctly: Any technique that requires excessive endurance, physical strength and speed, or other athletic requirements, does not work in a real street confrontation. An efficient technique is based on the following three basic principles: patience, timing and precision. 3. The use of natural movements: When fighting under street conditions, the movements and reactions must remain natural and simple. Natural movements are those that the body can absorb and automate within a short time. If the movements become instinctive reflexes, they also function under high physical and mental pressure. Franco Vacirca /

“Newcomers should be remembered: Patience, the first basic principle, will also bring you furthest.”

“Our Gracie Jiu-Jitsu teaching program, which is based on my grandmaster and main teacher Pedro Hemetério, is designed to help everyone, regardless of age, .gender and attributes.”

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Kali is a very versatile and old system of fighting that includes empty hand as well as weapon training methods. It is a devastating Art unto itself, but when you add the Kyusho you become even more efficient, effective and advanced in disabling an opponent. Kali has always taught what is called "Gunting" for strikes to weaker aspects of the arms, in volume #1 the Kyusho added even greater potential and a perfect starting point for the Kyusho or Kali practitioner. Many arm destruction methods were demonstrated as well as Kyusho Knockouts using only the nerves of the arm. This second volume expands on these powerful Kyusho targets by working from the arm traps of volume #1 and demonstrating additional and even more powerful head targets for incapacitation of the opponent. This video compilation will bring you far more advanced skills, even if you do not practice Kali... the two methods were meant for each other. Several KO's are demonstrated so you can see the efficiency and affect Kyusho brings to Kali.

REF.: • DVD/KYUSHO 25 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


Budo “Dear Reader, we both know that the Martial Arts represent a lot more than just a sport or a hobby or a system of defense.”

"MARTIAL ARTS": A GLOBAL VISION MARTIAL ARTS THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR "An impressive documentary" GIFT "THE DRAGON" WILSON "The Martial Arts as they have never before been presented" ENRIQUE PERERA (UNIVERSAL)

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The Documentary

Budo íÜáåâ= íÜ~í= áí= áë= Ñ~äëÉ= ãçÇÉëíó= íç= ë~ó= íÜ~í= ïÉ= ~ÅÜáÉîÉÇ= çìê= çÄàÉÅíáîÉëK= = jó= åÉáÖÜÄçêDë ãçíÜÉê=Ü~Ç=åÉîÉê=ÜÉ~êÇ=çÑ=j~êíá~ä=^êíë=ÄÉÑçêÉ=ï~íÅÜáåÖ=íÜÉ=éêçÖê~ãI=Äìí=ëÜÉ=ÉåàçóÉÇ=áí ~ë=ãìÅÜ=~ë=ãó=Öóã=é~êíåÉêë>= qÜ~åâë=íç=íÜÉ=ïÜçäÉ=íÉ~ã=~åÇ=ÉëéÉÅá~ääó=íç=g~îáÉê=bëí¨îÉòI=çìê=~ìÇáçîáëì~ä=ÇáêÉÅíçêI ïÉ=éêçÇìÅÉÇ=~=ÄÉ~ìíáÑìä=~åÇ=ãÉ~åáåÖÑìä=ïçêâI=Ñìää=çÑ=êÜóíÜãI=ÅçãéêÉÜÉåëáîÉI=Çóå~ãáÅ ~åÇ=ïáíÜ=ÖêÉ~í=é~ÅÉ=~åÇ=êÜóíÜãK===qÜÉ=ëÅÉåÉë=Åçåëí~åíäó=ÅÜ~åÖÉÇ=ëç=íÜ~í=çåÉ=ãáåìíÉ óçì= ~êÉ= áå= g~é~åI= íÜÉå= _ê~òáäI= íÜÉå= íÜÉ= rp^I= `Üáå~I= qÜ~áä~åÇ= çê= çå= ~å= fí~äá~å= ëíêÉÉíK qÜÉ=éêçÖê~ã=áåÅäìÇÉÇ=íÜÉ=ÄÉëí=çÑ=íÜÉ=äáîáåÖ=j~ëíÉêë=çÑ=íçÇ~óK qÜáë=~êíáÅäÉ=éêÉëÉåíë=åç=ãçêÉ=íÜ~å=~=ëóåçéëáë=çÑ=íÜÉ=çêáÖáå~ä=Çê~Ñí=íÜ~í=Ö~îÉ=ÄáêíÜ=íç íÜÉ=ëÅêáéíI=ïÜáÅÜ=áë=~=äçí=ãçêÉ=ÉñíÉåëáîÉ=~åÇ=ïáíÜ=íÜÉ=é~êíáÅáé~íáçå=çÑ=ã~åó=ãçêÉ ÉñéÉêíëK==f=~ã=éêçìÇ=íç=ë~ó=íÜ~í=íÜáë=áë=íÜÉ=ãçëí=ÜçåÉëí=ÅçåíêáÄìíáçå=íÜ~í=f=Ü~îÉ ã~ÇÉ= ëç= Ñ~ê= íç= íÜÉ= ÇáÑÑìëáçå= çÑ= j~êíá~ä= ^êíëI= ~åÇ= f= ÜçéÉ= íÜ~í= óçì= Éåàçó= áí= ~ë ãìÅÜ=~ë=f=ÇáÇ=ïÜÉå=f=ïêçíÉ=áíK==fí=ïáää=ëççå=ÄÉ=~î~áä~ÄäÉ=çå=asa=~åÇ=îáÇÉçK=== aÉ~ê= oÉ~ÇÉêI= ïÉ= ÄçíÜ= âåçï= íÜ~í= íÜÉ= j~êíá~ä= ^êíë= êÉéêÉëÉåí= ~= äçí= ãçêÉ íÜ~å=àìëí=~=ëéçêí=çê=~=ÜçÄÄó=çê=~=ëóëíÉã=çÑ=ÇÉÑÉåëÉI=íÜÉó=~êÉ=~äëç=~=ï~ó çÑ=äáÑÉ=~åÇ=~=êç~Ç=íç=ÅçåëÅáçìëåÉëë=~åÇ=éÉêëçå~ä=ÖêçïíÜK==qÜÉ=j~êíá~ä ^êíë=~êÉ=?qÜÉ=é~íÜ=çÑ=íÜÉ=t~êêáçêK?==

