Martial Arts Magazine Budo International 330 – February 2 fortnight – 2017

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In this first DVD of "Wind Warriors XXI", Master Rui Ribeiro presents a work that anyone can do, in traditional martial arts and combat sports, to improve your health, your techniques and your way of working both in training and in combat. EVIDENCE, REFERENCE and CONTROL IN MARTIAL ARTS, COMBAT SPORTS and LIFE, MAN MOST BE WILD, NATURAL and PREPARED. Show no afraid. Touch your body. Make a relation with your Spirit. Take your time to understand the values of what you are. Feel the diferences of your constitution. The way that your brain act. External signals exist to notify you against further errors. Understand the signals, the relation of body and soul, the relation with others, with your senses. KIND of NATURE / KIND of REASON Kind of Evolution achievements / Kind of Systems. All it's on you. Make your body an empty place. In the exercise of nothing only spirit can be attacked, if you loose natural instinct. OSS

Ref.: • DVD/RIBeIRO-1 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


“Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn't, it is of no use. Both paths lead nowhere; but one has a heart, the other doesn't. One makes for a joyful journey; as long as you follow it, you are one with it. The other will make you curse your life. One makes you strong; the other weakens you.” Carlos Castaneda

ittle or none is what historians have left clear about the Shizen culture. What has reached us orally with respect to its history as a people is infinitely smaller than what has survived of its culture. From historians like Takeo Nagaki, we know that the original villages of this culture were probably located in the area of present-day Sapporo, during the Kamakura Period (1192-1333). At least two complete destructions of the Shizen villages (military defeats) by the Yamato invaders have come down to us through oral tradition. However their culture has survived to this day, largely through the efforts of the Shizen people themselves, who, being mingled at that time with the Japanese and acting as spies and protectors of their people remained infiltrated in positions of power and influence, when both defeats took place. If historiography is sparse in details about this culture, its cultural legacy is nevertheless cyclopean, and it has come to the present day in a secret and oral form through the Shizen immigrants that arrived in Brazil at the beginning of the 20th century. Of the ancient native cultures of the islands that make up modern Japan, today it only survives the Ainu (or Aino) people, which although it has its own language, it nevertheless lacks a writing system, for example. The Shizen culture, on the contrary, has bequeathed us three different forms of writing. This simple factor gives a bigger and clear dimension to the difference and depth of its knowledge, as well as the strength of its idiosyncrasy, compared to the Ainu culture. The Ainu survived the plundering, the acculturation and the submission on the part of the Yamato people, going through episodes of real Holocaust, even in the 20th century. The Ainu, however, maintain certain traditions, as well as their language, somewhat in the manner of the American Indians, much more like a sentimental remembrance of what they once were than anything else, since their life like huntergatherers was disturbed and absolutely destroyed. Even today, the fishing of salmons in their rivers, basis of their way of life on the hard winter days, continues to be banned or sponsored by the state. The Ainu didn't have the concept of property, so the expropriation of their land to give them to the Japanese immigrants at the beginning of the last century was a disaster in their way of life. Humiliated and bound to forget their language, they were forced into a devastating integration. Today, the Japanese government recognizes this minority and has enacted laws trying to protect that legacy. Unlike the Ainu, the Shizen culture, which ever since its beginnings showed an unsuspected vigor and a marked personality, reached high levels of great sophistication over the centuries. Oral traditions have it that Shizen people didn't define themselves by any racial trait, but cultural. This differentiation has probably been at the basis of their great success in perpetuating themselves over time. Breakwater of


many native cultures, organized against the invader, the Shizen knew, at least initially, to put a higher integrating factor, their culture, before a lower one like the race, the clan or the tribe. On the other hand, the defensive purpose established in their foundation, will definitively mark their closed and secret character from that moment. Like with American Indians, every person could become part of the people, provided that after a period of trial and coexistence, he or she had learned their customs and integrated them into his or her life. This period was formerly extended to a certain number of "moons" which would correspond to three years in our measure. After that period, they were initiated into their rites through a ceremony known in their language as “ashakoro” (“the big thing that is joined in big with the small material thing, through the reason”). From that moment they were considered to be a part of the Shizen people and initiated in their secrets and in the cult to Tengu ("the dogs of God"), a spiritual tradition known in their language as e-bunto (the great common force) - Ochikara, in Japanese. The Tengu were probably shamanic traditions from Mongolia (see the Tengri cult) originated from ancient cultures existing since the Neolithic, as they have features common to some ancient cultures of China, Mongolia, and Tibet. The Shizen legacy is an anthropological miracle of perpetuation. Without any written record (it was a culture based on the secret) the depth and extension of the knowledge now extant is something absolutely extraordinary. I do not remember any other similar case in modern history, so this culture is in itself a "living Rosetta Stone" of the oldest cultures in the world. What has come to me from our lineage (especially from the villages of Kawa and Yabu) is so vast and impressive that it would take several lives to study everything. The materials collected by Shidoshi Jordan Augusto, and humbly (far away from his titanic work) by myself, surpass the 50,000 entries of articles, books and materials, in which are explained and analyzed aspects as different as medicine, philosophy, language, songs, prayers, sutras, dances, psychology, spiritual medicine (Shizen shamanism), monogatari (mythological tales), Martial Arts, protocols and customs, festivities, spirituality, oracles, and a long etcetera. The secret as a defensive norm, has maintained a whole, great and enormous culture, hidden from the eyes of humanity. The secret, which marks its idiosyncrasy, impregnates its foundational DNA with such force that only through it and with an immeasurable vigor and strength has it managed to survive all these centuries through the families, the shamans (miryoku) and the priest-walkers known as Tonbo (dragonflies). The secret, which made sense in the defense of the heirs of the above mentioned tradition, first against the invaders far superior in numbers and military forces, and later, as a vehicle of protection among the Shizen sub-groups reborn in the

diaspora, can nevertheless turn into its definite ruin in modern times. Young people and Shizen families who are inserted in modern societies, as with other traditional cultures, go for the modern interests and ways of life, rather than their beautiful ancient traditions. On the other hand, the great Masters who preceded us, each one of them a living encyclopedia of the Shizen tradition, have been gradually disappearing one by one and their legacy rests in very few hands. The world of today lives immersed in the centrifugal force imposed by the unique thought, and despite the existing resistance to the loss of identity with the resurgence of chauvinisms, localisms and nationalisms, the truth is that the modern day-to-day is devouring any real distinction, reducing to folklore what one day was wisdom to face real obstacles, ordinariness and experience. Because the need is the mother of changes and when it comes into play, it changes whatever is around and nothing stops it. This is as true in cultures as it is in individuals. The depth and particularity of the Shizen culture is so extraordinary and so alive in our spiritual daily life that we have committed our effort and dedication to preserving it. This implies an exceptional turn of events that can only be understood within the framework of the extraordinary of the situation. As in human life, in that of cultures, two are the greatest and most important moments: birth and death. Birth, because it defines a whole trajectory as an arrow, aiming to its target. And death, because it solves the climax and maximum tension of a purpose. After all death, there is nothing left but the renaissance to a different plane, and therefore the transcendence to a more subtle and necessarily higher vibrational plane. The extraordinary amount of transgressions and disproportionate extreme events and boundaries that led up to the moment when I was named "eternally successor" (Kokeisha in Japanese, Koromi in Shizengo) of the traditions of the Kawa village in our lineage, would be enough to write a whole book; still, it wouldn't be but a tiny drop of time in the long history of the Shizen people. As the saying goes, space and time involved, you see everything in its opposite. Many years ago he wrote that in the modern and paradoxical times of the millenarian totum revolutum, the best of the East is seen in the West and vice versa. Capitalism is reaching extreme levels of perfection in its natural essence in China, while the best of the Orient, from the Dalai Lama to Mother Teresa of Calcutta (which was Albanian) will be seen in the West. The great martial artists of the East are in the West and many are the successors who no longer present slanted eyes. I have neither Shizen nor Japanese blood. In the end as in the beginning, none of that is important, and it never was. My Master doesn't have slanted eyes either, but he is more Shizen than anybody else, and a living library of its culture and knowledge. The spiritual imposes itself on the material, because in the extreme times that we live in, everything reaches its limits and exposes itself defragmented; times in which nothing can be preserved for tomorrow, because tomorrow has already arrived and the future shrinks; times of the Kali Yuga in the Hindu tradition, Apocalypse in the

Judeo-Christian, and apocalypse means destruction by fire ... Not everything is negative in it, for fire is also light, elucidation of contained energy and transfiguration of the matter towards a state of pure energy. To try to keep the past in an contrived way, or turn into pieces of museum such interesting cultures as the Shizen would be to kill its real value, at a time in which the lost humanity seeks paths and orientations that give direction, meaning and transcendence to its existence. It is not a matter of sustaining artificially the forms that made it be what it was, but of fitting its greatness into the higher parameters that it reached as a culture with a spiritual reach whose value is eternal for the eternal questions of man about his identity as a spiritual being, and about the reasons and mysteries underlying his experiences on this material plane. Subsidized cultures, such as species on the verge of extinction artificially supported, decline inexorably. So if you try to destroy something, the best is to protect it artificially, because easiness inexorably leads to difficulty. It is not that, nor is it to betray its essence by adapting it, under accommodative premises, to the circumstantial conveniences of those who approach it. Keeping alive a culture is therefore something that transcends the possibilities of one or two individuals and I don't delude myself. Perhaps our endeavor and purposes are in vain, because everything that begins at some point ends, but if that is the way it has to be, let it be with a "grand finale" in which may it shine forth with all its might the greatness of a brave and deeply spiritual culture, that navigated with courage in Universes of Conscience in which few have ventured. If, on the contrary, we pass the baton to a new generation, may it be better than the previous ones, and without losing the nobility and the essence of what characterized this people keeping alive their idiosyncrasy, let they foster the revival of the Shizen culture in a new context, irremediably different and as far away in time as in space, finding those Universal and great values that vibrate in its essence, with a unique and extraordinary strength and power. The secret of the secrets will continue being available only for those who have to form a part of it and, as we, want to transit through this unique and peculiar world; nothing will be betrayed in this particular, and not only because it is part of its essence as a culture, but also because it is so in any authentic path that surpasses normality. Everything is a question of grades in this Universe and in every pyramid there few stones on the top and many down. It's also known that quantity kills quality. If one day the Japanese government or its academics and historians decide to give fair space in their studies to a legacy that, far beyond what they are able to even imagine, has had so much unsuspected influence in the culture of their country, we will not hesitate to contribute to such noble endeavor. Such a culture deserves to be admired instead of pursued, as it was for centuries, so that the spirits that made it possible may rest in peace, and their enormous, gigantic, marvelous contribution to the spiritual body of humanity may shine forth in its own light in the immensity of the human legacy.

