José Manuel Reyes Pérez, Hapkido 7th Dan by the World Hapkido Federation (WHF) and a member of the Board thereof, International Director for Western Europe and President of the Federación Española de Hapkido (FEH - Spanish Hapkido Federation Hapkido), in his first DVD, presents a complete treatise on the techniques that make truly great this traditional Korean Martial Art, through the legacy that was directly transmitted to him by Grandmaster Kwang Sik Myung, Hapkido 10th Dan. Hapkido is the Art of Dynamic Self Defense par excellence that combines speed and fluidity, along with the physical preparation, technique, breathing, meditation and the cultivation of internal energy. An art that covers a variety of techniques with and without weapons combining defenses and attacks, including leg, knee, fist, elbow, throws and choke techniques, and very especially dislocation techniques. In this work, Master Reyes shows us the Danjon Hop breathing exercises, the Gonkiok Sul arm attacks, the Jok Sul double and triple leg techniques, the Ho Shin Sul self-defense, the Dan Bong attack and defense techniques with short stick, and defense against knife. A complete work on an art, Hapkido, or the way of harmonizing the energy, the practice of which helps greatly improve our health, both physical and mental, and provides the practitioner with vitality, energy, self-confidence, character and personality.
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
“Hay dolores que matan: pero los hay más crueles, los que nos dejan la vida sin permitirnos jamás gozar de ella.” Antonie L. Apollinarie Fée
s a friend of mine says, there are pains and aches with which you can't negotiate. Tooth ache is undoubtedly one of them... Recently, incidentally, I had to cope with that sort of pain again, and since every cloud has a silver lining, or there is no ill wind that blows nobody any good, and pain is an essential element in our existence (and certainly in our Martial subject), I found it very appropriate to philosophize about it in this forum. There are few issues as inspiring as the one that concerns us, because it sure knows how to be present without leaving options to ignore it. Given that there was no way out to escape the problem, I thought, why not try to get something positive out of all that? But what the heck! What could it be positive in pain? Far from me the idea of giving a certificate of naturalization to the experience of pain as something positive. No doubt it is an ugly affair which nobody likes. Even masochists, who use pain as a tool of excitement, do so within measurable parameters. I am convinced that a toothache cannot satisfy anyone, but it is also true that pain is the fastest way for us to realize that we are alive. Faced with this doubt we all pinch ourselves, because pain brings us to the here and now, and it laughs at any vagary or claim with regard to our opinions about life. Pain makes us humble, because we don't have any choice anyway, and because it reminds us how fragile we are. Physical pain is a pressure threshold; with no pressure there can be no pain. Is this pressure, when it is continuous, which accelerates the molecules that rub ever faster generating heat. Thus, the pain stage is accompanied by inflammation: "In fiama" (in flames), from Latin "inflammatio". Inflammatio is in turn a voice that comes from Greek: "empyresis" (of "en", within, and "pyros", fire). Pain arises from pressure or acceleration and in the end these are similar to body heat. Once exceeded a threshold, nerves, which have a role carrying information through the body, send a message to the brain, a warning: “Hey, something's "cooking" down there!” Then the body reacts immediately sending its fire brigade with water to extinguish the "fire", thus occurring the swelling that often accompanies pain. Repetition and intensity are pain’s two main weapons. Intensity for obvious reasons (traumatism) but repetition is no less important. Constantly repeating a posture or a movement can exerts such pressure in a determined body area that eventually will result in pain. Even a pleasant caress, when repeated thousands of times, will end up producing inflammation and pain. The first thing pain does is stop us in our track. Pain is a messenger, and its duty as such is that of making us postpone everything else so as to address the problem. Pain is essentially a warning mechanism, a first line of defense, so trying to ignore its presence is not a good idea. In a ruthless and most effective way, pain brings a problem to our notice and consequently killing the messenger is not the solution of a sage. Rather, we must endeavor to understand what is generating the discomfort in order to put the right remedy, and once fulfilled this purpose, apply the appropriate treatment. But suffering pain just like that, once it has fulfilled its function, is just plain silly! Mankind has selected and successfully developed some of the strongest and most wondrous nature substances to
"When pain doesn't turn into an executioner, it's a great master." Concepción Arenal suppress pain. Opioids are among the kings of such substances, and this makes me recall a comment by a friend (a former junkie), who once confessed: - The essential of "horse", Alfredo, is that it simplifies your life. It comes down to shooting or not shooting yourself.... the rest just doesn't count - (sic). Curiously enough, pain, its complementary opposite, acts the same way! It simplifies your life! It all comes down to one simple question... achieving to stop feeling pain. When it is sufficiently intense, pain delays everything and upsets any list of priorities. A friend of the intelligence services (won't say of which country, since many are those who visit these pages) once confided to me that under torture there are no heroes... That only happens in the movies; the problem is that the information obtained by those means not always is reliable, because in such situation, anybody would end up confessing that he had murdered Jimmy Hoffa or even Jesus Christ himself if necessary. There exist other type of pains, like emotional, spiritual, moral... but whether they are induced by absence or presence, by excess or defect, all of them are with no exception similar to physical pain; their first and last cause is pressure. Self-imposed or induced, present or untimely, pressure leads to the orchard of pain. As a result of selfdemandingness, frustrations, emergencies or any other reason, once past the threshold, pain appears. Achieving peace is then a hard work, because soul pains are difficult to treat, although not impossible. If the "body" of humanity are the third world countries, what will dominate will be physical pain. It is normal... Once solved the essential, a full stomach and the basic functions duly addressed, you start worrying about other things. That's why the greatest scourge for the countries in the "head" of humanity is mental or psychic pain. In the West in general, mental health problems are becoming growing epidemics. Statistics are amazing, take a look at the figures of suicide in your country and I guarantee that you'll be transfixed. Alzheimer's disease, depression or schizophrenia, as well as multiple melancholia in their different grades and intensities, pains in the soul and the mind are the plague of the XXI century. There are no easy solutions or remedies for this problem. Psychic pain, just as physical suffering, is a symptom that needs attention, a warning mechanism, and killing the messenger will not solve anything. In this case, psychotropics interpret the role that opioids play in the body, but again, they are not a real remedy, but mere signal inhibitors. Of course, man has changed, but biologically we are not that different from the first Homo sapiens. What has really changed is our stage. Living with our backs turned to nature and stuck in the artificial scenarios of modern society, have changed the cards and the game. The pressure of an ever demanding environment is increasing; created or induced, our needs, be they real or imagined, multiply, and we have to deal with the enormous pressure of tons of information every day; without time to think, we even have opinion creators,
sheepfolds to turn to, mangers in which to eat, and above all, "offers" everywhere... but with few real options ... "timeless" and without direction, we are all tucked in this maze while pressure reigns supreme slowly destroying thousands of souls. Pain is not the enemy, it's the messenger. I don't mean we should embrace it with affection because all depends on the degree, and believe me, I myself at least can't stand a toothache, but I know just as well that we should get enough insight to take it as what it really is. Resolving the root causes of its appearance is the task of doctors in the art of living; today more than ever, true priests should be learned in many areas of knowledge, doctors of souls and bodies, so as to cover the infinite diversity of situations, which is similar to that of the people. And, as the old saying goes, "there are no illnesses... but ill people." Let's heal ourselves and there where we can't reach, let's seek help, because there is no demerit in doing so.
Alfredo Tucci Managing Director to BUDO INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. e-mail:
Pencak Silat Pukulan Pencak (Pentjak) Silat Serak My Name Is Maha Guru Horacio Rodriguez I am the heir or lineage holder of Pendeker Pak Victor De Thouars in Pukulan Pencak (Pentjak) Silat Serak. I was given the Lineage from Pendekar (Grandmaster) Pak Vic about seven years ago when he retired. Pendekar Victor De Thouars and his brothers brought this art to the United States from Indonesia back in 1960. I started learning Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak with Pendekar Victor De Thouars at the time he would teach in the old traditional way of the art. Meaning it was very hard, demanding, and brutal by today's standards. We drilled each individual structure until it was fully understood and actually became a part of me. Our training at the higher levels is done with live blades not the training aluminum weapons to introduce the feeling of a real blade fight. Pendekar Victor De Thouars was a very strict and disciplined teacher in those days and demanded fulltime training and dedication. The training was often hard and punishing. I remember the difference in the training of the level changes with the jurus and lankas as I moved up the curriculum. ne of my favorite training stories with Pak Victor is when we were at a dragon festival. We were on a marble floor and started doing live blade training, to demonstrate how real the art was with live blades. These were real attacks we both defended with live blades at a live event, no rehearsals, no routines, or planed drills, all live and dynamic. Also once at an Eurasian expo, Pak Victor decided to have 10 guys coming in at me and attack one after another, defending them off while not hurting them and but getting it done. Pak Victor was always teaching you, training you, testing you, testing your limit, and making you grow. He would keep upgrading the challenge to try and make it overwhelming. It didn't matter what you were wearing, where you were, if you have just eaten and had a full belly. He was always trying to make you go past your finishing point and grow. From time to time he would pull out
“I am currently teaching our line of the art Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak throughout the United States, Europe, and now expanding in Asia.”
“My goal as Maha Guru and Linage holder of Pukulan pencak Silat Serak from the Pendekar Victor De Thouars line is to be able to spread the art around the world.” “The art to me is a big puzzle with infinite pieces. The platforms, lankas, jurus, weapons, latihan drills and curriculum come together into an incredible fighting machine.”
