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Annual Pine Meeting in S. F. Jan. 25
The annual meeting of the California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association will be held in the Association headquarters in the Call Building, San Francisco, on Thursday, January 25th at 9:30 in the morning.
A full attendan.ce of the directors and rnembers is expected.
C. Stowell Smith, the Secretary, says that the sessions will be confined purely to the business meetings, annual election of officers, reports of committees and other routine affairs. No formal acldresses or entertain,ment are contemplated.
One of the important subjects that will be up will be the proposed revision in grading rules. A few weeks ago a committee representing the California Association met with a similar comm:ittee of the Western Pine Manufacturers Association, at McCloud, with a view of adopting rules for both Associations. The report of this committee will be before the meeting.
Accordin,g to preliminary reports all the pine manufacturers in the California district, which emibraces also Southern Oregon, have had a prosperous year and expect a continuation of the present dernand thru the new year.