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Head Of Rite Grade Shingle Association Passes Holidays In State
_ Neil Jamison, president of the Jamison Lumber & Shingle Company of Everett, Wash., was among.the ho,liday visitors in California. His family are passing the Winr,br in La Jolla, and while he devoted most ,of his time to them he found opportunity on his northbound return trip to call on friends in both Los Angeles and San Francisco. Besides being head of his own organization Mr. Jamison also is president of the Rite Grade Shingle Association and was qeelected to that offi/ce at the recent Shingle congress in Seattle. He is one of the most progressive shingle manufacturers and shingle merchandisers in the N,orthwest.
New Shull Yard Ready For Business
The new yard recently established on Santa Monica boulevard in Beverly Hills by the J. & W. C. Shull Lumber Company now is ready for business. A. substantial stock of lumber has been provided. The company already operates a yard at Bell, just east of Huntington Park.
New Vessels Soon In Service
The E. K. Wood Lumber Company is preparing soon to place in com,mission the 3500-ton steam.ers Lake Shore and Lake Bridge purchased some time ,ago from the shipping board. These vessels will carry lumber between the Company's mills on Puget Sound ind Grays Harbor to Oakland and San Pedro and will enable the E. K. Wood organization to give better-than-ever service to the California trade.
Redondo Has Good Lumber Record
Total lumber shipments received at Red,ondo hartror for the year 1922 approximate 100,000,000 feet. October was the record month of the year with 10,000,000 feet unloaded. Most of this lumber is distributed in the Los Angeles ter- ritory. Some parts of the city are served more advantageously from Redondo'than from San Pedro.
C. G. Cochran, better known as "Big Jeff" to the lumber trade, is now located in Los Angeles and acting as representative of the Hendrickson Lumber Co. in Southein California. Mr. Cochran is well known to the lumber trade of California and was formerly general manager of the California and Oregon Lumber Co. of San Franiisco. He has temporary off/ces in the Central Building.
Douotas Fir In Cargo Tots
We can make prohpt all rail shipments