Indonesian Arts
Pencak Silat a weapon and come out you to test out your skills. He was very serious teacher and very determined to make his students become the best they can become. Never be satisfied where we were at and always trying to improve. The art of Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak is vast with a ten training phase curriculum that we study and teach the art from. We break the art down and teach it in three different phases. Phases 1 through 5 is dedicated to the Mas Djoet who was the first student of Pak Serak. Mas Djoet was more known for being more kind and defensive. He was a little older and tried not to hurt people unless he had too. So this phase is geared more toward the defensive side of the art, learning hand jurus, weapons, jurus lanka tiga, pantjar, sekurums, tendjekan. We also start teaching the basic defensive sambuts, finishing techniques, and the buangs throws and locks, the principles and applications behind each section. After completing phases 1 through 5 of the defensive structures the student progress onto phases 6 and 7 which is dedicated to Mas Roen who was the second student of Pa Serak. Mas Roen was younger, more aggressive and developed his approach to get things finished quickly. So these level of training is strictly offensive attacking or what we call serengan. The jurus are expressed differently and used and applied in an offensive manner. The lankas and panjars once again the hand structures, sambuts, finishing techniques are very destructive including weapons, the lankas or kudas and movement or motion. Gerankan is all offensive and done to trap the opponents attacking center of the spine and vital points as the opponent moves or defends against the attack, the idea here is total elimination or destruction. This also includes many of the weapons: pissau (knife), pendang (sword) pantjang, (staff), tonkat (short stick), karambit and many other edged weapons. After fully understanding Mas Roens offensive phases of phase 6 and 7 we start teaching phases 8 through 10 which is dedicated to the creator of the art Pa Serak. How Pa Serak's would play his jurus, lankas, pantjar perang, and war pantjar. These are the highest levels and deals with what he originally meant when he created the art. How he made it to help him overcome his physical disabilities having a club foot and one arm shorter than the other. Here is where the art comes together by him putting together an art that could defeat other arts that were popular at the time around him. He created a devastating art where the use of body physics levers, base, angles, power lines, and body projection, body anatomy, chakras, vital points, and weapons were used and applied. Now about me I am going on 17 years of deep studies of Pukulan Pentcak Silat Serak. The first 7 years I was like a live in student. I would come to school around 9 or 10 in the morning and leave around 9 or 10 at night for 5 to 6 days a week under the tutelage of Pendekar Pak Victor De Thouars. I thank him so much for everything he has shared openly with me. My hormat to him for this teachings and understanding of the art. Everything in Serak is about understanding and opening up the art to its fullest capacity of application.
Indonesian Arts
Pencak Silat This is what I have been doing for the past 10 years in my studies Belajar Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak. The art to me is a big puzzle with infinite pieces. The platforms, lankas, jurus, weapons, latihan drills and curriculum come together into an incredible fighting machine. Serak is so unique in that it actually amplifies any martial arts style or system that the practitioner is doing, it compliments other arts, but on its own it's unbelievable. I love and respect all martial art styles and systems. My goal as Maha Guru and Linage holder of Pukulan pencak Silat Serak from the Pendekar Victor De Thouars line is to be able to spread the art around the world. I plan to share it openly to all what I have been given and my own personal growth from 17 years of deep studies and connecting the dots. I teach the whole curriculum and how it is used and applied in the teaching and in combat. This I want to do to continue spreading the art to people that will honor and love the art like I do and help me continue this quest by them studying and becoming teachers themselves. There are three levels of gurus in our line. Maha Guru is a master teacher, Guru Muda is a guru in training to be a Maha Guru and comes around phase 7. Pembantu Guru comes after completing phase 5 and start working on Mas Roen phases. I teach openly and hold nothing back from my students. Hormat (honor) and adab (respect) is the key for what I look for in a student to follow the path of studying and following the linage. I teach around the world hoping to do my part as I promised my teacher to spread the art and continue the line that was brought here by his family De Thouars. I have zero politics and respect all others so they will respect me. I hope this gives a clear view of my art of Pukulan Pentcak Silat Serak, my teachings, and my love for the art.
Pencak Silat
Indonesian Arts
Indonesian Arts I am currently teaching our line of the art Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak throughout the United States, Europe, and now expanding in Asia. I plan to make this art accessible to people all around the world. We offer a full curriculum with training DVD's, equipment, and developing future Skype classes. For those that are interested in joining our family I invite anybody as long as they have a will to learn, have a good heart, and are a good person. The two part video series that is being released deals with platforms, striking, striking entries, finishing locks, multiple opponent defensive angles, sambuts, throws, countering incoming mass, ranges, how to use the kuda and kuda kuda, changing footwork without losing space, garisan connecting points, redirecting, baseangle-lever, how to occupy space, how to always keep the constant pressure on the line to dominate and make the way, and control the outcome. To project forward pressure when evading or avoiding an attack. Some of the positions from Lanka Tiga are shown. The same principles are covered in the second DVD with weaponry. Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak® is a system of martial art study brought from Indonesia to the United States of America by Pak Victor De Thouars in 1960 with his brother Paul.
“Many years ago Maha Guru Pak Victor De Thouars decided to open the system has passed the lineage on to his heir Maha Guru Horacio Rodrigues”
Pencak Silat
Indonesian Arts
Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak速 is a system of martial art study brought from Indonesia to the United States of America by Pak Victor De Thouars in 1960 with his brother Paul.
Indonesian Arts Serak was founded by Pak Sera, a member of the enigmatic and ancient sharmanic tribe of the Baduy. Not only was our founder less than 5 feet tall but had a club foot and a short arm. Despite having multiple physical challenges Pak Sera became one of the most accomplished martial artistis in te early 19th century. The powerful a d sophisticated atrial science was has been transmitted in secret for many years taught only to selected students who had devoted many years of study to a subsystem. With this lineage we have such notable martial artists as Sijo Bruce Lee and Guru Dan Inosanto. Many years ago Maha Guru Pak Victor De Thouars decided to open the system has passed the lineage on to his heir Maha Guru Horacio Rodrigues. Today the authentic system of Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak is taught to all sincere students in the Serak Internation Academy in 4634 gage Ave Bell, California 90201 and tjabangs (Branches) of the Academy across the country. Contact me at email For more information please visit our website:
“For those that are interested in joining our family I invite anybody as long as they have a will to learn, have a good heart, and are a good person.�
Evan Pantazi
Real Kyusho: "Liver Shot" A liver shot or liver strike is a punch, kick, or knee strike to the right side of the rib cage that traumatizes or damages the liver. Blunt force to the liver can be excruciatingly painful, and an especially penetrating or trained shot will incapacitate an opponent easily. In combat situations, liver shots often result in technical knockouts (TKOs), not only from the high degree of pain, but also the deeper ramifications on the organ and other physiological structures and functions. A liver shot can be delivered with either hand with the correct weapon and trajectory. The shock is severe and interferes with the proper circulation of blood as well as the lung functionality as you will see in the film demonstration.
Real Kyusho “During the initial impact on the liver, they undergo tiny chemical reactions with each electrical nerve impulse. With enough concussion, the chemical reactions become unbalanced, and the shock travels along the vagal nerve network.�
Evan Pantazi
n the famous set of "Hohan Soken Notes", it states: Affects: Fatal - In case of right Denko, stimulation to the lung by the severe shock of the liver and nervous organs of both organs are to be lost. In case of the left, stimulation to the lung and heart by severe shock of the stomach and nervous organs are to be lost. So let's see how to do it and discuss the ramifications of this attack: The "Shot" is usually made under and to the front of the ninth and tenth ribs with an upward trajectory toward the base of the shoulder blade. The punch indents and stresses the liver, causing a shock to the liver, the largest gland/organ, and a major center of blood circulation. This causes the recipient to lose focus and motor functionality and can cause a breathless feeling in the victim as it constricts, which in turn affects the diaphragm (cool huh?). This is best delivered when the body is exposed; the attacker can then deliver a short, stiff uppercut to the liver, which will usually put the average recipient out of commission at once. This can also occur on the side or back of the body, with the best impact being still the frontal attack.
Let's hear from recipient on what it feels like: “Of all these body shots, perhaps the liver punch is the most effective and damaging. The liver is the largest gland
organ in the body and when it's hit just right it's incredibly debilitating. The pain is immediate, you can't breathe, and your body feels like quitting, even if mentally you still want to fight. The effect of a brutal body blow is swift and severe, yet different from a headshot. The thing about headshots is that they don't hurt. Frankly when you get clocked in the head, you see stars and you cannot necessarily process pain. Your mind isn't right and you don't think clearly. It isn't until later that your head hurts, with that bag of ice draped over your noggin. All of this talk of getting hit in the body versus the head reminds me of when I got sick from chewing tobacco in the eighth grade. My mind was clear but my body was completely and utterly shut down. This, as opposed to when one drinks and their body is sick. When one is intoxicated they don't truly feel the pain that their body is in. Getting hit in the head is kind of like that. This is why the standing eight count in boxing is so controversial. Boxers don't know the pain they are in and if they should or can continue. So delivering the pain of a body shot can be done in various effective and debilitating ways, but none more effective than attacking the liver. The liver punch involves striking directly to liver, which is located on the right side of the body in the area around the ninth and tenth (floating) ribs. Typically this is executed with a slight upward angle. The effects are swift and brutal, resulting in immediate fatigue, sharp pain, and loss of breath.”
So what happens really: Blunt injuries to the liver or spleen may include a tear, cut, or bruise to the organ. These injuries may lead to internal bleeding due to the organ rupturing (bursting) or blood vessel problems. Also if the attack is severe enough the vagus nerve could be impacted which puts the body in shutdown mode. The signs of this type of shock include; fast pulse (heartbeat), low blood pressure, cold sweats, nausea and pale skin. Not only is this extremely painful, it also can result in a cessation of breath, immediate fatigue, feeling of paralysis, or even complete loss of consciousness. The vagus nerve ( meaning “wandering”) is actually two cranial nerves that extend from the brainstem, throughout the chest and abdominal area. They connect to the Organs and bowel systems. The vagus nerves send and receive signals from the body to the brain, about the state of the body's organs to reflexively respond to a stimuli or trauma. During the initial impact on the liver, they undergo tiny chemical reactions with each electrical nerve impulse. With enough concussion, the chemical reactions become unbalanced, and the shock travels along the vagal nerve network. In more severe activation, the vagus nerve can cause simultaneous cardioinhibitory and vasodepressive response. This is a rapid drop in heart rate and blood pressure, usually with mixed response of the two, ultimately causing fainting and unconsciousness.
Real Kyusho
Evan Pantazi
Heavy damage such as the crushing of blood vessels, liver lacerations or tears, can cause internal bleeding. Traumatic shock to the vagus nerve can result in long-term dysfunctions, such as irregular heartbeat, difficulty swallowing, breathing and digestive disorders. Rib fractures are also a concern as the ribs can cause a tear or puncture which must be attended to immediately. Internal leading can lead to many health issues and or death. In short, Hohan Sokens notes were absolutely correct and a possible Dim Mak attack as well as Kyusho.
