The main emphasis of this DVD is edged weapon. Knowing and understanding all the dangers associated with any edge weapon. The main theme in this DVD is establishing the priority. The main emphasis of training with an edged weapon is knowing and understanding all the dangers associated with this type of weapon. All the “What if’s”, and “Yeah buts”, are all great for trial and error, and assuming predictability. The serious danger of edge weapons is real, and should be treated as such. This means where you should establish your training priority to be a survival tool, in the event this situation happens to you. Let’s face it, you are the one having to survive, not your trainer, helps you train your goals, not your objective. The training priorities I use in LatosaEscrima are as follows: reality, technique and drills. Reality: This is the understanding of exactly what could happen and the dangers when using or going against an edged weapon. Techniques: These movements are trying to give you a generalization of possibilities, and probabilities of what may happen. Drills: Most drills are used to develop and enhance body movement skills used in the technique application.
REF.: • LAT-3
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
"Most men and women lead so distressing lives in the worst case, and so monotonous, poor and limited at best, that the rush to escape, the longing to transcend oneself, if only for brief moments, is and has always been one of the main desires of the soul. " Aldous Huxley
hat we live in a multidimensional Universe is more than a hypothesis at the conventions of modern science. Quantum physics has reached the unthinkable: to place in equations the biggest consciousness disruption that man has ever experienced in his history; it's a giant leap, we've reached to capture the inconceivable in our plane of reality and with the scientific method. The human dwells and exists in itself as an entity demarcated in a common strip of logos. Some, though, are humanity brain cells, while others occupy a right place on the feet of the common body that defines us; but united in a larger conglomerate, we are all arriving at new ports of consciousness. It doesn't mean that the news of this quantum leap of planetary consciousness has arrived from the first to the last human. No. Everyone, in his or her own evolutionary level, his or her own time, his or her own way, goes through different stages, but as a whole, if the arrow hits a target, there is no doubt that all of it has reached its goal, not only the tip. Excuse me for abusing the metaphor, but it's not easy to talk about some things without being perceived as if you were trying to pontificate and without relying on any doctrine that would lead to ambiguity. What I mean is that somehow, each one of us, partaker of the ordinary that makes us human, should celebrate the success of any congener as his or her own. Each light that comes on in the consciousness of the group, even if it's a glimpse of the next step to come, enlightens with great strength our way, which is common and plural and at the same time individual and unique. The compassion of the great masters (regardless of their culture) has always been based on the security and absolute certainty of the final unicity of all beings and things. That compassion is precisely what led them to trace roads, to try to explain their discoveries, to share their certainties, often misunderstood and often betrayed. They say a mother is worth a thousand fathers, but a Master is worth a thousand mothers. Unfortunately is not always the case, because there are many who hold that sacred title, like the one who wears a hat that he can put on or take off at his convenience; I'm speaking here, of course, about true Masters; those who teach by example and not just with words; those who partake of compassion in a effective way through their example, their actions, their thoughts.
"In Sufi terms, there are two very interesting concepts of transcendence. The first is about contemplating the universe and understanding that what you see out there reflects who you are. The other one is to look within yourself and recognize that the universe is present there." Mohsin Hamid
Inhabiting a multidimensional universe is not the privilege of anyone, it is a common reality, but being aware of how different levels interact, it is the privilege of a few. Many ancient cultures shared in due course a great awakening of group consciousness and came to similar ports. Far beyond the peculiar forms of their cultures, there was a common substrate, a powerful root that made possible to understand, through a deep formulation of the energies that compartmentalized the different dimensions, the way they all interacted in our plane of existence. Many of these cultures were completely lost in the mists of time, but others are experiencing a rebirth in our days, as a natural spring that welcomes the most sensitive and restless souls, in this age of the fiercest materialism we live in. Unsatisfied with simple doctrines, starving for something more consistent than mere moral rules, or the false promise of a more advantageous afterlife, many old souls seem to be reborn in an apparently contradictory context, to speak about ancient knowledge, ancient sacred practices, a way of approaching the Universe and the fact of life that, coincidentally, today is explained by very different means and completely unrelated to those times. Science and spirituality are inevitably into a new transcendent dimension, where the shaman and the scientist live side by side squaring the circle; where the doctor, the priest, the psychologist and the thaumaturge, they’re all speaking the same language. It is not easy, because the answers are not simple, each one opens new questions, but far from a univocal, fanatical and intolerant description of the world, the sages of the future are already here preparing the coming times. The great wheel has rotated once more; the old and the new meet ... Perseverance brings good fortune... Change brings good fortune... However, nothing will not happen without our conscious effort; if there is no transgression, no consciousness, no evolution, the future, left to itself, only repeats the past. Great days await the planetary consciousness, but they will not come without causing death rattles, because in order for something new can be born, something old must die. The most sensitive perceive this birth in their own flesh; they prepare to prepare ... the old and the new meet up again. He who has eyes to see... will see... he who has ears to hear ... will hear.
Alfredo Tucci is Managing Director to BUDO INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. e-mail:
Filipino Martial Arts
Escrima Great masters are so not only by virtue of their knowledge, but also because of their career, and in my humble opinion, of course, their personality and special character. Rene Latosa is one of these, and he justly comes back to our cover, many years after that first meeting, because he meets all these qualities. A joyful reunion I might add, because so it was. Short but fruitful and enough in itself to understand how everything one had sketched years ago, on that first occasion, was there, matured, firm and gentle at the same time.
Filipino Martial Arts The reason for the trip: A new video that will be shortly released. One morning of impeccable work, a fluid and pleasant recording of a video that surely will delight all lovers of Philippine Arts. The Latosa Escrima, a style that a friend Master of Wing Tsun defined with praise as "anti spectacular", where efficiency is rampant, making a difference. We have the invaluable assistance of his pupil, Sifu Markus Goettel, whom we thank for his kindness and help. The reunion with the great Master RenĂŠ Latosa was very nice; we recalled the many past years and, with great courtesy, he avoided speaking ill of mutual acquaintances. Time passes for everyone and, inevitably, we all tend to accumulate a glossary of grievances, disappointments and bad experiences that would be sufficient to fill a complete Bible. The way you live all this, you act and you talk or not about it defines your character. I am happy and honored to have his monthly contribution to these pages and I'm sure that many readers will appreciate it too. Alfredo Tucci
Filipino Martial Arts
“With an edged weapon there is no take backs, repetition or the luxury to do it again, until it works.”
“ The reality of going up against an edged weapon is not only a technique or a drill. There is also the emotions to deal with such as intent, fear and logic.”
Elementary Edge Weapons Training Priorities The main emphasis of training with an edged weapon is knowing and understanding all the dangers associated with this type of weapon. All the “What if's”, and “Yeah buts”, are all great for trial and error, and assuming predictability. The serious danger of edge weapons is real, and should be treated as such. This means where you should establish your training priority to be a survival tool, in the event this situation happens to you. Let's face it, you are the one having to survive, not your trainer, helps you train your goals, not your objective. The training priorities I use in Latosa-Escrima are as follows: reality, technique and drills.
eality: This is the understanding of exactly what could happen and the dangers when using or going against an edged weapon. With an edged weapon there is no take backs, repetition or the luxury to do it again, until it works. The attack could be a single cut, multiple cuts or stab, and not in any particular predictable order. Imagine, one single hit or slice could cause superficial wounds, severe injuries, or a fatality whether you are in the offense or the defense mode. Understand what your trainer tells you to do, however you must understand that they can only tell you what they know what might be a possible scenario, not what would really happen. Unless you can see into the future, no one actually knows. Many times in training reality is just a thought process, and something which is never going to happen to you. The reality of going up against an edged weapon is not only a technique or a drill.
Filipino Martial Arts
Filipino Martial Arts
“Most drills are used to develop and enhance body movement skills used in the technique application.�
Escrima There is also the emotions to deal with such as intent, fear and logic. Again, there is no forgiveness for mistakes, such as stepping the wrong way, misjudging the distance, trying to judge timing or missing the attack. Techniques: These movements are trying to give you a generalization of possibilities, and probabilities of what may happen. Techniques have to be flexible, adaptable and have alternatives because there is no attack that would ever be the same. There could be a minor change to the distance, timing or speed, which can lead to devastation. Do not mistake techniques to be all, or the end all magical cure to an edged weapon! Everything you train for has to be as general and flexible to deal with the unknown. Drills: Most drills are used to develop and enhance body movement skills used in the technique application. Drills provides you the opportunity to develop and to practice skill development of flow and eye hand coordination as well as many other attributes. Try not to take the word “drill” so literally. The word drill in my opinion is training and isolating individual skills. This is not fighting, it
“Drills provides you the opportunity to develop and to practice skill development of flow and eye hand coordination as well as many other attributes.”
Filipino Martial Arts
“Techniques have to be flexible, adaptable and have alternatives because there is no attack that would ever be the same.“
“The emphasis of this Edged Weapon Training is the proper placement and prioritization of how to develop yourselves for such a situation.�
trains your abilities to execute what you need to do in a real situation. Don't get lost thinking this is the fight. I understand that sometimes it is a difficult and exhausting drill, but get back to the reality that you do not know what is coming your way. The emphasis of this Edged Weapon Training is the proper placement and prioritization of how to develop yourselves for such a situation. The technique does not give you the skills to deal with an edged weapon, only gives you scenario of how it could work. Do not mistake drills and techniques as the system, they are only tools to develop your skills. Reality is having a partner attack you, safely of course with attacks from very close to far away, different speeds and power, from the side and from the unseen areas that are not in your peripheral vision. Obviously there are other, more advance concepts and training methods, but first understand the basic thought process and where the techniques and drills are placed in your priority list.
