1 minute read
For Road Chunking-put the M.A.C. Hoist on your line
For economical clearing out of right Saves hiring men for firing and for of wayfor road scraping, stump wood cutting. Light and easily transpulling, light hoisting put an M. A. C. port€d means quick- work done well. Tugg; Hoitt ott tf,"'po*"t "rrJ oi rhe.rf' A' C' has been moved to a the line! No need of _:_-.-.- '-; -- needed sp-ot-and completed the work w a t e r p i p e a s w i t h,.. ill " T i u". il'.?: !:l',i& :1 J l', *il'i.1'."" lli:l $:i is no danger of 6re' in the woods, Saving time mearis ."ttirg down g!!ng a tractor for motive power. overhead,
Built to give maximum 5ervice at the low€st oossible cost. Designed with thi thougbt that finest workmanship andmater- ials are tbe most economical in the end. We selected the Fordsonpow€r plant because it possesses surprising power, flexibility and speed. The trac. tor is in no way changed, and with shiftinq two wheels. thc Fordson is ieady for duty by itself, either to pull the hoist or in other wavs. Write for compfete specifica- tions andprice on the M. A. C. Tugger Hoist. We want ro show you how to cut your ov€rOead.