Location: The "Liver Shot" can be delivered at the base of the ribs or just under it, for the best results press the floating rib up into the liver prior to the shot. Caution as this can be fatal from puncture, tear or rupture of the Liver itself..
Activation: Strike: This point punched directly in toward the ribs up at an angle. This can cause severe cramping, make the
lower body loose muscle control, cause nausea, spasm the diaphragm and induce dizziness.
Reaction: When struck correctly, this point has many physical effects on the recipient: • Whole body weakens • Rapid withdrawal • Severe pain (when knuckles are used) • Loss of physical motor function • Loss of breathing ability • Loss of coherent thought • Nausea • Can induce regurgitation • Bowel and digestive disorders • Can cause unconsciousness with very strong striking action • Internal Bleeding • Death Causes temporary loss of thought and motor control
Real Kyusho “Of all these body shots, perhaps the liver punch is the most effective and damaging. The liver is the largest gland organ in the body and when it's hit just right it's incredibly debilitating. The pain is immediate, you can't breathe, and your body feels like quitting, even if mentally you still want to fight.�
Hwa Rang Do速 and Children (MISSION STATEMENT OF THE WORLD HWA RANG DO速 ASSOCIATION) HWA RANG DO速: A legacy of Loyalty, Relentlessly seeking Truth, Empowering Lives, Serving Humanity
We know that children are our future. They are able to learn every kind of subject quickly and effectively. They like to explore everything and love having and doing beautiful things. Most of the times they think about martial arts as a funny exercise and when they meet a very good master they can make their martial practice an essential mean for their growth.
here are many very young Hwa Rang Do® students in our Association. Hwa Rang Do® teaching is based on a strong discipline but in spite of that Hwa Rang Do® classes are always so funny for children. By Hwa Rang Do®, they can learn to conquer their targets by themselves. Mainly for the belt ranks. Nobody can test for them, they have to pass the belt tests by themselves, without help. The Hwa Rang Do® belt tests are very hard for every age and every rank: there's a written, oral and practical evaluation. Age is not important for Hwa Rang Do®, we start to study the Art at 2 years old like Do Joo Nim (Dr. Joo Bang Lee 10° dan) and His son Do Sa Nim (Taejoon Lee 8° dan) did. Everybody are able to get important results. The most important thing is to do the best we can. The main point of Hwa Rang Do® for children is the idea to make sacrifices to reach beautiful targets. That's also the key to success of Hwa Rang Do® with very young martial students. About the author: Hwa Rang Do® Head Instructor, Lieutenant Colonel of the Italian Military Police Force (Carabinieri) and Engineer, Marco Mattiucci is the Chief of the EU Branches of the World Hwa Rang Do® Association and one of the main followers of Grandmaster Taejoon Lee.
“The main point of Hwa Rang Do® for children is the idea to make sacrifices to reach beautiful targets. That's also the key to success of Hwa Rang Do® with very young martial students.”
Master Shaolin Shi Yanti is a monk of the 34th generation of the Songshan Shaolin Temple and a direct disciple of Venerable Abbot Shi Yong Xin. In this his first work for Budo International, he presents the Luohan Shibashou, one of the older and most representative basic forms of empty hand of the Shaolin Temple. According to the book "Shaolin Quan Pu", in the Sui Dynasty, the Shaolin's warrior monks developed a series of simple movements, chosen according to the "18 Luohan statues", hence the name Luohan Shou Shi Ba (18 hands of Luohan). The style of this Taolu is particular and in its continuous movements can be clearly seen combinations of real and unreal movements, defense and counterattack, and a variety of hidden movements. The main hand techniques in this Taolu are those of the palms, and learning requires great agility and coordination, as well as mastering the positions Xubu, Dingbu, Gongbu and Mabu and their features.
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
Why Kyokushinkai?
"No es difícil entender que un Karateka de 80 Kilos, es más fuerte que uno de 60 Kilos, así uno de 100 kilos es más fuerte que el de 80 kilos, un Luchador de Sumo es más fuerte que un Karateka. En adición, un toro es más fuerte que un hombre, y un elefante es más fuerte que un toro... Pero el hombre puede matar a un elefante porque tiene más inteligencia que éste". "Si un hombre ligero domina a otro más fuerte gracias a su poder mental e inteligencia, esto demuestra la fortaleza y espíritu de Kyokushin, y que Kyokushin es para todos. Shihan Kenji Midori (72 Kilos) ganó el V Campeonato del Mundo Kyokushin en 1991.
FIVE REASONS TO CHOOSE KYOKUSHINKAI 1. KYOKUSHINKAI KARATE is considered to be the strongest Karate in the world, so, if we seek a greater reality in the execution of techniques, Kyokushinkai has a complete study of full contact combat using leg techniques throughout body and head, except in vital points as the genital zone or the spine, and hand techniques all over the body except the head. Some people say: "But they don't hit in the face with their fists..." Master Oyama revolutionized the 50s with his full contact combat throughout the body, including the face, but it was totally impossible to avoid serious injuries, so, since Mas Oyama wanted a full contact fighting, blows to the face were restricted, but not the rest of techniques, always without protection, because that's what makes the difference. So one reason for choosing Kyokushinkai, as the translation says, is the SEARCH FOR TRUTH.
2. PHYSICAL AND MENTAL SECURITY. Physical not only in all the components that Martial Arts can give us: improvement of our basic qualities such as coordination, flexibility, psychomotricity, etc., which enhances greatly our Health and Fitness and give us a great SelfDefense ability, something undeniable because being Kyokushinkai a full contact Martial Art, needless to say that its possible answer is perfect for our own defense. Physical fitness is very important in Kyokushinkai and its hard training sessions to exhaustion to achieve the physical shape required by full contact fighting are widely known; these type of workouts is what links to the mental side, something praised by all practitioners who see how in a class everybody is always trying to do "a little more", one more push-up, a longer time hitting the sand bag with leg or fist techniques, or when one feels that he can't go on while doing combat, and his training partner exclaims: Come on, go ahead, you can do it!, that is, PERSONAL GROWTH. Master Oyama left us a slogan: "OSU NO SEISHIN", Spirit of Perseverance,
Osu means "resist under pressure"; it implies the willpower to stand to the limit, it's like an inner call to enduring and fighting and thus overcoming the weaknesses of the human condition. So one reason for choosing Kyokushinkai is KNOWING AND SURPASSING YOURSELF. 3. SO MANY PRACTITIONERS IN THE WORLD CAN'T BE WRONG! Kyokushinkai is practiced by over 20 million people in 140 countries. While the founder was still alive, Kyokushinkai was the largest organization in the five Continents, created by only one person: Master Matsutatsu Oyama. When he opened his first outdoor Dojo in Meijiro, in 1956, only in the first month he had 300 students; two years later he opened his Oyama Dojo, in a ballet studio behind Rikkyo University in Ikebukuro - Tokyo, near the current Honbu. Kyokushinkai Karate is taught equally to all walks of life, from the purity of the white color of a Karategi, regardless of race, gender, religion, etc., from the lowest social strata to Kings, through a large cast of important characters: Sean Connery, Ronald Reagan, Nelson Mandela, Jean Claude Van Damme, Dolph Lundgren, Vladimir Putin, highlighting in our country King Juan Carlos I, who in his youth practiced Kyokushinkai Karate in a "real" way up to the degree of Second Dan, and holds the Honorific Degree of 6th Dan, granted by the Kyokushinkaikan International Karate Organization, of which he has been for many years part of the Global Advisory Board, along with other great personalities. So one reason for choosing Kyokushinkai is that it's a PROVEN and CONSACRATED PRODUCT (Martial Art). 4. COMPANIONSHIP. Certainly, in many activities, this comes out in the form of small social circles that we establish with our co-workers, sports or hobby fellows, family, etc., Here it couldn't be otherwise, but with a great martial load, with traits of discipline, sacrifice, selflessness, etc., as one of my students would tell say, "pure experiential marketing", that is based on what brings us to the wonderful and unique experience of training hard, and the excellence in our relationship with our companions, "experience of use", with whom we experience the evolution of hardness, a feeling that is reduced with the passage of time, so that, despite all the hardness, it can be carried out by anyone; my dear student Santiago calls this "attraction marketing".
Thankfully gone are the days when Martial Arts gyms were only frequented by young boys, today people start practicing at any age, looking for something they can't find in other activities. So one reason for choosing Kyokushinkai is FINDING A SUITABLE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT. 5. KUMITE, the soul of Kyokushinkai. Master Oyama said: "There cannot be test without actual combat. Without a proof there is no trust, and without trust there is no respect." Kyokushinkai is one of the latest styles of Karate, although previously practiced, it was officially established in 1964.
Now, in XXI century, is more alive than ever due to its particular vision of combat, and it can be directly seen by millions of people thanks to the Social Networks, which further increases its popularity. Today there are great professionals of our style who teach classes to more than 20,000 practitioners of Karate Kyokushinkai in Spain, and prepare in turn great competitors for the different Local, Regional and National Tour naments, as well as International or World Championships. At present, Kyokushinkai is immersed in an Olympic Movement, so that karate can be considered for inclusion in the next Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020. So one reason for choosing Kyokushinkai is its COMPETITIVE DEVELOPMENT TO THE MAXIMUM LEVEL.
FIVE REASONS TO CHOOSE AND PRACTICE MMA Unless you had been in a deep coma the last 20 years, it would be impossible that you hadn't heard of Vale Tudo (old and original name) or MMA (Mixed Martial Arts, current and evolved name), among other reasons because is the fashion system and the world's fastest growing sport. That I, your humble servant, who introduced the sport in my country, a former competitor and now instructor of the discipline, want to advise some reasons for which this sport should be chosen, may seem at the very least somewhat suspicious. But in view of this situation I will expose some legitimate and objective reasons beyond suspicion, as to why you should start practicing this system.. 1. Complete fighter. All Martial Arts are good to train and all of them bring their benefits. However none of them separately can make you a better fighter, much less a complete fighter. Hitting arts teach you how to strike your opponent and protect yourself, but they don't teach you ground fighting or takedowns, just as the grappling
arts teach you to fight with takedowns and gripping and submission techniques, but they don't show you how hit and protect yourself from the blows. I am obviously referring to the arts in their purest and original form, undiluted with techniques and concepts extrapolated from other arts. 2. Honor, respect and discipline. MMA require great discipline, and I do not mean the ornamentation on the order of entry into the dojo or greeting before and after class so common in the traditional arts. If you want to reach a good level in MMA, you must learn to combine the body and mind discipline. You must learn to eat properly, sleep well and train hard; it seems easy, but actually it demands great self-control.
