Markfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan: Referendum Version 6.23. Within this context, new housing also needs to reflect local characteristics. Taking into consideration the housing profile of Markfield and the views of local people, new housing development also needs to take account of:
Markfield has an older population 34% of Markfield’s population is aged 60 or over compared with 26% in Hinckley and Bosworth Borough (2011 Census). The average age in Markfield is 48 compared with 43 in Hinckley and Bosworth Borough (2011 Census).
Markfield has a high proportion of older households 18.9% of households in the parish are one-person households aged 65 and over compared with 12.4% in Hinckley and Bosworth Borough (2011 Census). 12.5% households in the parish are family households aged 65 and over compared with 10% in Hinckley and Bosworth Borough (2011 Census).
Markfield has a high proportion of bungalows Of the 2,200 properties in Markfield village, 34.1% are bungalows compared with 13.8% in Hinckley and Bosworth Borough (2019 Valuation Office Agency).
Local people want to see a better mix of housing types and sizes Responses to the 2019 Questionnaire Survey showed most respondents identified a need for one or two-bedroom bungalows, closely followed by a need for family homes of two or more bedrooms.
Those looking for another property in Markfield Parish want smaller homes Our 2019 Questionnaire Survey showed 58 households looking for another property in Markfield Parish in the next 10 years. The greatest need was bungalows (47% one or two-bedrooms) and family homes (28% three-bedrooms). There was little need for executive homes (16% four or more-bedrooms).
6.24. Overall, Markfield has a high proportion of older households suggesting a greater need for downsizer housing. Housing will also be needed for older empty nester households not downsizing but staying to under-occupy their family houses. Markfield already has a high proportion of bungalows, so the focus is on more family houses to replace those that do not become available for the families that will emerge. This will also help re-balance the housing stock to reduce the difficulties of providing support for the very oldest residents in our rural community. Policy M18: Housing Mix To be supported housing development proposals (other than at Markfield Court Retirement Village and at Markfield Institute of Higher Education) must demonstrate that the housing mix will reflect the assessment of local housing need in the 2019 Housing Needs Study or more recent evidence.
Housing needs of older people
6.25. The 2011 Census shows that 26% of the parish’s residents were aged 65 and over. This compared with 18% in Hinckley and Bosworth and 16% in England.