Building Products Digest - June 2012

Page 1

25-y ear I imited wa rranty

Reversible, smooth/textrlred surfac

Contains eco-friendly recycled materials

Complernents any siding and a rc h itectu re

Fiber cement for lasting performanr

Srnooth, sqLrare edges for finished a ppea ran ce

Primed on six sides

ITermite and weather resistant


No specialized tools needed at jobs ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certifi 10" 12" (9-1t4"\ {11-114")

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BuililinA Proilucralligest

Special Features

lHousrnv TnrHos

Freen CrN eNr LEnos rN SrorNc


Pnooucr Sporlrcur

Uppen-Cnnor Rrowooo SrorNc

Porseo ron CovrsRcr

1 2 MnNncrmrnr Trps

RuNNrNc ONrrNr CoNrrsrs

'l4 Fmrunr Srony Co-ops Aro rN Socrnr Mrorn

26 SprcrnL Focus SourHenN Fonrsr Pnooucrs UpoRre, ev SFPA nNo SLMA

38 Pnoro Rrcnp: NILMA

40 Pnoro Rrcnp: NAWLA

In Every lssue

6 Tornuy Rnroor*

1 6 Cor'aprrrrrvr tNrnlrcENcE

1B OLsrN oN Snles

24 Movrns & Snnxrns

36 Nrw Pnooucrs

42 AssocrnnoN Uponrr

42 lr.r Mrmonrnm

44 Cr-nssrnrro Mnnxrrpmcr

45 DnrE Boor

46 lorn Frlr

46 Aovrnnsrns Inorx Online

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THr Lnrrsr lssur C,qN Now

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4 t &riHingPrcdu6Dbest r June20l2 June 20'12 t votume3l r Number4
Pu-Eigi|t.@d Sbal Buildtng S.c R&l Stonga SyabfiE to( B{lldl}g i||b .@!D Adffittd Lumb.r Stong. Syst m Crnttbh. Rsk Palbr Rrh A+nm Rrct ilsrnlM, tos|din! Rrcb, Slrck R.ckr Nrttonally LlceEld c@|nctor

Lifelong learningr ? competitive advantage

f unve JUSr REruRNeo from the first-ever NAWLA Leadership Conference in lColorado Springs. The event emphasized what I had realized over the last few months-that I need to get back to my roots, which I will explain later.

The conference was the first event in my l l years in the industry that was from start to finish full days of management and executive learning programs with top industry and out-of-industry speakers. No time off, just pure session after session and almost l00%o attendance at each session. I learned a lot, as no doubt did the other attendees-a mix of owners, senior managers, and up-and-coming future executives.

First, my congratulations to NAWLA for developing this new program and congratulations to the members for making the investment to attend-and bring along others-in these difficult times. I am sure that, due to initial feedback, next year's program is already being planned, and I urge all current and future NAWLA members to put this event on your calendar for next year. I also recommend taking along other managers and or key employees. The cost vs. return is always a key factor, and I believe that the benefits will far outweigh the expense.

I have spent decades in the educational publishing and conference/seminar training industries (from sales to executive management training to technology, domestic and international, for companies small to Fortune 100). I have spent a good portion of my business life in education and understand the value of lifelong learning. And the more I learn, the more Irealize how much I have left to leam. Today, after we learn something, circumstances change again and different knowledge is needed' At the NAWLA conference, we discussed "Cash is King." I would also argue "Knowledge is Power." We all need constant education, training and reinforcement. Yetlrealize not all companies can afford to offer or are equipped to handle such training.

So, what to do? What was clear to me in the beginning of my current business life was that this industry by nature has been a hands-on training industry, as opposed to sending management and employees for job skills training. What also has become clear to me is that we live in an era where there is a need for more learning opportunities. We have lived through one of the most difficult times in business history. I can imagine many had issues to deal with that they were ill-equipped to handle, in addition to the many day-to-day issues we all face.

Many of our readers-managers, executives, salespeople, and managers-in-training-could benefit from a constant source of education. This should be general education and not just industry training.

Our magazine has over the years featured countless educational articles written by experts, but I have realized over the last six months that we need to do more. So, in the next couple of months, we will launch a new branded educational series aimed at not only executives and owners, but also the future managers in this industry.

It is also clear to me that not all employees see our publications when they arrive at your offices as many subscribers hoard them (normally great news). I ask that our magazines be passed around to those who would benefit. (Or, simply order more subscriptions!) Free digital issues are available on our website, In the near future, each magazine will have a QR code for a direct link to our publications as well. Our publications have always been a source of industry and product news for a combined 120 years, but now I want us to be your resource for executive education as well.

So, look out in the coming issues for our new "Mastering" series-two more good reasons to read and enjoy our publications. As we hit our 90th year in business next month, we want to be your resource for the next 90 years as well.

BPII Building Producls lligest

A publication of Cutler Publishing 4500 Campus Dr., Ste. 480, Newport Beach, CA 92660

Publisher Alan 0akes

Publisher Emeritus David Cutler

Director of Editorial & Production David Koenig

Editor Karen Debats

Contributing Editors

Carla Waldemar, James Olsen, Jay Tompt

Advertising Sales Manager Chuck Casey ccasey@bu ild

Administration Director/Secretary Marie Oakes

Circulation Manager Heather Kelly

How to Advertise

Chuck Casey

Phone (949) 852-1990 Fax 949-852-0231

Alan Oakes ww.

Phone (949) 852-1990 Fax 949-852-0231


David Koenig

Phone (949) 852-1990 Fax 949-852-0231

How to Subscribe


Phone (949) 852-1990 Fax 949-852-0231

or send a check to 4500 Campus Dr., Ste. 480, Newport Beach, CA 92660

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BUILDING PRODUCTS DIGEST is oublished monthly at 4500 Campus Dr., Ste. 480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660-1872, (949) 852-1990, Fax 949-852-0231,, by Cutler Publishing, lnc. (a California Corporation). lt is an independently owned publication for building products retailers and wholesale distributors in 37 states East of the Rockies. Copyright@2012 by Cutler Publishing, Inc, Cover and entire contents are fully protected and must not be reproduced in any manner without written permission. All Rights Reserved. BPD reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising matter, and assumes no liability for materials furnished to it.

r TOTALLY Random
6 r BulHlng hodu6 Dig€d r June 2012
I{ave Your Custorners Choose Any Color For Their Siding. Let Us Do The Rest. Cabot Factory Finish'" Fade-Resistant, Nature Inspired Colors . Saves Time and Eliminates Weather Delays . Applied in Factory-Controlled Conditions Available with S-year, 1 S-year or 25-Year Warranty To Learn More, visit or call 1-8OO-US-STAIN Oun PERFORMANcE Is LEGENDARY.*

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Do you like to gamble on your shake and shingle purchases?

We didn't think so.

Educate yourself. Choose Certi-label'" products and enjoy free District Manager technical assistance.


FACT: Despite what some product labels say, phone numbers andlot post office box addresses are not 'Third Pafi tnspection Agencies." Legitimate third party inspection agencies hold proper accreditations, have trained, experienced staff and have employees, an address, phone number and business office that are different f rom the manufacturer.

FACT: Statements on product labels that read "lnspected by in house inspectors" are not equivalent to "Third Pafi Inspection Agencies." "ln-house inspectors" just means that the manufacturer's own staff have inspected their own product and declared it fit for sale. Product without third pafi inspection is most often a code violation and can result in a building official requiringthe productto be torn off.

PITCH: "lllle chose not to join the Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau because our products are actually graded tougher."Alert!The Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau has never prevented its members from producing AB0VE the grade standard. Members are prohibited, however, from producing BELOW the grade standard. Buyels Tip: When foced with this stotement osk your supplier if the mill uses in house OR o Iegitimote third pafi inspedion ogency. Ask obout their technical seruice. You may be surprised by the onswer you receive.

CAUTION: A product label reads "in accotdance with" as opposed to'tonforms with" the grading rules. Be careful here. Ask your supplier if the products in question actually meet and conform to grading rule standards or if it's a slick way to fool the end user.

PITCH: 'All my stock has got a blue label, therefore all of it is good." The term "Blue Labelu" is actually a registered trademark of the Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau trade association which has over 250 member companies. Just because a company puts a label in a blue color on its bundles does not mean that it's on grade or third pafi inspected. This confusion may lead to rejection of the load at the job site. Buyels Tip: To specify a Cedar Shoke ond Shingle Bureau member's product and grode, you must write "Certi-lobel'*" brond on the purchose order ond roofing controct. Follow this wording with grade, producttype, length, width ond perhops even the common nome of the produd such as "heovies", "mediums", "R&R" etc. Being specific on your purchase order ond roofing controct gives your supplier no excuse to ship you on undesired product, grode or brond. Specify thot if Certi-lobel'" brond wos ordered, ond the product delivered does not beor the Certi-lobel'", then the lood will be rejected and sent bock. The wrcng brond olso results in worronty denials, thus upsefting your customers.

PITCH: "These products are iust as good as Certi-labelbrand products, but they are cheaper/more readily available/what your roofing contractor prefers to work with." Don't believe these types of misleading statements. You get what you pay for. Certi-label* brand products are readily available, and good roofing contractors prefer to work with quality, on grade materials that conform to building code plus yield less culls and call backs. Buyels Tip: Coll your suppliels bluff when you heor this. lf you need help sourcing materiol or debunking myths then osk one of our District M a n og ers fo r fre e a ssistonce.

PITCH: "This is simply our mill brand... lt comes from the same logs and is manufactured by us in exactly the same way as our regular material." This sounds suspicious. "Mill Crade" product does not conform to building code and is the lowest grade available. Remember, you get what you pay for, so don't be fooled. Buyels Tip: Ask for wriften confirmotion thatthe produd hos legitinote third porty inspection and will be accepted bythe locolbuilding code officiol

for your specific project.

ARGUMENT: "Our firm doesn't belong to the Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau because of the membership dues. We pass those savings alongto our customers."

Ask your supplier if they've ever used the Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau's website, referred to our installation manuals, or called a District Manager for assistance with a technical issue. lf yes, then why are they coat tail riding the industry's trade association services and denigrating the association to you?

A simple question: Who would you rather talk to for help - a hungry salesperson looking for their next sales commission OR a knowledgeable, education-focused person who is paid to provide free technical assistance and documentation?

Here atthe Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau we do get quite a chuckle over the numerous calls from non-members' customers who are frustrated with the lack of technical assistance provided. Some of these customers even tell us that the non-member sent them to us for helpl Buyer's Tip:

Remember, Cedor Shoke and Shingle Bureou District Monagers only provide technicol ossistance for Certi-label'" brond products. A District Monoger would be glod to inform you how much mem bership octu o IIy costs.

Quality Certi-label-" brand products. Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau members.


FACT: Some salespeople will mislead customers into believing certain brands/products are not available, just so that they can move out their current yard inventory. With over 70 member manufacturers in its membership, the Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau can source the quality cedar shake or shingle product you need. We even have District Managers who will provide free product sourcing and technical assistance on Certi-label*, third pafi inspected shakes and shingles.

PITCH: "Great deals add value to my product lines." Everyone loves a deal, butthere is a difference between a great deal and a misleading deal. No one loves bundles labeled Number One Grade that are 800/o+ flat grain. No one loves bundles or cartons short of coverage. Excessive flat grain and short coverage mean off grade products, job site call backs, code violations and product shortages. You get what you pay Ior. lnstaller's Tip: Poorly groded ond under-pocked, so-colled "BARGAIN" cedor shokes ond shingles will end up costing you more to install when you consider short coverage, coll backs and building code officiol red tagged job site tear offs.

CAUTI0N: Your supplier of non-member shake and shingle products tells you to lie about your product brand just so you can get free Cedu Shake and Shingle Bureau technical assistance. Really? You'd do business with someone who asks you to lie just so they don't have to pay proper membership dues? Come on - Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau members pay the salaries of District Managers. lt's only fair that our members' customers get the exclusive benefit of District Managertechnical services. Cheap freeloaders are notwelcome, BuyelsTip: Cedor Shoke ond Shingle Bureou representotives ore extremely well networked in the industry. lt doesn't toke long for us to find out if you are reolly using our members' Certilobel" producE. And yes, when you contoct them, District Monogerswill oskyou specific details oboutyour projedto check that it is indeed our members' Certi-lobef' brond moteriol.




