1 minute read
A, California Lumbermsn
,Iluilt Tftis Hands ome Home f or Himself
It presents a mOst attractive exterior as well aS a comPact, convenient and weil arranged interior, and represents the very last word in modern architecture.
This home is norv being constructed at Palo Alto by Henry A' Hoy|' Secretary of the Minton C6mp"tty, Mountain View as a- permanent residence, and we congratulate and extend every .rvish to this highlpowered salesman not only f6r the uniqueness oI the design of the.home he is buildi;t6; for the liappiness, conientment and protiction this ideal home rv(ill give to NIr. Hoyt and his familY.
o '-\M" would iik" to see othei lumber merchants build modern, distinctive homes, and this plan is available either for you or youf clients, through the California Lumber Merchant.