“Everything you train for has to be as general and flexible to deal with the unknown.�
“The technique does not give you the skills to deal with an edged weapon, only gives you scenario of how it could work.”
DVD & Video
This new work on Fu-Shih Kenpo by Soke Raul Gutierrez is centered on the traditional forms of the style, their applications and self defence. We will have a deeper insight into the form "The Tiger Defends Himself", with each of the corresponding technical applications, the form "Tiger Teeth", and a special work on weapons. Then the Master will explain in detail the extense series of advance techniques on self defence, indicating the whys of certain movements, the necesary precautions to take into account, possible angles and the variations that could be applied in each technical group. The DVD completes itself with a series of combat techniques for competition and conditioning work. where Master Gutierrez explains how to prepare oneself physically with the use of weapons, arms and leg conditioning, self defence preparation and for combat. Without any doubt this work is rich in knowledge based on the exchange and coordination of different styles and how to learn to respect the differences from each source of works.
REF.: • FUSHIH-2 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
Professional Self Defense After his international experience, fairly meaningful in itself, with different law enforcement units and federations in the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, Israel, Hungary, Austria, Spain, Italy and Argentina, the international expert Captain Jacques Levinet speaks to us about the ROS (Real Operational System) Police Training method, of which he is founder 10th Dan black belt, for Russian special forces (Spetsnaz) of the OMOH and the Bureau of Narcotics. We wanted to know his impressions after this exceptional movement.
Budo international: How did the famous Spetsnaz get to know about your methods? Jacques Levinet: I was invited by the highest authorities of the Russian Republic of Yakutia (Siberia) at the request of Tselestin TSYKHTSINSKI, the Russian expert worldwide known in the environment of Martial Arts and combat techniques. Prior to that, he, who is constantly traveling the world in search of new talents, had contacted me at a recent seminar I had given in London (England). He had been seduced by the ROS and wanted to make it known to the special units in his Republic. B.I.: Which are these units and how did they react to the SPK and the ROS? JL: They are central intervention units of the OMON (Otryad Mobilny Osobogo Naznacheniya, Special Purpose Mobile Unit) and the Russian Federal Drug Control Agency, and the strength of these forces is not a legend, same as the extreme
continental climate of Yakutia with -60 째 C in winter and + 40 째 in summer. Some strapping and determined young fellows awaited me, with certain doubts and rudimentary training conditions. That is, to work in a real situation, and that is what I appreciate most. I had no room for error or uncertainty, which is why the answers were supported on and adapted to the environment. B.I.: Can you tell us more about those Russian units? J.L.: They are very discreet and inaccessible unless you are recommended by someone at a high level. Training sessions are held in undisclosed locations and under the watchful eye of officers and team leaders. The OMOH, accustomed to crisis situations, as in Chechnya, are true fighters who are not afraid of almost anything and are familiar with high-risk interventions. The Bureau of Narcotics is equally effective in the fight against drug trafficking and its agents perform large-scale interventions for dismantling organized networks. Bulletproof vests and camouflage wear are the Bread & Butter of these troops. The ROS captivated them by the realism of its method which considers the different levels of confrontation, ranging from empty hand fighting techniques to the use of fire guns, as well as tonfa, operational baton and handcuffing, always according to the complementarity and
Informaci처n sobre cursos y formaciones POLICE TRAINING ROS y Tel. +33467075044
permanent interaction of ROS and the dangerousness of the circumstances. B.I.: Did you apply a specific ROS program? J.L.: Yes, of course! The ROS has the peculiarity to adapt to the different laws of the countries involved in the field training. The type of self-defense and the equipment are not the same everywhere, for example the disarmament procedure against the
Russian pistol that has its own particular characteristics. The traineeship program was organized around scenarios that I decided, as danger and the reactions of the aggressor or aggressors increased. The ROS is not a self-defense system of one against one, or school learnt technical intervention gestures, but the possibility for police forces to always be a step ahead and have resources available in front of a
situation that degenerates. In addition, Russians are not passive people and it was necessary to go to the end of the intervention techniques with percussion, in order to test their effectiveness. But once they are convinced, they show no problem, respect your knowledge and ask for more. B.I.: What experience have you gained from this trip?
J.L.: The satisfaction of having been able to pass the ROS test at full scale, as these units never do anything halfway and spare no efforts. The constant questioning is a must if we want to progress in all humility. The confrontation abroad avoids selfcomplacency and the national "navelgazing". The enthusiasm of the Russian forces matched the height of the rewards I received: the medal of the 200th anniversary of the creation of the
militia in Russia and of the Ministry of Sports of Yakutia, as well as the Spetsnaz badges. Moreover, I had the privilege of being invited by the Academy of Police officers and having a profuse interchange with instructors and responsible officers, which has enriched my experience. Finally, a continuing Spetsnaz training project is planned. In the light of the upcoming trips of Captain Jacques Levinet to the Police
Academy in New York, Germany, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, England and Denmark, our polyglot French expert has no other option than learning Russian. Information on courses and training POLICE TRAINING ROS and Tel. +33467075044
Interview Today we have the pleasure to offer you the interview we conducted in due course with one of the most relevant figures in Jiu-Jitsu and Martial Arts worldwide: Grand Master Francisco Mansur. Master Mansur is an expert in the art known as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a discipline that, as our readers know only too well, brought about the last major turn in the Martial Arts world in modern times. Interview: Alfredo Tucci Photos: Š
Great Masters Among the few Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 9th Dan holders (scarcely five or six) that are recognized around the world, only two remain active: Francisco Mansur is one of them. Our guest on this month's cover is certainly a very special person, a r e m a r k a b l e c h a r a c t e r. G r e a t professor and outstanding Master, he is also a living testimony of why this art has achieved such success in recent decades. Rumor has it that Mansur was the only one to whom HĂŠlio Gracie, his Master, would have listened; most probably because Mansur was the
only one who dared to contradict him, and although HĂŠlio, a true character as we all know, got really upset, he respected him because he knew that Mansur always told the truth. A close relationship full of up and downs, but when Mansur quoted him during this interview, in his eyes suddenly appear ed the remains of an exquisite tenderness and affection, feelings that go beyond friendship. Mansur - you will also find it written as Mansor, which is his official name; Mansur is the result of an error of the civil registry
Great Masters
Interview official when registering his birth record -, Francisco (Francis, Xico in Brazilian) Mansur, we were saying, served 35 years with the Rio de Janeiro Police Department, a remarkable record of which he took away the souvenir of 11 shots he received in his body. Nevertheless, he is in top shape if we consider that he is not that young... His reputation as an “incorruptible cop� could have cost him his life in several occasions and, in that respect, he is especially grateful to Jiu-Jitsu that forged his character. A righteous man above all, as w e l l a s a p e a c e f u l w a r r i o r, Master Mansur is a religious and neat person, tidy in his meals, who lives today in New York, although he doesn't stop travelling the world
Great Masters to teach his systematization of the "gentle art", that he has named "Kyoto Jiu Jitsu". Master of masters and champions, but also a patient teacher of people with physical, mental or emotional limitations, this man felt the compassion and acted accordingly. He's had in his hands the whole Gracie's generation that revolutionized the Martial Arts world in recent decades. He is the "eternal uncle", always focused and conciliatory beyond disputes, happenings or changes, a key figure to understand the evolution of Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil and currently in the US. An example of Mastery in and out of the tatami, Master Mansur has been everything in the Jiu-Jitsu world, and he is still willing to share with you his deep knowledge in the didactic methodology that has granted him international fame. A firm but affectionate character, in love with his wife with whom he shares an intense and rich living, he walks along the path of existence leaving behind him a trail of respect and admiration, but above all, the deep and bright stele of the humanity of a man that one day committed himself with the straight Way of the War rior and stood fir m in his purpose. A real luxury in these pages that we are honor ed to pr esent today.
Great Masters Grand Master, 9th Dan‌ We interviewed the living legend of Jiu-Jitsu! Interview with Grand Master Francisco Mansur, 9th Dan of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Budo International: Master Mansur, we should like you to tell us something about the beginning of Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil, something few people have lived as directly as you, and undoubtedly the epic age of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu... Francisco Mansur: The beginning of Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil has a name, it's called Helio Gracie. It was he who started it all, of course, without belittling Carlos Gracie, who began teaching Jiu-Jitsu while being still a child. The development of Jiu-Jitsu remained in the hands of Helio Gracie, because Carlos taught the old Japanese JiuJitsu he had learned from Mitsuyo Maeda, aka Count
Great Masters Koma, the Master who went to Brazil representing Japan’s Budo. But Hélio Gracie, as he himself used to say, put a "little monkey" in the Jiu-Jitsu, because, being a sickly child, he couldn’t do the same physical efforts as his brothers and so he created what is now known as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. You could even say that the beginnings were easy, because the difference between Hélio Gracie’s Jiu-Jitsu and other types of Jiu-Jitsu that existed at that time was big. Everything was based on the deep knowledge Hélio had; the others were strong men who practiced the sport, but they didn’t have the background he had and, in fairness, also had the other Gracie brothers; but in those years, everything revolved around the family and especially Hélio, who had to face all the champions that were constantly emerging. The story is well known: Hélio Gracie fought Kato, then he faced another Japanese fighter that came out challenging the Gracie family in their academy, and later he beat Kimura, which represented the summit for Hélio, not only because the former was a world champion, but also by the difference in weight and size. Then, he defeated all those who had made world champions. It should be stood out a fighter named Taigo, whom they called "Taigo, the smiling fighter." That man should replace Kimu and avenge the defeat of Kato in the case Kimu lost against Hélio. The epic story of those battles is well known.
“Rather than being a mere way of fighting, JiuJitsu is a system of fights; it's an empirical science that is constantly progressing as the other sciences do, and, as Physics, it has greatly developed.”