Martial Arts. The Path of the Warrior

^ë=~=ëéçêíI=~=ï~ó=çÑ=äáÑÉ=çê=ÉîÉå=~=ëÜçïI=íÜÉ=ï~êêáçê=~êíë=~åÇ=ï~êêáåÖ ÇáëÅáéäáåÉë=Ü~îÉ=Å~éíìêÉÇ=íÜÉ=~ííÉåíáçå=çÑ=ã~å=Ñêçã=íáãÉ=áããÉãçêá~äI ~ë=ãìÅÜ=áå=lêáÉåí~ä=ÅìäíìêÉë=~ë=áå=tÉëíÉêå=çåÉëK==qÜÉ=^êíë=çÑ=íÜÉ=ÖçÇ j~êë= Ü~îÉ= ÅçãéäÉíÉÇ= íÜÉáê= áêêÉéä~ÅÉ~ÄäÉ= ãáëëáçå= áå= íÜÉ= Üáëíçêó= çÑ ã~åK= = qÜÉ= ï~êêáåÖ= Åä~ëëÉë= íÜ~í= ïÉêÉ= ÇÉÇáÅ~íÉÇ= íç= ã~áåí~áåáåÖ= íÜÉ

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“As a sport, a way of life or even a show, the warrior arts and warring disciplines have captured the attention of man from time immemorial.”