Flat grain is restricted by grade. No flat grain is permitted in Premium Grade shake or Number One Grade shingle products. Up to 200/o per bundle is allowable in Number One Grade shake products, The officialgrading rules, as referred to in the national building codes, can be reviewed


Some manufacturers cheat by not putting the correct amount of ON GRADE coverage in bundles or cartons. Others make cartons that look full but are actually smaller than standard size. Read the grading rules and compare them with how much the carton holds. Much like serving sizes of food, the calorie count doesn'talways match thefull contents of the container.

Good Coverage low Coverage
Edge Grain


Customers want value for their cedar roofing and/or sidewall investment. Their home protects their family possessions and heirlooms, items that shouldn't be risked with roofing or sidewall products of unknown grade or quality.

Make an honest and fair evaluation of your purchasing decision... Ask questions.

Request technical assistance if you need it. The Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau has been providing technical service to Certi-label'u customersfor almost a hundred years.

The Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau is making a POSITIVE difference:

y' Free technical services from education-focused (not sales-focused) staff

y' Free literature and grading rule handouts

y' Cedar Quality Auditor and extra inspections as additional layers of quality control

y' Reassurance of legitimate third party inspections by accredited agency

y' Manufacturer's lifetime limited warranty available from CSSB member manufacturer when applied by a CSSB member approved installer

y' Renewable and recyclable products courtesy of Mother Nature

y' Many Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau members are family businesses with multigenerations and decades of quality focus. Founded nearly one hundred years ago, the Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau is known as: The Recognized Authority Since 1915.


Tony Bonura, District Manager, Northeast (651) 645-7859

Tony Hyatt, District Manager, Northern Midwest:

Peter Parmenter, District Manager, Southeast: Clay Walker, Cedar Quality Auditor:

(608) 848-2667

(er2) 8e8-sr75 (604) 820-7700



Gsdar $haks & $hinllo Bursau
Printed in Canada April 2012 vuuvw.ceda rbu rea u. o rg

Fiber cement to lead siding comeback

f T S I)r,\r \\r) non sirlirrq is firrccast

ILJ to gr.orr 8.-1Ci urrrrLtrllr tht'orrgh 20 I6 1o t)(r.-5 ntillion stlrurlcs. r rLlucrl lt S l0.l [rillion. uccor.tlin-u to l nc\\ stLrdr b,r Iilccclctniu (iroLr1t.

Glon tlr ri ill bc slturrccl br un increasc irr housinlt eonrltlction: llont tlieir rlcprcsscd 20 1 I basc. ,\ltltoLrgh housilts complcliorrs will lcrnain bclori thc lcr cl: r'cachc-rl lrt thcir c1'clie rrl pcak in l(X)(r. thc r.ce o\ cfv vu'ill sPulk abovc-ur crage glins in tlte rcsrrlcntiaI sitlilt1t tnarkct thr-ur,rgh 1016.

Thc crltectctl rcbctuncl in ltousinq corrplctions through l0l(r n ill rce stirblish the rrcr.r' housing nlllkct u\ thc lurgest cnrl use l'or siclins..

[)cnrrrncl 1ol siding irr lcsiclcntiul irttlllovcnrcnt lLntl lcplrir lryrpliclitions u'ill risc ul lr nroclcratc l)ucc throLrqh

10 16. Thosc ltontcowncls tltat put oll inrprovcnrcrrt projccts such ls thc r-cltlaccnrcnl ol' u of t) ()l-lt oI ()utol'lashion sirl ing ri ill Lrnclcrtlkc thetn in thc I'uture. lroostin-u denlrntl

Nonr.cs irlcntial rlenurnrl fbr sitlirrg is also lolccast t() gl()\\ rlltirllv

throush l0 | 6. albr-it n()t ut thc lcr cl ol' the rcsirlcn(ial ntarkct. Gains l ill be tlrir cn bt advancirrg nonrcsitlcntial bui lrl i ng c()ltstruct i()n cxltct'rrlitrrlcs.

Thc rll'l'icc unrl con.rr.ncrcill and loclging sc-sntcnts. ri hich crpclrcnced thc nrost rapitl rlcntancl rlcclines

bctuccn 2006 lncl l0 lI. r,r,ill cxhibit thc stfongest 9r'o\\ tlt goin! lirr'\\'arcl as nrolc office builtlings anrl r.ctrril sitcs lulc crccted. Muny of thcsc stllrcturcs t ill hc bnilt ri ith such nlrtclials us f ibcr ccmcnt unrl stLrcco that scrvc as Iori cost ultcrnatires to brick. uoorl. itnrl s(clne.

,\rnc'rng rrratcrial tyl)cs. stLlcc(). br.ick ancl tibcr ccment sicling arc lirrccast to scc thc'most fal)icl clenlirntl

guins through l0 l (r. incrcasing at dou blc tli!rit paccs.'[-hc reboLrnrling resi rlcrrtial rnalkcls in the South uncl West rcgions o1'thc U.S. uhcle thesc Irittcrials arc nrost oticrr installcdrrrc pro.jcctctl to erpcricncc thc stron.gest gfo\\ th in populltion untl lrousing activity through 20 16.

Brick lncl I'ibel ccrrrent scc r,r'iclc ttse itt (itt'So11111. *ltilt':lueeo is rrro:I comnronlr uscd in tltc We-st reeion. Thus. as nrorc honrcs ure bLrilt ancl rcn'rocle lctl to mcct thc needs ol' thc regions' incrcusing popull(i()n. clcnlrnrl lirr thosc siilin!' ntatc-rials w'ill also lrrlvlnce.

Fibcr cement sitling \.r'ill contirrue to takc nrarket shlrr-c ll'clm clther rnaterials. such as vinvl ancl u,ood. Dcnlrnd for f ibcl cct'nent sidinl: rvill bc spurred by its abilitr to be pro-

clucccl into siclin-g thirt r-csernblcs rlorc costly nraterials. srrch as brick or stonc. liibcr centcnt siding clcrnand r"ill ulso be sultltortcd by continuing conslilIcf acceptilr)cc o1' thc ntatcrial betrttts.' ol its 1'rr't lirrt)irltLe l)lr)l)r'ltie\. such ils resistancc to dcgluclation citusctl bt' insect atlack ancl nroisture.

\rinvl siclins accountccl lirr thc largcsl sharc ol sicling rlclnand in 20 ll and will continuc lo lclcl the rttalkct in 20 l(r. as such innovations rus insulatccl r invl sidinc anrl ltroducts thitt bcttcl rcscnrble nltur-al rnateri alssuch ls r,' ood ancl stone u ill pnrrrote clcnrancl. Howcvcr'. contpctition fl'onr f ibcr ccrnent uncl stucco siding.,"ill chcck grou,th. [;iber ccntcnt ancl stucco siclins arc srricl to ol'l'cr e ncl-usels bcttcr l<trrg tcltn clurabilitv and requirc lcss maintcnunce.

r-_! Np UIIBy #"p'e,tsr*f3t r.. lili:.
FIBER CEMENT siding wrll cont nue to take market vinyl will remain the top-seller share away from competing materials. although
June 2012 r Building Products Digest r 9

Redwood siding rising

New investments, second-growth availability drive resurgence of upper-grade redwood

Now, after more than a decade of declining demand, Redwood Empire is poised to help redwood reclaim lost market share. The company acquired its second remanufacturing facility last August, in Redding, Ca., and has been investing to bolster operations there since. The facility, which once produced mostly specialty products for Hawaiian markets, primarily manufactures siding and trim from upper-grade redwood.

fHrne wAS A ttvs when redwood I- was among the more preferred and popular siding materials for fine homebuilding. There never has been any question as to redwood's beauty or durability. Its authentic natural look blends in particularly well in mountain or lakeside communities.

The increased acceptance of vinyl and the introduction of composite materials such as fiber cement have chipped away at the market share for

all natural wood species. Vinyl now commands 4O7o of the $6 billion siding market, while wood products hover around 107o. Pricing spikes for redwood's highest grades before the turn of the 21st century likely helped accelerate its market-share drop, as did prior changes in harvesting practices that resulted in less upper-grade redwood coming to market. The perception grew rapidly that upper-grade redwood simply was not available.

The proximity of Redwood Empire's primary sawmill in Cloverdale and manufacturing facilities in Asti, Ca., to southern-range redwood forests provides easy access to quality logs. Each mill is customdesigned to cut for grade rather than to maximize throughput. Though the milling process often takes longer, the result is greater output of upper-grade redwood and more availability of vertical grain lumber, which feeds Redding's siding-production operation.

A Sustainable Product

The redwood siding popular throughout the 20th century largely was the product of old-growth trees harvested from California's San Mateo. Santa Cruz. and Mendocino counties. Now these areas, the first to be logged, are the source of secondgeneration forests managed for

10 r Bulldlng Produds D'rgest r June 2012
CHECK OFF; Moses Perez, production supervisor, inspects a board of clear redwood,siding at Redwood Empire's manufacturing facility in Redding, Ca,

decades under California's sustainability laws-the toughest in the nation. Many second-growth trees in the southern end of redwood's natural range exhibit qualities similar to the wood harvested in the hevdav of redwood sidine.

Redwood harvested from sustainably managed forestlands along California's coast has proven to be the source of eco-friendly, long-life products. A renewable resource, redwood trees remove greenhouse gases from the air through photosynthesis, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Life Cycle Assessment research, which studies cradle-to-grave environmental impacts of building materials, has shown that redwood products store more carbon than is used in their manufacturing. The net result of using sustainably harvested redwood is a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions.

Geography Correlates to Preferences

Even in the lean years for redwood siding, there were pockets of demand across the country with interesting and fairly constant geographic preferences. The East Coast, for instance, has shown the greatest demand for beveled siding, particularly 112"x6" pattern 322R, followedby |12"x8" beveled pattern 323R and some lx6" tongue and groove patterns. Texas markets have generally preferred thickbutted rabbeted siding like pattern 477 The Midwest typically has leaned more heavily toward 1"x6" tongue and groove options, while the West Coast has favored shiplap patterns (particularly pattern 793) and some bevels.

Economic, Consumer & Architectural Drivers

Remodeling efforts that allowed homeowners to seamlessly replace damaged siding on existing structures or

match home additions to established looks drove much of Redwood Empire's initial manufacturing at its Redding facility. Indeed, remodeling of aging homes is still forecast to play a significant role in the overall siding market.

Recently, however, new home construction has accounted for a larger share of production. Several factors may be behind the increase in demand for redwood siding for new homes, including price. Once consistently the most expensive option among natural wood siding products, shifting market dynamics have made redwood price-competitive with cedar siding.

Green building trends may also be having an influence. Research indicates consumers are placing greater emphasis on environmental performance and sustainability issues in their purchase decisions. Redwood siding is recyclable and biodegradable, and offers a favorable carbon footprint.

Perhaps the greatest influence has come from the architectural community. Architects have long been attracted to redwood-especially vertical grain redwood-for interior and exterior applications because of the wood's natural beauty. Increased awareness that vertical grain redwood is again available appears to have spurred a rise in architectspecified redwood siding. While vertical grain availability remains somewhat limited in the top Clear All Heart grade, Redwood Empire has produced significant quantities of vertical grain siding in all upper grades, including Heart B, Clear, B grade, and selected commons.

As consumer interest and demand for redwood-helped by architects and designers-moves inside the home, interior trim will likely experience an uptick as well.

For Redwood Empire, the availability of redwood logs whose characteristics resemble their historic predecessors and the increased recognition of redwood's environmental attributes have laid a foundation on which the company plans to build. The Redding mill has the machinery to produce all patterns in the CRA pattern book, and can match virtually any pattern produced in the past 100 years. The siding business is growing, and the firm plans to make the investments necessary to market siding successfully.

Keep your eye on redwood in the siding market. Watch the trends to see how architects and consumers approach and use high-end redwood.

CLEAR, VERTICAL GRAIN 1/2"x8" pattern 323R plain beveled siding is stacked for shioment. REDWOOD'S NATURAL durability makes it a preferred choice for exterior applications.
lwe.?fll2 r Building RoducbDigcd r lt

Boost customer relatiohsr sales with online contests

f ooxtNc FoR wAys to increase traffic on your compaI-lny's website or Facebook page? An online contest can encourage customers to return to your site-and even get them to share it with others.

"Years ago, contestants mailed their entries and photos in," says Chris Fox, marketing manager at Universal Forest Products. "Those days are over with the advent of turnkey website tools."