These were the first steps of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the way it began to walk. We all come from it. It is like a big tree of which we are all branches. I am honored by that and I am very proud that my Jiu-Jitsu has that origin. However, time has gone by and (just as aviation in its beginnings was constituted only by small airplanes of low flight range and today we have aircrafts that can encircle the globe in an hour) the art of Jiu-Jitsu, being a science, is constantly evolving. Rather than being a mere way of fighting, Jiu-Jitsu is a system of fights; it's an empirical science that is constantly progressing as the other sciences do, and, as Physics, it has greatly developed. It could be said that it has come the time in which Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has become something like "an irrefutable reality." This revolution took place in Brazil, turning this country into the capital of the Jiu-Jitsu worldwide.
Great Masters So today we can say that Jiu-Jitsu leans on two great pillars of the past, Hélio and his brother, the deans of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Jiu-Jitsu Masters of the past have been of great value for the development of the art. But not only the Gracie's, there were many other talented fighters at the time and if we hadn't had that benchmark to fight, it had not existed the Jiu-Jitsu we have today. In those days all of them were adversaries, opponents to fight against and, although in some cases they could be technically inferior, they were nonetheless indispensable opponents that stimulated our abilities. This creative tension was so much developed that today Jiu-Jitsu is a true national heritage in Brazil and it can be claimed that in no less than 90% of the large Brazilian cities Jiu-Jitsu is widely practiced. B.I.: Mr. Mansur, you were a policeman in Rio de Janeiro, right? F.M.: Yes sir, for 35 years. B.I.: Surviving all that time while dealing with high-risk issues is, for us who know the place, a guarantee of warrior skills. However, this relationship between law enforcement and martial artists is a fact not too well known in the world of Martial Arts and we’d like that you talk to us about your experience and meeting points between the practices of the ancient warriors and these "new warriors" that are the cops. F.M.: Good comment. It is simple to explain. I've been a cop for 35 years, I've fought against crime and, logically, I was in favor of the law, fulfilling it line upon line, but the truth is that in these Corps you can find people who are authentic warriors; like you said, something common among Jiu-Jitsu people, but also among policemen. In fact, most cops in Rio de Janeiro are practicing Jiu-Jitsu today, but in my days, only a few policemen did and we formed a caste, something like a race apart. Interestingly enough, many of those who practiced Jiu-Jitsu decided to become policemen later on. I can remember now a lot of good cops, examples of what I've just mentioned, who being first students of JiuJitsu, entered the Unit and became excellent police officers. That’s certainly the case of Hélio Bispo, a great chief of police; Barrais, now deceased ... a first-rate cop ... and I don't want to give more names to avoid being unfair. But there were many others who after being instructors and Jiu-Jitsu professionals, and even Vale-Tudo fighters or advanced Jiu-Jitsu teachers and academy owners, became policemen, as it was my case, since I already was an instructor of Jiu Jitsu when I joined the Police Corps.
Great Masters B.I.: This mental preparation is something not too valued at a time when technology seems to be, or pretends to be everything... don't you think that today we tend to focus more in this technical part, forgetting somewhat the true values that Martial Arts like JiuJitsu have behind? F.M.: Alfredo, even if we forgot the values ??of Martial Arts, it is impossible that a good martial artist, a good fighter, a man who devotes entirely to it - and daily makes a great effort investing blood, sweat and tears in it - is not actually living all the values ??that lie behind Martial Arts and benefiting from them. So even if the person is, so to speak, just a fighting man, he can't avoid the effects that the practice brings to his subconscious. The subconscious is involuntary, something that works out of our command. In
the practice of the fight we learn to stay calm and keep others calm at critical moments. This happens not at the mercy of a particular philosophy, but because one is imbued with it. B.I.: You are a religious man, how do you harmonize Jiu-Jitsu and religion? F.M.: I usually repeat some phrases that can bring light on the subject we're talking about. I like to say that God is very capricious. One day He stopped to think: "How awful! The world is growing every day, soon there will be no candles or lamps, and everything will be dark‌", then He called Edison and said: "Edison, invent the light for the world...", and Edison invented the electric light. He did the same with Graham Bell: "Hey, Graham, come here, I'm going away and I want to keep in touch...", and Bell invented the
Great Masters telephone. "Hey Pasteur, a plague is about to emerge that will destroy mankind!", and Pasteur invented the vaccine... Then one day he turned into a man, we don't know exactly who he was... and he created the Jiu-Jitsu... Once it was created, the old Jiu-Jitsu was developed throughout the world and God addressed a sick man named HĂŠlio and said, "Hey, come with me, you're very sick, you've been told that you will die, but I don't want you to die ... I'll make you the creator of a new style of JiuJitsu...", and HĂŠlio created Brazilian JiuJitsu. These are all divine things, are things that God puts in man's mind. Man has not the power to create such wonderful things, to create a fight as Jiu-Jitsu, which is something that has no end... it has a beginning but not an end ... is a mathematical progression, it can only be explained by divine intervention. So not only Jiu-Jitsu, but Martial Arts as a whole are properly imbued with selfconfidence, which is transmitted to humans. Self-confidence so that man can be a warrior and follow a straight path: the Way of the Warrior, an honorable way. That road is called Bushido; this is the "Way of the Warrior". That's what I think with regard to Jiu-Jitsu and the effect it can have on humans. B.I.: One of the most notable aspects of your work is the creation of a special methodology in teaching Jiu-Jitsu. Please, tell us about the birth of the basis for your personal way of looking at the gentle art... F.M.: Well, 40 years ago I thought that Jiu-Jitsu should be not only a right of adult men; children could also benefit from its practice, because the effect of the Jiu-Jitsu movements provides a great deal of knowledge, encourages development and affects children in a positive way, mainly with respect to coordination. Then I started to create a
new program, a new way of teaching and learning Jiu-Jitsu: the Kyoto JiuJitsu. The truth is that I didn't need to invent anything; I just simplified things and developed an easy way to apply JiuJitsu. My students were in many cases people with disabilities, one-armed, deaf, dumb, etc. I wanted to offer an access to a especial Jiu-Jitsu to all those children with extraordinary difficulties in coordination, or who felt special for having been in a "special" school, or were facing greater limitations, something which, at that time, was not too clear yet whether they were surface motor coordination problems or deep motor coordination problems... I wanted to go beyond the definitions to undertake practical and effective actions, so I created the Jiu-Jitsu System, with the intention that all those persons could bear the difficulties of life. People who ultimately are in the bottom of a well and you can, through Jiu-Jitsu, bring them up to the surface... This was very rewarding. It's something I feel proud about because I have helped many people, who came to the academy full of medical and psychological problems and today are carrying and living a normal life; some of them have even become great professionals of liberal professions. Everything is based on education; in psychological education, but also in the education of the intelligence, as well as psychomotor education and disciplinary education. And this is definitely something that teaches the art itself. I am not the author of that work! This work comes from the Art itself that allows you to show the child how to move in a relatively perfect coordination. B.I.: Today, you have your academy in New York. What was the reason to change your life and seek new ways bringing Jiu-Jitsu, your Jiu-Jitsu, to the American East Coast?
Interview “I wanted to go beyond the definitions to undertake practical and effective actions, so I created the Jiu-Jitsu System, with the intention that all those persons could bear the difficulties of life.�
Great Masters F.M.: That's a long story! But I'll tell you as fast as I can. I have devoted my life to Jiu-Jitsu and my police work. As cop in a city that faces daily delinquency and crime, there came a time when I was running a great risk, something that I couldn’t take any longer, because in addition it was extending to my family by the conditions of the country. As the moment of retirement approached it became increasingly clear to me that I would be left in a very fragile defensive situation, both in my personal case, and, especially, in that of my family. This was certainly due to my attitude toward organized crime, which is powerful in Rio de Janeiro. In the guild I was known as a "tough cop" (referring to incorruptible); I had arrested and put in jail many colleagues who had succumbed to temptation, and many, many drug dealers and criminals. Of course, I was not an isolated case, it was the same with all those police officers who had been harsh in suppressing crime and delinquency; anyway I was almost forced to take my family from one day to the next and leave Brazil to settle in the United States, where I had a lot of pals, including my good friend Colonel Sanchis, with whom I shared classes at the Police Academy in New York, a man I much appreciate and admire and is well known to the readers of this magazine . So I settled there and opened my first school, following the same guidelines I had earlier followed, that is, considering the educational and corrective aspects and everything else. In New York I carried out all these types of work with children affected by motor coordination problems, with people in need of selfassertion, or simply people who had strayed into the wrong path. What I
call a wrong path is the path of drugs, a path of vice, in general. With Jiu-Jitsu and a good job of discipline and good vibrations, you can help these people to find the right path. And this is my reality. B.I.: A question, that arises almost obligatorily and I'd like to ask you is: who are, in your opinion, the best fighters that are now in the Jiu-Jitsu world stage? F.M.: That's a dangerous question! (laughs). I risk my neck! Anyway… Currently I admire the way Roger Gracie fights. And of course, I like Jacare, which has a tremendous drive in Jiu-Jitsu and is a real warrior as he demonstrated this year winning the World Championships. And Margarida, who has reappeared and is progressing well; I thought he would fall again, but no! He has returned in the best shape. But I can't refrain from mentioning those who, for me, are still the names of Jiu-Jitsu par excellence; perhaps because at the time they developed JiuJitsu were in a great disparity with what it was the general rule. Among them we should note, of course, great warriors like Royler. For me, within the whole family, Royler is the one who has more warrior blood in his veins. He has fought and competed more than anyone, a man who didn't need to prove anything to anyone, but competed.