Believe it or not, most of us MMA athletes are not interested in violent conflict beyond our sport, we prefer the peaceful resolution of problems, although this is a common denominator in any serious martial artist. Only when you really know and suffer in your own flesh the unbearable situations faced by a fighter in his daily workouts, and you are aware of the damage you can cause or receive, you always choose the most peaceful solution Also, rest assured that after such a strenuous workout, your accumulated stress or anger will have flown out of the window. 3. Physical and mental training. Learning MMA is definitely a great physical exercise: Wrestling, Boxing and
Jiu Jitsu are no doubt extraordinary exercises at cardiovascular level. You must develop the highest physical condition to not be exhausted during the fight, which means achieving high levels of stamina, flexibility, strength ... I don't think it sounds haughty to say and recognize that to the present day, the MMA fighter is the best prepared; the higher levels require a physical conditioning equal to that of any Olympic athlete However, by developing of the highest capacities of concentration and response your mind will be also strengthened, and this will push your body to the limit. 4: Sports Fighting. MMA will offer you the perfect choice of practicing simply as a method of physical conditioning and also will give you the chance of fighting legally in a controlled environment, in addition to recharging your spirit with values like determination and courage. From their origins without rules to the modern practice, MMA tournaments, always under close medical
supervision, are held in assaults and weights, like any other contact sport. 5. Self Defense. Why not? Some will not share such a statement, coming from a contact sport, but let us not forget its origins; the fact that fighting without rules became a sport, resulted from the necessity of survival of this art as such, making it more civilized, as it had happened previously with the old Japanese Ju Jutsu, that was converted in Judo and later became a sport. In short, it was made more commercial. Being a sport, more people can practice, and more practitioners means more money. Go find some instructor who knows the origins and ancient techniques of Vale Tudo. The so-called "oldschool" masters will surely teach you how to defend yourself in the complicated streets of the world. Good luck with the election, greetings to everyone on my circle and to the house that made me be known. OSS!
FIVE REASONS TO CHOOSE KRAV MAGA Krav-Maga is an Israeli Martial Art for selfdefense, created by Mr. Imi Lichtenfeld in the late 60's. From our point of view as authors, the problem is not to present five reasons why to choose Krav-Maga as your favorite Martial Art. The difficulty is to choose only five out of hundreds of advantages, all equally important, that KravMaga offers to its practitioners. 1. When Imi presented his Martial Art to the world for the first time in 1971, Krav Maga was (and still is) the only discipline that was entirely dedicated to self-defense, without competitions, choreographed movements, protective equipment etc. Only when you learn and know Imi's way you are able to understand the large difference between a Martial Art and a Martial Art for self-defense. 2. Krav-Maga is the only Martial Art that gives solutions to any possible situation of violence in the street. It makes no difference if your enemy comes to you empty handed or armed with a stick, knife, pistol or any other kind of weapon in this matter. Do not forget that Imi was for 20 years Self Defense Chief Instructor of the Israeli army and he used all that experience when he created the Krav-Maga. 3. Imi's method of teaching self-defense was based on the principle that first you learn how to apply a certain attack in the fastest, most efficient and most lethal form and only after that you learn how to defend yourself against such a deadly aggression. It is not easy to deal with the real violence in the street, and we have to learn this way.
4. Krav-Maga is a Martial Art in the traditional strict sense of the word. Of course, in this short article it is impossible to explain all of Imi's way, to understand the Krav-Maga you need to practice with a good teacher. But as a complete Martial Art and not only a random collection of movements with the hands and the legs, the Krav-Maga is suitable for all those who wants to know, feel and comprehend what a Martial Art is. We can practice Krav-Maga in order to improve our mental and physical abilities without emphasizing the self-defense part, or we can at the same time learn a Martial Art and enjoy the additional benefit of having a complete knowledge in self-defense. 5. In 1977, Imi and his student Yaron Lichtenstein, founded a School of Krav-Maga, Bukan (“Hall of the Warrior�). The purpose of the School since the beginning was to maintain, preserve and teach Imi's original way. The school has today hundreds of instructors all over Europe with thousands of dedicated students and followers of this marvelous Martial Art. The School is the guarantee the students have that they are learning the original way of the Krav-Maga, exactly as it was taught in Israel. The extremely high level of training and professionalism of Bukan is by itself a reason to come and learn Krav-Maga.
Texto: Kostas Argyriadis Fotos: Š Budo International & archives
Movies and Martial Arts
Don "The Dragon" W ilson has participated to date in almost 33 action films, beginning with the legendar y "Bloodfist", in 1989, down to his latest film, "The Last Sentinel", not yet released in Europe. W ilson's films, compared with those of other Martial Arts stars, such as Chuck Nor ris and Jean Claude Van Damme, stand out especially for their low b u d g e t p h i l o s o p h y, which is the reason why in Hollywood the "Dragon" is known as "the king of the B series action films". Most of his films have been shot in just a couple of months, with a
Movies and Martial Arts
budget between two and three million dollars, which in the American film industry is practically nothing. Despite none of Wilson's films is spectacular, Hollywood loves him and continues funding the "Dragon", for the simple reason that all his films have produced a profit in the United States between 4 and 6 million dollars. Although Wilson's movies rarely get highlighted on the b i g s c r e e n i n We s t e r n countries, they nevertheless keep reaping important successes in the video club market, where the Dragon's films are always placed among the top 5, which explains his nearly 20 years of success.
Movies and Martial Arts
on Wilson films can be divided roughly into three categories: those with a storyline centered in Kickboxing (series "Bloodfist" and "Ring of Fire", etc.), futuristic science fiction movies (" Future Kick "," Cyber ??tracker", "SciFighter", etc.), and action films in general, most with a police or military argument ("Suicide mission", "Suicide Assault", "At the edge of the Law", "Crooked" etc.). It is true that Don Wilson is not the best actor in the world and in fact, his roles almost never convince or stand out for their credibility. From my point of view, Don Wilson has been throughout his entire career, a professional kickboxer whom I greatly admire, but also an amateur actor. All this matters little as long as the kicks of "the "Dragon" on the big screen continue to thrill fans. Don's passion has always been and will always be Kickboxing, and throughout his
career he's never neglected the fight, something that has been evident on the two occasions he has returned to the ring. The first time was on May 14, 1999 in Boston, in a boxing evening called "Mass Destruction", in which he beat Dicky Kimber by KO in the fight for the ISKA world title. In that same encounter there were the legendary Australian champion Stan "the Man" Longinidis, and the king of Full Contact, Rick "the Jet" Roufus. The second time was at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas on March 17, 2000, on a great show in which Don beat Dewey Cooper, getting the ISKA title again. Other big names were present in that fighting evening were Jerome Lebanner, Perry Ubeda, Sa Kmongkol and Mourad Sari. In 2004 there were rumors that Don was getting ready to jump back into the ring in Kiev, Ukraine, during a gala of the ISKA, but it never happened. Unlike the other stars of Martial Arts films (except for Chuck Norris), Don Wilson was already a world-famous name in
Kickboxing rings before becoming an actor. For those unfamiliar with Don's meteoric fighting career, I will simply say that he has won 11 world titles in three weight classes and six different organizations. Let's take a look at Don's biggest hits in the ring: the Dragon first stepped into a ring in December 1974, at a time when Kickboxing (later named "Full Contact") in the West was giving its first steps. In 1979 he becomes champion of the United States, in the first encounter of Kickboxing televised by the ESPN sports channel. In 1980, still unbeaten, Don becomes world champion of the WKA, the leader Kickboxing federation of the time. Always looking for new challenges and exceeding constantly his own limits, Wilson (with the legendary Benny "the Jet" Urquidez) was the first Kickboxer who dared to confront the great figures of the East, with their own game and on their own territory. In 1981, Don wins by KO in a great battle in Tokyo, becoming overnight a phenomenon in Japan (perhaps also due to his appearance and origin: Don's mother is Japanese). The following year, Don confronts and beats all the figures emerging in the East, earning the image of a Ring Star both in Japan and Hong Kong, where he wins Panja Sornoi, the Lumpini champion, among others, Don even dared to get into the lion's den, facing and winning the
Thai champion Samart, in Bangkok. To put this in context, we must not forget that we are talking about the early eighties, a time when the rest of the Kickboxing community in the United States, Europe and Australia only practiced Full Contact (with kicks only above the waist). As a result, at the time, some of the most spectacular moments of Don in the ring, took place in combat with the Full Contact rules, like the epic battle he fought against the cruiserweight world champion Dennis Alexio, in March 1984, in which Don won on points. Another historic fight was Wilson's encounter in December 1984 against the legendary Jean-Yves Theriault, the "Iceman". The meeting, held in the Canadian city of Montreal, was a draw after 12 rounds of thrilling intensity. However, many of impartial spectators claim that Wilson should have won the fight. In 1987, during a fight with Kickboxing rules, Don KO'd Branco Cikatic (who later would be the first winner of the K-1 Grand Prix, in 1993) and won a record $ 60,000, the biggest prize so far achieved in Kickboxing. Very few know that Don is a pioneer of MMA: he faced Art Jimmerson, professional boxer ranked 11th in 1987, to whom he knocked out after a few rounds with some low infallible kicks. Pressed by his film commitments, Wilson hang first
gloves in 1991, beating a professional record of 69 fights, with only five defeats and 46 wins by KO. It was his friend Chuck Norris who in 1988 suggested him to move to Hollywood and test his luck as an actor. On the advice of Chuck, Don soon found an agent and soon started doing small jobs, but after that he was offered nothing and his film career seemed doomed to failure. When he was about to throw in the towel, Don's fate changed when Roger Corman, the famous Bmovies producer of Hollywood read something about "the dragon" in a Martial Arts magazine. The film by Jean Claude van Damme, "Bloody Contact", that had just been released, was very successful and Corman was looking for ways to make a similar film that would be titled "Bloodfist". Impressed by the fame of Wilson,
“Very few know that Don is a pioneer of MMA: he faced Art Jimmerson, professional boxer ranked 11th in 1987, to whom he knocked out after a few rounds with some low infallible kicks.�
Movies and Martial Arts the producer asked him to do an imaging test and then made him sign a contract for three films. The rest of the story is that "Bloodfist" was shot in just 15 days, with a total budget of $ 300,000, including Wilson's cache of $ 30,000. The first year, only in the United States, the film grossed nearly $ 2 million and it reached a worldwide box office of over $ 10,000,000.