For the past three years, UFPI has run its best deck contest through its Deckorators website. "We don't want to exclude builders or d-i-yers that aren't currently using Facebook," he says. "This may change in the near future with more builders promoting their business through social media activities."

Conducting the contest through its website also allowed uploading of large photos and comments from builders and consumers without any restrictions. "Facebook places certain restrictions on contests and sweepstakes, which can be a significant hurdle," says Fox. "You must use an approved Facebook application or risk having your account suspended."

However, submitted photos are periodically posted on Deckorator's Facebook fan page, as are contest winners. Past contest photos are also posted on Deckorators' Flickr page. By using more than one kind of online media, UFPI ensures that online visitors remain interested and engaged-in both the contests and in the company's products.

A successful contest will encourage communicating, subscribing, and sharing-all of which will increase traffic to your company's site. Just make sure social media buttons are prominently displayed and easy to use. Another way to build traffic to your site is to let online visitors rate contest entries, but be prepared to handle and post the feedback.

Viance keeps online visitors interested in its Ecolife Fish-More Deck Challenge by awarding monthly prizes. Professional deck builders and d-i-y-ers enter the contest by submitting photos and material receipts through the Ecolife website. The best entries are posted online, showcasing the company's decking products.

"We are excited to review the creativity of deck builders and homeowners across the country," says Christopher Kollwitz, director of marketing at Viance.

Once the final prizes have been awarded, Viance maintains interest in the Ecolife brand by posting photos of the best entries-providing inspiration for potential customers and creating an audience for the next contest.

Building and maintaining a fan base is one of the main reasons to conduct an online contest. That was the goal of CertainTeed's contest, which is conducted on its new Living Spaces Facebook page-which, in turn, promotes the company's exterior building products to consumers.

"This is our first major effort at social media," says Ken Warshaw, director of marketing communications for CertainTeed's siding products group. "Building our Facebook community was the motivation for the contest."

As for dealing with Facebook restrictions, he says that apps from third-party companies are needed to run contests on any social media site.

ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS online has made participating in and operating contests, such as TimberTech's Deck Disaster promotion, easier than ever.

To enter, homeowners upload 30 to 90 second videos showing why their home needs a facelift. To keep online visitors engaged, the top l0 videos will be chosen by Facebook users. CertainTeed will select the grand-prize winner, who will receive exterior building productsincluding installation-and star in a "webisode" series that will be available on CertainTeed's Facebook page and

Online Contests a{ta
12 r Buildlryhodu6Direst l ltnne?f,t2
le youa dsck in d€spe.ate need of a Building-hodudscom

How to Run a Successful Online Gontest

Before the Internet, conducting a contest meant paying for print ads and hoping people would take the time to fill out an entry form-then actually mail it.

In contrast, online contests are easier to participate in, easier to run, and a good way to learn about your customers. But they do require a certain amount of preparation:

Determine your target audience and appropriate channels. Acknowledge the assets and limitations you have to work with. Take time to understand your audience and what you expect from them. Think about the appropriate channel for engagement: brand website or blog, Facebook. Twitter. etc.

Encourage creativity. Usergenerated content such as photos and short videos help participants engage with your products. They also take advantage of the natural urge to compete, giving participants their turn in the spotlight.

Make it easy to enter and stay involved. Ensure that the entry process is easy to navigate and the entry requirements are clearly explained. A contest that requires participants to upload photos and videos on one platform, share through another, and vote on a third will generate confusion and frustration.

Facilitate communication. A contest is an opportunity to engage in an active dialogue with your current and prospective customers. fans. and followers. Share contest updates, respond to questions, and encourage participants to share their entries and rally for votes. Make sure appropriate social media buttons are prominently displayed.

Collect information. If you ask the right questions, you'll learn a lot about your contestants through the entry process. You'll also learn a lot from the interaction and conversation that takes place around the contest-if you take the time to listen.

Wom Building Products also uses Facebook to conduct its contests, which are offered twice yearly. This spring's competition introduced the company's new focus on Americanmade products. The winner-selected at random from nearly I ,600 entriesreceived two free airlines tickets to anywhere in the U.S.

"We had an overwhelming response to the contest, which drew far more entries than either of our two previous sweepstakes," says Wolr's chief marketing officer Jim Groff. "It just reaffirms the fact that contractors and homeowners prefer high-quality products that are made here at home."

Although Groff acknowledges that Facebook does have contest rules, he says they are easy to follow. The contest application required by Facebook wasn't a problem either: it was developed by the company's outside web resource.

As for the focus of this year's fall contest, Wolp is soliciting suggestions from its Facebook fans. "We wanted to start a conversation. a positive dialogue about building products," he says. "We did all that with the contests."


Bnildinghodudsonr YouTube channel.
N F o N T s June 2012 r Building PrcduG D(;est r 13
DECKING PROJECTS have proven a popular theme for online contests staged by manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers.

Go-ops help dealers excel in social media

ll'-lolavoN BUSTNESS wtsDoM is that \-rretailers should have an active social media presence to maintain constant, interactive communications with their customers. For many dealers, however, the problem is that word constant. Most independents don't have the time and manpower to supply a daily flow of Tweets and Facebook posts.

So, their co-ops are beginning to step in, to provide tools, content and

training. According to Jeff Gooding, director-consumer marketing for Ace Hardware Corp., "At a high level, we educate our retailers on what Ace is doing on behalf of the entire brand from a national level, as well as provide them with best practices and trends in the space."

Specifically, Ace:

. Provides retailers with a page on, customizable for their store, showing the customer their

hours, services, brands, departments, special offers, events, etc.

Offers feeds to all local search engines to make sure member stores appear when customers are searching online.

. Utilizes a dedicated social media section of its intranet to post information on Ace's efforts and provides best practices for its stores.

. Educates its field marketins staff

FEATURE Social Media
broadcast branded, zoned digital content highlighting 14 r hrildlry hodudDbest r tune 2012 q t
DIGITAL DISPLAY hangs from the ceiling of Ridgefield Supply Co., Ridgefield,
Ct., to
the dealers' suppliers, products, services, and Twitter feed.

through monthly calls, so they are able to answer retailer questions in the field.

. Hosts training sessions at its national conventions twice a year, educating dealers on what the co-op is doing in the digital space.

. Meets throughout the year with dealer groups for updates and education.

Grand Rapids, Mi.-based Progressive Affiliated Lumbermen has been heavily promoting the use of social media to its members, starting with its monthly webinars for retailer members and featuring social-media presenters at its annual show.

"We continue to pass on best practices or good ideas from our members to other members," said Joe Myers, membership service manager for PAL. "One member received 1,400 'likes' when they ran an Ugly Kitchen Contest in their market. At last count, we have 70Vo of our members with some level of Facebook page for their company."

Wayne, Pa.-based Lumbermens Merchandising Corp. has also been experimenting with a way to stretch its members' social media arm-even after customers have walked through their front door. LMC members have teamed with Spectrio to install indoor digital signage that can promote their Twitter and RSS feeds and Facebook pages.

LMC members Ridgefield Supply Co., Ridgefield, Ct., and Economy Lumber Co., Campbell, Ca., were already Spectrio customers, using the tech firm's on-hold messaging services, when they began looking into digital signage. The in-showroom screens display their social media feeds, highlighting current specials and video ads, along with local information, news and entertainment items.

"We are now at a moment where the costs for flat panel screens has dropped so low that they have become a viable option for many small businesses, include lumber dealers," said Aaron Kleinhandler, c.e.o. of Spectrio. "Our VideoCasts usually cost around $75 and $150 a month, with some of our customers updating their displays more frequently than others. The outside feeds are refreshed daily, and dealers' messaging can be varied by time of day."

Lyle Lee hos been building custom homes for over 20 yeors. Here is whot he hos to soy obout Roseburg's Engineered Wood Products.

"When building o quolity home, it's importont for oll the froming moferio/s to motch.ln olher words come fogelher os specified in fhe design plons. lf the froming is off by even o 1/.t of on inch, it con cosl me lhousonds of dollors in time ond moleriols I find Roseburg's RFPI@-Joisf ond Rigidlom@ IVL fo be very consislent in width ond deplh. When I use Roseburg's RFPI@-Joist, my floors ore more level, stiffer qnd truer, moking my iob much eosier.

fhis home is 6,000squore feetso I used lJoist ond LVL from severol different unifs ond the monufocturing consislency wos exoctly fhe some. lf you wont to moximize your profit, I would recommend using Roseburg's Engineered Wood Products".

TF 800-24s-l I t5

1 I
Bullding-hodudsorn June2012 r BuiHinghoducbDlest r 15
Wood Products I
Reol Wood Siding
Softwood Plywood I Lumber RFPl6, RigidLom@, RigidRim@ ond Quolity Engineered Wood Products for todoy,s builder@ ore regislered trodemorks of Roseburg Foresl Produch, Roseburg, Oregon

City slicker

f, sronre. On.. is a feisty little city lLhugging a bay etched into the Pacific coastline that separates Oregon from Washington. (Well, boasting a population of just 10000, one's tempted to call it a fishing village.)

Indeed, that's a major industry here, where the wild Columbia River meets the sea-where nature is so unruly that episodes for Ax Men and Deadliest Catch have been filmed for reality TV. Earlier, it charmed and unsettled Lewis and Clark in equal measure when they arrived in 1806, making it the oldest northern settlement west of the Mississippi

City Lumber Co. wasn't a project of those explorers' axes, however, but-launched in 1904, it can lay claim to being the oldest lumberyard in the state-abetted, in large part, by all those fisheries that needed boxes for the cannery (another stat: the largest in the country).

After a succession of ownerssome more savvy than others-in 1975 it caught the eye of Jerry

Newenhof, an entrepreneurial type who'd previously managed a warehouse, served as Sheetrock buyer, and as a manufacturers rep for ceiling tiles. His focus, until his death in 1995, was on the folks in town who needed his services: a strong retail thrust. And that's what continues to drive City's business today, recently voted Best Home Improvement Store in Astoria.

Sons Greg and Jeff, who grew up sweeping sawdust and stocking shelves, pledged to continue that legacy-well, after they took it on as their life's calling. Finishing college, Greg decided to take the summer off to bum around, until an injury at the store found Dad on the phone with a plane ticket back. Jeff's post-college dream was to play golf on all courses in the state. "I got to two or three" before he, too, was corralled. No regrets, they swear. It's all they know and all they love.

Greg manages purchasing, payroll and accounting, while Jeff oversees advertisins and sales. "I'm the one

who gets to talk on the phone," he says on the phone. (He's also the one with the Internet savvy, which we'll get to later.)

And, although they haven't been tapped by the cameramen yet, the business of keeping a home center afloat-nay, prosperous-in this day and age tops many a survivor challenge on reality TV. Business admittedly is down 307c, but, true to Dad's ethos, all I 1 staffers are still on board. "We've never laid off anyone for lack of work-part of Dad's philosophy," says Jeff. "And if we did, it'd take a couple of years to get a new employee up to speed. Besides, we're operating in the black; we're very careful."

Close to lOTa of City Lumber's business is generated by small remodelers and the town's valiant d-i-y brigade. Despite close quarters ("at 6,000 sq. ft., we're jammed to the rafters"), City offers a full panoply of building products: fancy and commodity lumber, myriad types of plywood, moulding, roofing, insulation, toolsand tool rental-and the list goes on. A popular home d6cor department, launched early on by the brothers' mom, flourishes with everything from cabinets and lighting to wallpaper and paint. with in-home measuring services offered.

Lawn & garden also has taken off. The building's exterior is lined with dozens of pallets of soil, bark and mulch-plus vibrant pots of posies. "They add a spot of color-the only one on the block-which sets us apart and brings in traffic." As do the frontand-center Weber grills on sale and also utilized by vendors cooking treats for the public as they showcase their latest and greatest-another facet in that Best in Town award.

Other contributors: Backed by Dad's emphasis on service, "We greet people at the door and take 'em to what they need, and either my brother or I are always on the floor," says Jeff. The service ethic continues to loading and delivery (take that, Home Depot!), so when you order 25 bags of concrete and scores of heavy pavers, there's a boom truck at the ready. Plus a cement mixer in the rental department, or a sander when you buy floor stain.