Great Masters


Yoshimitsu Yamada Sensei is first and foremost a man with a Universalist spirit. He is a person without borders, an Aikido ambassador who likes to transmit his art as authentic Budo, that is, without losing its roots. His technique conveys a sense of power as well as beauty. "We have been able to perceive the perfection of his actions in our own skin, serving as uke for him in tatamis all over the world", say his students. Wide movements of a great clarity and full of energy. And so is he as a person: a man full of energy, passionate about his art and with a great desire to spread it across the five continents. Alfredo Tucci

Great Masters

Aikido and Yamada Sensei Today, Aikido, like all other Martial Arts, is enjoying tremendous popularity all over the world. This includes Latin America, Australia and, especially, Europe. Of course, I love Aikido and I think it is an art not only very powerful, but also very beautiful. However, as time goes by I love Aikido much more, and it really hurts when I hear people who have never practiced it, say that it is an ineffective or false art. Unfortunately, sometimes I have to agree with those opinions. This is especially true when I observe some students from different Dojos around the world practicing Aikido in a very careless and routine way, or as a simple

social activity. When I contemplate this type of practice, I see nothing but emptiness and an immense lack of quality. I think that this attitude in training comes from not knowing the real essence of Aikido. After all, Aikido is Budo, and Budo means a matter of life and death. Thanks to the founder, Morihei Ueshiba, and his son, Kishomaru Ueshiba, Aikido was recreated as an accessible art not only in Japan but also abroad, so that all of us could benefit from the practice of this exalted Martial Art. Obviously, today we don't practice Budo to kill or damage other people. But the pursuit of harmony with our "adversary" shouldn't lead us to confront our practice in a way that is not consistent with the principles of Aikido. If you are aware that in any movement of any technique,

Aikido “Thanks to the founder, Morihei Ueshiba, and his son, Kishomaru Ueshiba, Aikido was recreated as an accessible art not only in Japan but also abroad, so that all of us could benefit from the practice of this exalted Martial Art.�

Great Masters you must keep in mind the essence of Budo, that is, of the difference between life and death, then it's simply not possible to practice Aikido in a careless and lifeless way. Some of the elements you need to apply Aikido techniques on and off the mat are a positive attitude, a strong balance and a solid center. I am not suggesting that

you become rough or use brute force. What I am proposing you is that you practice strongly and sincerely, but always with good will toward your "adversaries." In other words, I am asking you to be positive, centered and clear, because these are the elements of the spirit of Budo. My suggestion for your daily workout, no matter the Martial


Art you practice, is to not only attend the Dojo regularly to do your exercises in the usual way, but also train daily so that the practice helps you to improve yourselves. It is important to do our daily practice with the principles of Budo and Aikido in mind, so that the sixty minutes of each class we take are more meaningful to each of us. As a reward for this dedication, the improvement in the quality of our spirit will be much greater. This dedication to our spirit, in conclusion, will improve our lives.

Great Masters

“Personally I think that I don't copy anyone. I have tried to take things from everybody that are good for me, and integrate them in my person and digest them just like a good meal.�


"The Way ... of the Good Sense." Among the big names that resound strongly in the international panorama of Aikido, Yamada Sensei stands out for his dynamism, his strength and his boundless dedication to disseminating of the Art of Ueshiba. Tireless traveler, unflagging professor, he teaches courses and seminars around the world, often making the plane his home and the jet lag a daily custom. We have recorded with Yamada Sensei a second video more elaborate than the first one, in which it delights us again with his technical knowledge and with his personal way of looking at the Art of O Sensei. On the occasion of this recording, we obtained from Master Yamada the following interview, in which, going

deeper than ever, he speaks openly about the issues that practitioners of the Art of the Aikido are especially interested in. We wish to express our special gratitude to Michelle Feilen, the beloved pupil of Master Yamada, who has taken every interest in order that this article and the new video can success, so that our readers can connect with Master Yamada through their intimacy with him. Budo International: Sensei, what led you to practice Aikido? Yamada Sensei: My uncle, Tadashi Abe Sensei. He was Uchideshi (inside student) of O Sensei, so I had knowledge of Aikido from my childhood. And I always

Great Masters


hoped I could start practicing. When the time came, I started and that's it. Due to the familiar links of my uncle with O Sensei's family, I was accepted as Uchideshi. My situation was different than usual: my first day in Aikido was also my first day as Uchideshi.

Y.S.: It happened in a demonstration, not public, made for a very intimate family circle, in his house. I was invited like any other person thanks to the bond that my uncle had with O Sensei's family, and I felt so excited that I practically don't remember anything else.

B.I.: Do you remember the first time you saw O Sensei? Could you comment on that moment to us?

B.I.: What is the most important teaching you learned from O Sensei?

“Many people think that my style is very orthodox, of circular and dynamic movements, following the line of Kishomaru Ueshiba. That's what people think.�

Great Masters

Aikido Y.S.: Obviously, apart from the technical aspect, I learned to be a good person, generous and kind to the students. B.I.: Do you think that current Aikido differs much from what you practiced with O Sensei? Y.S.: Oh yes, definitely. If O Sensei saw today's training sessions he would be very surprised. Within the Art of Aikido there exist many variations of individual character, many styles. This is inevitable given its very creative nature. The important thing is to define yourself by a style. Everyone is free to follow what he or she likes, what is good for oneself. There are many ways to follow Aikido. No one can say which is correct and which is incorrect. It's like the translation of a great work, in which different nuances, as well as different interpretations, can always be expressed. There are many translators of O Sensei, and evidently the only way to get to know him and his work is through his translators. B.I.: What personalities of aikido have influenced you more in your personal development, both technically and spiritually? Y.S.: Well, personally I think that I don't copy anyone. I have tried to

take things from everybody that are good for me, and integrate them in my person and digest them just like a good meal. Many people think that my style is very orthodox, of circular and dynamic movements, following the line of Kishomaru Ueshiba. That's what people think. B.I.: How would you define your technique? Y.S.: Dynamic and elegant, well, at least I hope it be so. B.I.: What does the Aikikai Hombu Dojo represent in our day? Y.S.: Basically, the Aikikai Hombu Dojo should be a spiritual symbol for us. I am sorry that there is no such relationship between the Aikikai Hombu Dojo and the practitioners. Currently it's more a business relationship ( d e g r e e s , certificates, etc.). It makes me sad to s e e

Great Masters

that the spiritual link is getting lost. Even so, there who feel this relationship deep inside, but there others who simply do not care. This could pose a future, especially when we will lack the links translators of O Sensei.

are still people are also many problem in the of union: The

B.I.: What's your view on the proliferation of Federations and Associations around the world that follow the study of various Shihans? How can this affect the unity of Aikido and its development in the future? Y.S.: The ideal thing would be one single Federation that could unify everything, but this is absolutely impossible. It's like Aikido styles. Now we clearly realize that it's impossible and at this moment we have to think how to face this situation. We all know that we cannot unify and yet


some entities keep trying it, such as the International Aikido Federation (IAF). Everyone should have the right to be a member of the IAF. B.I.: In your organization, all grades that you grant are certified by the Aikikai. In Europe there are the national grades awarded by Federations and Associations, and those of the Aikikai. What is your opinion about this separation of grades? Y.S.: I understand that each country has its own administrations (different Ministries, etc.). Some countries have no choice, but I think that, at least regarding the Dan grades, they all should come from the original source, since they have a spiritual meaning. For this to be possible, the Aikikai Hombu Dojo must be sympathetic to the various local inconveniences, adjust to them and be made more flexible, as each country lives in different administrative and financial situations. Personally, I feel that if the Aikikai Hombu Dojo doesn't do anything about it to solve this problem, certificates will end up being granted by the countries or even by the Shihans themselves. This will happen if the Aikikai Hombu Dojo doesn't offer any solution. B.I.: Fortunately, your visits to Europe, and especially to Spain, are becoming increasingly frequent. How do you see the evolution of Aikido in the Old Continent? Y.S.: Europe, as a continent, has a very long history in Aikido, but at the same time quite confused. There are many Shihans and teachers. Obviously, there are many thoughts, styles and philosophies. Nowadays there is much more information, travelling is easier and there are many opportunities to see more Shihans, with which you can access the different Aikido lines around the world. People have more chances to check what is happening around Aikido; for example, in my country (USA) students not only see me or see the Shihans in America, but they also have the opportunity to see Tamura Shihan (Europe), or students who travel from Europe to America. I admit that I am not very up-to-date about the situation in Spain, but every time I come I enjoy very much teaching. I feel that people here are very eager to learn.