Although "Bloodfist" cannot be considered a jewel of the seventh art, a new star had been born and the Hollywood sponsors gave the green light to the film career of Don Wilson. In the reduced script of "Bloodfist", Don plays the retired Kickboxing champion Jake Rye, traveling to the Philippines, where his brother is participating in an international Kickboxing tournament. Jake soon discovers that the fights are illegal and what is worse, that his brother has been killed during the tournament. Determined to avenge the death of his brother and bring to justice the criminals, Rye participates in the next tournament. One of the strengths of the film is the participation of the legendary world champion Rob “the Dutchman� Kaman, and the last "Mr. Taeboo / Bootcamp", Billy Blanks, both of them in the role of Wilson's adversaries. Following the economic success of Bloodfist, a sequel was soon made and released in October 1990 with the title "Bloodfist II". Bloodfist II, much better than its predecessor, received good reviews in "Variety", the U.S. film news magazine. The argument: Kickboxer Jake Rye kills accidentally his opponent in the ring during a fight.
Haunted by remorse and guilt, Rye decides to hang up his gloves. However, things change when he discovers not have been responsible for the death of his opponent, but it had been his assistant who had drugged him with a powerful narcotic. After a series of situations, Jake just on an island where the terrible "Su" organizes a tournament with fights to the death (see "Enter the Dragon"). "Su" is the criminal mastermind who hides behind the powerful narcotic that manages his fighters but, as expected, Jake Rye takes the opportunity and wipes out all the bad guys. The known world champion Maurice Smith (Wilson's opponent in the ring in Japan, on one occasion) participates in the film, like ex - professional boxer and world champion James Waring. In the following years Don rolled eight more installments of "Bloodfist", although none reached the success of the
second one which, according to the opinion of some, it has been one of the best Wilson's films. In 1991 he shot "Future Kick", his first science fiction film, a genre that "the dragon" has used quite often ever since. The story takes place in Los Angeles, in a futuristic version, and obviously, it mimics the atmosphere of "Bladerunner". Wilson plays a genetically altered criminal hunter. That year, pressured by Corman to dedicate 100% to the movies, Don accepted - albeit with doubts - hanging up the gloves. However, "the Dragon" recorded a new film about the fight game, called "Ring of Fire", thus comforting somehow the thousands of Kickboxing followers that had been disappointed with his retirement. The film takes place in Chinatown of Los Angeles, where the two rival Kickboxing teams, Chinese and American, confront each other.
“Don's passion has always been and will always be Kickboxing, and throughout his career he's never neglected the fight, something that has been evident on the two occasions he has returned to the ring.�
Movies and Martial Arts Don Wilson, as usual, is the retired Kickboxing champion who, because of familiar circumstances, is compelled to go back to the ring. One of the fighters in this film is the Australian world champion Stan "The Man" Longinidis, who at that time lived in the United States and trained with Benny Urquidez. After three successful films in his resume, Hollywood producers wanted to increase Wilson's cache up to $ 300,000 per film. But "the Dragon" had other plans and offered himself as co-producer of his films, assuming the financial risk that this entailed, but ensuring his participation in the film decision making processes, that he would do from that time on. In 1992 Don begins a series of pure Martial Arts movies, like "Bloodfist 3", "Black Belt" and "Bloodfist 4", where the close bond that still links him to the community of Kickboxing is obvious. The supporting roles of these films are played by the elite fighters of that time, like the world heavyweight champion of ISKA, Bad Brad Hefton; the world lightweight champion of the WKA, Gary Blanck; and Shotokan Karate champion Tim Baker. Throughout his film career, Wilson would continue
to count on Martial Arts colleagues in his films, especially the world champion on several occasions Pete "Sugarfoot" Cunningham. The following year, in 1993, the retired Kickboxing champion Johnny Wu returned with "Ring of Fire 2", in which a band makes the mistake of kidnapping his girlfriend; on that same year it was also released "Bloodlust", the first Wilson's action film not based on Martial Arts, in which he incarnates a peaceful lawyer who becomes violent to avenge the murder of his wife at the hands of some drug traffickers. In 1994 Don rolled what seems to be his favorite movie, "Ring of Fire 3" (also called "Lion strike"), participating in the script and in which also appears his son Jonathan. Apart from the series "Bloodfist" and "Ring of Fire", other famous Wilson's classics are: "Out for blood" (1993); "Cybertracker" (1994) with Richard Norton; the horror film "Night Hunter" (1995); "Whatever it takes" (1997) with Fred Williamson; "Terminal Rush" (1998) and "Redemption" (2002), which shares the spotlight with Don and Cynthia Rothrock Richard Norton; SciFighter (2004) also with Cynthia Rothrock; "Crooked" (2005) and Fred Williamson Oliver Grunner and finally, "The Last Sentinel" (2007).
In the work of the WTU, we work with the following tools: 13 + 1 Solo Movements, which are divided into sets: WTU FIGHT: Siu Nim Tao (SNT) - Nine Ways Chum Kiu (CK) - Four Waves Wooden Dummy - Double waves Biu Tse (BT) - Twister Longstick - Point work Double Knife - Double Twister WTU GUILD: Blade - Way of one weapon 2 Axes & Hammers 2 - Way with 2 weapons Staff and Spear - Weapon waves Sword - Weapon Twister 4 Ways of weapons - Double wave and Double Twister with weapons WTU HEALTH: Snake of Fire - Waves Wings of the Eagle - Spirals BARAKA - Chi work And the Partner-Movements, which have been divided into sequences.
WT Universe
WT Universe With these we teach: 7 + 2 Qualities By harmonization the qualities it is possible to lead people in their natural Structure (anatomy) back. 3 Principles of action + 4 Interactions These are "the coordinates" with which we explore this new natural structure. 2 Fighting concepts Through them, we begin to tap the nature inherent functions. We move people! Salve!
In this DVD, Master Marco Morabito, with exclusive rights for Budo International, presents a preview of the Israeli Krav Maga Survival System. In this colossal work, the basic method and techniques of this discipline are illustrated in a clear and transparent manner. That is, no secrets, but in an extraordinary job that will take you to the very core of self-defense. The techniques are illustrated so that they are easily understood by all. A truly unique opportunity to approach selfdefense or improve your knowledge on the subject. The author is one of today’s top self-defense exponents worldwide and has to his credit an extensive experience both in the military field and in security companies; awarded several times in various countries and acclaimed by his courses and seminars around the world, he has become an international spokesperson for different combat and self-defense systems, little known but highly effective. He has learned and studied all over the world, from Japan to the US, via Poland, Spain, Cape Verde, Germany, Israel, France and Russia, a continued research in remote areas of the world, such as Siberia or the desert of Texas, without stopping at any point in his tireless search for new knowledge without ever stop asking questions. The Israeli Krav Maga Survival System is not a discipline or a set of rigid rules, but a method, a process of continuous and constant evolution. This makes it adaptable to any situation and circumstance and permeable to any changes, and then be able to take stock of its mistakes and use the experience as an opportunity to improve.
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Weng Chun Kung Fu from the origin In Hong Kong, Weng Chun Kung Fu became particularly well-known through the research academy Dai Duk Lan, founded by my teacher, Grandmaster Wai Yan. All Grandmasters of Weng Chun used to gather there to train together, and to preserve and pass on this art. However, they did not maintain any exchange with mainland China, where Weng Chun originated from and was being spread especially through the southern Chinese city of Fatshan. However, the prohibition of Kung Fu during the cultural r e v o l u t i o n i n C h i n a a f t e r Wo r l d Wa r I I rendered any contact between the Weng Chun families in Hong Kong and those in China impossible. In Hong K u n g , t h e We n g C h u n masters also feared possible prosecution by the authorities, and for that r eason, the o u t w a r d appearance of Dai Duk Lan for many years was merely that of a busy food market.