The Home Depot behemoth that arose five miles away doesn't present a problem. But just before it opened, City's purchasing partner, Do it Best, cautioned to expect a 2OVo drop in sales. "But the first month, we were only down $1,000," smiles Jeff. Chalk

AT 108, Astoria's City Lumber lays claims as Oregon's oldest lumberyard.

up a win for superior service-and services, including propane exchange, pellet storage after payment. pipe threading, key cutting, and free popcorn.

Another business driver is City's Best Rewards Club, offering participants $5 off every $250 in purchases, plus notices of special members-only sales. And how about the annual chance to win $1,000 in a shopping spree? (Again, check out the website; this year's winner looked pretty darn ecstatic.)

Jeff's the go-to guy for the web. "It's my baby, I guess," he allows. "We segued from our first computer in 1983 to a software feature designed to facilitate online sales." City (okay, Jeff) also makes good use of the company's Facebook page and keeps folks titillated with Twitter tweets. such as a recent "Sign of spring, just like the swallows returning to Capistrano: The Adirondack chairs have arrived." "We tweet to announce new products, but with a sense of humor because a simple hard sell gets tuned out."

But City has not abandoned print. It distributes a monthly Do it Best circular and regularly purchases the back page of the newspaper's TV section. And just this week, City moved its message to a full page every Friday, to catch the eyes of the Weekend Warriors about to gear up.

All forward moves in trend with the times. But the best push forward ever, insist both brothers, came in 2006 when they attended a trade show that allowed them to reevaluate their purchasing partner and-bottom lineswitch to Do it Best. "Our former buying association hadn't been honest with us, so we started looking around," says Jeff. "Changing to Do it Best was one of the best moves ever. After making the switch, our business tripled. We only wish we'd done it earlier. lt was an eye-opening experience, offering us a huge variety of products with consistent tracking and deliver service, and a store design crew when we were thinking of expanding, including a survey of 3.000 of our customers."

And the future? "Things are starting to bounce back. Oregon is always behind the rest of the country, so when other dealers were moaning in 2008, we were still doing fine. Now, it's down some. But I'm 52, and I plan to stick around. And my son, Jerry, who's 8, comes in to pop the popcorn and pick up nails-just like I started, a lifetime ago."

Two Coat lxterior Prime

0ur two-coat process starts with an al.kyd sealer to btock tannin migration, fotlowed by a high-performance acrytic primer. The result: RESERVE quatity, inside and out.

Superior Wood

Made of qual.ity, clear, finger-jointed Western Red Cedar or Redwood, these products are naturatty designed for exterior use-both soecies are ideaI for endurinq extreme weather.

Surfacing + Sizes + Lengths

RESERVE products come in a wide range of sizes, lengths and finishes" Whether the project catts for SI52E or S4S, we offer l^engths ranging from 16' to 20'. Pattern stock is atso availabte.

Ix4 - )"x12 s/oy!s/ax!l 2x4 - 2x12

The Finest Stock, The Best Coating

Our Siskiyou Forest Products RESERVE line is specially manufactured and treated to create the highest quality product available. Using state-of-the-art application and curing equipment, our premium Western Red Cedar and Redwood stock is made to last for many generations. We are proud to offer a beautiful, durable product that is ready for installation and final painting the moment it reaches the craftsmen.

S I S ruyOu. FOREST. PRoDUCTS www. siskiyouf orestprod 8O4.427.8253 6275 Hwy 273. Anderson, CA 96007 lurc?Ol2 r BuiHinghoduclsDircst t 17

Why you?

[rvenv sEcMENT of the lumber industry has a value I-llproposition: the mill, the remanufacturer, the office wholesaler, the hybrid office/inventory-on-the-ground wholesaler, the full-service wholesaler, the retailer, and the specialty retailer. Whoever we are, we must be able to know and articulate (sell!) our value.

Let's talk about the wholesale distributor and broker value. They are similar. What value does a good broker bring?

Credit. Most accounts want to use more money than their bank allows. Using a broker can expand and leverage a customer's credit.

Time. It takes time to stay on top of markets. Brokers spend 1007o of their time thinking about-living in-the market. A good broker is looking for deals for us all the time.

Non-standard Product or Delivery. Producers usually have a production mentality. Producers want to sell their product the way it comes out of their plant. When customers need a customized tweak, brokers can often bridge the gap.

Example: The mill produces 2x4 in ratio l-l-2-3-4-4. That is the way they want to sell it. If the customer wants to buy it 0-0-0-6-10, often a broker will sell the shorts to one customer and sell the longs to another.

Consistent Quality, Competitive Price. If the customer wants consistent quality at a competitive price, brokers are a good option. Buying from a single high-line producer will solve the quality issue, but may leave the customer uncompetitive. If the high quality producer is on another product when the need arises, or has sold their production to a higher price level, consistency will be difficult. A broker will be able to keep us in a variety of high-quality product, competitively priced, on a regular basis.

Expertise. A broker may have an expertise in a product or market that is foreign to the buyer. A buyer or business owner may buy 150 products, whereas the broker may deal all day with six to 10 products.

Global Market Knowledge. Producers see the market from their point of view. Customers see the market from their point of view. A broker has the advantage of seeing the market from many points of view.

Hustle. A single supplier can hustle only so much; they have fewer options. A broker has many options to "hustle" for the account.

Negotiation Expertise. Brokers are expert negotiators (or should be). If the account does not want to or is not good at negotiating, using a broker is a great option.

Creativity, New Ideas, Best Practices. Because brokers talk to many different businesses, they are exposed to more ideas than the average person. A good broker always asks questions about what is working. A good broker will keep his accounts up to date on all changes in the market, be it price, product and other trends.

Risk Insurance. Having all our supply eggs in one basket is risky. Brokers are a good balance against supply problems (from a single source).

Market Insurance. The broker who takes positions in the market takes the risk out of the market for their clients. The position of the position-taking broker is, "I am always ahead of the market-heck, I make markets-therefore I will always be your most consistently competitive option."

Proprietary Relationships. Brokers can get accounts into suppliers that are beyond their reach for whatever reason. Accounts can also use brokers to buy from suppliers with whom they have a poor relationship.

Flexibility. Brokers can supply flexibility on terms. Not all, but many, brokers will give preferential terms.

Broker Value Example: We are experts at _ and We have lifetime relationships with producers. These producers count on us to move X amount ofproduct for them every month. We have access to lumber that the average broker doesn't because we are close to and live with the suppliers.

In addition, we have a fleet of truckers who work for us exclusively. While many are having trouble booking loads, we are able to get our customers' product when needed.

We also run many programs and contracts that allow us to mix and match tallies for our customers that are otherwise difficult to find. These

ffiw' programs also keep our customers consistently competitive.

We are financially strong. We have grown with our customers. in very competitive markets, and continue to do so.

What's your value proposition?

OTSEN On Sales
lE r Building hoduds Dlged I lune 2012


OUR PREMIUM IDAHO FOREST GOLDTM LINE is in demand the world over - including Cedar, Idaho White Pine, Ponderosa Pine and Export.



'r:'' ' ..?a::.; : 't-'
In,qF{o6FoREs'r GROUP 208.7 62.6630 |

Mill Creek Grows in Wichita

Mill Creek Lumber & Supply, Tulsa, Ok., has leased a 37,000-sq. ft. facility in Wichita, Ks., that it plans to tum into a door shop, truss manufacturing operation, and showroom. Once the new facility opens on July l, the company's smaller truss shop in Belle Plaine. Ks.. will close.

About 2,400 sq. ft. of the new facility will be used for a sales office and showroom. The remainder will be split between a door shop and the automated floor and roof truss facility.

"We think we can increase our production capability four to five times with this move," said Jay Robinson, who manages the company's operations in Wichita.

NEBM Acquisition Doubles Size of Deering

Deering Lumber, Biddeford, Me., is increasing to four locations after acquiring stores in Sanford and Springvale, Me., from bankrupt New England Building Materials, Sanford.

NEBM filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and closed its three yards in Massachusetts in February, four months after shuttering yards in Springvale and Windham, Me., and

selling three mid-coast Maine branches to Hammond Lumber. NEBM was left with its store and Lavalley Pine eastern white pine sawmill in Sanford.

At the end of April, the Sanford showroom reopened under the Deering name, while the Springvale location is being remodeled in hopes of reopening this month. NEBM retained the sawmill, and its products will be sold at Deering stores.

The firm started with just the mill in 1943, operating as Lavalley Lumber until 2009, when it purchased the three Massachusetts yards from Stock Building Supply and became NEBM.

LiteSteel Packs lt ln

Australian steel manufacturer OneSteel has shuttered its LiteSteel Technologies light structural beam business.

LiteSteel's three-year-old plant in Troutville, Va., discontinued production March 30.

Although the division was unable to turn a profit marketing "the first new structural building product to be introduced into the U.S. market since engineered wood," it reportedly achieved 70Vo recognition in a mainly commodity market.

r DEALER Briefs

Timberline Enterprises, Gloucester, Ma., applied to add a lumberyard in Newburyport, Ma.


Do-lt Center,

Galesburg, ll., lost its lumber warehouse in an April 29 fire.

Builders FirstSource early this month opened a 25,000-sq. ft. yard on 5 acres in Clarksville, Tn.

Woodson Lumber hetd a June 1-2 grand opening for its new store in Groesbeck, Tx., after merging its Woodson Feed & Farm location with the nearby Woodson Lumber & Hardware.

84 Lumber closed its Riverhead, N.Y., yard, consolidating operations at its recently remodeled store in Patchogue, N.Y.

Wise Ace Hardware, Lake City, Mn., opened an 8,000-sq. ft. branch in Stewartville, Mn., May 8.

Bassett's Do-lt-Best Hardwafe, Port Clinton, Oh., has expanded by 5070 to 15,000 sq. ft.

Pellicci Ace Hardw?ro is no longer renting in Farmington, Mn.moving to a slightly larger, 11,000-sq. ft. building that it owns.

Ace Hardware, Fox Lake, ll., closed at the end of May after 57 years.

Habitat for Humanity netd grand openings April 21 for new Restore discount home centers in Albert Lea, Mn.; Sheboygan, Wi,, and Wlliamsburg, Va.

Gary's Ace Hardware, Culpeper, Va., opened May 15 in the former 12,000-sq. ft. home of Matt's Ace Hardware, which closed a year ago (Gary Walker, new owner).

Panther Valley Lumber, Lansford, Pa.; Sunbuly Ace Hardware, Columbus, 0h., and Porters Building Centers, Kearney, Mo., added U-Haul truck and trailer rentals.

Rocky's Ace Hardware opened a 12,000-sq. ft. "new concept" store May 19 in Westfield, Ma.

Gillards True Value. Albion and Grayville, ll., received the go-ahead to build a 15,000-sq. ft. store in Carmi, ll., for a fall opening.

of Hardwood Decking, lumber & Flooring TRIM 6( LUMBER CO. Bt azilirn Hardwood Specialists Your direct source for Ipe, Tigerwood, Garapa, and Cumaru decking Many OptiorsTo Choocc Rom: l) Shipping from our Bmzilian Mills direct to your job site or lumberyard 2) Custom Millingavailablefro- ou, U.S. Facilities ^tab\e 3l Blindshippingisalsoavailable .-q\X I m;u#H.r*nr. co m/wholesare $ 20 r BuiHing hoducDig€d r tune20l2 BuiHinglhodudsom
Direct lmporters

Unlike Fake $hakes, Cedar $hakes & $hinules are Genuine!

Rgal lfaClt figC0fd used, tested, and proven for centuries!

Rgal Pf0tegti0n nignest wind resistance, highest insulation value, available with Class 4 Hail Resistance and warrantied Class A Fire Treatment

Real IOW MaintenanGe Avairabre with 5O year warrantied factory pressure preservative treatment, virtually eliminates upkeep.

Hgal BgaUly Natural Enduring charm, often lmitated, but never Duplicated.

Rgal EC0l0giCSl n truty renewabte resource, lowest in energy use and pollution in production.

Real UalUg Check with your distributor for cedar prices compared to fakes, or contact us for supply assistance.

) \ \ \ ,^
{n BIrlEl L la2 tr1" I Forestry lnrovaflor hveslfielt

UFPI Buys Southeast's MSR

Universal Forest Products, Grand Rapids, Mi., has purchased the assets of MSR Forest Products, Haleyville, Al, a supplier of roof trusses and cut-to-size lumber to the region's manufactured housing producers.

UFPI will merge its existing Haleyville operations with the operations of MSR. Also included in the deal was MSR's plant in Waycross, Ga.

