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Advertising is the Mainspring of Your Business.
many retailers do not get very far. They are 'only able to sell that which someone comes in and asks for.
That r.r-rakes it t,ough sledd,ing for many dealers.
It is responsible for many failures.
The whole subject of profits in th'e retail lumber business reverts back to the question of how much the dealer knows about his business.
If he knows a lot about it he will rnake a lo't of money out of it.
If he doesn't knolv a great deal about, he won't make a great deal out of it.
The future is going to be kind to the smart dealer.
The going is not going to be so good for the fellow who is inclined to go into thin'gs in a rather superficial wa1'.
We have reached the point in the commercial world when WE HAVE GOT TO KNOW WHAT Wtr ARE TALKING ABOUT.
If we have the desire to amount of difficulty.
This is not only true of learn we will not have any great the lumber business but of any kind of business.
It is particularly true of SELLING.
The number of men who are abroa<l in the land trying to sell things that they know very little about is appalling
'Ihis is one of the reasons for the high cost of selling.
So we say that the future of retailing is going to be profitable or disastrous according to the dealer's'knowledge of h,is own business.
It is the biggest undeveloped field in the long list of retail possibilities.