2 minute read
McCullough-Fagan Plan Larger Organization
_ Arrangements have been completed by the McCullough_ Fagan Lumber Company for immediate'expansion of th-eir business operations that will enable them to cover the trade of the state from one end to the other more thoroughly than ever.
At a recent conference in San Francisco attended by H. J. Fagan of the Portland office, A. R. McCullough oi tlr; San Francisco office and B. W. Bookstaver of the"Los An_ geles_office, plans for the Jrear were thoroughly outlined. J. L- Morrison was engaged as salesman for th-e San Joaquin Y"l.!:.y, wo-rking out of the San Francisco office, "tia ;'ot " C. Roper for the Southern territory, working out oi the Los Angeles offioe.
The gradual expansion of the firm's business necessitated this enlargement of their organization.
On account of expansion in their business the United Com,eercial. Companl' has rnoved from its former quarters in the Pacific Electric Building to larqer and moie commodious rooms at 533 Kerckhoff Buildi-ng.
The Company has been enjoying a large volume of busirress in both lumber and piling. -
George S. Steph_enson, Manager of the Lumber Depart- ment, now is in Marshfield, Oregon, where he is supirin- tending the loading of a large cirgo of piling sold to the commrssloners of Los Angeles County. On account of storms and weather conditions Mr. Stephenson has not been able to return home to Los Angeles by rail ancl, therefore, is planning to come back on one of the vessels operating between Coos Bay and Southern Californra.
New Yard To Open At Norwalk
?.^E. liggqtt & Company, operating yards at Santa and_ Garden Grove, are about fo open a new yard at walk.
Put Premium on Manager's Efficiency
(Continued from page 18)
I very miuch agree with th,ese opinions of my line yard friehd. I have often said that no chain can be stronger than its weakest link, and the retail lumber business can_ not be any stronger than the men who run the yards. If the men who run the yards are underpaid, they will choose some other line of business as soon as they discover ability in themselves, whereas the plan adopted by this gentlemen of letting the men share in the business they create ,is sound business.
There is a thought there for the line yard firms.
P. S. And we have'nt changed our mind. regarding the wisdom of the line yard companies having homes at each point for their managers to live ,in, just as the churches have homes for their pastors. The man who preaches the Gospel of Hom,es is just as much entitled to have a home as the man who preaches the other Gospel.
It is mighty hard to preach the gospcl of homes when the man you are p,reaching to knows that you live in a rented place yourself.