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Sugar Pine White Pine White Cedar Spruce
East Bay Hoo Hoo Club Holds Christmas Party
A splendid crowd of 115 lumbermen sat dorvn to a turkey dinner at the annual Christmas party of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club, No. 39, held Saturday noon, December 20 at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland.
The club entertained a large group of children rvho otherrvise would not have had any sort of a Christmas, and everybody present had a most enjoyable time.
President Ray B. Cox was ,chairman and master of ceremonies, and he certainly had a busy time. No speeches were allowed, and the long program was run ofiin a manner that reflected the perfect arrangements.
The president thanked the Athens Club for their fine assistance and for providing the Christmas tree, and the Salvation Army through Adjutant Curry for bringing the children. He also welcomed the visitors from other Hoo Hoo Clubs and other guests, and welcomed George Johnson, Clem Fraser and Charlie Lamb, members who have been on the sick list, but are now back on the job again.
Vi.cegerent Snark Bert Bryan announced that a big Concatenation will be held in the spring, which rvill be a joint affair sponsored by the San Francisco, East Bay and Peninsula Clubs.
Secretary Carl Moore announced that the next meeting of the club will be held at the Athens Club, January 12, at 6:@ p.m.
Supreme Jabberrvock H. Servall Morton, in behalf of the club presented Bert Bryan rvith a handsome wrist r,vatch in appreciation of his work as president last year.
Drawing for door prizes was then conducted by Larue Woodson, and a raffle of three electric clocks rvas in charge of Barney J. De Vaney, assisted by T. C. Covington.
President Cox then turned the meeting over to Rod Hendrickson,. chairman of the entertainment committee. rvho had provided a variety program for the children consisting of three motion pi,cture comedy reels, the Musical Coopers, a novelty musical act, and a real Italian organ grinder with a monkey.
- Captain William Day, of the Masonic Relief Board, performed the duties of Santa Claus: and each child received a suitable Christmas gift.
Appointed California Distributors
The Consolidated Lumber Company, of Los Angeles, has been appointed the exclusive representative of the West Coast Wood Preserving Company, of Seattle, Wash., for the Southern California territ.ory, and are carrying stocks of cresoted lumber at their rvharf at Wilmington - for immediate delivery. The Chas. Nelson Company, of San Francisco, will act as the Northern California distributors.
The West Coast Wood Preserving Company is the su.ccessor to the J. M. Colman Company and the Pacific Creosoting Company, and operates two modern creosoting plants in and near Seattle. Dan L. Lindsley, of the West Coast Wood Preserving Company, is making his headquarters at the offices of the Consolidated Lumber Company, Los Angeles, where he is devoting his time to special creosoting problems and specification lvork.