1 minute read
Through Your Own Colored Glasses
You m,eet so many men in the world who think the whole scheme of things has gone awry, just because they haven't been able to achieve the success that thev think themselves entitled to.
One man is happy because he loves the beauty he finds in the world. The other is unhappy because he hates the ugliness that he sees around him.
It's all in the way you look at it.
So many men look at the world through a pair of darkened glasses of their own instinctive selection. and think the whole world is dark.
It is an ordinary human fault to judge the whole world by our own immediate viewpoint or situation.
Whenever we meet one of these men who thinks things are all wrong:, because they are wrong with him, we think of the fine looking, well dressed young m,an who was wandering around the lobby of a big hotel, very drunk, and watched with interest by many eyes.
Finally he dropped down in a big chair in the lobby and fell asleep. A joking friend came quietly rp, and slipped a little tinfoil covered package of limberger cheese inside the vest of the sleeper.
When the heat of his body began melting the cheese, he woke up, sniffed viciously, glared suspiciously around, and then got up and moved across the lobby.
This didn't seem, to get him the desired relief. Again he sniffed. Again, and again he moved.
Finally he picked up his hat, glared around, and walked out of doors.
fn a few minutes he came back. He was dejected ancl disgusted looking. He dropped down into a chair, and muttered:
"Hell ! The whole world stinks."
J. H. Holmes, president of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Company, plans to leave soon for a trip to the pananna Canal zone and to South Amer.ica. He will enjoy all the sights and scenery but will look into business conditions at the same time. He probably will be gonre several months.
Mr. Holmes was tendered a farewell dinner at the San Francisco Commercial Club a few days ago by members of the California Redwood Association.
Harold Knapp Here From Chicago
Harold A. Knapp, the Chicago representative of the Union Lumber Co., is spending a few weeks on the Fa_ cific Coast. He is dividing liis time between the San Francisco office and the mill at Fort Bragg. He willle_ turn to Chicago shortly after the middle oithe month.