In 201l, MSR had annual sales of $10 million.

"MSR has been a strong company that has grown its success with great determination and skill," said UFPI c.e.o. Matthew J. Missad. "However, with shrinking volume in the manufactured housing arena, it was difficult to maintain efficiencies and create profitable business. This move will benefit both companies. In addition, it allows Universal to underscore our commitment to maintain our leadership position in the industry in which we got our start, manufactured housing."

MSR principals Richard Roberson and Eddie Gamble will stay on as consultants to the Universal operation for five years.

Shuttered Door Plant Revived

Millwork Products LLC, Paducah, Ky., has expanded to the Carolinas, Tennessee and Virginia, after taking over Jeld-Wen's prehung door plant in Wilkesboro, N.C.

Jeld-Wen closed the six-year-old, 48,000-sq. ft. facility in early April. Millwork Products subsidiary Jenkins Millworks moved in about six weeks later, rehiring most of the 54 former workers.

OsmoSe has agreed to be acquired by Oaktree Capital Management, Los Angeles, Ca.

Osmose's existing management team, led by presidenUc.e.o. James Spengler, will remain.

Beacon Roofing Supply has agreed to acquire 6-unit roofing dishibutor Cas'sady Pi6rce Cb., eittsourgn, ea. BillVernal will remain Cassady Pierce president.

Masonite International Corp., Tampa, Fl., completed its acquistion of Algoma Hardwoods, with door manufacturing operations in Algoma, Wi., and Jefferson City, Tn.

Superior Gedar Products, Carney, Mi., lost a 21,000sq. ft. production facility in a May 19 fire.

Post Hardwoods, Hamilton, Mi., suffered $3 million in damages from an April27 fire that destroyed four of its six buildings.

Redwood Empire, San Jose, Ca., has launched a new part of a new marketing campaign to emphasize the increased availability of uppergrade redwood.

The site provides the distribution community, architects, contractors and homeowners with information on the environmental attributes and natural durabilig of redwood.

Capital Lumber's DCs in Dallas and Houston, Tx., are now distributing Railing Dynamics' new pre-assembled RDI Metal Works Excalibur railing system.

American Building Components, Rome, N.Y., was named Vendor of the Year by Ward Lumber, Jay, N.Y.

Hancock Lumber, Casco, Me., has been nameo exporter of the year by the Maine International Trade Center.

Parksite, Apex, N.C., now distributes Arborite nign pressure laminate in Florida.

3" to 48'

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Feldman Wood Products, Garden City, N.Y., now distributes fasteners from Screw Products Inc.

CertainTeed is expanding production of metal building insulation to its plant in Kansas City, Ks.

Eastman Chemical Co.'s Perennial Wood received honorable mention for the Mrorurrr Award for Material of the Year from Material ConneXion.

Deceuninck North America's window products have been GreenCircle certified for recycled content and closedJoop oroducts.

Anniversaries: LeBlanc's True Value Hardware, Manchester, N.H., 75th Porters Building Genters, Kearney, Mo., 60th Busy Beaver Buildin-q Genters, Harmai Pa., 50th Madison Township Eumber & Supply Co., Matawan, N.J., 50th Gedai Siding Inc., Rochelle, ll., 25th

New site: ProVia, Sugarcreek, Oh.,

rffqr)fl, l:::3$::^?J',','.',', Wd/ ilil";,11?J?3."i"
22 r &rilding Producb Dlged t June 2012 &rildingrftodudsom

Uf$fttr***,n*ffi IOO-333.rQnI


0isbribution from Milwaukee, Wl, Chicago, lL qnd &&bite, AL

$tocking lp6, Garapa, Tigenruood, Cumaru mdsther exnCic species

Decking in 1 x4, 1 x 6, 1 x8,5/4x4, V4x 6,

Dimensional sizes inW4 x8,514 x 12, ? x4,2 x 6, P x 8,3 x1?

Heavy Sections 3x 3, 3 x 8, &x 4,4 x6, 4 x 12, 6 x 6

0ther sizes available,sn rsquesf

Grooved for hidden fastenqrs, T&G porch decking, Sidings and Rain $crcens

Ability to produce specialty patterns

0ver four decades of providing ,e6e Ferrbrmence

Lumb Fo*M

* I * ] ) t I ) *


MOVERS & Sftakers

Paul Burke, ex-Cape Cod Lumber Co., is new to the purchasing department at Boston Cedar, Mansfield, Ma.

Ty Babb, ex-Pella, has joined Buck Lumber & Building Supply, Charleston, S.C., as sales mgr. of the window department.

Nick Fitzgerald, ex-Universal Forest Products, has been named branch mgr. at Building Products Inc., Council Bluffs,Ia.

Lori Grenier has been promoted to director of customer satisfaction for Emery-Waterhouse, Portland, Me.

Steven Salter is a new buyer at Great Southern Wood Preserving, Abbeville, Al.

Webb Moncure has joined Fiberon, New London, N.C., as a Product specialist for Virginia.

Derek DeMeo has been named treated sales mgr. for Holbrook Lumber, Albany, N.Y.

Jason Olding, ex-Krosswood Doors, was named Midwest territorY sales mgr. for Boral TruExterior Trim, covering In., Oh., Il., Mi., and Wi. He is based in Indianapolis,In.

Jim Jenkins, ex-Boise Cascade, has joined Huber Engineered Woods, as region sales mgr. covering central Va. and eastern W.V.

Judith Taylor is a new account mgr. at Capital Lumber, Houston, Tx.

Dennis Lowry, ex-Builders FirstSource, is a new wall panel sPecialist at American Builders SuPPlY, Sanford, Fl.

Ben Cobb has been promoted to v.p. of finance & operations at Home Builders Supply Co., Greenville, N.C.

Dave Sorichetti is the new controller at Universal Builders Supply, New Rochelle, N.Y.

Kent Gardner, Beacon Roofing Supply, Peabody, Ma., has been promoted to executive v.p. of the west division. encompassing Pacific Supply, Shelter Distribution-Southwest, and Shelter Distribution-Midwest.

Michael Hennessy is a new commercial sales rep at McCoy's Building Supply, Tomball, Tx.

Bob Frederich is new to sales at Sitka Forest Products, Chicago, Il.

Steven P. James has been named chief financial officer for Frank Miller Quartersawn Hardwood, Union City,In.

James Ian Brandt has been named wood products division mgr. for Robert Weed Corp., Bristol,In.

Ruth Lee-Clark has joined Habitat for Humanity as mgr. of the ReStore discount home center in St. Johns, Mi.

Erin Kersten is now product marketing mgr. for James Hardie Building Products, Chicago,Il.

Charlie Meyer has retired as v.P.sales at Ferche Millwork, Rice, Mn. Ted Willougby, ex-Milgard, is now v.p.-sales & marketing.

Tim St. Louis is general mgr. of the new Menards in Owensboro, Ky.

Julie Roberson, ex-Georgia Pacific, is now manager of human resources, safety & environment at Anthony Forest Products, El Dorado, Ar., after the retirement of Lynda Anthony. Larry Horn, exMcGehee Equipment, is now mgr.operations and quality control at the mill in Urbana, Ar.

Scott Sproul has been promoted to national retail performance mgr. for Do it Best Corp., Fort Wayne,In.

Rick Damron has been promoted to chief operating officer of Lowe's, Mooresville, N.C. Gregory Bridgeford is now chief customer officer; Bob Gfeller, customer experience design executive; Tom Lamb, chief marketing officer; Mike Mabry, digital interfaces executive; Dennis Knowles, U.S. stores executive; Brent Kirby, sales & service fulfillment executive; Richard Maltsbarger, new business development executive; Brian Peace, corporate administration executive, and Doug Robinson, head of international operations & development.

Anne Brannan, ex-Akzo Nobel, is a new product mgr. at LouisianaPacific, Nashville, Tn., handling CanExel and SmartSide products for Canada and Europe.

Dale Skiles is now national account mgr. at Nissan Forklift Corp., Marengo, Il.

Bob Thompson retires June 28 from Western Forest Products, Vancouver, B.C., after 38 years.

David Wiley, ex-Valley Power Equipment, is heading the new 4,000-sq. ft. rental business at Milton True Value, Milton, N.Y.

Jeffery Letherer is now v.p. of Letherer Truss & Wall Systems Inc., Clare, Mi.

Jason Stapleton, owner, Buck's Building Supply, Williston, S.C., was honored by the North American Retail Hardware Association as a Young Retailer of the Year, along with Chris Miller, v.p./c .f .o., Parker Lumber, Beaumont, Tx.; Isaac Smith, head of marketing & purchasing, Matt's Cash & Cany Building Materials, Pharr, Tx.; Michael Townsend, v.p.-operations, Townsend Building Supply, Enterprise, Al., and John Obermeier, store mgr., Obermeier Hardware & Rental Rockport, In.

Turner Hoff is the new company electrician at Mungus-Fungus Forest Products, Climax, Nv., report owners Hugh Mungus and Freddy Fungus.

Cedar Siding Inc. Upgrades Composite Coating System

Cedar Siding Inc., Rochelle, Il., is installing new industrial mixing equipment to provide composite siding with improved color matching, durability, and resistance to fading

and scratching.

Traditionally, the company has produced paint like a typical paint store would, starting with a base and adding colorants to arrive at the desired color. Unfortunately, the added colorants actually reduce the quality of the coating.

"While our customers and the siding installer out on the jobsite like the DuraColor coating we have been using from PPG, they will love the new DuraColor Intermix," said CSI director of sales & marketing Shawn Enoch. "It's the same resin technology people have grown to trust with the DuraColor product. However, by taking nine base colors and mixing them in various proportions as deemed by a computer generated formula, we will arrive at the desired color. The paint will only contain factory ground pigments and no colorants will be added."

In addition to the Intermix system from Rexon, CSI is also installing a spray line designed specifically for fiber cement and engineered wood products. Real cedar siding will continue to be prestained using its modified flow coat system, considered the premier technology for coating wood.

Ca ry H a mi lton, Ho mi lton Construction

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Southern pine industry eyes recovery signals

f\unlNc rHrs FrRSr uer-p of 2012, some faint glimmers of Lf hope have appeared for the recovery of home construction markets, perhaps in the not-too-distant future.

Building permits are up one month, down a bit the next. Indexes measuring builder confidence have reached a plateau, while production volume of southern pine lumber runs ahead of last year's pace-a good sign. Uncertainty prevails. The lumber industry remains cautiously optimistic, recalling the last prosperous days of 2005, when a modern-era record of 19 billion bd. ft. of southern pine was produced; 13.34 billion bd. ft. was produced in 201l.

With those facts as context. SP lumber dealers can rest assured that America's first lumber species will be readily available in a wide range of sizes and grades to meet the demands of most any construction project. Add the features of pressure treatment with the latest preservatives, southern pine outshines nonwood alternatives for building outdoors, too, or where conditions for decay and termite attack warrant added protection from the elements.

The Southern Forest Products Association provides a

collection of resources to help dealers and distributors improve their southern pine sales. SFPA materials not only help train employees, but also educate customers on the proper selection and application of SP lumber. Dealers know the value southern pine provides for their customers: dependable strength, exceptional treatability, and attractive appearance. And on a daily basis, SFPA supports dealers and distributors with the sales help they need.

Remodeling market features southern pine patterns

With new home construction creeping along, contractors are staying occupied with remodeling projects. Southern pine offers a long list of possibilities: exterior siding for room additions, plus flooring, paneling, ceiling patterns, and trim to dress up the inside. Mark Junkins of McShan Lumber Co., McShan, Al., offers some insights: "I've been surprised at how well the pattern market has held up in view of the drastic drop in housing. Of course, this is understandable since patterns have a strong position in the remodeling market. A contributing factor has been the rediscovery of wood as a green building product. It doesn't hurt that southern pine is beautiful and strong, which makes it well suited for indoor applications... plus, its sustainability is beyond question."