Of course, Rickson, of whom there's no need to talk. There are also people I like very much, like Carlos Gurgel, "The General"... yeah, they call him "The General"... Did you know that? It is an individual of great values. Without underestimating the others, these are for me those who defined a period. Mainly, Rickson marked an epoch and so did Royler; now Jacare, as well as Roger and also Margarida and many other ligh-
“I have devoted my life to Jiu-Jitsu and my police work. As cop in a city that faces daily delinquency and crime, there came a time when I was running a great risk, something that I couldn’t take any longer, because in addition it was extending to my family by the conditions of the country.”
Interview ter or heavier, have marked or are marking a new era in Jiu-Jitsu. This is what I think of the names of today's Jiu-Jitsu. But there have been great champions and I do not want to be unfair, if I mention these is because Jacare was champion of the Absolute in the World Championships and Royler was runner amid a controversy over the broken arm or not ... For me, the two of them have a great value, both are
great fighters. Even Rickson is one of the best I can mention, without forgetting the old ones. B.I.: What about the old ones? FM: I've mentioned Rickson, Fabio Gurgel "The General"... and my Master, who was the most perfect at the time we didn't know anything, nothing at all! All this is what I value from the past and also from the present.
BI: Master Mansur, it has been a real privilege interviewing you and finally record a first instructional video of what we hope will be a series. Thank you. FM: Thanks to you, it's been lovely working with such a professional team but especially doing it in this special atmosphere you create, in which one is always happy to give the best of oneself.
“With Jiu-Jitsu and a good job of discipline and good vibrations, you can help these people to find the right path.�
Major Avi Nardia is one of the leading head official instructors for the Israelite army and police in anti terrorism and CQB, he along with Ben Krajmalnik have made a new basic dvd in the field of firearms and safety, training techniques in IPSC. Instinctive Shooting in Combat. Combat Instinctive Point Shooting - IPSC is a shooting method based on instinctive reactions and kinematics to shoot short distances fast and in dynamic situations. A self defense discipline in order to survive in life t h r e a t e n i n g situatuations , where you need a very fast and accurate shooting abilities, when you must take the gun out as soon as possible and shoot at a short distance without using the sight. In this first volume you will study how to handle the weapon ( revolver and semi -automatic ) dry firing practice and security, "Point Shooting" or instinctive shooting , at a close range and a series of movements and exercises for weapon retention , low stress and multiple attackers ; exercises on how to recharge with one hand, ... and finally practice shooting gallery with guns such as AK- 74, M -4 , M -249 machine gun and even M -16 grenade launchers .
REF.: • KAPAP7 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
ORDERS: Budo international. net
Master Dennis Vega, already known to our most devoted readers through a DVD recorded a few years ago, has followed ever since an intense path directed in two strong lines: Farang Combat and Farangdo Mu Sul. With Farang Combat (with which this new column begins), he has achieved outstanding success coaching Free Fight circuits fighters; with the second line, Farangdo Mu Sul, he follows a line of work more linked to the Korean origins of his style, never losing sight of his passion for effectiveness in combat. Each month you will find in him inspiration, knowledge and interesting proposals that for sure will enrich your work. Alfredo Tucci
Among surprise attacks, dynamic movements and effective combinations, we discover the Farang Combat. When we speak about Farang Combat, three essential questions come spontaneously to mind: What is Farang Combat? What is its history? And where did it arise? Farang Combat is a form of Modern Farang Mu Sul (defensive martial style, founded by Grand Master Michael De Alba) in which, the defensive and offensive techniques arise from the fight itself, the defensive chaos. The Farang Combat style, constituted an association and endorsed by the prestigious aforementioned federation, comprises two major divisions in its organizational structure: FCD (Farang Combat Defensive) and FCL (Farang Combat League). In its defensive and sports technical line (Farang Combat League), it relies on Boxing methods as the action principle. It also uses linear attacks, Greco-Roman wrestling, Chinese wrestling, Farang Jok Sul (kicking technique) and its most important technical features: Catch Boxing and Stamp Hit. Master Dennis Vega, with a career of more than three decades of martial practice and sports activity, is the one who instituted the concept called "Catch Boxing". Within Farang Combat, the Catch Boxing mode plays an important role. Using 45 degree movements within their boxing combinations, it successfully establishes grasping and manipulations in a quick and skillful way, which are effectively used for taking down and controlling the opponent. In exploring the Catch Boxing technique, we can clearly see its value within the chaos of the struggle. Without stopping, and with circular movements and linear, the Catch Boxing lets you maneuver your body and limbs to project and control your opponent. Combat Farang practitioners develop
Combat Arts
Combat Arts
Combat Arts “In its defensive and sports technical line (Farang Combat League), it relies on Boxing methods as the action principle. It also uses linear attacks, Greco-Roman wrestling, Chinese wrestling, Farang Jok Sul (kicking technique) and its most important technical features: Catch Boxing and Stamp Hit.�
Catch Boxing using and applying its technique in fast combinations of punches instead of single movement techniques. Thus, we can see its effectiveness within the usual disarray of an actual fight. In its taxonomy of attacks, Farang Combat uses different techniques, such as elbows strikes to the chest, punches to the thigh, head butts and open hand impacts. It operates with four patterns of jabs and eight essential basic combinations to establish a highly effective offensive and defensive action. Catch Boxing uses four control inflections described as "Triangle Cut" and "Four Wrap". Triangle Cut represents the defense action resisting attacks in the left and right flanks, while Four Wrap is the offensive action used in movements of 45 degrees. When we are rammed by a left or right flank attack, the Combat Farang practitioner uses as the main defense the so called Triangle Block; as its very name indicates, it's a triangular format block which protects the back and sides of the head, presenting the elbow forward as arrow. After establishing the Triangle Block, Farang Combat practitioners pass to use the Triangle Cut as a control measure, making inflections, shifting or throws. In the Four Wrap defensive mode, Farang fighters use the defensive techniques known as shoulder move and squat move. Using such defensive concepts, the practitioner, in the confusion of the fight, raises his arm in an "L" thus grasping the oppressor's arm and applying the desired technique. Farang Combat began to take its first steps on the island of Puerto Rico in 2004, from the hands of Master Dennis Vega, who developed the method for the sake of the Farang Mu Sul style and its founder, master and mentor, Grand Master Michael De Alba. For fifteen years, Master Dennis Vega has trained judges, sheriffs, police staff, bodyguards, correction officers and bouncers, to name a few. Likewise, he has coached professional and amateur fighters in the modalities of Mix Martial Arts, Muay Thai and Kickboxing, reaching several championship belts as well as international and government prizes.
World Experts Curr ently, the education systems used in training the Ar med For ces members and Security personnel worldwide, rely on putting the trainees in touch with scenarios and situations wher e str ess, instr uction and targets are closely linked to the reality. In addition, the methodology applied to teaching should be based on clear, practical and effective concepts that facilitate the assimilation thereof, understanding them as a second nature and not just as mere technical resources. Finally, in order to optimize the time, it's essential planning the curricula in different areas in which Security professionals or Armed Forces members should be formed.
Self Defense “What is the military goal? Fighting and winning. And I do mean winning�.
Text:Olivier Pierfederici e-mail: Photos :
Basing the analysis on these guidelines and concepts applied to instruction, I can affirm that after having had the opportunity (courtesy of Mr. Olivier Pierfederici) to learn the techniques, concepts and strategic elements used in his system (SOG), together with the bright didactic functionality of its creator, I am convinced that this is one of the most practical, comprehensive and effective systems, not only for the instruction of professionals from different areas related to security and defense, but also for civilians who are willing to form their character and attitude in front of extreme situations as well as develop abilities to defend their life, if it is threatened. Introduction of Mr. Walter William Tabares (SergeantInstructor of the Argentina Federal Police; field instructor and instructor of weapons and shooting, assigned to the "Comisario General Alberto Villar" Police Training Institute; member of the Foreign Dignitary Protection Units; advisor of Unarmed Combat for the Tactics and Anti-Riot Units, and Luta Livre instructor at the Budokan School. Dear readers, it's a pleasure for me to meet you once again and present to all of you my new DVD entitled "SOG MILITARY FOR CIVILIANS". "Military", because in the SOG system, we believe that the parallels between civilian and military fighters are increasingly
Self Defense "The shortest way between point A and point B is... a straight line. In other words, when it comes to urban survival, the shortest path is almost always the best.�
justified today, and it must be added the psychology they apply to their training; all this, well adapted to civilian life, integrates valuable basics. But let us examine it in detail...
Why training like a military man? First of all we should observe the environment in which we live, soak up what is around us and think that we live in an "urban jungle". The time of our grandparents has changed a lot and now living in Rio de Janeiro, Paris or London is practically the same, saving minor differences. To the problems of insecurity experienced in November 2005 in a country as "civilized" as France, there must be added those caused by terrorism (London, Madrid, New York, Iraq, Indonesia, etc.). The fact that an ordinary citizen is not prepared to face such dangers is absolutely normal and today's society, increasingly weak and permissive, doesn't seem capable to solve anything ... In fact, what would it happen if they took away from us our little vacation period on the beach or in the snow, our air-conditioned cars, our fashionable clothes and all the comforts and conveniences we enjoy today? If we extrapolate it to the struggle for the very survival, it would be illusory and extremely dangerous to think that a person little or poorly prepared (mentally, physically and technically) could survive to any attack by a predator "x". However, this is what most of the so called "Self
"Always feel superior to the enemy, whatever his size"
World Experts
Self Defense
Defense" schools in the world do to what we call "walking dead" in my system. Ask yourself: What is the military goal? Fighting and winning. And I do mean ‘winning’, because once I heard from a professional a phrase that made me smile: "The important thing is not so much to win; rather it comes to not lose." Really I didn't know very well what this man meant, but thanks to my experience in the security sector, I can say that in this field, the gray color just DOESN'T exist. One of the six S.O.G. rules is: "Always feel superior to the enemy, whatever his size". By this I mean that the psychological aspect is crucial in combat, something the military have understood perfectly.
