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Redwood Association Holds Annual Meeting
Mr. Jack Dionne, Publisher
The California Lumber Merchant
318 Central Building
Los Angeles, California
Dear Jack:
All your VAGABOND EDITORIALS are good ! Splendid !-and are alwavs read with interest ; but y,our article in the current issue of THE CALIFORNIA I UMBER MERCHANT, received today, "s2pt the climax." Ever_v thought you express in this article is true and if is all i timely !
Some of us are aware of these conditions and are giving them careful consideration; however, the ma- jority of us are sound asleep at the srvitch.
As a concrete example, we recently ordered a ferv cars ,of Oak Flooring from a manufacturer from r,vhom we have been receiving a series of letters, urgently requesting orders to relieve his congested warehouse, which he claimed was bulging rvith unsold stock. Our order was for stock sizes and grades, and for rush shipment. (We had become somewhat hypnotized, by mass thinking, and allorved our stocks t,o run down.) It u'as trvo rveeks before we got the first shipment, as it developed that some of the items had to be milled. This indicates that the manufacturer either didnot have as large a stock as his former letters indi'cated, or, if so. his stock rvas not properly diversified.
If there is even a slight up-turn in business during the early part of 1931, there is going to be a general scramble for merchandise, and not only will this result in a loss of business. but many of us -will not be in a position to give the service *hich rve have been prat- ing about. Another thing, many of us have loafed through this year. and if and rvhen we have a real busy week, we will probably not be in a mental state to handle such business in an efficient manner.
I rvant to add to the usual Christmas Greetings, a very definite wish for the success and appreciation of the work which yolr are doing through your editorials. The results may seem slo'rv in appearing, nevertheless. there are definite indications that there are results.
May the Christmas Season this year be a JoJ'ous and Peaceful one for both vou and vours.
Cordially yours, B. E. BRYAN, Strable Hardwood Company.
Pine Association To Hold Annual Meeting January 9
The annual meeting of the California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association rvill be held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, January 9.
No, good dryfng icn't a PROBLEM I
Decision to continue the activities of the association along the same lines as last year, with such modifications as may be necessary to meet prevailing conditions, was made at the annual meeting of the California Redwood Association held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, December 16.
The 1930 board of directors was unanimously re-elected. These are J. M. Hotchkiss, Hobbs, Wall & Co.; L. C. Hanmond, Hammond Lumber Co.; A. S. Murphy, The Pacific Lumber Co.; Otis R. Johnson, lJnion Lumber Co.; C. E. De Camp, Caspar Lumber Co.; Fred V. Holmes, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., and Henry M. Hink, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co.
At the first meeting of the new board held on Thursday, De,cember 18, J. M. Hotchkiss rvas re-elected president, L. C. Hammond was re-elected vice-president and R. F. Harnmatt was re-elected secretary-manager.
United State Civil Service
The United States Civil Service Commission announces the follorving named open competitive examinations :
Appli'cations for junior forester must be on file with the Civil Service Commission at Washington, D. C., not later than February 24, 1931 ; those for junior range examiner must be on file not later than March lO, 1931.
The entrance salaries range from $20@ to $2600 a year. These examinations are to fill vacancies in the Forest Service, in the Indian Service, and in the Bureau of Biological Survey, forduty in the field.
Competitors in the junior forester examination will lte rated on forest management, forest utilization, a thesis, and on their education and experience. Competitors in the junior range examiner examination r,vill be rated on range management, etc., botany, a thesis, and on their education and experience.
Except in the case of senior students, rvho may be examined with the provision that they may not enter on duty until after their graduation, applicants must shorv (l) graduation from a forest school ora cotlege or university of recognized standing, including certain specified courses, or (2) four years of suitable experience in practical forestry or range work, or (3) a combination of the education and experrence fequlrements.
Full information may be obtained from the United States Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C., or from the Secretary of the United States Civil Service Board of Examiners at the post office or customhouse in any city.