Dealers must remember that wood is a natural insulator, contributing to energy efficiency and lower utility bills. The look of real wood for wall paneling and ceilings adds a dramatic flair to all rooms. SP patterns are readily available in long lengths to eliminate or reduce splices. Clear or semi-transparent finishes draw attention to southern pine's distinctive grain. Not sure which pattern will be a bestseller? Review the information and product samples pictured in SFPA's booklet "Southern Pine Patterns," available as a PDF download at

SP flooring can enhance the look of any indoor space, whatever the d6cor. A wood floor adds comfort and value, not to mention being a premium alternative to carpeting or ceramic tile. Selling more southern pine flooring, paneling and other specialty items starts by knowing the proper installation and maintenance tips. SFPA offers a comprehensive guide to both interior flooring and exterior porch flooring. "Southern Pine Flooring" can be downloaded as a PDF from

lncrease treated lumber sales

Deck builders and handy do-it-yourselfers can find the key information needed to build durable, code-compliant

SPECIAL Focus Southern Forest Products
SOUTHERN PINE dimension lumber remains shong and dependable, 26 r Building hoducDigea r lurrc?fll2 Building-Produdsom
Wfb- lllv'pBlG" 1,9 E K^/rd, qr,/"* ! i.til i;;1 \-;; eetm,ngcr lminatad hnamlnS 1:l^tt aM 811e" $tasdffiil wiffihs at l.iolst eolryatihls de$ln, tsr lss$ Gwt! 1.9E-2400F0 design property offered l-joist compatible depths (lJC) of 9112, 1171a,14,16 & 18 inches plus lumber depths of 91/+ & 111/q inches Balanced lay-up, no camber for multi-span and cantilever applications Call 1-800-221-2926 for distributor locations MK Power Lof Qn,im* ffi Treated Glulam 309 N. Washington I El Dorado, AR 71730 I 800-221 -2326 | @Anthony Farest Products Conpany I I T I I Certified Green Product Easy to specify Available from El Dorado. AR and Washington, GA Reduced SKUs Vtr/rrl, Trruttrw* ex w@*t6 rceqAi l+#-_?s t* Power 1eanl@ Power Jois9 SYP Lumber

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decks and porches by visiting SFPA's website, The site covers steps in the building proccss, explains why treated southern pine decking is the preferred material, and even offers specification tips. Links to American Wood Council's Prescri;ttive Residential Wood Deck C o t s t r uct o rt G u i de appear throughout thc site.

"This sitc tells peoplc why prcssure-treated southern pinc remains thc best material when building outdoors," says SFPA's Richard Kleiner. "There's a lclt of infbrmation and nrisinformation out there about the pros and cons of using real wood versus composites."

Help for buiiding outdoors is available in print, too. SFPA has highlighted the online information and published a l2-page booklet, Southern Pine Decks & Porches. Aimed at professional deck builders and advanced d-i-yers, it offers design and construction guidance. Photos of completed decks and porches showcase what treated southern pine lumber can do to naturally enhance any landscape. Like the online material, generous references to AWC's construction guide are included. A PDF download of this new publication is available at

Many producers of treated products offer their own educational programs for dealers and their customers. "Working in collaboration with SFPA and others, our robust continuing education program keeps designers and builders keenly aware that pressuretreated southern yellow pine is much more than decking boards," reports Keith Harris, marketing vice president for Cox Industries, Orangeburg, S.C. "Our dealers are finding a very strong market for our variety of specialty products, such as laminated timber columns, treated and primed trim boards. alternative stabilized treated decking, as well as fire-retardant treated material. It certainly doesn't hurt that all of these products are made tiom the most sustainable and renewable building material on the planct: southern yellow pine."

Green getting attention

According to a recent report by McGraw-Hill Construction and NAHB. the market share for "green" homes is expected to surpass $i100 billion over the next five years. Green building was nearly 20a/c of the market last year. Homebuyers pcrceive a green (Continuetl on puge 30)

knowing you're covered. / .'^ Jr/r,,,fnr'{/t
Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company {!r!!. { !rr:rr1,.trl'5{lil,:irr.',.Ji,ti}a 1r!;il1.,,iliiriii. \iil:i' :-r;!l i i:i:ii:r'1r'i1:iilri, 1", j'iii.!.i i lr'1; l";i.;i;.':-1 r. i,'iri:r SERVING CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES PrrurusvlvANrA LunaeEnMr.rvs MuruRL
28 r Building Produds Digesr r June 2012 Building-Productrom

SP Glulams Remain a Top Performer

Many dealers are growing their southern pine sales by offering a line of stock glued laminated beams. Available in a variety of standard widths and depths, glulam products are ideal for garage door, window and door headers, center girder and floor edge beams, plus roof ridge beams and commercial beams and purlins.

Treated glulam beams and columns have become popular in

raised floor construction, raised wood decks using longer spans, coastal residential construction applications, and in areas prone to excessive moisture exposure. Manufacturers have taken an active role in telling customers about the impacts of new design values for visually graded southern pine dimension Iumber.

Kerlin Drake, v.p., Anthony Forest Products, El Dorado, Ar., offers

an update: "With the reduction of certain southern pine design values, representatives of the glulam industry took quick action on retaining the design values of southern pine glued laminated products that use visually graded dimension lumber.

"While serving on the Southern Pine Inspection Bureau's technical committee dealing with southern pine design value reductions, I communicated directly with designers, using an APA/AITC white paper that justifies keeping the same design values for our stock 24OOF-1.8E glulam products. The validation of current glulam design was assured by existing special grading rules for glulam laminating stock over the standard visual rules for dimension lumber, along with a successful full-scale testing program to destruction using actual 2400F beam production."

GLUED LAMINATED columns and beams are well-suited for both residential and lioht commercial applications.
HAY WHITE LUMBER COMPANY Sparkman, Arkansas Phone; (870) 226-6850 . (870) 678-2277 . Fax: (8701 678-2522 The White Family - Seruing the Lumber lndustry for Four Generations t{igh Quality Arkansas Southern Yellow Pine Boards, Pattern Stock and 5/4 Square Edge, Flooring, Beaded Geiling, l05, 1 16, 117, l 1g, 122, 131, l39, 514x12 Nosing. BnlHing-Products,om June 2012 r Building hoduds Digest t E
FULL-SCALE TESTING validates current glulam design.

home to be built to a higher quality standard with the potential to save them money over years of ownership.

Every day, the South's abundant forests are removing and storing carbon from the atmosphere. Forest management increases carbon storage by harvesting older. slower-growing trees and replacing them with younger trees.

Life-cycle analysis is an objective, science-based method to compare environmental impacts of product choices and building assemblies. In a life-cycle analysis of building materials. southern nine is unmatched. It

begins and ends naturally. From harvest to home, SP products are some of the most environmentally sustainable and regulated materials in the world, manufactured and distributed according to forest certification standards.

Treated southern pine offers not only a good value to customers, but also a green solution for building outdoors. When compared with nonwood alternatives, the manufacture of treated SP decking requires dramatically less energy and fewer finite resources. Selling treated SP lumber gives dealers the satisfaction of knowins that the

material not only features a long service life, but reduces demands on America's forestlands for replacements of decayed untreated materials.

Southern pine online

These days, more dealers having difficulties sourcing specific southem pine products are turning to SFPA's online product locator. Here, dealers can search among 400+ product listings and be directed right to the manufacturers' contact information. It's a handy, time-saving tool and just a few clicks away at SFPA members regularly update their product listings, assuring on-time delivery to dealers and distributors.

The locator is also an opportunity for SFPA members to list hard-to-find items. "Delivering a quality product is our number one priority, and a dealer has many options when ordering," notes Ron Coker, sales and marketing manager, Hood Industries, Hattiesburg, Ms. "Offering long lengths plus the anti-mold protection on all our products are popular selling points."

In addition to the product locator, is the authoritative resource for product information. The site now offers more features, easier navigation, and the latest product

Innovation & Performance S PA *'1 ffi T,:,::,,;::I,T:D U C T S Phone: BOO-7 63-01 39 o Fax: 864-6ss-31o1 www. spartan bu rgfo restp rod u cts. co m 30 I BuiHirU hoducb Dircst I lune 2012 Bnildingihodudson
TREATED SOUTHERN pine remains the best value for building outdoors

details. Within its publications section, SFPA's lumber library is a collection of helpful titles that dealers can rely on to help educate themselves and their customers about the proper selection and use of SP materials.

The best foundation

A new home starts with a solid foundation. For over l0 years, SFPA has actively touted the merits of raised wood floor foundation systems. Successful dealers know that when they promote raised floor foundations, they can add fully a third more lumber to the typical framing package.

"For today's informed homebuyer and builder, a raised wood floor system is the premium foundation choice, with exceptional advantages in terms of aesthetics, comfort, security, and ease of construction," says Cathy Kaake, SFPA's senior director of engineered and framing markets.

Southern pine's dependable strength and availability offers builders the best option for beams and floor joists. Cost-conscious contractors have discovered that treated wood pilings can provide significant savings over a traditional concrete grade beam with masonry piers when building a raised floor home. A wood floor system can also save the builder time and reduce labor costs.

SFPA's presents all the facts and selling points of this proven foundation concept. The site is conveniently divided into two sections-one for consumers and one for professionals. The pro side offers a handy locator to find a local architect, engineer, designer or contractor experienced in raised wood floor construction techniques.

SFPA-at your service

The products dealers sell are the result of the latest man-


What begins as a seedling in our nursery reaches its full potential in our forests.

Certified Chain of Custody Southern Yellow Pine wood products - dimension lumbet timbers, boards, and pattern stock - produced by Westervelt Lumber bring superior quality to the customer, and integrity to our organization's longstanding environmental commitment.

ufacturing technologies. Every two years, SFPA sponsors the Forest Products Machinery & Equipment Exposition to showcase the best in new technology to increase manufacturing efficiency. In the long run, this event adds value to the manufacturing process, impacting the products dealers can deliver to their customers. Find info on the next show - Expo 2013at

SFPA's founding motto back in 1915 was SERVICE. As the association approaches its 100th year, it continues to conduct a wide range of promotional programs and services to assist lumber suppliers everywhere. With healthier markets on the horizon, SFPA can help assure the long-term success of the southern pine lumber trade. Get more info on SFPA programs and services at

REMODELING PROJECTS call for southern pine patterns.
Visit for additional information. WnsregyELT LUMBER (800) 613-5963 Mounrlville, Alabama .i,,.i j -"+J'" "'. 1 fl,;frltri fuildingPrcducb.corn lune?Il.l2 r Building Producb Diged r 31

SLMA looks ahead while celebrating SOth

flncrc rN 1962, framing lumber markets were impacted -LDUy western softwoods shipped into the South and East as a result of discriminatory rail freight rates. Lumber used in federally insured housing was required by the government to be grademarked by an approved grading agency. Hardwood stumpage was inexpensive and plentiful. Yet the southeastern lumber industry lacked formal representation to protect itself against such challenges.

Mobilized by the recognized need for organization, education and cohesiveness, a small group of lumbermen called a meeting in October 1961 to discuss the lack of organized representation of the southeastern lumber manufacturer with regards to marketing and promotion, discriminatory rail rates from competing regions, grademarking irregularities, and building code problems. A total of 46 lumber manufacturers attended from Alabama, Florida,



Georgia's Leading Producer of Southern Pine Lumber for the South, Northeast & Midwest

$PlD. CraOe

Marked SYP

MSR 24oOl2.0E, MSR 1650f 1.5E

All MSR is pulled to a #1 wane rule (1W)

Grades: #1,#t"#g

Dimensions= 2x4 thru 2x12

Lengths:8'thru 20'

We offer Individual Pack Bagging & Whole Car Wrap

the NS and CSX railroads

Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. During this meeting, a motion was adopted to form a new regional association to be named the Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association. The new group would be comprised of lumber manufacturers only. The minimum number of 50 members was met, and the association commenced operations on July | , 1962, in Atlanta, Ga.

This first year was a banner one for SLMA. The first Buyers Guide was published (including 52 active members), a southern pine promotional booklet was printed, a trademark was adopted, and the association's first print advertisement was placed.

Over the next several decades, SLMA maintained a leadership role in the industry, informing and guiding members on timely manufacturing topics, including rail rates, transportation issues, grading, standards, wage scale reports, government affairs, workers' comp insurance, and national and regional forest issues.

On the marketing side, the association remained a strong supporter of member sales goals and bolstered their efforts via species-specific marketing activities, market development tools and information, educational seminars, export knowledge, Canadian import awareness, and much more. It was through unswerving efforts and industry influence that SLMA came to be a valued investment and partner to lumber manufacturers across the South.

Lumber lndustry Legends

During the first fiscal year of SLMA, C. Victor Beadles of Beadles Lumber was elected as the association's firstever vice president, going on to become president a few years later in 1967 Still an active part of the family's lumber business in Moultrie, Ga., Mr. Beadles recently reflected on the start of SLMA and how issues facing the independent lumber industry are different-and the same-50 years later.