How to train yourself to survive an assault Above all, and I'm sure you all have so understood, it comes to preparing yourself psychologically, that's what we call the "mental click" in our system. Ensuring that any ordinary citizen can quickly become an "Urban Warrior" (time factor is essential) is a challenge on which any Personal Defense professional should seriously ponder. And, of course, recurrent training is not enough, especially if it's poorly focused! In this sense, the experience is paramount, you cannot convey what you haven't lived and, although it seems obvious, this is a too common mistake. But let's go back to the technical part. I have deep respect for the British Army, whose members practice a shorter but more intense instruction than most armies in the world, and although their weapons
World Experts “Recurrent training is not enough, especially if it's poorly focused!”
“It would be illusory and extremely dangerous to think that a person little or poorly prepared (mentally, physically and technically) could survive to any attack by a predator ‘x’”.
Self Defense “The secret lies therefore in a proper groundwork. Such "mental" preparation is also a key element to come out victorious in a street combat�.
may not the ultimate on the market, it's nevertheless the best army in the world. How come? Although we could find racial and historical arguments to explain it, I think the psychological approach in their training is essential. They are told, prepared and persuaded that they are the best. The secret lies, therefore, in a proper groundwork. Such "mental" preparation is also a key element to come out victorious in a street combat. Being sure that you are going to win, having no doubts, falling and rising again to keep on moving forward, the victory of the "mental" over the "material", are essential triumphs for applying what we denominate the "L concept" in the S.O.G., that is, one standing (us) and the other on the floor (the enemy). In my case, when I train my students, I use terms like urban warfare, enemy (never adversary), artillery for the leg work, etc. Without noticing, the student changes his way of thinking and seeing things. We also conduct seminars on "psychological backing" (see pictures) so that trainees can learn to overcome certain psychological barriers such as fear of water or height, claustrophobia, fear of not achieving the set goals, lack of self confidence, etc. In these seminars, the physical part plays also a very important role, because we believe that without a proper physical shape, the fighter doesn't exist and the mental is managed from the physical plane. An example: a student, who does 15 pushups in a normal time, in a seminar will endeavor to reach 18 in the same time, thus making an effort to try to outstrip himself, which will give an undeniable advantage in an actual combat. The key word is "self-overcoming", move forward or, as the motto of my old regiment goes: "straight ahead". The SAS (British Special Forces) state: "Who dares, wins". Meditate on it! In this new DVD work you will find a complete set of exercises under stress that will also help you strengthen the psychological part, and are essential to carry out a serious work.
What about the purely technical side? Unfortunately, under the term "Military Close Combat", so fashionable today, we see flourishing everyday new combat systems, the vast majority of which are not even remotely based on military training. It should be added that most of the so-called experts that impart these disciplines have not the faintest idea of what is military instruction; moreover many of
Self Defense
them haven't even done national service. At the risk of repeating myself, is very dangerous lying to a student, for lying in this area will take him directly to the hospital or, in the worst case, to the cemetery! What are the basics of a good Close-Combat system? 1. Easy to show. 2. Easy to understand. 3. Easy to reproduce. 4. Easy to apply under stress. Everything else is a lie and if it were not, I'd like someone prove it to me. Based on this principle, my last DVD integrates a complete program of twenty techniques that make possible whatever the height of the two protagonists (defender and enemy), to fend off any real attack: standing, on the ground, with or without weapons. The challenge was to find a concept, a technical foundation that could help us both in attack and defense, on the floor against weapons and with weapons. And this is not so easy, because many times the easy is the hardest. However, field experience is essential because you can't improvise that you're an expert in self defense if you are not, and techniques are not learned in a book. Again, the inspiration comes from the military experience. Real fighting is the
“Real fighting is the job of the military and if we want to win an actual fight, we have to train like them�.
Self Defense
World Experts “The key word is ‘self-overcoming’, move forward or, as the motto of my old regiment goes: ‘straight ahead’”.
job of the military and if we want to win an actual fight, we have to train like them. It could be argued that the military have "license to kill" and civilians don't, but what would you do to save your life or that of a loved one, knowing that you don't have 36 solutions? In this, as Machiavelli said, "The end justifies the means." Let us return to practice. We have said that a practical system of Close-Combat must be above all easy to demonstrate. So you have to practice mostly basic movements, the number of techniques must be voluntarily limited and selected. This will also help better understand and assimilate the techniques. In addition, under stress (a key word in combat), the individual must be able to easily find decisive answers to solve certain problems. In practice, it's enough to follow a program of about twenty movements with a basic technique and just one variant (not 50,000!). Remember: learning a huge amount of techniques won't make you better or higher, on the contrary! Work out a basic technical background that encompasses everything that could occur in a real street confrontation: attack, defense, cons and grips, ground, defense against knives and hand guns. Repeat it incessantly and once you've mastered the movements, start training under stress (I recommend you to visualize the DVD). Get as close as possible to reality, but of course, don't intend to be James Bond. Think also that street fighting has evolved and the old "one to one" of our fathers does no longer exist. Practice this and perhaps you may have a chance to emerge unscathed!
Conclusion Let me conclude with a reflection. Dear readers, think of a basic concept of geometry: "The shortest way between point A and point B is... a straight line". In other words, when it comes to urban survival, the shortest path is almost always the best.
Legionnaire's honor code : Article 5 As an elite soldier, you shall train vigorously, take care of your weapons as if they were your most precious possession, and maintain your body at its best physical condition.
Great Masters
Interview with
Trip to the cradle of Wing Chun
My experiences in HONG KONG
Interview with Sifu Patrick Leung in Hong Kong In our trip to Hong Kong we had many visits and interviews scheduled but the first one was mandatory: Sifu Patrick Leung. When we started sending invitations and requests to all the Martial Arts Schools, Sifu Patrick was a person that proved to be gentle and friendly. He helped us a lot organizing this trip and I must admit that it was an authentic pleasure having met him and having the opportunity to assist his classes. It is my honor to do this interview at the headquarters of the VVTA Ving Tsun Athletic Association).
ifu Patrick Leung has an enviable Martial Arts curriculum. With over 35 years training Wing Chun and a direct disciple of Grandmaster Yip Chun (the eldest son of the passed away Yip Man). We were welcomed with a huge smile at the entrance of the AVTA (Athletic Ving Tsun Association which was founded by the Grandmaster Yip Man). As I entered in the class I must recognized I was emotionally struck. I don’t think there is anyone in the world of Wing Chun that wouldn’t feel certain excitement as they enter the room which has trained the most illustrious masters of Wing Chun. It is definite reference for all the Wing Chun fans and practitioners worldwide that visits Hong Kong. To all those that expect an immense training room… forget it. The AVTA headquarters in a small room where the only thing that fits is Wing Chun. The Association emblem is located underneath Grandmaster Yip Man’s picture which is escorted by a beautiful statue of Grandmaster Yip Man and a Wooden Dummy… The rest? The only room left is for training purposes. No luxury, simply space and ambience of Wing Chun training. Patrick welcomes us alongside his lovely wife Monica who serves as assistant and practice companion. Both are a lovely couple. They reflect generosity and good humor. It is, without a doubt, the first step in Hong Kong and the experience could not have been more enriching. I thank them for receiving us and I want to let them know how grateful I am for having the opportunity to be there and knowing firsthand the opinion, ideas and motivations of one of the titled professor of the
Athletic Ving Tsun Association. Two main things surprise me about Sifu Patrick Leung: First of all, his classes are packed with students. It is something really astonishing because the three times that I visited his class in Athletic Ving Tsun Association at the Chinese University of Hong Kong his classes were full with practicing students. His character and personal charisma make him loved and respected by his students. Second of all, the immense spectrum of students. We can find veteran practitioners mixed with children. There are also lots of women. Almost 40% of those attending their classes are females. A pleasant and surprising data that is unusual in Europe. Salvador Sánchez: Dear Teacher, THANK YOU for receiving us. It is an honor being here. Sifu Patrick Leung: Welcome. It is also a pleasure for me having received you. SS. – When did you start practicing Ving Tsun? SPL. - Well.. in 1969, I first studied Wing Chun in Hong Kong under Sifu Lok Yiu, student of Yip Man. Since 1972 I studied Wing Chun directly from Grandmaster Ip Chun who is the eldest son of the late Grandmaster Yip Man. I have been teaching Wing Chun since 1986 i.e.over 46 years continuous learning and teaching Wing Chun in Hong Kong. SS.- Do you professionally dedicate yourself to the teachings of Wing Chun? SPL.- Yes, I am fully dedicated to Wing Chun. Teaching Wing Chun is my profession and hobby that occupied much of my time.
Besides, I am the national designated assessor and examiner in the yearly assessment of the applicants for China Wushu Duan Wei. Practitioners of Wing Chun and other branches of martial arts, local and overseas assembled in Hong Kong yearly for assessment on their level of Wushu. Moreover, my students and I have been demonstrated Wing Chun quite frequently in public with a view to promoting Wing Chun. At times, I attend various meetings in leading major martial arts Associations in connection with organising martial arts activities and contests in Hong Kong, Mainland China and other countries, including activities of the World Contests. SS.- But your classes are full of students… That speaks really good of you.SPL.- Well yes. It has been said that my classes are the ones that most students have and that flatters me. I have different groups in different places of Hong Kong and the relations between my students are really good. Like a family. SS.- I would like to ask you concerning the difference within the Wing Chun schools. It seems there are some between the schools in Hong Kong, but most of all within the Wing Chun of Hong Kong and the Wing Chun of Europe or USA. How would you explain the difference? Why do you think these differences exist?SPL.- Actually I do not exactly understand why. Wing Chun is a style with a clear origin. Its form defines its style. Also some elements like the understanding of the idea of attacks/defenses. But it seems clear, if anyone wants to earn Wing Chun they should come to Hong Kong.