B.I.: From what we've seen all over the world, your courses are characterized by the attendance of multitude of pupils from other countries. What feeling raises in you the fact that students travel from so far away to practice under your direction? Y.S.: Of course, this makes me very happy. For me it means that I must do my job well. Not only is it good for me, it is also positive for my organization and for my students that people of the whole world come both to my Seminars and to my Dojo... Friendship links are created. B.I.: How do you see the technical and spiritual evolution of the high grades through your seminars around the world? Would you like to give them some advice? Y.S.: All are on the right track, although they should return from time to time to the sources and be more humble. B.I.: The New York Aikikai has become, over time (36 years of existence), a place of pilgrimage for innumerable aikidokas around the world who go to your Dojo to deepen the practice of Aikido. What spirit do you try to instill in all these practitioners? Y.S.: As I said before, I feel great pleasure when I see people from so many different countries coming to the New York Aikikai. I think they don't come just to see me; they also come to meet my students, of whom I am very proud. My Dojo has a special atmosphere, I don't know how to describe it or how I created it, but my motto is to make my Dojo a place where you can practice sincerely and at the same time enjoy yourself, thus creating friendship bonds. It is good to be able to love others and feel yourself loved at the same time. Maybe this is the environment we were talking about.

Great Masters B.I.: What goals do you have to achieve in the world of Aikido? Y.S.: Goals? Mnn... I hope someday I can project people without touching them. (LOL) B.I.: Define for me with a single word and in three seconds the following personalities of the world of Aikido: Y.S.: - K. Ueshiba A gentleman - K.Tohei Sensei Charismatic - O. Osawa Sensei Understanding - N. Tamura Sensei A great worker - M. Kanai Sensei A samurai - K. Chiba Sensei Passionate - Y. Yamada Sensei Flexible

Sifu Alfred Johannes Neudorfer and Sifu Rosa Ferrante Bannera, founders of Wing Tsun Universe - WTU, a movement which characterizes not by the use of techniques, but of qualities, exchanges, principles and concepts of movement - focus their first DVD in Siu Nim Tao (SNT) or "9 ways". The SNT is the basis of Wing Tsun, Wing Chun and WTU. The understanding thereof is the basic condition for everything that comes after, because if you observe the way people perform the sequences of this movement, you can easily deduce what they will be able to do. If something is wrong with the movement, everything the practitioner will later develop will be erroneous. WTU movements (forms) involve inherent functions from which can derive applications. The significance of the primary movements makes them derive in other movements and to generate applications based on the principles and interactions that help to their understanding. The WTU also incorporates an extra "set" its founders considered necessary due to the current circumstances. The DVD includes the Movement (form) Siu Nim Tao, its 9 sequences and applications, sequences 1 to 3 of the first movement with a training partner (Chi Sao) and a revealing interview with the founders of the WTU.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


Ancient arts... Ancient arts... The challenge in the era of modernity! "Maturity allows me to look with less illusion, to accept with less suffering, to understand with more tranquility, to love with more sweetness" Lya Luft Some people ask me "if I believe that everything has changed, if I think that the bearings now are different..." Throughout history, different men and women of the Martial Arts have taken high flights that completely altered the panorama of observation. We can see that in the most diverse martial cultures... However, not every change leads to the point of sublimation and achieves the expected success, as did Musashi, Yagyu, Kano, Ueshiba and others who, despite appearing at different times, they all jumped into the abyss of renewal. It wouldn't be much saying that the directions have always been different. The so many forms of reflection and observation, judging that we are talking about understanding, reverberate in curious warnings with strong words: "Be careful! Do not judge your neighbor!" Given the ephemeral nature of life, and indeed the irony with which fate treats us, we are many those who trace a path of intensity and warm experiences. However, if we look thoroughly, we will see that everything depends on how we associate the impressions that are external to us.

Arts of Japan

“Do you think that everything has changed, that bearings now are different?�

Being with one of my female pupils at the Valencia Fnac (bookstore and DVD, CD's store, etc.) chatting about the relationship we have with our impressions on the outer universes, at a certain point in our conversation I could corroborate that, differently from what we imagine, what we project and what is projected on us certainly alters our view of totality. That is, to express our truths through ideas, feelings, confusions ... and, somehow, to believe that this is the only point that must be worked; which is not true - nor can it be! However much it can be denied, the mind, being associative and immediate, follows an explosive and, therefore, reflective horizon. The product of the instant is always the result of an assimilation that is headed towards labeling and gossip. With Martial Arts it is no different! Nevertheless, the human proposal of changing, progressing and evolving must be over the drawbacks that imprison it at the conscience level. Thus, the principle of change is to accept the new possibilities. Several times in my life, I have come up with important reflections where the past was the protagonist; revaluating as a proposal for growth and

Arts of Japan

“On the idea of the new and the old, we can say that everything exists in our times. Good and evil, positive and negative, beautiful and ugly... Everything is mixed in the idea of renewal, of the new that offers a horizon to the old.�

discovery new possibilities and perspectives. Being beyond the observation itself is what makes us transcend the imaginary lines of a given situation. Diving into ourselves, observing closely what may be bothering us in recognizing what is important in our personal universe. I am of those who think that everything that makes us stagnate and dull the conscience must be reviewed in a lucid and balanced way, without judging, yet with the heart awake to the identifications and necessary findings. "In youth we learn; in maturity, we understand." - says Marie Eschenbach. In different meetings, on different occasions in which I had the opportunity to speak with masters, with teachers, I could understand that over the years, we will discover new scenarios of vision of the same landscape. Details that previously went unnoticed, truths that were hidden as a way to protect us from our own ignorance ... Ubaldi says: "...It is a necessary assimilation to be able to rise even more, after the positions reached have been rationally considered and consolidated." Some masters who abandoned their goals, based on a new reason in their lives, emphasize the importance of being able to change; so, who can trust in himself to follow his path of self-discovery? Especially in the most modern Martial Arts, you see that the new is gaining space; it comes to replace the old. Perhaps every new acquisition, resolution, will find the line of

“The human proposal of changing, progressing and evolving must be over the drawbacks that imprison it at the conscience level. Thus, the principle of change is to accept the new possibilities.�

resistance of the waves of the "sea of life" as an obstacle. To surpass this line of natural forces is what leads us to perceive the personal strength of each person. On the idea of the new and the old, we can say that everything exists in our times. Good and evil, positive and negative, beautiful and ugly... Everything is mixed in the idea of renewal, of the new that offers a horizon to the old. In different parallels of observation, I have seen the same circumstances arise that make the old and the new a point of eternal discussion, where trust acquires a curious importance. Who is capable of 100% trust today? Life, in this current panorama, has revealed itself in so many different ways that trust is becoming more and more, a virtue in extinction. Trust means a kind of courage that comes from conviction in one's own value, or even in the faith that is deposited in someone. Who dares use this second option? Publio Siro said: "He who has lost the trust has nothing else to lose." In the middle of the age of deception, of falsehood, of practicality, etc., however much it is said that it is possible to trust in someone, if on the one hand we have the high, which means more advanced levels of evolution, on the other we have our world, which represents the backward evils. In both cases, trust and distrust dance a conjugal dance, which demands of the human being adjacent virtues, so that trust can be enforced.

Arts of Japan “Regardless of the position we occupy or the Martial Art we practice, are we able to offer confidence?”

In my particular observation, he who wishes to know or grant the benefits of trust, above all, must understand how human reality works, what it demands and what it offers. Regardless of the position we occupy or the Martial Art we practice, are we able to offer confidence? Are we able to demand it? It is necessary to think that in the human reality, diversified in panoramas and perspectives, a type of circumstance stands out in which, at the human level, the forms obey the eyes of those who observe them. The best thing would be to try to see what exists beyond these same forms; then, in times of capital, no one can deny that our most vigorous existence is increasingly directed to the eternal law of the struggle for life and survival. In the face of this natural phenomenon - considering that it is a remnant of the animal plane -, who would entrust his money, credit cards, bank accounts, etc., to a stranger? Old masters say that today there is no longer any trust in relationships. Will it be so? Bearing in mind that confidence has proved that even in the purest means, rottenness is gaining place, we live a kind of trust that is not perennial; it's easier to say that people have or don't have trust attitudes. A student who acts well, an acquaintance, an official of a company... In the meantime, you have to think that it also depends on the mind that is grouped in different associations. The more experienced men say that we all have a price.

Arts of Japan

Different experiences in universities have shown that man has different reactions to different situations. I increasingly think that changing is our daily bread. I've never been afraid of changing, of rearranging my truths - even if it were necessary to dissolve a whole concept to that purpose. I've never been afraid of catharsis! Quite the contrary, I have always seen it as a sublimation that shows and reveals what is hidden there. According to this view, the real abstraction between the being and the self ("I") arises from a natural process that reveal different phenomena for each of us. I think the passing of the years is there for this! Don't you think? In judging that the path that leads to ourselves is always narrower, we deteriorate whenever we allow conscience stagnation. All the circumstances that surround us, despite they are sources of undesirable realities, arise for a greater "readjustment", which, seen in depth, means that our entire inner process of integration with the external universes goes in the direction to the instinct and the capacity for identification. At levels of adaptation, the mind is working depending on the reconstruction of wills, desires, goals.... A synthesis that establishes personal and representative patterns at the center of the social landscape.

Arts of Japan

“I increasingly think that changing is our daily bread. I've never been afraid of changing, of rearranging my truths - even if it were necessary to dissolve a whole concept to that purpose.�

Jeet Kune Do Practising and Training by yourself thanks to martial arts' seminars I have been often asked this question by many people living in areas or countries where there are no Jun Fan Gung Fu / Jeet Kune Do or Sifu Guro Dan Inosanto's filipino martial arts system. It is quite possible and indeed, the first generations of Sifu Dan Inosanto's instructors are the proof of that . Indeed, in all countries ( states in the United States ), the first instructors had to train themselves in the seminars, looking for techniques in each seminar with Sifu Dan and then, they worked by themselves waiting until the next one. Due to training, they had been corrected about techniques studied before and lear nt new ones or deepened techniques which had been studied before . We don't have to forget that we must rework the basic techniques in order to improve always them. As Sifu Dan always tells us : You need 5 minutes to learn one technique and all your life to master it So, It is absolutely possible to practice and train by yourself thanks to martial arts in the Inosanto Academy through seminars.