Budo cêçã= ~= ëéçêí= éÉêëéÉÅíáîÉ= íÜÉêÉ= áë= íÜÉ= hçêÉ~å= íê~ÇáíáçåI= ÇáêÉÅíÉÇ= ã~áåäó= Äó q~ÉâïçåÇçI=ïÜáÅÜ=Ü~ë=ÄÉÉå=~ÄäÉ=íç=í~âÉ=ãçëí=~Çî~åí~ÖÉ=çÑ=áíë=ÇáÑÑìëáçå=áå=íÜÉ=tÉëíI ~= Ñ~Åí= ëìééçêíÉÇ= Äó= áíë= áåÅäìëáçå= ~ë= ~= ëéçêí= áå= ëçãÉ= läóãéá~ÇëK= = _ìí= íÜÉ= hçêÉ~å íê~Çáíáçå=áë=åçí=çåäó=q~ÉâïçåÇçI=~åÇ=áå=Ñ~Åí=áí=áë=çåäó=~=é~êí=çÑ=íÜÉ=ï~êêáåÖ=^êíë=áå=íÜáë ÅçìåíêóI=íÜÉ=é~êí=íÜ~í=áë=êÉä~íÉÇ=íç=ëíêáâÉë=~åÇ=âáÅâëK= få= ~= ÅÉêí~áå= ï~ó= áå= áíë= ÖÉåÉëáë= áí= íççâ= ~= ëáãáä~ê= Ñçêãìä~íáçå= Ñêçã= íÜÉ= g~é~åÉëÉ ãçÇÉä=çÑ=h~ê~íÉK==^í=íÜÉ=ãçãÉåí=áí=áë=ÇáîáÇÉÇ=áåíç=íïç=çêÖ~åáò~íáçåëW=íÜÉ=tqcI=tçêäÇ q~ÉâïçåÇç= cÉÇÉê~íáçå= íÜ~í= áë= êÉÅçÖåáòÉÇ= Äó= íÜÉ= fåíÉêå~íáçå~ä= läóãéáÅ= ÅçããáííÉÉ ~åÇ=íÜÉ=fqcI=fåíÉêå~íáçå~ä=q~ÉâïçåÇç=cÉÇÉê~íáçåI=ïÜáÅÜ=áë=ëíáää=ÖçîÉêåÉÇ=íçÇ~ó=Äó íÜÉ=ÅêÉ~íçê=çÑ=íÜÉ=ëíóäÉI=dÉåÉê~ä=`Üçá=eçå=gáK ^äíÜçìÖÜ=áíë=ãçîÉãÉåíë=êÉëÉãÄäÉ=íÜçëÉ=çÑ=h~ê~íÉ=ÖêÉ~íÉê=éêáçêáíó=áë=ÖáîÉå=íç íÜÉ=ìëÉ=çÑ=íÜÉ=äÉÖëK=== tÉ=Å~å=ë~ó=íÜ~í=áí=áë=~å=^êí=Ççãáå~íÉÇ=Äó=~=ÅÉåíêáÑìÖ~ä=ÑçêÅÉI=ïÜáäÉ=h~ê~íÉ áë= Ççãáå~íÉÇ= Äó= ~= ÅÉåíêáéÉí~ä= çåÉ= ïáíÜ= ãçêÉ= çéÉå= ãçîÉãÉåíëI= ÜáÖÜÉê éçëáíáçåë= ~åÇ= Éñé~åëáîÉ= ~åÇ= êáëáåÖ= íÉÅÜåáèìÉë= íÜ~í= Å~å= ëçãÉíáãÉë= ÄÉ= íêìäó ëéÉÅí~Åìä~êK== _ìí= íÜÉ= çêáÖáå= çÑ= íÜÉëÉ= ~êíë= êÉëáÇÉë= áå= Ñçêãìä~íáçåë= íÜ~í= ~êÉ= ãìÅÜ= Äêç~ÇÉê ~åÇ=ÅçãéäÉíÉ=~åÇ=áåÅäìÇÉ=íÜÉ=ìëÉ=çÑ=ïÉ~éçåëI=íÜêçïë=~åÇ=ÇáëäçÅ~íáçåëK==qÜÉ íïç=ãçëí=áãéçêí~åí=ëÅÜççäë=çê=ëíóäÉë=~êÉ=eï~=o~åÖ=açI=íÜÉ=j~êíá~ä=^êí=íÜ~í ï~ë=éÉêÑçêãÉÇ=Äó=íÜÉ=ÉäáíÉ=çÑ=íÜÉ=âåáÖÜíë=çÑ=íÜÉ=é~ä~ÅÉ=áå=hçêÉ~=~åÇ=e~éâáÇçI ïÜáÅÜ=áë=~å=^êí=ïáíÜ=ÅÉêí~áå=ëáãáä~êáíáÉë=íç=g~é~åÉëÉ=^áâáÇç=Äìí=~=äçí=íçìÖÜÉê ~åÇ=ãçêÉ=ÇÉÅáÇÉÇ=áå=áíë=~íí~ÅâëK==^ë=áå=^áâáÇçI=íÜÉ=ÉåÉãó=áë=ÑçêÅÉÇ=íç=êçí~íÉ ~êçìåÇ=íÜÉ=ÇÉÑÉåÇÉê=ÄêÉ~âáåÖ=íÜÉ=äáåÉë=çÑ=~íí~Åâ=ïáíÜ=ëéÉÅáÑáÅ=~Åíáçåë=íÜ~í í~âÉ=~Çî~åí~ÖÉ=çÑ=íÜÉ=ëíêÉåÖíÜ=çÑ=íÜÉ=~íí~ÅâÉêÛë=êÉëéçåëÉK=== få=íÜÉ=råáíÉÇ=pí~íÉëI=íÜÉ=ëéçêí=çÑ=h~ê~íÉ=Ü~ë=~ÅÅêÉÇáíÉÇ=ëéÉÅí~ÅäÉë=äáâÉ jáâÉ=^åÇÉêëçåÛë=âáÅâÄçñáåÖI=cìää=`çåí~ÅíI=~åÇ=péçêíë=h~ê~íÉK