SS.- How would you define the training that you give in your school? SPL.- Well, that’s easy. I am a direct disciple of G.M. Yip Chun and my training system is very similar. For me, Siu Nin Tolo is very important. I am very meticulous in the study of the first form. Afterwards we continue teaching and practicing the rest of the forms but Siu Nin Tao is very important and we pay a lot of attention to it. Now, my Association is dominated as Soft Wing Chun Association (HongKong). Its name indicated clearly my form of training. Wing Chung is a style developed by a woman. That softness must be present in the practice and training. That is the reason I insist in being very relaxed when you practice Chi Sao. SS.- There are many schools that focuses its practice in wellbeing, others in self-defense, etc…On which aspect do you focus your practice of Soft Wing Chun Association and Sifu Patrick Leung? SPL.- In all of them. Actually it is not possible to do self-defense (or anything else) without wellbeing. That is why I always insist the Wing Chun is an excellent system for the rest of your life. Wing Chun is good for your health. If your health is good you can practice, work, etc… EVERYTHING! That is why it is important to maintain a balance in Wing Chun practice. The health part is very important. Many Wing Chun schools no longer work in cultivating the Inner Energy (Chi). We do. We also seek the applications of defense/attack in self-defense. We also compete because I believe it is good in order to test the practitioners.
SS.- Really? There are Wing Chun competitions? SPL.- Yes! Actually a few months ago we had a very important one and we are preparing others at the moment. They are done with some Wing Chun rules that are acceptable by all the schools and are approved. Some of them are very important. We tend to use helmets and gloves that permit us grab and it is put to the test through the Chi Sao free sparring. SS.- In Europe it is not common this type of event. Competitions… SPL.- We do it here and each time there are more practitioners who ventures to try. Of course I have many students and each one search different things. Some self-defense, other wellbeing, others competition and even some that wants to come and practice for social purposes. They come and have a good time training with their friends this excellent art. SS.- I see that your wife also practices… SPL.- Yes! Monica is my wife but she is also my student and assistant. She is very important for me in every aspect. She is very persistent in her practice and it is really good that she accompany me to all my classes. She has been certified for her excellent work. She is very consistent and her technique is really good. SS.- I see that they also do exercises related to the “Inner Strength”. Is this a form of training in your school or is it common within Hong Kong’s Teachers?
SLP.- Inner Strength does exist in Wing Chun, however, the successful rate on generating inner strength effectively is very low. Therefore, "Soft" in my association name is a strong reminder of being relaxed. In my 30 years teaching, around thirty students have achieved different levels of inner strength. It represented a very low percentage. Training of inner strength in Wing Chun of Hong Kong is not too common. I am not sure whether difficulties to achieve is the main reason. Comparing with inner strength, inch punch force is much more easier to achieve. While remaining calm and relaxed, it is not difficult to generate the explosive force of Wing Chun at very close distance. SS.- Do you have other schools affiliated outside of Hong Kong? SPL.- Well, I have some people that have studied with me that come from other countries. Each day more and more people come from other countries away from China to learn Wing Chun. It is always a pleasure to receive them and help them learn Wing Chun. For me it is a joy. SS.- I have no more questions, Sifu Patrick. I appreciate all of your attention towards me these days. I can never thank you enough for your hospitality and kindness. You have opened the doors of the Ving Tsun Athletic Association and accompany us on our visit to the Tomb of Grandmaster Yip Man. It is a great honor for me and I hope to be able to visit you in many more occasions. Thank you also to Monica (his wife)
and all the group of teachers and students. They are extraordinary people. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! If anyone would like to contact Sifu Patrick Leung please contact with him in the Website of his association is or Facebook: Soft Wing Chun Academy- Hong Kong
Profile of Wing Chun Sifu Patrick Leung Ting Kwok Practicing Experience Continual practicing 17 years, since 1969 under Lok Yiu, Yip Man student. From 1972 under Ip Chun, Yip Man's elder son and under Lau Hon Lam, Yip Man's student. Teaching Experience Continual teaching since 1986 including Ving Tsun Athletic Association (VTAAĂ…j(founded by Yip Man in 1968), World Wing Chun Union (founded by Ip Chun in 2009) Soft Wing Chun Academy (HK), universities, clubs, etc. Qualifications National Instructor & Examiner, Chinese Wushu Duan System National Certificate, 7th Duan on Chinese Wushu Duan System Certificate, global representative of Ip Chun in teaching Wing Chun Qualified Senior Instructor 1994, 1st full day course VTAA Head Judges, World/Hong Kong Wing Chun /Martial Arts Open Contests Official Judge, Open Martial Arts Contests, Hong Kong Chinese Martial Arts Lion & Dragon Dance Asso. (HKMALDDA) Global Recognition Vice Chairman, World Wing Chun Union & HK Wing Chun Union Co-editor, National Wushu Duan System, Text book & Assessment Chairman & Principal Instructor, Soft Wing Chun Academy (HKĂ…j Vice-Chairman & Secretary, Ving Tsun Development Council Elected Executive Committee member, HKMALDDA Appointed Consultant, Hong Kong Wushu Union Demonstrator on Wing Chun, Global Wushu Encyclopedia (Publisher DK) Dedication to Wushu Cert, Prime Minister of Malaysia Dedication to Wushu Cert, Selangor Government Presenter on Wing Chun, Radio Hong Kong, DAB 35, Government Visiting Lecturer on Wing Chun, City University Hong Kong.
Great Masters
The DVD "Krav Maga Research and Development" comes from the will of four experts in Krav Maga and combat sports, Christian Wilmouth and Faustino Hernandez, Dan Zahdour and Jerome Lidoyne. To date, they lead several clubs and a group of twenty instructors and monitors from multiple disciplines, from Krav Maga or Boxing to the MMA, Mixed Martial Arts. This work is not intended to highlight a new method or a specific branch of Krav Maga, it simply aims to present a Krav Maga program that focuses on the importance of the "content" and share their experi
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
Kung Fu
The fundamental pillars of the original Hung Gar Kung Fu or to be more precise of my school are health, spirit and fight. Basically, each of these pillars are dependent on the other two. Thus, all of them are equally important in the training of a student. Yet, one could say that, in this day and age, in our modern world where we are not involved in a physical fight on a daily basis, the first two pillars are given a priority. In order to understand the following article better one has to imagine daily life hundreds of years befor e our time, when Hung Gar Kung Fu was particularly widespread in Asia.
he farmer, who sold his harvest on the market in the morning, would go on his way home with the money in his pocket which should provide for his family and himself in the next few weeks. A single attack of highwaymen or robbers could ruin his plans and jeopardise the farmer’s and his family’s existence, not to mention the actual danger of an attack or assault. Therefore, one can well imagine that the ability to defend oneself was very important at that time, if not even essential to survive. As already mentioned in former articles Hung Gar techniques and principles are built up especially with the purpose to enhance this very ability and make it more efficient during practicing. But as I said, this human skill is used much more rarely in present times of modern societies and guns. Leaving health and character training aside, what remains of the fighting skills? Especially to my teacher, Kung Fu legend and leader of the
Hung Gar style, Dr. Chiu Chi Ling, it is enormously important that his students and their students in turn “are really able to fight and to defend themselves”. I may add that my Sifu (master) grew up in Hong Kong at a time when it was common that people were challenged to fights and duels. Even I, here in Zurich, made such experiences with people from the martial arts scene 10 to 20 years ago. Today, this is, partly also fortunately, no longer the case. But what to do in order to maintain the ability to fight? Practicing together in class is certainly a good method. However, we would like to go back to work the next day and do not wish a hospital stay. That is why we approach real situations and speed slowly. My sifu has been dreaming for a long time of a kind of discipline in Hung Gar which should allow the participants to show real skills, to win with them, and still not to get dangerously injured. As his successor I have taken on the task to create such a
Kung Fu
“I think that with the Hung Gar Push Hands we are going to initiate a category which allows us to come even closer to the reality without being exposed to greater danger of injury. My students and I look forward to it.�
Hung Gar
“I, here in Zurich, made such experiences with people from the martial arts scene 10 to 20 years ago. Today, this is, partly also fortunately, no longer the case. But what to do in order to maintain the ability to fight? Practicing together in class is certainly a good method.”
discipline and in order to stage this, I have chosen the tournament of my school, the Shaolin Masters. My instructors and I have been working step by step on this new category, which is going to be developed with each Shaolin Masters, so that it can be introduced as a full-fledged fighting category. As I said, the category is still a work in progress and clear rules have not been completely formulated. Basically I can say though, that the new category, called Hung Gar Push Hands, is staged on a relatively small surface area and without protective equipment. The opponents get ready before each round, lift their hands and wait for the referee’s signal, similar to Lei Tai (full contact with protective equipment). When the command rings out the fighters have but a few seconds to show their accurate skills by means of contact and technique. Of course both of the fighters want to do that at the same time, which means that both have to apply real skills (such as for example Chi Sao, Toi Sao etc) in a very short time. Seconds after the contact the referee interrupts. Depending on what has happened, one judges which one of the two fighters has gained a victory. One might think that this takes place in relatively chaotic fashion and that it is very difficult to recognise who is superior to whom. Especially because the fighters, despite their full efforts and commitment, do not go to the utmost limit. But this is precisely where the art is in this category. A point is only given when it is obvious that the technique was successful; or to express it more precisely, when one does not get hit, when one controls the opponent and when one completes one’s own technique in a clean manner. Attempts in our ranks and a demonstration category at the last Shaolin Masters tournament have shown that it will be a very exciting and well functioning category. Advanced students who have already gained experience at Lei Tai have already listened attentively and are curious about the completion of the Hung Gar Push Hands’ set of rules. It is clear to me why: The original Shaolin Hung Gar Kung Fu which I learnt from my Sifu (master) was intended for real fighting; without protective equipment, without any “Coulds” or “Woulds”. Naturally, sooner or later one wants to go all out. And Lei Tai offers a good platform. But I think that with the Hung Gar Push Hands we are going to initiate a category which allows us to come even closer to the reality without being exposed to greater danger of injury. My students and I look forward to it.