"Technology is certainly different," said Beadles. "Years ago there were smaller mills, more of them and production was much less per mill. Not everything had to be grademarked. Trade promotion, grading and standards, buyers guides, and other common issues will always be better addressed at an association level."

Commenting on the association overall, Beadles said, "While some things may have changed, our need for an association has not. We need someone in Washington. Politicians need to know that lumber is well represented; our voice can be heard so much better if we're united behind an organization."

SLMA founding member Harold Beal, recognized for

Southern Forest Products
6;Wgl+"' our Mills are serviced by ),JH:L
32 r tuilding hoducb Diget r lurc 2012 &rildingihodu<trom

his association efforts in 1964 with a resolution adopted by SLMA membership, was a true catalyst in the southern pine industry. His long-time involvement with the Southeastern Pine Marketing Institute (founded in 1956 in Savannah, Ga.) included participation in freight association hearings and softwood lumber standards meetings. His clearly defined viewpoint of the challenges facing the southern pine lumber industry-from forest to construction to house-illustrated his knowledgeable, dedicated and persuasive personality. Beal foresaw, long before many of his peers, the need for a strong organization of independent lumber manufacturers from the South. Much of the formation and early successes of SLMA can be attributed to his hard work and efforts.

In 1986, the SLMA board approved the establishment of the Harold F. Beal Memorial Award for the member who has performed outstanding beneficial service to the southern lumber industry and the association.

SLMA Today

Still going strong in Atlanta, the core values upon which SLMA was founded remain strong: to represent independent lumber manufacturers across the region and develop timely programs and information sources to meet their needs. Now representing 209 members in 17 states, SLMA is a well-rounded association dedicated to perpetuating family-owned lumber businesses, regardless of size, that are the essence of their communities.

SLMA president Bryan Smalley sees the past echoed in the future, with an association structured to harness the energies of the independent lumber manufacturer and their allies: "With a continuously strengthening emphasis on what launched the association- government affairs, marketing, management and operational issues-SLMA remains as relevant today as it was in 1962.We will continue to build cohesion among our members, creating a voice to be acknowledged in local, state and federal governments. Our members are thought leaders with regard to best practices, maximizing new technologies and benchmarking activities to build a better association for the future. We are honored to serve as partners to our members and to navigate the everchanging lumber industry with them towards their continued success."

For more on SLMA, visit or on Facebook at "Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association."

Free Selling Tools for SP

Dealers and retailers looking for solid pro-wood information for both their employees and their customers need look no further than the Real Outdoor Living website (

Chock-full of information on pressure treated wood, this site includes myth-busting facts (pressure-treated wood is high maintenance? Not really!) and solid, thirdparty environmental information confirming wood as the best, most earth-friendly building material for outdoor projects.

Of special note to those selling wood: the "Lumber Retailers/ Dealers" tab on the main home page. Click through and discover a wealth of knowledge and informationevery single bit of it free. Videos, podcasts, sell sheets, and more focus on the merits of wood.

The stars of the show? Free selling tools for lumber dealers nationwide. Check out the poster, rack card, and easy-to-carry pocket guide. Beautiful to look at and infor-

mative to read, all three pieces reflect the warmth and beauty of real wood.

Hang the poster in your sales office or showroom as a conversation starter. Place the rack cardsEnglish on the front, Spanish on the back-by your registers for customers to pick up and take home, furthering their knowledge (and the chance they'll come back to purchase their wood). Distribute the handy, foldable pocket guide to your entire staff-share it with builders you know, architect friends, even homeowners searching for the perfect decking material.

Designed for everyone, these pieces will help bridge the informational gap when it comes to persistent and inaccurate misinformation about real wood.

For more information, visit or on Facebook at "Wood." SLMA's YouTube channel offers numerous podcasts and informational videos, as well (
Because Appearance Matters... "Everything We Make Is Appearance Grade" Patterns - Stepping - Dressed Boards Rough Sawn Boards Mixed Trucks - Railcars M$S HAN --Jil';,il:;ffH1f,", (205\ 575-6277 Band Sawn - Steam Dried - Certified Southern Yellow Pine Lumber Since 1907 LUME ES{ lune 2012 I &riHing Producb DiFd r 33

Now Effective: New SP Design Values

Effective June l, it's important for lumber dealers to understand that some-not all-grades and sizes of visually graded southern pine now have new design values. Earlier this year, American Lumber Standard Committee's Board of Review approved the design values changes submitted by the grading rules-writing agency, the Southern Pine Inspection Bureau.

The only design values that changed on June I apply to visually graded Southern Pine and Mixed Southern Pine sized 2" to 4" wide and 2" to 4" thick (2x2s through 4x4s) in No. 2 and lower grades (No. 2, No. 3, Stud, Construction, Standard and Utility). This also includes new design values for No. 2 Dense and No. 2 NonDense Southern Pine.

Design values for all other grades and sizes of visually graded southern pine remain the same, pending results of testing scheduled for completion later this year. As a result, SPIB issued Supplement No. 9 to the2O02 Standard Grading Rules for Southern Pine Lumber providing the new design values, effective June 1, 2012. The new values represent a 25Vo to 307o reduction in load-carrying capacity.

The last major change for visually graded dimension lumber occurred in 1991, when design values for southern pine and other North American species were published based on in-grade testing of full-size samples of commercially produced lumber. Since 1994, SPIB has conducted an annual resource monitoring program developed in collaboration with the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory. SPIB is the first rules-writing agency to publish new design values reflecting these changes. Rules-writing agencies responsible for other species are in different stages for evaluating design values.

Dealers have options

Lumber dealers need to understand that, in spite of the lower design values now in effect, options exist for using southern pine materials. One option is to specify that a customer use a larger size and/or higher grade of visually graded southern pine lumber. Another

option is to use machine stress rated lumber and mechanically evaluated lumber. Those in the building supply chain also need to understand that design values for mechanically graded lumber, timbers and specialty items did not change. For all products, sources of supply can be found within SFPA's online Product Locator at

What about codes?

New design values are incorporated into the building codes by reference through the National Design Specification (NDS). The American Wood Council (AWC) has issued an addendum to its Design Values for Wood Construction, a supplement to the NDS, referencing the new southern pine values. AWC is submitting new span and application tables to the International Codes Council, as well as proposing other code and standard changes needed to incorporate new design values into the building codes.

State and local code jurisdictions determine adoption and enforcement timelines. Rules-writing agencies are responsible for making new design values publicly available upon approval by the ALSC Board of Review. SFPA and AWC are actively assisting these efforts by providing the new information to the design, specification, user and enforcement communities. It is then the responsibility of building code jurisdictions to determine how and when to begin enforcement.

lmportant next steps

Throughout the transition period and moving forward, SFPA has continued to provide more information as it becomes available. Check frequently for updates. Dealers will find many of

their questions answered by reviewing a comprehensive set of Q&A on the site; visit the page tagged New Design Values.

"Since last fall. SFPA has worked closely with organizations representing lumber dealers to keep them informed of the market implications these changes might have," says Cathy Kaake, SFPA's senior director of engineered and framing markets. "The intent of the sixmonth transition period was to allow the marketplace time to begin to use the new design values or switch to other southern pine grades or sizes meeting strength and stiffness requirements."

SFPA does not test lumber or establish design values. Its primary function is to market lumber products and to help users understand SP grading rules and design values.

Moving forward, the southern pine industry will fill out the full ingrade testing matrix, sampling Select Structural 2x4s, No. 2 and Select Structural 2x8s, and No.2 and Select Structural 2x10s. SPIB and Timber Products will conduct destructive tests in bending, tension and compression, plus gather stiffness and property data. Following this in-grade reassessment, southern pine will continue to be annually monitored with destructive tests.

Southern pine's strength remains comparable to other softwood species used in residential and commercial construction. "The strength and superior treatability of southem pine lumber against decay and termites continues to provide a great value for manufacturers, designers, builders and consumers." Kaake notes. "The extensive testing protocols used assure that everyone involved in the specification, sale and use of our products has the most current information about how southern pine lumber can be used confidently and economically.

"Component manufacturers, treaters and design-build professionals have many southern pine product options available to them. These customers can achieve the required product performance by identifying a particular design value, choosing from a number of visual grade selections, or specifying their choice of mechanically graded lumber."

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Advanced Building Products has re-introduced Mortar Maze.

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il8 r BuildingProducbDigest r June2012
NORTHEASTERN LUMBER Manufacturers Association held its annual convention April26-27 at Seaport Hotel, Boston, Ma. [1] Dan Paige, Dan Carrier. [2] Win Smith, Richard Cholette, Dante Diorio. [3] Gail Hedstrom, Bette Clark, Jack Hedstrom. [4] Phyllis & Prisco DiPrizio. [5] Kim Drew, John Rooks. [6] Ron Lamell Jr., Elena Strilets. [7] Mark Erickson, Suzanne Hearn. [8] Fredrik Broen. [9] James Robbins, Ben Crowell, Alex Darrah. [10] Phil Ruck, Alan Orcutt. [11] Nicholas Fontaine, Zoltan van Heyningen. [12] Rob Hoffman, Chuck Gaede. [13] Doug Chiasson, Jeff Hardy. [14] Skip Hammond, Charlie Lumbert, Don Hammond. [15] Richard Titorenko, Alden Robbins. [16] Riley Smith, Jeff Easterling. [17] John Lysy, Ryan McMahon. [18] Doug Britton, Jeff Britton. [19] Rich Quitadamo, Liza Place, Jamie & Sandy Place. [20] Ginny Pray, Jethro Poulin. [21] John & Tina Mininger.
photos on next page)

Si2e does matter.

2 FN F 3 z z F F ? z ;
NELMA GONVENTION (continued from previous page): [1] Elwood Lowell, Gloria Hall. [2] Michael & Hilda Record, B. Manning. [3] Rod Reader. [4] Steve Teixeira, Ed Downes. [5] Matt & Hannah Demers, Megan Manning, Adam Carincross, Anthony Baroni. [6] Tom Jenkins, Bob Burns. [7] John Smith. [8] Peter Elmalis. [9] Craig Myers, Dave Fenuccio, Bill Edwards, Paul Lennon. [10] Peter Buckley, Jeff Desjardins, [11] Luana Donatelli, Michael Bosse.
/ &tiHiryhodudsom lune 2012 I BulHlng Pndrds Digcd r 39

NORTH AMERICAN American Wholesale Lumber Association held its first annual leadership conference April 29-May 1 at The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Co. [1] Carl Lamb, Jon Anderson. [2] Michael Dunn, Aly Kingsley, Scott Elston. [3] Steven & Elizabeth Rustja, T.R. Cauthorn. [4] Dave Destiche, Mary Lou Carlson, Mark Kasper. [5] Alden Robbins, James Robbins. [6] Steve Firko, Vicki & Cad Lamb. [7] Shelley & Tom Kohlmeier, Amy & Rob Latham. [8] Chris Beveridge, Jack Chase. [9]

Kathy & Larry Boyts. [10] Jim Hassenstab, Rose Castan, Traci & Mike Mordell. [11] Brad Schneider, Karin Bates, Mike & Janet Phillips. [12] Bob Owens. [13] Ethel & Thomas Rice, Mary Ellen Owens. [14] Swaraj Pandey, Karen & Robert Turner. [15] David & Kimber Hutson. [16] Kent Beveridge, Andrew & Rena Goodman, Josh Goodman. [17] Jeannie Eddins, Walter Russell. [18] Sam Sanregret, Barb O'Rourke. [19] Bethany West, Doug O'Rourke. (More photos on next page)

Er U z El 4 E] IL z o U = rF r v, 4 Lll o EI J J = 2 i: h-
n r Building Produds Digest r tune 2012

The Best Sidings - The Best Service!