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The Documentary

“The Arts of the god Mars have completed their irreplaceable mission in the history of man.”

“If you are pulled, then move forward."


The Documentary óçì= äÉ~êå= Üçï= íç= ÑáÖÜíI= Äó= ÑáÖÜíáåÖK= = fÑ= óçì= éê~ÅíáÅÉ= íÜÉ= íÉÅÜåáèìÉë= ÉîÉêó= åáÖÜí= áå= Ñêçåí= çÑ= ~= ãáêêçêI= Äìí= óçì= åÉîÉê Ü~îÉ= Åçåí~Åí= ïáíÜ= ~åóÄçÇóI= óçì= ïáää= åÉîÉê= ÄÉ= ~å= ÉÑÑÉÅíáîÉ= ÑáÖÜíÉêK= qÜÉ= çåäó= ï~ó= íç= ÄÉ= ~å= ÉÑÑÉÅíáîÉ= ÑáÖÜíÉê= áë= Äó ÑáÖÜíáåÖ=Ñçê=êÉ~äK?== _ìí=åçï~Ç~óë=j~êíá~ä=^êíë=ÑìäÑáää=~=ãìäíáéäÉ=ëçÅá~ä=ÑìåÅíáçåK==cêçã=~=ÜáëíçêáÅ~ä=éÉêëéÉÅíáîÉ=Ó=Ñêçã=íÜÉ=Ñçêã~íáçå=çÑ ëÉÅìêáíó=ÑçêÅÉë=íç=~å=ÉÇìÅ~íáçå~ä=çåÉ=J=íÜÉ=ïçêâ=çÑ=j~êíá~ä=^êíë=j~ëíÉêë=áë=åçí=~ÇÉèì~íÉäó=êÉÅçÖåáòÉÇ=áå=ãçÇÉêå ëçÅáÉíáÉëK=== eçïÉîÉê=Ñ~Åíçêë=äáâÉ=ÅáîáÅ=ë~ÑÉíó=Ü~îÉ=ÄêçìÖÜí=~Äçìí=~=êÉÄáêíÜ=áå=íÜÉ=~ï~êÉåÉëë=íÜ~í=íÜÉ éìÄäáÅ=Ü~ë=ïáíÜ=êÉëéÉÅí=íç=íÜÉëÉ=éê~ÅíáÅÉëK= mÉêëçå~ä=ë~ÑÉíó=áë=ïáíÜçìí=~=ÇçìÄí=çåÉ=çÑ=íÜÉ=ã~áå=ãçíáî~íáçåë=çÑ=åÉçéÜóíÉë íç=ÄÉÖáå=éê~ÅíáÅáåÖ=j~êíá~ä=^êíëK=== bÑÑÉÅíáîÉåÉëë=~åÇ=íÜÉ=ëÉ~êÅÜ=Ñçê=~=éÉêÑÉÅí=~åÇ=áåîáåÅáÄäÉ=íÉÅÜåáèìÉ=Ü~îÉ ÄÉÉå=~=Åçåëí~åí=ãçíáî~íáçå=Ñçê=íÜÉ=j~ëíÉêë=íç=ÇÉîÉäçé=íÜÉáê=^êíK=få=g~é~å ~í= íÜÉ= ÄÉÖáååáåÖ= çÑ= íÜÉ= OMíÜ= `Éåíìêó= gáÖçêç= h~åç= Éëí~ÄäáëÜÉÇ= ~ éÜáäçëçéÜó=çÑ=~Åíáçå=íÜ~í=ï~ë=ëìãã~êáòÉÇ=áå=çåÉ=ïçêÇ=Ó=gralI=Ä~ëÉÇ çå= íÜÉ= çäÇ= ëÅÜççäë= çÑ= gáì= gáíëìK= = grJal= äáíÉê~ääó= ãÉ~åë= íÜÉ= ï~ó= íç ëçÑíåÉëëK=== eçï=Çç=óçì=ÅçåÑêçåí=ÑçêÅÉ=ïáíÜçìí=ÑçêÅÉ\=== h~åç=Éëí~ÄäáëÜÉÇ=ëçãÉ=ÅçåÅÉéíì~ä=é~ê~ãÉíÉêë=íÜ~í=Ö~îÉ=ëÉåëÉ íç= ~= ÅçåÑêçåí~íáçå= ÄÉíïÉÉå= äáíáÖ~åíë= ÉñéêÉëëÉÇ= áå= Üáë= Ñ~ãçìë ~éÜçêáëãW= ?ã~ñáãìã= ÉÑÑÉÅíáîÉåÉëë= ïáíÜ= ãáåáãìã= ÉÑÑçêí?K= = h~åç ÇáëÅçîÉêÉÇ=íÜáë=éêáåÅáéäÉ=Äó=çÄëÉêîáåÖ=å~íìêÉ=ÇìêáåÖ=Üáë=êÉíáêÉãÉåí áå=íÜÉ=_ìÇÇÜáëí=jçå~ëíÉêó=çÑ=báëÜçàáK==qÜÉêÉ=áå=ãÉÇáí~íáçåI=ÜÉ=ë~ï Üçï= íÜÉ= Ä~ãÄçç= ëìêîáîÉÇ= Äó= ÄÉåÇáåÖ= ìåÇÉê= íÜÉ= ïÉáÖÜí= çÑ= íÜÉ ëåçï= ãìÅÜ= ÄÉííÉê= íÜ~å= íÜÉ= Äê~åÅÜÉë= çÑ= ~å= ç~â= íêÉÉ= íÜ~í= ÄêçâÉ