Text: Andreas Hoffmann, Christoph FuĂ&#x;, Photos: Andreas Hoffmann Studio photos:
Weng Chun
hat is why it was something very special for me to visit the Weng Chun families in mainland China, to learn more about this art directly at its origin. Since the eighties I m traveling regularly from Hong Kong to nearby Canton, and from there continued my journey to Fatshan. At this time, Grandmaster Pang Nam was the most well-known representative of Weng Chun over there, and when I visited him and his family, I was overwhelmed by his enormous cordiality, which until then I had only experienced like that from Buddhist yogis and lamas. Already at the entrance to his home I came across a wooden training dummy right in the middle of the corridor. Grandmaster Pang Nam instantly recognized that I was a Kung Fu maniac just as himself, and he instantly explained to me how the construction worked. In contrast to the wall-attached dummies used by our masters in Hong Kong, the dummies here are plunged into the ground, thus enabling the practitioner to train getting behind the back of an opponent,
which is a very important concept in Weng Chun. I instantly wanted to practice with the dummy and ask questions, however, he first invited me into his living room one floor below. There I was already awaited by his sons and students, as well as by another wooden dummy in the middle of the room. All of his sons successively demonstrated their wooden dummy form, and explained to me the single combat applications, and how to develop the different powers. Grandmaster Pang Nam himself had initially learned south Shaolin Hung Gar between 1934 and 1947, and thereafter Wing Chun from Grandmaster Chiu Chau as well as Weng Chun from Grandmaster Lai Hip Chi, and those influences are clearly recognizable in his wooden dummy form. Thereafter, Grandmaster Pag Nam s master student invited me to do some Chi Sao sparring
with him. He was surprised to meet a Kung Fu practitioner from Hong Kong who was able to resist his pushing, pulling and throwing attacks in Chi Sao. He was rather used to be able to bowl over practitioners from Hong Kong, who would usually not care enough about their balance and overly rely on punching. But I was well-prepared and enjoyed a good sparring fight with the master student of Grandmaster Pang Nam. Afterwards, the Grandmaster himself commented on the structure of his Chi Sao program. I found his “At Yiu Chi Sau” particularly exciting. “At Yiu” can be translated as “pressing the hip” and “Chi Sau” as “Sticking Arms”. In this particular form of Chi Sao, both practitioners grab themselves at the upper arms, thus learning to sense and develop the different force effects, such as pulling, pushing and twisting in different directions, as well as to throw the opponent off balance at the same time. He then explained to me his combat strategies named Chi (to stick), Mo (to touch), Dong (to swing) and Lip (to grind). In reply to my question of how they fight over long distance, I was in for another sparring fight with the very skilled Wong Ah Keung. I attacked him with various kicks and punches, while he made clever use of combat distance. He bridge the gap with swift footwork and a deked backfist and entered close combat,
where he tried throwing me off balance with fast chain punches. This reminded me very much of our Weng Chun program, and I received many tips from the master student, who furthermore represented Grandmaster Pang Nam and his family in competitions. All at once, Grandmaster Pang Nam s oldest son grabbed the double knives from the wall and loudly entered our Weng Chun exchange. He demonstrated the beautyful Wu Dip Do, the Weng Chun double knife form, which since then also became part of my own instruction. He showed me every single movement of that form, as well as its application within combat. That form is easy to learn, while at the same time it provides a solid foundation for using knives and swords. Afterwards we spoke about the principles and the history of Weng Chun, which Grandmaster Pang Nam for his part had acquired from Grandmaster Lai Hip Chi. The Weng Chun line of tradition reaches back from Grandmaster Lai Hip Chi to the nephew of Grandmaster Lok Lan Goon and to Lok Lan Goon himself, and further back directly to our Weng Chun ancestor San Gam, who is also known as Dai Fa Min Kam. Also following that line of tradition, our art ultimately stems from the Shaolin temple, and according to lore it was passed on by the Shaolin monk Yi Chum to Tan Sau Ng, who on his part taught it to the members of the Red Junk. Finally, I invited Gandmaster Pang Nam with his family and students to a nearby restaurant, where instruction was continued. Afterwards it was a great honor to me when master student Wong Ah Keung invited me to his home where we trained late into the night. Everywhere in China I came across the openness and enthusiasm of Kung Fu masters and practitioners, and I am very pleased that the art of Kung Fu survived the cultural revolution in China and has found its way into present time. Today traditional Kung Fu is officially approved also in China and recognized as cultural heritage.
“Everywhere in China I came across the openness and enthusiasm of Kung Fu masters and practitioners.�
Weng Chun
Keysi by keysiworld SL
Tel 0034-605-831-905
KEYSI AND THE VALUE OF OUR SLIPS "Experience is not what happens to us, experience is what we do with what happens to us"
KEYSI IS AN EXTRAORDINARY METHOD. The name of the Keysi method comes from a word that I couldn’t pronounce properly to answer my mother when I was a little kid, and instead of saying "que sí" (pron. “ke si”), I said "qui sí", (ki si) *. My mother tried to help me and told me I had to say "que- y- sí", separating both words by the Spanish conjunction "y" (and) so as to emphasize the correct pronunciation, but I took it verbatim and since then my answer was "queysi". So the name “Keysi” comes from the wrong pronunciation of an expression. So Keysi means assertion of your personality, self-confidence, self-esteem; Keysi means speaking in the first person, taking care of what you think, feel, need and want; it's a structured method addressed to extraordinary people. The reason is quite simple; I sincerely believe that in the hands of people who are not willing to learn and grow throughout their entire
lives, without the slightest interest in taking care of themselves, in valuing themselves, the method is useless, ineffective. *[Spanish expression formed by the conjunction "que" (that), and the adverb "sí" (yes), used to reassert an affirmation]
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE AN EXTRAORDINARY PERSON? Being an extraordinary person does not mean having exceptional qualities, or doing everything all right; extraordinary people are honest with themselves, because only then they can be honest with others although sometimes they might get lost in the forms; but they are honest without half-truths, they are people who want to act properly despite things may go wrong; they are humble people who acknowledge naturally that they make errors, who recognize their own difficulties and do not hang the responsibility for their mistakes on someone else's shoulders; they feel the need to contribute to the common good, starting from the personal improvement and self-growth
HOW CAN YOU BE EXTRAORDINARY Our relationship between instructor and students is based on this principle, the need to take care and protect each other with the desire to generate trust and proximity, only then the transmission and the strong will of mutual growth is achieved; it does not mean selfishness or self-centeredness, actually it's not just talking about the benefits of Keysi as a method of self-defense, but involves listening and knowing the feelings that an
“The name of the Keysi method comes from a word that I couldn’t pronounce properly to answer my mother when I was a little kid and instead of saying "que sí" (pron. “ke si”), I said "qui sí", (ki si). My mother tried to help me and told me I had to say "que- y- sí", separating both words by the conjunction "y" (and) so as to emphasize the correct pronunciation, but I took it verbatim and since that time my answer was "queysi". So the name “Keysi” comes from the wrong pronunciation of an expression.”
Keysi by keysiworld SL
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instructor triggers in his students with his words and deeds, as well as the feelings that the students trigger in the instructor.
KEYSI IS AN EXTRAORDINARY SELF-DEFENSE TECHNIQUE Self-defense is not a formula that can be applied mechanically; it can be used as a technique to address simple, difficult or complex situations and emerge more or less gracefully from these situations, but technique is not the answer, the answer lies in the attitude, accompanied by a deep ethical sense of values; with these ingredients as a basis we can understand technique as a means and not as an end; when the method is well developed and is not applied as a mere technique, it becomes itself a path toward said values, and this requires training and dedication by both the instructor and the student. Only then can we understand that a situation of risk unties emotions like stress, fear, panic, and this happens consciously or unconsciously, dominating us and kidnapping our ability to think and act calmly and with serenity. The hardest thing is not to learn a thousand techniques or their application, but achieving the deep understanding of our inner self; knowing ourselves not only physically but also emotionally will help us not to control those emotions, but to recognize them, to not see them as an enemy but as a friend who is there to help us.
WHAT DOES THIS METHOD REQUIRE FOR SOMEONE TO BE SPECIAL? The Keysi method calls for and at the same time presupposes respect for oneself and for the rest, it means therefore consideration for oneself and for others. We can symbolically say that it is a flower we cultivate with care and offer others its seeds to improve their lives. Like every art, on the one hand it requires knowledge of some principles and the development of techniques which along with the understanding of our body mechanics will help us learn and improve our physical and emotional tools so that we can reach our personal expression adapted to our potential; only then will we be able to perceive how extraordinary it is what lies behind an action; even if it's not perfect in its execution, it allows us to look at ourselves with better eyes and be more lenient toward the mistakes we constantly make, often with the best intentions. Keysi has always something special, even when its purposes fall by the wayside. The situation, and this is not a problem, is that the extraordinary is separate from the ordinary by a very thin line that can only be appreciated if we are willing to look inside ourselves with different eyes; maybe this is the dividing line between the ordinary and the extraordinary in Keysi and perhaps what makes Keysi be an extraordinary method.
“The hardest thing is not to learn a thousand techniques or their application, but achieving the deep understanding of our inner self; knowing ourselves not only physically but also emotionally will help us not to control those emotions, but to recognize them, to not see them as an enemy but as a friend who is there to help us.�
Keysi by keysiworld SL
Tel 0034-605-831-905
Keysi by keysiworld SL
Tel 0034-605-831-905
GM Martin Sewer
Kung Fu Kung Fu elite from Switzerland visiting Asia An account by Peter Gasser & Alexander Klug “Good morning Sifu�, the two Kung Fu Instructors Alexander Klug and Peter Gasser welcomed their master (Sifu), Grandmaster Dr. Martin Sewer, at the Zurich Airport early in the morning. An adventurous jour ney to Kuching, Malaysia awaits the three Swiss martial artists. T h e International Martial Arts R e s e a r c h Institute of Malaysia annually organises one of the greatest and worldwide most important event in the martial arts scene. The event, which lasts for several days, boasts a tournament of the masterclass, the Blackbelt Hall of Fame and much more. For the first time Martin Sewer, respected expert in his field, travelled to Kuching together with his two students, and thus gave them the possibility to also prove themselves on an international level.