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Cerioinfeed Fiber Cemenf, L. P Smort, ABTCO hordboord, Shokertown cedor shingle, Yellow Pine Pottern, White Pine Pottern, Cedor Pottern, R/S Fir & Deco Yellow Pine, Log Cobin

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NAWLA LEADERSHIP (continued from previous page): [1] Gary & Karen Vitale. [2] Suzanne Hearn, Rick Ekstein. [3] Kathy & Bill Ptice. [4] Pam & Aaron Babcock. [5] Doug Colson, Todd Lindsey. [6] Dusty Hammack. [7] Penny Hammack, lan & Julie McLean, Jim McGinnis. [8] iohn & Chiis Cooper. [9] Ann & Steve Sprenger. [10] Cindy & Bill Anderson, Amanda & Eric Anderson. [11] Steve & Barbara Boyd. [12] Linda & Barry Schneider. [13] Mary Ann & John Stockhausen._[14] Heath & Jeannine Hutchison. [15] Buck & Janie Hutchison. [16] Russ Hobbs. [17] Chuck Casey, Lt. General Russel Honor6. [18] Kevin & Lauren Ketchum.
& lune 2012 r Building Produds Digest r 41


Indiana Lumber & Builders' Supply Association will gather for its annual Sycamore Scramble Aug.2 at Oak Tree Golf Course, Plainfield.

Northeastern Retail Lumber Association affiliates have planned a variety of recreational events for the summer.

Golf outings will be hosted by the Mid-Hudson chapter July 9 at Otterkill Golf & Country Club, Campbell Hall, N.Y.; by Rhode Island July 1l at Green Valley Country Club, Portsmouth, and by Massachusetts Aug. 6 at Cyprian Keyes, Boylston.

A day at the races will be hosted by Central New York July 14 at Oswego Speedway.

On Aug. 15, Northern New York launches a fishing derby in Clayton.

Michigan Lumber & Building Material Association has scheduled its golf outing for Aug. 2 at Hawk Hollow Golf Course, Bath, Mi.

New Jersey Building Materials Dealers Association has scheduled an Aug. 20 golf outing to Knob Hill Golf Course, Manalapan, and an Aug.24 fishing trip from Municipal Harbor, Atlantic Highlands.

Southern Forest Products Association announced that Fritz Mason, Georgia Pacific, has resigned as board chairman. He was replaced by Tom Rice, Conner Industries, who will serve through 2013. Adrian Blocker resigned as president so he can assume

his new position as president/c.e.o. of the U.S. Woodworks Initiative.

Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers' Association will hold its annual summer conference July 25-28 at the Ritz-Carlton Lodge, Reynolds Plantation, Greensboro, N.C.

Special activities include pontoon lake fishing, skeet shooting, a historic tour, and a golf tournament.

North American Wholesale Lumber Association elected Mike Mordell, Universal Forest Products, as its new chairman.

Other new officers are I st vice chairman Mike Phillips, Hampton Lumber Sales, and 2nd vice chairman Rick Eckstein, Weston Forest Products. Mark Kasper, Amerhart Ltd., continues as secretary/treasurer.

Mississippi Lumber Manufacturers Association will hold its mid-year convention and tradeshow June 28-30 at Beau Rivage Resort, Biloxi, Mi.

He served with the Navy during World War II. After graduating from Mankato State College in 1950, he managed yards in Matawon and Blue Earth, Mn. In 1965, he and his wife, Elois, bought Hage Lumber.

Roy Newman, 86, founder of Newman Lumber, Gulfport, Ms., died May 6.

He founded the company in 1947 , after military service during World War II. Although he had retired from day-to-day operations of the company, he still served as president and c.e.o.

Gale L. Jenkins, 75, former owner of Keep & Martinson Lumber Yard, Tekonsha, Mi., died May 10.

He joined the business in 1959.

Joseph Wallace "Joe" Brummett, 84, longtime Kentucky lumber salesman, died Feb. 28.

After serving in the Navy during World War II, he began his 50-year lumber career, working for GeorgiaPacific and Steel City Lumber, before retiring last year from Pioneer Reload, Nicholasville, Ky.

Ed Perkins. 67. salesman at Hearin Lumber, Largo,Fl., died April I l.

He worked at Hearin for 20 years.

Greg Foster,44, senior buyer for Bluelinx, Atlanta, Ga., died of brain cancer April 5.

Sixteen years ago, he joined Georgia-Pacific's distribution division, which became Bluelinx in2004.

Leverne C. Overson, 86, retired owner of seven-unit Hage Lumber, St. James. Mn., died May 9.

George Robert 5'Bob" Withers, 89, longtime New England lumber foreman, died May 9 in Attleboro, Ma.

After serving in the Army during World War II, he spent decades as foreman at the former M.F. Ashley Lumber Co., Attleboro, and later for Chace Building Supply, Foxboro, Ma.

Jack B. Thigpen Sr., retired owner of Thigpen Lumber, Chattahoochee, Fl., died April 16.

He was a WW II Army veteran.

Frederick R. "Fritz" Behnke. 93. retired co-owner of Behnke's Paramus Building Supply, Paramus, N.J., died April 12.

He had served on the New Jersey Lumberman' s Association board.

Donald Peaslee, 85, former owner of Peaslee Hardware, Forest Park, Il., died April 23.

He bought his father's store in 1957. He retired in 1987 when the store was sold and renamed Schauer Do it Best Hardware.

James Wassenaar.'77 . retired owner of Oak Lawn True Value and Anchor True Value Hardware, Oak Park,I1., died April 20.

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Building with Eastern White Pine is character butlding. It is a reflection of who you are, how you choose to live and your commitment to authenticlty. To leam more about building with eastern white pine visit
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Will your next projecthave character?
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NAWLA held its Northeast regional meeting

April 26 in Boston, Ma. [1] Matt Duprey, Vince

Micale. [2] Doug Chiasson, Bob Berg. [3]

Matthew Pedrone, Tricia Roche. [4] Mark

Erickson, John Smart. [5] Ryan Satterfield, Tonia Tibbetts, Jeff Hardy. [6] Alan Orcutt, Susan Coulombe, Brett Anderson. [7] Dan

Paige. [8] Doug Britton, Rlch Quitadamo. [9]

James Robbins, Dan Blenk. [10] Chuck Gaede. [11]Alex Darrah, Alden Robbins,

z = F 2 o n -{ rF|n (t, -{ F In o I o z F :i
Building- Products" com lune Z)12 r Building Produds Digest r 43

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Llsfrngs are often submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations wth sponsor before making plans to attend.

Northwestern Lumber Association - June 13, board meeting & golf outing, Lincoln, Ne.; (888) 544-6822;

Eastern New York Lumber Dealers Association - June 14, golf outing, Orchard Creek, Altamont, N.Y.; (518) 286-1010;

United Hardware Distributing Co. - June 14.16, market, Minnneapolis Convention Center, Minnneapolis, Mn.; (763) 559-1800;

Retail Lumber Dealers Assn. of Maine - June 18, golf outing, Falmouth Country Club, Falmouth, Me.; (518) 286-10'10;

National Retail Federation - June 20.22, loss prevention conference & expo, New Orleans, La.; (800) 6734692;

Central N.Y. Retail Lumber Dealers Assn. - June 21, golf, Walden Oaks Country Club, Cortland, N.Y.; (518) 286-1010;

Long lsland Lumber Assn. - June 21, golf outing, Timber Point Golf Course, Great River, N.Y.; (518) 286-1010;

Western New York Lumber Dealers Assn. - June 26, golf, Bristol Harbour Resort, Canandaigua, N.Y.; (518) 286-1010;

Northern New York Lumber Dealers Assn. - June 27, golf, lves Hill Country Club, Watertown, N.Y.; (518)286-1010;

House-Hasson Hardware Co. - June 28-30, market, Duke Energy Center, Cincinnati, Oh.; (800) 333-0520;

Mississippi Lumber Manufacturers Association - June 28'30, mid-year convention & show, Beau Rivage Resort, Biloxi, Mi.;

Mid-Hudson Lumber Dealers Assn. - July 9, golf, Otterkill Golf & Country Club, Campbell Hall, N.Y.; (518)286-1010;

Rhode lsland Lumber & Building Materials Dealers Association - July 11, Green Valley Country Club, Portsmouth, N.H.; (518) 286-1010;

Central N.Y. Retail Lumber Dealers Assn. - July 14, day at races, Oswego Speedway, Oswego, N.Y.; (518)286-1010;

Construction Suppliers Association - July 19, insight meeting, Montgomery, Al.; (678) 674-1860;

Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association - July 25'28, annual conference, Reynolds Plantation, Greensboro, Ga.; (770) 631 -6701 ;

Southeast Building Conference - July 26-28, Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Fl.; (800) 261-9447;

Southern Building Material Association - July 26.29, summer conference, Wyndham Resort, Virginia Beach, Va.; (704) 3761 503;

Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturers Association - Jgly 29'!], summer meeting, Grove Park Inn, Asheville, N.C.; (336) 885' 83'1 5;

Indiana Lumber & Builders' Supply Assn. - Aug, 2, golf, Oak Tree Golf Course, Plainfield, In.; (877)465-8627;

Michigan Lumber & Building Materials Association 1 Aug_'._2, annual golf outing, Hawk Hollow Golf Course, Bath, Mi.; (517) 394-5225;

Massachusetts Retail Lumber Dealers Assn. - Aug. 6, golf, Cyprian Keyes, Boylston, Ma.; (518)286-1010;

Northern New York Lumber Dealers Assn. - Aug. 15, fishing derby, Clayton, N.Y.; (518) 286-1010;

Ace Hardware Corp. - Aug. 16-18, fall market, McCormick Place South, Chicago, ll.; (630) 990-7662;

Orgill Inc. - Aug. 16-18, dealer market, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nv.; (800) 347-2860;

New Jersey Building Materials Dealers Assn, - Aug. 20, golf, Knob Hill Golf Course, Manalapan, N.J.; (908) 359-1184;

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Cents-less Acts

The owner of a Florida lumberyardnu' decided that pennies just aren't worth the tr6uble any more.

"No more pennies! For cash sales, we round in your favor," proclaims a new sign at Shell Lumber, Miami, Fl. Owner Andy Haase instituted the change last month, after tiring ofthe need to account for the 1,200 pennies needed each day for the store's l0 registers.

"The bookkeepers used to come down and say your cash drawer was off by a penny," said Haase. "It was just a lot of work for nothing."

The U.S. Mint, which spent $119 million last year to make $49 million worth of pennies, agrees. So does Jeff Gore, a biophysics professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who advocates retiring the penny. "The penny used to be a useful coin," he says. "There was a time when you could buy something with it." But those times are past.

Customers using credit cards still pay the full amount, but cash transactions are rounded up to 4p, so no pennies change hands. During a recent visit to Shell Lumber, customer Frank Dumenigo handed over $21 for $20.84 worth of merchandise and received two dimes in return.

"I have a change purse," said Dumenigo, who routinely leaves pennies behind on sales counters. "IfI put pennies in there, it would explode."

The Pentagon also has little use for the copper coin. ln 1980, it stopped sending pennies to overseas military bases because the coins "are too heavy and are not cost effective to ship," says Christopher Ward, a spokesman for the Army & Air Force Exchange Service. Military commissaries round sales totals to the nearest dime or nickel, figuring that customers will wind up even over time.

Haase says the new policy could cost the store as much as $10 day-almost $5,500 a year-but will save labor costs for tracking sales down to the last penny. "We worked out the math," he says. "Counting pennies was definitely worse than break even."

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Advantage Trim & Lumber []....,.....20

Ainsworth [] ..............,, ta_'ta

Anthony Forest Products [www.anthonyforest.coml .................27

Arch Wood Protection [].......,.C0ver I

BG Shake & Shingle Association [www,]..21

Boston Cedar [www,] ,.,.,...........5

Cabot [].,...........................................7

Capital [] ........,,,.,...................,.,...........,.13

Cedar Creek Wholesale Inc. [] ...,...,..,.......41

Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau [],..,......8A

Cox Industries []


Crumpfer Plastic Pipe [] ..........,.... .................22

Fasco America []....................................43

ldaho Forest Group [] .......,.,.,..,,.....19

McFarland Cascade [] ...................37

McShan Lumber [www,]........,........,.,.,..,,.....33

Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Assn. []...42

Overseas Hardwood Co. [] .,.................................,..23

Parksite []..,............. .....Cover lV

Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance []...,.28

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Ray White Lumber

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RoyOMartin [] ...................35

Simpson Strong.Tie [www.strongtie,com].........................C0ver lll

Siskiyou Forest Products [] ...........17

Spartanburg Forest Products [www.sfpinc,com].........,.....,.,...,..30

Sunbelt []

Swanson Group Sales Co. [],.,...,....8

Tank Fab [].......

Tolleson Lumber []..............................32

SIGNAGE promotes lumber deale/s new No Penny policy.
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