Nevertheless, we need a more nuanced approach of that. First of all, this will require much work and perseverance. It is not enough to go to seminars during few years, and then stop practising because you think you know everything we must improve and analyse constantly the techniques studied One thing is essential : you always must be corrected and advised in order to acquire a perfect technique ( but perfection does not exist as if we get closer but we will never be able to reach it ). So all individuals who invest in this way several years and who decide to stop, thinking that they have learnt or mastered everything , these people will waste their time. The moment you think you know everything, is the moment you are declining because you cease to practise, to invest in and you cease to be guided and corrected . « I know everything and I have nothing else to learn and my teacher is jealous of me... » This syndrome is unfortnately more and more frequent.

Jeet Kune Do Therefore many students and teachers have ceased to train by themselves once they have reached this way. So, martial art development through seminar is not the good solution for them because they needed a traditional environment of training in a club. Another condition for practising and training by yourself through martial arts seminars in one or several systems you must not become discouraged and you must follow as much as possible the teacher you had choosen. People often move from one teacher to another which is excellent to explore different teachers and differents methods, but we need to choose one, two or three teachers in one system in order to work constant bases and to be followed up. Indeed, if we spread ourselves too thinly, we will get lot of techniques and stuff but we will have no bases in our(s) system(s). We have noticed more and more that some people posess a great deal of knowledge but they are not able to punch as a « jab » correctly. Why ? Easily, because learning to be able to punch with a jab takes all your life and we must not cease to improve the flow. If we don't have any constant teachers we follow through seminars, we will have a buildup of techniques and informations which will pollute your mind and will keep us from being efficient. However, the accumulation of techniques will permit to give the illusion in front of neophytes or to show on seminars an uncontrolled variety of techniques given by these untrained individuals in order to show off. It is not embarassing if this so called teacher is aware of it and he will not lie to his students. Unfortunately , these individuals are regarded as an expert because they sell dreams and claim to be formed by the best. Of course, practising and training by yourself do not mean to be

certified and graduated by the teachers who teach through seminars. Moreover, another trap lies in the fact of betraying the trust of your(s) teacher(s) through the seminars. You must be aware that a teacher who graduates a student who practises and trains through seminars, only graduates this student in order to support him but it means that it is the beginning of his journey for this young graduate student . But, for many certfied people, after several years of training in seminars or after few of them, if the teacher wants to carry out his system in a country or in an area, it is an outcome and not the beginnig of the formation. This is a huge misunderstanding from many people who practise et trains themselves on the seminars. On the other hand, the teacher(s) on seminars can decide or can think that some students are good martial artists but they are not able to teach . It is obloviously at that time when the student knows it, angry, leaves his teacher and he is going to meet another one who certifies him as if he has no talent. Another very impotant factor to train by yourself, is the ability to move to the seminars. This suggests that you must invest a lot of money because moving to practise is very expensive.

Jeet Kune Do

But nothing is impossible, I have been training by myself for 21 years in Sifu Dan Inosanto's seminars. You just have to make some financial choices, that is to say, to make sacrifices in order to go to the seminars. Of course, the outings, the new cars or another things are not conceivable for this training type. Leaving for the seminars will mean that you will invest and make huge financial sacrifices but you should accept to see less our family. Therefore, it is clearly important to look deep inside yourself and to be aware of these factors before starting this type of training and formation. Since I began studying the arts of Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts in 1994, I have never ceased for a moment to practise and to follow my teachers and regardless of what hardships happened in my life . When I am talking of following my teachers, as Sifu Dan Inosanto, it means to see them regularly through the seminars not once by year. I had seen Sifu Dan in Europe 8 times by year at the time when he gave 4 seminars in Great Britain, and in the rest of Europe like in Germany, in Spain, in Italy, in France, in Switzerland, without counting many trips in the United States I cannot count. I will finish like this, I encourage all the people who desire practising and training by themselves through seminars to do it without hesitation but they have to be aware of the contraints. Nevertheless, know that for myself I have no regrets. Over my years of formations, I met. amazing people, I knew wonderful countries studying their customs and their history, I learnt to respect all the

present students, from the beginner to the most advanced, because everyone helped me to progress and to become a more opened minded person and more human one . Finally, I met through seminars certain individuals who became my teachers (Sifu Rick Young, Sifu Terry Barnett and Ibu Rita Suwanda to mention just a few of them with of course Sifu Dan Inosanto thanks to whom I met all my teachers ) and who have become. full members of my martial family. Thanks to all those who helped me and who continue to help me in my course which will cease when I die.

“The iron wire” The Secret Form

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 July 2017 - Genoa (Casella) - Italy I ° Hung Gar Special Seminar The Secret Form Taught and analyzed in all its secrets by Grand Master Paolo Cangelosi. The form of the 6 moods, the 5 emotions, the 12 bridges, accompanied by the sound of the inner singing, the sonorous poem of Grand Master TIK KIU SAM. The seminar is open to all those wishing to delve into the advanced level of Kung Fu. It will be carried out in the midst of nature and includes study, practice, room and board. A total immersion.

ENROLLMENT IS OPEN AND IN LIMITED NUMBER For more information and details: tel. +39 010 8391575 / cell. +39 340 6848475 email: fb: School Sifu Paolo Cangelosi - Headquarter Kung Fu Genova - ITALY

In this new DVD of Vovinam, Patrick Levet has wanted to show the facets of the use and handling of the Vietnamese Stick. Although little known, the Vietnamese long stick is, without a doubt, the most important weapon among all the weapons of the traditional Martial Arts of Vietnam. The Vovinam school, in its official program, only proposes the Stick Form (Tu Tuong Con Phap) and the counterattacks of stick vs. stick (Phan The Con), without explaining the intermediate movements. But the Vietnamese stick goes far beyond these two facets and Master Levet offers us 2 detailed DVDs on all the applications of the numerous intermediate movements of the Stick Quyen. This first volume includes a series of specific stick warming up and bodybuilding exercises, the guard, fundamental principles, stylistic handling of the weapon, defense against disarmament, blocking and dodging, displacements, as well as combat techniques. An original work that shows for the first time the Vietnamese stick in a complete and exhaustive way.

REF.: • DVD/VIET7 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


Combat Hapkido “At first it may be hard to believe that there is a serious increase in violent crime during the season of “giving, good will, peace and love”. But, sadly, it is true. And here are the reasons why:”

Grand Masters

IT’S THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY! The Holiday Season, what a great time of the year! People around the World, regardless of their religion, tradition or philosophy are celebrating this special time. Even people with no religious belief participate in the festivities and share in the general “holiday spirit”. Gift giving, well-wishing, sharing great meals with friends and relatives and donating to charities to help the less fortunate, are all positive traditions, respected by many different cultures throughout the centuries.

Combat Hapkido any claim that, in our modern society, the Holidays have become overly “commercialized” and that this once joyful season is now nothing more than a stressful, materialistic race to buy an ever growing amount of unnecessary merchandise. It has also become a time of unhealthy overeating and excessive drinking. All that may be true, to some extent, but that is a social and cultural phenomenon requiring a different analysis not proper for this forum. What concerns me most, however, about this time of the year, is what I call the “dark side of the Holiday Season”. It is an ugly truth that goes unrecognized, unreported and ignored by most people. It is the significant increase in violent crime that occurs every year during the Holidays. As Martial Artists and Self Defense Instructors, we must be aware of this unhappy situation and do our best to prevent this kind of incidents by raising awareness with the public and by providing season-specific, practical training. We are not just talking about protecting personal property and valuable belongings, we are


“More money – Great opportunities for criminals during the Holidays are gas stations, restaurants, taxi drivers, tourists, airports, parking lots, public transportations and even churches that collect money for the poor.”

Grand Masters

“As the song says “it’s the season to be jolly”. It is NOT the season to be careless and to become the victim of a violent assault. Be alert, be aware & be safe.”

Grand Masters “People are shopping and carrying unusually large amounts of money and / or credit cards.�

Combat Hapkido primarily interested in the safety of the public during this special time of the year. At first it may be hard to believe that there is a serious increase in violent crime during the season of “giving, good will, peace and love”. But, sadly, it is true. And here are the reasons why: • Money – Lots of it. People are shopping and carrying unusually large amounts of money and / or credit cards. They are also carrying the desirable merchandise (especially jewelry) they have just purchased. The stores’ cash registers are also full of money at this time becoming inviting targets • More money – Great opportunities for criminals during the Holidays are gas stations, restaurants, taxi drivers, tourists, airports, parking lots, public transportations and even churches that collect money for the poor. It’s that simple, the increased presence of money / valuables becomes an irresistible temptation not only to the professional criminal element but also to opportunistic individuals looking for an easy score. But that’s only part of this ugly story. The unfortunate truth is that many victims unintentionally “attract” an attack by unwittingly appearing as an “easy” target. And no, I am not “blaming” the victims. As a personal protection and security professional, I must expose the vulnerable and risky behavior that all too often is at the root of a dangerous situation. Let’s examine some specific details: • Walking around absorbed in a cell phone conversation or texting, unaware of

Combat Hapkido your surroundings (is someone watching you? Following you? Listening to the information you are disclosing in your conversation?). • Walking back to your vehicle carrying shopping bags in both hands and than fumbling, looking for your keys. • Flashing money / valuables in public areas. • Having the obvious appearance of someone who has just celebrated the Holidays with a “few drinks”. • Having the obvious appearance of someone who is lost or unfamiliar with the area. Approaching strangers for directions / information. • Allowing strangers to approach you or your vehicle, offering help with your bags or asking for your help with something. • Hosting a Holiday party at your house and leaving the front door open for the convenience of arriving guests (think home invasion!). This is just a basic, partial list of mistakes that create the opportunity and the favorable conditions for a criminal attack. And while they are common at all times and places, they are particularly frequent during the Holiday Season because people are distracted, busy with shopping, preoccupied with festive events and “feeling” the Holiday spirit. In other words, they let their guard down. As the song says “it’s the season to be jolly”. It is NOT the season to be careless and to become the victim of a violent assault. Be alert, be aware & be safe.

