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California Production Figures

Below are estimatecl figures for production, shipments, orders and stocks for the total Redr,vood industry for the calendar year of 1930, compared with actual figures for 1929. Figures are in board feet.

The greatest decrease in shipments $'as shown by export trade which took less than half as much this year as last. The least decrease in shipments was to eastern territory and Northern California.


Estimated total proclrrction in the California Pine region, which in,cludes Klamath, Lake, Josephine and Jackson counties in Oregon. for the calender year 1930, compared with actual figures for 1929, shows a reduction of 31.5 per cent.




Fire of undetermined origir-r swept the main power unit of the plant of the Redwood Manufacturers Company at Pittsburgh on December 15, causing an estimated loss of $50,000. New power equipment was installed quickly, ar,d the mill was reopened within a few days.

Edge-Holdinf Saws' Fait - Easy-Cuttin6f SIMONDS

-Narrow Bande, Circularr, or the Planer Saw, is no greater than otherr of much lower quality. Then again, the longer rervice and cutting qualitiea make them money caverc from any angle you may view it.



These figures include California White Pine, Sugar Pine, Wh.ite Fir, Douglas Fir and other woods produced in this re8'lon.


A. M. Baxter, president of J. H. Baxter & Co., San Francisco, was a recent Los Angeles visitor, rvhere he spent a rveek conferring with Gardner P. Pond, district manager of their Southern California operations, and inspecting their new creosoting plant at Long Beach.


Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting. General Sales Office: Failing Bldg., Portlend, Ore.

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