Markfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan: Referendum Version 12544 25283 25374 33856 39269 42896 48479 54201 64650 65169 72527 72528 80053 90453 90695 91172 91533 91534 91816
Billa Barra Hill Nature Reserve Field South of Ulverscroft Wood Field North of Leicester Road Hill Hole Meadow Markfield Roadside Verge Nature Reserve 1 Markfield Roadside Verge Nature Reserve 3 Markfield Roadside Verge Nature Reserve 2 Raunscliffe Bardon Woodland Belt 1 Shaw Lane, Hedgerow Ash Billa Barra Hill Hill Hole Quarry Altar Stone Land Adjacent Cricket Ground Lower Grange Farm Hedge Veteran Horse Chestnut off Main Street Elliott’s Lane Hedge Cliffe Hill Road Verge Grassland by Stoney Farm
Regionally Important Geological Sites: 12603 12619 12620 12622
Markfield Hill Hole Quarry Groby Upper Park Groby Park Altar Stones
Proposals for biodiversity conservation or enhancement of the following types will be supported: 1. Management of woodlands, open grasslands and water features; 2. Restoration of drystone walls; 3. Planting of gaps in hedgerows to strengthen historic field patterns and management of over-mature hedges; 4. Tree planting to replace mature/veteran trees as they come to the end of their lives. 5. Maintenance of or creation of new stock fencing to prevent damage to the above.
4.34. There are many significant mature trees in Markfield and these all play a role in framing key buildings, softening the built fabric and enhancing the special character of the village. There are many trees in the village and Little Shaw Lane that are subject to Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) which protects and preserve trees for public enjoyment, environmental and aesthetic purposes. Trees in Markfield Conservation Area are also protected. Any tree over 75mm in diameter at 1.5m above ground level is given automatic protection in the Conservation Area. No cutting, removal, wilful 27