Walking around absorbed in a cell phone conversation or texting, unaware of your surroundings (is someone watching you? Following you? Listening to the information you are disclosing in your conversation?)

Combat Hapkido

Grand Masters


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Tai Chi

“Weapons always bring a new perspective to the combat Arts, but they also do so with the internal Arts.�

The Heart of the China Sword The fabulous expansion that Thai Chi is experiencing in the West makes us return again and again to this Art, and we are delighted to do so! In all its forms Thai Chi is a reflection, a meditation in movement, a solid place on which to rest your awareness of day to day reality, a place to find strength, rest and recover your center, momentarily lost in the minutia of our daily lives. Text: Ignacio Caliz. Photos: Š Alfredo Tucci www.Budo International Publ. Co.

Tai Chi

As in all the Arts, weapons practice is done in Thai Chi, and similarly a student’s training proceeds when he has achieved a certain level of control of its technical base. Weapons always bring a new perspective to the combat Arts, but they also do so with the internal Arts. In the former the habitual work distance is dramatically broken and in the latter, the center of gravity should be adapted to the new situation by incorporating the overwhelming presence of the sword into the fluidity of movements. It is impossible to properly understand this new facet without first having acquired a basic knowledge, so before beginning the study of the Che it is vital that we review the empty hand forms.

Tai Chi "This technique implies an entire style of oriental fencing. It contains all the necessary attacks and defenses for the fight; and they are not only external, but also one of the best ways of meditation in movement to balance our inner self."

he sword is an overwhelming and noble weapon, the devotion of warriors throughout history. It is the extension of our arm and consequently of our emotion. The appropriate control of this plane of emotions, of anger, of aggressiveness, is one of the unequivocal steps along the path of the warrior, regardless of the form his expression takes be it through art or through modern or classic martial style. To dominate the sword is "to ride the tiger" and to control our heart with wisdom, and to demonstrate it to the world with strength. The sword, from Excalibur to Tizona, has been the weapon with Soul and with its own names as well. It is the favorite of the Masters, the Samurai's beloved partner. The sword is feminine, incisive, harrowing, definitive. She knights gentlemen and tears off our enemies’ members; its wise use either dignifies it or degrades it. In this article Sifu Ignacio Chalice, already well known to our readers, suggests ways of learning this beautiful form of Thai Chi Che. He has also recorded an excellent videotape in which he teaches us how to learn the form and to achieve the correct handling of this weapon.


Tai Chi THAI CHI CHEF - (Thai-Chi with the Sword) In present day society it is primordial not to lose millennial customs and to continue to carry them out as rituals of peace and harmony. Although it seems to be a contradiction in terms, handling a sword (Che) nowadays can transmit interior peace to us, because the symbolism of "taking up the sword" means to face up to our daily problems without fear, and to confront truth and knowledge. This technique implies an entire form of oriental fencing. It contains all the attacks and necessary defenses for the fight. It is not only external, but it is also one of the best forms of meditation in movement to balance our interior. Practicing it over time becomes an amazingly positive and effective way to exercise the spirit. This technique with the sword includes multiple forms or charts, but the most useful combinations are those movements that are valid as much with the sword as without it. Specifically speaking it is the Yang form that connects with the form without the sword, on performing the movement, in what refers to technique.

Tai Chi This warring dance is a method of awareness and of inner work where the senses are developed and you acquire flexibility and balance in movement. In order to develop this technique and to handle the sword, it is essential to have strength and naturalness. You have to strengthen your wrist and the force of your hand by working the arm as if it were one unit and where the body is a whole. When moving the sword we have to keep in mind the whole body, and we have to move where the sword moves us and never in different directions. The whole body is implicated more than ever in the movement, feeling the space and at every moment

placing us in the position that corresponds to our sword. The basis of movements executed with the sword, are those produced by the twist of the wrist and the position of the feet, to rotate perfectly from the hips and to make a softer and simpler movement. The intensity of your grasp of the sword has to be soft and firm, so that we feel the sword like part of our arm, and when carrying out the movements we are not dragged behind it because we are concentrating too hard. The simplicity of the movement emphasizes its harmony and it is completed as if it formed part of a dance traced in the void.

Tai Chi

The circles have the ability to get mixed up with one another and modify their direction in a natural way, positioned all around us, melting into our movements and being part of the whole. Our center of balance should always be in the Tan-Tien (low stomach),which is the natural way to feel our body in movement. The possibilities of this Thai-Chi chart allow us to practice it with or without the sword.

In this way we can practice more naturally during our daily life. They are many gymnastic Arts that have been created by the Taoists in order to increase health and prolong life, and all that remains for us is to choose one of the most important ones and teach it. Although the present Art that I am now putting within reach of everyone is simple, easy to learn and practice, it has an inexhaustible mystery locked away inside it.

Tai Chi The primary objective of the Taoist Martial Art is to stimulate physiological functions, to maintain the cells of the human body healthy and energetic, to promote the development of the channels and meridians, to vivify the circulation of the blood eliminating stagnation, and to regulate the functions of the internal organs thereby increasing resistance to illness. In sum, it balances our metabolism and increases our vital energy. The practice of this technique doesn't require excessive force and it is easy for people of all ages to do it. Its effectiveness is appreciated if practiced daily. I would like to reiterate that Thai-Chi Che is one of the most complete ways of total training. It develops the muscles in a natural and flexible way, increasing reflection

and concentration. Furthermore, the level of concentration required actually leads us naturally to meditation and mental equilibrium. The practice of this form is also used for spiritual development. Whoever believes that the sword is only used for combat has only touched the surface of reality! The way of the warrior is the way to knowledge and it evolves by learning forms and customs without altering them, balancing your being with the All (Tao). I only hope that no one who takes up the sword feels aggressive desires, because otherwise it is preferable to leave it behind and to meditate on their lack of control. Take up the sword (Che) and dance in harmony, enjoy your being in the Universe!

“Take up the sword (Che) and dance in harmony, enjoy your being in the Universe!�

The Column of RaĂşl GutiĂŠrrez "FAILURE, CRISIS AND THOSE THINGS" "Every failure gives us a new opportunity. Failures indicate to us a new direction to take in our lives. Accept it with that consciousness."

When the storms get to your life, when you are going through a rough patch that is hitting you, in those moments in which you might face the worst round of your life, everything seems to be wrong. You have fallen over and over again; everything comes out against you and in an endless chain. Maybe nobody believes in you any more, maybe even you have stopped believing in yourself. But when you are destined to be a champion, when your own pride and strength predispose you to keep fighting while accepting all the loss and suffering you've gone thr ough; when you

RaĂşl GutiĂŠrrez believe that everything can be achieved, even if you should start all over again, from scratch, without support; when everyone is gone and you, even hurt and distr essed, r emain fir m... then you decide that the canvas is not your partner, and giving up in not an option for you. t's then when, accepting the price, you will begin to fight with a lot of strength and constancy. It will be tougher than ever, because failure and pain have depleted you in every respect. But if you have understood that the grace of being alive is telling you that you must open other doors, achieve other goals, although the process might be long, probably too long, every millimeter of light that illuminates you will encourage you to go right ahead. Never forget that there will always be others who are in worse circumstances; of course, that doesn't give you much of an incentive, but the simple fact of waking up each morning with the new challenge of gaining another bit of well-being, of availing yourself of this new opportunity, is a powerful stimulus in itself! When you have lost everything, or almost everything, take shelter in thanking God that your loved ones are well. Observe the beauty and majesty of our world. Understanding, accepting and fighting in the conditions in which we might find ourselves at a given moment is, then, the best form of submission in movement, of human nobility, without blaming anything or anyone for our state. In both good and bad times we must be prudent, respectful and humble. That will make us gradually stronger, and will lead us to the path of the union with our own harmony and in agreement and resonance with the Universe. When everything is apparently lost, all we have is the strength of the spirit, which goes beyond our ability. When you decide to resort to it, you make up your mind not only not to lose, but to raise your arms in the middle of your own misery and in the darkest moment, till achieve victory. The best round of your life may be the one in which you seem to be losing. DO NOT GIVE UP! It's amazing the huge amount of congenital anomalies that exist today, and constantly appear new ones that even science ignore how and why ... much less know how to face those new biological challenges. Others problems show up whenever they want and at any age: accidents, recklessness, negligence, lack of responsibility, etc. When I was a little kid I used to joke with my friends in the neighborhood saying: "Someday a plane's gonna fall on top of us!" ... and as you see, I wasn't that wrong after all! A few years ago I began to say, also joking, that one of these days "politicians" would make us pay taxes for the air / oxygen we breathe. Probably I won't get to see it for I'll already be


The Column of Raúl GutiÊrrez gone out of this land, but watch out! That's something perfectly possible... and they could also charge people for sunbathing and gazing at the wide sea. Our society is losing its meaning, and rather than educate, it's leading us to our own self-destruction with the loss of values, not only economic but also moral, civic and religious. Corruption, whether in politics, business, banking, etc., is overflowing the edges of our resistance. It is true that throughout man's history, there have always been periods of "crisis", and this seems to respond to a simple physical or mathematical law; but it's man and his ambition what creates - or destroys – everything. An economic crisis is produced when a recession of economic growth takes place during a period of at least two consecutive quarters, thus coming to occur in a negative way. The economic recession can be generated by several factors, although, as a rule, is common the situation in which the scarcity brought about by some type of event causes a drastic reduction of production concerning both food and various other types of goods and services. Such reduction in production results in a shortage of resources, which in turn tends to a sharp increase in the prices of food and the various goods and services. On the other hand, when we talk about a financial or stock market crisis, we must take into account that such crisis responds to the fact that stocks (the stock exchanges) or the sale of certain products or goods and services are carried out at price levels that are too much higher than their intrinsic value. When they cease to be acquired due to such abusive prices, a major financial collapse occurs. As you can see, it is a domino effect that, insofar as there is some affected part, ends up affecting all the parties involved alike, in a process that acts in a chained way, being all related. An example of this we have in Spain, with the real estate crisis. Here a boom took place in the construction of houses that went on sale at prices substantially higher than their real value (at least twice as much and even triple or more). Given this, bank loans for the purchase of a home increased in large numbers, which resulted in the financial collapse when many of those mortgages could not be paid. This is also known as "financial speculation".

