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Up and Down the -ft) Dtate
New Line Of Red Cedar Shingles Offered On California Market
_The Pacific Shingle Co. of Knappton, Washington, started operatinS !a9t December under the mana,gement of Guy W. Farrner. Mr. Farmer fias foll,owed the sfiingle businesl for nearly 30 years and was formrerly connectid with the 9."y9 Riv_er Shingle Co. They are manufacturing two brands: Star A Star (Trower Brand) and perfectJ(Bri* B'rand).
The first shipm,ents from this concern recently reached the California market arid w€re well rece,ived by the trade.
The Trower Lumber Co. of San Frrancisco aie acting as California representatives of this new concern.
The Northern Redwood Lumber Company of Korbel has completed a five-mile extension of a-brjnch railroad into its timber holdings near Boynton P'rairie on Mad River in Humboldt county. This extension is expected to provide the company with a continuous supply ,of logs for its mills.
Bayside Interests Buy Big Timber Tract
R. W. Bull of Arcata, principal owner of the Bayside Lumber Co. at Eureka, has bought from the Desert Land Company a large tract of fine redwood timber in the Car- lotta s'ection. It is on Wilder creek about one mile east of Carlotta. It is understood that a part of the tract will be logged this 1'ear.
The Mullin Lumber Company, under management of Wayne F. Mullin, one of the best known lumlermen in the _Los Angeles territory, now is doing a go,od business at the new ya1{ recently established on Sliuson avenue, just wtest of Western ,avenue in Los Angeles.
Santa Barbara Hais Good Building Year
More than $4,000,000 represented the worth of buildins operations inlSanta Barbara for the year 7922 and lumberl men of that enterprising city did a prop,ortionate volum,e of business. Reports indicates enetr mb.e extensive de_ velopment and improvement through the present year.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturers of California White and Sugar Pine Lumber Millr at Susanville and HiIt, Cd.
150,OO0,O0O Feet Annud Cepacity
B. W. ADAMS, Mgr. Sales Dept.
First National Bank Bldg. - San. Francisco
New Yard Planned At Stockton
W. H. Falconbury, well known retail lumberman of Modesto, and associates'have acquired property at Stockton and are establishing a new lumber yara iheie. Th,e prop_ erty fronts on Fremo,nt street and ls 3erved by a bianch of the Western Pacific. Mr. Fhlconbury is one of the substantial lumbermen of central california and doubtless will enjoy the same success at Stockton that he has 'ex_ perienced at ,Modesto and elsewhd:re.
^^In California, 872,AN head of live ,stock, belonging to 3370 owners, found forage during 192L on the ,aige-s of the 77 National Forests. This number represents f3 oer cent of the beef-producing cattle and 22 per cent of ihe sheep in the State. In the last.ten years the number of cattle and horses grazed on the California national for_ ests have increased ,over 27 per cent and the sheep over 45 per cent.
Washington Shingle Folks Here
Ihomas C. Fields of Seattle, one of the directing geniuses 9j_ t4. Jamison .Lu_mber & Shingle Company oT "nrr.r.tg Wash., arrived in Los Angeles i week ,or .so ago., accom_ panied by Mrs. Fields. After a few days enj"oying the southern sunshine Mr. Fields started for the',no*fr tut Mrs. Fields will pass the remainder ,of the Winter tr.re;-". she has many friends in California.
Dealen Built F{omes Are lEetten
We have always said that a community in which there operates a live lumber merchant-or live lumber merchants-is a fortunate community indeed; that the lumber merchant is either a blessing or a stumblins block to his town, depending entirely upon the rnanner in which he handles his stewardship.
This is true in many waytr and for many reatons.
! f*e the modern merchandising thought that the lumber
E merchant is nx)re interested in securing new and better
! ho-o for his town than simply in se-lling the buildin-g
E material from which these homes shall be construcld;
E U"t his interest is muhral with that of tfie home builder
E himself, and stops only at the point wherg the consumer
E i" tt"ppily and satisfactorily supplied with tfie best pos-
E sible homes for his means.
E Has it ever occured to you, Mr. Lumber Dealer,
E tn"t the town in which the lumberman is directly inter-
E ested in the building of homes' tecureE far better homes
! th"tt tfie town where this is NOT the case? Of course
E tttir is a fact. When t{re lumber dealer is directly inter-
! ested in securing or sreating for his client a satisfactory
! hotn", there will be lachiqs that efiort to mahe exteriors
E attractive regardless of the practical construction, that
I ir "o often seen in late yearE.
We told the story the othel day o-f tfre fellow whose
E tt * home fell dowtt b"""tte tfte careless contractor for-
E got and took down the exterior scaffolding before tb"V s"t the wall paper on. They buitd
E frat in lots bf "*ut nowadays. iwhere- as bad
E t r-U"t dealer has a finger in pie. Secauce lum-
E b"r dealer is in a town to etay, out
E fot. and knows that his ultimate succesr upon
E ttr. eood witt of the public. ftnows houser

E U"itt- aimply to sel! _lnd regardlers materiak burld them almost at bad as ryr. But NOT iwhere the r the pie. Becauce ilre lum' r, has his future to look out mate succest depends upon And he knows that houses ardlect of proper materiala :ouble E(x)ner or later-pro-
E "ttd .oo"ir.."tion, wilt give trouble later-pro
E uutv r(x)ner. = -When the lumber dealer rerponsible con.
E nection with the building of se€
E th"t the thing is built right materials,
E otherwise the blame, or a.P?rt o-f f:ll" him
E when the house begins to- "give down"'
:r has any retponsible con' a home, he is going to see and of the right materials, art of it, falls back on him iYe down.tt
= The consu-"r who buys througl
's a home from, or through > direct way makes the lume for the character of home sdom because he will get a
E ttt" lumber dealer, or in tome lum'
E U"t dealer a party responsible homt = il g.t", is showing g3eat wisdom a
E b"tt t house. =
And don't forget, Mr. ir
E "o* interest, and both conterve preserve
Lumberman, that THIS is erve and nreserve it.