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San Joaquin Valley Folks Entertain at Fresno Next Saturday
be the big day in the the following committees to serve for the activities of the Next Saturday, January 20, lumber circles of Fresno.
It will be the occasion of the annual meeting and entertainment of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club, and also a special meeting of the Directors of the state association.
The Fresno lumbermen are making extensive arrangements to en,tertain not only members of the San Joaquin Valley Association, but visiting lumbermen from various other parts of the state and their families.
At noon the Directors of the state association will be guests of the San Joaquin Valley Association at a luncheon in the Hughes Hot'el. Following the lunch the San Joaquin Valley members will hold their annual meeting and election of offiicers, hear committee reports and transact other routine business.
J. C. Ferger, President of the Association, h,as appointed
Registration: W. K. Kendrick, R. O. Deacon. Banquet, Music and Entertainment: F. S. Minard, J. C. F-erger.
Reception: F. D. Prescott, W. D. Landram, Elmore King, Erwin Frane, A. J. Russell, Frank Wright, J. G. Ferguson.
The event of the day will occur at the Hughes Hotel at 7 o'clock in ihe evenin,g, and will be in the form of a banquet and dance for members of the Association, visiting lumbermen and their farnilies. Some high class entertainment has been provided and a corps of excellent musicians have been enaged to furnish music.
President Ferger and other members of the Association want all lumbermen visiting in Fresno or able to reach F'resno for this occasion to ioin them in their festivities.