By no means can it be overlooked that although some crises are due to circumstances outside the human will (such as a heavy rain or a strong hail storm that shatters all crops for a year and leaves unusable the facilities where the main economic activities of the country take place), currently, in most occasions, crisis occur due to other type of circumstances or avoidable facts, which are not free of suspicion. I have met some people in my recent past that during the real estate boom left everything to dedicate themselves to construction. Among them, some managed to get out in time from this crisis, but others had lost so much their way that in their excessive ambition, overstepped the bounds of prudence and the crisis grabbed them squarely. Failure, bankruptcy, desolation or ruin caught them so unprepared that some took their lives; others fled leaving everything behind, even families. It is here, in these moments, when our dignity, integrity, honesty and strength should prevail, take the heat and put up with the situation. Chest forward and be ready to find solutions instead of ways to escape. This is where our real battle begins. Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, as it's usually said. I, from my personal experience, can say that God gave me many opportunities and good things, and when "I myself" and nobody else began to fail before me and before my own kind, everything began to totter. Until I lost everything. But it was not God, and generally it's not God: it's us, and in few occasions is what we call fate, or accidents of life itself. It's true that, because of our weakness and impotence, when everything appears to be going wrong and we can't find ways out, all kinds of thoughts, good and bad, run through our minds, and, almost without realizing it, repentance and sadness lead us to "depression", which is very dangerous. That's why I always advise to try by all means to avoid falling into depression. But it is so treacherous that often is difficult to realize or accept that you are depressed. As I said at the beginning, the recovery processes usually are and should be quite slow; they can even last for many years. But if you have succeeded in understanding and accepting that defeat, the sooner you set out, the better for you and those around you. "Nothing happened!", even if something has actually happened. There is something we can never do, and that is to go back in the time or delete the past. Therefore the important thing is always the "constant present", rebuilding the immediate future. Remember also that people often stay away from the "losers", who sometimes get too bore. People are drawn to the heat of success, of the good stars, of those who radiate joy, happiness and strength. So being a little friendly with solitude is not a bad idea after all, if only to center ourselves now and then without bothering or nagging others. While it is true that Lady Solitude is not a good companion, sometimes we all need her. Then you should not be surprised that for a while we will become repellent both for our friends, relatives and / or society as a whole, or the one closest to us. But when you get back on your feet, you'll see that, as if by magic, your friends will start calling you and coming closer again, and if what they see in their curiosity is good, they will stay. May these comments serve to all those who are suffering the miseries of our present society. To those who suffer from love, lack of work, lack of motivation. By accident or illness. The main thing

The Column of Raúl Gutiérrez

The Column of RaĂşl GutiĂŠrrez is to understand and not to reproach. Get going as soon as possible instead of moving others to pity. I have known several cases of acceptance and submission. Of integrity, honor and gallantry. Those who in the midst of that devastating crisis have had the strength and dignity of saying goodbye with HONOR. My friend and student Luis Antonio Palao, RIP, passed away before 40, leaving wife and a small child, victim of a Cancer. Before he left, he called me to thank me for all he thought I had done for him; to tell me that he loved me and that he was going to die. He died a short time later and in his coffin I saw his face relaxed and satisfied. He had resigned himself in his fierce battle, said goodbye to his friends and family, and surely he also reconciled with God and his Guardian Angels. Something similar did my great friend and representative Basilio Puebla Calvo, who also died from bone cancer before reaching his retirement from the CAM, Savings Bank of the Mediterranean. He had big plans he never made. He said good-bye to me by phone, leaving me his best words. RIP Grand Master Robert Trias, whom I treated from 1981 until his passing in 1990, was diagnosed a Bone Cancer and at that time they gave him three months of life. "Sorry, Doctor - he said -, God will have to wait a little longer. I need three years to finish my legacy, write and organize my things". Three years later he passed away. God gave him that opportunity because of the strength and integrity with which he assumed it. I mean that there are very delicate and serious cases, like these, that practically have no solution. However, these beings acted as they should. They were noble and upright accepting the decision of the Great High Boss. And they acted accordingly without blaming anyone. As long as there is a "breath of life", one must live, contemplate and seek to enjoy all our environment and planet, even if it's difficult for us to walk or breathe, or pain creeps up on us. Martial Arts and sports in general help us and prepare us to understand our existence, to achieve discipline and strength in the face of the unforeseen events and surprises of our life on the Earth. "ONE DOES NOT BECOME ENLIGHTENED BY IMAGINING FIGURES OF LIGHT, BUT BY MAKING THE DARKNESS CONSCIOUS." Carl Jung

Kali is a very versatile and old system of fighting that includes empty hand as well as weapon training methods. It is a devastating Art unto itself, but when you add the Kyusho you become even more efficient, effective and advanced in disabling an opponent. Kali has always taught what is called "Gunting" for strikes to weaker aspects of the arms, in volume #1 the Kyusho added even greater potential and a perfect starting point for the Kyusho or Kali practitioner. Many arm destruction methods were demonstrated as well as Kyusho Knockouts using only the nerves of the arm. This second volume expands on these powerful Kyusho targets by working from the arm traps of volume #1 and demonstrating additional and even more powerful head targets for incapacitation of the opponent. This video compilation will bring you far more advanced skills, even if you do not practice Kali... the two methods were meant for each other. Several KO's are demonstrated so you can see the efficiency and affect Kyusho brings to Kali.

REF.: • DVD/KYUSHO 25 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


Krav Maga Israeli Survival System: the new Krav Maga frontier. After the success of his first DVD, Grandmaster Marco Morabito appears unprecedented in Budo International with a DVD dedicated to weapons: Morabito knowledge in both civil and military defense fields intertwines in an explosive mixture of technology and innovation. Nothing is left to chance and there are no secrets: with "experimentalis cognitio", the most common armed attacks are carefully examined paying utmost attention to every single detail. Diverse techniques with the most common weapons are analyzed, always bearing in mind that there is no such thing as a "universal pattern of aggression": the kinds of attacks are unlimited and so are the means of defense. Technique is only the basis of study to acquire and develop fluency and conscience of the movement, but the aim is that of making our defense instinctive thus shortening the time of reaction. As on the ring, we will never have the mathematical certainty of winning the bout, but we can greatly increase our chances of emerging victorious: "He who fights risks to lose, he who doesn't fight has already lost." Morabito, with his Israeli Krav Maga Survival System wants to break with the patterns and show the public something totally new, far from the regular old-fashioned techniques, emulated for decades. On this DVD, technique melts with experience and everything acquires clear and definite contours. Nothing is left at random and the most common mistakes are unmasked and analyzed. In the Israeli Krav Maga Survival System you will find an exceptional and authentic new method of self-defense.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


Classics of Budo “It is time to listen to the ancient words that always have to come back and sound again�. Those are words from an Antonio Machado poem, the great master of Spanish literature. In these times, more so than ever, the importance of listening to people with gr eat experience is becoming of major importance. That is why today we bring you one of the great living legends of modern contact sports. Mike Anderson is best known as "the Father of Sport Karate" as he created the rules for the sports of semi, light and full contact karate/kickboxing, as well as the r ules for creative and musical forms competition. Not only did he create the rules, but he promoted the

Classics of Budo

premier events for these sports and, against great opposition from a very tradition-oriented industry, managed to get these sports accepted all over the world. Like all those who dared to go beyond the present, he suffered the pressure from the establishment, but time demonstrated that he was a true visionary, a man ahead of his time. Witty, a talker and a very nice character/person, if you listen to him, Mike can seduce you in a minute. His anecdotes would totally fill up a book of memoirs because he knows and has cultivated the friendship of an enormous group of legends like Bruce Lee himself.

Classics of Budo

This is the first time Mike entered a recording studio to tape his own instructional video; his bones responded. But what was most admired by the team, is that he truly teaches from experience, “all those things that no one else teaches�. It is martial work not to be missed, coming directly from the hands of a legend! n 1963 Anderson founded Tae Kwon Do in Europe and became the first President of the European Tae Kwon Do Association. In 1974 he founded the Professional Karate Association (PKA), the first sanctioning body for the full contact sport, then, in 1976, founded the World Association of Kickboxing Organizations (WAKO). He founded the WAKO with the ultimate goal of getting Olympic acceptance for the sports he created. Little is known of Mike Anderson the competitor. Prior to his tenure as a promoter, politician and magazine publisher (he published 3 martial art magazines), the energetic Texan was a fighter. As a matter of fact, Anderson, with the exception of another Texan, Troy Dorsey, was the only fighter in history to win national or runnerup titles in three distinctly different martial art sports: All-Style Karate/Kickboxing, Korean Tae Kwon Do and Japanese Karatedo. His last fights were at the Tournament of Champions in the USA where he defeated the number one fighter of that era, Dimetrius "The Golden Greek" Havanas.



Anderson plays down his prowess as a past fighting champion. He says, "Back in those days I had to enter my own tournaments so there would be an even 4 fighters in the Black Belt division." About his surprising victory over Havanas, "That was a light contact karate match. If it had been full contact, they would still be picking up pieces of my body." Anderson’s approach to fighting techniques was scientific. After changing his techniques and style every time a new master came around with different ideas, Anderson decided to create his own system based on science and reality instead of tradition. He developed an electronic makiwara that measured the power and speed of kicking and hand techniques. After experimenting with a variety of kicking and striking applications, by himself and with many of his students, he discovered which applications had the most speed and power and the most effective, as well. Subsequently, he created his own style.

