2 minute read
Emotional Selling
It takes life-giving impulse from a quickened emotion to their own imagination. This is what has made the True sort people in their respective pigeon holes from which they Story magazines such popular sellers. surge forth at the opportune time to influence our longings, When you buy newspapers, you buy news, political deour habits and our emotions. velopments, sport events, market reports, the comic strips when you buy a suit of clothes you don't care who wove
People are interested in their orvn afiairs, their business, -you don't buy them for the advertising or the size or the their family, their pleasures, their comfort, their appetite number of pages-unless you have something to sell or want to read the want ads. ano tnerr neeqs.
People don't buy glasses' they buy vision' They don't the cloth or fashioned the button-holes. you are interested buy awnings' they buy shade-or attractive decoration for the home. They don't buy circus tickets, they buy Thrills. in style, fit, appearance and the quality and the length of They don't buy pianos, they buy culture, home life and life of the garment. music.
Automobile advertising usually talks of speed, economy You don't buy shoes, you buy foot ,comfort. You don't of upkeep, service, workmanshiq, new refinements, the bore buy insurance, you buy security and protection for dear and stroke of the engine, the timing gear, the steering ap- ones. paratus. What do you care horv many blades the fan has ? Youdon't buy fruit, you buy health, pure blood, life Or hou' much water the radiator holds ? YOU are interested without drugs, and flavor or taste. You don't buy candy, in making an imprbssion in either commercial or social ac- you buy happiness and pleasure for yourself and for sometivity, getting outdoors with the. family-PLEASURE-or one you think a lot of. the chance to Make More Money.
You don't buy furniture, you buy a more comfortable
A houser,vife does not buy a rvashing machine because it and more refined home atmosphere. You don't buy toys, is made of rvood, brass or aluminum. No. She buys a you buy gifts to make some child happy and gay. savings in time and labor, a belter, quicker, easier and You are not interested in saving money, you are interperhaps more ef,ficient way "Uil"g her rvashing. ested in what money will do for you.
\r'L^- --^-- r- ^---.t yorr/r*iJyo' llo€ght amusemert don't buy Printing' you buy short-cuts to more sales vv nen Yotl Dotlgnr entertainment and education-"selectivityp'."n*" " 'l,on", and bigger business and more profit' quality" tvere of secondary consideration. I What do you sell? Why do people buy? Find the answer to these questions and keep in mind that more people buy
Mighty few people buy books because they are bound in through their emotions and needs than through logic or Red, Blue or Black just to adorn their library or bookcases reason andyou rvill soon findAylur business growing -they buy Adventure, Thrills, Amusement, Entertainment steadily and surely, grorving ?r,Ct>), as your mental picor Education. Usually, people buy fiction for the chance ture of what you .n,ant your business to be.TTtp tolir'etheromanceofthecharactersinthebookthrougt'F.