Kung Fu Kuching, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia After we had travelled across the globe for long hours and after our airline company had lost and found our luggage, we finally made it to Kuching, the place of the event. Early in the morning local time, we checked in at our hotel and were glad that we managed to counteract jet lag thanks to a healthy diet and body fitness. For it all already started on that evening. Once we had gotten ourselves sorted, our sifu showed us the best places and café’s in the area. This was a most welcome break, as our teacher anticipated that everything would continue in quick succession in the upcoming days. “Are you nervous?”, he asked us while the waitress was serving some tea. We didn’t say anything, shrugged our shoulders and replied: ”Not really…”. How to be nervous, if one doesn’t even know what to expect? It most probably would have been different, if we had known more specific details. In the evening on that same day the opening ceremony started. A large room in a renowned event centre was the setting of this solemn ceremony. In the middle of the room there was some cleared space for the performances. To its left and right there were numerous chairs neatly lined up for the audience.There must have been approximately 300 chairs. In the middle, right in front of this area, there was a slightly elevated stage, on which two seating rows were arranged. At the back there
were beautiful wooden chairs and in the front luxurious armchairs. It was clear that the guest Masters and Grandmasters would sit there. Then, the first big surprise: While our sifu was conversing with other masters, a young petite female student of the local Kung Fu school approached us and said:”Please, take a seat.” pointing at the master’s stage. “No, no. We are instructors, not Masters!”, we replied. Sifu, who was eavesdropping the conversation, turned his head towards us and said grinningly:”Get used to it. Here everyone knows about our art and the skills of our school. You sit right up here with the masters.” Surprised, unsure and yet somewhat proud we took our seats in the second row right behind the Grandmasters. Just in this moment the opening ceremony began with solemn speeches of the present guests of honour. Among them there was also a representative of the government who had travelled here especially for this event. Spectacular performances of the local Kung Fu school, traditional lion dance and drum shows followed. Finally, the guests of honour assisted with solemnly cutting a red ribbon for the opening of the events. Our master, Martin Sewer, had already told us about such traditional events before. Still we were surprised by how big, loud and pompous everything was staged. What got especially our attention was the fact that our teacher was asked to step forward again and again and that he was surrounded by several people who
wanted to shake hands with him. Almost as if he had been the secret star of this event. And he probably was. We were quite proud about this, and yet at the same time we were getting a bit nervous, ready to be also asked to step forward and demonstrate our skills. To our relief this was only going be the case on the following day. After an extravagant dinner, a lot of sleep and a powerful start into the new day it all finally began for us. The tour nament started! First the youngest participants, children and adolescents gave their best in front of a referee panel, then the programme eventually switched to the master class. One after the other who was sitting on the elevated stage; on that day all of them wearing their Kung Fu uniform; came forward and showed his or her skills. It wasn’t long before our names were called up. Now caught up by stage fright all the same, we demonstrated our pole and fist hand forms. During our performances we noticed that many guests and even some referees suddenly got out their mobile or video camera to make a video. All sweaty, a bit out of breath, and proud to worthily represent the KUNG FU SCHULE MARTIN SEWER and Switzerland, we went back to our seats on the stage right next to the guests of honour. After us, our teacher was called up. Suddenly, silence filled the room. The stillness was palpable. The audience was closely following his each and every movement and was recording with their mobiles or cameras. Here and
there one could hear enthusiastic utterances such as “Wow” or “Oh” of kids in awe of the performance. We were closely focusing on the performance of our sifu, for there is always something to be lear nt. Thunderous applause ensued our sifu’s performance. The guests were obviously impressed with his skills. He was just about to sit down, when he was called up once more. The present Grandmasters were asked to demonstrate their skills once again in a seminar that lasted for 45 minutes for all the guests who were interested. We could energetically assist our sifu. It was a most peculiar scene to watch: Swiss people teach people from Asia Kung Fu? To us, it was quite the familiar situation, for our teacher had already taught in China and Hong Kong. But the openminded and warm-hearted ways of our Asian fans was yet again touching. At first, we thought that they were merely curious about “the foreigners”. But it quickly showed that they genuinely admired our Kung Fu and our ability to get people enthusiastic about it. Even hours after the training course we could observe the kids practicing and imitating the techniques taught by sifu. On the third and last day we were taken by surprise yet again: But this time the venue was in a different part of the city. Another even bigger room than the one before was festively decorated and arranged for the closing ceremony and awards, since, apart from the participants, even more spectators and guests, among them members of the government, were expected. In a very traditional manner the ceremony was opened with drums, dragon and lion dance performances. The guests of honour were being served “lunch”. We knew that we were asked to demonstrate our skills once again. In addition to participating in the tournament, we were both nominated for the “Instructor Of The Year 2015” award. During the lunch sifu asked us:“So, you two? What are you going to demonstrate after the meal?”. Right there we knew that this would be our chance to give our all. Right away we left the ceremonial hall in order to quickly warm
Kung Fu up before we were asked to demonstrate our forms. This time we showed our sabre and fist hand forms. Once more we gave our very best. The festivities were coming to an end, and as a highlight of the event the participants of the tournament and the nominated guests of honour were about to be honoured. We were thinking about our chances of success. As we had observed the other participants, our competition, we came to the conclusion that we could not have been that bad. But would it suffice? When our names were called up, we were indeed quite surprised. We both were given the award “Instructor Of The Year 2015”. We were happy and proud, yet at the same time a bit in disbelief. Just as we were about to take our seats, we were called up once more. We both won the “Instructor Trophy” at the tournament! We were touched. The trying preparations, all the training and working hard on our skills had been paid off! Now it was our master’s and mentor’s, Martin Sewer’s, turn. The first award given to him was a very special one: The “Silver Lifetime Achievement Award”! Only he who dedicates his life whole-heartedly to the martial arts is able to be honoured with this award. Moreover, he was honoured with the “Grandmaster Trophy” as the winner of the tour nament in the category of Grandmasters. Last but not least he was accepted as “Associate Professor” into the Blackbelt Hall Of Fame. As his students we were filled with great pride. After numerous photo sessions with the local press, with spectators and participants: we were downright besieged, we said a warm goodbye to the organiser of the event. But our journey wasn’t over
“Our art does not have its basis in techniques, but in principles. Thus, we did not only learn a technique in its detail and very precisely, but we also received a “key”, which would help us to decode techniques that we had thought we had already mastered” yet! After the challenging weekend a few days of relaxation awaited us in the Mega-City Kuala Lumpur. Of course we benefited from the time available to learn more about the art of the original Shaolin Hung Gar Kung Fu from our teacher. On the one hand we learnt very comfortably over coffee and tea, on the other hand with a lot of sweat in the morning Kung Fu lessons. Especially in these lessons with our teacher, we could lear n exactly the way he used to learn back then. For hours we had been
preoccupied with a small movement, which looked very simple. What initially looked very easy, turned out to be full of little nuances and important details, without which the technique would not work the way it should. We were working really hard, often without being supervised by our teacher, and were getting closer to our desired goal step by step. Right there our repertoire of techniques was extended by one more efficient technique. But what was even much more important: Grandmaster Martin Sewer did not teach us just any technique. As we had learnt over the years, he always taught a principle, a notion that takes an important role in our system. Our art does not have its basis in techniques, but in principles. Thus, we did not only learn a technique in its detail and very precisely, but we also received a “key”, which would help us to decode techniques that we had thought we had already mastered, and which would help us to generally improve our skills. It was a very motivating step, since being increasingly attentive and actively thinking about what we had learnt was very rewarding. With the expansion of our school, opportunities of learning from our teacher in such an intensive manner are becoming rarer. Furthermore, we realised that we would have to keep on working hard, if we wanted to repeat this success in the future. We are not too familiar with “resting on our laurels”. This might very well be the reason for our success in Kuching and for the success of our sifu and of his school. As the well-known saying goes: “the path is the destination”. This also goes for the education at the KUNG FU SCHOOL MARTIN SEWER.
GM Martin Sewer
Kung Fu
Police Self-Defense OPERATIONAL POLICE BATON For Captain Jacques Levinet, founder of the Police Operational Baton method or BOP, the use of the baton in Martial Arts or Self-Defense has nothing to do with the professional method he has tuned up. First, the material of the BOP is not wood but retractable metal. Second, the BOP is used alone, unlike other conventional methods that use two sticks in their discipline, as Kali or Fencing. Third, the specific use of BOP by the law enforcement units takes into account the Police parameters of the ROS method (Real Operational System), another method created by Captain Levinet. Since 2000, thanks to his triple experience as a Police Captain, Grand Master of Martial Arts and international expert in law enforcement units, specialized in personal defense and police tactics, Levinet Jacques, after making his own reflection on the subject, has developed his own revolutionary method adapted to XXI century, to extract the essence of every important detail in this field. And thus the Police Operational Baton or BOP was born, which is not a new designation, but a unique and effective process for law enforcement units, for an intermediary and complementary use between gun and handcuffs. The BOP method differs considerably from the American ASP (Armament System and Procedures) and now there is growing interest worldwide.
ORIGINS OF BOP They rely on other inventions of Captain Lenivet. • SELF PRO KRAV or SPK - This personal defense method, which enjoys great success in many countries, gave to BOP its originality for its practical applications on the spot. The SPK defenses are what have allowed the BOP to consolidate its success. The absence of frills and flourishes, and the pedagogy have become a key to the success of these two methods that provide both civilians and professionals the means to cope with assaults on the street. • REAL OPERATIONAL SYSTEM or POLICE ROS - There is an interactive link between the Real Operational System, complete method for law enforcement units, and the TOP (Police Operational Tonfa) which is one of the modules, in the same way as the BOP (Police Operational Baton) and the GTPI (Technical Gestures Police Intervention). The ROS evolves according to its scope and the 'feedback' carried out regularly by the staff of the AJL (Jacques Levinet Academy). The difficulties of the street have priority in the BOP, therefore techniques falls to a secondary priority and the narcissistic manifestation does not occur. The reality is imposed at the expense of fantasy to make room for the operational. • MALADJUSTMENT OF TRAINING - Telescopic baton workouts are often inadequate, either because of lack of time, lack of competence or absence of a training plan, without forgetting also the lack of political will that means are given to achieve success. Giving a telescopic baton to a policeman is not enough to make it operational, there must be also an after sales service. In other words, a progressive initial and continuing formation guaranteed by regular recycling and 'feedback'. This is the reason why Captain Levinet captain has wanted to question everything. The BOP formation is much longer than in most of the cases and
techniques that do not work in reality are radically eliminated. It has been structured a training plan both technically and legally. Absence of stereotyped assaults, predefined attacks, safe defenses with foam rubber baton, grips of an armed hand, unrealizable in the street. No passivity or recreational training but rather in accordance to the harsh law of the street. The results of this effort are plain to see, the technical modification and evolution have proved vital and the BOP has become truly operational in the broad sense of the word. • IN CONTRAST TO THE ASP METHOD - The usual telescopic baton training systems follow the ASP method of US, often for commercial reasons because the method is sold in a pack which includes a baton with the same name. This method takes into account only to hit under angles, which contradicts our self-defense laws. On the contrary, the BOP method takes into account the fact that the official should know first how to block an attack and protect himself before counterattacking. If in the ASP method very few neutralization locks are done, the BOP system provides an excellent sampler of control locks, behavioral, how to knock down, how to free yourself and teamwork to carry out the Police missions in full compliance with the relevant republican laws of self-defense. In the ASP method, baton,
Police Self-Defense
Police Self-Defense handcuffs or the firearm are gradually used. In the BOP, everything is used at the same time, depending on the situation. Moreover, the difference in the length of the stick in the ASP method (21 inches) and the BOP (26 inches) is paramount. Finally, in the BOP, the baton is used folded in the hand to hand combat or at discretion. We will talk more extensively about all these points (length, complementarity and discretion). In short, the ASP method, which is specific to the United States, is not appropriate to the legislation and the code of conduct of most European countries.