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“"Yes, my style is different, it is very tough and pragmatic and is a combination of intense active techniques.”

Budo `ÜáåÉëÉ= ëÉÅêÉí= Ñçêãë= íÜ~í= Üáë= íÉ~ÅÜÉêë= é~ëëÉÇ= çå= íç= Üáã= ~åÇ= ëíóäÉë= äáâÉ= eìåÖ= d~ê= çê= m~= hì~= ~êÉ= ~ÅèìáêáåÖ ìåéêÉÅÉÇÉåíÉÇ=áãéçêí~åÅÉ=íÜ~í=ï~ë=ìåíÜáåâ~ÄäÉ=çåäó=~=ÑÉï=óÉ~êë=~ÖçK


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“Kung-Fu is an art that can even be practiced at an advanced age: it is one of the few Martial Arts that can be done up to eighty or ninety years of age."

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“Concentration is an essential factor in the practice of the Martial Arts. It is a fundamental point of strength because without mental concentration one cannot work at maximum intensity.�

Budo ROSA MARÍA DISTEFANO (psychologist and expert in bioenergetics):

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The Documentary

“The disciplinary Arts are necessarily a confrontation with violence itself. It is a well-known fact that their practitioners tend to be especially calm people.�


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“Practicing Martial Arts means being able to carry out the techniques using not only your arms, feet and elbows, but your whole being in each action."