Classics of Budo

In his video, which was done exclusively for Budo International, Mike Anderson demonstrates practical fighting techniques that can be used in point karate, full contact competition and on the street, as well. He also teaches some of his favorite techniques and techniques he picked up from many of the great champions with whom he has demonstrated and traveled the world for almost 4 decades. "In the video I made for Budo International", says Anderson, "I tried to show fighting techniques that are effective and can be used by fighters of all sizes and systems. Please remember that I am an old guy, 60 years old, so much younger athletes who are in good shape can use them much more effectively than I. I just ask that you practice these techniques to see if they work for you. If not, maybe they can work for some your students." Anderson continued, "Bruce Lee was a friend of mine, so I am often asked what I think was his greatest contribution to the martial arts. My answer is this: Bruce’s main contribution was to encourage fighters from all styles to learn as much about other systems as possible. Then, use the techniques that work for you and keep the other techniques in your repertoire so you can teach them to your students. A certain technique may not work for you, but it may work for one of your students who has a different body type or physical abilities."

“In his video, which was done exclusively for Budo International, Mike Anderson demonstrates practical fighting techniques that can be used in point karate, full contact competition and on the street, as well.�

The reclusive Texan, who has lived in Florida for the past 25 years, stresses that he doesn’t use techniques that are simply theoretical or tradition. He only uses techniques that are practical and 100% effective. He also encourages students to forget about most of what they see in the movies, as most of these techniques are just for show. They are not, for the most part, really effective. "As Bruce Lee once told me, in the movies, one can do a lot with high speed cameras and trampolines, but reality is something altogether different." Budo asked Mike Anderson, who has fought against, coached and promoted fights for many of history’s greatest fighters, who he thinks is the greatest martial art fighter of all time. His answer: 1) The best all-round fighter has to be Dallas, Texas’ Troy Dorsey. Troy won the WAKO World Championship in both semi-contact and full contact kickboxing on the same day. The year before, he won the WAKO World Championship in full contact but lost in the finals of the semi contact division because he made too much contact and was disqualified. Dorsey proceeded to win the World Titles from every major professional kickboxing organization of that era. Then, he won the IBF and the IBO World Professional Boxing titles. How can anyone deny that this man was the greatest all-round fighter in history?

Classics of Budo 2) The greatest kick boxer of all time has to be Don "The Dragon" Wilson. He won the World Professional Light Heavyweight Kickboxing titles from 7 different world pro sanctioning organizations. Considering the subjective politics surrounding all of these organizations, this feat is amazing. What’s even more amazing is the fact that, at age 47, he’s still defending these titles to this day. Besides this, the Dragon also beat all of the heavyweights. In the late 80’s to early 90’s, the World Heavyweight Champions of the major pro kickboxing organizations of that era, Dennis Alexio, James Waring and Maurice Smith, each had only one loss on their fighting records. Those losses all came at the fists and feet of Don "The Dragon" Wilson. 3) I think that the best fighter, from a technical point of view, was Germany’s Ferdinand Mack. He used more different kickboxing skills than anyone I’ve ever seen. He was very aggressive and all of his attacks featured dynamic punching and kicking combinations. Mack was definitely the most exciting fighter to watch. When he fought, the crowd was always on its feet. Budo asked Anderson what he felt was the most important aspect of a fighter’s training. "That’s an easy question", he replied, "The most important part of a fighter’s training is aerobics…running!" When we

Sports Karate started full contact kickboxing, all of the fighters were exkarate fighters. Most of them were finished after the first round. They ran out of breath. Having stamina is the most important part of being an effective fighter. If a fighter is in good cardiovascular condition, he can both deliver and withstand more punishment. We discovered the hard way that the most important aspect of training for becoming an

effective fighter was not practiced in 99% of the martial art dojos in the world……aerobics!" Today, after 12 years of retirement from the martial arts, Anderson is back 150%. He is involved with either the designing, the manufacturing or the marketing of some of the world’s finest martial art products: Top Ten, Adidas and Tokaido.

Classics of Budo Besides this, he is the Editor-in-Chief of the world’s largest English language martial art magazine, "KICKBOXX". Mike Anderson, having promoted or directed 121 different events in 25 countries, is the most prolific promoter in martial art history. When asked if he planned to promote again, he said that he is too old to promote anymore; however, he said he is thinking about doing one

more big promotion on the sunny beaches of Florida’s west coast. He wants to promote the biggest event that martial arts have ever known. A week-long tournament, convention, super show and party which will host fighters, officials, fans and martial art supply companies from the 4 corners of the Earth. Mr. Anderson, we wish you the best of luck.

Sports Karate

Classics of Budo

“Bruce Lee’s main contribution was to encourage fighters from all styles to learn as much about other systems as possible. Then, use the techniques that work for you and keep the other techniques in your repertoire so you can teach them to your students.”


This DVD is the result promoted by the Spanish subsidiary of the Zen Nihon Toyama-Ryu Iaido Renmei (ZNTIR - Spain Branch), to publicize the technical content of the ToyamaRyu style as practiced in the ZNTIR Honbu Dojo in Machida, Tokyo, unchanged, with no alterations. The loyalty of the program is such that is its president and maximum technical manager, Yoshitoki Hataya Sensei, who, accompanied by some members, executes personally the entire compendium of the current style program. In him you can find the basic structure of the methodology that is applied, from the coded exercises of warming up and preparation and through the cutting exercises; the guards; the school Katas, including those corresponding to the Toyama Army Academy, the Gunto Soho and its explanation; work in pairs, both in Kumitachi and Gekken Kumitachi, and the cornerstone on which the Toyama-Ryu is based, i.e., Tameshigiri or cutting exercises on a real target. Zen Nihon Toyama-Ryu IaiDo Renmei (ZNTIR) is the body that currently - once reviewed and adapted the concepts and methodology of a school that comes from a method of actual combat intends to maintain alive this tradition and the original forms through a system that unifies body, mind and spirit in a realistic and effective way. Thanks to the commitment of a few graduates of the Toyama Army Academy (Rikugun Toyama Gakko), who continued secretly keeping alive the art until the lifting of the bans and the return of sovereignty to the Japanese people, today can learn a fencing style framed among the current schools of Iai-Do. This is a meticulous DVD in different languages, which proves to be a valuable source for researchers and practitioners of Japanese sword, and for martial artists in general or interested in the history of Japan and its last world war. It's a real stroke of luck being able to observe the techniques it contains, and at least for serious researchers, is well worth having it in your video library. We practitioners of the style want to share loyally the knowledge of our Japanese fencing school, in the hope that at the same time, the own inter nal values of those armed men impregnate the new generations and allow to glimpse a revulsive, in a traditionally way very different from the current approach to combat disciplines of Japanese origin. All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


The Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak is a system based on both weapons and empty hands at the same time. It incorporates many of the new-generation weapons, swords, knives, circular kerambits, bars, batons of different lengths and other more particular weapons. Even in our empty hand training methods we face an opponent who attacks us with weapons in both hands, as well as several opponents at once. This type of training makes us more aware of everything that happens during an altercation and what do and not do when facing one or more armed aggressors. In this second DVD, Maha Guru Horacio Rodrigues, heir to the lineage of Pendekar Pak Victor De Thouars, of Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak, addresses its particular way to train and use the different weapons, laying the foundations for more advanced future plans of study and the application of technique. This video includes the principles of work, angulation, Sambuts, Jurus and drills with the short sword "Pedang", short knife "Pissau", short stick "Tonkat Matjan", Sarong, and applications of selfdefense with empty hands.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


Chinese Traditions Chinese traditions Fight Fighting styles are increasing on such a spectacular level that nowadays I am surprised that the West has not discovered the magnitude and depth of the Chinese fighting art of Shuai Chiao. Like no one else, the Italian Antonio Langiano is one of the outstanding figures that is spreading this art thr oughout Eur ope. But, I personally think, that his efforts still have not been responded to, as they should be. I can assure you that his throws are hair raising, original and his forms have the originality of that which is authentic. Do not lose the opportunity of penetrating dir ectly into this enor mous world of wrestling because the short distance, the creativity of the Chinese tradition is something exceptional. Do not miss it! Alfredo Tucci

Shuai-Chiao techniques in Wrestling The birth of Shuai-Chiao combat Formerly, in Chinese wrestling competitions you could hit, execute locks or throws and whoever fell or left the fight, lost. History tells us that Shuai-Chiao (pronounced Shuai-Jiao) was not very well known until it was used by the Yellow Emperor Huang-you (2690 B.C.) to defeat his legendary enemy Chih-Yin. During battle these warriors would cover their heads with horned helmets that they used to strike through the enemy. The Yellow Emperor prepared himself to avoid this terrible horned attack and in this way he defeated Chih-Yin and unified the Empire. The noblest combat art at that time was called Chiao-Ti. Later on in the Chen dynasty (1134 B.C.), this well-known technique called Chiao-Li had an important role in the training of soldiers. With time it became very popular (264 B.C.), so much so that Shuai-Chiao not only existed simply as a sport in a civil and military environment, but it was also used as a regular form of training for the Monarchy. Over the years, during festivals dancers began to imitate the combat of these warriors, thus giving birth to a traditional dance called Jiao-Dixi, from which Shuai-Chiao eventually evolved. In 140 B.C., the Emperor Wu of the Has dynasty, liked this particular Art so much that he proclaimed it "a permanent royal recreation". At the time its name was Chiao-Ti. The first competitions were held in TuanMon Street and the event, which lasted thirty days, was held in the presence of the Emperor. All this dates back to the time of the Shuoi or Sui dynasty (610 D.C.), in the sixth year of the reign of Emperor Young. Thus the tradition became an annual one and so on the fifteenth day of the first month of the year a Meeting or Tournament took place and with the passing of time this conventional Art took root more and more in the old Chinese Art. Emperor Kao-Tsu of the Tang dynasty (618 D.C.) ordered that the games were to be held every 45 in the 17° month of the calendar, and the most famous event was when the Emperor Zhuangi Zang of the Tang dynasty (618-907 D.C.) played for and lost a city in a fight against Li Cunxian, one of the great champions of the time. Later, during the time of Kubla Khan (1216 D.C.), the Art assumed great importance and it was given other names such as: Poh-Ho, Tsong-Chiao, Kwang-Chiao, and Hsiang-Pu. In the Ching

“Formerly, in Chinese wrestling competitions you could hit, execute locks or throws and whoever fell or left the fight, lost.”