Teaching Hwa Rang Do速 (MISSION STATEMENT OF THE WORLD HWA RANG DO速 ASSOCIATION) HWA RANG DO速: A legacy of Loyalty, Relentlessly seeking Truth, Empowering Lives, Serving Humanity
“Teaching Hwa Rang Do is one of the most important way to study the Hwa Rang Do itself”
“When you study Hwa Rang Do you quickly understand that becoming instructor and teacher, after the black sash (Hwa Rang Do 1st dan and Tae Soo Do 2nd dan), is practically mandatory”
hen you study Hwa Rang Do you quickly understand that becoming instructor and teacher, after the black sash (Hwa Rang Do 1st dan and Tae Soo Do 2nd dan), is practically mandatory. This is true because of a structural reason: without teaching Hwa Rang Do you cannot really go on with your personal growth in the martial study. Teaching Hwa Rang Do is one of the most important way to study the Hwa Rang Do itself. Maybe this is difficult to understand for beginners but we have to think about the incredible amount of techniques included in the Hwa Rang Do Syllabus. Alone, without students and followers, without teaching anybody, it's almost impossible to review and study in depth all these techniques and specialties. Human memory is weak without purpose and Hwa Rang Do practice requires a flexible, powerful and reactive mind and memory. Teaching is a very good purpose. About the author: Hwa Rang Do速 Head Instructor, Lieutenant Colonel of the Italian Military Police Force (Carabinieri) and Engineer Marco Mattiucci is the Chief of the Italian Branch of the World Hwa Rang Do速 Association and one of the main followers of Grandmaster Taejoon Lee.
“Human memory is weak without purpose and Hwa Rang Do practice requires a flexible, powerful and reactive mind and memory. Teaching is a very good purpose.”
The "Kyusho Tactical Control Program" (KTCP), was designed for Subject control escalation with Legal, Medical and Tactical Deployment research, field-testing and coordination. The scope of this program is for use by but not limited to, Law Enforcement, Security, Emergency Medical or Response, Coast Guard, Military, Governmental Agencies, Body Guards and Personal Security. This Basic Module is comprised of one set of 12 primary targets and integrated into 4 modules of escalating force restraint continuums. There are several weak structures in the human body that can be utilized by an Agent to simply gain control of a perpetrator more efficiently than conventional use of force methods. This would be in the protocol should a situation escalate past the verbal command stage. These Kyusho (Vital) points are where the Agent can make use of internal systems of physical control such as, Nerves, Tendon Structure and natural Nerve Reflexes of the body. Not requiring heavy force Fine or complex motor control or even sight… all of which is subject to failure and loss in high adrenaline states. This information is dedicated to the Brave and Resilient Members of these Agencies around the world… Thank you for what you do!
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.
Overcoming Fear Fear is a basic alarm signal which, when healthy, helps us develop all our resources to overcome a challenge. However, too much fear can paralyze us. Recognizing fear, accepting its presence and confronting it is the way to convert it into our ally
B.I.: What happens to us when we feel fearful? J.D.K.: Fear manifests itself in many ways, from chest pain to vision loss, sweaty palms, rapid breathing and heart rate acceleration, dizzy feeling and the sensation of being about to lose consciousness at any moment, a state of complete loss of control that paralyzes us physically and emotionally. Fear is one of the four basic emotions that accompany us throughout our lives, along with anger, sadness and joy; each of them contributes and helps us to adapt to the environment in which we live. B.I.: What is the function of fear? J.D.K.: The function of fear is that of protecting us from the dangers that surround us, this emotional state appears to give us information about the events that are happening to people and the environment in which we are, that's why our body tenses and if it reaches its peak, it blocks up and paralyzes us, although this extreme has also an adaptive function. B.I.: How can we recognize if fear is real or imagination? J.D.K.: We must bear in mind that there exist a primary fear and a fear that stems from fantasy and a prevalence of reason. Primary fear is triggered by an
external menacing stimulus that threatens our life; the other is caused by our thoughts. The first is an emotion that protects us, the second paralyzes us and prevents us from acting; this is the type of fear that must be recognized, identified and contrasted with reality. Seneca's words remind us that "We don't face adversity because it's difficult, but it's difficult because we don't face it." B.I.: How can we control fear? J.D.K.: If I ask a student to express himself with an imaginary combat (shade), leaving aside technicalities and enjoying to the maximum his own way of expression, he will do it in a spontaneous and natural way; now if I let him work for a few minutes and then I ask him to explain to me how he connects his physical part with his emotional part, he starts to think and that's where he begins to stumble, distracted in his thoughts, he feels unable to take a step. It's the same thing about life, when you want to take control of it, you start thinking if this is the right thing to do and you doubt if you can do it better; and while you are thinking, your thoughts clog your fluency and finally you collapse; we believe that our mind is an omnipotent tool able to anticipate everything that might take place around us,
we assume we can control everything convinced that we are responsible for everything that happens to us, we like to think we can achieve anything we set out, but there are many situations that are beyond our control; in the case of my student's situation, he is able to flow until he begins to take responsibility for his actions and starts demanding himself having them under control, that's when he is immediately confronted with the fear of failure and of not being able to reach and develop his full capacity of expression. B.I.: What influence has fear in an exam? J.D.K.: Our philosophy is based on self-improvement
in the pursuit of personal values. Transmission in Keysi goes beyond mere technique; there is a technical section to be developed and a following step, the hardest, in which technique must be put aside to make way for inspiration and personal expression, so a student in Keysi doesn't take a test in order to be judged by someone, he enters the examining room to show and express his skills and abilities with the assumed responsibility that he himself is going to be his own judge and the one who will evaluate his actions, having clear that errors are not errors, but a platform for self-improvement; we can't be responsible for everything or demand
“We don't face adversity because it's difficult, but it's difficult because we don't face it.�
ourselves to supervise every movement; if we accept that responsibility, we will be stormed by the fear of failure, the fear of not being able to reach the personal requirements that we have set ourselves. B.I.: How can we overcome fear? J.D.K.: Our culture leads us to fear because it's based on people's control and it leans on an education that has implanted terror very deeply within us in order to condition the way we act and feel; we live in a world that instills us to distrust others, we are taught to be scared. Being a primary emotion, fear has its own mechanism, when we are frightened, we tremble and breathe haltingly, with our mouth and our eyes wide open, we become rigid and it can cause paralysis, and that is because we want to control that emotional state, but our mind has its own mechanisms to overcome fear; in this case is allowing release fear through our body, mental and emotional expression; in Keysi we permit expressing ourselves without technical barriers, as the rest of primary emotions do.
“Transmission in Keysi goes beyond mere technique; there is a technical section to be developed and a following step, the hardest, in which technique must be put aside to make way for inspiration and personal expression.�
"It's important, I think, to pay attention to what we teach in self-defense, because those to whom we convey our knowledge can get to use what they have learned in real situations, and reality leaves no room for fantasies."
"When an aggression situation arises, the simpler the gestures you've learned, the more natural "aggressiveness" you'll have and the more you'll be able to confront it."
"The KravMagaRED group is booming and it will continue being developed, constantly questioning through constructive exchanges with all those who work for practitioners, far from the wars of "egos" and organizations that refuse opening..."
"When an aggression situation arises, the simpler the gestures you've learned, the more natural "aggressiveness" you'll have and the more you'll be able to confront it."
"It's not our calling to search or open new clubs. Sometimes, however, it happens that certain structures or people want to join our school. In this case, we welcome them with open arms, on the condition that it's actually passion what leads them and provided they share the values we defend."
"When an aggression situation arises, the simpler the gestures you've learned, the more natural "aggressiveness" you'll have and the more you'll be able to confront it."
"English boxing, Muay Thai, French Boxing, Kick Boxing and K1 are basic disciplines that practice and / or teach all instructors and future instructors of the KMRED Kravmaga Research Evolution and Development group. All persons wishing to become teachers of the KMRED system must practice or have regularly practiced a combat sport. This is, from our view, an essential part in the training of a good Self Defense teacher."
"Our greatest strength is to keep on searching for what it might be "better", without hesitating to surround ourselves with people of different styles and disciplines. Many people other than us have had the same approach to "research" and "opening" and it is important to share and work together to develop "tools" that allow our students protect their physical integrity or that of their families. "
"When an aggression situation arises, the simpler the gestures you've learned, the more natural "aggressiveness" you'll have and the more you'll be able to confront it."
"The concept of Krav Maga Research, Evolution and Development began to be encoded by its founders between the years 20032005, and after extensive testing, it was officially born in 2013 in its current form. It is a concept of "self defense" meant for civilians and security professionals, which is based primarily on the latest news of krav maga and combat sports, and relies also on the constant evaluations of the "users" and professionals in the field of intervention."
"When an aggression situation arises, the simpler the gestures you've learned, the more natural "aggressiveness" you'll have and the more you'll be able to confront it."
