1 minute read
TT OUSES laid with "Perfection" principal agencies engaged in reStates restored tree growth on a 1930, ac'cording to reports by the
If. Brand Oak Flooring command a better price on the open market. You can depend upon "Perfection."
Superstitious people who believe that breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck will heave a sigh of relief over the invention by a German s'cientist of a non-breakable mirror made of wood, says the U. S. Forest Service. The treatment used consists of soaking the wood in a caustic alkali after which it is put through a process of immersion in metals and 'chemicals. The wood is then dried and rub'bed with a smooth piece of lead, tin or zinc until it takes on a brilliant polish.
Drought conditions in 1930 caused subnormal growth or death to millions of trees in the forested areas of the West, according to officers of the U. S. Forest Service. Lack of moisture prevented the annual growth rings from reaching full size, with a consequent loss of timber increment valued at many thoirsands of dollars.
In modern plants operated by skilled lumbermen, only the f inest oak is selected. After proper seasoning and kiln'drying, it is perfectly milled and matched so that it lays smooth and stays emooth- It is graded and handled so caref ull y that upon arrival anywhere, it is always in perfect condition. Leading lumber dealers gladly feature this nationally advertised brand.
Arkaruar Oak Flooring Co., Pine Bluff, Ark.
There's a size and grade for e?cr! ty?e ol structure, new or old,. Ask your architect or building contractor for an estimate.
Brand Oak Flooring
"Perfection" Branil Oah Flooing, Blochs and Planhs may be obtained chemically treateil b9 the *CELLizing process.
"PERFECTION" Brand Dimension
Cut to Size - Moulded to Pattern - Solid and Glued