Chinese Traditions or Quing dynasty, this incredible discipline was most appreciated in royal activities and the new emperors created a training field for excellent fighters called Shan-Pu Ying, where there were three hundred athletes, soldiers called Pu-Hu (young tigers), experts in Shuai-Chiao who were always ready to provide royal entertainment and national and international tournaments. Tribal teams of Mongolian and Tibetan champions and from other districts practiced in this field. At this time the martial arts focused on the quality of techniques and so blows and locks were eventually prohibited in the competitions. The rules ensured that the combat was fair, in the spirit of a royal sport, and the risk of dislocations and accidents was eliminated. Furthermore, traditional competitions had proven that throw techniques were no less efficient than the techniques of blows and locks. Later on in 1928, general Chang Chi-Chiang created a Central Institute of Kuo-Shu in Nanking, and Shuai-Chiao was a required course for students selected from each county or province for advanced training. From that moment on the name Shuai-Chiao has remained until today. The Government sponsored the tournaments, and the Mongols were among the strongest expert fighters. The last tournament held in the Republic of China passed into history because of the important presence of two of the greatest masters of Shuai-Chiao of modern times. This tournament was held in Shangai in 1948 and the challenge was between the Nanking and Shangai teams. The Shangai team had the famous master "Zhou Shi-Pin" as its mentor who was one of the Kuo-Shu masters in the Shangai Ching Woo Athletic Association. Another team had the celebrated master "Chang Tung-Sheng" as its mentor, who was already famous in the north of China under the nickname "Flying Butterfly", a name given to him by his teacher Zhang Feng-yen

Chinese Traditions because of the way he fought. On that occasion master Chang was awarded another nickname: "The Shuai-Chiao King of China" or the King of the Shuai-Chiao of China. Today the pure essence of the Traditional Art of ShuaiChiao has been well maintained and it is known thanks to two Na-Shuai principles: holds and throws, and athletes fight in national and international tournaments according to these principles. At the moment the Shuai-Chiao style can be found as much in Popular China as in the Republic. Indeed, this ancient style is taught in many cities, schools, and University Institutes and is an integral part of Chinese tradition, which has remained pure throughout the millennia.

How to train Students should train carefully when they practice the techniques of ShuaiChiao, because if they don't maintain precise control over the force of their own body, they can easily cause physical damage to their partner. The objective of the applications is to be practical and effective and more often than not to get your opponent into a specific position from which the attack can be concluded with the most appropriate technique. The force used in this movement is always directed towards the manipulation of joints and/or vital areas. If you do not have your opponent under control, you cannot apply your techniques. For this reason the main objective is to control your opponent, taking advantage of his force or using yours in a quick movement, discharging all the energy that you have. Your hand techniques have to

“Today the pure essence of the Traditional Art of Shuai-Chiao has been well maintained and it is known thanks to two Na-Shuai principles: holds and throws.�

be effective, so that the opponent cannot move or break out of a hold. Concentration and effort are essential.

Approach movements In Shuai-Chiao combat, after the greeting, the fighters begin their approach. There are different types of traditional expressions for the approach, depending on the style used. In the style introduced here and in Pao-Ting, the two arms begin to move, one protecting the upper body and the other one protecting the lower areas. In this phase always remember the proverb: "The moment you are touched is the right moment to be thrown." The hands circle inwards or outwards and are coordinated with the feet. When the fighters are quite near, there are many chances for hand contact. You should use them to gain a position of control and to create an opening for attack; moreover, use the hands to escape from an opposing control position. Generally speaking, when you come closer, maintain your concentration and your balance and don’t put yourself in an awkward or inopportune position; maintain a low center of gravity, with your arms as strong and stable as the branches of a tree, so that you can generate power and not be easily thrown.

Keep your feet on the floor, in good contact with the surface. Your brain controls all your movements and your body responds to your opponent's attacks as you apply effective and simple techniques. A circular movement in the approach is important and in many attacks the principles are like those that we learn to apply in Thai-Chi-Chuan. By transferring and using the intensity of your opponent's force, you can use his strength and apply your techniques: this is the highest level of practice that you can reach. In conclusion, always considers your strategy, the time, the contact angle, the speed, the precision and the effectiveness of the technique, because these factors are all interconnected and essential for a winning performance.

Hand Techniques Focus your grabs on all areas of the body. The series of basic hand techniques that you apply will depend on the situation and on your ability. There is a proverb that says: "we open the door with our hands and enter with our feet�. You have to open your opponent's door in order to go in with a leg attack. That is to say, you should use your hands to keep your door closed and to open that of your opponent. Your hands and legs have to be sensitive and flexible, and your brain connects the parts of your body and it unites them in a single coordinated unit: and I repeat that your body will always be controlled by your brain. With your hands try to anticipate your opponent’s grabs or if he manages to grab you, you must break his hold and your arms must be heavy so that you will always keep your adversary under pressure.

"we open the door with our hands and enter with our feet�.

Chinese Traditions “Always considers your strategy, the time, the contact angle, the speed, the precision and the effectiveness of the technique, because these factors are all interconnected and essential for a winning performance.�

Relations with Japan The Japanese Arts suffered the influence of the Art of Shuai-Chiao quite significantly, especially the birth of Ju-Jitsu. During the reign of the Emperor Wangli (1573-1620 D.C.) of the Ming dynasty, a specific study was dedicated to it and included in the great Wan Bao Quanshu encyclopedia, which was prepared because of an imperial order. Later on this text was passed on to Japan. Then at the end of the Ming dynasty (1644 D.C.), while the invaders of Manchuria were spreading, a native of CheKiang called Cheng WonPin or Chen Yuen-Lu, an expert in Shuai-Chiao, was sent to Japan together with his colleagues Chu ShumShei and Lee Mei-Shi. Later they taught Shuai-Chiao to three Samurai

Chinese Traditions students whose names were: Fukunoshiehilo-Wuemon, Miruiayosi-Wuemen and IsomizileSaemon. Then each one of these Samurai founded their own Ju-Jitsu school, among which the Kito-Ryu is one of those that gave birth to modern Judo. Furthermore, the creator of the Yoshin-Rvu school was a Japanese doctor who had studied in China.

Shuai-Chiao and Thai Chi Chuan The true origin of Thai Chi Chuan is lost in time, in legend and in the pride of the various schools. Does it come from the dreams of a Taoist priest called Chang San Fen? Did the Chen family invent the Art during the Ming dynasty? Or did a master stop for a while and teach it to the Chen family? Despite all these uncertainties, one thing is sure: fighting and war existed before the development of Thai Chi Chuan and for that reason we can conclude that Thai Chi has its origin in more recent combat methods. The most important of these ancient systems was the Shuai-Chiao (that for a time was called Chiao-Ti); a later fighting method was Shaolin Chuan, developed by the Buddhist monks of the Shaolin Temple during the Zhi Zheng Kingdom (XIV sec.) of the Yuan dynasty. Many of the techniques that we find in Shaolin Chuan have roots in Shuai-Chiao, while the fact that it is possible to attribute the origin of Thai Chi Chuan to a precise system like Shuai-Chiao or Shaolin Chuan, is a clear demonstration that these more ancient methods are the origins of Thai Chi Chuan. The test is in the forms: the ancient techniques of Shuai-Chiao and Shaolin Chuan are hidden within the practice of the Thai Chi style. If a great teacher knows the original applications of Shuai-Chiao, he can discover the true methods of Thai Chi Chuan positions that in fact are derived from Shuai-Chiao.

In this DVD, G.M. Larry Tatum (10th Dan) develops techniques of the Kenpo program at the highest level. Particularly, some of his “favorites” like Flashing Mace, Parting Wings, Entwined Lance… Masterfully executed and based on the experience of the movement, G.M. Tatum incorporates his innovative teachings in these techniques that will help you add and complement your training in the Kenpo system. Besides, they provide the individual with the best choice for selfdefense, based on the logical and practical thinking, and place him in the path of understanding the art of Kenpo. These are the self-defense and fighting systems of the modern times we live in. They are designed so that the practitioner gets all the benefits that training these techniques can provide. This DVD has the support of Master Adolfo Luelmo (9th Dan), who goes on with a series of techniques performed in a smooth and strong way, for situations of extreme aggression, in which can be appreciated different states of the movement, in a logical and effective way. As a conclusion, Master Camacho Assisi (8th Dan), displays a technique that combines the strength of the arms and his expertise with legs.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


In this comprehensive instructional video, Andreas Weitzel, founder and head instructor of the SYSTEMA Academy Weitzel (Augsburg, Germany) and one of the leading SYSTEMA Instructors in Europe explains the most important fighting fundamentals. First he vividly elucidates how to walk naturally focusing on the correct execution of steps. He then shows how to use this work in combat applications. A variety of different topics are explained in this movie including: How to unbalance an attacker; How to strike and kick correctly; How to defend against, grabs, throws, strikes and kicks. The explanations in this video are simple but clear with the aim for easy comprehension and lear ning for everyone. During his explanation Andreas always includes and focuses on the most important principles and fundamentals of SYSTEMA by showing how different topics are tightly linked to each other. Furthermore free and spontaneous work against different attacks including weapons is shown under realistic conditions and full speed. In this video Andreas is assisted and supported by Michael Hazenbeller (Rastatt) and Thomas Gößler (Augsburg), two experienced Systema Instructors.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


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