"- To flow like water, glide like a cloud -, the Zen sentence defines for us perfectly the objective of every Martial Art at its highest level." íÜ~í=~ääçïë=óçì=íç=éÉêÅÉáîÉ=óçìê=çééçåÉåí=~åÇ=ÄÉ çåÉ= ëíÉé= ~ÜÉ~Ç= çÑ= ÜáãI= ïÜáÅÜ= áå= g~é~å= áë= Å~ääÉÇ pÉå=åç=pÉåK= táíÜ= f~áÇçI= hÉåÇç= ëÜ~êÉë= íÜÉ= ÅçåÅÉéí= çÑ= íÜÉ ëïçêÇ=~ë=~=ïÉ~éçåK=få=f~áÇç=~=êçó~ä=ëïçêÇ=áë=ìëÉÇ áå= íÜÉ= ~êí= çÑ= ìåëÜÉ~íÜáåÖ= ~åÇ= ÅìííáåÖK= = qÜÉ g~é~åÉëÉ= â~í~å~I= ïÜáÅÜ= ~êÉ= Ñ~ãçìë= Ñçê= íÜÉáê äáÖÜíïÉáÖÜí= ~åÇ= ëíêÉåÖíÜI= ~êÉ= ã~ÇÉ= ïáíÜ= ÇáÑÑÉêÉåí íóéÉë= çÑ= ëíÉÉäK= = qÜÉ= çåÉë= íÜ~í= ~êÉ= ëçÑíÉê= áå= íÜÉ ÅÉåíÉê= ~êÉ= ãçêÉ= ÑäÉñáÄäÉ= ~åÇ= íÜÉ= çåÉë= íÜ~í= Ü~îÉ Ü~êÇÉê=ÉÇÖÉë=Ü~îÉ=ÖêÉ~íÉê=ÅìííáåÖ=Å~é~ÅáíóK= f~áÇç= êÉèìáêÉë= ã~ñáãìã= ÅçåÅÉåíê~íáçåX= É~ÅÜ ãçîÉãÉåí= éçëëÉëëÉë= íÜÉ= éêÉãÉÇáí~íáçå= ~åÇ= íÜÉ ÑçêÅÉ=çÑ=~=ãçêí~ä=ÄäçïI=ëç=ãìÅÜ=ëç=íÜ~í=ÉîÉå=áÑ=ÜÉ áë=çåäó=íê~áåáåÖI=íÜÉ=p~ãìê~á=ëÜ~âÉë=Üáë=ëïçêÇ=íç êÉãçîÉ=Üáë=ÉåÉãóÛë=ÄäççÇ=Ñêçã=íÜÉ=Ää~ÇÉI=ÄÉÑçêÉ ëÜÉ~íÜáåÖ=áíK== låÉ= çÑ= íÜÉ= ÖêÉ~íÉëí= j~ëíÉêë= áå= íÜÉ= Üáëíçêó= çÑ= ãçÇÉêå= g~é~å= Çê~åâ= Ñêçã= íÜÉëÉ íê~Çáíáçå~ä=g~é~åÉëÉ=~êíë=âåçïå=~ë=_ìàìíëìK jçêáÜÉá=rÉëÜáÄ~=ï~ë=~=ÅÜ~êáëã~íáÅ=~åÇ=ëéÉÅá~ä ÅÜ~ê~ÅíÉêK= = eÉ= ëíìÇáÉÇ= íÜÉ= íê~Çáíáçå~ä= ëÅÜççäë= çÑ íÜÉ= é~íÜ= çÑ= íÜÉ= ï~êêáçê= äáâÉ= a~áíç= oóìI= íÜÉ g~é~åÉëÉ= ~åáãáëí= íê~Çáíáçå= çÑ= íÜÉ= pÜáåíç= çÑ= íÜÉ lãçíç= ëÉÅíI= ~åÇ= ÜÉ= ÅêÉ~íÉÇ= ^áâáÇçW= íÜÉ= ï~ó= íç ìåáíÉ=ÉåÉêÖáÉëK qÜÉ=íÜÉëáë=çÑ=rÉëÜáÄ~=ï~ë=íç=Öç=~=ëíÉé=ÄÉóçåÇ íÜ~í= çÑ= gáÖçêç= h~åçW= ?f= ÇçåÛí= çåäó= ÖáîÉ= ïÜÉå= óçì éìëÜI= f= ~äëç= éìää= óçì?K= = qÜÉ= êÉëìäí= áë= ~= ÅÉåíÉêÉÇ Ñçêã= çÑ= ÅçãÄ~í= ^êí= é~ê= ÉñÅÉääÉåÅÉK= = qÜÉêÉ= áë= åç ~íí~Åâ= çê= ÇÉÑÉåëÉI= çåäó= ~= Ñìëáçå= ïáíÜ= íÜÉ çééçåÉåíK==qÜÉ=ÉåÉãó=ÇçÉëåDí=ÉñáëíI=áåëíÉ~Ç=áí=áë ~= ãÉÉíáåÖ= çÑ= íïç= ÑçêÅÉëI= ~å= ÉåÅçìåíÉê= íÜ~í= ïÉ í~âÉ=íç=áíë=Ñìää=ÅçåëÉèìÉåÅÉë=ê~íÜÉê=íÜ~å=ÄÉáåÖ=áå çééçëáíáçå=íç=ÜáãK= jçëí= çÑ= íÜÉ= äáåÉë= çÑ= íÜÉ= ïçêâ= çÑ= ^áâáÇçI ÉëéÉÅá~ääó= íÜçëÉ= ÅäçëÉëí= íç= ^áâáâ~áI= áíë= g~é~åÉëÉ ÅÉåíÉêI=éêÉÑÉê=íç=ÅçåëÉêîÉ=~=ï~ó=çÑ=ïçêâáåÖ=íÜ~í=áë ìåáíÉÇ= ïáíÜ= íÜÉ= ÇáêÉÅí= íÉ~ÅÜáåÖë= çÑ= íÜÉ= ÅêÉ~íçê= çÑ íÜÉ= ëíóäÉK= = vçëÜáãáíëì= v~ã~Ç~= ëÜáåÉë= ~ãçåÖ íÜÉëÉ= j~ëíÉêëK= = eÉ= áë= ~å= áåÇÉÑ~íáÖ~ÄäÉ= íê~îÉäÉê