SPECIFICITIES The BOP has a framework of employment so that each professional understands its utility, whatever his employment service and his material endowment. The influence of the GTPI (Technical Gestures Police Intervention) has been an important factor because it is assumed that Police forces almost always intervene as a team. • The length of the BOP - Unlike most telescopic batons used by law enforcement units, that are 21 inches long, the BOP has a length of 26 inches to allow greater protection, safer counterattacks and super effective neutralization locks and behavior keys. This difference is due to the method of the ASP baton, which focuses exclusively on striking at a short distance without thinking of the protection of the officer for neutralization, and the behavior without violence of the aggressor. • Complementarity - The work of the BOP is never considered in isolation, but it takes into account all the coercion material made available to its users. An intervention can start with the hands and then require the use of the baton, handcuffs and, in some cases, the firearm to deter or counterattack. The policeman must adapt because you never know how and when danger is over. With the BOP, applying the lock, handcuffing and aiming with the pistol may be concomitant, in random order, according to risk. Some parameters are essential, as unsheathing the baton before the gun and vice versa, sheathe the firearm before the baton, except in the case of immediate counterattack shooting. In this context, changing the hand that holds the baton is essential in order to use the stronger hand to grab the handcuffs or the firearm. • Key points - They take the form of concrete answers to the agents, alone or in a team, and not that of a purely theoretical teaching. • Distance - It depends on the response to danger. If we see it coming, in this case, our defense will be at a distance and in advance. The length of the stick favors indirect blocks over direct blocks, thanks to the balance positions with two hands or with a sword in one hand. If our attention has not allowed us to see the attack coming, our defense will be unexpected
and very close. In this hypothesis, conditioned reflex and indirect blocks with the body of the baton are favored, thanks to the reinforced positions of the arm or forearm in a normal or reverse position. Distance thus conditions our natural, innate and reflex technique. • Positions - The BOP is not limited to banal positions. It adapts them according to the mission, which opens an important field of action in the interventions carried out in a closed or reduced place. The fetish BOP position is the 'GRIP', or grabbing the baton grip, that offers the opportunity of easily changing the strong hand, hooking and pushing, but also blocking while drawing the gun for selfprotection. The other BOP positions (balance, sword, reinforced, inverted, folded baton) protect against any upward or downward attack. The BOP position in V facilitates conduction, lying down on the floor and overturning. The BOP folded serves not only to catch but to counterattacking, forcing, blocking and discreetly pressing on pressure points with all discretion, because the baton folded is less visible than open. • Release of hands - BOP techniques allow change hands for handcuffing or pull out the gun. You must anticipate the development of the situation. Either counterattacking is sufficient, or you must neutralize your opponent, throw him to the ground, do the handcuffing together with a body search, take him up. In summary, the BOP is never released from the beginning to the end of the intervention. Israeli and twist keys are a remarkable help because they free both hands.
PROFESSIONAL PEDAGOGY The BOP training plan requires that instructors with the name AJL, transmit the official pedagogy with the legislative and ethical references inherent in each of the countries. • Legal Explanations - In the BOP, there's no "blind" reading of the articles of the law on self-defense. The policeman or the military, explains the technique used in the action so that it is under the law of his country. It's not a simple reasoning, but a typical demonstration of legal reconstruction. He must guarantee, before a judge or a
superior, the legitimacy of the intervention. The BOP pedagogy provides all legal advantages to achieve similar responses in hand to hand counterattacks in tip grip wrist, elbow up, to avoid any unfortunate percussion in the face. Likewise, pulling out the gun is not synonymous of counterattack shooting, but also getting out of a hostile environment or protection for the agent and the individual. • Specific terminology - In the BOP, words are a way to mitigate liability.
Terms like "blow" or "hit", synonymous with aggression, are never used; instead, we use the word "counterattack", which is equivalent to defense. We must speak with a loud and intelligible voice in a professional environment. Control of the media and curious onlookers with their mobile phones, photos and videos, force us to a minimum of prudence. The intervention combines safety, protection and action in the strictest respect for the law of the country concerned.
• Proper training - The legal criteria for intervention in the BOP must fit the applicant country. For example, in the United States, the use of the firearm is less pressing than in European countries, consequently less technicality of BOP. Due to the ban on the use of the firearm, but in use in some countries, the baton is used only to hit at a short distance without worrying about self-protection. However, in France and in most European countries, agents are ruled by specific laws of self-defense by
Police Self-Defense limiting the use of firearms. As such they should learn to protect themselves and dominate the telescopic baton. Hence the interest of the BOP for protection, the keys of coercion using the pistol to get free. • Real situations - BOP promotes teamwork with the PLI (Protection, Link, Intervention) exercises, with the 26-inch baton expanded or folded depending on the situation. No foam rubber baton in training, but the real stick to acquire a good realistic gesture. What good is a safe training with a foamy baton, that will not be of no use in the street?
COURSES WITH LABEL The BOP enjoys an important aura through the following points. • Multilingual Programs - BOP instructors of the ALJ are, for the most part, multilingual (English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese) to provide a direct and understandable formation for everybody.
• ROS - BOP Label - The courses, training plan, recycling, feed back, the certificate renewable every year, give the instructor ROS - BOP a highly prized quality label. • Training on demand - Captain Levinet offers his expertise, through initial and continuing training, with common units, as well as specialized units of the police and army (swat, intervention groups) in France and around the world. Instructors are also formed by a gradual course toward t he ROS - BOP Ins truct o r qualification.
• International recognition - The exhibitions and BOP seminars of the founder Jacques Levinet in the four corners of the world, have aroused the enthusiasm of the international experts of the security forces. The Police Operational Baton or BOP is not an exhibition accessory, as the nunchaku, but the best non-lethal weapon, of which Captain Jacques Levinet has managed to extract all the professional efficiency, unmatched until now. baton-police and
Martial Arts Movies
Movie Review: GM Maurice Elmalem
The Martial Arts Kid Movie Grand opening in movie theatres USA My first stop for the movie opening was California September 18, 2015 with a phenomenal response from the general public about The Martial Arts Kid “Bullies Beware” movie that was produced for the entire family to watch and enjoy. It is all about a boy (Robbie Oakes) who by no reason gets in trouble in school and public places with bullies in Florida and because of family tragedy he moved from Cleveland to Cocoa Beach, Florida, to live with immediate family members who happen to be martial arts legends and champions. Not knowing about the background of his relatives, Robbie, (Jansen Panettiere) finds out through one of the bullying incident that his aunt, Cindy starring Cynthia “Lady Dragon” Rothrock know one thing or two about Martial Arts, when she successfully knock out the attacker who force her to defend Robbie with a barrage of mastered strikes.
obbie was impressed and took interest in knowing more about her background in finding out that she is married to Uncle Glen, the legend Don “The Dragon� Wilson, 11 Time World Kickboxing champion, a man of great respect and integrity. After visiting Uncle Glen's school Robbie decided to learn martial arts philosophy, respect, hard training, dedication and glory. That makes Robbie a winner not only by learning self defense but also teach the bully Bo (Matthew Ziff) that when you master the art of self defense to its highest level and the most educational way to become the best but also be good in school and enjoy a
bright future in a fun way. Robbie falls in love with the bully's girlfriend Rina (Kathryn Newton) who by then realize that enough is enough with the disrespectful way she was treated and breaking up her relationship for a better and more fun way with Robbie's Martial Arts. This movie has a great impact on me and my roots as I had to deal with bullying all my life. As a child growing up in Morocco and in my adult years having to face constant harassment. I remember people would throw rocks at us every day on our way to school which eventually caused me to be involved in endless street fights in order to protect myself. Moving to Israel was no difference at all because I had to face bullying by bigger guys who pushed and shoved me
Martial Arts Movies in sport events Finally when I worked for Golan and Globus Movie Production Company, Tel Aviv, Israel, as an artist, I was assigned to promote Bruce Lee's first movies Fist of Fury and Big Boss. Bringing world champions such as the great Gideon Kadari to demonstrate martial arts live on stage before the movie opening. After watching Bruce Lee movies more than 20 times it blew my mind. I was very impressed with the Martial Arts movies and techniques, then it came to my mind to learn martial arts not only for self defense but for good healthy life and a defense against stress doing demonstration with some of the most outstanding feats ever done. Martial arts bring the best out of us, we get to do what we have in mind for the better part of life. “Be the best and nothing less,� is one of the many positive messages and friendly themes presented in the movie as a means to kill the fear in young people and adults alike moreover promoting family values and preserve the essence of life. The turn out at the theatres was great for the first weekend in California and New York. Friday's showing was sold out. While in California I was so elated to be honored in the Martial Arts History Museum September 20, 2015. It was a day to remember for the rest of my life. Thank you Michael Matsuda for your great hospitality and Maurice Elmalem day at the Martial Arts History Museum. Finally, The Martial Arts Kid Movie is winner of seven awards such as Best Florida Film Sunscreen Festival, Platinum Remi Award International Film Festival, Best Supporting Actor Sunscreen Film Festival, Best Supporting Actress International etc., recommended as the movie to watch with the entire family. James Wilson (producer) Michael Baumgarten (screen play and director), and the entire production team and cast did a superb job. For more information and selected theatres visit: GM Maurice Elmalem 7 Time World Champion, 8 Time Guinness World Record Holder Author, Producer, Artist, Developer Budo Magazine Editor. www.mauricepromartial
Always with the Ochikara, "The Great Strength" (called e-bunto in the Shizen vernacular tongue) or secret wisdom of the ancient Miryoku Japanese shamans, as a backdrop, the author takes us into a world of genuine reflections that are capable to move at once both the reader's heart and head, thus placing him continuously in front of the abyss of the invisible, as the true final frontier of personal and collective consciousness. The spiritual taken not as religion, but as the study of the invisible, was the way of the ancient Miryoku sages to approach the mystery in the framework of a culture as rich as unknown, to which the author has wholeheartedly devoted. Alfredo Tucci, Manager Director to Budo International Publishing Co. and author in the past 30 years of a large number of titles about the Warrior's Way, offers us a set of extraordinary and profound reflections, which can be read individually in no particular order. Each one of them opens up a window to us through which we can take a look at the most varied subjects from an unexpected angle, now dotted with humor now with forcefulness and grandiosity, placing us in front of eternal matters with the view of the one who has just arrived and doesn't agree with the common places in which everyone coincides. We can affirm with conviction that no reader will be indifferent to this book; such is the strength and intensity of its contents. Saying this is saying a lot in a world crowded with collective mangers, interested and behavioral ideologies, manipulators and, in short, spurious interests and mediocrity. It is therefore a text for big souls and intelligent people who are ready to look at life and mystery with the freedom of the most restless and scrutinizing minds, without dogmas, without transient morals, without subterfuges...