1 minute read
AFTER ALL, QUALITY and VALUE Should be the deciding f actors
The MOST in VALUE at the least in cost should be the measuring yardstick when buying toofing.
Skilled craftsmanship and finest basic materials enable EL REY to fabricate the highest quality of roofing the industry is capable of producing.
Super.modern factory facilities directed by thirty years of manufacturing experience enable EL REY to create superlative roofing values.
Beautiful appear:rnce expressed in alluring color, graceful shapes and designs, is what prompts buyers of roofing to register marked preference for EL REY-which quality and value translate into enduring satisfaction.
Yes, apply the yardstick of QUALITY and VALUE and you will buy EL REY-The King of Roofing. Sound suggestions and estimates grounded on compet€nt engineer' ing skill are also part of EL REY service. Your inquiry is invited.