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Flintkote Introduces Winthrop Shin$le To Western Lumber Dealers

Following an eminently successful record of sales in eastern markets, the Winthrop Tapered Strip Shingle is being introduced to lumber dealers of the West by The Flintkote Company during the month of January as the shingle with three tabs and measures thirty-six inches in length by twelve inches in depth. It is constructed with a core of high quality felt between two tapering layers of asphalt, the outer or exposed layer being imbedded with natural crushed rock in colors. The shingle is thin at the top and gradually widens to a thick butt, thus giving the greatest amount of protection at the point where wear and weather attack the roof most vigorously. The thickness of the butt also casts an unusually heavy shadorv line lvhich adds materially to the effect of the finished roof. The top or thin part of the shingle permits a snug fit as one shingle overlaps the next, and at the same time allorvs a variance in weather exposure from 4 to 5 inches, depending on the effect desired. The Winthrop may also be laidhalf or third break, affording an opportunity for interesting staggered arrangements. Surfaced with crushed non-fading rock, the Winthrop Tapered Shingle may be obtained in the following attractive colors: Red, Green, Blue-Black, Brown, Tile-Red and Jade Green. initial feature of an extensive merchandising program for 1 931.

The Winthrop Tapered Strip Shingle has attained rvide popularity rvith houreo\\'ners in other sectious of the country because it is the only asphalt shingle that successfully embodies ieatttres that have long l>een considered desirable in this type of material. The Winthrop is a tapered striir

In accord with their policy recently announced, The Flintkote Company is prepared to give the lumber dealer active cooperation through its Merchandising Department in the development of sales for Winthrop Tapered Shingles rvithin the dealer's own territory. This feature of Flintkote's operations in the Pacific Coast field is rapidly rvinning the concern a prominent place in the industrial and business development of the West.

The Winthrop Tapered Strip Shingle is an exclusive lilintkote product.

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