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“At that time the path of the warrior was what it had always been: a path to consciousness, a path toward oneself, a path to internal growth.”


The Documentary qÜáë= áë= íÜÉ= ï~êêáçêDë= é~íÜI= ~= é~íÜ= íÜ~í= ëí~êíÉÇ= ïáíÜ= íÜÉ ÄÉÖáååáåÖë= çÑ= Üìã~åáíó= ~åÇ= íÜ~í= áë= ÄÉÅçãáåÖ= ãçêÉ= ~åÇ ãçêÉ= êÉÑáåÉÇI= ëçéÜáëíáÅ~íÉÇ= ~åÇ= î~êáÉÇ= áå= áíë= Åìäíìê~ä= Ñçêãë íÜêçìÖÜ= ~= råáîÉêëÉ= çÑ= ëíóäÉë= íÜ~í= ÉñéäçêÉë= ~ää= íÜÉ éçëëáÄáäáíáÉë=çÑ=íÜÉ=Üìã~å=ÄÉáåÖK== fí=áë=~=é~íÜ=íÜ~í=íÉ~ÅÜÉë=óçì=Üçï=íç=~äíÉê=ëçãÉ=çÑ=íÜÉ=é~áå çÑ=äáÑÉ=ëáãéäó=Äó=ãÉ~åë=çÑ=éÉêëçå~ä=ÉÑÑçêíI=~=é~íÜ=íç=ÜÉ~äíÜI Ü~êãçåóI= çÑ= éçïÉêI= ~= íêÉ~ëìêÉ= çÑ= íê~Çáíáçå= íÜ~í= áë= ~äï~óë çéÉå=íç=íÜÉ=ÑìíìêÉK

“To be at one with everything, to unify your body, emotion and mind in a clean, impeccable act, fully realized in the here and now.”

The Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak is a system based on both weapons and empty hands at the same time. It incorporates many of the new-generation weapons, swords, knives, circular kerambits, bars, batons of different lengths and other more particular weapons. Even in our empty hand training methods we face an opponent who attacks us with weapons in both hands, as well as several opponents at once. This type of training makes us more aware of everything that happens during an altercation and what do and not do when facing one or more armed aggressors. In this second DVD, Maha Guru Horacio Rodrigues, heir to the lineage of Pendekar Pak Victor De Thouars, of Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak, addresses its particular way to train and use the different weapons, laying the foundations for more advanced future plans of study and the application of technique. This video includes the principles of work, angulation, Sambuts, Jurus and drills with the short sword "Pedang", short knife "Pissau", short stick "Tonkat Matjan", Sarong, and applications of selfdefense with empty hands.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


Sifu Alfred Johannes Neudorfer and Sifu Rosa Ferrante Bannera, founders of Wing Tsun Universe - WTU, a movement which characterizes not by the use of techniques, but of qualities, exchanges, principles and concepts of movement - focus their first DVD in Siu Nim Tao (SNT) or "9 ways". The SNT is the basis of Wing Tsun, Wing Chun and WTU. The understanding thereof is the basic condition for everything that comes after, because if you observe the way people perform the sequences of this movement, you can easily deduce what they will be able to do. If something is wrong with the movement, everything the practitioner will later develop will be erroneous. WTU movements (forms) involve inherent functions from which can derive applications. The significance of the primary movements makes them derive in other movements and to generate applications based on the principles and interactions that help to their understanding. The WTU also incorporates an extra "set" its founders considered necessary due to the current circumstances. The DVD includes the Movement (form) Siu Nim Tao, its 9 sequences and applications, sequences 1 to 3 of the first movement with a training partner (Chi Sao) and a revealing interview with the founders of the WTU.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


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