"The Krav Maga Research, Evolution and Development system has a national training center, located in southwest France, which is one of the starting points of numerous projects at national and international level, which, hopefully, will give many people the opportunity of following a training program at the avant-garde of the evolution in terms of the self defense concept."
"When an aggression situation arises, the simpler the gestures you've learned, the more natural "aggressiveness" you'll have and the more you'll be able to confront it."
WING CHUN GUNG GUNG FU: FU: The Explosive Art of Close Range Combat
Five brand new Wing Chun DVDs 1 DVD: “Bot” Jom Doh Basics Complete “Bot” Jom Doh Form, 108 Motions, Historical Information about the Wing Chun Broadswords, Detailed Knife Blocking and Striking Techniques, “Bot” Jom Doh Footwork, Details of the footwork orientation of the form, One-man “Bot” Jom Doh Drills 2 DVD set: “Bot” Jom Doh, Applications, Drills, Concepts & Principles Applications of the motions from the “Bot” Jom Doh form, Knife vs. Knife, Knife vs. Pole, Drills, Concepts and Principles, Specially created Knife drills for the Wooden Dummy, Detailed Knife Blocking and Striking, Knife techniques as compared to their empty-hand counterparts, Cutting Principles
Sifu Randy Williams’ extensive collection of books on Wing Chun in 6 volumes, the series contains the history of Wing Chun, the theory and description of all Wing Chun forms in detail, Volume 6 is focused on instructing the system and provides additional information about Wing Chun Combat Theory from A to Z! This great work, originally written in 1988 and newly revised and updated is a must for the library of any serious student of the art. You can order the entire series as a set of 6 books, or by individual volume, and the new DVDs can also be ordered individually or in sets directly from us through our website:
1 DVD: CRCA Wing Chun “Biu Jitsu” Groundfighting Contents: The concept of “Reverse Engineering,” Chokes; Rear, Front Standing, “Guillotine,” Head-and-Arm, Side-Mount Shoulder Choke, and many other Groundfighting drills and techniques.
2 DVD set: “Look Deem Boon” Gwun Volume 1 ( 55 min. ) Content: Pole Details, Pole Drills, Pole Footwork, Form Overview, “Look Deem Boon” Gwun Form, 6 ½ Strikes of the Pole, Applications: Pole vs. Pole One Volume SingleWeapon DVD Biu Jitsu DVD DVD Set (all 5)
€ 49,90 € 39,90 € 25,90 € 149,90
The shipping & handling costs are not included for more information please contact us: Copyright © 1989 CRCA Enterprises Publisher CRCA-Lopez / Mario Lopez, Atroper Str. 56, 47226 Duisburg, Germany E-Mail:
“Look Deem Boon” Gwun Volume 2 (60 min.) Heavybag Drills, Dummy Drills, Two Man Drills, Form overview, Pole vs. Knife
Always with the Ochikara, "The Great Strength" (called e-bunto in the Shizen vernacular tongue) or secret wisdom of the ancient Miryoku Japanese shamans, as a backdrop, the author takes us into a world of genuine reflections that are capable to move at once both the reader's heart and head, thus placing him continuously in front of the abyss of the invisible, as the true final frontier of personal and collective consciousness. The spiritual taken not as religion, but as the study of the invisible, was the way of the ancient Miryoku sages to approach the mystery in the framework of a culture as rich as unknown, to which the author has wholeheartedly devoted. Alfredo Tucci, Manager Director to Budo International Publishing Co. and author in the past 30 years of a large number of titles about the Warrior's Way, offers us a set of extraordinary and profound reflections, which can be read individually in no particular order. Each one of them opens up a window to us through which we can take a look at the most varied subjects from an unexpected angle, now dotted with humor now with forcefulness and grandiosity, placing us in front of eternal matters with the view of the one who has just arrived and doesn't agree with the common places in which everyone coincides. We can affirm with conviction that no reader will be indifferent to this book; such is the strength and intensity of its contents. Saying this is saying a lot in a world crowded with collective mangers, interested and behavioral ideologies, manipulators and, in short, spurious interests and mediocrity. It is therefore a text for big souls and intelligent people who are ready to look at life and mystery with the freedom of the most restless and scrutinizing minds, without dogmas, without transient morals, without subterfuges...
Special Training
Mauritius, a sparkling crystal in the in the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean will fascinate you. The contrast of colours, cultures and tastes makes the island so charming that training beach training will be an unforgettable moment. You will also discover the true meaning of beauty.
Special Training APAP is a close - quarters combat style that incorporates tactics and strategies employed by the Israeli Defence Forces, the Israeli police and Israeli's Special operations and anti- terrorism units. KAPAP instructions focuses on self-defence techniques that includes edged weapon and knife defences , hand to hand combat techniques, defences and disarms against guns, ground survival, counter terrorism applications and combat conditioning essentials. KAPAP is represented and lead in Mauritius and Indian Ocean by Jean Bruneau Laurette and Dylan Laurette under the close supervision and monitoring of Major Avi Nardia the father of KAPAP, with the same philosophy and approach and as tools to save life of people. Jean Bruneau Laurette is a fire arms instructor (Shotgun, pistol and rifle) and personal protection from the National Rifle Association of America, Close protection Instructor, Maritime operation leader against Maritime Piracy in the Indian Ocean, horn of Africa and Gulf of Aden, Security consultant and Public Security Details (PSD). Our team operates globally on sea and land according to the Israeli security model for high risk zones. KAPAP is fully integrated in our technical and tactical approach of survival in the high risk zones. Our team are trained with the lethal and non- lethal use of KAPAP principles and techniques to save life of the crew and to protect the vessel we escort. We never initiate, we always defend. KAPAP, Krav Panim El Panim -KAPAP is the Hebrew acronym of Face to Face combat and is present in Mauritius since 2010 and we have so far trained security guards, house wives, students and other vulnerable people. Our aim is to make each person trained becoming their own bodyguard to protect themselves, their beloved ones and to help any persons facing a danger such as facing a rapist, domestic violence, robbery or knives attack. Nowadays there are lot of dangers which we face in our daily life anytime, anywhere: - Rape - Theft - Knives attack - bullying - Car jacking - High jacking The Law enforcement officers cannot protect each civilian and therefore each civilian must know how to defend himself when he encounters any of such situations. Our students learn real selfdefence to save life from real instructors with field experience and they are mentally prepared to face weapons attack and not to be freeze in front of danger. Escape from Captivity (S.E.R.E. - Survival Escape Rescue) is also part of our training syllabus specially designed for ladies.
Special Training Our training involves the fundamental aspect of KAPAP, the martial arts system developed and utilized by the Israeli special forces such as the defensive tactics, hand to hand combat moves and self- defence that compose Kapap are teach. We also put emphasis on striking, grappling, pressure points, weapon disarming, lot of workout routines and training methods. We teach civilians to be the weapons and not to carry weapons. If you carry a gun or a knife in selfdefence as many do today, you must realise it can be used against you. If you engage in the fight and the aggressor is able to take your weapon, your fight has just become a blade or a gun fight, even if the attacker was unarmed at the beginning. That's why weapon retention ( pre conflict stage) is also a very important part of training .If you carry a weapon, you must cover all your bases in the pre conflict stage by training with he use, retention and disarming of the weapon. In KAPAP we use this triangle as a combat concept that comes from years of sweat, blood and tears. It is also important to know that impact in KAPAP techniques cover much more than hitting your opponent. It requires knowledge, understanding, and common sense. Impact in KAPAP is never about strength .Your best weapon is your brain. Pressure points techniques are also useful .They are surprise moves as people consider that pressure points are located in areas of the body that most people consider to be part of their personal space. When a person face a danger and is fighting for his or her life, they won't have a chance to run home get their certificate, GI or to say let me do my warming up to scare away the predator. They had better be prepared to use what they have been taught and that is where having an excellent teacher means life or death of the student.
To realize our goal of empowering ordinary civilians with realistic personal protection, principles and skills. We, at Kapap Mauritius we have adapted the best KAPAP principles and skills to civilians. The civilian versions retains all the simplicity and effectiveness of the military versions of the lethal aspect. The aim is to save life even of the predator. KAPAP is easy to learn and do not take lot of time to learn as it is based on principles not techniques or elaborated moves that do not work well on street, in staircase any closed area. The KAPAP family serves a think tank, a repository of knowledge and experience with respect of everybody's opinion. KAPAP minimizes the need for either strength or power.
Special Training Mauritius is lucky to have an annual event of KAPAP level 1, instructor course with Major Avi Nardia the father of KAPAP, Major Avi Nardia is one of the leading official instructors for the Israeli army and Israeli police in the field of Counter terrorism and CQB, close quarter battle. He specializes in training special forces, counter terrorism unit, military, law enforcement and civilians (including disabled) all over the world in self- defence as well as both modern and traditional martial arts. He is a counter - terrorism and close quarter battle expert who has trained police patrol and correction officers ,SWAT, ERT ,Army ,Marines , Special Forces and many other counter terror, police and military agencies throughout the world.
Mauritius, a sparkling crystal in the in the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean will fascinate you. The contrast of colours, cultures and tastes makes the island so charming that training beach training will be an unforgettable moment. You will also discover the true meaning of beauty. Mauritius white beaches are protected by coral reef barrier that encircles almost all of the coast line, with exception of the southern end, where it falls away and where wilder waters and dramatics cliffs can be observed. From the northern plains, the land rises to a central plateau dotted by lakes and extinct volcano craters .The island with a surface area of 2040 square kilometres is located 20 degrees south of equator and 57.7 degrees east. Our official language is English but we also speak French and creole.
This year our training camp will be from 10th to 14th August 2015 and all those who wish to join the KAPAP family are most welcomed to attend our instructor course as well as those who are already certified. Let us train and enjoy some nice tropical holidays at the same time.
All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.